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35 m
In my room there are panoramic windows but i live on second floor so everyone on the street can see me jerk off if I'm not careful
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bug pit
nah but its pretty bad. i care enough not to want people seeing it, but not enough to clean it.
im 30, live with my parents in the same 10x10 room.
Post it , faggot
literally me, except it's empty cans of Rockstar and bags of Doritos.
Imagine taking all those cans to a recycling station and getting cash
do the young ones even know of cans.wav
>parents allow this
stop trying to make me feel better about myself
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my bedroom, unironically
I can recommend sleeping on the floor
(it's a yoga mat from amazon with a blanket on top)
Do you live in a morgue?
why a morgue?
that's a pretty funny association, but no
>tile floor
>giant curtain
>the tiny passageway that the picture was taken from
>only "furniture" is a yoga mat that is clearly not as long as a person is tall covered in a blanket
Anon, what the fuck is this?
Incredibly based bedroom. Only thing I would add are two pillows.
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>turkish shimmer
>that is clearly not as long as a person is tall covered in a blanket
It's 74 inches which isn't enough in practice, but it's ok if my feet are outside. Couldn't find a longer one.

The corridor is about 1.5m it's not that narrow
Oh, a fellow backrooms pioneer! What's your method of food production? I'm a bit over my head.
Cheap lager, the sure sign of someone with no self-respect.
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why did you photoshop a shotgun there
If they use this board, then yeah, in the mainstream? No.
every object in this photo looks like it was photoshopped in by a different person. treating the tv, and the picture on the tv as two seperate objects of course.
are you a monk or something?
Conceptualize the fragrance
i was about to but its really bad and im embarrassed.
i met you, do you live with you parents?
>Cans.wav intensifies
Do you work at FedEx by chance?
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not sure if it counts because this is just my desk
fucking kek
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Begone Xenos scum
No, I don't see a need for anything else.
Pillows are bloat
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>'met me'
what makes you think they are still alive?
fucking based
eбaть ты ycпeшный
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is defenced
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Do people really keep loaded firearms on or near their desks at all times or is it just for the photo?
I'd be regularly tempted to use it on myself if it were just sitting there.
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My thoughts exactly.
Is the red bucket a piss bucket?
actually looks comfy if its well ventilated, is right by nature, and has cell reception
its a trash can
this is great
>plusies blocking ventilation
I can see now why Putin lives in fear of ponies
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hasnt been turned on in like 3 months, all games are on PC now
because my parents are both in their 60s and my grandparents are in their 80s. you werent that old i dont think. i didnt talk to you but for a moment before you walked away
Here's what I recommend against that.

Stop using porn, it degrade you.
Stop eating potato chips, cake, cookies and other carbs casually, these things should be a sometimes food you take in celebrations.
Start moving, try to walk or run everyday, if you feel distressed a small travel by foot can help you think things over, push ups, sit ups and other things are also good.
Turn off the fucking TV, phone, gaming computer, these things are electrical prisons for your mind, body and soul, only use it sometimes in full consience that it can rob you your time and motivation.
did all of this for a year, came out feeling worse mentally. but hey ho i can bench 260 now so thats kinda cool.
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love your room but what is this thing, I've been looking at it for an hour now and best I can come up with is handmade pc/laptop dock
Could be a small DIY server or maybe crypto miner.
holy shit are you my ex?
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WiP battery powered nas/router thing
>stop doing all the things you like
>start doing all the things you hate
>iT's GoOD fOr YoU
Normies are basically an entirely different species.
>I enjoy being a fat lazy bum
>I hate being creative and active
I dunno. What’s your story, fren?
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this picture has been around for years
(just for anyone who thinks it's an actual room, it's obviously not)
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Couple month old pics. Some of these are pics of my office, and some are pics of my bedroom. 23 male powerlifter and animator, uk.
the Diamond Tiara print made me lose my sides.
Awful. How can you live like this?
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It's organized chaos!
More to life than a pretty house, you should see my finely sculpted pecs
>glimmer ass mousepad
>looks like her ass is completely coated in shit
its rolling weed and smokes it stains like this.
Woah youre cool. Weed is the gayest substance, yet all the scrawny potheads are so eager to show off that they smoke it. Show reddit.
you know its easy to be a pot head and not be disgusting, right?
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It was "To become rich stop buying Starbucks" tier
>nikocado mousepad
I keep my CCW in a pocket so I dont really need to have a PC gun. My actual home defense guns are in my bedroom and in a little hidden nook in the living room. I'm surprised how many /mlp/ anons are also /k/ommandos.
ive got a 1 round loaded revolver i keep in my sock drawer. i play roulette sometimes. other than that, ive got an ar that i shoot off my back porch sometimes that i keep in the living room
Give that kitteh some salmon! Right fucking now!
I'm a shotgun autist so for me it's a 12 gauge in the bedroom, a 410 in the living room (in case my grandma needs to fuck someone up while I am out and not have to worry about dislocating her shoulder from my 12 gauge handloads), and 638 S&W in the pocket that comes with me everywhere I go.
>i play roulette sometimes.
I hope you find a nice mare/stallion in Equestria when you go.
the only shotgun i have is the $99 special breakbarrel from walmart. i forgot the brand but ill check it when i get home. its a 12 guage
nah nigga, im going to hell. im a horrible person and deserve to be forgotten by God.
Don't play roulette anon, that's such a dumb reason to die. If you are going to kill yourself, at least do it in a way that can be enjoyable like heroin or autoerotic asphyxiation.
You should grab a Mavrick 88. They are cheap, come in 12 and 20 gauge, have all the fun of a pump action, and are so much better quality wise than turkshit shotguns.
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Is that ponk
thats dt you swine
bro what the fuck, it would be wet for like one afternoon but just run your mousepad under soap and water and it would look brand new
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i fucking hate smokers
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Shut the fuck up for the European audience please!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
please tell me youre a girl or a petit femboy. because this is super gay
about what?
The only good euros are the Czechs and the Polish. Everyone else are annoying shit eaters! The fins are shit eaters too, but they are cool so they have their own category.
This, look at the folded towels, or the gay shopping bag
Supreme homosexual energy
its more the highly femenine bunkbed and the colors used. its pretty gay. not a bad thing, i want a really clean boyfriend to clean up after me.
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I'm a literally faggot and ptfgfag, plushies btw
>I'm a ptfgfag
do you want to clean up a 6'2" 220 lb mans bedroom and cuddle?
the duality of /mlp/
No need to be dramatic, its just porn and junk food and you can take that money and invest it in a plush insted.

Well good point lol, what I was trying to say was mostly just to cut on the vice a little and try anything you think might help, even if it's just a little bit or not done seriously, maybe if it's introduced softly enough it can become a new habit that'll slightly improve things.

I mean, you can't just not trust yourself not to jump on the first gun you can find an hero yourself and not try anything either right?
have you considered an heroing?
hey, dont say that to my boyfriend!
>datamine thread
what happened
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Even if I want to, I can't do it, I am from China,haven't found any more convincing proof yet.But I took this photo at the dentist’s office two months ago. Do you notice the g% sign behind the glass door, It says smile is our magic
its my ccw, it goes there because it's easy for me to remember where it is. Its accessible should I need it, I'm usually awake during the night and its starting to get bad where I live, used to not need one to be/feel safe
i have never seen and pony stuff out in the wild like that.
well, if youre ever in the states, post something. maybe we can cuddle or something.
Based Chinaman please burn down the G% toys
I only look at pony porn now, and if I didn't what else am i supposed to do to deal with those sort of desires?
What the hell am I supposed to do without using my phone, TV, or PC? Have no social contact whatsoever?
based toddlermaxxer
Yeah I shouldn't have implied you can just cut those things like it's just a mater of turning a switch, it's more of a very slow and painfull process in and of itself.
But it does feel good to end up being able to deal with social circumstances both good and bad and geting a somewhat athletic body is also a plus.
Doesn't hurt your chance to get money either.

Imagination is better then porn, but eventually you realise you're alone and that's where the fact that our society create garbage womens start to hit hard and pony still help.
That a mossy on the wall? Nice!
thats what happened to me. after i quit porn and the internet i looked for a lady but they were all disgusting. all of them willing to cheat on their husbands. all of them wanting me to pretty much beat them up. im fed up with them. theyre all the same. even the ones who are "le different :333". all whores.
well I had one girlfriend, she had bpd and onsessed over me then trooned put and snappef on me, then she went to the ward but idk where she is now. Your room looks pretty similar but i havent seen it in a while. I still miss her.
I see. Definitely not me.
yeah I assumed, but you have a very similar room
Firlin, is that you?
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22 M
Tick tock, mail those gifts now so they get there by Christmas
Not being assigned a santee yet is not a valid excuse
Kek wasn't into plush making enough this last Christmas but I hope to do something this year
File deleted.
Nice room anon, It's always good to care a little bit.

Anyway, 26M, surveyor/engineer. This isn't a good picture of my whole room but it's very recent and doesn't include a picture of me on the wall. This is all under my bed.
Yay, I have the same electric piano.
im upgrading to a different room soon so maybe if there is a thread then
nice room b-
>Sig & Sauer chicken water bottle
SIGGER SPOTTED. GET OUT. honestly worse than the cock-knife
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Lighting isn't the best but here's my room.
Going to redecorate sometime this year, long walls painted teal, wood panel effect wallpaper on bedside wall, and 70's orange wallpaper at the other end and get rid of the tacky canvas. Should make it comfier. Right now it feels comfy at night and cold in daylight.
The teal idea was inspired by Luna.
My desk setup is very Luna orientated.
Purple rug goes well with the Nyx poster.
Pretty sure youre the dude that joined that /vp/ discord that somebody made a thread about here a month ago, I was there too. Thanks for the patterns.
You are either a 12 year old girl or extremely homosexual
Good luck with getting out of China before everything goes to hell over there.
Also what’s mlp content and fandom behind the great firewall like?
post that wip right this goddamn second
Sorry anon, but if y'all don't want me to buy Sig optics you'll have to show me a different company making optics in the US that are as good without costing three times more.

But in all seriousness I have no idea what you mean by chicken water bottle or cock-knife. I'm genuinely curious, so care to enlighten me?
Why do y'all fuckers always reply while I'm actively writing a reply? What a waste of electrons.

Anyway I won't post that because it's a very high effort recolor, not original art, and I don't take pride in that. But it is done, and I have jerked off to it several times. It's really a shame the actual YCH by the artists has the most unattractive horse penis of all time in it.
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Confirmed, the piano and keyboard are the autist's instruments of choice, glad to be one of them
what do you make with that sewing machine
Look like a hiden easter egg on a counterstrike map, fucking kek
There are a LOT of details on these that will give you more info the more you look at them. Check on the desk.
Not much yet
>scale right next to bed
you’re a tranny with an eating disorder arent ya?
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>Start moving, try to walk or run everyday
I walk about 8 miles daily, when does the happy part start?
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autism station
love the trixie on your laptop
la creatura
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she is very good company.
No creature just a blue pony
tixie :)
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Mine's not the tidiest, but there is plenty of pone to go around.
yur on the rob list motherfucker
based twin bed snoozer
and it looks like no one bought the portal lol
didnt someone gift that in the ss?
Hey, I have 13 carrots. How many do you need slave? Don't ever ask for more. It's better to watch
Well being physicaly active and overall trying to improving is always very good, but the best is to find out exactly what's eating you up and then try to take iniciatives that will improve your very own and unique situation, you are the best person to captain yourself to a more sunny place, listen to yourself and try to attain what you need more then what you want.

Like if child you was in the room with adult you and you wanted to protect the little guy and make sure he is well in all ways.
t. Discount 4chan Jordan Peterson
never. the reality is that some people dont get to experience happiness in their lives. welcome to the club.
>t. lost happiness at 10
Eurofag /k/ommandos exist. Depending on the country you just have to jump through some hoops to get cool shit.
Swiss are fine too, no?
The stress I get from this thread. I'm going to go clean my bedroom now.
That's a 2nd portal I'm working on. Trying to refine the design.
I like your room
a lot of these anons are only a year or two older than me but it feels like they have an actual life while I'm wasting mine.
t. 20 year old with no hobbies
I wonder if canadian gun laws are worst then euro.
Geting permits and other certification is a pain in the ass here with no other point then to discourage people from becoming owners.
But at least euros can still get AR, fal and other platforms.
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not as dirty but also not as finished. also I haven't changed my bedsheets in months, 27 guy.
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and here's a cringe shelf out of frame
Ironic that you accuse others of being normalfags when you've just used a normalfag meme without a shred of self-awareness; "tYpInG lIkE tHiS cOmEs FrOm TwItTeR". Also, who are you quoting?
well there's your problem, 20-year-olds are still mentally teenagers, aka children, you have plenty of time to grow
The point is that indulging in bad habits repeatedly, all combine to make you feel like shit. Eat food that's bad for you, feel like shit. Climax, again and again, get that sweet intense dopamine release, then crash. Feel like shit, chase more highs, crash, feel like shit, etc.. Of course this is going to all take its toll over time, that's a given. There's more to it, of course, but you're a fool if you don't think curbing bad habits aren't going to make some improvement, aren't at least partially to blame for making one feel like dying.
>For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do.
Read the Bible. This is about you, by the way.
First and most important is reading the Bible. It makes you impervious to the globo homo memes.
Based but that cable management needs work 10/10 made me reply
Anon, it's us getting tsunami's on both coasts.
Other anon is right, I think it's typical for our age. We can be confused at the same time, anon.
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pretty much all of the /merch/ I have left
I did all that before and became a cardiobunny.
Didn't do shit.
I'm much happier when I'm a fat lazy bastard.
I’ve barely touched mine in the last five years. At the time, I could’ve easily taught someone how to play, but now it’s been too long. I like to keep it right next to me so I can always imagine what I could’ve been if I hadn’t wasted those years.
>claw sharpening ratbag
he's gonna chew that horn off eventually
>Trixie/Glimmo rocket collectible
fucker, show that thing off properly
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>Yeah I got priorities sue me.
am i the only one who thinks is kino? imagine living in a favela and then waking up from the sun beaming directly on your face and the first thing you see is twilight's face
nice plushies
I wish to attain this level of niceness
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>hanging santee cards
absolutely lovely, I miss when people would send christmas cards, we'd decorate the hall archway with them every year. not anymore...
>cant read any of the CDs from this far away
curses, foiled again...
Reminds me of when I was setup in the corner of my dad's living room stealing cracked WEP wifi from the neighbors recovering from heavy drug use and learning node.js ... and finding ponies, just realized that's where I watched my first episodes of MLP:FiM back in the day.
the mousepad made me laugh way too much
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How can you people live in this filth?
I love the kirin.

Cute cat.
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Seriously, fuck cancer. theres a lot of things we'll shitpost about but I genuinely think that everyone on earth can agree that cancer fucking sucks. I'm not religious, but some nights I still close my eyes and pray that chuckles will be alright. I hope that marvelous faggot still has many years of shitty songs and bait threads left in him, but if not I'm happy he was left his mark here.

That dumbass nigger has a priority ticket to Equestria.
>soldering in your room
3d resin printing in your room
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sure, i'll bite
Possibly the dumbest question I’ve seen, on this site of all places, in a while.
You'll get like $10. Shits worthless
this feels like an actual child's room, and it's not just the ponies that give it that vibe.
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Clean your room nigger.
>effeminate Chinese man with a transformation fetish
Now I'm not saying it's a pattern, but if I had a nickel for every time...
What good is any of that if I'm going to be alone my whole life? The only people I can really consider as friends are online.
I have determined long ago that a lady isn't worth it unless they share my love of pony. I have had zero luck.
Well you have to live with yourself right?
I'm in the same situation as you on that front and trying to accomplish something that make you happy to see you in a mirror is a real permanent mood boost trust me.
Even if its simply making your body stronger, faster and more agile, your effort show you, to yourself, that you are not powerless.
Also don't think that because you are sick or somehow handicaped this cannot apply to you, it does even more I think, also the smaller the positive change you make the bigger impact they have because they tend to stay over time.
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Y-yes... Man, do I really post my room this often?
>under the desk
Are those spiked airgun pellets?
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The shelf and bed in my studio. Can't see but I got life-size Twily on the bed too
really sad im not seeing sex toys laying around.
what has happened to mlp?
Funny you say that, I bought a bad dragon dragon dick thing to try out the coveted prostate orgasm 2 years ago, all I got was a stretched asshole and 2-3 uses with no real pleasure. Finally had the gumption to throw it away 2 days ago and I did. That said I do have some horse pussy stuff but I don't keep it in the open.
>I bought a bad dragon dragon dick thing to try out the coveted prostate orgasm
Based. Only time I did that was when I secretly used my mom’s 12-inch, flesh-colored dildo in the shape of a veiny dick and balls. It didn’t really do anything for me until I imaged my schizophrenic dad was >raping me, and every time after that I never lasted long. I was, of course, of age at the time, and haven’t done it in several years. Thought it was pretty unhealthy. For my asshole. Which it was
Yeah it is unhealthy, to this day if I wake up and have to take a shit it all goes in one long massive clump because my shit tract ending is so stretched out it all accumulates there.
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Picrel shows the convention of faggots ITT (1 Twi being a stand-in for 1 faggot)
Oh, there I am! I look so happy, hanging out with all of my friends!
Still looks better than my sister's room.
Oooooooooooh I hope your sister didn’t hear that
shes dead
thats not the correction i like to hear about
Based bionicle enjoyer
powerlift your trash to the garbage can
For me the give away is the socks filly.
Get a better optic. Aimpoint PRO would be kino
What's that weird dildo on your table?
>2 seperate oly cream heart plushies
that's not a lot, but it's more than I'd guess
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>chuckles has cancer
fucking WHAT
bonlkes specifically was my first autistic obsession before mlp

hes a based 30mm enjoyer
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an old pic, but still a good one
incredibly based
/fit/ would be proud.

Dammit I wish I had that drawing of anon lifting and all the mares around him losing their minds over his figure.
It's a bottle opener :D
>teddy k. 1+2 and 3
Good man
Sooner or later I'm probably just going to end it. I don't really see a point in going on into old age alone till I die. No amount of working on my body is going to change that.
Spite is a good motivator. Just look at all you have to put up with and ask yourself if you wanna give it exactly what it wants, or not if Equestria happens to be waiting, then yes. If you choose to stick around and scowl at this pointless shithole with the rest of us, I won’t complain. If/when we’re older, we can close our dentures over the cyanide as we laugh at the world and our foolish selves.
What the FRUIT? I knew his songs were ass, but I didn’t know they could give you fuckin cancer!
But here's the thing anon, you ain't alone because nobody need you, you're alone because you care about who's next to you and that in and of itself isn't a bad thing mind you.
Better to be alone in the desert then surrounded by assholes.
And if you find none of that apply to you somehow, then try to understand and fight your demon insted of leting it have it's way with you, because you say you suffer from loneliness, yet you seem determined to keep the suffering going and do nothing about it and that just make you a faggot, stop being a faggot.
Leap in 'tism is quite short to move from /k/ to /mlp/.
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Here's another poster design for you
Probably the same here. Say anon... what if instead of dying alone, we died together?
kinda messy but its kino as fuck
I'd get this as a T-shirt, esp if it were on the back desudesu. Graphics on the backs of t-shirts easily make them 20% cooler.
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Bro, why do you have a CRT, nerd?
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my last roommate was getting rid of it when we moved out, figured I'd take it for some nostalgia while playing old games. Turns out it has a pretty big problem with flickering though, might break it open to see if I can fix it at all. If not, oh well, I got it for free anyway
thats a big mare
protip: DO NOT FUCKING TRY OPENING A CRT TO FIX IT. UNLESS YOU ARE ACTUALLY TRAINED YOU WILL KILL YOURSELF. Crts have a very high voltage capacitor (upwards of 30k volts) which will retain its charge for a long time after being turned off, if you touch it and give it a path to ground you are going to take enough current to a) give you permanent nerve damage best case or b) fucking kill you. also even if you don't die from the initial shock your heart can still fail days later from being fucked with by the current. Please do not open that thing up without actual training
Can I play your piano anon
Is that a jar of moonshine on your desk?
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>he doesn't have a CRT
you might as well go socialise in your nearest pub
>that flickerin
If you leave the CRT unplugged for months or just bury it in the dirt for two week. It's fine.
I've fixed a few CRTs before, though I'm not an expert at it. I'd suggest looking for broken solder joints or failed electrolytic capacitors around areas that look like they put out a lot of heat (flyback transformer, heatsinks, large transistors and ICs). I'd guess the problem is near the flyback or somewhere in the vertical deflection circuit. You might also check that the composite RCA jack hasn't just broken loose. Like the other anon said, be very careful. CRTs can be dangerous to work on if not discharged properly.
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tis an easy find
i wish girls actually did this at the gym. they see me then check what car im driving
Super comfy
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I warned to not to get an anonfilly
I warned you but you didnt listen
This is why you gotta get your fillies fixed
i need the one in the chair with a horse pussy installed.
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incredible numbers, the absolute state, thought maybe it was shopped, but I doubt it, woaw
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>average roomposter anon
water 9.5 ph
Fuck off mom
Peak cringe.
go suck a horsecock, fag.
Yeah, I'm clearly the fag here for not being part of the weird homoerotic AiE stuff you guys get up to in your thread.
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This is peak room, anyone who disagrees is a massive faggot
Sunny and Izzy have plushies?
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>Timmy Fortnite's office is peak performance
>there are fags
>in a thread
imagine my shock. still, ywnbap.
not as cringe as >>41012695
Have fun not going to Equestria you ticketing faggot.
now you're just making stuff up
Not a real word but unless you're a retard you get the idea.
Same, but I relapsed back. I'm not happier, just unhealthier.
I'm not horribly unhealthy but I just don't see a point in all that when none of it gets me closer to what I'm looking for.
Nice plushies
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Why oh why couldn't I have been born a mare in Equestria?
>no need to worry about religion
>your goddess is real
>she loves you unconditionally and you can actually meet and interact with her
>she's also your ruler
>there is no confusion whatsoever about what job you're going to do as an adult
>the signifier of your innate talent is literally tattooed on your ass
>there is basically no war, ever
>there is very little disease
>no sex trafficking
>no organ trafficking
>some slavery, but only if you wander off like an idiot and get captured by Diamond Dogs or tossed in a cage in Klugetown
>crime is minimal
>you have actual rights
>no overpopulation
>no environmental degradation
>housing is inexpensive
>the country isn't run by oligarchs socking money in tax havens, bribing officials, and absconding to private islands to have sex with underage girls
>the government will never spy on you, or brainwash you, or conduct shady experiments on you, or poison your elderly parents to clear out the pension rolls and save money
>there's an actual social safety net
>your community will never leave you homeless and destitute on a street corner
>there is an actual healthcare system
>if you're ever sick or depressed, your leaders will never encourage you to seek euthanasia as a cheap alternative to medical treatment
>occasionally, some villain of the week with delusions of grandeur shows up
>enslaves you/steals your magic/makes clouds rain chocolate syrup
>a half-dozen mares gang up on him and beat his ass raw
>utopian status quo reasserted within the hour
>small price to pay for living in paradise
About the level of delusion I'd expect from someone like you.
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>>utopian status quo reasserted within the hour
Uhhh... Hitler was also defeated within an hour, so I don't understand why you pointed this out
The hero that defeated Hitler should get statues in Equestria
>Hitler was le bad
Der Holocaust war ein singuläres Menschheitsverbrechen.
Anon..... who killed him?
the cia
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Thank God they blacked cigarette boxes because my neurodivergent mind was actually fooled by all the pretty colors
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Well, quads confirm it.
you need a lawnmower
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why does everyone have a twiggie
best room itt
It'll at least keep you alive long enough to find what you're looking for.
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Hopefully it doesnt post sideways
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i know who you are. i had a good time hanging out at harmony. miss you bro.
Thanks king
Nice Cherry.
please be crystalized honey please be crystalized honey please be crystalized hon
my money is it being stale piss
Why are people doing this? If I ever were denied basics like pissing and shitting in peace I would run away from a shithole that bans these. Shitting and pissing in peace are fucking human rights. Seek help, unless you are doing homemade gunpowder then stay based.
Nta but as a former cum jar owner I'll say that's the right color if not frozen (dark brown, white if kept frozen) and you want to keep rotting cum closed or it produces an extremely unique strong scent.
What's in the tall boy? Literally had a dream about this a month ago where I was in Europe buying M6 themed 20oz beverages
tecky cutie tumblr purchased at harmonycon
meant for
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Before I went full fucking drugged-up alcholic asshole retard-o mode, my place was pretty nice. Sort of. It wasn't always, and roleplaying as Ted wasn't either.
I miss my old life bros. . .
>>there is basically no war, ever
>>there is very little disease
>>no sex trafficking
>>no organ trafficking
>>some slavery, but only if you wander off like an idiot and get captured by Diamond Dogs or tossed in a cage in Klugetown
>>crime is minimal

I can tell you're a whiny libtard and you should end it all.
Where do I get a mousepad like that?
Cute glimmies. Based unicornchad and pokechad
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>Implying war, disease, sex traffic, organ trafficking, slavery, and crime are only issues liberals care about. . .

Yes, please continue to tell me more about how your appointed poltical candadite of one specfic idealogy, is more qualifed to handle these issues purely on the basis of not being of the apposing specific sub-set of an idealogy, in a thread regarding the general welfare of one's quaters, as it relates to a subset of the human populace concered with the enjoyment of children's equines, on this, a glorious new day for the underwater basket weaving forum we find ourselves on.

tl;dr - post pone room or stfu
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Anon, consider the fact that gratitude is relative.

Let's just say for half of a second (you) WERE born a mare in Equestria. As much as your general sentiments are correct that all of us strive for a better life in a place better than ours, in a world more peaceful, less filled with evil and wrongdoing, you have to realize that you would have absolutley no frame of refrence or apprepiaction for the fact that you were blessed with said postivities, if you never knew what it was like to live in a world without them.

You COULD live in paradise and be happy all the time, but you'd never fully understand just how good you have it without the contrast you likely possess now.

That said, I'm not qualified to be your resident armchair therapist, but at least that's my two cents. Equestria may not be real, but at least it gives us some type of refrence to strive for, I guess.
ha ha you read the spoiler to another shizo's ramblings get friended on idiot
>qualifed to handle these issues
Doesn't' exist because they're not issues, they're the drivers of the human experience, and I didn't accuse you of any specific ideology aside from being 'left' enough to think they are.

>post pone room or stfu
Already did, libtard.
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Whew. Thanks Anon. I was worried that I wasn't going to meet my daily quota of fidning further suspects possessing anti-glowiesticks in their private quaters. Luckily, and with your help, poor interns such as myself, often working long hours and overtime, are able to continue to spread faggotry and forced idealogical friendship wherever I may inflitrate. May I intrest you in a crackrock? I've flavored them specfically to taste like Fluttershy's tailfeathers.

Anyhow, pleasure doing bussiness with you. Stay loaded, stay monitored, your friend, the man you keep telling to rope himself, always watching, always caring, Spongebob.
nice speaker system!
lube bottle out in the open
Anon, your post was incomprehensible before you made enough spelling mistakes to convince me your libshit ideology comes from some third world shithole.
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At last! Finally.

I have to admit, as a minority, working in this field can be especially draining when you're not properly validated as coming from the economic background of your home country. Anon, thank you for finally seeing the real me.

Kayakistan is indeed a country of rough characters, but with (you)r support, and certainly enough of your taxpayer dollars, I think we can finally come to a mutual understandingI'm fucking with you because it's funny to me that perhaps all of us, truly ARE created equal, and deserve equal protection, even when we do not possess citizenship in your country, we will continue to work hard to fight for a future, in which by defacto of you possessing a military base on our soil, we certainly one day shall! God bless Amercia, and Equestria, especially! For it allows shiczos like me, to meet schizos like you. Much like they say in place were you from, like PBS man. Thank you.
what's the capital? fed ex?
No, I generally don't feed my ex. Not anymore.
Oh the picture? Yeah. It's appul.
>I'm fucking with you because it's funny to me
I mean, no shit, libtard, you're responding to obvious bait with incomprehensible nonsense. I just wish you'd do it with better grammar. It's one of my pet peeves, in addition to tranny beer and people wanting things to be better. Equestria should be edgy and gritty because you still get cute mares but you also get the full breadth of the sapient experience.

On the other hoof, this is the most accurate AJ on this map. I don't know how they did it, but they truly nailed the frontier (suicidal) spirit. One day I too will lay in the dirt and return to that from whence I was made.
please get rid of all the stuff you don't need
Very thoughtful.
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>likes his Equestria salted, with a little grit, no sugar on the rim, and never tranny'ed.
Gotcha. Will throw in more things that attempt to kill you at every turn, thus assuring a rational but not unhealthy dose of realistic need to defend oneself from the pioneering wilderness that sounds (you). It'll make you contemplate, sometimes even to the point of wondering why one must carry on, but in the end, mare companions will be there to guide you at every step of the way.

Hopefully this personalized copy of (you)r Equestria is now better formated to suit your needs. Sincerely,
—AI Pony Jesus
I'm staying alive, but I don't think I can find it.
God, Christcucks are pathetic. No, 20 minute fap per day (or lack thereof) won't make you ascend or something.
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I used to be 200 pounds of muscle working a more physical job and cooking my own meals. Guess what? I was even more of a mess than I am now. It did nothing but make me hate myself more. Giving up the internet is a cute little 'stop drinking starbucks' bumper sticker but you need it for literally everything today. And porn...if I didn't have pony pussy in my life, I would have bombed a federal building. Which isn't a bad thing, but way too hot for a loser like me to pull off and live afterward.
Was expecting more bad dragon horsecocks itt to be honest
A few people probably tidied their room up and hid stuff like that.
>not horse pussy fleshlights
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Sorry anon you can't see my bedside dresser from the angle I took the picture. Small room, small FOV, y'know how it is.
Fuck yeah
/hsg/ OP pic worthy.
how wide is that dick damn
that looks an actual pony sized (girth)
too much

Not him but it's quite different from the original English-speaking fandom as I see it. It's mostly young students who are also into other fandoms like furry. Nothing similar to /mlp/. Here is a 2022 survey of demography:
yeah, but he's got 'the chair' though..
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Website says 2.2 inch diameter, which is a bit smaller than a 10oz can of keyboard duster. I can get my index finger and thumb to meet by squeezing but not without squeezing. And that's not a brag at all, 'cause there are two larger sizes than this. It's just right, imo, 'cause I don't think my jaw can physically open wide enough to throat anything bigger and I do love me some good slonkage.

Anyway, it is indeed pony sized, because it's a pony dick. Would go well with an XL lifesize plushies I think, depending on how big you think a pony should be relative to you.
is that a bumblehooves
whats you speaker setup anon? been looking to get a nice speaker setup for my pc
dats gay
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oh fuck
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I personally prefer medium chance, it's a bit closer to realistic pony proportions. It's also a bit longer so it works better for me in more awkward positions.
Can I get that background photo of Twi? Looks fucking rad
how can a human dick even compare?
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>First result when you search Twilight and Tirek then sort by score
Apply yourself next time Anon
Jesus Christ I miss this jewish faggot crippled midget hambone brony like you wouldn't believe
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Nah, I pretend I'm a filly while I do it, which is objectively straight
kino life, honestly
Some Anons need resin printing and solder fumes to strengthen the contact to their waifus
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i'd like to live in a favela with twilight where the locals know us and are nice to us and i get to rub her belly every night when we sleep, pregnant with taquitos, chimichangas and our abomination of a foal...sounds like an amazing life ;_;
No, it's just that you're from Ukraine (figured by looking at the bottles of water) and seem to be really into tech stuff, and i only only one such person who posts on /mlp/.
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Very based, fren.
>Website says 2.2 inch diameter
oh, that looked much larger
this is human sized (although on the big end), not pony sized
it looked like at least 7cm
Yeah I don't know wtf people who tell others to quit porn expect them to do.
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Here's my rape shack. Unironically kinda glad mine isn't the worst.
Gun on desk in case of niggers/junkies. Gun by couch in case of niggers/junkies. Gun on beside table in case of niggers/junkies. Gun inside toilet commode in case of women.
i also have a keyboard but no longer use it, its all full of dust somewhere, a proud aspie lol
there are two loaded firearms within arms reach of me right now.
nice tiger you got there, anyone who is into mlp and history/ww2 gets my based medal
i do not have to much mlp stuff aside from 2 ponies but i do have an iron cross lol
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Only two?
yeah. there's 9 in the room, but only two are in reach. the ones in reach are an ak and my little carry handgun.
That’s one ugly ass stock on the SKS Anon, please put the wood back on or get a more tasteful one if you insist on polymer.
They’re kind of rare but check if you can find the Choate Combat Exchange. People might say it’s shit but it’s rock solid and doesn’t wobble one bit.
It was like that when i bought it. Thankfully it was missing a screw and wobbled like hell so i talked 100 bucks right off the top for a 15 cent screw .
Love making deals like that. I got me one of those pin on muzzle brakes but it was missing the pin so I got it for free. Just bought a 2.1mm drill bit and cut it to lenght (the unfluted part) and it works great. Half expected the whole front assembly to come rocketing off the front but it works great.
But please Anon, get a proper stock.
You can probably get a combat exchange for 100 bucks or less. Saw one for sale in america for 60 bucks on 24hourcampfire couple of years ago. And you can probably find one willing to sell one relatively cheaply.
Just please don’t get one of those adjustable lenght stocks with picatinny and stuff meant to look like a cope AR
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>isn't the worst
the architect claims another
i want a kino rape shack like that. how much have you spent on it?
should i put away the sex toys i have lying out before posting me and my girlfriend's room or should i leaqve them in the open?
Come on. You know the answer to that question.
Nice shithole
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>that's one decent fucking shed boys!
I like your shithole, too.
Thanks, though I was expecting this:
>bottom right corner
Your food bowl and water dish?
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Nope. I meant it more literally.
infinitely based, i want this setup
And you may find yourself, in another part of the world
And you may find yourself, behind the rear of a large anon-mobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house,
with a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself,
"Well, >>41005388
how did I get here?"

You guys have met ponies in real life?
shes a brony and a clopper
And a man.
Is that K98b?
i look like this
reading this made me quit browsing imageboards
thanks anon
That sounds like a good thing.
Adorable kitty. But fucking hell that mousepad.
no the short ones a yugo m48 and the long one is a Gewehr 98
9g total
NTA but I have a speaker setup of my own, its a pair of KEF q150 and they're great. Looking to add a SVS SB-1000 subwoofer later. The q150s are passive speakers so keep in mind you would need an amplifier for them as well.
That japanese minimalist guy is jealous as fuck
Bla bla bla
what is it with SEAs and these blue walls
do you all live in one room or something
>inspirion 7559
based, those things are tanks
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Thanks. Check out my autism shelf.
I think it's really about moderation. Theres a really good scripture passage about doing everything in moderation. For the porn addict, cut back from whatever the reddit amount is to something like 1-3 times a week. I have devoted myself to my special somepony so I know I'm not getting any other release on this world so cutting it altogether is silly. the big point is moderation, I think he hit it with the first point about junk food. Eating shit every day is going to turn you into shit, but a treat on occasion is better for you and makes the experience even better when you do treat yourself
>that pillow
just like mine
I only keep my CCW loaded, but I'm also carrying it literally all the time and I keep magazines for my rifles near at hand.
Yer alright m8
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My room
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My bed
Between the mimikyu and cyndaquil
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It’s not the comfiest, is it?
Why are your rooms all divided between 50% being super nice and maintained, and the other 50% being a complete mess?
Where can I get a goosehorse
The duality of man
Post your battlestation
Incubate a gooseberry
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On Amazon
Thank you for keeping me alive
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I don't have a trash can yet if that's what you're wondering
I love my dash plush
bro... no... bro...
Kinda want to participate, but I'm kinda retarded and I don't wanna dox myself even tho nobody give a shit about me
The only way you could possibly dox yourself by posting your room here is by leaving something in the shot that very clearly tells of your location. From as unlikely to be pursued as a window that reveals a portion of the area outside your home, to as simple and avoidable as any form of ID being visible. Or if someone you personally know happens to be lurking here and decides to fuck you over. You’d have to be well-and-truly retarded, is what I’m saying, and I don’t think you are. Regardless, I hope you get, or have gotten, some good laughs at the fuckers who’ve already posted theirs.
>The only way
There's myriad ways you can doxx yourself. Even simple picture of a paper on a table is not safe
chink to chink, you have a pretty neat bedroom ngl. kinda envy the big bunkbed tho. You could use some of those pone cutouts for your room if you have the budget ^:)
Perhaps consider getting the custom pone printed bedsheets and a daki.
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I don't have any photos, but I do have scans. Here's tickets to 2017 and 2021 MLP movies.
>rooms vacillate between acute manchild faggotry and severe austerity
What the fuck is up with this contrast?
You just come off as an irritatingly insecure faggot, hope you reflect inwards and better yourself brah, wishing you the best
all depends what type of autism you got on character creation
what if I wanted to be gay with you?
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>paw patrol
>thomas the tank engine
i want to bludgeon this fluttershy to death, just slam her stupid fucking face into the cement
stupid bitch
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ok wtf
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I think this is the thread you’re looking for >>41020002
Have fun
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I mean, imagine that shitposter anon turning into Coco. One moment he was a self-satisfied faggot shitting up the board, the next moment he's a soft-spoken, shy, demure and submissive pastel mare. He's gonna be utterly confused and disoriented.
And suddenly he will feel anon dick in his brand new marepussy - which he might not even had realised he had yet. Barely able to process what's going on, he's going to be a far cry from being able to resist in any way. But the sensations - the feeling of being penetrated, the sheer pleasure of having his completely brand new horsepussy pleasured, an utterly unfamiliar yet indescribable feeling - will leave him absolutely overwhelmed and short-circuiting.
And as anon settles into a rythm, maybe the new Coco starts slowly processing what's happening, thoughts working at a glacial pace amid the sensory overload of unfamiliar but overwhelming pleasure. And yet, perhaps she will even subconsciously start sticking to character, playing the part of the submissive, shy mare that she is like a good girl. After all, our appearance can influence our behaviour; looking unkempt can make one unhappier and more uncaring, looking prim and proper can actually be beneficial for motivation, and, well, if you look like Coco Pommel, then maybe the natural course of action is to breathe out "T-thank you, sir..." when anon has finished fucking your brains out and you're left laying in a puddle of your juices, mind completely melted from the experience, floating in a hazy bliss.
is this what true depression looks like?
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Currently my bed. It's umderneath that grey blackout cyrtain. Just a blanket fir bedding, a pillow and a aheet as a blanket since it's heating up. It's better than a monthly pay inn.
Ah yes mares and resin fumes make the loveliest of rooms.
You know trash bags exist even if you don't have a can.
Comfy pillow fort. Just needs a plushie for clmpany
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Hear that ringing in your ears son?
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Until I can get an anonfilly plush.
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Speed is life
Holy shit, I’ve never seen a run so fast! Oh. OH! OH!!!
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Can I sleep in your bed, Anon?
I was expecting them to just explode as soon as they stepped across the start.
if u wash the sheets and make it and give me a twilight no wings pone plush
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>Nooo, you can't like a show with sentient dogs or trains. You can only like shows with sentient horses!
This. I wish I was born into Equestria. Pony society is superior.
Beautiful room, AppleGOD!
Cheap paint I guess. Like mint green walls in mexican ghettos.
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I wonder what happened to Luna and Applejack.
>ywn have a riding scale train set to ride around with Glimmy. Why live?
gone, reduced to atoms.
or locked away in a government facility because they know some autist will want them for the power they hold
Been awhile since I've seen this pasta
Wait, did you get a horse dildo, just to suck it off?
Based Thomas the Tank Engine enjoyer
Mangle plushie spotted
no ones going to be forgotten by God. keep up the faith anon, Christ loves you.
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Is not too much... But is a comfy place for work.
based vintage electronics (etc) collector, want to expound on that?

based Posey plush, I see her hiding back there!
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Thanks anon, she's very comfortable to hug too.
Where did you get her?

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