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>"Uhh...you're a human, right?"
>"Yeah so-- why do you look so fucked up?"
>"You look so...weird...your eyelashes are a lot longer and there's a lot more of them...your eyebrows are also quite full...scratch that you've got so much hair all over!"
>"So tell me, are you some kind of lesser form of human or something? A monkey, perhaps?"
>"Anyway, s-stop looking at me like that. You fucking mouth-breathing pervert."
>"No girl in their right mind would ever want to give you the time of day...I c-certainly wouldn't"
Too tsundere for me. Posey is more unique than that.
so when she calls you a 'monkey nigger' she actually means it? seems a bit too cruel...
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Is she talking to Captain Caveman?
>Lesser human
Ironic coming from the tiny bodied jaundiced midget
Shut up ho gimme some milk
>Aggressively grabs both of her boobies with my hairy ape knuckles
People don't understand a difference between Tsundere and Chudere
wow, human Posey got my dick like a balloon. Ill add it to my gf cosplay list
EQG would have been amazing if it looked like this
She looks human, beautiful, not like some failed lab experiment, while still resembling enough reference and charm of the pony counterparts
Never forgive hascuck for the abomination they gave us
Hasbro was retarded. They forced human world on FANTASY setting ponies, but now they refuse to make one about ponies that use modern technology
It's time for the final blow to this shithole of a company
Can't wait until they finally bite the dust for good and mlp is sold to someone who is not braindead
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Yeah, sure. It's always amusing when you guys talk a big game about how you know better than people who actually work in the field and have industry experience. Man, this is like getting financial advice from a homeless guy.
I just figured out why Posey looks so good in the OP pic compared to EqG. She has normal-ish human proportions.
Are you trying to say EQG looks better than OP pic?
In what world are they not ugly as fuck?? I'm not even a >barbiefag hater
I watched most of EQG but that doesn't change shit about their looks
>industry experience
Means absolute JACKSHIT when your goal is to sell dolls and not to make a good show
EQG was a marketing campaign to outsell monster high, not to be enjoyable for viewers
This is either bait or next level hasdrone shit. Either way, here's the (you)
>Anon lets out a mighty yell and charges Posey
>She screams and goes to run but he catches her wrist
>Anon tosses her over his shoulder and begins to walk away she bangs on his back and yells to let her go
>Police arrive and try to stop Anon from leaving but all they have accomplished is giving him some bananas
>Anon trudges back to his cave home
>Weeks later authorities arrive at the abode
>Posey answers the door barefoot and a scowl on her face
>She tells them to leave her happy home alone
>Posey slams the door and walks over to her Anon who smiles and holds her in his arms
>She mutters they were trying to take her monkey away from her
>Anon makes sympathetic noises and checks her for ticks
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>that night
This is kinda uncomfortable to watch; it feels like they're draining the pissing out of me. Kind of the same feeling I had as a kid when watching one of my parents fill up the car with gasoline. Weird somehow.
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sober anon here and i weirdly know what your talking about
it's basically that weird feeling of seperation and suspense even thought there's nothing even bad happening
it's like it just breaks your flow, after seeing the trees pass while driving all of a sudden you're just stationary and it feels really weird
kind of a similar situation to reaching the end of a roller coaster ride, that lack of movement feels odd at first and this anon is trying to relate that feeling to whatever the fuck OP just posted
this has to be a joke right?
I want her to look at me like this before she demands I treat her to dinner.
Is 'dinner' a euphemism for your 'cock'?
Dude...I wrote that several years ago and abandoned it because...I don't even remember why.
Sounds like now's a good opportunity to continue.
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Get back to it, bud!
Hmmm. I might but idk if I'd post it here. I feel like I owe it to the guys in the Posey thread who held it down for us for two years. Might post it there instead. Or I could just be an attentionwhore and post it both here and there.
posey pump
You can cross-thread to the Posey one, saves you the trouble of doing it twice.
Seems like plan
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Does anyone have a link to that Posey green?
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is it this one? >>41044207
good head
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yes thanks
>who is this for
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okay nignog I dont even agree that OP looks good and that guy is a faggot but I'm gonna have to stop you right there. EQG looks night and day better with a competent artist and you dont have to imagine shit, the giga leak left storyboards available on youtube right now. They all look UNBELIEVABLY SUPERIOR

hasbro didn't go that route because this shit is designed to be as cheap as humanly possible. Anyway it's obvious in hindsight but I would just get trigger to animate it and it would be financially fine.
Start the thread with a pony next time.
which is exactly what I said you parrotting faggot
Nah, this is actually better than a dog
I wish there were more actual human anon in eqg stories.it’s an interesting idea but they all get dropped almost immediately.I wish this one had continued but it was dropped like the next day
>update to that green: never ever
Why didn't you just ask him to continue it? That guy showed up in the "Anons Don't Care About Greentext" thread asking for (You)s on his stuff, like, a month ago. I was the only that replied to him, so get your ass over there.
I didn’t even know he posted still Jesus any clue were he frequents
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I don't go into whiny threads
If he wants (you)s he needs to post green in a thread like this
there are a few but their rgre
Yeah I’ve read most of them but few actually explore how different anon would be.like I want to see how eqg humans react to a big( for you) alien human
G4-ified, not G5.
Here's the spoon >>40995994
>G5 show
>"No you should post a G4-ified picture!"
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I don’t see the point in fighting you anymore. So go crawl off some place and hide, I don’t really care.
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I prefer them younger
you made her cry
pump posey
i want to pump Posey
I want to sniff her armpits while she looks disapprovingly at me
Never go full anime, anon.
pump with purpose, anon
posey is for motherhood
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Warning: rare picture of a happy, positive Posey
I’d destroy Posey by speaking and carrying myself with dignity despite being Eqg’s equivalent of a saiyan and being dismissive of her
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>tfw no chud gf
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top cute
love her
i feel like she likes smelly boys
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*small boys
im 5'8 that's basically 6ft
Is it fanart in a better style or did they do a different artstyle at some point?
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No such thing
any more art?
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I still remember that green. I wish you would continue it.
im still workin on it probably check the other posey thread on the catalog too
under 6'0 makes you a midget sorry
Will do
Posey says otherwise. Sorry, chud.
Does Posey shave down there or does she keep it bushy?
She 100% keeps it wild
FUCK. I hope it smells (it probably does0>
Good read
She shaves it in the shape of a political party symbol
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save the chuds
should have been 4 leafs
Pls make more of that green, I remember reading and loving it
thanks working on it
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Anon this make my day, Im going to kiss you and call you cutepie
posey pussy
pussy posey
Love her
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2 up, 2 down, left, right, B, A, start.
The code to make Posey squirt like a broken faucet.
>it tastes like tea
Im going to need my fancy tea cup for that
I'd love a tea set like that
Le Bump
I hate EqG but this Posey does something to me.
babe i keep telling you, if the choice had to come down between you and captain caveman, i'm going to pick captain caveman every single time, so shut your mouth before things get messy, this is your final warning
>This was in response to the "You can only pick one, choose wisely" meme
>Posey doesn't realize it's for people who aren't in a relationship
>Anon is devastated
If I ever catch you talking to Posey like that in Equestria I am going to rearrange your ribcage.
damn, I'm devastated
based Caveman chad
baby bump
God I wanna sniff Posey's smelly hairy pussy.
musky posey pubes
does anyone have any more koikatsu posey pics?
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There's barely anything, anon
Shouldn't be that hard to make your own, weebs can do it after all
I’m a homeworld human and you’re a shitty, weak crayolayy subspecies so your the ugly one here
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love her night dress and heavy saggers
We won't need that condom
Honestly, if the writers of EQG were behind it, I wouldn't mind a G5 EQG.
Perhaps one day
I wish there was more porn of this chara
be the change you want to see
Soon. Still need to get a graphics card.
we eagerly await
God I love the idea of Posey having huge milkers and being embarrassed about it.
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> Even later that night (They tried anal)
get behind thee sataan
Le Bump for anal
And again
I don't care about anal, but a bump for Posey lewd doesn't seem like a waste of time.
Baby making sex with Posey.
It's cemented in my mind that Posey's just some 4channer sperg who doesn't know how to act normally around people. Like a more racist Bocchi.
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sounds like wallflower

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