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Hello my fellow anons.
I live in Belarus and today I decided to get a bunch of donuts instead of a cake for my mother's birthday.
Although they had cooled by the time I got home, they were very sweet and tasty, with a variety of flavours.
The staff at the place were nice, they even wrote "happy birthday" on the box.

So let's praise Pon (who is a stallion, btw) and his donuts.
The image got flipped but I guess it's ok
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>(who is a stallion, btw)
>let's praise Pon (who is a stallion, btw) and his donuts.
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Edit and resave phone pictures to prevent 4chan from spinning them.
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>your happiness is in the
In the what?! IN THE WHAT?!
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>(who is a stallion, btw)
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Thank you. I'll try it next time
The ponut hole
Their glazed ponuts put a smile on many faces and satisfy many a belly.
Well said. Should I text them these words?
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donut pone
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Those look really good, much better than krispy kreme.
So who's the stallion the Ponut belongs to?
Do they know about the fan art?
So how's life in Belarus? All I know about it is that it was hit the worst in WWII in terms of death, it got hit the worst in terms of Chernobyl fallout, and the mod I have to drive through it in ETS2 kinda sucks.
So what you're saying is that you and your mother enjoyed some delicious stallion ponuts for her birthday
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No and they will probably sue you for saying something that can damage their business (according to their Instagram).
I bet they don't even avare about the MLP fandom at all and the Pon was chosen randomly as a mascot.
>a salty donut with grated cheese on inbetween sweet ones

It still sucks in real life. I hate comparisons between Belarus and Russia, but Belarus suffers from pretty much the same problems as Russia — poverty, corruption, laws that don't really work. I live on about a hundred dollars a month and cannot drop out of the university and go to work, because I will be sent into the military (and I'll be lucky if don't die somewhere around Bahmut). I would have moved to another country a long time ago, but I don't wanna leave my elderly mother alone. But this thread isn't about that. The donuts were delicious.
Do you know belarusian language?
>I hate comparisons between Belarus and Russia
Doubt if one falls asleep in one and wakes up in another will see much difference, except maybe better roads kek.
>and I'll be lucky if don't die somewhere around Bahmut
Belarussian army actually sending conscripts to pignarnia; big if true.
>I'll be lucky if don't die somewhere around Bahmut
Tы дoлбaёб? Ha фpoнт нe oтпpaвляют пpизывникoв, тoлькo кoнтpaктникoв PФ.
i keep seeing their reels on my facebook feed (i need facebook to talk to me geriatric grandparents who live alone)
Translated dialogue: "Oh look, your order has arrived~ <3"
I do. But in day-to-day life, there are not many places to speak it. The majority of people speak only Russian, and it's really sad. I would want Belarus to have only one official language (Belarusian, maybe English too for educational purposes, but not Russian).
There is a big difference in culture and its people. Belarus is more similar to Ukraine and Poland than Russia. And we don't support war.
Well, it's not true for now, but Lukashenko already said "we are preparing for war" and there is a constant fear of entering it. But he says a lot of bullshit all the time, so maybe we'll be fine.
I remember someone out there sent them pictures with Pon
And how did they respond? Were they "questionable" pictures?
if they sue anonymous we will be in big trouble
Pon is so good.
Lot of weird fuckin takes by various dipshits in this thread.
You stay strong there and keep your head high, Anon. Lots of us in the rest of europe hoping for the best for your bunch in belarus. Relish in some more tasty donuts in the meantime!
Okay politics aside, how is the pastry itself?
They seem good if not better than most chain and local pastries in my area.
Can you describe more about them?

Is the frosting too sweet, favorite flavor, any other type of pastry offered, or something you'd like to see them do better in? Are they baked or fried? Is the texture dense or fluffy?
Does the site know that it is a phone image because of the filename ?
Rotation data is stored in the file. 4chan removes that data.
I want to cum inside the Pon Pushka mare.
She is truly a cute mare with a cute fluffy mane.
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I'd pon his pushka.
It's very nice of you to say so. I'll try to do my best and think on my own, avoiding these losers who like to speculate on matters they don't even know a thing about. You too take care and don't forget to treat yourself to something you like!
Okay, here you go. There are three main types of Pon-Pushka donuts: with powdered sugar, with glaze, and with glaze/sprinkles. The glazes come in different flavors, the ones I recognized were chocolate, strawberry, lemon, coconut, and apricot. The tastes were decent, but I wouldn't call them "natural." They reminded me of bubble gum with different flavors — you can easily recognize them, but you can also tell that they are unutural and don't contain real berries and fruits.

I'm not sure if they fry or bake them, but based on the taste, I would say that they were baked. They were still fluffy even the next day when I bought them, and I enjoyed the remaining ones with my morning cup of coffee. My favorite flavor is definitely the strawberry one because it has the brightest taste among them.

Sadly, there were no fillings at all, and I would definitely add some if I were the Pon (as I understand, according to their lore, Pon bakes his own donuts to spread "peace" among people, whatever that means).

They even have a line of "hearty" donuts with cheese, bacon, onions, etc. But I wouldn't order them because it's sounds odd and donuts suppose to be sweet.

I hope I have addressed all of your questions. Feel free to ask anything else or clarify something if my English is puzzles you (we don't get along very well).
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The entire post-soviet bloc is just the "suffering builds character" meme. Anyways post more pon, cute ponut pony.
A box of the one's with the "special glaze" please.
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Thank you for the details, I appreciate it.
Your English was well understood.
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>it's one of THOSE customers
I was under the impression that Belarus was a lot better off than Russia because Luka limited the privatization shock therapy.
Now almost every factory or major business in Belarus is owned either by a Lukashenko's family member, or ex-KGB officer (who is still a part of Lukashenko's inner circle).
I'd still boop his snoot.
Can I kiss Pon's ponut?
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Are you ready for whats coming? Please, at least be more prepared, update documents and stuf. Maybe it's still not too late to run now, than when they'l close the last borders. You won't help your mother if you
>die somewhere around Bahmut
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seth is monitoring your thread, OP

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What's stopping you?
It's sad that he just mines things from here
Yeah could I get a dozen donuts with stallion glaze I mean stallion glaze sorry I mean stallion
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>no ponut
Those look good. Thank you for going and trying them, we needed an anon to review.
seems a bit... sloppy
What would the cuddles be like?
Glazing. Lewdly so.
Very warm and soft
Context, please.
And on this day, OP was the most based faggot to use the board. Sounds like a fun little treat, thanks for sharing with us!
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Do they still sell merch? Like the hats or aprons? If so, if you can ship some to me I can compensate you with some merch and money.
>Do they still sell merch? Like the hats or aprons?
They did that in the past?
Seems like they don’t have it in their online store anymore.

i like to imagine he has the same voice as Dr. Mrs. the monarch from venture bros. he looks like a cute mare but is a stallion with a stallion voice. and is still sexy.
There are way way more than just donuts.
They got Pon Pizza, Pon Coffee, Pon Burgers, and even a Pon Football team.
https://pon-group (dot) tilda (dot) ws/

And even these with Trump
https://t (dot) me/SpaceShuttleChannel/1028
https://t (dot) me/SpaceShuttleChannel/1145
I really encourage you to scroll up and up and up in their channel to see just how massive this franchise is, because you can find some really crazy things..
Kind of a shame, really.
oh fuck that is a lot of pon
Thanks Belarus bro for sharing. I am envious here in the west why we can have simple pony things in real life like you have. Fucking hasjew makes sure no-one can have fun.... Even in this vid in Asia they can have a pony cafe.


All I fucken want is simple shit like a Twilight Sparkle Watermelon Soda to rot my teeth while chewing down a Blue bun Rainbow Dash burger..
**can't have
from cumming on fluttershy? not much really.
Yea, but I'm not sure how much of that is actually a thing. I think Pon really just does donuts. Maybe OP could comment. I'd be more interested in the pizza, but those weird hearty donuts he was talking about seem like they could have potential. I wonder if it's really donuts or just bagels? Does sound weird, but I'd try it.
The Pon siblings, taking over the economy, one family member at a time.
This is a 3d render. I can tell. It looks like an advanced donut tutorial.
Its already in Moscow actually 10 mins walk from my work.
I'm doing some stuff right now that will probably make my future a little bit safer if things turn out ugly. But sometimes I feel like I can't even get up out of my bed, not talking about planning some big evacuation operation. But people like you motivate me to keep with the life so I should say you a big "thank you". THANK YOU!
It feels kinda sad to see my pic out there. It's not some private material I wanted to post exclusively here, but he could have posted it as a screenshot of my story or give a link to this thread.
You're welcome! Should I give an update to you guys if I order a different set?
Is it a compliment or an insult to be called "the most based faggot" around here? Thanks anyway, I guess.
They actually do. They have a mug with Pon, a fridge magnet with Pon, a pack of cute stickers with Pon (my favorite is the one where he is wearing a police uniform), and a coloring book. They have other merchandise, but it's just some t-shirts and bags with the company logo without Pon himself, and I think you guys wouldn't be interested in these. If someone wants me to ship this stuff to him (I don't even know if it's possible, but we can figure it out together), let me know.
Only Pon-Pushka donuts is real a thing. Maybe they are planning some things for the future? Also, what is the actual difference between donuts and bagels? They are very soft and fat, so I personally consider them donuts.
You should totally give them a try!
>All I want is goyslop but with a pony wrapper
Bagle is more of a bread, like you could use it as a sandwich, while a donut is a sweet treat.

Also pizza- https://pon-pizza.by/STB
Someone there must be knowing what they are doing, holy shit.
I wanna go to the pony pizza place.
>go to the ponut place to pick up some donuts
>decide to also get some pizza for later at the adjacent pizzeria
>behind the counter is the same pone as before, just in a different hat and slightly winded
you're getting "goyslop" either way, might as well want a pony option
>Might as well make it worse goyslop to consoom with adding blue dyes to bread
Based retard
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Be mareful what you wish for
is it actually horse, pony, and zebra meat? how'd they get zebra meat? is it not illegal?
The pizza cannon
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It's like the 4th most popular meat here
Yeah I’m interested in picking some stuff up for the Mare Fair charity auction. What’s the best form of contact for you. I would travel there to get it myself, but my country and job highly advises not to travel to Belarus. Also what’s the currency exchange like out there for Euros? Like if you get 20 Euro are you rich or something?
That's amazing. I had no idea. Then again, that reminds me I saw a picture of an African tribesman/hunter carrying a killed zebra. How does it taste?
There are many Pon-Pushkas
around Minsk, but only one Pon's pizzeria. Must be something new.
I prefer Telegram. Your @?
Rich, dark meat. Tastes like you would imagine it to taste I suppose.
NTA, got friens there
>my country and job highly advises not to travel to Belarus.
Listen to them. Especially a job. Better use some courier who will get you stuff over border. There are families who live by that. Also it will be cheaper than getting visa (assuming you're not from 'friendly regimes countries') and tickets\car taxes there.
>What’s the currency exchange like out there for Euros?
1usd=3.25byn as for yesterday's oficial exchange course. You might find better options like 3.4
DYOR and cknvert usd to eur yourself.
>if you get 20 Euro are you rich or something?
OP mentioned earlier he lives for ~100usd/month. That might be little exaggeration but there are people (soviet legacy - forced labor in poor towns) who get even less.
>are you rich
despite all soviet-style fuckery with economics prices for anything other than cheapest food are unofficially fixed to usd
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I have to actually look it up
It's actually edited, as the original was "mare" as in "the sea".
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Damn. Still sounds delicious.
Boomer stallion humor
>up 33% in a year
I'd be expecting squash soup at that price.
my telegram @ is Worm_on_a_String
mmm mare squash soup
>squash soup
The best stable product.
Who wants a kiss?
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Why are there more and more eastern european businesses with horse logos/mascots while there's fuckall happening in the west
In slavic countries, ponies push ya
Thats yakov smirnoff zoomie
Consolidation of corporations by and into mega corporations, having to appeal to absolutely everyone on the planet, and that can't be horse, as that doesn't appeal to horse haters. Capitalism, baby.
Because the west can't have nice things anymore.
Now kiss!
Tech support and donuts? A match made in heaven!
The left pone, is that a mare or a stallion?
You can tell by eyelashes.
Oh right, I didn't notice. Thanks.
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Pon bump-a.
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snoot booper
>In public
Holy lewd!
How big is this donut chain? Is it still operating?
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Maybe them damn commies weren't so bad after all...
>Implying the current day east block are still commies
Anon, please. These days are over.
what's that third commie ponut bagle got in it?
Fried onions
it's deep fried onions
Damn them is some crusty ponuts
How about the balls then?
How are they not getting into copyright and trademark trouble with this?
Western copyright laws don't really reach Eastern Europe unless the offending company is really big and international. There used to be a Moe's Bar in my town with the Simpsons characters plastered onto the facade virtually unchanged.
What's in it?
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get out.

get the fuck out anon.

never go to war for anything.

just get out.
Stop talking so I pretend you mare
The blush reveals his approval.
I want to brush this fluffy Pon's coat
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>Western copyright laws don't really reach Eastern Europe unless the offending company is really big
Copyright is almost nonexistent inside poor countries. Police \ bureaucracy probably has more priority tasks. There used to be and are dedicated compilations of that content. The most iconic example - obama sonic harry potter, but business in thread's question is not too far from that.
Shit like pic related is really fun to watch. It's a pity you won't see that kind of stuff over here.
Good taste.
Fast board.
Wasn't there an email that was sent to the founder or whoever with fanart? What was the reaction?
I don't think there was a reaction, mr. trips.
Meh. It kind of ruins the pun.
I remember there was (maybe other) email with some initial reaction, but it was too corpo. In the end the've stolen copyright but still want hype about it to go on their rules so they'l never piblicly admit any connection. Again, copytight doesn't work there but owners probably might want to travel somewhere or rebrand and sell it to someone from world of working copyright e.t.c.
Not sure if intended or not, but that's a fitting typo.
Push the pon in the Ka
>date in filename
that's long before the initial hype (and probably public openings). Is that some inside booping?
>Spot a pone
>Gon boop
Simple as.
I want to suckle on Pon's meaty ponut.

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