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The Coffin of Nonny and Shimmy edition.
Last episode: >>40946813
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Holy BASED image
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Thread theme: https://youtube.com/watch?v=X6x_fg7mJZI
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For me it's
or alternatively

Best tracks in the game
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>myuu cloud and smallmagicbook
Shouldn't you be posting on twitter about how you hate this game or something, normie? Everyone knows the true CHAD tracks are:

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I don't even like Shimmy but she's cute in the TCOAAL style
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Step aside, plebs. The (cuck)queen has arrived
Why the fuck is it the only girls that show interest in me are my own family members?! I’ve asked out 20 girls across town and none of them give me the time of day meanwhile these freaks want to fuck their own brother/cousin
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So is this thread just /irt/ but even more autistic?
Did she mean to own up to it? Or did one of her sisters sneak a coughcuckcough in during her introduction.
The sisters and cousins have formed a mob they use to keep other girls away from Anon.
I was never around for those, but probably. If it means you'll post more Sonata then sure I'll be as autistic as you want.
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If media has taught me anything it's that you should have sex with your sister and/or mom because no one else could ever compare. Especially if they're mentally ill
Why? Not only could a sexual relationship compromise a sibling relationship, but inbreeding has been known to cause generational damage.
I was more so pointing out a trend than earnestly suggesting it but sometimes people's lives are so shit that fucking their sister would unironically be a an improvement.
do you use some special model or LoRA for this?
>retard it's not AI
>takes a closer look
>it IS AI
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Does she know?
I actually meant that it was keeping me from sleeping. But I did have one dream where Sunset was my sister, except she was brunette(she kept the gold highlights, although they were faded to look more natural, but you could tell). Nothing sexy happened but we did have nice, surprisingly wholesome sibling interactions.
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Nobody likes fake news, fuckboy. We deal in facts and logic here.
>Be Kaiser Franz Joseph.
>Your bloodline has been tainted by centuries of incestuous relations and this effect may linger in the psychologies of both you, your ancestors, and your descendants.
>You’ve already had to cope with power being given to Hungarian bureaucrats and you were fine with this, but amid cries for your Slavic constituents to have similar autonomy, you refuse to give in, which may be in part due to this thinking pattern.

>For some reason, you decide to hold a parade featuring your son and heir apparent one day.
>His parade car takes a wrong turn and provides the perfect opportunity for a Serbian nationalist to shoot him to death.

Wat do?
Where can I get started on reading all this green and lore?
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>you and your sister are enjoying a nice, wholesome shower together
>the floor of the shower opens up to reveal Pennywise
What do?
It would help if we had the greens and the family tree in the OP for newcomers
I can’t blame anyone though, I didn’t save them or put them in the OP either
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Okey dokie, I do believe I have found most, if not all the greens we’ve had so far
https://ponepaste.org/8941(Sweaty Sunset Sister.)
https://ponepaste.org/8950(Sister Sunset Stormy Silver Screen)
https://ponepaste.org/8950(Sister Sunset’s Secret Scandalous Salacity)
https://ponepaste.org/9166(Kindred Kissing Carnal Cousins)
https://ponepaste.org/9189(Milky Motherly Morning)
https://ponepaste.org/9416(Vinyl and Sunset Sisters, unfinished/abandoned)
https://ponepaste.org/9463(Family Friendly Fun, ongoing)
https://ponepaste.org/9764(Dawn of Incest)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40464433/#40470159 (Various greens that never made it to ponepaste)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39941314/#q39969050(The beginning of Scribblekek’s downfall)
>"Sorry little bro, I used most of the hot water up, but to make it up to you, I'll wash your back."
Spray the water on his face.
>wow if she were my sister i'd FUCK and SEX her bro holy FUCK give me mommy sister with TITS
None of you have had siblings.
When I was little, I huffed my sisters’ underwear whenever I had the chance, and licked the toilet seat after one of them went, one time. You’re kinda right though, but only because I wouldn’t instigate. If one of them had offered, you bet your ass I would be in there. They’re both married now, so I guess I missed my chance.
One funny thing I remember was that they, unbeknownst to anyone else, dressed me up like a princess. They were teens, and I was less so. I should bring that up sometime, with as many close people around as possible
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I have a sister whom of which we had exchanged pics once
Good job, now if that manages to make it into the OP, we’re golden
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Damn bratty sister…
>My bratty little sister can't be this cute!
Just don’t say that out loud, or you’re done for.
Made me think of something that'd be amusing.
>Bratty little Sunsis messes with you and is smugly satisfied when you angrily call her a brat
>Gets flustered and mad if you say she's cute
>So if you said 'My bratty little sister can't be this cute!' out loud she'd take issue with it, but only that part about her being cute at the end
>Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya.
>You killed my father.
>Prepare to die.
>Sunset killed dad
>If it turned out it was Sunset who fucked dad to death
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Your sister is an absolute whore, Anon. The only future she has is dying old while still sucking dick until her bones crack, and gets a heart attack after climaxing after she seduced the local retard to have sex with her.

Sunslut Shitter? Scum of the earth.
Yes Mom-- I mean, yes Sis!
Sunset, sis! Why your creepy girl friend didn't ate Scribble Dee yet?
if you dress up just like Adagio, i will let you watch
You think she’d mellow out after being GOOSH GOOSH twice by anon recently
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Feel like getting freaky with your sister in public?
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>"Good morning little bro! I hope you slept well."
>"Come give big sis her good morning kiss or I won't make you breakfast~!"
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Sounds like someone is upset they don’t have a hot sister.
Need! If I could write I would do some risky public Sunsis stuff
Post pics
you can't just post something like that in an incest thread and not deliver.
Never played that game, but that's a really cute Shimmer.
Add it to the next op post
hell no

the tldr:
I asked her to help me find a female to end my dry spell
the way she worded her reply was it sounded like she wanted to help me out in that regards, personally
misunderstood, spilling the beans that i've spanked it to her
we agreed to pretend it didn't happen
then a day or two later she said that she'd help me by sending pics from her OF or something to help me cuz it wouldn't be any different if I had come across them online,I said ok, nothing ever happened on that front, yet
one day, she told me she's been super horny lately and was masturbating while she was texting me, all the while I just so happen to be spanking it
I said that this was kinda hot,she agreed and she asked for a pic, she sent one right away and so I had to send one back, we complimented each other, she also said that when she's been horny, she has actually thought about me in that way on occasion
we agreed to keep it to texting only, but then she realized her phone was on someone's plan who might see this stuff, so we had to nip it in the bud
This happened just this year a couple months ago
You may have a sister who is actually DTF, Anon.
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>“I wonder if Anon would mind if we moved to Tenpenny tower. I’m sick of these weird Atom Cultists”
Would Blackjack be willing to give her advice on shagging her brother? And I doubt moving to Stable 99 would be an option for either of them, since Sunset would have to share her brother with everyone else and Anon would have to contend with the girls using him like a sex toy.
I always thought it was all the fucking he had to do to produce such a family tree as ours in the first place.
>acting bratty while having assumed the position
She knows what she’s doing.
>Sunset would have to share her brother with everyone else and Anon would have to contend with the girls using him like a sex toy.
That was already their lives on a daily basis before the war anyway
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How would Anon and Sunset react to knowing that these two wetbrains are their descendants?
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Cute! More Bathing Shimmy is appreciated.
I'd rather wash yours.
That's just cousin Dagi trying to sneak a peek. The clown costume is unrelated...I think...
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Surely Sunsis has to know that the hot water will run out eventually with all the shower escapades we’ve been having?
>hell no
We’ll just have to keep each other warm in the mean time then.
maybe, but I'm not stupid enough to post shit that can be traced back
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Bro, you just said she has an OF, she's already out there for people to see, tf you mean
and the pic she sent me was of a non-watermarked version of one she posted on her OF, so yeah, it's traceable
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Almost heaven, West Virginia…
Shut up and go fuck your sister already
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How would human Sunset Shimmer react upon coming home from college and seeing that you’ve been banging an interdimensional animal doppleganger of her, mistakenly thinking that it actually was her?
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She bangs interdimensional animal doppleganger of us, obviously. Then we have a crazy fourway with our alternate selves, which ends in the originals finally pairing up.
And with that, Pony Sunset's friendship mission was complete.
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But ponymous HATES us, he'd rape us right in our anonymussies
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A three way can solve any clone problem
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Plot twist: Wallflower Blush IS our pony counterpart. Don't ask.
Nah, I'd fuck.
Need some aislop of this scenario. For research.
It would explain why no one knows how she is related to us.
Wallflower Blush is GOD, she descended on earth solely to LAUGH at us.
I know the joke here is "haha incest", but I'd smash the chick on the top left. Looks smol and has cute freckles.
I bet she won’t be laughing after I PLAP her ass
>t. smote by a thunderbolt
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She can still do that too.
>Wallflower Blush
>Perverted goddess of incest
>If it turned out your family line is descended from her
>She takes an interest in you because your connection with her is stronger than anyone in your family has had in a long time
>It explains why you're so into incest and you'll be blessed by her as long as you keep fucking your family
>She'd especially like it if you made some time for her
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>Hey Cuz, I'm stealing your sister's cup for my morning coffee.
>Great time last night, by the way~.
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Glad you enjoyed the show, Adagio.
I don’t think she’ll mind letting you drink from her cup, especially after she’s had her fill. Might even be some cream left over for you in there. Just make sure to wash that before you return it though. And I don’t mean the mug.
This animation is GODtier. Classic.
I like Adagio still having her usual bitch queen attitude despite being brutally cucked every night.
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>hussy lover
I need this, but with Sunset and Wallflower.
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Love some casual Cuckdagio!
She would definitely still be her usual haughty, high and mighty self despite everything. She may get pretty desperate and depraved in her cuck chair at night, but she's always sitting pretty back on her high horse the next morning like nothing happened.
I know I shouldn’t want to put babies in that but…
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But do it anyway
Ashley did nothing wrong
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>“God Anon your so fucking stupid”
The fuck did I do??
You’ve been at school a whole hour and haven’t came inside her yet
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>Sunsis crawling into your bed in the middle of the night and waking you up with head in full succubus cosplay
I’d love to see her cleaning the cream out of Sunset’s cup, if you know what I mean.
Oh. Fuck my bad.
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Big titty goth sister
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an attempt was made
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missed the collar bone
Very nice. Although I kinda liked the yellow. But this is the style I understand.
Pretty face, cute tummy, pretty face, cute tummy, squishy thighs, pretty face, cute tummy. My eyes don’t know where to land.
Checked and not too bad.
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Anon needs to creampie that ass before he can fall asleep
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>Sunset still trying to play while your fucking her ass.
I'd fuck her right in her cousin pussy.
It’s our little ritual.
I wanna try this while she’s playing some Rhythm Heaven type game so I can plap with her to the beat.
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>Yeah bro?
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I said I wanna bang you like a bongo drum. I mean, I wanna clap your cheeks to the beat! I mean! I wanna pump you up to the jam! I MEAN! I wanna play your ass like a fucking piano! I MEAN!!!
How can she be so cute and lewd!
>Ugh, you moron! Just get over here!
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Cousin booty > Sister booty
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God I want that tsundere chokeslut to bully me with her fuckhuge tits and ass.
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Aria is the booty queen, there is no denying. Got to get these two side by side.
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>"Soooo... are you /only/ with Sunset? I mean, you're an idiot and stuff, but sometimes you're... kinda alright. For an idiot."
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>It's back
I want Sunset to hound me with 'fun facts' about inbreeding.
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>”What’s a sibling like you doing in a place like this?”
this is our house Sunset
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>*rapes you*
My cousin in Celestia, you are related to me, you're getting your cheeks clapped.
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>in Celestia
Are you not wearing underwear?
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*plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*
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>"Ugh, what, cousin?"
>"Yes, I know my butt is awesome."
>"You gonan stare at it all day, or are you gonna make yourself useful and lather me up with that sunscreen?"
Sunset Sister? Or Sister Shimmer?
>dear old chaddad built a bar in the basement before he passed
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Can I do both...?
>When your sister purposefully waits out the water heater to convince you you need to bathe together "to save hot water"
I have siblings and also an incest fetish. But I don't know if you know this, but fantasy and reality are different, and just because my ding-dong gets hard to incest stuff, doesn't mean I want to boink my siblings in real life. I don't know what else to tell you, nigga, what separates us from the animals is knowing that there's a difference between what we like and what we masturbate to.
>after she seduced the local retard to have sex with her.
Don't talk that way about me.
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>Sunset tends to get really into her cosplaying
>Gets into character a few days before the cosplay event, and takes a few days to gear down after the event
>Last time she went out cosplaying, she was doing a Scarface character and called everyone "cockroaches" for nearly a week
>This time she decided to do a more "mature" cosplay and dressed up as some succubus character from a game she liked
>And promptly got into character
>You thought she was just being playful, what with the lingering touches and smoldering gazes from her
>Until you woke up in the middle of the night to the sensation of this semen-demon stealing your precious virginity
>"Aria, I notice you've confronted me without any pants or underwear."
>When you get hired to pop out of a cake, but you didn't know that it was for your brother's birthday
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>So glad you decided to be our date to the dance big bro!
>You show us a good time tonight, and we’ll show you an even better time when we get home…
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>You follow Cousin Aria around all day.
>Other family memebers can't stand seeing you hanging out with only one of them.
>Aria demands that you pull the string of her swimsuit out of her but every now and again.
>Eventually you have dirty incestual sexy times on the beach.
>Just another day with the family.
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>(shut up and play along, retard!)
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How far will Adagio go to escape her cucked fate?
>Adagio's battle against destiny and fate itself
KINO lengths...
>"Hey, little bro. I'm feeling a little lonely tonight, could you come cuddle with me, at least until I fall asleep?"
>"Holy crap, bro, YOU are insatiable. We must have done it at LEAST a dozen times! Let me have my morning coffee before we go at it again."
that shirt looking a little too tight on her torso.
Hey, you were the one who wanted me in the same bed as you.
yeah, it sometimes makes it loose and other times it's skin tight, didn't notice it this time

this one does it a bit better for the shirt
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Unf. I wanna take her back to my place(her place).
Anon took up mixing as a hobby in honor of the old man, and now he basically runs the place for his sisters and cousins to harass him in. Not that he minds all that much.
>Hey there *hic* cyute~... h-how'd yoush get to look so shtupid~...?*hic*
The whole sister accidentally hired as the entertainment for her brothers party scenario is one of my favorites.
Also an idea that could be amusing.
>Mom and sister concoct plan for sis to pop out of cake at your birthday
>Something goes wrong or Anon doesn't respond the way they wanted
>Mom denies involvement, and sis pretends it's an accident
>Sunset decides that the only way not to break her cover is to make sure she gives Anon at least one blowjob
>They'd NEVER suspect him of being her brother if she sucked his dick!
>It's the only way.
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I would do cousin Sonata right there on the beach in broad daylight on top of that beach towel, I don't even care.
We need more green of the family at the beach.
>Aria, Sonata, and Adagio are all visiting over the weekend
>Meanwhile, Anon and Sunset have gotten too comfortable being intimate around each other
>Starts to slowly leak into their daily behaviour
>Lingering eye-contact
>Finding excuses to touch or bump into each other
>It's not bad enough that their mom and dad have noticed yet, but their (unknown at this time) incestuous cousins sure did
>As soon as mom and dad have left to go to work, Adagio pulls them aside practically by their ears to scold them
>Anon and Sunset are mortified as they receive the dressing down of their life by their three cousins
>"Oh my god, Adagio, PLEASE stop talking about my brother's p-penis so loudly!"
>Meanwhile, Anon doesn't think he's ever going to be able to look Sonata in the eye ever again
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>"Gee wiz, cuz. Is all that for me~?"
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Truly a fate worse than death
I desperately want to milk those cow tits and use their delicious milk in a bowl of cereal. I want Sonata to hug me from behind and gently pat me on the head as I eat, whispering sweet reassurances into my ear and leaving me a shivering mess by the time I’m finished with it.
I want Sonata to be my mommy, is what I’m saying.
>When cousin Sonata wants you to go to some sort of anime convention with her
I'm going to be real, even back in the /irt/ thread I don't think I never noticed mama Sonata. Grandma 'nata, sure, but not mama Sonata.
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Least schizo family member
Other than "comes home drunk and/or high from a gig and is the big horny", any ideas for why *checks >>41042313* half-sister cousin Vinyl would want to bone Anon?
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chekd full house get
1. Why not?
2. He's not just a groupie and she can trust him like a brother. (because he is)
3. He's hot.
4. She can tease her sister Sunset.
5. Luna wants to get one over Celestia by having her grandchild first.
>5. Luna wants to get one over Celestia by having her grandchild first.
>Luna and Celestia aren't as anime-tier dense as people think they are
>Anon and Sunset are dumb teens who have most of their attention focused on trying to survive high school
>James Bond(s) they ain't
>Celestia isn't deaf nor blind, and it's not like she hasn't heard bed springs creaking or her offspring quietly moaning before
>Nor has she somehow not noticed how her two children suddenly love sitting right next to each other all the time and seem to find excuses to hold hands
>She has a discussion with Luna, trying to figure out what to do
>Hilariously, this takes a turn she honestly never expected, with Luna becoming aggressive and accusing Celestia of "cheating"
>"We always bet that one of us would have grandkids before the other, Celly. And this is some bullshit deck-stacking!"
>Celestia leaves, feeling confused
>"I'm really letting this childhood competitive feud thing get out of hand."
>Meanwhile, Luna is fuming
>She's convinced that this is Celestia trying to get one over on Luna, just like when they were younger
>Decides she won't let Celestia "win"
>"Vinyl? Vinyl, honey, don't you think your half-brother is cute?"
Pic related, it's Luna's POV.
>Vinyl is one of Anon's only immediate female relatives who isn't trying to get into his pants
>He finds this refreshing and wants to hang out with her
>Meanwhile, Vinyl sees that her family is a bunch of fucking weirdos and wants no part in all this
>Refuses to hang out with Anon
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But it’d be such a shame to let an ass like that go to waste…
This. She needs to join the family in all the fun.
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It starts out with her teasing him because she’s acutely aware of how much he loves feet.
no thx
I wouldn’t mind getting teased by Vinyl poking at my crotch with her feet.
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Something like…this?
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man I want a sexy cool DJsis who lets me in her backstage
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That…I would not mind.
God damn.
>"Little Bro."
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But you know it's Vinyl's night tonight, she's taking me to her club.
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More like Sunrise Shimmer
I know I’d much rather have that bright and beautiful ass on my face in the morning than the harsh sun.
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>wake up
>your sister is now a horse
what you do?
No way, fag
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A horse? More like a whorse
I’m up!
She looks like she has stinky armpits
The tight black shirt and big boobs makes me think she has sweaty armpits
Wow...I need this...

captcha: 0RGYY2, lol
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Shes trying real hard to perfect that cosplay.
Give her some grass
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>*blocks your path*
>"Did you listen to that mix tape I made you yet?"
>first song is The Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang
I've actually wondered if my lack of a younger sister specifically has contributed to the mystique for me. But I think I just happened to not have the right personality dynamics in my family.
I still remember this one time I was in this little smash bros tourney, and my opponent had his little sister there, and she was all like "Haha he kicked your butt (:" to him, and I remember thinking it was a really hot dynamic.
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That's basically what having a little sister is like. I have a younger sister, but the thing for me is I'm into this dynamic for the older sister I never had...
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Getting bullied by little sisters is still hotter.
thanks Drake&Josh
Why does Sunset want to fuck her brother again?
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Usually one the following three reasons:
1. Shes your younger sister and she looks up to you a little /too/ much and sees you not only as a protector but as a romantic partner to be with for the rest of her life. She wants you to protect and lover /her/ and no other women.
2. Shes your OLDER sister and she feels a deep, deep, in the furthest most recesses of her brain, need to protect and take care of you. Even if that means keeping other women out of your life because no one knows you like she does.
3. Shes your twin sister. Being together with you is only right. She came into this world with you, and she wants to stay in this world with you and being seperated from you is a feeling that she can't describe. As if shes been abandoned.
>3. Shes your twin sister. Being together with you is only right. She came into this world with you, and she wants to stay in this world with you and being seperated from you is a feeling that she can't describe. As if shes been abandoned.
Fuck, that's romantic as shit.
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>Young fertile female is left in close proximity with a young fertile male for an extended period of time
It’s simply biology doing its job
But simple biology would also keep us from shagging our siblings.
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>Be Cuckdagio
>Join the rest of the senpai senpai on a beach trip
>Be depressed because your stud cousin and the rest of your family are running around half naked all day and you’re not allowed to boink any of them, or else you will face Sunset’s wrath
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She would "secretly" be in paradise, even if she would never admit it. So much boinking going on for her to relax and peep on, especially if she's got a good seat like that. She would be having just as much of a field day. She just has to look upset so Sunset doesn't suspect her.
Adagio would be angry, not upset.
Having to step out in public while being made to wear her fancy little chastity belt as a bikini bottom and pray no one notices. Stomping around, trying to push all the others back to the privacy of the hotel at least if they’re all going to be this horny. Which is why her sisters would eventually get fed up, grab her, and bury her neck deep in the sand below them. Then she would really have a good seat to watch from and no one will notice her strange little swimsuit.
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I'd fuck all three of my cousins.
I’d fuck the other two hard in her place and let cousin Dagi watch.
How did we get from characterization like "Scribble Dee the anti-incest narc" to "your cousin Adagio is a literal cuck"?
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Dumbasses that won't fuck cousin Dagi. Its sad, really.
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>or else you will face Sunset’s wrath
Adagio knows better than to temp that wrath twice
>step out in public while being made to wear her fancy little chastity belt as a bikini bottom
They probably wouldn’t even be able to find a bikini top small enough to not look funny on her so I bet she would probably just wear a tshirt to cover up
Take a closer look at both characters and you’ll start to notice…
when I am in the power armor, I am no longer the “little bro”
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You need to give your cousin more attention, Anon.
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I just want to walk with her
I blame deep-seated homosexuality, personally.
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>No one must ever know that you and Sunset sometimes do the deed in Fallout cosplay
The worldbuilding just comes naturally
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vault suits on female always give them the best possible butts
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She wants more, Anon. Go for a walk with her but its only a matter of time before she pulls you into the bushes and forcefully rips your clothes off.
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>only a matter of time before she pulls you into the bushes and forcefully rips your clothes off
actually that sounds great to be honest
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Well good. Glad we're on the same page.
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>Sunset starts asking you what your sperm count is
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I most know anon’s cum count is!
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>Commencing tactical assessment.
>Red Chinese threat detected!
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why is peace so important to you? why is your goal peace? is peace not born from conflict? and conflict born from peace? how can you have one without the other? what does peace even mean to you? and what will you do to the ones who won’t listen? will you change them? or will you change yourself? what does the future look like to you? tell me
>tfw Sunset tries to argue that by 2296, surely someone has figured out how to un-fuck inbred genes
>"That shit they said about 'cousin stuff not being viable' is fake and gay, Anon."
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>I’m putting together a team
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>I’m in
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>You’ll need me as well
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>"...somehow you're taking a bit of the the fun out of this... I said a bit, don't stop idiot."
She's a little upset that Anon is fully broken in and is just now THIS down to fuck with her, since she didn't get to harass him and see him all cute and flustered like usual.
she looks like she smells bad
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Such a shame.
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Let me in too!
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My Little Bimbo Family
Adagio cuck shit is lame and so is the Scribble posting
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>Whats the Job
Your face is lame
You know its true
t. Adagio Deezzle
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Sunslut Shitter? Anon....

And I don't need to remind you, Anon, that incest is gross. Incest is only enjoyed by third parties who don't have a sister, Incest is like a carpet of cockroaches crawling on top of you while you're bare skin. It's like taking a bath with cockroaches mashed into a fine paste. It's not literally a cockroach crawling on top of you, that'd actually be LESS disgusting, it's the FEEL of a carpet of cockroaches crawling on top of you, over your dick, your neck, your sensitive parts as you yell "I need a memory erasing pill otherwise I will literally blow my brains out" how do you even blow your brains out metaphorically?

Honestly, Anon, I could even forgive incest in the 0.1% chance. The problem is...Sunset is a literal irredeemable piece of utter dogshit. Like, holy shit. Sunset Shimmer is a pure whore, that honestly just views you as a semen tank. Along with the rest of guys in town. Did you know what I just saw the other day? She was giving head to the guy at the ice cream shop, just because she wanted dick in her mouth. I can understand being sexual, but Sunset is just thinking of getting cocks in her holes, without any emotional connections. Did you honestly believe that when Sunset says she loves you, she meant it? No, she just wanted a quick dick, and that's it.

Anon, you're fool if you think Sunset loves you. She doesn't, she views you as her dick#54
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Now I’m just wondering if there are people out there who don’t necessarily like to have sex but get off on watching other do it
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You never watched porn? Most people already like watching others fuck. Despite being a seductress and a major tease, cousin Adagio has a massive superiority complex. It's not surprising that someone like her, with such high standards and high opinions of herself, wouldn't necessarily want to directly engage with all her horny family members, letting them touch all over her just because they are related. However, being of the Anonymous family line, she is cursed with the natural attraction to it. And is also surrounded by it all the time... In order to cope with the constant exposure and these conflicting feelings, she develops a thing for watching instead. She rationalizes having developed this kink by seeing it as a control thing, a chance to exercise her superior will and mind over the rest of her "simple, degenerate, inferior" cousins...while also dealing with these deep-seated familial frustrations. They are merely entertainment for her. Even if the others tease her about it. They are simply too feebleminded to comprehend her more intellectual inclinations.
>"Now get back to fucking your sister for my amusement, you degenerate ape!"
Either that or Sunsis eventually broke her completely.
>Alternate universe where Scribble Dee is 100% correct
Honestly, the twist would at the very least make for an interesting read.
Scribble, you’re going about this all wrong. You’re supposed to be seducing Anon and show him how much better a girlfriend you’d be over his sister.
Making Shimmer as much of a cuck as their cousin would be the cherry on top
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What if one of us is a Venom Shimmer?
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Adagio’s been a little too mouthy lately. There’s consequences for that…
>alternate universe
>he’s still in denial
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Losing to Sunset just once was enough to pacify her pretty effectively in the show's canon. It's possible repeated losses in areas of intimacy may have been what eventually turned her into a complete cuck in the AnonIncestverse.
When is Adagio ever not mouthy? At least she isn't making cousin Dagi put that big mouth to work instead.
Pray tell, how would one spin a yarn about Anon's equally-incestuous (and conveniently female) relatives finding out about him and Sunset? We've had the Dazzling cousins finding out, but what about our half-sister/cousin Vinyl? Would her background as a DJ in various clubs leave her more open-minded? Or would no amount of molly and cheap tequila naturally lead her to the conclusion that incest was cool?

>ywn stuff your hand down the front of your sister's pants just as aunt Luna walks in without knocking
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Vinyl is simultaneously very chill, and very horny. I imagine she’d be pretty accepting of the situation.
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She'd probably be mad that she didn't get first dibs, but that would quickly fade to excitement now that the incest door is wide open for her to jump through.
Of course, Anon and Sunset would be shocked and reeling from being exposed in front of their sister, who is now literally exposing herself to them with the intention of joining in.
Sunset would probably get over her shock first and try to be possessive of Anon until Vinyl grabs and french kisses her, trying to suck her soul out.

>ywn stuff your hand down the front of your sister's pants just as aunt Luna walks in without knocking
>"Hey mom."
>'If this is a new "meme" or "trend" or whatever I don't want to hear about it. Anon, get your hand out of my daughter's crotch please.'
"I-I can't, she's squeezing too tight."
>Older relative bullies you, uses your stuff and steals your shit from the fridge
>Jackhammer-fuck her asshole so hard and deep her legs are non-functional for 36 hours and all she can do is lie on her belly
>Bully her, use her shit and take her food while she can't do anything about it but whine and ask for more ice for her ass
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>put a rock in snowball and throw it at sunset's head
Am I the only one that thinks Cadance being an estranged daughter of Chrysalis just makes sense? Like, it's the bog standard "My mom tried to sleep with my boyfriend" story. It just goes together. Maybe that's how Cadance ended up in Anon's bed.
I choose to believe this. It could also be why they all have names related to music or rhythm, and why all four of them have Italian names. Heck, Candy's name translates directly into "my love rhythm".
I like it.
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Gee I wonder.
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What if DJsis is the most wholesome when it comes to sex, and her main kink is passionate lovemaking? and blowjobs
She enjoys constant making out while you do it with her, leaving you barely any time to breath.
>"Oui, petit frère. Conformément à notre pari et ayant perdu, je suis votre domestique française pour la semaine, entièrement à votre merci et ne peux pas dire non."
>"Bienvenue à la maison, Maître."
Sunset always took roleplaying seriously
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One French bastard in the family was bad enough…
I like the idea that she is super vocal during sex. The complete opposite of normal.
HNNGG god damn.
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"Older relative"
You could have just said Gilda
We all know you meant Gilda
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>super vocal during sex. The complete opposite of normal
>Also super gabby afterwards, while she's riding out her serotonin and oxytocin afterglow
>New complaint from Aunt Luna - "Can't get a word out of her unless she gets some dick in her, but then she won't shut up!"
"Ehhhhh..... Omelette du frommage?"
>"Damn it, bro, you ruined it."
"I don't speak french!"
>"But do you want to see my french lingerie collection?"
"... Touché, mon chéri."
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I want more Gilda stuff too, Aria's gotten most of the tsundere bully bitch spotlight so far.
Gilda is more broody I guess. hue get it?
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>Nut inside Vinyl
>Here we go again.mp3
>Vinyl happily chats away and strokes your hair as you rest between her tits, drifting off to sleep on top of her
>Wake up hours later still on top of her with her laptop on your back
>Vinyl still hasn't stopped talking
>A pair of headphones gets plopped on your head as Vinyl tells you she made a new song
>It's good
>Your DJsis informs you the two of you will be doing this much more often so you can inject her with more inspiration
>Become Vinyl's muse
>In her next album she credits you, and you know each song on it was made while Vinyl had your dick and fresh cum inside her
>" 'Tish! That's French!"
D'aww, that's weirdly romantic.
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Vinyl if she vidya
Bumping my Sunsister
>"Hey, bro. Could you rub some suntan lotion on my back, please?"
Incorrect, that bitch is way too crazy to stick my dick into. And if I can't do that, goddamnit, then why is Vinyl even my sister in the first place!?
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Sure. But I'm going to need to get behind you to do it. For leverage, you understand... You can spread your legs or I can just get on top, either is fine with me.
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Sonata would either be an average sub or a secret hyperdom, I see no inbetween
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With a body and attitude like hers? Secret hyperdom all the way. The badly faked 'little miss innocent' act suits her so well. I 100 percent would not put it past her to start by subbing just to switch it up on you midway and ride you through the mattress like the stead you are to her while she drains your balls until it hurts.
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For the error.
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that makes no sense
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I’ll use my whole body to rub it in! We’ll save on sunscreen by getting us both done at the same time!
“I assure you, sis, smacking your ass like a bongo drum is a vital part of the application process.”
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gross looking druggie
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>Morning, bro! I borrowed one of your shirts. Hope you don’t mind…
“Actually, I do mind. It’s way too big and you’re going to look like a freak if people see you with that on in public.”
But it’s all she has, Anon.
You don’t want your sister going out in her birthday suit, do you Anon?
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om nom nom nom
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>Come on bro, look at me. Surely, I need that lotion a lot more than she does.
>Why not come over and give me a rub down instead?
would eat that cinnamon swirl like a starving krokodil bosnian
Unf. Love it.
This is why I god gave me two hands.
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I'd rather rub down my super hot cousin.
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>Adagio photoshopping herself onto her sister's picture
For shame.
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>Adagio photoshopping herself on top of a picture Sonata photoshopped of herself over Aria.
Shame indeed.
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I'm starting to think that body doesn't belong to any of those three!
No, but going in something that baggy may be just as bad.
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Damn, looks like we'll just have to stay home and entertain ourselves then.
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Rape queen’s gonna be paying her little bro a visit tonight…
I would change Sonata and Aria around. Not because the body looks any closer to Sonata’s than Aria’s, but because I have my doubts about Sonata knowing how to use a computer.
All three of their heads do look like they are kind of badly imposed on top of the image. And our tricky cousins do have a history of faking it.
Or what if she is super self conscious about this habit, that’s why she blasts her mixes loud as fuck while you fuck so you can’t hear her.
I don’t know why but this image makes me want to listen to the Jet Set Radio ost while DJsis does whatever she wants with me.
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Cute Cousins
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>more like
>Vinyl has an OF where all her videos are her "roleplaying" as the sister of the dude she sucks off while he "pretends" to be asleep
>Vinyl has lots of whispered commentary
I wanna spoon on the couch while we watch netflix and playfully touch each other.
>tfw nobody will ever look at you as lovingly as a picture on the internet
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>Everyone is impressed on how committed she is to the incest “roleplay”
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I think OF stuff is more like Trixie or Diamond Tiara thing.
Vinyl is more liable to fuck you in the middle of her set.
"Guess who's eating my pussy tonight?~"
>"Ugh, I keep telling you Shimmer I'm not gay!"
"But you're so good at it! Oh well, sounds like I'll have to get another cousin to watch Anon fuck me instead. Maybe one of your sisters?"
>"I... s-suppose I could humor you and... eat you out again. O-Only because I can't trust anyone else to do it right."
"That's a good girl, you know just how I like it."
>"Tch, of course I do, I'm not an amateur like most of our family."
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Cute and strangely wholesome dynamic. Also hot as fuck.
Need to be sandwiched between these.
>"Wow, look at all the effort they put into the set! It really does look like an upstairs hallway with bedrooms connected to it."
>>"I know, right? And it's the same hallway and room in each video, too. Do you think they're renting a house just for this porn? Surely that would cost more than the profits they make."
>"No, stupid, it's obviously just a set. C'mon, you can tell by the way the staircase looks like it leads to nowhere, and how shitty the wallpaper looks. Who even uses wallpaper? I don't know who they think they're fooling."
>Meanwhile, Anon and his family just live in an old and kinda shitty house
Hey Sunset, I don’t know what you and your friends are conspiring about, but who’s that cute kirinese girl over there?
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For some reason, OF wouldn’t accept our little sisters. Apparently there’s an “age requirement.” Literally 1984, if you ask me.
Oh well. Their loss.
>Meanwhile, Anon and his family just live in an old and kinda shitty house
For a time, until the money really started pouring in from the purchases.
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And another win for big bro
>Anon takes a nap during the day, which Sunset is unaware of
>Sleeps lightly that night
>Nearly wakes up when Sunset touches his dick
>Sunset panics, grabs the camera, and crawls away as quickly as she can without making any noise
>Viewers comment on the high quality roleplay when it gets posted
>Talk about how her reaction to her 'brother' nearly waking up was nearly true-to-life
>"The horror on her face when she scrambled to grab the camera was a nice touch."
I always imagined that they had to be living in a mansion or a really big cabin in the woods to fit all those family members in there. Unless, they all sleep with like 3 or 4 people in every bed/couch
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>tfw this bacon hair bitch tries to leech off your business
Maybe not a mansion but a large two story house at least. With many bedrooms. ...Actually I guess that would be a mansion. Not exactly out of the realm of possibility considering the amount of adults all working in the house.
Don't be jealous Vinyl. You two should just collab. Win-win.
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Okay but hear me out haha

what if you had a mean angsty big sister and one day you wake up, and she's become the pic on the right? What would you do?
I will now breed my sister.
No, I’m not gonna fuck my sister.
I might have sexual intercourse with my sister.
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Forget this flip-floppy, two-faced whore. I’m going to have sex with a much more down-to-earth lady. Like Scribble Dee. She’s so dependable and sweet, with my best interests near and dear to her heart. I don’t need anyone but her in my life, and no fake smiles or grossly-oversized boobs are going to change that.
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Imagine your little sister treating you like this
Where are the AIs when you need then?!
I want this to get the same treatment as the pic in the OP.
Stop posting Scribble, you are making it too obvious.
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What the fuck is that, Mr. Burns walking out of the woods?
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There goes your sister trying to get you all hot and bothered in public again.
Wat do?
Pretend not to notice so she has to get more and more extreme with her attempts.
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How do you respond without instantly cumming?
You may be able to avert your eyes, but you can’t unpitch that tent
i dont, i just instantly cum
Best a could get after a dozen or so attempts.
Imagine if Anon and Sunsis worked at the same office and they routinely sneak off to have quickies during the day
Was the pic in the OP product of AI too?
How does Anon plan to care for a bunch of pregnant cousins and siblings after busting inside them all?
He banks REAAAAL hard on winning the lottery.
I'm pretty sure someone drew the OP pic, but with how far AI pics have come who knows.
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Living the dream
>big deliberate bulge in the back
does she have a ponut? is she an anal fiend with a huge plug in her ass? both? many possibilities
yes... that could be anything
definitely no one needs to look at the booru page and see what it is, nope
What is your prompt for generating anon properly?
That's one fat pussy.
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>Anon panics as he also realizes the stakes
>proceeds to overact and get WAY too into it
>They both do
>They cheese it up to bad porno levels of dialogue
>putting on a full, cringe inducing show for everyone around
Is the anal virus spreading amongst our family tree? A lot of the girls seem to be liking it up the pooper lately
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They don't want swamp monster babies.
anon household churns through so much anal lube that petrochem stocks go up 1% singlehandedly
But that sounds kinda cool tho
Vinyl fell for her bro after he helped her sober up and moved her in with him and Sunsis
>”Don’t lie to yourself pretty boy.”
don’t worry about it, pretty girl
It would be pure kino if every girl in the house was getting butt love BUT Dagi
>everywhere she goes
>girls perched on ice-packs
>with that smug look on their faces
Would you feel guilty for turning your sister into sunset?
Does she still have to keep up her anal training? Even if she’s not getting any? Or is this after she’s been fully developed into a butt slut? Was she put through all that work just to be denied when she was finally ready?
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>NOT plowing your cousin's tight holes.
Honestly, Anons.
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I would love nothing more, but rules are rules. And she keeps fucking things up for herself with her little episodes right when she’s close to getting rewarded every single time.
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Shes just sexually frustrated. And constantly seeing (and hearing) her sisters, and cousins getting dick when she isn't just makes her lash out. All she needs is a good dicking. If you are unwilling to fulfil this desire for her, or are ignoring her plight, then you are a remiss male cousin to her.
I am though. Just not Adagio’s. It’s more fun to tease and keep her frustrated. You get to do that and plow her sisters or your s at the same time.
>she keeps fucking things up for herself with her little episodes right when she’s close to getting rewarded every single time
Story of her life. Poor girl can’t catch herself a break.
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>Not being able to sit down for a week was totally worth it just to see the broken look on her older cousin’s face
Do not argue with the cuckshit cultists, they are a lost cause. Their destiny is a hotel cuckchair testdrivers for life.
And just for that smart remark, you don’t get to watch for a WEEK, Dagi! Now go to your room and think about that.
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>"Oh my god! Is that it? Is that the same face, 'Dia?!"
>"You were sooo right, it IS hilarious!
>"Aww~ She's seething so hard she's tearing up! Poor girl~"
>"See you in a week, cousin~"
There's no way of properly generating Anon, it's mostly just luck of the draw. Though NAI seems to have a better grasp of what Anon generally looks like than some other AI's, pic related is roughly what you'll get with other pic's of Anon being a bald featureless face white guy.
as far as I can tell, no one has created a LoRA for Anon, yet
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>Hey big boy, need a ride?
This one is great.
My big sister can’t be this cool.
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>Hmm, I wonder if whipped cream makes for good lube?
Im not Mexican. Neither is sunset. So we cant be in that game.
Because the game characters are very VERY obviously Latinos.
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This thread
Wrong tires for pavement dumbass. Also thats a PURE dirt bike not a dualsport and you cant even take it on a street legally.
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I’ve used a lot of weird stuff as lube, and the only reason whipped cream hasn’t been one of them is because I just don’t buy the stuff. It’s probably serviceable.
pussy is acidic for immune system reasons. cream + acid = curds. would not recommend cheesing your pussy up
I was thinking of anal, actually. You don’t really need lube for pussy pounding.
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Ho-ly FUCK!
I need that ass on my face. I’ll do anything it takes to convince her to grant me this wish.
Anon, you're her brother. All you have to do is be her chair at the rave while shes the dj.
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man I want a cyberpunk incest green
>Dystopian government notices that populating and breeding rates are falling
>Assigns couples together at random, who must then have at least 2 kids on pain of "relocation"
>Anon and his sister Vinyl are both told they'd been volunteered for the breeding program
>They spend weeks dreading who they'll be paired with and how their lives are over
>Get to the facility, find out that they are each other's partners
>By pure chance, the algorithm that paired people at random just happened to pair Anon and Vinyl together
>Vinyl and Anon go back home, awkward at the situation but relieved at least that they aren't being paired off to some rando
>...then they get a follow-up letter a few days later from the government reminding them of their impending 3 year deadline for those 2 kids
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I guess we’d better not waste any time then
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>Hello, handsome. What a day, huh?
Those are the dumbest glasses I’ve ever seen. They’re staying on during sex though.
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That’s cute. Little bro thinking he has what it takes to boss his big sis around
"big" sis is an understatement...
>Closest sisters are both tittymonsters
Anon can’t catch a break, imagine all the boob related teasing he gets every day just from those two alone.
On Anon's fifteenth birthday, he receives a mysterious unsigned letter.

>Dear Son Whose Name I Don't Know,
>Hello, you may not know this, but I am your father.
>Sorry for not being there as a father; I find non-virgins particularly repulsive, even if I'm the one that deflowered them, so I could never have withstood being around your mother and aunts for that long.
>Since 15 is the age where boys become men, I must inform you that you will undergo some very particular changes.
>Men of the Y'Mous family tend to manifest some vice on their birthday that lasts their whole lifetime.
>It was probably because one of our ancestors fucked a pagan god's head priest.
>On my 15th, I learned that my then-girlfriend had taken a lover before me, and I was so shocked and disgusted that my vice manifested itself.
>Be especially careful what you do today, for any unexpected strong emotions will form into a permanent vice.
>Any who, good luck with that.
>See you never.
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>You read this as you mom, sister, and step sister are blowing you under the table and your Aunt Chrysalis is rubbing your shoulders with your head between her massive tits.
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>Suddenly start craving human flesh out of the blue
>Suddenly start craving ass out of the blue
>Big sis is a senior in your high school
>Big into the drama scene
>Took the theatre elective every year and loved every minute of it
>Finds that the best practice for getting into character on-stage is to try and copy the mannerisms of someone off-stage
>She's always been a 'details' kinda person, and systematically analyzing someone's body language and speech patterns makes her feel like she's figuring out a big puzzle
>Gets REALLY into character, and has a hard time coming out of character when she's done with a role
>Once starred as the female lead in a big romantic play
>Came home, gave Anon a celebratory hug, and went on about how it went
>Excitedly reenacts a scene where she kisses the starring male lead
>Unthinkingly pulls Anon into a searing kiss
>Waltzes out of the room
>Anon wonders if she even noticed what she did
>haha, what if there was a scene where the two leads fuck each other
>Chrysalis introduces you to the theatre class
>Gets you interested in acting
>Does her fucking best to get you the role of her character's romantic interest
>Is excited she gets to have an excuse to kiss you in front of the entire audience, who likely don't know you're siblings
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I think it’s time you spent some quality time with your daughter, Anon
It’s not fair...
I like how she’s wearing business attire in all these to match her bro
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How often does Sunsis tease Anon for being so insatiable? Sure, she may have made the first move, but he’s the one who keeps coming back for more of his sisters’ poon like a wild animal
Every time they’re together and Anon can help but pick her up and find things to fuck her over.
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Mom asserting dominance
>Sunset teases Anon because he can never come up with plausible reasons to go to his sister's room at night
>Either to Sunset or their parents
>"Uh... I heard a noise downstairs and it scared me."
>"If you think my beautiful son is getting any of you skanks pregnant before I do, then we've got a very important discussion to have, niece."
Uh huh, he was so scared that he just had to spoon his sister and creampie her back door before he could sleep
It was a comfort hump. His sister’s sweet ass is like a stress ball of sorts. One you plap.
what is that stance?
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That’s what happens when gigachad and Anon stretch you out for every day of your life
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Are these three the official trio of sadism?
What are each of their specialties?
SS gets broken by Diamond nightly, so no.
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>Sunset-The dom queen. Exudes a menacing physical presence every time she enters a room. Will dish out any and every physical punishment when necessary.
>Diamond Tiara-The Gaslight Queen. Uses her natural born sarcasm and passive aggressiveness break your mind. Will constantly pull out her phone to film you in compromising positions and threaten to post it online unless you do as you’re told.
>Silver Spoon-The Protege. Arguably had the potential to be the most dangerous one. She’s new to this game and desperately wants to live up to her older cousins, so she will use her knowledge from both sides possibly go even further than they do in an effort to impress them. She’s also known what it’s like to be on the receiving end of femdom before Diamond Tiara switched her sights to Adagio
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Have sex with Adagio.
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Have sex in front of Adagio.
I just wanna bite into it.
I do kind of like the idea of Diamond being a little proto-Sunsis. She's almost more brutal than Sunset though, because she's at that cruel age. And Silver Spoon having the potential because she wants to keep up with Diamond and Big Sunsis.
>because she's at that cruel age.
You mean, every year from 8 years old to 15 years old? Kids are the fucking worst.
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I want them to be cruel to me
>kids are fucking
still got a few more pics I saved that I'll share with you guys
Does Anon have what it takes to correct them, or will they correct him?
>When it's just the two of you at home
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The others must be so jealous knowing that Sunset is clearly Anon’s favorite
>Roleplay as Boss and Secretary

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