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Last time on No More Heroes:
>After raiding Nocturne's room you set up the little surprise for Winter, which you both thoroughly enjoy
>Afterwards, Nocturne and Nickle arrive and after getting Junkrat you head over to a Kirin spa to get pampered
>You and Nocturne chat with the staff a bit as they do their work before they take the two of you to the Onsen to relax.
You can also catch up here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40704190/#40704190
You smile a little at Nocturne as you soak in the water with her.
"I will, Pixel has the later part. And I was interested in the egg for what it's worth, but I got distracted. Maybe I'll put it up on the TV and you and Nickle can watch it, could set up Pixel with it for a more immersive experience~."
"Mmm, I would appreciate that," Nocturne smiles, "I'm sure Nickle would as well. Maybe you guys could watch as well, been a bit since we've done stuff as a herd."
She smiles and lowers herself into the water a bit more. You do as well, just closing your eyes and leaning against her. Nocturne smiles at this and wraps a leathery wing around you in turn.
"...Listen to any new bands as of late?"
"I found a new techno band that I like recently," She explains, "They call themselves Vibrant Soundwaves, they do a lot of techno stuff but they combine it with some jazzy sounds. I love it, their style is great."
She then looks over at you.
"You getting to talk about your inventions got me curious. Have you made anything new or interesting lately," She asks before giving you a smirk, "Make another heat ray~?"
You were working on a remote controlled drone with Junkrat. You have also been making a translator for Syal.

What do you do?
We grin as our red feathers get redder, looking away from her as our tail whacks her rump.
"The heat ray was a lucky fluke and you know it. I have been meaning to actually study it though, but it's just never crossed my mind at the right time. I'm open to ideas if you wanted something, but I've been working on mundane inventions for the moment: a spy drone with Junkrat, and a 'translator' for Syal. Was thinking of buying some of the same tech and using some code from my glasses, but I'm not at that point yet."
Inspite of our still red face, we snuggle up against the thestral in the water.
"And I wouldn't mind spending some more time together as a herd..."
Knowing you, you're expecting the next invention after my current projects to be naughty. I 'might' be willing to be inspired to do such a thing if a certain mare spoils me.

I've been curious to ask, how do you feel about Winter so far? I mean, you two had your fun, but from what Winter said, it doesn't sound like he's convinced that he'll like you on a similar level. Granted, Winter held a crush on me, and you and Nickle dodged each other for years, so it makes sense why it is how it is currently, but do you think that might change? S-sorry, can't help but feel happy at the thought of you two feeling more connected, but I don't want to force the issue either if any of you feel uncomfortable or forced.

This >>40994931
Time together as a herd is good. Don't mind the one on ones but the memory of all of us cuddling is good.
You grin as you feel your red feathers get redder, looking away from her as your tail whacks her rump underwater.
"The heat ray was a lucky fluke and you know it. I have been meaning to actually study it though, but it's just never crossed my mind at the right time," You say, "Knowing you, you're expecting the next invention after my current projects to be naughty. I'm open to ideas and I 'might' be willing to be inspired to do such a thing if a certain mare spoils me."
"Heh, then I'll have to find stuff you like then," She smiles, "Could treat you to a fish dinner or find you the nicest, freshest bag of catnip for you to enjoy."
"Anyway, I've been working on mundane inventions for the moment: a spy drone with Junkrat, and a 'translator' for Syal. Was thinking of buying some of the same tech and using some code from my glasses, but I'm not at that point yet."
In spite of your still red face, you snuggle up against the Thestral in the water as a hoof joins her wing in wrapping around you.
"And I wouldn't mind spending some more time together as a herd..."
"Yeah, getting to spend some time with everyone is great."
"I've been curious to ask, how do you feel about Winter so far? I mean, you two had your fun, but from what Winter said, it doesn't sound like he's convinced that he'll like you on a similar level," You say, "Granted, Winter held a crush on me, and you and Nickle dodged each other for years, so it makes sense why it is how it currently is, but do you think that might change? S-Sorry, can't help but feel happy at the thought of you two feeling more connected, but I don't want to force the issue either if any of you feel uncomfortable or forced."
"No need to apologize, Gael," She shakes her head, "And it's about what I expected from him. I love the big lug, but I know that he's had his eyes on you for a long time and everyone was expecting me and Nickle to get together at some point. I'm fine with him mostly focusing on you if that's what he wants."
She then lets out a sigh through her nostrils, a smile still on her lips as she continues.
"Still, I'm hoping that it does change, I don't want to get between you two but I would love to be able to spend some time with him."
She then pauses and blinks, looking ahead with a hoof to her chin in thought.
"Maybe we could do a little swap one day: you and Nickle do something while Winter and I do something else?"

What do you do?
Giggle before we respond.
You're overthinking it a bit. Me and Nickel are in a good spot! I don't love him any less just because there wasn't a crush initially for a few years. You and Winter just need to start going on dates! We can both talk to Winter later about the idea, but I doubt he'll turn down the chance to date a beautiful and amazing thestral like you!
"I don't mind spending some time with Nickle while I know he's free, but you don't need to frame it as swapping, like we're swingers... though I can't really think of a better way to phrase it. Huh, did I ever tell you about when I took that Team Player potion?"
You giggle before responding to her.
"You're overthinking it a bit. Me and Nickle are in a good spot! I don't love him any less just because there wasn't a crush initially for a few years. I wouldn't mind spending some time with Nickle while I know he's free, but you don't need to frame it as swapping, like we're swingers," You tell her, "You and Winter just need to start going on dates! We can both talk to Winter later about the idea, but I doubt he'll turn down the chance to date a beautiful and amazing Thestral like you!"
"You're probably right that I am," She says "I should have just asked him to go on a date. We can ask him after the spa."
You nod and fall silent for a moment and then speak again.
"...Did I ever tell you about when I took that Team Player potion?"
"N-No," She laughs a little, looking over at you, "No, you haven't. What brought this up?"

What do you do?
"Nickle, sort of. We messed around with some potions not too long ago. They were, interesting. It's hard to put into words, your perspective kinda just, shifts, and instead of wanting, one thing, you want another, in a slightly different way. Kinda felt like being in heat too, but much, much milder."

Need to sleep, so Night, Pluto!
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Honestly? I kind of just wanted to spill the beans. You know I was never really attracted to the female form with how awkward i was about this all at the start, and you kind of changed that at least for yourself.
It really put some stuff into perspective for me. Also makes me curious if I already find you hot now what would it be like if I took the potion with you around.
"Nickle, sort of, and I kind of just wanted to spill the beans. We messed around with some potions not too long ago. They were, interesting. It's hard to put into words, your perspective kinda just, shifts, and instead of wanting, one thing, you want another, in a slightly different way," You try to explain, "You know I was never really attracted to the female form with how awkward I was about all this at the start, and you kind of changed that at least for yourself. It really put some stuff into perspective for me. Also makes me curious if I already find you hot now what would it be like if I took the potion with you around."
"Well, we can certainly try that out at some point, see what happens. Might have to try it for myself as well to see what it's like."
She then leans over and gives you a quick peck on the cheek.
"And I'm happy to hear that coming from you~."

What do you do?
And I'm happy I gave us a chance. Not something I thought would ever happen when we created the herd with Nickle, but all the more happy for it.
We smile when she kisses us, our tail tangling itself in hers under the warm water.
"Probably don't need a reminder that you're hot as feck, but I'm not letting you forget that you've opened me up to a lot of things I might've overlooked and not experienced without you. I'm kinda glad the spa trip has become something of a 'mare's night' kind of thing. You're playful and passionate yet patient, confident and kind too. Even when you're nervous about something, you just go for it. So, I just want to say, YOU are beautiful, Nocty, and i couldn't picture being in a herd without you."
We return her quick peck, except we press our beak against her lips, staring with lidded eyes into her own.

Sorry if it's a bit rambling, just felt this could be a touching moment.
Ah, I suppose it's a bit different when I say something like that huh? I have to say, it was pretty weird at first. Took some time to admit to myself I enjoyed the sight of you in that way. But repeating to myself that I'm straight was about as effective with you around as saying I'm still a virgin after getting pounded in the back door for eight hours.
You smile when she kisses you, your tail tangling itself with hers under the warm water.
"And I'm happy I gave us a chance. Not something I thought would ever happen when we created the herd with Nickle, but all the more happy for it," You say, "I probably don't need a reminder that you're hot as fuck, but I'm not letting you forget that you've opened me up to a lot of things I might've overlooked and not experienced with you. I'm kinda glad the spa trip has become something of a 'mare's night' kind of thing. You're playful and passionate yet patient, confident and kind too. Even when you're nervous about something, you just go for it. So, I want to say, YOU are beautiful, Nocty, and I couldn't picture being in a herd without you."
You return her quick peck, except you press your beak up against her lips, staring with lidded eyes into her own. The kiss lasts for a few seconds before she pulls away from it, returning your smile with her own.
"Mmm, thank you, it means a lot to hear that," She hums, "And you're beautiful as well, Gael. A kind, smart, and beautiful little hen and don't you forget that."
She then pulls you into a hug, her wet coat pressing against your wet feathers as she gives you a little smile.
"I will certainly have to spoil you in the future. Might have a few ideas already~."

What do you do?
Returning her hug with wing and claw, we'd probably shiver at her words if the Onsen and prior massage weren't making us so relaxed: we can't even pretend to pout at her teasing either. Our heart does beat a little faster though.
"Gonna make me wait until you can surprise me, are you? Not even a hint?... Hmm, I kinda wish Nickle was here to take pictures right now, probably be cute, even if we're both just soaking wet."
We rub our claw along her side and back, vaguely mimicking what we saw the professionals doing to Nocty.
I wouldn't mind being pampered, I also don't mind surprises... That spray bottle wasn't a bad one.
Bored enough to share thoughts on something not really related to the cyoa, but mostly curious to hear other anons thoughts. What should our next character be if Pluto creates another quest (No pressure on him if he doesn't feel like it, it's their choice).

Race is the first question. A couple of races we haven't done, but the first one comes to mind is being a batpony. Sex would be mare. This is where horny thoughts inevitably come through, but our body type should be rather generously gifted in the backside. The type of flank that's excessive enough to jiggle and be wide enough to seen from the front. Horny aside, it would be interesting to see how we would deal with such an issue, since other characters before were able to hide their 'gifts' through convenience or easy workarounds. Unlike those circumstances, we would be forced to deal with the comments and reactions on the forefront with little escape.

Couple of problems is that batponies having the bat booty is a bit overdone (though, I'm still admittedly weak to the idea). Of course, we could play a different race like a kirin instead, though I'm not 100% on which race yet. Another possible problem is personality. Doubt we want to be too receptive of the attention received. Don't want the quest to be filled with too much lewd. Nothing too prude, but not open enough to easily give in to publicly flirting that's bound to happen.
Been a while since there has been discussion in a Pluto quest, and idk if there has ever been meta discussion (ie considerations for a character in a cyoa that doesn't exist yet).
Not opposed to bat pony, but I had been picturing a zebra with a gifted booty when The Good Necromancer was originally brought up (pre chargen). Think a male griffon could be fun, come up with a few quirks to parallel Gael.

Random aside, I'd be curious what playing a breezie would be like. Feel like there would have to be some workarounds or magic in place to make things less of a pain, but eliminating the problems kinda just gets rid of the reason to play a character at such a size disparity.
>picturing a zebra with a gifted booty
Can't believe I forgot about zebras. Don't know why I did until now. Yeah, zebras work, but what quirks can they hold from their race that we can play with? (Riddles is one, but I doubt we'll come up with many of them).
What hypothetical quirks are you thinking about the supposed griffin mc that are somewhat similar to Gael? Maybe they can be female, although repeating the same sex and race might be a negative.
Thought about the breezie, but from what I recall from the show, they seemed completely helpless to do much. Don't know how they would be handled in a cyoa setting, much less having the trait of being gifted.
Returning her hug with a wing and claw, you'd probably shiver at her words if the Onsen and prior massage weren't making you so relaxed: you can't even pretend to pout at her teasing either. Your heart does beat a bit faster though.
"I wouldn't mind being pampered, I also don't mind surprises... That spray bottle wasn't a bad one."
"Glad you liked it." She smiles.
"You're going to make me wait until you can surprise me, aren't you?"
"Yep, that way it'll be more fun."
"Not even a hint?"
"That would ruin the surprise~."
You lean against her once more, looking over at her.
"Hmm, I kinda wish Nickle was here to take pictures right now, probably be cute, even if we're both just soaking wet."
"They would be great pictures," She agrees, "And I'm sure he would savor the chance to get some pictures of us like this."
You begin to rub your claw along her side and back, vaguely mimicking what you saw the professionals doing to her. She lets out a hum and leans against you once more.
"...I did have a thought of an invention you can make, well, one for Echo," She tells you, "They already make them, but you could make some contacts for Echo so that she can hide her eyes without having to use glasses."

What do you do?
That's not a bad idea. Have to ask if she's okay putting on contacts, but should be a small enough project.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
I would kind of like to play a dragon character, maybe only a bit bigger than a average pony. Enough to get their massive badonkadonk right at eye level with the average mare and stallion. But it might be fun to be even bigger.
Or maybe a breezy, it would be funny to have a big old ass on a tiny little mare. Though there would be trials playing that kind of race, the cyoa would probably have to kind of be specific for it or it'd probably not work.
A giraffe could also be a lot of fun, Got some good height there, unique body attributes.

A kirin is an interesting idea, though I'm more interested in seeing how that'd work. If we go with not wanting the attention it'll probably end up similar to good necromancer where the character hides their ass all the time.
Might be better to go with that the attention, looks, and comments, makes them super embarrassed, but secretly deep down though they will never admit it to themselves, they really like the attention.
Or... What if, we do a shark seapony with the thickest tail. Thiccccc with five C's.

Yeah I think this is a first for this kinda meta conversation. A Zebra might be fun, rhyming might be a pain though. Could have the strips do something interesting, (curl around and get distorted by the massively fat rump?)
I do think a breezy could be a whole lot of fun, but it'll really depend on the cyoa. (They have like a pony half brother who they have to hold onto all the time to not get blow away all the time or something. Basically using them like a transport everywhere.)
What would we do with a male griffin we can't do with Gael? I'm not against the idea, I'm just curious.

Anything stopping us from getting the best of both worlds and being a dude with a perfectly fat ass?
A good option. I can see the fun of our backside making it difficult to ignore due to height.
>it'll probably end up similar to good necromancer where the character hides their ass all the time.
Maybe it's possible, but wouldn't it look completely off? Like we're holding something conspicuous with all the strangely shaped clothing layers? It would still attract attention either way, but better to attract the type of good attention instead of the bad kind.
Rhyming is probably not neccesary. Not enough in the show to really say it's an inherent zebra trait or not. Distorted stripes is definitely a very fun idea.
Don't mind the idea of a male, I just vastly prefer it on a mare over a male.
That, and playing around with a bankadonk will likely occur more often on a female. Pluto prefers the receiver of penetration being a mare after all, with the rare occasional male receiving it. Don't see it happening it too often with a male. We can cheat again and be a futa, but kind of hesitant of even bringing it up, just like now. Always felt like a genie in the bottle situation, despite the variety of lewd activities done in the past. No idea how Pluto or other anons feel about it either, with how much it's a love or hate it thing.
Going with a clumsy character is an option for that too, giving the option to maybe accidentally sit on ponies with their ginormous scaly ass.
>"Excuse me ma'am, it's been reported that a suspicious looking mare has been going around here. ... You fit the description. We're going to have to search you."
>The two cop ponies flip up our protagonists cape, only to discover the two giant lumps where not in fact two large stolen atlas globes but in fact two massive caked up cheeks.

I know if this whole thing even happens that going with a large rear we'd probably get more our of it as a female. I just thought it'd be funny to bring up.
I do think I tend to have more fun running female character but also at the same time. Playing a male is a rare treat.
For futa, Pluto hasn't been willing to touch that. It has been addressed before so there is no easy cheat unless they have changed their mind in that but I wouldn't count on it.
Morning, Pluto!

Struggling to think of quirks at the moment, but repeating a race/sex combo wouldn't be the end of the world.
Zebras may have a more vibrant connection to plants and spiritualism, leading to a houseplant 'pet'.

The dragon idea is quite fun, same for breezie bro and the emotional management of a kirin, but I think you're onto something with the sharkpone: set her (underwater) village up in a location that rarely sees ponies after the trade routes changed and you could get an odd dialect/ye olde english, fairly modest sense of dress, and out dated cultural references. Shark snoots are quite sensitive, so booping could be an intimate act.
For a male griffon, the immediate thought is territorial stoicism that melts under affection, but idk. Was also just thinking a male griffon as a partner, given they're uncommon.

Agreed on males being a treat but females being more fun on average.
"I think I'd have to do some research. I don't know much, but making them means using medical grade materials shaped using precise tools, and they'd be limited in terms of how often she could re-wear them. I can probably make and/or salvage the tools, but buying the material and sanitizing the tools would be super important. In theory though, I could miniturize and implement SDARG tech into a few different contacts, leave Pixel working off some powerful central hub, and have instant scans and xray tech available for everyone."
We get a bit excited just thinking about the idea, both for helping Echo and having even subtler tech available to the whole team, shuffling excitedly in place.
>but I think you're onto something with the sharkpone:
I like this, the booping bit also makes me think of the character having a completely different idea of modesty. Upon going on land and shapeshifting into a form more land appropriate, she is perplexed why all the jive talking wackadoo's are so obsessed with her rear end and also rather shocked they aren't covering their snouts at all. Finding it quite lewd to go around with at least some covering for it.
... Then she watches some ponies nuzzle right in front of her. How scandalous.

A male griffin partner wouldn't be a bad idea, seems like it could be really fun actually.
>Covering their snouts at all
Curious what your thought there is: I picture some sort of exotic veil of seaweed (though fibers would wear down) or a mask custom made from driftwood (my preference, honestly). Assuming Equish is her second language, would be fun if her primary language was some slow, melodic 'singing' that has greater application/range underwater.

>Sharkpone spots a stallion excitedly talking with his peers, holding his hooves apart to convey some sort of measurement
>They all either blush or pale when she approaches, excited to swap fishing stories with landponies
>She leaves when she learns none of them are fishing ponies, and the storyteller refuses to elaborate on what he means by 'thickest fish I've ever seen'

Something of an idea for language 'barrier', though a little too strong to do consistently, probably:
>Ocean Spray was glad he hadn't been scheduled for a shift as lifeguard today: the water was absolutely amazing and his own private little spot was empty, leaving him to float and idly paddle with his wings
>Opening his eyes, the sight of a grey fin in the water had him tense up, though the shark in question was just making figure eights: was it hurt? It happened from time to t-
>The fin sunk below the waves, and Ocean Spray tensed, realizing just how far out he was
>A grey pony head wearing some sort of polished wooden mask poked up from the waves a little distance away, gills on her neck and far too many sharp teeth in her smile
>"Good morrow, Gentlestallion. Prith thee whermst thy came?"
>"Uh..." He couldn't understand what the seamare wanted, but he was 80% certain that she wasn't referring to what he'd been doing on the beach just before he'd got in the water
>"Doth mine dialect vex and torpor? Oh bother... uh, thine homestead, betwixt analogous hovels? Be it yonder or hither?"
>It clicked: she was just looking for town
>"Yeah, it's that way."
>"Oh, I bid thee good day, Gentlestallion, and a most jubilant eve thereafter!"
>And just like that, she was off like a rocket, only able to pick out her location because of the, shark, fin...
>"... Shit, she's gonna scare the tourists."
The first thing that came to mind was something made of seaweed, either woven or stitched together. But I doubt it'd be one set material. Clam shells for starters would be a widely available option and with a variety of styles and colors, the insides could be padded and it'd give just a little bit of protection to the delicate snoot. Additionally the outsides could be engraved with patterns and symbols.
For the brazen and sultry, old fish nets turned into a drape with smaller heavier shells pearls or stones would give just a hint of what lays underneath as the water currents gently swish it back and forth. Teasing but never fully revealing what was behind them.
Wood I figure, due to being rarer, fleeting, and hard to work with underwater could end up as more a status symbol to have a well made covering from. Something sought after and desired, soft on the snout but also with an almost otherworldly appeal.

>Poking around the fish market Sharkpone hears a couple fishermares talking about a fishing competition.
>The dropping the fish she had been about to eat the boisterously exuberant shork inquired where said competition is.
>For some reason the pair clammed up around her, but one did point a hoof and of Sharkpone went.
>Sharkpone was a bit surprised at the registering process. Being far less straight forward than at home.
>She found little flexible tapes wrapped all around her for some reason again and again.
>Being patient she was raring to go when the finally tape slipped off from around her tail.
>Just as she ran off towards the water Sharkpone was informed she had won strangely enough.
>She might have been disappointed, but the obscene amount of fish as the prize quickly dispelled that.
>Turns out she set the record for the largest fish ever registered too. By a decent margin too, in all categories, especially the widest point radius.
>She got a ribbon for that, though the stuck it on her flank Sharkpone figured that was normal, and went on to show it off to every pony she saw that day.

As fun as the language thing is, yeah, it simply wouldn't be sustainable. I really liked the story by they way, I hope what I came up with did it any justice.
I... Am a touch wary of making something that's be in direct contact with such delicate bodyparts... But, honestly they shouldn't be too hard to make. Hmm... If I add a filter I can have them adjust to light levels acting as sunglasses in sunlight and regular glasses elsewhere. Maybe, Oh, or I can add a crystal lattice that would harden upon impart protecting her eyes.
Gotta say, the idea of a pone with a sinful body being unaware of how attractive she is to others is a very fun idea! Unfortunately, the language thing isn't likely to work, at least not all the time. Better left in as an occasional slip up like Gael, since keeping up Old English for several threads will get tiresome. Although, we can still come up with other culture differences to make her distinct, similar to the snout thing. Such as making her greetings and mannerisms different. Perhaps shaking her fin excessively (and unintentionally attracting attention to her now even more wobbling flank) could be a form of her showing agreement or excitement. Can't come up with others right now, but I'll probably post them as they come up.
Another idea born of the zebra race idea is that her specific species of shark can be a tiger shark to not only have stripes making her body more interesting, but also changing shape as they inevitably reach her rear to the point of distortion. An eye catching pattern in both an interesting and lewd way.

One possible problem with this setup is her one day making a companion or friend that will inevitably lay upfront why there are ponies constantly in a state of fear/arousal around them, and that our body is the cause for the latter. Could see her shrugging it out and not believing it, but it'll be hard to ignore the truth overtime. A possible way to dealing with it is her accepting it and messing around with ponies by playing around with it. Not in teasing or falunting sort of way in which a character is comfortable being sexual, but more of the messing around with others for fun while thinking, "Geeze, these ponies are weird and act funny over something so small!".

Another point to deal with is dealing with what is attractive in her culture, except perhaps snouts? What is it that she finds individually attractive?
I was planning to do more CYOAs after one of these finish up, which is probably a ways off. The closest one is probably Rise, but there is still a ways to go in that.
The idea of a sharkpone living on land is fun, though I would need to figure out what to do with that. Could just be a comfy slice of life thing.

"That's not a bad idea, but I am a touch wary of making something that'd be in direct contact with such delicate body parts... But, honestly they shouldn't be too hard to make, though I would have to use medical grade materials shaped using precise tools, and they'd be limited in terms of how often she could re-wear them. I can probably make or salvage the tools, but buying the material and sanitizing the tools would be super important," You say, "In theory though, I could miniaturize and implement SDARG tech into a few different contacts, leave Pixel working off some powerful central hub, and have instant scans and x-ray teach available for everyone. Oh, I could add a crystal lattice that would harden upon impact to protect her eyes."
You start to get a bit excited just thinking about the idea, both for helping Echo and having even subtler tech available to the whole team, shuffling excitedly in place. Seeing this, Nocturne smiles at you.
"You're too adorable sometimes, Gael," She tells you, "That would be cool, everyone having access to all of the features Pixel can provide. It would be helpful for everyone to have that on missions. I think Echo will like them."
She then pauses for a moment before continuing.
"Just, uh, might need to foalproof the SDARG and Pixel."

What do you do?
We chuckle as the mental image of Pixel in a speedo with lock and 18+ clearly shown on it crosses our mind.
"Definitely parent control settings in place for that... might be worth it to set her up with a whole other system and AI though, cause I wouldn't want her stumbling across some, 'textures' that Pixel still has. Then again, I don't know how well multiple SDARG AIs interface together."
Uh, right. Hmm... Maybe auto pixelisation when certain things would be in view from the xray. Actually, I could probably implement a blackout feature so if there was a suddenly flash it could protect their eyes, it wouldn't stop a flashbang hurting their ears of something but it would make sure they don't go blind...
Our mind is on a roll and we our wings twitch excitedly, lifting a claw before our face we start to use them for quick some maths.
Squeezing all of this into a single contact might be expensive, maybe i can make multiple different sets for different situations.

I'm glad to hear you are planning to still do more cyoa, as much fan as speculating on a theoretical Shorkpone is it is for fun. No need to feel obligated to do something with it if you have other ideas or plans.
For more mannerisms. Tail flexing or posing in general might be a good trait to take, apparently body language is a big thing for sharks since they can't make really communicate otherwise. So striking a pose (That accidentally accentuates her ass.) to introduce herself or upon meeting someone again sort of makes sense to me.
Though, I imagine she would be a bit new to the idea of posing on land without the freedom of the water, so she'll probably be copying whatever poses she sees other ponies doing. This... Might be a bit lewd depending on who she learns these poses from.
Could also just eat random things, to lean into the fear side of things a bit the sight of sharkpone biting down and through a thin sheet of shiny metal, munching on the fork somepony just showed her how to use then turning around her plump behind wobbling in their face as she grabs another fork for another bite.

Also a tiger shark is a fun idea, best of both worlds there.

Assuming that getting told about ponies being attracted to rumps happened at some point I would figure the way you described it would be similar to how it'd actually go.
Kinda like going to another country and then getting told you're super attractive for a trait you never thought of, like your ankle structure.
When that ball dropped it'd put a lot of things suddenly into context for her. "Oh! So that's why those rapscallions down by the docks said if I let them bounce coins off my rump I could keep the coins."
It'll probably be something she would brag about back in her home town when she returns, being so desirable even something as mundane as her back end would attract a crowd.

Gills are probably also an attractive feature if well maintained and healthy. Thought that brings to mind the thought there are specific much smaller fishponies that do cleanings, and it's a very intimate thing to witness.
Sharkpones with larger fins probably also would make those around them weak in the tail. Bigger the better. Probably making the whip shark sharkpone the most desired at least for those after length in spited of girth.

As for what she finds personally attractive, I can't help but think blood. Finding herself drawn to individuals who just keep getting the odd nick cut or scratch from clumsiness, carelessness, or a carefree attitude.
Probably anything with an interesting tail, like a diamond dog, or a kirin would strike her fancy equating them to tail fins.
Stopping for the night. DnD went for a while.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Limited on time, so not a proper response but:
Maybe speed, sleekness, and aero/hydrodynamics are an attractive quality? The reflectivity and coloration of scales maybe. Could be a physically intimate culture, touch (barring certain areas) being completely normal, and finding gawking over the sexual equivalent of an elbow to be humorous.
Could also be that touching her rump feels nice but simply isn't erotic to her.
You chuckle at the mental image of Pixel in a speed with a lock and 18+ clearly shown on it crossing your mind.
"Uh, right. Definitely parent control settings in place for that. Maybe auto pixelization when certain things would be in view from the x-ray... might be worth it to set her up with a whole other system and AI though, cause I wouldn't want her to stumble across some, 'textures' that Pixel still has. Then again, I don't know how well multiple SDARG AIs interface together."
You then pause at a different thought.
"I could implement a blackout feature so if there was a sudden flash it would protect her eyes, it wouldn't stop a flashbang hurting her ears but it would make sure she doesn't go blind..."
Your mind is on a roll and your wings twitch excitedly as you continue, lifting a claw to your face to use them for some quick math.
"Squeezing all of this into a single contact might be expensive, maybe I can make multiple different sets for different solutions."
"Could look at the SDARG, they figured it out for glasses," Nocturne suggests, "You could also get Nickle to help figure things out with it, and he would be happy to get to code something."

What do you do?
"True, but they had the frames to work with. I'll barely have the lenses. I suppose the only stuff that really matters is whatever projection and scan tech it has, a wireless system, and a battery, all installed as far along the rim as possible. Which the battery will need a charger, in addition to the computer that hosts the AI and processes all the data. Ugh, this sounds so cool, but it'd be easier with nanomachines to make it or just straight up cyberware. I'm sure Nickle would have some thoughts on the project like you said, so I'll have to run it by him."
Slumping against Nocty's side some more, our thoughts turn from the system to the AI.
"... Do you suppose Pixel ever gets lonely, or horny, or stuff like that? I-I mean, if we were to introduce another AI, I wouldn't expect Echo to put that kind of thought into it: she's just a foal."
We shake our head for a moment.
Wait a moment... I'm supposed to be taking a break not trying to theory-craft a new invention. ... I'll have to get back to that later, there is some good stuff I can do with that.
"True, but they had the frames to work with. I'll barely have the lenses. I suppose the only stuff that really matters is whatever is whatever projections and scan tech it has, a wireless system, and a battery, all installed so far along the rim as possible. Which the battery will need a charger, in addition to the computer that hosts the AI and processes all the data," You list everyone off, "Ugh, this sounds so cool, but it'd be easier with nanomachines to make it or just straight up cyberware. I'm sure Nickle would have some thoughts on the projects like you said, so I'll have to run it by him."
You slump against Nocturne's side once more where you realize something and shake your head.
"Wait a moment... I'm supposed to be taking a break not trying to theory-craft a new invention... I'll have to get back to that later, there is some good stuff I can do with that."
"Definitely," Nocturne nods, "Just use this time to think on it."
"...Do you suppose Pixel ever gets lonely, or horny, or stuff like that," You ask, "I-I mean, if we were to introduce another AI, I wouldn't expect Echo to put that kind of thoughts into it: she's just a foal."
"Considering what he's for, probably horny," She replies, "I'm not sure about him being lonely though, sounds like a strange thing to program an AI to feel."
She then looks over at you.
"Thinking about an AI for Echo?"

What do you do?
We shrug.
"Figure it can't really hurt to have someone literally made to interact with foals keeping an eye on her, but it's another thing I'll have to research. And ask if she'd be interested in it as well. She's old enough that getting her input on things is better than not doing so... And figure out how a foal centric and lewd AIs interact, or if they should interact at all."
We sink a little deeper into the water, relaxing enough to half-float, feeling a little sleepy.
This >>41004494
How have you been general? Enjoying the herd lifestyle so far?

Kinda want to ask her if she still has any hangups or hesitation for being in this dynamic, given that she broke down several threads about worrying about not being faithful if I remember correctly, don't know how to exactly bring it up.
You shrug at this.
"Figure it can't really hurt to have someone literally made to interact with foals keeping an eye on her, but it's another thing I'll have to research. And ask if she'd be interested in it as well," You say, "She's old enough that getting her input on things is better than not doing so... And figure out how a foal centric and lewd AIs interact, or if they should interact at all."
"Probably... not," Nocturne replies before smiling jokingly, "I feel like Pixel would corrupt the poor thing."
As she says this you sink deeper into the water, relaxing enough to half float in the warm water.
"How have you been in general? Enjoying the herd lifestyle so far?"
"I've been good, and I've been enjoying it so far. Still some worries, but they've been buried underneath all the good that has come from it so far."
She shakes her head a little and looks over at you.
"What about you? Things have been good?"

What do you do?
It's... Different. To be frank, I am struggling to keep up with everything and everyone. I'm pretty sure Winter and Nickle have ruined me for anyone else.
...I think their average width is at least on par with a griffin cock's knot at it's widest.
But I'm very much enjoying it, I... Kinda thought for a while there I'd end up growing grey feathers before I felt something not made of silicon in me.
"Yeah! A bit chaotic, and we haven't quite as much traditional dating stuff as I might prefer, but I'll take the blame on that one. Can't keep my claws to myself for long, but I've been enjoying it. Enjoying moments like these as well."
Smile fondly.
It's a been a wonderful experience. With the exception of the reprimanding from Winter, and the incident with the recording of us sent online (Did we ever tell Nocturne about that? If not, it's time to share it), both of which were my fault, I've never been happier in my life!
Starting with this would be funny, considering what Nocturne is trying to talk about.
Also would be curious how Nocturne rates Winter and Nickle bedroom wise. Probably the best since Nickle made her pass out once.
Supporting as well.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
You smile fondly at her.
"It's... Different. To be frank, I am struggling to keep up with everything and everyone. I'm pretty sure Winter and Nickle have ruined me for anyone else... I think their average width is at least on par with a Griffon cock's knot at it's widest."
You then blink and shake your head.
"A-Anyway, it's been a wonderful experience. With the exception of the reprimanding from Winter, and the incident with the recording of us sent online. We haven't had quite as much traditional dating stuff as I might prefer, but I'll take the blame on that. Can't keep my claws to myself for long, but I've been enjoying it. I thought for a while I'd end up growing grey feathers before I felt something not made of silicon in me."
"Glad that you like it, it's been wonderful for me as well," She smiles, "Get to spend my time with a lovely group of people and get closer to them than I ever have been."
She gives a quick look around before looking back at you.
"I suppose this could be considered a date~..."

What do you do?
Not all that long ago, a tease like that Nocturne might've made us flustered... we still blush and fluff up a bit, droplets of water clinging to our facial feathers, but we're smiling wide as we do. Reaching over, we boop her.
"Way ahead of you: started thinking of it as one the moment we were separated from the boys. Wouldn't have thought you'd be into having another mare turn your hen into a puddle of purring feathers on a date, but if that's your choice~..."
We didn't mind Nocty being all relaxed either.
"Suppose we could make up all sorts of stuff that we got up to, whenever we get back to the other. I think they'd realize we were joking, but you never know."
We blink a couple of times, then blush slightly as we realize that Nocturne is absolutely correct and we are pretty much on a date with her right now.
I... I suppose you'd be right. Huh... Why is it suddenly now that has clicked for me, it feels 'gayer' for a lack of a better word being on a date with my mare herdmate alone than if we were rubbing our clams together?
Hmm, does that mean if Junkrat wasn't there Nickle and Winter would be on a date? I wonder if they are sitting five feet apart~
"Get to spend my time with a lovely group." Is that what you call your lovers or herdmates?~
Giggle a little at her wording.
Not that long ago, a tease like that from Nocturne might've made you flustered... you still blink a couple of times and then blush and fluff up a bit, droplets of water clinging to your facial feathers, but you're still smiling at her. Reaching over, you boop her with a claw.
"Way ahead of you: started thinking of it as one the moment we were separated from the boys. Wouldn't have thought you'd be into having another mare turn your hen into a puddle of purring feathers on a date, but if that's your choice~ And getting to spend my time with a lovely group. Is that what you call your lovers or herdmates~?"
Nocturne smiles and laughs at this, smiling yourself at seeing how relaxed Nocturne was.
"Huh... Why is it suddenly now that it has clicked for me, it feels 'gayer' for a lack of a better word being on a date with my mare herdmate alone than if we were rubbing our clams together," You wonder, "Anyway, does that mean if Junkrat wasn't there Nickle and Winter would be on a date? I wonder if they are sitting five feet apart~."
"Considering those two, probably." She giggles.
"Suppose we could make up all sorts of stuff that we got up to, whenever we get back to the others. I think they'd realize we were joking, but you never know."
"Could be fun," She replies, "Heh, sorry boys but you missed the ice cream that they gave us. It was good ice cream as well, so I'm sad you didn't get to experience it."

What do you do?
Taken by surprise, we start laughing hard enough that little hoots escape our beak each time we try to breathe. Even when we get our laughter under control, we have to breath slowly, with a slight melodic(?) tone slipping out every so often as we exhale.
"I don't, ho, I don't know why that caught me so off guard. We can leave them to wonder..."
Feeling a little cheeky and needing to catch our breath, we clamber on top of Nocturne, being careful of her wings as we essentially hug her from above, purring softly in her presence.
"Did you feel like doing anything in particular on our date? Cause I don't remember half of our last date too clearly, but I know it was a lot of fun."
They also gave us complimentary access to their bar, I only had the dry stuff due to last time but it was incredible..

As it turns out while we are making up fake things that happened in the spa the boys are actually getting talked into getting penile massages by the spa staff. Tempted with promises of increased bloodflow leading to growth, longer lasting and more pleasurable orgasms and higher output.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!

I can't find anything about a bar, though a high end place keeping alcohol on hand seems fitting.
Feel like Winter might have to turn that down, for safety reasons. The reveal (to the spa ponies) that Gael and him have hooked up might lead to gossiping. Jukerat is free to take full advantage of their full service package though. Also, random unrelated horny thought, but I'm curious what Nickle screwing Gael while having absorbed her power would be like.
>"What's that?"
>"That's moss. Careful not to step on it, as it can be slippery."
>"And that?!"
>"Poison Ivy."
>The Sharkpony face immediately turns to concern. You can't help but smile out of comfort.
>"Don't worry. It won't do anything past giving a rash. Just be careful not to touch anything that looks like it, okay?"
>At those words. The Sharkpony's face immediately brigthens up and dashes ahead to lead the way again, her flank wobbling in a manner that is impossible to ignore.
>You don't know how to feel about accompying a random pony that came from deep within the sea.
>At the same time, you couldn't sit back and watch as those sailors by the dock convinced her to bounce coins off her rump.
>When you moved away from your griffon homelands into pony territoty, you experience how rough it was to be a foreigner in a new land and having to deal with unknown customs and how others would take advantage of that to gain something from you.
>You knew the feeling of being constantly stared at for being different. Some were curious, others were hostile.
>Fortunately for the Sharkpony, she seem to be experiencing the good type of stares...too much of it that is.
>After the coin event, you promised to show her the way around until she could accustom to everything.
>That was hours ago, and you're beginning to have some regrets. Not because you believe what you did was wrong, but because you believe you might not be up to the task.
>The Sharkpony was clearly the boisterous sort and trusted strangers more than she should, perhaps because of the close-knit community back at her home as you learned recently.
>You've already had to step in when a few stallions (and even a mare) propositioned to the Sharkpony, all of which flew over her head, in the very first town, before you both left to venture towards another.
>On top of all that, there was a sma-no...'big' problem. That being the Sharkpony's physique shown right in front of you.
>Pony and Griffon tastes are very similar, so it was easy to see why ponies couldn't help but stare at her body, but you're starting to wish that was not the case.
>Every time she moves, her flank seems to move in a tempting manner that you can't ignore to save your life. Worst of all, she exaggerates all her body language in a way that can't help but corrupt your mind.
>You attempted to lead the way to avoid having to stare at all, but she insisted that she memorized the instructions on how to get there before confidently taking the role.
>Which leads you to now, as she walks and continues to ask many questions about the surrounding flora. All the meanwhile, her flank tempts you throughout the journey.
>You're thankful she's too distracted looking at everything that's new to her to look back at your 'problem', as you wouldn't be able to coherently explain to her why this was happening to you.
>Your griffon instinct was also beginning to rear it's ugly head, as your several years of dry spell without a mate in pony territory was causing you to already imagine several unsavory scenarios.
>Despite all that, you promised you would help guide her no matter what with no ulterior motive. You griffon pride assures you that nothing will dissuade you from-"There it is!"
>Before you knew it, she stops in place to point at the next town within sight from both of you.
>Being distracted with your thoughts, you fail to notice this in time as you bump with the Sharkpony's behind, nearly losing balance as you involuntarily grab a clawful of her flank.
>The Sharkpony doesn't notice the grope and quickly dashes away to the direction of the town, her rump bouncing along the way.
>It only lasted a second, but the feeling of grabbing a heavenly soft flank that outmatches every mare he's ever seen in his life, combined with the sight of it bouncing away, was too much.
>You can feel the knot on your length lock up in record time as it imagines locking with the suitable partner hopelessly distancing itself from it's desire to keep them in place.
>You don't cum, but for a moment you can't help but fantasize about breeding with the Sharkpony as you decide to show her the wonders of griffon anatomy, before quickly shaking that thought away before it festers further.
>"...This is going to be much more harder than I thought...and it's only been a day." You sigh.
>With your contemplation over you quickly follow the Sharkpony before you finds herself in trouble...right after you splash yourself with cold water from that river...
First ever greenpost so it's bound to be filled with mistakes, but felt like writing one up after bringing up the topic in the first place, and to help add in to the other greenposts already. Not sure about a griffon, but decided to add one for griffon anon.
Taken by surprise, you start laughing hard enough that little hoots escape your beak each time you try to breathe. Even when you get your laughter under control, you have to breathe slowly, a slight melodic tone slipping out every so often as you exhale.
"I don't, hoo, I don't know why that caught me so off guard. They also gave us complimentary access to their bar, I only had the dry stuff due to last time but it was incredible."
After this you clamber on top of Nocturne, being careful of her wings as you hug her from above. Nocturne just smiles and hugs you back with a big smile, enjoying herself as you purr softly in her presence.
"Did you feel like doing anything in particular on our date? Cause I don't remember half of our first date too clearly, but I know it was a lot of fun."
"Hmm, maybe we can convince the boys to stop by a restaurant for lunch," She suggests, "I think that would be nice."
Wrapping her hooves around you in return, she brings you over to the side of the Onsen and leans against the side with you.
"Unless you have any ideas yourself?"

What do you do?
'Oak would probably appreciate some good food when I visit.'
We put aside the thought of our closest Non-Super friend for a little later, knowing Nocturne will want to comfort us if we bring him up, and not wanting to bring the mood down.
"I like food, and it's early to really drink..."
Humming and nuzzling the pink mare's head between her ears as we think, we find it difficult to come up with many thoughts between the relaxing waters and her simply being her distracting self.
"Maybe we could just take a flight together? Been a little while since it's just been the two of us on a cloud, hanging out... Though it would basically be more of this."

Fun as hell, and honestly wouldn't have known it was your first if you hadn't said as much.
And I am to griffons as moths are to flame. Also, don't think cold water can get rid of that so easily, once it's swollen. Tempted to expand on this, but I don't have any immediate thoughts.
Could go to an arcade, I'd love to see you give dance dance rebellion a shot. Could also do karaoke though I'm not much of a singer myself that is kinda half the fun.
>honestly wouldn't have known it was your first if you hadn't said as much.
Thanks. Hesitated on it, but writing a greentext isn't too dissimilar to writing a long post for a cyoa, even if my English isn't perfect. Always liked the long greens or posts in Pluto's quests, so felt good to finally contribute a green on that front.
Added a bunch of things, like a possibly personality or attitude for our hypothetical sharkpone, so not sure how anons feel about an energetic and curious mc.

>Tempted to expand on this, but I don't have any immediate thoughts.
Got some other ideas myself. One in which there is further unintentional teasing, and one which causes our griffon to break down, though I don't know whether to have him take it out somewhere private or with the sharkpone. Not against writing anything dubious, but unsure if that's wanted with how the last Pluto cyoa to have something dubious ended badly, though that's more due to a misunderstanding than the actual content..
I was watching the Fallout tv show as a break from all the finals I've been doing and didn't realize how long it has been. I wasn't sure if I would like it, but I've been enjoying it so far.
Have a good night or day!
Hey, gotta agree with the other anon. This is a solid green, nice work. I'm glad the other greens inspired you to make your own thing, they are always fun to make.
Gotta say I like the way you worked in the griffon, he slotted in so naturally.

>so not sure how anons feel about an energetic and curious mc.
I can say I like the additions to her shorkiness, I think it both fits for someone who would just go out to explore a new realm on a whim and makes for a fresh character. Also it would inevitably end up with her getting into... Unique situations.
Like being told butt bumping is customary and then immediately bumping the pony that told them that thirty feet in an arch... Not that they'd complain once they landed.
Reading it over again, a duty bound/white knighting Griffon going through a dry spell is an excellent fit, in terms of fun, motive, and particularly how well you presented it.
And depends on the dubiousness, but shorter works are less restricted than Cyoas, due to not having any consequences, so got for it if you want. Not a fan of rape (Ivory Stalk's rape turnabout was, interesting and in character, and roleplay is consentual). Free use either implies consent or makes clear that it is not. Somnophilia makes things less squeamish, but it's all about framing
For dubcon, enthusiastic consent or casual attitude is my preference

>Griffon's Log, Day 3 4 since starting this journey with 'Mako'*
>*(a beak cannot make the sounds required for her full name, and even this is an approximation)
>We are leaving Sea Sturgeon's Wharf following the Tuna incident, in search of somewhere with fewer lonely sailor stallions
>Note: Do not leave Mako near a fish presumed too large to fit in mouth, especially where rowdy sailor ponies are involved
>Crew Morale is, turbulent: Mako's bubbly curiosity about all things land and sky based has not diminished, and her enthusiasm and friendship have been cherished boons that reinforce my promise
>However, false tying has only become more frequent after my first brush with, 'the Big One'
>If she's spotted my false tying (doubtful, given her curiosity about everything), she has not mentioned it
>Cold water has proven detrimental as well: it leaves me aching, bitter, and shivering, all of which my companion is quick to note and insist on prolonged physical contact, undoing what progress can be made
>My dreams have been equally distressing, filled with the sort of hunting dreams befitting a younger, less experienced cock, or at least reserved for height of spring
>Most troubling is the imagery, pursuing a singular p̶r̶e̶y̶ target so doggedly out to sea, where I am at her the water's mercy, and still I pounce every time, eager to tie us together in blood...
>My sanity and resolve are being tested, yet Mako relishes every glimpse she gets of my broody Griffon 'mannerisms', encouraging them even, leaving me to wonder if she is a Siren in disguise
>As a result, I have taken to 'untying' every chance I get, few though they are
>Even now, I-
>Your feathered brow twitches as Mako's snoring breaks your concentration, split as it is already between the banal distraction of maintaining your log and trying to think of hens back home, stripped flanks a distressingly common trait
>The nights after Mako finally dozed off into a heavy slumber should've been a quiet respite, yet they had become a flurry of activity and shameful secrets
>Your gaze cuts through the dark, looking upon the sharkpony facing away from you, instincts whipping up unrealistic and impossible scenarios in your mind, all centered on the first mare to not falter at the sight of you in more than half a decade
>Despite the strength of your pride and intentions, it is becoming apparent that you may have been especially vulnerable to her 'charms': even now, you're tempted to draw her again, but your good claw has been occupied for the last several minutes with no sign of stopping
>Maybe you *could* show-
>You squeeze your eyes and beak shut, the fresh ink on your talon staining your beak as you grasp your sensitive bulb, mere moments of ogling pushing you over, despite grueling minutes spent stoking your lust with half forgotten hens...
>Cracking open an eyelid, you pant and stare shamefully past your stained beak, not at your still quite turgid tackle, not because of the thoughts in your head or the seed wasted, but at the thick pearly glaze absolutely clinging to Mako's fatty rump and tail, with no idea how to clean it
>You groan and roll over as your chaffed rod bobs at the sight

Day '3' 4 is supposed to be crossed out, as is her in 'I am at her the water's mercy'

Probably have to have some tail involved for an arch like that, so ponies would be walking about with a big red fin mark on their cutie marks.

Afternoon, Pluto! Have heard some good things about it, but am glad you're taking time to relax as is
'Oak would probably appreciate some good food when I visit.'
You put aside the thought of your closest Non-Super friend for a little later, knowing Nocturne would want to comfort you if you bring him up, and not wanting to bring the mood down.
"I like food, and it's early to really drink..."
You hum and nuzzle the pink Thestral mare's head between her ears as you think, finding it difficult to come up with many thoughts between the relaxing waters and her simply being her distracting self, momentarily caught up by her twitching ears as you nuzzle her.
"Maybe we could take a flight together? Been a little while since it's just been the two of us on a cloud, hanging out... Could also go to an arcade, I'd love to see you give Dance Dance Rebellion a shot. Could also do a karaoke though I'm not much of a singer myself that is kinda half the fun."
"Hmm, relaxing on a cloud would be nice," She says, "Going to a karaoke bar sounds fun though. Maybe we could do that for dinner?"

What do you do?
"Karaoke and dinner with a little booze? Absolutely~. Thinking we make it a mares' night as well, or let the guys in on all the fun?"
Wrapping our forelegs around her neck, we embrace her and run our talons through her fluff, unable to resist brushing one of her ears with the edge of our beak.
"... Crazy thought for a rainy day: potion roulette. Pretty sure I've seen party packs with complimentary effects, or at least guaranteed safe potions. Might be a little too wild though... Wouldn't mind painting each other up again, was pretty intimate last time."

Realizing that our current position could be kinda awkward for someone to stumble in on, but Gael is probably too relaxed to immediately care
"Karaoke and dinner with a little booze? Absolutely~," You grin, "Thinking we make it a mares' night as well, or let the guys in on all the fun?"
Wrapping your forelegs around her neck, you embrace her and run your talons through her fluff, unable to resist brushing one of her fluffy ears with the edge of your beak, getting it to twitch as a soft giggle from Nocturne reaches you.
"...Crazy thought for a rainy day: potion roulette. Pretty sure I've seen party packs with complimentary effects, or at least guaranteed safe potions. Might be a little too wild though... Wouldn't mind painting each other up again, was pretty intimate last time."
"Party pack could be fun, just need to make sure the potions are actually safe," She says, "And that painting session was fun, I would love to do that again even if it's just to do it."
She then cranes her head around to give your shoulder a quick kiss.
"If the boys want to come along I wouldn't be opposed, but a mares' night would be good as well," She smiles, "And this time, I'll make sure you remember it if we have a few drinks~."

What do you do?
Leaning down and around the side of Nocturne's head, we extend a wing as a counterbalance. Moving some of her wet mane behind her ear, we gaze into her slitted eyes with much affection.
"Drinks or no drinks, guys or no guys: a morning, evening, or night spent with you Nocturne, is always unforgettable."
With a tilt of our head, we press our beak to the side of her lips and hug her a little tighter, leaving her to break it or press further.
"Even if that does make me Gay-l~."
Oh~? And how are you going to do that? My tolerance is real low, apparently griffin livers aren't quite up to par with pony alcohol. Got some trick I don't know about?
Leaning in we tentatively nip along her neck with our beak.
I'll hold you to that promise~.

Very nice green! Not sure if it's just me, but confused if 'beak' is suppose to be a euphemism or not. Will try to start another green tomorrow since I still have some inspiration left.
Similar opinion with dubious content here as well. Just unsure that if we ever play 'Mako' what the limit should be, because there's realistically going to others going to go too far unless the setting is lighthearted. There's also the question of what the breaking point should be for 'Mako' to finally notice when something is lewd, besides booping, genitals, and penetration.
Can see her bumping with a force similar to Princess Peach's attack. Only unlike her, she'll be unaware of the sheer power her rump is capable of by simply lightly bumping into anyone.

Apologies to Pluto if all this talk is taking up unnecessary thread space or attention. Easy to get lost in discussion relating to creating anything.
Beak isn't a euphemism (though I could see it as one), just pictured Griffons being loud being common, and using a talon + ink to write means his beak gets ink on it (previously writing with his off claw cause the other is preoccupied). Curious what you'll come up with.
Kissing/nuzzling could be extra intimate, due to proximity to snout. And even if she's open to exploratory touching, a certain amount of it is going to suggestive regardless.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
>And even if she's open to exploratory touching, a certain amount of it is going to suggestive regardless.
But what if though? I would write a thing but I need sleep. But I can’t help but think of some pony offering her a massage and like five hours later her knight of feathers turns up to find the stallion still working on ‘Mako’s’ behind. And she explains to the griffin that he said it’d take a long time since there was so much to massage.

I really need to add into this talk more, lot of interesting things to think about here.
>Griffon would be pissed, if not for the obvious fact that the stallion forgot one thing about shark skin: it's smooth one way, and rough the other
>Stallion is too enamored to even notice until he tries walking
>Word spreads that the stallion is bedridden and Mako's rump is somehow involved, with everyone drawing different conclusions
>Leaving town swiftly, Griffon convinces Mako that only individuals who are experienced with Seaponies should touch her for more than a few minutes
>Mako is a little glum cause she was kind of enjoying the attention to that muscle group, and being off her hooves for a while
I have zero issues with it. I'm happy for anons to be discussing stuff like this.

Leaning down and around the side of Nocturne's head, you extend a wing to act as a counterbalance. Moving some of her wet mane behind her ear, you gaze into her slitted eyes with a great amount of affection.
"Oh~? And how are you going to do that? My tolerance is real low, apparently Griffon livers aren't quite up to par with Pony alcohol. Got some trick I don't know about?"
"Huh, and I thought you would have more tolerance considering how strong Griffon alcohol is," She smirks, "I was just going to keep an eye on you, make sure you're doing good."
"I'll hold you to that promise~. Drinks or no drinks, guys or no guys: a morning, evening, or night spent with you Nocturne, is always unforgettable."
You lean in to nip along her neck with your beak, then pressing your beak to the side of her lips, breaking it for a moment to continue.
"Even if that does make me Gay-l~."
"I'll have to make sure it's unforgettable then~."
Nocturne then kisses you back, keeping the kiss there and pressing it a bit further when you feel her tongue bump against your beak a bit.

What do you do?
Loosing our beak and granting her entrance, our tongue welcomes her in, briefly brushing past to prod her lip and a fang, before invitingly drawing itself back across hers.
Breathing in the calming incense and Nocty's scent through our nares, we close our eyes slowly and squeeze her ever so slightly with our claws and thighs, our purring turning up to 11. Still very entangled with her waterlogged counterpart, our tail perks up and sways back and forth, dancing just above the water.

NTA, but figured you'd be mildly entertained by the discussion at worst. Wouldn't mind you getting involved in the discussion if you were ever so inclined, but you do a lot as is.
You open your beak to grant her entrance, your tongue welcoming her in, briefly brushing past to prod her lips and a fang before drawing itself back across hers.
Breathing in the calming incense and Nocty's scent through your nares, you slowly close your eyes and squeeze her with your claws and thighs, your purring getting turned up to 11. Still entangled with it's waterlogged counterpart, your tail perks up and sways back and forth, dancing just above the water.
Letting out a hum, Nocturne wraps her hooves around you, both of her hooves starting on your back before one starts to wander down your body, stopping on top of your rump and rubbing it in small circles. Then separating from the kiss for a moment, she gives you a loving smile.
"We should probably save this for later," She tells you, "Unless you think we can be quick~?"

What do you do?
Our cheeks burn hotter going a bright crimson at the idea of going so far in a place like this, more then one of our older dream flashing through our mind. We gasp slightly we we wink and out clit is suddenly dipped into the heated water.
Q-quick? I'd... I'd be more worried about being able to be quiet.
We chitter to ourselves with nervous excitement.
Uh... I t-think we could be quick, do you really think we could get away with... Not Saving this for later?
Our tail slides over and curls around her hind leg, sliding further under head to snake between her teats.
Running our tongue along our beak, we stare at her, slowly closing the distance between her muzzle and our beak but not quite kissing her as we exhale. We whisper, purring loud as ever as our thighs press against hers harder, our rear subtly pushing against her hoof.
"... F-fuck, I'm not-... wasn't, even feeling all that needy, but I'm feeling very affectionate, so that offer is tempting... Might have to keep those Griffon massage lessons as a secret, if you want me getting anything done where the herd is involved."
The mental image of clawing off or eating out Nocturne under the water is more appealing than it should be.
As I promised.
>"Calm down, Vinge, it isn't a big deal!"
>"It is! You can't just let random ponies feel you!"
>Vinge was being his usual cranky self as you're beginning to understand after travelling him for a few days now.
>He never seems to like others talking or offering something to you for some strange reason?
>Ponies were nice! Everything you've been experienced on land so far has been wonderful!
>You've always wanted to travel, see the sights, and meet those who resided on land.
>Your home always spoke about ponies and other races in hushed whispers.
>From about facts like how ponies utilize magic, all the way to knowing how pony races live in complete harmony; a stark difference to how other sharkpony races treat each other in the ocean.
>You wanted to learn and experience more than just the usual routine of basic survival that's needed in the ocean and thus decided to start your adventure when you grew of age.
>That's when you soon met Vinge, a grumpy griffon that seemed to distrust others.
>You didn't dislike him though. Underneath all that grumpiness, he was a kind soul that offered to show you around to get used to how things worked.
>Something you're extremely grateful for, though you sometimes wondered why he occasionally grew quiet when you moved more than usual.
>"I thought that was the point of the massage? Skin care with the help of others is very important where I come from!"
>"It's different! It-"
>"What's that smell?"
>Your smell begins to kick in with the source being clear: meat. Meat being under what you believe to be 'fire' from what you heard from home.
>"...Food stalls. Sometimes ponies cook meat to serve to you if you pay for it out in public."
>Your stomach grumbles. Seems the massage really did make time fly by.
>"Can we get some?!"
>"...Fine, but you're going to need to eventually learn how to pay for things with bits."
>You smile at Vinge before rushing in to ask for this 'cooked' meat.
>The flavor was unlike anything you ever tasted before, and you begin to wonder why more of your kind don't visit land.
>You quickly finish your meal, but you weren't satisfied as your stomach could withstand, and immediately begin to seek more food stalls hosting meat.
>Vinge initially complains about the need to save bits, but he easily relents and pays for whatever meal you ask.
>From there, Vinge's attitude changes strangely. He smiles and even laughs a couple of times seeing you eat, while he enjoys a meal more suitable for a pony.
>Whenever you two are alone, it always seemed to shift between this or strange shyness, something you don't fully understand yet.
>Regardless, you continue to seek food stalls and enjoy heavenly cooked meat.
>You continue to walk down the street with Vinge, your stomach fulfilled more than ever.
>"Remind me to eat more cooked meat in the future~."
>"Sure, as long you don't go as far you did today. Our bits are limited, after all." He smiles.
>You wonder if all this food will go down your 'flank', as ponies called it, as usual.
>Food always seemed to be going there as you began to mature back then and never really stopped,
>You thoughts are cutoff as you see something you've always been curious about pony culture.
>"Are those clothes?!"
>You close in and see window displaying a set of strange white pony shapes having what you believe to be 'clothes'.
>"T-Those aren't really clothes. They're... lingerie. Ponies wear them for...reasons." Vinge said with his strangely red face.
>"But ponies put them on and walk around with it, don't they?"
>"Y-Yes, bu-"
>"I am going to get one!" You say as you immediately rush inside.
>You soon find a mare worker inside and ask about the red clothes shown in the window.
>The mare seems to stutter at the sight of you and your sudden question about the red clothes displayed, but quickly attempts to regain what composure she can before pointing and saying that the biggest red panties they contained were at a certain section, along with instructions on how to reach the 'changing room' to try them out for free.
>You quickly rush to find a stack of them, seeing multiple ones containing numbers or the letter x.
>You easily deduce that these are used to determine size according to the order.
>Knowing your 'flank's' size, you grab the biggest 'panties' you could find, as signified the multiple letters of x.
>Vinge quickly catches up, seemingly almost out of breath.
>"Mako, put that down! You don't need it!"
>"Why? The nice mare said they had a room to put them on for free just over there!"
>"I found them already, so let's hurry up and go together into the 'changing room' so I can put them on!"
>Vinge seems to freeze, his face lighting up like a redfish, as he looks around strangely, almost as if he's looking for something or someone.
>"T-Together? We can't..."
>"Why not? That's what the changing room is for, isn't it? A second opinion on how it looks on me wouldn't hurt either!"
>Vinge face twists as if conflicted.
>The silence is deafening, especially with the lack of ponies around.
>"...O-Okay." He finally says.
>The room is more cramped than you thought it would be, despite the mirror and seat it contains, but you pay it little mind as you wait for Vinge to enter.
>He seemed much more subdued, something you've seen in the past, but you figure it's because his mind is concerned with both your 'budget' again as he's frequently bought up in the past when you asked.
>He slowly approaches and uses the seat, face mysteriously red as ever.
>"You sure you aren't ill? Your face is red again."
>"I-I'm fine."
>Trusting his word, your eyes turn to the panties and the mirror.
>You spend some time awkwardly finangingly with the panties, seeing as you never worn clothes before, but you soon understand that the holes signify where your two hindlegs should go.
>You soon put the panties down in a way for your hindlegs to enter. When you finally do, you stand on your hindlegs and use your other hooves to grab the panties and pull them up so you can match the white pony shape you saw at the front.
>However, instead of the ease of putting them on you expected, you soon come upon a problem.
>The panties were too small.
>You wearen't going to give up too easily though, as you knew that there was no bigger size at the store, and you didn't want to miss the chance to try on pony clothes, so you continue to struggle.
>You grunt and rapidly move your body to squeeze into them as hard as you can despite the resistance.
>Your 'flank' refusing to given any space for the panties to fit, even as you attempt to contort it to the desired smaller size.
>You notice through the mirror that Vinge had an unreadable expression with his hindlegs closed, something very common in the male population on land, and seems as though as it is a common reflex when they're uncomfortable.
>'Vinge must be uncomfortable from being forced to wait for me.'
>Thinking of a way to hurry the process, you soon have an idea as you set your hooves down.
>"Vinge, sorry to ask, but could you maybe help me out?" You turn to face him once more, panties still struggling to fit.
>"...W-What?! I can't do that!"
>"Why not? I know it's taking a while, but we can probably speed it up if you helped! Besides, I'm just asking for you to help put on clothes!"
>Again, there's an unreadable expression, with a silence dragging out longer than the last one. So much so that you begin to wonder if you did something wrong before he speaks.
>"...Okay. Turn around, and I'll... do it."
>Feeling relieved that everything was okay, you immediately turn around in position for him to help you.
>As he approaches, you think you see something red in the mirror, but you ignore it as you anticipate Vinge's help.
>He raises his claws and grasps your rump and panties, albeit hesitantly.
>Like you, he attempt to raise them but struggles in the process. However, you notice him begin strangely rub his claws around your rump, almost akin to the masseuse earlier.
>Unlike him though, he also occasionally gives the occasionally squeeze before continuing to pull your panties.
>The sensations weren't unwelcome, in fact it felt good, but you wondered why Vinge didn't comment when you were putting on clothes wrong just a moment ago if this was how it was done.
>Slowly, his claws start becoming more firm and confident as he also continues to speed up.
>However, it soon comes to an end though as Vinge is quiet as ever.
>"...Sorry, it's just not going to fit, Mako."
>Sensing that you wasted both your time, you frown sadly.
>"Sorry Vinge... didn't mean to cause such a problem by dragging you to this. Should've known they wouldn't have fit." You say as you look at his face in the mirror.
>His face goes through a range of emotions before settling on a comforting smile.
>"It's okay. We'll eventually find something that fits you in another town. I'm sure of it."
>Feeling relieved that you didn't make your friend unhappy your immediately brigthens.
>"Thanks for being patient! I'm going to put these back, and we can go somewhere you want next, okay?"
>"Sure, just... please give me a minute alone in here, and go wait outside the store. I need time to think on something." He says as he turns around.
>Not the first time he's needed time to think, so you happily take off the unsuitable panties and exit the changing room and do what you need to do.
>You swear you hear 'death of me' as you reach the stores' exit, but you pay it no mind.
>You're sure your friend will be alright!

Went a little overboard, as you can tell, but don't really regret the long green. Seeing as we'll be playing in her perspective if we ever get to play her, I decided to use her perspective to better match how it'll be for us play. Also wanted to do a bit more slice of life with the first post and to show 'Vinge's' more calm side when he's not put in a difficult place, since I doubt we're going to be in constant lewd scenarios. I'm sure we'll quickly get tired of lewd if every situation consists of it, after all. Wanted the lingerie section to be half the green, but you can see how quickly I got carried away with three posts consisting of it. Likely done with greens of 'Mako' for now.
Your cheeks burn hotter, becoming a bright crimson at the idea of going so far in a place like this, more than one of your older dreams flashing through your mind. You gasp slightly as you wink and out clit is suddenly dipped into the heated water. After composing yourself you whisper, purring loud as ever as your thighs press against hers harder, your rear subtly pushing against her hoof.
"...F-Fuck, I'm not-... wasn't, even feeling all that needy, but I'm feeling very affectionate, so that offer is tempting... Might have to keep those Griffon massage lessons as a secret, if you want me getting anything done where the herd is involved," You say, "I'd... I'd be more worried about being able to be quiet."
You chitter to yourself with nervous excitement, the mental image of clawing off or eating out Nocturne underwater more appealing than it should be.
"Uh... I t-think we could be quick, do you really think we could get away with... not saving this for later?"
Your tail slides over and curls around her hind leg, sliding further underneath to snake between her teats. Nocturne gives you a small smile as her hoof comes up to cup your cheek.
"I think we can, but only if you want to of course. Still..."
Her other hoof removes itself from your rump and slides down your tail until she reaches the tip, taking it in her grip and giving it a slight tug.
"Could be fun though~."

What do you do?
>"You, are expensive... Might have to start putting you into eating competitions for more bits."
I quite like Vinge, the incidentally grumpy (possibly DILFy) Griffon, and accidental Sugar Daddy. Barely awake right now.
Thought: blushing is strange to shorkpone, because shorkpones can't blush. Consequently, cupping warm cheeks and getting in peoples faces has becoming a habit.

And Night, Pluto! Want to post but out of sorts and fading fast.
Our thighs spread apart slightly as we let out a gasp, out tail wiggling at the tug. Looking to her shivering with lust we place a claw on her ass and slip it under her tail, bringing two talons over the bat's slit.
S-succubus, you're no batpony you're just a succubus in disguise.
We press our talons inside her then curl them around inside her canal, trying to be quick we start flicking our wrist back and forth drilling our digits into her.
Y-you need to promise to make sure I'm not too loud during out f-fun~
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Relaxing as she holds our cheek and her light touch wanders over our tail, we lose ourself in her eyes... consequently, the light tug sparks a more visceral reaction: tensing and pressing our small teats against her back, we have to quickly lock our beak with her lips to muffle a surprised mewl that slips free. Our pupils dilate, though we remain very much focused on the mare in front of us.
Excited, our tail hugs her body just as tightly as we do, running between her flanks and curling along the edge of her marehood, tugging at her hoof though clearly not because it's trying to escape her grasp.

The succubus line is really appealing for some reason.
Relaxing as she holds your cheek and her light touch wanders over your tail, you lose yourself in her eyes... consequently, the light tug sparks a more visceral reaction from you: tensing and pressing your small teats against her back, you have to quickly lock your beak with her lips to muffle a surprised mewl. Once you calm down you separate from her, shivering with lust as you place a claw on her ass and slip it under her tail, bringing two talons over the bat's slit which winks at the touch.
"S-Succubus, you're no Batpony, you're just a succubus in disguise!"
"I seem to get that a lot~." She purrs at you with a smile.
You press your talons inside of her and then curl them around her canal, her hind legs stretching in response as you start to flick your wrist back and forth drilling your digits into her.
"Y-You need to promise to make sure I'm not too loud during our f-fun~."
"I promise," She nods, "I have a few ways to do it already~."
Your tail starts to hug her body tightly, running between her flanks and curling around the edge of her marehood, tugging at her hoof though clearly not because it's trying to escape her grasp. Feeling your tugging, Nocturne smirks and gives your tail a much harder tug, leaning up to kiss you just a second before she does this.

What do you do?
Somhow we're taken by surprise again, more so because her sudden kiss distracts us. Shivering and slowing our claw, we squeeze our eyes shut as a delightful trill is 'lost' in Nocty's lips, wings lifting briefly from the water to give a stilted flap in our excitement. It doesn't help that our own clit has to bump into and brush past our tail each time we wink, drooling hen lube onto Nocturne's flanks. Our tail flicks excitement in Nocturne's grasp. We gasp
"Can see why, you t-tease."

Wish I had more time to sort out my post, but something sprung up so I might miss the next one as well
We gasp hard into her muzzle, her tug causing our clit to flutter out into the hot water. Unfurling our wings a little we reach out and brush our feathers over her leathery wings.
You're taken by surprise again, more so because of her sudden kiss. You gasp hard into her muzzle, her tug causing your clit to flutter out into the hot water. Shivering and slowing your claw, you squeeze your eyes shut as a delightful trill is 'lost' in Nocturne's lips, your wings briefly lifting from the water to give a stilted flap before you reach out with them to brush your feathers over her leathery wings. Separating from her, you gasp out.
"Can see why, you t-tease."
"I try my best," She smiles, "Now, how to return the favor~..."
You watch her eyes move up and down your body in thought, eventually reaching out with her other hoof to press it against your lower lips.

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
A shiver runs up and down our spine concurrently, tingling south along our tail at the same time as it makes our feathers fluff up in a wave set to mark the crash of sensation upon our mind.
We end up poking our tongue out of our beak slightly as we let out a shallow heated huff.
I-I can think of a few w-ways...
With a claw we brush it over our upper half and our wings, pressing our digits on our other claw deeper into her at the same time to not keep her waiting. After a few moments we find what we're looking for, a feather of the right size loose enough to be extracted.
Pulling it out with a small grunt we pass it over to our other claw after drawing out our talons.
What d-do you think of this~?
We drag the tip of the feather gently over her folds, finishing with dancing it in a circle over her clitoral hood.
Even just seeing her eyes move over our body makes us feel hot, leaving our puffy egghole hot and aching when her hoof cups it, a hiss of air turning into a sigh as our barely parted beak falls open. If seeing our contented expression or hearing our soft chirps and purring wasn't enough, our subtly rolling hips drag our teats and hardened nipples along her back, with our clenching paws pressed against her hindlegs/thighs.
Though still rather taut in Nocturne's grasp, our tail brushes and rubs against both hooves where it can, encouraging her to toy with us as our claws keep skillfully pumping away at her cunny, being careful with our talons.
Even just seeing her eyes move over your body makes you feel hot, leaving your puffy egghole hot and aching when her hoof cups it. A shiver runs up and down your spine concurrently, tingling south along your tail at the same time as it makes your feathers fluff up in a wave to mark the crash of sensation upon your mind. If seeing your contented expression or hearing your soft chirps and purring wasn't enough, your subtly rolling hips drag your teats and hardened nipples along her back.
You poke your tongue out of your beak as you let out a shallow, heated huff.
"I-I can think of a few w-ways..."
With a claw you brush it over your upper half and wings, pressing your digits on your other claw deeper into her at the same time to not keep her waiting. After a few moments you find what you're looking for, a feather of the right size loose enough to be extracted without issue. Pulling it out with a small grunt, you pass it over to your other claw after drawing out your talons.
"What d-do you think of this~?"
You drag the tip of the feather gently over her folds, finishing with dancing it in a circle over her clitoral hood. You feel her hind legs clench and her walls clench around your talons, her tail wagging as she takes in a breath.
"I-It feels lovely," She breathes, "Keep g-going~."
Getting move around a bit by Nocturne's wagging tail, it does it's best to brush and rub against her hooves, encouraging her to toy with you as your claw continues to pump away at her. Feeling it, Nocturne presses her hoof against you once more, pressing her hoof tip into your folds and rubbing back and forth inside of you.

What do you do?
Her tail wagging makes us smile, though we gently clamp our beak down on one of her ears the moment her hoof tip parts are lips: our button greets her vigorously, bumping and grinding against the soft part of her hoof. This leaves us quaking and groaning softly atop the thestral, the lead up of past hour leaving us sensitive to the touch, so much so that our tail tugs free of her grasp to coil around her other hoof and stroke it affectionately.
Licking Nocty's ear and puffing through our nares, we manage to form enough thought behind our slightly crossed eyes to switch things up a little: still gripping a feather in one claw, we continue to tease her clit and soak it in her juices, running its bristeled edges against the sensitive bud occasionally. Up above, two talons hold her marehood spread open as another two pump in and out, our thump maneuvering around to press and poke at her (dark pink?) pucker.
Picturing the sight of our rear stacked on top of Nocturne's, the first thing that someone might see if they walk in, has us blushing and pressing back against her hoof a little harder.
At her word we continue to tease her folds with our feather, speeding it's pace over her lips before slowing it right down again while in contact with her clit. Brushing grazing and tracing over her nethers, we pause for a moment with the fluffy tip against her love button pinching the end of our feather between our digits and then we roll it back and forth between them causing the plucked feather to spin in a flurry over her pleasure point.
Twisting back and forth with each roll of our talons.

Just thought of something entirely unrelated. Should we scan Darwin for tracking devices?

what would you guys call the most significant
Sorry for disappearing, had DnD yesterday and it went until two in the morning.

Her tail wagging makes you smile, though you gently clamp your beak down on one of her ears the moment her hoof tip parts your lips: your button greets her vigorously, bumping and grinding against the frog of her hoof. Leaving you quaking and groaning softly atop the Thestral, the lead up of the past hour making you sensitive to the touch, so much so that your tail tugs itself free of her grasp to coil around her other hoof and stroke it affectionately.
Licking Nocty's ear and puffing through your nares, you manage to form enough thought behind your slightly crossed eyes to switch things up a bit: still gripping a feather in one claw, you continue to tease her clit and soak it in her juices, running it's bristled edges against the sensitive bud occasionally. Brushing, grazing, and tracing over her nethers, you pause for a moment with the fluffy tip against her love button pinching the end of your feather between your digits and then rolling it back and forth between them, your thumb maneuvering around to press and poke at her dark pink pucker.
She lets out a hum and you feel her hind legs kick a bit underneath you, enjoying the sensation that your feather was bringing. In response, she gives you walls a quick rub back and forth before moving into a slower rhythm inside of you.

What do you do?
We have to release Nocturne's ear at the end of a soft groan in order to not accidentally give her a piercing, a little drool leaving our beak as we pant into her ear. As her hoof sinks a little deeper into us and spreads our lips, our walls clench down on it eagerly. Our tail mirrors this action, gripping and caressing her hoof harder and fighting itself a bit not to simply flag and wave.
Shifting on Nocturne's back, we bring our head to the other side of her's, purring and nuzzling. Pulling back only as much as we need to, we watch her expression closely as we sink our thumb into her tight booty hole and match her slow rhythm, some part of us making a note to ask for tips on that. At the same time, we subtly draw the feather away from her loins, raising our claw high with our feather still in our grasp, and bringing it down on her flank with a distinctive clap, massaging the point of impact for a moment.
We whisper to her, purring as we practically fellate every syllable, our feather briefly dancing in front of our faces and across our nares before quickly returning to teasing her pink pony pussy.

Feel like I checked moment before you posted, then got busy with stuff for an hour. And all good, D&D takes a while to play.
Feel like if Nocturne is a succubus, we would be an imp

I don't think it'll be necessary: he should be aware of any foreign bodies in him, and anything advanced enough to hide from him would be advanced enough to avoid conventional detection. That, and we've not been tracked down so far.
You have to release Nocturne's ear at the end of a soft groan in order to not accidentally give her a piercing with your beak, a little drool leaving your beak as you pant into her ear. While her hoof sinks a little deeper into you and spreads your lips, your walls clench down on it eagerly. Your tail does it best to mirror this action, gripping and caressing her hoof harder and fighting itself to not simply flag and wave in the air.
Shifting around on Nocturne's back, you bring your head to the other side of hers, purring and nuzzle her cheek. Pulling back slightly, you watch her eyes close and a smile appear as you sink your thumb into her tight booty hole and match her slow rhythm, some part of you making a note to ask for tips on that later. At the same time, you subtly draw the feather away from her loins, raising your claw high with your feather still in your grasp, and bringing it down on her flank with a distinctive clap, massing the point of impact for a moment after her flesh ripples for a moment.
You then whisper to her, purring as you practically fellate every syllable, your feather briefly dancing in front of your faces and across your nares before returning to teasing her pink pony pussy.
Nocturne just smiles at this and brings you into a kiss, and as soon as she does so-
You feel her hoof smack your rump in return. Her other hoof then speeds up inside of you as she tries to back her flanks into your claws and feathers to get you to do the same.

What do you do?
A chirp rings out into her maw and our crest puffs up and out all on display tickling against Nocturne's back.
At her insistence we cut the teasing and push in, lining up our claw we support the feather with two digits along its spine then we slip into her slick folds. The fronds of the feather tickle against her inner walls spreading out as we press our claw into her then folding closed as we draw it our, almost acting as inverse barbs from a Cock's pride.
We press the flaring feather deeper into her and dive into the kiss our breathes coming harder and faster as we start to feel that familiar tensing in our core.
Our tail immediately releases her hoof to go ramrod straight, like an exclamation mark to our muffled cry. A cry we barely register as our flank aches so good under Nocturne's hoof, winking in rapid succession just in time for her to speed things up, our climax suddenly much closer. Through all this, we realize that Nocty can't be as close: between the tail tugging and our reactions to the massage and her presence, she's probably as cool as a cucumber. Using our power, we make a bubble just big enough to encase Nocturne for a moment.
Wasting no time at all, we trill and nearly collapse onto our marefriend's back as we disentangle ourself from her. Twisting around on top of her, we grab two clawfuls of her flanks and squeeze for leverage, sliding forward and tilting our head down to get a view many a stallion probably fantasized about. And quite frankly, we absolutely get it, except we're not just fantasizing~.
'... Winter lived in the same house as this, and never jacked off? Have to ask Nocty if she ever heard Nickle beating it to her. If I had a little Switcheroo on me, I'd be tempt to jack off myself.'
Shaking away the lightheadedness and unbearably horny thoughts of our herd, we coil our tail around our lover's muzzle, ignore the aching egghole attempting a coup for control of our claws, and unfreeze Nocty. Turning our head just enough to meet her gaze, we grin, pop the feather in our beak, and promptly bury our face up to our nares in her plump plot.

Seconding! Bit of a different direction, but fun stuff
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Fat ass zebra to the point stripes distort sounds hot and very much a stranger in stranger lands character suitable for a CYOA also not being a carnivore again
Your tail immediately releases her hoof to go ramrod straight, like an exclamation point to your muffled cry. A cry you barely register as your flank aches so good under Nocturne's hoof, winking in rapid succession just in time for her to speed things up, your climax suddenly much closer. Through all this, you realize that Nocturne can't be as close: between the tail tugging and your reactions to the massage and her presence, she's probably as cool as a cucumber. You cut the teasing at this point and push in, lining up your claw you support the feather with two digits along it's spine to then slip it into her slick folds. The fronds of the feather tickling against her inner walls and spreading out as you press your claw into her, almost acting as inverse barbs from a Cock's pride.
You press the flaring feather deeper into her, having an effect on her as she twitches and moans into the kiss, one of her legs coming up and then stomping back down underneath the water. Then getting an idea, you make a bubble just big enough to encase Nocturne in.
Wasting zero time, you trill and nearly collapse onto your marefriend's back as you disentangle yourself from her. Twisting around on top of her, you grab two clawfuls of her flanks and squeeze them for leverage, sliding forward and tilting your head down to get a view many a stallion likely fantasized about. To be honest, you completely get it, except you're not fantasizing it~.
'Winter lived in the same house as this, and never jacked off? Have to ask Nocty if she ever heard Nickle beating it to her. If I had a little Switcheroo on me, I'd be tempted to jack off myself.'
Shaking away the lightheadedness and unbearably horny thoughts of your herd in your head, you coil your tail around your lover's muzzle, ignore the ache in your egghole attempting a coup for control of your claws, and unfreeze Nocturne. Her hooves flail around for a moment as she looks around in surprise and then realization, gazing back at you with your tail wrapped firmly around her muzzle. Turning your head to meet her gaze, you give her a grin, pop the feather in your beak, and then bury your face up to your nares into her plump plot.
You hear her moan, the sound vibrating up your tail as your vision is overtaken by her pink rump, trying to press it back into you once more to get some pleasure from you.

What do you do?
Chuckling past our own lustful rumbling pur, we brush the stem of our feather with our tongue, grinning as it grazes around inside her tunnel. Playfully drumming our talons on her ass for a moment, we quickly squeeze them and begin pumping our head back and forth, dragging the scintillating(?) feather 'barbs' across every inch of her pink walls that we can reach, chirping joyously with every new reaction we get.
The lewd, and loud, clap of our face against her cheeks, the feminine aroma filling our nares, and the soft cries of our herdmate lull under into an almost zen-like state, with our eyes narrowed, groping her rear as our beak spreads her beautiful lips over and over.
Around front, our tail uncoils just a little, 'staring' at the horny bat in our grasp for a moment before gently pressing against her lips.

Fuck, got distracted with a thing while I was typing, and now I'm out of time
More than happy to give her what she needs our head heating up not just from our blush but also from surround by her plot as we press our advantage, swirling our tongue around the helpless mares tunnel hungrily eating her out.
'A month or so ago I never would have even dreamed of doing something like this. I think Nocty is a bad influence on me... And I love it~'
We pull back to take a couple hot and heavy breaths, our warm gasps wash over her nethers. Taking sight of her pretty pink pucker our eyes linger for a few seconds contemplating it, lifting our left wing forwards we press the tip of the outer wing joint against her ring of muscles. Rubbing in small circles over it the tiny feathers graze her ponut.

Chuckling past your own lustful rumbling purr, you brush the stem of your feather with your tongue, grinning as it grazes around inside her tunnel, swirling your tongue past the feather to press it against her walls.
'A month or so ago I never would have even dreamed of doing something like this. I think Nocty is a bad influence on me... And I love it~.'
You pull back to take a couple hot and heavy breaths, your warm gasps washing over her nethers. You then go back to pumping your head back and forth, dragging the feather 'barbs' across every inch of her pink walls that you can reach, chirping joyously with every new reaction and sound you get.
The lewd, and loud, claps of your face against her cheeks, the feminine aroma filling your nares, and the soft cries of your headmate lull you into an almost zen-like state, your eyes narrowed as you grope her rear and your beak spreads her beautiful lips over and over. You lift your left wing forward and press the tip of the outer wing joint against her ring of muscles, rubbing it in small circles over it.
Around the front, while Nocturne tries to return the favor but is only able to rub her face against your body in return, your tail uncoils just a little to 'stare' at the horny bat in your grasp before pressing itself against her lips. Nocturne blinks at this before giving it a slight kiss in return, eventually parting her lips just slightly for it, her whole body twitching from her ears to her lower lips, more juices spilling out from it as she starts to get close.

What do you do?
Our tail delves past her lips and onto her tongue tangling with it as it enjoys it's exploration. It wiggles inside her maw back and forth accidentally nicking itself on one of the mares fangs, the shock leaves us gasping into her folds before we continue licking.
Our tail runs it's tip over the points of her fangs feeling them over for a moment each little poke making us gasp or jump as it teases the sharp teeth.
More enraptured by our partners behind then whatever our tail was getting up to we taste Nocty's quivering walls.
'I wonder how many stallions have already jacked off to her magazines... Probably not just stallions.'
We pull back a little from her several strands of her excitement spanning the gap between our beak and her marehood.
Nearly there~?
Squeezing her rump our claws press into her plump posterior we move our wing and dig into her pucker with our beak, pressing our slick beak against her back door we use her own lube to slide ourselves right up to our nares in her back door.
Lowering both our wings we turn them instead to her teats massaging them for a few moments before we manage to catch her nipples in the crook of our wing, pinching them we then give them a tug. The feathers and water makes it easy for her slippery nipples to escape our grasp but each time we just go in to tug on them again.
Our tail presses against the back of her throat, pumping in and out of her muzzle l Nickle would use our beak.
Want to write, but I blinked and twenty minutes passed (hyperbole, to be clear), so I've really gotta pass out.
Night, Pluto! Night, Anon!
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Your tail dives past her lips and onto her tongue, tangling with it as it enjoys it's exploration. It wiggles inside her maw back and forth where it accidentally nicks itself on one of her fangs, the shock leaving you gasping into her folds before you continue to lick away. Your tail runs it's tip over the points of her fangs, feeling them over for a moment as each little poke makes you gasp or jump with each flex and suck from her maw. Though you are more enraptured by your partner's behind then whatever your tail was getting up to.
'I wonder how many stallions have already jacked off to her magazines... Probably not just stallions.'
You pull back from her, several strands of her excitement spanning the gap between your beak and her marehood.
"Nearly there~?"
With her mouth filled with your tail all she could do is look back at you and nod rapidly, her own tail swishing back and forth over you. Squeezing her rump, your claws press into her plump posterior as you move your wing and dig into her pucker with your beak, pressing your slick beak against her back door using her own lube to slide yourself right up to your nares in her backdoor.
Lowering your wings you turn them to instead massage her teats before you catch her nipples in the crook of your wing, pinching them and then giving them a slight tug. The feathers and water make it easy for her slipper nipples to escape your grasp but each time you just go in to tug on them again. Meanwhile, your tail presses against the back of her throat, pumping in and out of her muzzle like Nickle would with your beak. Nocturne's body begins to quake and twitch, her wings fidgeting against her sides until-
They suddenly shoot out with a muffled cry. Her lips press down hard on your tail and her whole body quakes, her juices shooting out of her lower lips and into the water below.

What do you do?
We chuckle, the sight and feeling of Nocturne climaxing underneath us truly something to behold, watching her folds leak mare juice into the Onsen's water with a massive grin on our beak. Her lips on our tail are quite nice too, drawing our attention back to our own yearning hole slowly making a mess of Nocturne's back.
Pulling our beak free with a gasp, we try to distract ourself for a moment by tenderly licking at the edge of our herdmate's lips in her afterglow, forgetting entirely about where we are or being quick as we slowly grind our teats against her back for a little stimulation, purring in spite of our need. So engrossed are we with just appreciating this side of our lover, even giving her rump a little nip, that something spreading our lips and quickly poking our cervix cause us to lose our grasp on Nocty and fall into the water with a startled "Hoot!" Quaking slightly as we lean against the mare for support, it takes only a moment to realize our tail is working hard to push us over the edge as well.
Dragging our claws over her flanks leaving furrows in her fur we cup them under her pussy to catch a little of her honey. Our tongue swirls around the inside of her pucker for the duration of her climax, pulling back when she is done we lift our head slightly then rest it atop her soft flanks. In a rumbling voice we pipe up.
I could worship this all day~
Our tail slips into her throat as we let out a sigh and snuggle into her cheeks, its length pumps down and fulls her throat making it bulge outwards slightly.
Lifting ourselves almost unwillingly from her booty we use our wings to balance as we mount her, our spotted cooch grinding against her spine along the back of her neck and upper back. We lower our claws and hold them in front of her busy muzzle showing the shimmering pool of fluids coating them.
Want a taste~? I promise you, it's delicious~
We grind up against her neck our smaller teats pressing against her neck in tandem with our hot needy pussy.
Want to end things here~? If I don't cum now, when we get home I am going to take that gender swap potion and you'll help me with that instead~
You chuckle, the sight and feeling of Nocturne climaxing underneath you truly something to behold, watching her folds leak mare juice into the Onsen's water with a massive grin. Her lips on your tail are quite nice too, drawing your attention back to your own yearning hole as you make a mess of Nocturne's back. You ignore it for now and swirl your tongue inside of her pucker for the duration of it, pulling back when she is done where you lift your head up and rest it atop her soft flanks. In a then rumbling voice you pipe up.
"I could worship this all day~."
Your tail slips into her throat as you let out a sigh and snuggle into her cheeks, the Thestral unable to do much in her afterglow besides look over at you with love in her eyes, it's length pumps down and fills her throat making it bulge outward slightly in an action that she takes with ease.
Lifting yourself almost unwillingly from her booty you use your wings to balance as you mount her, your spotted cooch grinding against her spine along the back of neck and upper back, the mare arching her back to try to help out. You lower your claws and hold them in front of her busy muzzle showing the shimmering pool of fluids coating them to her.
"Want a taste~? I promise you, it's delicious~."
She gives you a nod. At this you remove your tail from her throat and replace it with your claws that she sucks on with a hum.
"Want to end things here~? If I don't cum now, when we get home I am going to take that gender swap potion and you'll help me with that instead~."
Before she could respond something spreads your lips open and quickly pokes at your cervix making you lose your grip on Nocturne and fall into the water with a startled "Hoot!" Quaking slightly as you lean against the mare for support, it only takes you a moment to realize your tail is working hard to try to push you over the edge. However, Nocturne is quick to grab your tail and prevent it from thrusting. She gives you a smile and a tired chuckle.
"I was going to say that I would be fine with it ending here and taking you up on your offer," She smiles, "Your tail might have other ideas though~. Do you want me to try to pull it out?"

What do you do?
With a moment of consideration and a little shuffle, we nod our head.
"Think I'm gonna need a cold shower."
A faint hiss slips past our beak as our tail is pulled free with no struggle under Nocturne's careful hoof, turning our head to give it a brief and small pout at how it simply goes back to flagging, as if it wouldn't have given us some trouble had we tried the same. Our pout doesn't last long though, turning into a smile when we simply look at Nocty, nuzzling her neck... and smearing some of the various fluids on our facial feather on her in the process.
M-my tail has never had a lot of patience I g-guess... Kinda would have thought with how much it likes rubbing cocks it'd love having such close access to one though. Y-yeah pull it out.
We tense up as our tail wiggles and squirms inside our walls as one last stand and attempt before it can be removed.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
With a moment of consideration and a slight shuffle, you nod your head.
"M-My tail has never had a lot of patient I g-guess... kinda would have thought with how much it likes rubbing cocks it'd love having such close access to one though. Y-Yeah, pull it out."
You tense up as your tail wiggles and squirms inside your walls as one last stand and attempt, which turns into a faint hiss as it's pulled free, turning your head to give it a brief and small pout at how it simply goes back to flagging in the air, as if it wouldn't have given you some trouble had you done the same. Your pout doesn't last too long though, turning into a smile when you simply look at Nocturne, nuzzle her neck... and smearing some of the various fluids on your facial feathers on her in the process. Nocturne smiles back and nuzzles you in return.
"Might have to clean you up a bit before they come back," Nocturne comments, "Shouldn't take very long though."
She then pulls back a little.
"Did you have fun?"

What do you do?
Yeah... Doing this in somewhere that we could be walked in on, was rather exciting. Probably shouldn't make a habit of it even if it is fun.
Grinning at her and still purring a little, we inch closer to kiss her, but stop after remembering what we were just doing.
"I don't think we should make a habit of doing things in public places, but if the opportunity came up again, I'd take it every time. Thinking you might've been a 'bad' influence on me in the best way possible: you've gotten me to open up about stuff, and I wouldn't be in this herd without you."
Grinning at her and still purring, you inch closer to kiss her, but stop after remembering what you're doing and where you are.
"Yeah... Doing this somewhere that we could be walked in on, was rather exciting," You admit, "I don't think we should make a habit of doing things in public places, but if the opportunity came up again, I'd take it every time."
"Glad you liked it," She smiles, "It won't be, trust me, but it's still something that's fun to do."
"Thinking you might've been a 'bad' influence on me in the best way possible: you've gotten me to open up about stuff, and I wouldn't be in this herd without you."
"That's very sweet of you," She tells you, "And I wouldn't have it any other way, I can't imagine you not being in it with us."
With that, she pulls you into a hug, giving you a quick peck on the cheek.
"I'm glad you are in this herd with me."

What do you do?
Same goes for you... Ha, can you imagine if it'd just stayed with just me and Nickle?
"Mmm... What do you think things will be like when we have foals?"
We ask, not being too serious about it.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!

"Assuming we have foals, anyway."
That's... Certainly a question and a half to bring outa nowhere.
True. Meant to be a general segway into talking about the future, and I can see Gael awkward grasping at the first question to come to mind, but I couldn't/can't think of anything better for the moment.
Really late response, but out of curiosity, what's wrong with being a carnivore?
"Same goes for you... Ha, can you imagine if it'd just stayed with just me and Nickle?"
"That would certainly be interesting," She chuckles, "Everyone expects it to be me and him and then it's you and him."
"...What do you think things will be like when we have foals?" You ask, not being too serious about the question.
"That's uh... hmm. I... haven't really thought of that too much," She admits, "Hopefully a bit more relaxed, maybe we have left the gang stuff behind and are trying to live normally... Heh, I'm just imaging how rambunctious a Earth Pony-Griffon will be."

What do you do?
Heh, maybe a bat pony griffin if we use a couple potions~
We chuckle and then let out a sigh.
Our parents didn't do that, kinda makes me think chances are we'd be raising the next generation to be in the gang too.
We perk up a little, giggling at the thought.
"Dear Luna, I didn't even think about that. They'd be bouncing off the walls as soon as they hatch. Though, if they took after either of their dads, I think they'd be fairly chill, not that a Pegasus-Griffon wouldn't be a hoof full either. But yeah, I suppose I should've asked more about the future in general. All I can picture right now is us here together, a bit older and expecting, being pampered and stuff. Gotta decide if that is something any of us want though."
You perk up a little, giggling at that thought.
"Dear Luna, I didn't even think about that. They'd be bouncing off the walls as soon as they hatch. Though, if they took after either of their dads, I think they'd be fairly chill, not that a Pegasus-Griffon wouldn't be a hooffull either. Heh, maybe a Bat Pony-Griffon if we use a couple potions~."
"Hmm, that's a tempting thought~." She giggles a little.
"Our parents didn't do that, kinda makes me think chances are we'd be raising the next generation to be in the gang too," You say, "But yeah, I suppose I should've asked more about the future in general. All I can picture right now is us here together, a bit older and expecting, being pampered and stuff. Gotta decide if that is something any of us want to be though."
"Yeah," She nods in agreement, "I don't know about you, but I am a bit hesitant about the thought. Don't know if I'm the right material to be a good parent."

What do you do?
Well, that's the first step. At least you're first thought isn't "I'm going to be the princesses gift to foals, the best mom who ever lived!" Some reflection ind introspection is necessary to be at least decent at it.
That said, I don't think I'd be very good either. I am terrible at time management and keeping up with ponies and such... But I think if it came down I could probably make a robot that'd do a half decent job at it.
We chuckle slightly then shake our head.
On a serious note I think you'd make for a good mom. I'd take you as my mom before I would choose myself... That sounded way weirder out loud.
We blush a bit and sink into the water.
If we're careful we probably won't need to worry about that for a while. By the time we do, I'm sure we'll be more mature.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
>Bat Pony-Griffon
Chirogryphs need more love.
"Well, that's the first step. At least your first thought isn't 'I'm going to be the princesses gift to foals, the best mom who ever lived!' Some reflection and introspection is necessary to be at least decent at it," You say, "That said, I don't think I'd be very good either. I am terrible at time management and keeping up with Ponies and such... But I think if it came down to it I could probably make a robot that'd do a half decent job at it."
You chuckle slightly and shake your head.
"On a serious note I think you'd make for a good mom. I'd take you as my mom before I would choose myself... That sounded way weirded out loud."
You blush a bit and sink into the water as Nocturne chuckles a little.
"If we're careful we probably won't need to worry about that for a while. By the time we do, I'm sure we'll be more mature."
"Definitely, trying to do it now won't go well," She agrees, "I wouldn't sell yourself short though, I've seen how great you are with Echo and how much she likes you."
She then looks over at you.
"Do you think you would try to have a foal one day?"

What do you do?
"Knee-jerk reaction? Definitely. At least, I don't picture myself not having one. That said, there should be more thought that goes into it, to determine that I'm actually ready. I might decide that I'm not into the idea as I get older, or u might go a little egg crazy~."

"Besides, with Echo, that's more of a sisterly thing... right?"
Well... I've had thoughts about it, the idea of sitting on a clutch of eggs has popped up in my mind. ... Kinda lucky with how riskily I played my recent heat I'm not already swelling with a couple.
I think... I'd like a chick or two yeah, maybe one from each of you so they aren't an only child?

Seconding, especially the Echo part.
"Well... I've had thoughts about it, the idea of sitting on a clutch of eggs has popped up in my mind... Kinda lucky with how riskily I played my recent heat I'm not already swelling with a couple," You say, "It would probably be a knee-jerk reaction. That said, there should be more thought that goes into it, to determine that I'm actually ready. I might decide that I'm not into the idea as I get older, or I might go a little egg crazy~."
You giggle a little and then continue.
"I think... I'd like a chick or two yeah, maybe one from each of you so they aren't an only child?"
"That would be nice, so they aren't alone and have others to grow up with," Nocturne agrees, "Though there are other foals out there that I'm sure they'll get along with."
"Besides, with Echo, that's more of a sisterly thing... right?"
"I... suppose you could look at it both ways," She says, "The two of you do act like siblings, but you sometimes act like a parent with her as well."

What do you do?
Stopping for the night. Sorry for the very slow updates, so many things to do for finals. The good news is that after the end of next week my classes are done for the semester so things should hopefully pick up again.
Have a good night or day!
We lay there a few moments just thinking about all our interactions we had with Echo feeding and taking her on play dates.
I... Guess. I never really thought about it that way before.
"I, suppose. She's fairly independent, but it's not like I can really leave her on her own entirely. It helps that our little gang has been around to support her and stuff, but we're kinda responsible for her getting shuffled around a lot as well. On the plus side, I know she'll be kicking flank left and right once she gets older, even if she manages to avoid getting wrapped up in all our nonsense."

"... Do you think she's gonna have a rebellious phase or something? I mean, we both had our own little stints, but now I'm wondering what hers might be like."

Morning, Pluto! Looking forward to that,
what a missed opportunity to say that we ate the booty like groceries.
You lay there for a few moments just going over all of the interactions you've had with Echo, like feeding her and taking her on playdates.
"I... guess, I never really thought of it that way before. She's fairly independent, but it's not like I can really leave her on her own entirely. It helps that our little gang has been around to support her and stuff, but we're kinda responsible for her getting shuffled around a lot. On the plus side, I know she'll be kicking flank left and right once she gets older, even if she manages to avoid getting wrapped up in all our nonsense."
"Despite that, it seems like she enjoys hanging out with everyone a lot," Nocturne says, "And I think she already kicks some flank."
"...Do you think she's gonna have a rebellious phase or something," You ask, "I mean, we both had our own little stints, but now I'm wondering what hers might be like."
"Everyone goes through one, just depends on how severe it is," She shrugs, "I don't think it'll be too bad with her, though it's a bit funny to imagine her going through a goth phase, she already has the mane for that."

What do you do?
"True, and considering her eyes, I don't think she'll be overlooking a chance to do something goth chic with those, one way or another. We've got a lot of dyes she'd be able to use as well... Oh, we have an excuse to dress up and celebrate Nightmare Night this year!"
If it's a goth phase that's fine, really that'd be pretty cute. If it was another phase like getting into fights I'd be more worried, with how strong she is she could really hurt someone
"If it's a goth phase that's fine, really that'd be pretty cute. And considering her eyes, I don't think she'll be overlooking a chance to do something goth chic with those. We've got a lot of dyes she'd be able to use as well... Oh, we have an excuse to dress up and celebrate Nightmare Night this year!"
After this you shake your head a little and continue.
"If it was another phase like getting into fights I'd be more worried, with how strong she is she could really hurt someone."
"Yeah, don't need her to be breaking bones or something," Nocturne agrees, "Just have to teach her to watch how she uses her strength."
She then smiles a little.
"Seeing her dress up for Nightmare Night is going to be great," She says, "What do you think she would look good in? Dressing her up as a wolf could be fun, but she can do that when she wants. Oh, if she goes with Thunderstruck she could be dressed up as a rock star!"

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
She has been getting into video games lately, I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to be something from there... But on the note of being a wolf, could have her be a werepony, shifting back and forth and saying it's magic.
I think though, a cyberpony would be a good look on her. Could make a headset that covered her eyes with a display of a red laser bouncing back and forth.
"Gotta agree, the rockstar look would be really cool on her. A wolf might be a little on the nose, but it would be nice to let her get out and have some fun without worrying about that stuff. Would need to be certain she won't get overwhelmed though. Could do some sort of cyborg wolfpony too."

Morning, Pluto!
"Gotta agree, the rock star look would be really cool on her. She has been getting into video games lately, I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to be something from there... But on the note of being a wolf, it might be a little on the nose but it would be nice to let her get out and have some fun without worrying about that stuff. Could have her be a werepony, shifting back and forth and saying it's magic," You say, "I think though, a cyberpony would be a good look on her. Could make her a headset that covers her eyes with a display of a red laser bouncing back and forth. Could also do some sort of cyborg wolfpony."
"That would be awesome," Nocturne smiles, "A wolf combined with something from Metroid... She likes those games, right?"
She shakes her head a little and then continues.
"A video game character she likes would be great as well. It is nice that she is getting into stuff like that."

What do you do?
"Should probably discuss all this sort of stuff with her, really. I'm sure she'll have ideas of her own..."
Lifting a claw out of the water, we toy with her mane, straightening it out slowly with our talons as a thought occurs to us.
"I ever mention those Metroid inspired dreams I had about me and Winter? I'm pretty sure I picked up a zero suit because of it, though it didn't technically appear in the dream."
"Should probably discuss all this sort of stuff with her, really. I'm sure she'll have ideas of her own..."
"Yeah, and it's several months away so plenty of time to think about it."
You lift a claw out of the water to toy with her mane, straightening it out slowly with a talon s a random thought occurs to you.
"Did I ever mention those Metroid inspired dreams I had about me and Winter? I'm pretty sure I picked up a zero suit because of it, though it didn't technically appear in the dream."
"No, I don't think you have," She shakes her head, "I would love to hear them if you're fine with telling me. It already sounds interesting and I would love to know what Winter was doing in there."

What do you do?
We giggle, suddenly feeling a little bit embarrassed.
"W-well, I think it was one night after some Smash Bros. Pretty sure it wouldn't qualify as a one to one Metroid dream, buuuuut, I was basically myself as Samus, sneaking around on a ship in full power armor, looking for my runaway husband... Winter, mixed with Ridley, as handsome Dragonpony. I was kinda badass, with how I was basically flipping about all weightlessly in my power armor, and I remember making a comment about dragons and smoking, and well, I put myself in his lap, we flirted to some old timey music, and things kinda kept going form there."
We choose not to mention how the dream ended a bit prematurely, especially since we can't really remember what part of that morning was just in the dream, or something we did with Winter.
"Hm. Now I'm kinda curious whether you, Nickle, or Winter have ever had any dreams like that? Like, crossover stuff. I dreamt I was a robot maid for the herd not too long ago as well. Pretty sure I've had a recurring dream about waiting for you guys in a little cabin by myself, but I find myself reminiscing about each of you separately, usually in different seasons within the dream. I think. I don't know, had it enough times that it's hard to remember if it wasn't just one big dream."

Last dream didn't happen verbatim, but I'm pretty sure we had a winter cabin one, and felt it would be a decent little thing to do while dream sharing.
You giggle, suddenly feeling embarrassed at her questioning.
"W-Well, I think it was one night after some Smash Bros. Pretty sure it wouldn't qualify as a one to one Metroid dream, buuuuuut, I was basically myself as Samus, sneaking around on a ship in full power armor, looking for my runaway husband... Winter, mixed with Ridley, as a handsome Dragonpony. I was kinda badass, with how I was basically flipping about all weightlessly in my power armor, and I remember making a comment about Dragons and smoking, and well, I put myself in his lap, we flirted to some old timey music, and things kinda kept going from there."
You choose not to mention how the dream ended a bit prematurely, especially because you couldn't remember what part of that morning was just in the dream or something you did with Winter.
"Hmm. Now I'm kinda curious whether you, Nickle, or Winter have ever had any dreams like that," You ask, "Like, crossover stuff. I dreamt I was a robot maid for the herd not too long ago as well. Pretty sure I've had a recurring dream about waiting for you guys in a little cabin by myself, but I find myself reminiscing about each of you separately, usually in different seasons within the dream. I think. I don't know, had it enough times that it's hard to remember if it wasn't just one big dream."
"Not sure about Nickle and Winter, but when Nickle was into that mecha anime for a time I watched it with him and had dreams that I was mech suit and he was the pilot. It was a bit weird, but it's still fun to remember," She says, "I'm... not sure where you're getting dreams about cabins from, though they sound like nice dreams. Maybe it's because of how many times we visited the cabin in the Everfree."
She then looks over at you and gives you a little smile.
"And that dream certainly sounds fun. Does Winter know about this dream?"

What do you do?
Uh... I don't t-think so? I don't believe I told him but I can't remember off of the top of my head... Please don't tell him about it?
"Wait, hold on, back up... you were a mech and Nickle was your pilot?"
Our eyes widen, smiling excitedly with an innocent adoration of the concept, the two of them working together to kick giant monster flank, with a romantic sub plot. Of course, us being ourself, we picture what Nocturne and Nickle would look like, or how they might interact, and our face turns just a little bit redder as some of these interactions get a little flirty and filled with innuendo.
"Was it just a one off dream, or was it a couple? Cause if that was an anime, I think I'd watch it. Honestly, I think Nickle would find it really cute if you told him about it."
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
"Wait, hold up, back up... you were a mech and Nickle was your pilot?"
Your eyes widen at this, smiling excitedly with an innocent adoration of the concept, the two of them working together to kick giant monster flank and with a romantic subplot underneath it. Of course, being you, you picture what Nocturne and Nickle would look like, or how they might interact, and your face turns just a bit redder as some of those interactions get a little flirty and filled with innuendos.
"Was it just a one off dream, or was it a couple? Cause if that was an anime, I think I'd watch it," You tell her, "Honestly, I think Nickle would find it really cute if you told him about it."
"I had it for a few nights and then I didn't have them again," She shrugs, "I think he would enjoy hearing about them, though I've kept it to myself until now. What about you? Have you told Winter?"
"Uh...I don't t-think so? I don't believe I told him but I can't remember off of the top of my head... Please don't tell him about it?"
"I won't," She smiles, the smile turning a bit devious, "Or I could tell Nickle about my dream and then you tell Winter your own?"

What do you do?
Our face turning slowly redder as we stare at our marefriend, we wonder to ourself if this might be how Nickle the Mech Pilot would feel, talking with a hoof crafted Thestral beauty several times his weight class. Our tail swishes through the water as we think about it. Nocty not mentioning her dream to Nickle for the novelty alone feels criminal, and we're bound to bring up the concept with Winter at some point anyway...
"... w-what sort of detail we talking? Like, 'these are some fun dreams we talked about, aren't they neat' or would we be selling them on the ideas?"
I m-mean... We could do that. But, why? That'd just be embarrassing?
Your face slowly turns redder as you stare at your marefriend, wondering to yourself if this was how Nickle the Mech Pilot would feel, talking with a hoof crafted Thestral beauty several times his size and weight class. Your tail swishes through the water as you think about it. Nocturne not mentioning her dream to Nickle for the novelty alone feels criminal, and you're bound to bring up the concept with Winter at some point...
"I m-mean... We could do that. But, why? That'd just be embarrassing? And what details are we talking? Like, 'these are some fun dreams we talked about, aren't they neat' or would we be selling them on the idea?"
"I was thinking both," She shrugs, "Both to let them know and to let them think on it a bit."
She then shrugs a little.
"Just a fun idea I had."

What do you do?
Tapping our beak as we think, we eventually respond a bit bashfully.
"... I like it. I've already talked a bit about dreams with you and the guys, so this isn't that new, though it might be a little embarrassing. Okay, next time it's just the four of us, we can do that. I want to see Nickle's reaction, I bet it'll be cute, one way or another."
Dipping our head under the water, we wash our face and beak a bit, sliding in beside Nocturne to lean on her.
Fun and we should bring it up, but we haven't technically got to that point with Gaelbot (afaik, but the subtext is obvious), and not the dream she's suggesting we bring up.
Ah... Fair enough.
It is a fun idea... If kinda embarrassing, I'm a little worried though if i start spouting off all my dreams I'm going to be looked at differently by everyone.
Tapping your beak as you think, you eventually respond to her a bit bashfully.
"It is a fun idea... If kinda embarrassing though I already talked a bit about dreams with you and the guys, so this isn't new. I'm a little worried though if I start spouting off all my dreams I'm going to be looked at differently by everyone."
"Don't have to do all of them, just the Metroid one."
"Okay, next time it's just the four of us, we can do that. I want to see Nickle's reaction, I bet it'll be cute, one way or another."
You then dip your head under the water, washing your face and beak a bit before sliding in besides Nocturne and leaning against her. Nocturne happily reciprocates this, the two of you leaning against each other for a few minutes until you hear the door to the Onsen open.
"Thirty minutes is up," You hear Bay Leaf announce, "It's time for the last few things for your spa treatment."

What do you do?
Uh... Yes. So what's next?
Feeling a little embarrassed we start to get up out of the water.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Having been about to nuzzle Nocty, we freeze when Bay Leaf speaks, but pretend everything is fine. Running our claws through our feathers one last time, we make ourself as presentable as we can, for a dripping wet Griffon. Stepping out of the water with Nocty, we resist the urge to shake it all off. We ask the Kirin the most pressing question on our mind.
"Where do we dry off?"

Morning, Pluto!
Hey, sorry for the lack of posts today but I don't think I'm going to be posting something today. It's been a very busy day for me and I just don't have the energy to write right now.
Anyway, have a good night!
Night, Pluto!
All good, as always, prioritize getting some rest when you can.
Summary on what the fuck happened in thread 1 to 43
A griffiness with the power to stop time faces the world at large and her own neurotic brain and traitorous tail with the help of a team of supers with various powers some more useful then others, heisting a robotic police enforcer robbing a bank spying on secret government/corporate slave trade gang wars with other super powered gangs. Slice of life stuff.
Lewd, like a lot of it. Like, the second half of this Cyoa probably got thrown off the rails by it. The horni is strong with the main character.
There are like… a ton of well made greens of it. Probably should add them to that green collection thing.

Look I’m too tired to give a proper overview. I would recommend sticking around a bit maybe reading anon posts the gist of this Cyoa is trying to be smart and fucking up in a clever way that somehow works out.
Other anon is on point. Can't give a perfect summary, but some major plot points off the top of my head:
Setting is Canterlot, 'Cyberpunk'-lite with superpowers. Class divide and corporations have divided the city into Upper and Lower Canterlot. Celestia was killed by 'Supers' before the setting starts, Luna has an axe to grind with them.
Gael, born to Gabriel (Ice powered Griffon) and Glory Star (Phasing? Powered Pegasus), is a small, nerdy, very horny red feathered Griffon (Great Horned Owl and Leopard) hen with Za Warudo.
Trauma awakens the power, and leads to Gael being introduced to her parents' Super Gang, and her peers/gang-to-be (Winter Wind, gentle giant earth pony archetype with shield powers, leader. Nickle, nerdy pegasus, material absorption. Nocturne, hot best friend party girl archetype, audiophile, sound powers. Worth mentioning: Syal, our oldest friend, a scarf animated by a friend of our parents, can only communicate through Griffon sign language. Oak, childhood best friend, another gentle giant archetype, bonded over robots, hasn't been told Gael is a Super)
Be a good samaritan and break a few innocent Supers out of a Police Station, introducing us to Junk Rat (Unicorn with explosion power, joins gang)
Sexual tension builds, accidentally get wrapped up in the 'will they/won't they' relationship of Nickle and Nocty, herd forms.
Steal prototype autonomous police weapons platform with Super identifying tech.
Introduce Nascha (paralyzed Griffon hen assassin in super suit, was in the original series), get shot in the heart, Winter has self doubt as leader and admits feelings for Gael. Leads to discussion, dating, and eventual inclusion in herd later on. Pov switch reveals Nascha could've killed Gael in the hospital.
Darwin (gruesome shapeshifting stallion bioweapon, oblivious/ignorant but not stupid) gets rescued and roped into the gang.
Echo (blind filly orphan, 'werepony' super) is adopted and becomes little sister.
Rob Bank, get rich. Get jobs to cover income.
Nascha's peer kidnaps Echo, blackmails Gael into being kidnapped and making compact exo skeleton Gael designed, make a friend in her gang, paralysis reveal, Gang vs Gang fight to break Gael out (right after finishing the exo skeleton), Nascha literally pays Gael for the work regardless.
Discover other experiments Darwin knows, scuffle with Corp that wants their property back, still figuring out how to resolve that.
Civil unrest leads to Oak and his dad being hospitalized, their home heavily damaged, we rescue them and are potentially wrapped up in future gang vs gang action.

All in all, a lot of character interaction, some action, and smut.
About to nuzzle Nocturne, you freeze when Bay Leaf calls out, but pretend that everything is fine. Running a claw over your feathers one more time, you make yourself as presentable as you can for a dripping wet Griffon. Getting out of the water with Nocturne, you resist the urge to shake the excess water off, instead asking the Kirin the most pressing question on your mind.
"Where do we dry off?"
Seeing the two of you get out, her horn lights up and it's magic grabs two towels that she was carrying and floats them over. The two of you dry yourselves off pretty quick and once done you look over at Bay Leaf again.
"Uh... So what's next?"
"Just the Akasuri and mane treatment and then you're done," She smiles, "If the two of you want to follow me we can get started on the Akasuri."
The two of you follow her out of the Onsen and an hour later the two of you are standing back out in the lobby feeling refreshed and relaxed, now waiting for the boys who are suppose to be done soon. The remaining stuff was quite nice, the Akasuri turning out to be a full body scrub with a special brush to get rid of dead skin cells which felt nice. The mane treatment was good as well, though you got a feather treatment instead which has resulted in your feathers now being fluffed up and a bit shiny in the light.
It doesn't take too long for the three stallions to get done when the two of you return to the lobby. As the three of them approach you take a moment to look over all three of them: Junkrat had the most drastic change in appearance out of the three, the quality of his coat and mane having improved and just looking better overall. Nickle looked great as well, his mane having been styled slightly during the treatment and the feathers on his wings fluffed out as well. Winter's appearance hasn't changed much, but his coat had been brushed in a way that showed off his muscles a bit more underneath it and his mood has taken a complete turn from looking stressed and worried when he came in to now looking quite relaxed.

What do you do?
We go to start bounding over to them excitedly, until we remember we're in a high end spa. Even still, we let out a soft whistle and approach.
"Looking like this little trip was worth it: you guys look a lot more relaxed and pampered."
We specifically give Junk Rat a little smile and nod to acknowledge his glow up. Seeing Winter properly unwound and cleaned up is wonderful, though Nickle catches our eye. 'Between his wings and his mane, he kinda looks like that Pegasus singer I had a crush on.'
We decide it doesn't matter, Nickle is always cute, having to resist shuffling in place or going over between our stallions and being extra affectionate, though having Nocty nearby helps.

Want to thank Bay Leaf/get the info on those massage lessons, but we could do that in the background, if need be
Huh... Wow, you all look pretty good.
You start to bound over to them excitedly, until you remember that you're in a high end spa and stop a few feet from them. Even still, you let out a soft whistle.
"Huh... Wow, you all look pretty good: you guys look a lot more relaxed and pampered."
As you speak you specifically give Junkrat a little smile and nod in acknowledgement of his glow up. Seeing Winter properly unwound and cleaned up is wonderful, though Nickle catches your eye.
'Between his wings and his mane, he kinda looks like that Pegasus singer I had a crush on.'
It didn't matter, Nickle is always cute. You have to resist the urge to shuffle in place or go between your stallions to be extra affectionate, but you have Nocturne who trots up next to you.
"Looking great everyone," She smiles, "Nickle and Winter, looking great. Junkrat, you look so different though."
"They did a good job," Nickle nods, "The massage was great as well."
"Yeah, they took one look at me and decided I needed some extra stuff." Junkrat comments.
"Because we're not letting you go out looking as dirty as you did," Bay Leaf says as she trots over, "I don't know how you let yourself get that dirty, but you should take better care of yourself!"
"I know, but thanks for the spa treatment, you all did a great job."
"No problem," Bay Leaf nods, "Do any of you want anything else while you're here?"

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
A joke about happy ending pops into our heads as we go to speak and we get a little tongue tied.
I'm pretty happy, I don't think we need another ending.
We shake our head a little blushing.
Uh, I mean I'm pretty happy with everything, I don't know what else we could get at this point I think we've had nearly the full experience. What would you even recommend?
"I think you covered everything I could think of and more. Thank you, Bay Leaf. Though..."
Our talons click on the floor as we blush slightly.
"You mentioned you had some videos?"

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