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Izzy Moonbow’s adorable and sexy design is the one redeeming aspect of gen 5.
(Except her design in Tell Your Tale is shit)
Yeah I don't know why they decided to hit Izzy with the ugly stick for TYT.
Yeah her design suffered the most. I think only Zipp in TYT is great, while Misty and Pipp are good. Rest is not that great.
Lanky girl
She fit, she tall, she smart, she awesome, she queen. And Izzy likes her.
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...but cant have her
That's why I really want this image >>41026479 to be adapted into this gif.
Zipp is trying really hard not to show fear or nervousness around Izzy invading her personal space
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I would much rather have sex with Sunny than with Izzy
Oh shit, are those the DK Jungle Beat controllers in the back there on the shelf?
kek that would be a great edit
OMG. Close enough!
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Just get high and she'll look better.
Reminds me of that old pmv with Spike smoking weed
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I want to be smothered by the big stinky mare
That picture depicts an accurate depiction of Heaven.
This feels like something Izzy would do. Loom over you like that
the story arc ends with the ponies and Discord engaging in a new game invented by Zipp that includes all pony races
She has to, she could jump her at any second.
Wrong, Sunny is the only good thing.
>but Anon she didn't do anything

TyT Izzy looks so fucking fat, like way fatter than Pipp, because of her face and how big she is.
What prompt do you use to get them over you like that? Reaching their hooves at your face, I can't get it on mine
We just need to give her a tummy tuck
>"Hi newly dead friend!"
A what?
>giant feral pony (Izzy Moonbow) standing over the viewer looking down,view from below between her legs, bottom view, worm's eye view, macro, first person view, chest fluff
I also had to add "city, buildings, aircraft, micro" to negatives because of course it wanted to generate macro Izzy stomping on cities.
Macro is such a stupid fetish.
>Giant feral
Furry shit
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Where are her teats?
(Nature Documentary Voiceover)
>It's all over now.
>Seizing her opportunity, the unicorn leaps upon her prey and pins him to the ground.
>She appears to take a moment to savor her victory before she leans in and begins to lick, nibble, and suckle on his face.
Yea, AI sure loves to do that everytime for whatever reason

Better than petfagging if you ask me
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God, I wish Izzy were standing over me like this right now.
Looks like Izzy is about to kiss the floor
Toss that mane
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>Remember what they took from you
I'll never forget
I'd want her to lean forward and smooch me
Considering Izzy's first VA was an East-Asian, I'm starting to resent all of the humanization art of her that depicts her as a curry-brown Indian
Her mane?
tumblr and twitter never change
But come on, you can't miss Kimiko's voice! I feel that part of her is neglected in humanizations
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I hate all humanization in general so I don't ever see this cringe shit
I keep seeing it when I browse art
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Inside her glizzy
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use a filter
I'm about
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Take me there, Izzy
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Nobody asked, penis wrinkle.
If I'm going to be forced to see art of Izzy as a human, I'd rather see her as a cute asian girl than an indian
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Thats the best part!
That's a pretty impressive feat considering Pipp's size
Izzy's glizzy
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OH NO not that!
What a pity then that they've abandoned MYM and are only making TYT from now on.
I miss it so badly...fuck Hasbro
it's not only a loss of style, they're almost different characters
this right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLUj_OWZSNg
That's precisely it!
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I was a stoner back then and loved that PMV loool, I was never into rap that was just so fun
Izzy if she used conditioner
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>blue nigger hair
>Curly hair is black-only
You're brainrotted
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>between her arms
they should've said forelegs
Cringe and forced
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You want to say arms? That's disgusting
Hooves nigga, DYEWTS
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Forced pizza. Being fed by a patronizing unicorn in public. The horror.
Why not both?
Maybe the long plan is forced misgenation
>ai slop
It's not
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Correct. Her mane used to reach her ankles, but in MYM they cut it almost in half.
And in tyt it doesn't even turn purple at the tips
What a terrible punishment for Sprout. Being wrangled and managed by Izzy.
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To make her "unique"
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Instead he's wrangled and managed by Glitter Cupcake
glitter who?
Did she stand on a nail or see something disgusting?
She saw someone with no sparkle
Me, probably.
You must have a black heart to have no sparkle
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Probably. But if I actually encountered Sunny and Izzy in real life, my sparkle would suddenly get so bright that it would rival the flash from a nuclear bomb.
>No sparkle
Are you an npc?
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She looks like she fucks human men
She glizzes them
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Mild >rape ist
How mild?
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>You're falling into a trance...
>You're going to love me
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>Izzy practicing her voodoohoodo on a mirror
She'll put a spell on you
2D just does not do her mane justice. Another reason for that is no cowlicks and stray curls in her tyt mane
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Hideous redesign art from fans? We've made it
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But what does it mean to have a lavender sparkle
Now she looks like she spent an hour sleeping face down on coarse upholstery.
We need to brush out your fur now
I wand to brush her until her fur is okay again
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Izzy has to be 4ft tall judging by that fainting couch
I thought this was an auroracorn
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Yeah, it's pretty terrible. Don't know why you'd want to get rid of that blue mane
She doesn't even look like the same pony at all, just one of those 'redesigns' from tumblr
Yeah, that was the point
Izzy really does have a big neck
>What movie do you wanna watch Anon?!
nice fail get you turd burglar
We're going to watch Paranormal Activity!
Like a mild cereal >rape ist
I love cereal
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Thanks Izzy
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Zipp looks like Izzy is wrangling her into doing something
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I need to draw more cute Izzy.
As opposed to what? Scary Izzy? Actually that makes sense.
Nightmare Izzy has potential
I was gonna say sexy Izzy, but she's always sexy.
I concur.
She just wants to make some new friends!
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Nope, sorry IDW, they say everypony because the creatures are all dead, and seaponies count as ponies.
They keep trying, don't they? It's almost endearing to see how cucked they are.
Sunny accidentally got turned into a rock.
Izzy and Chrysalis would be an interesting pair
>Izzy " everycreature can blah blah blah"
>Anon " Izzy you whore"
Some friends aren't friends
Izzy could unicycle changeling goop
She'd fix them right up
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Izzy's mane kind of looks like a glamorous bouffant here
Is it just me or is Pipp getting thicker?
Well she has been eating every episode
I'd need a side-by-side comparison
i will now proceed to pleasure myself with this miniature cartoon horse
She's a big miniature horse though
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My beloved
They didn't get the memo
Izzy when I whip out my 3.75" monster.
Bless her heart
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Izzy would put the sparkle back inside you
Izzer the Rizzler
Me too. Great idea
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Izzy in Elden Ring
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Izzy in Fire Emblem would be a trickster
I love her curls
I love her eyes
Why is she so fucking huge in TYT?
For some reason the designers decided that unicorns should be bigger than earth ponies because they're all hippies now, and more in touch with nature
If I knew Izzy I'd ask her to make me a new phone case
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big mare muscle mommy
Do we know that it's muscle, though? Izzy's strength feats are centered around her horn
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So should this Izzy thread or the other one die
Then post more Izzys
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I don't have much.
What's she looking at all lovey-dovey?
RIP the marestream
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Tiny thighs
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I love her movie face
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Hey, horse.
What do you say to a bit of rumpy-bumpy?
She's been given a love poison, by herslef
The old humpty-dumpty?
Poison, or potion?
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Izzy strikes me a a low-maintenace unicorn
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The biggest loss for Make Your Mark is no more sexy pony pouts.
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repostan an edit
That is VERY pretty
If I was making mym I would've included a scene where the mares make kissy faces and then put on lipstick.
Izzy would make Anon some eyes
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Izzy's curls
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>sir.. the um.. secondary audience is liking Izzy a bit too much
>shut it down
Are you saying Izzy turning into a more pinkie-pie like character are on purpose? Or are we talking about her tyt hatchetjob
>Or are we talking about her tyt hatchetjob
This. Fuck Hasbro.
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She looked better in concept art. She doesn't even look like her 3D self, she is uniquely ugly in tyt
This doesn't look that different from TYT tho
For starters her face is cuter and her eyes are bigger
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Yeah she looks cute there
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Would you have preferred if the tyt cast looked like this?
I'm furious. They said no to this? But yes to le beanface calarts?
>Hasbro: *laughs in lovecraftian ways*
Wow this is actually perfect, I would watch g5 if it looked like bottom row instead of what we got
>I would watch g5
No you wouldn't.
Top row is better
Agreed. Much cuter.
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there are beanfaces in that picture
Just ass a few pounds to Pipp
Down to one thread Izzers
there isn't
I gave up on keeping two izzy threads alive, it's way too much work and there was barely any bumping
you are blind
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Izzy's eye
wtf? put it back
No u
No, I need her Dōjutsu
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She was so cute with the dragons
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She looks like a stuffie
What's that?
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Is she too big?
Waaay too big, my guy. https://www.google.com/maps/@41.6507092,41.6359655,3a,75y,66.02h,78.42t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipPZM8wXcWTXnehl20icFkUn8v7IHur_s_kz3E0F!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPZM8wXcWTXnehl20icFkUn8v7IHur_s_kz3E0F%3Dw900-h600-k-no-pi11.579999999999998-ya189.5639758300781-ro2.875427246093807-fo90!7i7680!8i3840?coh=205410&entry=ttu
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What did Izzy see in your computer?
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I don't know what you guys are talking about. She looks about the right size to me.
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>Doesn’t mean it’s waste
>With a a dash of taste
>Woohoo, woohoo! Make it brand ne—w.

Any more remixes?
Well then, I stand corrected.
I had a dream someone replied to my post in all lower case letters. Now I wake up to no reply (except this samefag)
i guess there's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkR0NBeHx_8

well, it came true eventually.
A stuffed animal
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Thank you anon. You made my dream come true with pinpoint accuracy.
Our heroes (Pipp is taking their picture)
Is TRASH is the most popular g5 song with Monster mash?
Yes. Even the Pippcast referenced it
Personally I love Izzy's Hearts 'n Hooves song
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This was so funny, even if it slightly reduced the plausibility of Moonscout.
How so?
I don't think Izzy would look like that if she was gay for Sunny.
What if Izzy suffered the most from the VA change because she was re-cast after everyone else?
Most of the VAs in the movie are film actors, but Kimiko Glenn is primarily a TV cartoon VA.
Originally, the G5 series was to be animated by Boulder in Ireland, but then it was given to Atomic in Canada.
Canadian law says that shows produced in Canada must hire Canadians for their main cast
What's she thinking about?
Who? Sunny or Izzy?
I think Ana Sani is just being given bad direction to act like purple Pinkie Pie. She sounds better as Strawberry Shortcake
They're talking about kissing
>Canadian law says that shows produced in Canada must hire Canadians for their main cast
The one thing leaves did right
Animators are more important than VAs, and they outsource to shitty SEAsian muslim countries
Does she want Sunny to join her?
I need her to crush me
Need, or want?
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the former
one day i will insert my penis in these ponies
>Butt butt butt butt butt butt
To be fair, there's a lot there to label.
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She has a wide load, even more than Pipp
Uh, is Izzy illiterate?
Is she going to go around labeling every butt in Equestria?
Yes, certainly
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Look at that face. This is a mare you don't fuck, she would fuck you.
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Post images of her farting.
Sorry. That's Sparky's forte
It says lovely not lonely
It's written in a way to have a double meaning.
seconds after disaster
That's why I love ANG
What makes you say that about her?
She wrote them to herself
It really is a shit design
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If I had to objectively measure g5 pony popularity here, I'd say Izzy is less popular than Pipp and Posey
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What kind of retard looks at this hideous, uncanny valley, horribly designed CGI abomination and says “Yeah, I wanna stick my dick in that”? Especially when you’ve got perfect G4 ponies to fuck instead?
You're too inflexible
I'm starting to see the appeal in this hairplay.
A convert? Wonderful
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Helpful Izzer
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Izzy really slept in, huh?
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Her tongue is also very wet and she will use it
Go on...
It's gonna fit right in
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Izzy deserves a vacation
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Cutie patootie I love her design sm
Agreed. Great fur and coat color and the curls are wonderful.
Izzy getting a car
Izzy getting into a car crash
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...into Posey
...and being uninsured
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I low-key like the chemistry between Zipp and Izzy
No father's day for Izzy
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Too soon
Now it's too late
Better than high-key
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Izzy's crystals
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I'm running out of Izzies
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Popularity Hierarchy
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Me too
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Concept art designs
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Most of these look terrible, we really dodged a bullet
I kind of like the Sunny and Pipp ones
Opaline just graped her?
Izzy hasn't been the same since
Her back must be aching
Strange that the original concept for Izzy made her the team mom
With context not really, her older design just reflects the fact that she was originally a version of Fluttershy.
Same reason Sunny had an inventor angle super early on.
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Who's a good MC? You are!
I guess
They have no souls
Save you from what?
The rap is cringekino
Don't move, Izzy. I'll get the bat.
God she looks good like that
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>Sparky farts on the bat turning it into a cobra.
>Anon gets bitten by the cobra
>The venom is slowly killing him
>Izzy visits him at bedside seeing him on what could be his last day
>And then...
Just call for Hitch, the parasite loves the original host
i'm going to paint my toilet in her color scheme
Do it, Izzy!
I'm sure she would be honored
I wish they'd made an omelette out of that egg.
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So who became team mom instead?
How much for Izzy bathwater?
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You don't want to know
Its being unicycled is it not?
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So then it's on a discount or premium?
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Yes, Izzy?
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Zoomer slang za, or real pizza?
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>Moments before the doom of Anon
What's the difference?
I'm pretty sure zoomer za is Xanax
Or salvation
Izzy loves rollercoasters
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Should have been Pipp
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Looks like it! Now Sunny can beat Sekiro with them
What the fuck, how?
Zoomers like abusing over-the-counters
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Good idea

Izzy is just the best of both
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Reality SUCKS.
If it works, it works
That looks like a fun place to work
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>Here anon, I made this for you~
Don't mind if I do!
With maremilkchocolate?
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With the finest fermented mareliquor
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Will gAyi ever be able to do something that's not a generic angle?
Who knows
It's still cute

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