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AI Art Thread #33


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

Faster / more efficient version of Automatic1111 with some helpful extensions built-in. I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
The original for posterity's sake.

Has a learning curve but is extremely customizable and usually has the latest methods / papers implemented first.

>"But I don't have a decent GPU"
NovelAI also does great pony: https://novelai.net
You could also use a service like civitai.


>Pony Diffusion V6 XL

>Autism Mix (Alternative model based upon pony diffusion, I prefer the DPO version of it. Better anatomy / more coherent.)

>Seaart (Less pony knowledge but has artist tags and is very high quality.)

>Useful artist style LoRA:

>LoRAs by /mlp/:

>LoRAs by /h and other useful info:

>How to make your own LoRA:

>Prompt tips for new users:
Grab a image you like the style of from the desired model's citvia's site and drop it onto the PNG info tab in SD, you can then click send to text to image to reuse its generation info for your own images. Change the seed so you do not get just the same image. For tags on e621 use underscores between multi word prompts.

Recommended extension:

>No, AI art is NOT stealing.
Here, all the usual misinfo already addressed in one easy place for your viewing displeasure:

>Previous Thread

>Past Threads
gen some sexy maud?
My post might be deleted but my ideals live on!
It's a cute sleepy pone.
post more /bug/
If you look at the file names every one of these was nai, even your abomination.
Also, isn't anthro against the rules?
Some interesting SD3 gens





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Not pone, don't care
I look forward to playing with SD3
What's the main difference, does it understand natural language better?
The base model is bad at pone, even if it does seem to know them better than previous versions.
Much much much better prompt understanding, better than dalle 3 / midjourney at difficult / multi character stuff.
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Go use it. Try something complicated. Like a character riding something while doing something else with numbers on each object / different colors and so on. Google it and you can see a ton of examples.
Fake skyrim screenshot


This is full of stupid shit with it


Decent SD3 gens:

Remember, this is a base model, base 1.5 / SDXL looked like shit in comparison while base SD3 looking like a decent sdxl finetune but can do super complicated stuff sdxl could never do.
what's already been said. We'll see how much of it lives up to hype and what requirements it has both in hardware and prompting.
These as well:




Again, quality / aesthetics of the images are way better than the other base models but that isnt the important part here as that can be finetuned. Its its understanding of complicated subjects / concepts and being able to mix them at a level never done before.
All right, all right, calm your tits. Fucking fanboys, jeez. In any case, none of this is gonna matter until they release the checkpoint like they fucking promised.
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Alex Yiik what are you doing there?
What is the best AMD graphics card that's about a few hundred bucks for reasonable image generation?
giant flank
Too big. The key is to make it subtle. See for example >>41032125
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Not necessarily the best, but I like that the new NAI model can give good results rather easy
None, do not handicap yourself. Get a used RTX 3060 or something at least. AMD is like 25% as fast for this stuff and does not support the latest stuff.
>"That's the last straw, anon. Now you won't need a nurse once I'm through with you."
Posey Bloom gens? I've used Automatic1111 in the past, but haven't generated anything in many months. If you can get a decent Posey I'd like to know the setup so I can try and replicate, tnx
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Disdain for requesters.
quality is shit because I just wanted to see if PD6 recognizes posey. it does.
More lewd fillies please
Im generating so much specific to me fetish lewds that it's unreal. There's now about 100x images than exist on derpibooru. God bless AI.
Holy shit how are these so perfect?
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I'm a little out of the loop, I thought NAI was closed source and didn't allow NSFW?
>Closed source
>Didn't allow NSFW
That was never the case. Being uncensored both in imagegen and textgen is one of their selling points.
It's closed source but has always allowed for NSFW.
They were founded by a couple of anons from /aids/ when AI Dungeon added censorship and started reading user stories, so being anti-censor and pro-privacy is pretty much their thing.
Ah good to know. How much does it cost to generate on their site? Or is there a local diffusion model available?

Sweaty Applejack's rump
For NAI tags.
awesome! that turned out pretty good for "shit". I don't think I've run SDXL, might have to give it a go now
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Depends on the expected compute time. NAI works on E-shekels called Anlas. The current rate is 527 to 909 anlas per USD with bulk orders getting better pricing.

It costs anywhere from 4-200 Anlas for image generation (More steps, custom settings, bigger image = more compute = more expense) but default settings are in the 25-ish area.

The other option is to buy the subscription (See pic) Its worth noting that the unlimited generations for the Opus tier actually goes all the way up to 1024x1024 @ 28 steps despite what the ** says.
AMD is really good now with zluda. You just need like, 6800XT or better, but it's comparable to my nvidia machine gens


>Closed source and no NSFW
You must've been thinking of Midjourney.

It's quite a capable and flexible model, but it sure would be nice to have a less lobotomized and free version of it. Imagine the realistic mares we could have then. Much more likely to happen than with Dall-e 3 or ImageFX at least...
Standard generations are free, only the bigger image sizes or steps cost money
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But you're full of shit.

So full of shit I made a free account just to demonstrate the levels of shit contained within your person.

As we can see on the shit-o-scope, a default generation requires 20 anlas, which this account has zero.

Even reducing the settings down to 1 step at 128x128, the cost to generate is 2. Please wipe the shit from your eyes, then take notice that this number is more then 0, which is what a free account has.

Free standard generations are a perk granted exclusively to Opus tier subscribers at the 25 dollar level, everyone else must pay for every generation.

You would know this, but as it has been clearly demonstrated, Full of shit.
>Cute sexy image
>But AI decide to give a giant tire ponut
Poisoned dataset.
Is this the almost-savior of AI-geneated images?
The colors are so nice.Even got the cutie mark ight.
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>both cutie marks
Very nice
Are you sure this is AI? It even got the dock right.
I need some great and powerful cuddles.
File deleted.
Cute bugs.
It's free.
Maybe not be poor and retarded?
It's NAI. I find it very good for cutie marks, even on background ponies. Same for docks and genitalia. I'm still struggling with creating good backgrounds or how to inpaint properly with it, though.
The painting interface just seems to be completely broken? Doesn't do anything for me.
NAI inpainting completely ignores what's underneath the mask.
>But only after you pay $25 a month.

Its okay, just take the L anon.

Is there any advantage to doing "character: <character name>" over the default tagged "<character name> (<medium>)?
Also that pose is just adorable. What a sweet glimmy. Full pic?

There's a lot of things not optimized with the new version. Inpainting for example doesn't work well and leaves big ugly square splotches where the region was marked for it. So looks like painting may have a similar issue. They'll probably fix that in a year and a half, record time.
Some of these are good, some of these are bad. There are no in-betweens. It seems AI follows the same pattern of skill distribution as real art, only with the mediocre caste completely removed.
Hippogriffs are half pony on the side that counts.
Second the request for original.
Use the image as a base image, set the "Strength" of the base image to something like .6 and add what you don't want to the negative prompt.
That's the nature of a paid service
They use e621 tags as far as I am aware, and e6 uses "character:", so that's what I use
Here's the Glimmy and some other stuff: https://files.catbox.moe/0c3fyg.png

what was the proompt for the first Glimmer?
It's what you see here >>41035800
'dynamic pose' makes for good, diverse pictures
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I wanna massage that fat ponut...
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Thanks, anon. Did some playing around with that prompt too and found something really neat.
If you turn the "prompt guidance rescaler" slider all the way to 1, everything turns a kind of grungy dull atmosphere kinda style. Sort of a wasteland like appearance. Reminds me of Fallout, some apocalypse, or that alternate future Starlight created, and ponies are just living in it still getting by.


Vibe transferred an actual picture of a horse.

Yo she got them cannons locked and loaded
incredibly cute celly snoofa
Hahahahaha fucking based
Do I have to?
Apparently apples aren't as profitable anymore.
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Requesting one with this
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Be careful what you wish for.
Perfect. You even read my mind. I was going to request Lyra, but I figured I'd let you have some leeway.
NTA, but the scary ponk is literally what generated when I first ran it with that picture.

Have a pink horse.
>generate hands
>almost never 5 fingers
>generate spank mark
>always 5 fingers
catbox this please
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well, this for example
>always six fingers
Who the fuck has six fingers?
Are you sure you don't have some invalid tags adding noise or something? Novelai seems to nail hands 9/10 times.
Your picture inspired me. Turns out "reaction image" is a valid tag.
Your CFG is way too high. The default 6.2 or lower is best.
are you high?
i don't use cloud services
it indeed is
wow thats great, more please
i'll post once i get the definitive version
How much do you think Celestia weighs?
Who's a silly pony?

Apparently, an estimated 8-16 million.
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Guess the prompt
Pinkie Pie picked a peck of pickled peppers
idk. here
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Some experiments with reaction image -tag.
Nah its cool, I didn't need to sleep today.
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Cute. She looks embarrassed and confused by sudden pen0r.
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reaction image and dynamic pose are a powerful combo.
>Rainbow Dash waiting outside your door knowing she'll have to say the line
>Wait I never got this far in my plan.
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Damn anon got it right the first time and blew that anons plan out of the water
Nebula mare
It sure smells like solar tendies in here.
thats actually sick as fuck, just needs an edit to make the last hoof match
Big extension for better coherence / prompt following:

For forge / comfyui: https://github.com/pamparamm/sd-perturbed-attention

For Auto: https://github.com/v0xie/sd-webui-incantations
Awesome depiction of Twilight gaining clairvoyance though.
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Maxing out vibe transfer did well to retain the form of her original generation (center). She has matching hooves in most, though I like the idea her colors shift occasionally making all color combinations correct.
>Quad (you)s
Oh god I'm gonna cum!
"What are these wood things for?"
"I think we stand on them."
"You sure?"
"Trust me."
Dat hair nomph.
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Mom and daughter bonding.
That book is about to combust.
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Doing GOD's work!

This looks like one of those ring doorbell memes.
Yo how the FUCK do you get it to make two characters? For me it just turns out complete nonsense
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NTA but I use Regional prompting. Others use Forge couple and it looks like there is a new contender at >>41038229
Mail's here.
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Perturbed-Attention Guidance
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Some of these are so good I think it's an a cheeky artist posting his organic art as artificial. My dick doesn't care. But my mind wonders at the really good ones like this. I wish I could just keep my mouth shut about it. But damnnnnnnn this is so good, it's got me question reality.

For local its incredible / certainly worth using.


Supposed to be a cat and a dog. With CFG it makes both cats, with PAG it correctly separates the concepts.




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Yea I'm liking it. I genned this and >>41038903
with it.

>new headcanon queen chrysalis was nightmare moon
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Thanks for the video, I'm going to watch it now.
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Imagine what the fandom would've been like if this tech came about in 2012-2013...
100x more pony content. Likely more of the people who left because of the slow down of new content would have stayed.
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A quick test of Perturbed with and without LoRA (All were generated with Kohya HRFix enabled on Forge, did not seem to break anything.)
LoRA and Perturbed: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/22nc0vt.png
LoRA only: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/382aifdr.png
Perturbed only: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/gggh8hzh.png
Neither applied: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/rw60v4gy.png
Image unrelated. Fluttershy is cute.
Next going to test if changing layer changes anything.
For single character stuff PAG shows most in small details that CFG often gets wrong it fixes. It shines most in multicharacter stuff with or without regional prompting.

Have to mess with the scale. Like CFG too much will make it less creative / more "burnt in".
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True fans never left
See if this was written by a /mlp/ goer it would say IN rather than ON.
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Not everything has to be lewd.
It seems only layer 0 results in anything.
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That may have been unclear. anything besides layer 0 resulted in an image identical to not using Perturbed.
I see some benefit in sticking to characters (and not spawning in extras) in a group.
Pert: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/jafcdznh.png
no Pert: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/7zz5m1ss.png
>Try to see if NAI can give backgrounds.
>Give me cute filly instead.
because it's a background filly
Also this for comfyui chads:

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damn novelai is impressive
damn, I really wanted to try it
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Hmmmm....I like regional prompting best. It does multiple better then PAG
I'll still have to see if they can be used together but busy watching the cup.
so after a bit of testing i can say that PAG is good at minor details but it's by no means a miracle solution. use it if your AI is struggling to get some specific prompts included / correct. it will boost the success percentage a bit
It's a free boost in prompt following / generation quality. There is no reason not to use it unlike SAG which cuts performance in half or freeu which is negligible.
>There is no reason not to use it
there is. my generation time went up by 50%
any more artist LORAs in progress? would love to see pabbley, bobdude0, zajice...
? I didn't notice a difference myself but im using a 4090.
Ok, its like a 10-15% slowdown on a 4090 it seems. Worth it though. Turning up PAG to 5.0 and CFG down to 5.0 really improves image quality.
I can confirm a slight increase in generation time on a 3090.
I'll have to keep playing with the values. 4 PAG with 5 CFG is looking best so far.

Without PAG:


Small details are far more "coherent" and sharper without doing what high CFG does and burning them in. It also made the gem in her crown the right color.
It also made it actually follow the whole "on throne" part better.
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My attempt at Helldiver Dash.
one thing i noticed about PAG is that it makes the picture sharper. thicker contours, more intense colours and shadows etc
Well, if you think about it, the only reason the AI is so good at mares now is because this hadn't existed until recently. An entire decade of quality (and otherwise) content data to learn from and become what it is today; and likely would've been mediocre at best without. In that sense perhaps it's better this tech arrived so late.

That it is. I wonder what planet or other celestial body that Cute Mare has found? I really like her mane, and suit.

The outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man. The inside is pretty good too.
Where no pony has gone before.
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this almost reminds me of moe
Fallen angels.
Still trying to figure out how masking vs control net works with comfyui, have a generated dash low angle:
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my dick. right here.
''''vibe transfer''' is just plagiarizing with a corporate buzzword wash
plagiarizing is a corporate buzzword
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>Ai is A-ACK!
SD devs might have competition. Much smaller model with crazy good prompt adherence.

download link?

Images appear okay so far with some, but reading on it seems to need a bunch of RAM still to operate?
>8GBs main model
>Further 10GBs for some text interpreter thingy
Seems like a lot, anon.
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does it know who rainbow dash is? only thing that matters to me on whether to use it or not
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The fuck are you on about?
Ignore the schizo.
I never really thought about it, but detailed licking pics like this are really rare in pony.
Gorgeous, simply gorgeous. Could you share all the variants separately, please?
Is there such a thing as too detailed?
Certainly. Here are all 79 generations of her, thus far.
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trying to gen more
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>According to Ghaderi's account in the complaint, she returned to work after giving birth in January 2023, inheriting a large language model project. Part of her role was flagging violations of Amazon's internal copyright policies and escalating these concerns to the in-house legal team. In March 2023, the filing claims, her team director, Andrey Styskin, challenged Ghaderi to understand why Amazon was not meeting its goals on Alexa search quality.

>The filing alleges she met with a representative from the legal department to explain her concerns and the tension they posed with the "direction she had received from upper management, which advised her to violate the direction from legal."

>According to the complaint, Styskin rejected Ghaderi's concerns, allegedly telling her to ignore copyright policies to improve the results. Referring to rival AI companies, the filing alleges he said: "Everyone else is doing it."
So much for that jewish shill deflection
tldr, post pony, not article.
What does this wall of cope mean?
>A lawsuit is alleging Amazon was so desperate to keep up with the competition in generative AI it was willing to breach its own copyright rules.

>Ghaderi also accuses the tech giant of singling her out because she complained when Amazon allegedly breached its own rules against copyright infringement when it came to AI research.

>The allegations come at a difficult time for developers of AI models in relation to copyright infringement in training data. A string of legal cases have been launched concerning the consumption and reproduction of copyrighted text by generative AI. Novelists Paul Tremblay, Christopher Golden, Richard Kadrey, and comedian Sarah Silverman accused OpenAI of unlawfully scraping their work last year, while the New York Times is suing Microsoft and OpenAI, claiming the duo infringed on the newspaper's copyright by using its articles without permission.

It means jews know Ai is theft but since other jews are thieving then 'everyone is doing it so its okay' typical psychotic kike behavior that lies to the public or pay to have courts in their favor while continuing
wgaf. Take that to /pol or reddit or some shit. This is for pony, not politics.
Blow it out your ass, it's on topic.
This thread is for pony AI art, not for reposting some online article about some corporate shit. Go argue on reddit or some shit.
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>When she gives you "The Look"
It destroys the entire 'its not theft' and 'ai isn't jew cock sucking' arguments when their own people working for it say otherwise
Ironic you bring up reddit since you shill post from there all the time.
And I'm sure the law is whatever a cop says right?
It says nothing about either side being correct, just that a lawsuit was filed. Do you know how many lawsuits get filed that lose? The majority of them.
You have a jew literally in the company telling people to ignore the laws because other jews are doing the same. and when she's obeying the laws then she gets punished for it by the same jew because it's all about profit for the ai jew investor
Also I know your just some /pol tourist but this fandom has never been pro-copyright. The entire fandom is built off of stealing hasbro's IP. To use your own "arguments" "jews" would own any and everything if copyright law were that stringent. Thankfully fair use is a thing.
You have to be 18 years or older to post here
back to /pol with you. Or /biz since your so pro copyright for some reason.
this isn't your trooncord
I'm also not your therapist. Back to your containment board, leave us horse fuckers to ours.
What the fuck are on about, who would want a therapist who's a mental child
You apparently, coming to /mlp on 4chan to vent of all places.
Lol, true.
Amazing! This is way more than I could've ever hoped for. Thank you so much!
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Why did you have to remind me?
>"Hey there sugarcube..."
Oh exploitable.
I guess bonbon can't sing.
Training one for pabbley now. Might do one for zajice but the dataset is looking a bit slim after trimming.
Im using that super deformed Lyra down at the bottom there. That's prime reaction image material.
6GB ~ 8GB of VRAM the rest runs in RAM.
>mfw I get the doodad cutie mark
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What's she thinking of Anon?
Her horn is tingling about it whatever it is.
>Isolates bottom lyra
>Feeds onto NAI for vibe transfer
>Prompts accordingly to replicate her

Somehow didn't notice this till now, too bad it only works on 1.5 models. Turns any 1.5 model into dalle 3 though.



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I don't think the Zajice one was transferred well due to the dataset being subpar but I'll upload it anyways in case more dedicated prompting gets the style across better.
Pabbley LoRA: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/gw7rhar.7z
Zajice LoRA: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/52roqlr.7z
Fullscale comparison: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/tx8ezazg.png
Based lorachad
God bless you, anon.
>"Rarity's been teachin' me all about how to be in use of our "feminine whiles" anon."
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Huh, why the bon colors so unstable? Most other mares have been good with consistent color accuracy.

Also, apparently she doesn't have a tag either... NAI must hate this horse in particular.
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It depends on what ponies I'm genning and just getting lucky. A lot of ponies are easy to gen together if you add a tag such as "looking at another" or "mother and daughter" or "lesbian". Just use anything that implies multiple characters. However, I can't gen characters that look too similar or else they'll merge certain characteristics (why this didn't happen to Sparkle and Velvet is probably because they share a lot of art already.), like pic related. It's supposed to be Rarity and Velvet but they always swap some of their details, mostly their manes.
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Lyra no that's wrong
Probably a mix of her having two names, and the more popular fan name being shared with a g1 pony
What kind of prompts do you use for novel ai v3 furry? I keep getting garbage.

Artist tags don't work at all, so how do you get a consistent style?
Artist tags are removed for this model, so it's best to avoid them to prevent confusing it.

For prompts it's generally it's good to do at least:
>"<character name>, <species>, <body category>, <subject number context>,"
Everything else following being just further information regarding what else you want relating to the scene. For example:
>trixie (mlp), pony, feral, solo, looking at you, scenery, soft blush, fluffy, hat, cape
>Artist tags don't work at all, so how do you get a consistent style?
Vibe transfer.
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"Dynamic pose"?
Btw, there is a new version of the turbo / lightning lora but it actually doesn't make the detail shit like those, good for finding base gens to work off of.


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Who else has no enthusiasm for posting stuff? Also did you all know man and mare r34 is against the TOS of catbox?
With the new hyper SD lora I can gen 2048x2048 res images about as fast as II made 1024 ones before.

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Gemini // ImageFX // Dalle-3 // PSAI // NAI
Crystal mares. Pretty difficult to generate via NovelAI, especially named characters.
Crystal mares are just mares in 8bit, change my mind.
God do I hate stuttering in music on purpose. It always makes me check if my mouse is lagging too to verify if my computer is locking up while genning. (happens after a bunch of gens usually)
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Never enough sybian ponies.
She’s just like me bros
what does she mean with that?
Plap plap plap plap
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>What goes on in such a mare's head? Perhaps we will never know.
Okay AI is theft because a text says so.
So why is your art still in your possession?
We have to invent new words but you should read it as inspired by, artist's style.
But better. I was talking with an artist about AI yesterday who's mad but amazed how fast the technology got better at doing what she always did manually. I could lie to her and keep saying AI art is soulless but it's just false, AI gens are more alive than the average digital art, if not being closer to art.
What could I really tell an artist to do now AI is here?
This. I don't give a shit as long as I have it. Digital crimes do not exist.
To embrace it. To use it as a starting point and then edit it to suit what they had in mind exactly. AI is a tool, rejecting it is luddite behavior.
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Seconded but let's be honest, artists have been using AI for longer, just with extra steps.

"Art theft" is capitalist brainrot. The moment we learn to work together will be a little revolution.
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AI does this better without abusing tablet. I had to check twice if those were AI generated. Assassinmonkey's LoRA gives better results than the uncanny valley original.
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I have an idea:
Make an "altbooru" but hiding tags mentioning artist name, or AI generated by erasing the bias between manmade and AI, and see how the score and comments are, with simple anonymity.
So this could be a great experience for all. Also the AI goofs are fun, it's cute, artists want to always fix their mistakes erasing what makes them human often destroying their original vision. No Ai artist really care, it's always exploration.
Would be funny just to see all the artists accusing each other of being soulless AI
Digital art vs AI is a silly debate. Art should be used instead of stagnating, there's an endless resource waiting to be used and re-used. Ai does that. AI teaches us to break the paradigm of IP and should be a tool for all, especially artists. I hope more artist-based LoRAs emerge amd aspire artists to get into AI.
We can generate pony content from artists who left, or sadly has left us.
Artists dies, preserving their skill through AI is beautiful, as a hommage.

Artists put their soul in their art, AI grasps it and keeps it going.

Go with nVidia, don't cheap out, balance your power consumption for efficiency.
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I'd love a Mamabliss LoRA without the hard scat fetish. Style is awesome, content is awful.

Here's a good example

This is clown world tier Photoslop, the artist spent almost one year from >fillycon anthro art to this kind of magnificent soulless and uncanny art.
Artists always evolved with their tool I can understand they hate learning these skills for nothing but it's a hard pill to swallow for them.
> Style is awesome
Hard disagree. Get your anthro trash out of here.
Comics soon with this hopefully
Mamabliss is like a LSD trip, artist suffers of schizophrenia, ok?
Jesus christ that is terrifying. Its also against the rules.
Do you hate it because it's against the rules?
I hate it because its a plastic barbie doll with a melting half human face with a shitty filter over it. Can't believe some people like that sort of stuff.
>power consumption

Unless you bought undercooled gpu off of some chink brand you should be fine. Why it's an issue anyway? Your bill gets one or less percent bigger, and thats somehow should justify nvidia's vscam generation?
NTA but if you haven't already bought one going AMD is a bad choice atm because nvidia is so far ahead on the AI game that most devs making stuff make it for nvidia hardware first and you are beholden to hoping someone else decides to port it to AMD. Even now the latest and greatest methods are barely supported if at all on amd simple because there is no one porting it.
must suck to be on the spectrum
True, takes a certain kind to like that plastic Barbie doll look. Any time I stumble across the shit its usually combined with scat or futa or both so its something for the truly mentally damaged.
Fucking owned
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>imagine decoding that, also file embedding is against the rules.
Its literally random noise. If that seriously decodes into anything then I need to start playing the lottery.
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oh ok...i didn't report it anyways. gj fooling me
Does Mare Juice™ have what plants crave?
Yeah, it has electrolytes. And horppocure.
>FDA b& horppocure
I hate it here...
1100% Wow
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back to trooncord
is that chain attached to the bed sheet
I respect his effort, also DarkDoomer's one of the rare artists showing genuine interest in AI art on Purplesmart. Minus the hardware.

I agree, let's introduce people to accept and encourage the use of AI. It's a game chnger.
Found some good stuff
Megaman smile
>login to download
Any chance of seeing ponies bound and blindfolded?
Thank you
>DarkDoomer's one of the rare artists showing genuine interest in AI art on Purplesmart
He's obviously sus, but the underlying others are also very sussy.
C-can it do plane ponies??
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Kinda? Bit difficult though.
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yes, but Lämp!
>200% cheesier
In about 10 seconds flat
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Luna posting hours

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These are so bad I want Bing/copilot to stop already or be sued by hasbro
Be ye vexed, o brother?
gen fluttergoth lewds plz
Hey guys I got a new PC with a 4070 but I don't have any idea how start, is there any tutorial?
See >>41032750
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Yes, I downloaded the first link, it installed a lot of things and I guess I installed ponydifussion because it shows in downloads and checkpoints but I don't have any idea how to use it properly, like what the hell is this this shit lmao
You need the checkpoint (the big file) in the <place you installed webUI\models\Stable-Diffusion> If it's in the right place it shows up in the "Stable diffusion checkpoint" droplist at the top of the UI. For start I recommend browsing what others uploaded to catbox, downloading them and loading pictures in the "PNG Info" tab. If the data wasn't removed it will show you the complete prompt with all the parameters setup. You can then use the "send to txt2img" button to copy it to generation UI. You can then modify the prompt, add or remove things you would like (just set the Seed to -1, otherwise it will keep generating the same image if you don't change the prompt).
It's a very autistic model and you need to use a bunch of shit to proompt.
They used score for quality, so you can add stuff like 'score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up' to all your proompts.
Yes, yes to all of it. Thank you anon
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Okay then I have something wrong? because I took one of the anon's Luna pics I did that and It generates this
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I don't know what data you're using for the ass/pussy but it fucking kicks ass.
Do you have the shino and pestil loras? You will need to download those for that prompt to work

You can find them here:
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras (shino hash f9617bce33ae)
I guess you don't have loras installed that the generator tries to use, fails to do so and it throws out garbage. For now just remove the last 2 tags in <> and it should generate something.
>SD VAE Automatic
Put it in your VAE folder
That's a nice BJ
Stop gatekeeping and tell us how you get the mare pussy so good.
I'm pretty sure it's the new NovelAI model that can get it. The prompt is actually pretty simple if the data extracted with PNG info is accurate
This. Just prompt {equine pussy} in NAI.
Can you post one that includes "close-up"?
For those who don't know, you can put NAI images into this link to get the prompt: https://novelai.net/inspect
It also works with pictures posted directly on 4chan.
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Thanka anon
You're paranoid but can be happy. Thanks to retards like you, he left, and left nothing, not even a like.
>tfw no pony Legos.
Why even live?

Good riddance.
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How TF do I gen any plane pony?
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It's not easy.
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This actually makes for a potentially really nice 'realistic' alternate G4 style. One request, I know that the lens is distorted but could you make the ears a bit bigger?
more of this please
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I was thinking something like this might look better
I can't, its over.
love this style, more
That ham is cooked, glazed, and ready to be sliced.
aeromorph term helps
Class 601. Scheceralle's pussy.
Poor guy, he looks like he needs his dick sucked.
That looks fine as is. What I can do is run it through the AI using that photoshoop as a baseline at low strength which will blend it in with the rest of the image.
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/r/ing some dark fantasy/DND type stuff to use as placeholders for a project. I'm the type of guy that has to have the visual stuff figured out before I can keep working on the actual game mechanics. Here's some shit I slapped onto the cover.
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>Limestone I...
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That sounds great. Here's a version that has the ears more closely cropped. I would make one more request if possible. Could you make the ears smoother and less 'furry' so they're more like the rest of the figure? I just think that would look more consistent overall.
Is there any way to generate images online for free?
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Purplesmart discord server bot is probably the best choice for pony.
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What a beautiful library. I hope I don't get killed and turned into a book if I visit it haha.
Well, it'd make me feel better.
Woah, is it really ai?
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I've been making bat ponies
Pretty. What's her name?
I haven't come up with one lmao
She looks like she smells like lavender.
Yes, but I inpainted AJ and the tower.
I tried to add other ponies, but I wasn't happy with the results.
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>Generate online mares for free
Purplesmart - Unmatched pony accuracy (aside similar models merged with PSAI, or paid models like NovelAI) with few restrictions of usage. Less situational and scene flexibility.
Dall-e 3 - Very flexible and has a decent familiarity with mares, has coherent text and is good for memes or achieving situations PSAI can't achieve well.
ImageFX - More accurate for mare than Dall-e 3 but more artsy/messy, unless attempting realism, then it's superior in that regard. Can generate real mares pretty well.
Gemini - Similar to above, but lesser quality, however is more negotiable as you can correct the AI and tell it how it misinterpreted or did wrong and it will attempt again with that in mind.
MetaAI - Garbage. Don't even bother with it.

I wonder if she tastes as good as she smells
>wen download snowpity to my brain
"Can I come inside, anon? It's getting wimdy out here."
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File deleted.
Someone told me to run JJJ through NAI, need to figure out how to remove the hands, but keep the suit.
use negative prompt and add hands?
or inpaint
kinda too anthro
I liked it
You have cancer, Miss Rainbow.
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I'm new to this. Do you guys write a prompt and generate one by one, changing the prompt until you get what you want or do you generate batches and hope you get a good seed?
Mixture of both. Usually a batch of 4-8 will have an interesting image or at least gives a clear word to add or remove. I also use wildcards for things like characters, poses, places and colors to find interesting combinations to pursue.
basically text files you've made that when called for in the prompt picks one of the lines at random to insert where you want it.
Links broken.
Works for me.
Lovely cherry.
You’re on a phone aren’t you? Try viewing it while connected to wifi.

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