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Exiting hibernation.

Twilight: I can't really believe your story Anon, buildings with over 100 levels? Flying boats bigger than Ponyville? And yet there's no magic in your world? Please.
>Growing tired of Twilight's berating, you go out into the world to prove her wrong.

That's the prompt that started it all. So what's this thread about? It's about Anon bringing human science and inventions to Equestria and a disbelieving Twilight. Although, that's not necessarily the prompt you need to follow if writing is what you desire.

Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin, use ponepaste.org
Have a broken pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.in

Thread Story List (outdated):

Active stories from the last thread (#91):
Untitled. Robot ponies don't know they are robots and they are trying to reach space.
>End of the last update: >>40915546
Shape Your Home (#deca.mare, posted in NMP) (Ponegreen)
>https://ponepaste.org/477 https://ponepaste.org/478 https://ponepaste.org/479 https://ponepaste.org/480 https://ponepaste.org/4581 https://ponepaste.org/8319
>End of the last update: >>40997656

Last updated in thread #90:
The Swirling Menagerie (Solanon !H9HspSG49U)
>https://ponepaste.org/4272 https://ponepaste.org/4285 https://ponepaste.org/4286 https://ponepaste.org/8537
>End of the last update: >>40601362
Voidborne (Writefag_Is_Kill)
>End of the last update >>40616382

Last updated in thread #89:
Preservation of Innocence (Wall-o-Text)
>End of the last update >>40330292

Last updated in thread #86:
Anon clueless about how cars work.
>No paste.
>Start here: >>39869470

Last updated in thread #85:
TiM (My Idea of a Good Time)
>https://ponepaste.org/4160 https://ponepaste.org/4161
>End of the last update: >>39594374

Obsolete thread:
#91 >>40733585
Ah that new thread feeling.
I want a Sweetie Bot who can beg me to stop fucking her to death.
I had intended to have multiple parts ready before the new thread.

Fugg :DD
Some Anon created a thread asking where tech is last week. Its been ~5 weeks since the last thread died.
The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry
I hope WiK or Solanon posts something in this thread.
I hope that Roboquestria green anon is still around...
I hope that I'm still around, someday...
I remember a hie story that had the car the protagonist was driving come with them and Twilight was studying the car
But I read it so long ago I can't remember if it was a green or a fic. tale as old as time
And the lights are back on, nice.

#deca.mare update.
That does sound vaguely familiar. I think started with him driving in a more rural area of America.
I just realized I forgot to check the OP and it's there, or atleast the one I'm thinking of.

Anon clueless about how cars work.
The merciless progress of technology waits for no one.
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2023 huh? Thought it'd be older
Thanks for the heads up
Would washing her be lewd?
How many horsepower is she?
You think she prefeers summer tyres or all terrain?
One, duh. One little horsepower.
Depends on the type of wash I guess. Like obviously a bikini car wash thing would be lewd, but it could also be like a giving a patient a sponge bath depending on how it's actually done.
Pressure washer.
Sounds like when a prison hoses down the inmates
Tough love. Next time she won't enter the rally contest right after getting a detailing!
She just needed to show the world that shiny new trim Anon
It's not visible after the 2nd turn!
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The robopone is suspecting something.
That won't end well.
Yeah I doubt her waterproofing is good enough for a dip in the pool
She is only IP44 rated.
>giant affectionat Luna hologram
What a vasr improvement that would be.
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Looks like it'd be real easy to bait Celestia into an online scam.
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Just hope no one else is in the pool
Oh right, the 'toaster' effect.
Since she is not grounded you wont get shocked.
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That's good to know
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>It's finally the day
>You might not have won
>But it's not your fault for not having eletronics
>I mean, you have 4 wheels...
>You even honked and drove close calls by the spectators
>At least they still gave you a driver of the day medal
>Or maybe it was participation?
>Doesn't matter
>You can't wait to show Anon what you did out there
>Hopefully the cameras took a good look at his detailing below the wings
>Finally getting home, you don't even honk, just nibbling the door handle and letting yourself in
>You go straight for the stairs, hoping to surprise him before he even wakes up
>But even the studded tyres can't win on those right angles
>You scrunch and honk, with the grace of a cargo boat honking inside of a hospital
>Hopefully Anon comes down to- wait
>You only can't get up the stairs when you're soaked with rain...
>You look back, the mud and dirty tyre trail clearly visible
>And the push you did on the stairs only helped to spread it everywhere behind of you too
>Startled, you race to the garage like a drunk cat, sliding into furniture as you went
>You slid under the low door, hopefully it was already a bit open
>You sigh, maybe you can salvage this before-
>Wait, why was the door open-- Gah!
>Your thoughts are interrupted as the lights are suddenly turned on
>Anon sits on top of a large toolkit, hose in one hand, controller in the other
>The same controller he just turned on the lights
>And the same controller he uses to close the garage door, locking both of you within
>"So, going rally, huh? Right after I put so much work prettying you up too."
>You slowly drive backwards, away from him, watching him meticulously turn the faucet
>Worse yet is how he keeps a finger blocking the end of the hose, the pressure surely building up
>You don't know what to do
>You don't know what to say
>But that means he watched it right?
>You cautiously puff out your chest fluff, proudly displaying the medal
>Only to be hit with the most powerful hosing of your life
>"Next time at least give it time to dry, or whatever way your magic works"
>You try honking at him, only for water to hit straight down your gullet
>"Oh no you don't. It's for your own good"
>"I know you don't like being pretty and trimmed, wanting the speed, the thrill"
>"But just once would you allow me to care for the mare I love? To make others jealous of her? Of you?"
>But that's what you wanted too!
>To show the world Anon's work
>To make everyone red for not havin a man such as him
>Although, he was right for the first part, sometimes he kinda overdoes on the chrome...
>Or the bra and dressing for sand drives...
>Yet, you just park there and take it
>You know it's not out of anger, just some though love
>"I'll say, at least you came straight here instead of going inside like that..."
>Oh no-
Awww cute
Kek! Oh no indeed.
>honking mare wife
Now that would be something unusual.
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I want to change this mare's wheels non consensually
that aint the one chief
twilight was inspecting the car without anybody in it
I'll find it in my bookmarks later and post it here
What would that be then? Molestation?
Is she naked without her wheels?
More than that even. She's incomplete.
Cutie on wheels.
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Torches dont really work in space.
Ah yes, the three worst things a pony could do.
They do if you also supply the O2 like an oxy-acetylene torch. The welds do perform worse than an equal weld done on earth, but it is 100 viable.
this image reminds me of duckroll
Now there's an old meme I haven't thought of in a long time
>"Henlo madeem pls enter card noomber to get the redeeming caek. Also pickture of vagene grants bonus muffin yes."
Not feasible, you would have to basically build a rocket engine to supply enough back pressure for the gases not to immediately expand to near vacuum.
What about laser welders?
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Yeah seems legit
True, I'm just saying that it can work, it's just shit.
Spacemen weld by cold welding shit, literally just cleaning the things to a clean finish, then pushing it hard enough that the thing bonds.
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They also use a laser welding torch for hard to reach areas
>Everyone talks about the welding
>No one mentions how the cover plate simply trundles off
The more you look at the image the mare it makes you think.
I've seen that brought up in previous threads. Guess they decided to switch things up by focusing on something different.
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Fair point.
Considering that applies to the whole board it's like finding a minefield warning sign right in the middle of the minefield.
It's the thought that counts.
Twilight's sceptical look concerns me more than the crazy contraption itself.
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That's crazy talk. There's no problem Twilight isn't able to handle.
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Well I wouldn't exactly call "Lesson Zero" handled. She kind of went a bit nutty there.
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Well that's true.
I mean technically the problem there was that Twilight didn't have a problem to solve so she had to create problems in order to solve them.
The problem with that is that you'd have to create problems for Twilight to solve in order to prevent her from making up problems to solve because she doesn't have any problems at hand. Which kind of is a self defeating purpose in itself.
Rd confirmed to be an owl. She can hover that quietly.
I'm not sure how you got that connotation.
I think they meant to link this post instead >>41066695
Oh, right. That makes much more sense.
It's really be surprising the other way around
yep i messed up
It's shorter than what I'd wanted to do, but you guys deserve to know I'm still alive. Here's a thing.

>Twilight Sparkle had always found comfort in literature.
>And as luck would have it, she seemed to have found common ground with her new friend.
>Being around Rob made it difficult to put the silliness and absurdity of democracy out of mind, but in this moment, as he carefully studied books, she was able to appreciate a new facet of the strange beast.
>It took great care in turning each page, gently and deliberately using those bizarre clamp-like talons after taking a moment to appreciate each page.
>It was clear it held books in extremely high regard to be so cautious with them.
>And it was also clear that Rob was EXTREMELY well read.
>He was getting through those books at a remarkable pace, far faster than Twilight could ever hope for.
>Then again, he might be speed reading.
>Some ponies found it useful to skim through a book before reading it properly to help with comprehension.
>Twilight had tried it in the past, and she HAD noticed some results, but it took a lot of willpower to move on after encountering something novel or interesting.
>Was he an apex mind, capable of processing information faster than anypony she had ever met?
>Or was he instead gifted with willpower and temperance that she could never hope to match?
“Tell me your secrets.”

Object 503-SN is of similar composition to the previous objects. Uploading photographs.

>He stepped away from the finished book, leaving it on the table.
>Rob clearly wasn’t familiar with how the library was organized, so it had fallen to Twilight to fetch more knowledge and maintain order.
“Did you like Super Naturals? I’m a big fan, personally. Though I’ve only ever had to use one of the cures in it, I find it fascinating how many different medicines grow in the wild. It’s really quite remarkable how much you can learn by paying attention to the things living around you.”
>Rob let off a short lived but brilliant burst of magic, then fell still.
>Twilight still wasn’t sure why he was doing that.
>It clearly exhausted the poor thing, as he would sit still for minutes after each burst.
>And the magic itself was totally incoherent.
>There was no chance it could actually contain a functional spell, and they didn’t last long enough to contain any information anyway.
>Twilight was completely unsurprised when nothing changed in the wake of the spell.
“That could use some work. Here! I have a few books on magic. Let me see… ah! Cantrips for Colts. That should teach you the basics.”
>Rob continued to rest for a while.
>Twilight had grown accustomed to it, but it had frightened her the first time.
>Watching him sit so unnaturally still for so long was unsettling.
>It was like he wasn’t even alive!
>There was a delicate and rhythmic knocking on the door.
>It was just barely audible.
“Come in, Fluttershy!”
>The door popped open, and a gentle breeze filled the library.
“Hm. That's nice. I should open a window.”
>”Hello, Twilight. How did you know it was me?”
“Lucky guess. Are you here to see Rob?”
>”Oh, hello. I’m sorry for not greeting you sooner, I actually didn't think either of you would be here, though I was hoping. I actually came hoping to borrow a book”
“What book are you looking for?”
>”I Crashed on Another Planet Surrounded by Primitive Creatures and They Think I Have Hostile Intent so They Fought me With Magic.”
>One of those graphic novels she was so fond of.
“I don’t believe I have that here.”
>”Oh. I hear the sakka- that means writer- is planning on republishing. I’ll have to wait for that, but it'll probably take a while. Okay… what about Help! I Fell Into an Alternate Timeline Where My Friend the Nun Travels the World to Collect Magic Artifacts She Saw in a Dream Once!"
“Actually, yeah. We do have that. It’s in the periodicals.”
>”Oh! I hear it's really good. I've been avoiding it though because it's on hiatus and I don't like getting invested before they're finished.”
>She happily pranced to the appropriate shelf, clearly anticipating a fun read.
“Say, you mentioned something about me being here, right? Why would it be weird? I live here.”
>”Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that.”
>Like what?
>”It's just that you've been so busy lately, and there are only a couple of days left before the election.”
>”And Applejack has been working so hard. Shouldn't you be campaigning?”
“I… suppose.”
>”It's not like you to give up on something like this.”
“I haven't given up! It's just that this isn’t really what I thought it would be.”
>The whole premise had seemed silly at first.
>But she wanted so badly to learn the Earth pony way and to fit in that she'd jumped in head first.
>Now she was learning that it was more than just silly.
>It was crazy!
>She had been right about Ponyville from day one!
“I'm sick of it, Fluttershy.”
>”Is it really that hard? I could help. Maybe.”
>No, it wasn't hard.
>It was extremely easy, in fact.
>It just didn't feel right.
“I was expecting it to be about doing what's best for Ponyville. The more I think about it, the more I realize that it doesn't really matter at all.”
“No, there's no goodness to be found here, only badness. I could have won yesterday. I mean, I probably did, but I could have made it a sure thing. But it goes against everything princess Celestia taught me.”
>It also ran contrary to her instincts.
>The most effective strategies felt wrong.
“And then today, I secured the victory. I'm just not happy about how I did it.”
>”Maybe you should stop, then?”
“I can't let Rob down like that.”
>”I mean… he doesn't seem to mind.”
>She was right.
>The creature was still engrossed in the book, scanning each page thoroughly.
>It hadn't once reacted to the discussion.
>Did he perhaps no longer care?
>Or was he just so confident he didn't feel like it was worth working any harder?
>”I don't think Rob would be very happy forcing you to do things that make you uncomfortable.”
>She trotted up to the thing and nuzzled it.
>It didn't react.
“You're right. Thanks, both of you. From now on, I'll campaign according to my conscience.”
>It wasn't like it would change the outcome anyway.
>Not after today…
>”It looks like something's still wrong.”
“I'm just wishing I could start over and do this whole thing the WRONG way. It wasn't even fair; it's kinda like I beat somepony at a game they didn't even know they were playing.”
>”I'm pretty sure Applejack and the mayor know how this works.”
>Twilight scoffed.
“Applejack is WAY too fair minded to understand. And the mayor? She focuses way too much on policy and leadership. She's just not suited for politics.”
>They were both going to be furious.
>But maybe there was still time?
>What had been done couldn't be undone, but amends could be made and apologies given.
“I should probably talk to them. Would you mind watching the place for a while?”
>”I suppose not.”
“Thanks, you two.”
>The vote was tomorrow.
>The count would be the day after, and then everypony would know the mayor never stood a chance.
>There would be hurt feelings, but with a bit of work and a lot of luck, they would be able to get over them.
Vagabond 5s: 7,112,387 OFFLINE, 2 ONLINE

More data has become available.
Several objects of significance have been added to the local database. Preliminary analysis suggests the patterns on these objects are made of soot or some other byproduct of unclean combustion. The patterns repeat at times, and are structured consistently and to a large degree predictably.
It is likely that these are written documents.

Many of these supposed documents appear to bare sketches or even technical drawings. In fact, some are mostly drawings with few “words” attached. It is unlikely that- should this prove to be a language- it will be possible to develop a fluent understanding. However, with the amount of data available it might be possible to derive some meaning from the objects.

How these objects came to be is unknown. There is yet no signs of anything on this planet that fits the criteria for defining life.
However, these most recent finds are sufficiently fragile that they would not persist for very long in the local environment. Air currents flowing through the area they were stored in suggest the environment is poorly protected from the elements, so it is unlikely they are more than a few millennia old. Low levels of beta decay suggest atmospheric carbon was in some way used to make the object, however, there is yet no sign of photosynthesis, aside from atmospheric oxygen.

Though language is not yet confirmed, the existence of what is likely ink arranged in a good facsimile of know anomalous objects and collected in a centralized location is indicative of not only life, but of intelligence.

Polymorphic software and deep learning models are already finding patterns and associations. Though a comprehensive understanding of this written language is unlikely, it seems as though it should be possible to read most of these texts by the time they're all scanned.

Further analysis of the ice floe has proven extremely illuminating. Most of the machinery within still evades perception, but a simple thermodynamic system is apparent.
A rod of some conductive material is buried in the sea floor and likely extends into the mantle. The heat reaching the surface interacts with the low temperatures generated by the release of refrigerants, in this case compressed oxygen gas, to make a persistent current. This current is significantly slower than models suggest, indicating that energy is being extracted from it in some way.

Geothermal power generation on this scale is evidence of incredible technological sophistication, though the actual purpose of this device is yet unknown. Attempts to interfere with the radio signal being broadcast have not produced any interesting results, and it is not yet known where the refrigerant is coming from nor why it is exclusively oxygen gas. It is possible some materials are being sequestered to alter the atmospheric composition, or alternatively that of the water or even the core itself. There is far more power being generated here than the radio signals can account for, so clearly more work is being done. The oxygen gas might be a critical clue in discovering what this system does.

Wow. That was WAY shorter than I realized.
The first quarter of the year is a really rough time for me. I'm hoping that now that things have relaxed a bit I can actually get something done, but that takes discipline. It's not fair to any of you that there are such long gaps between updates.
Hey man I'm glad to see you back. Going to have to re-read and get a bit of a refresher. Sorry to hear the rough spot you were going through and I hope things keep getting better for you.
Thanks for the green!
>took great care in turning each page
That's odd. That means it knows what a book is. And that it needed to be produced by some sentient lifeforms. Or is it just examining it as a strange rock?
>is of similar composition to the previous objects
Hm, I find it odd that it was able to turn the pages.
>didn’t last long enough to contain any information anyway
She said it was incoherent at first, so she did recognize that it might be some sort of communication.
>I Crashed on Another Planet Surrounded by Primitive Creatures and They Think I Have Hostile Intent so They Fought me With Magic.
Heh. That's one long title.
>I'm sick of it
Sick of what? Literally only 2 ponies straight up oppose "her". Aj and Mayor.
>I mean… he doesn't seem to mind.
>She's just not suited for politics.
I'm sure Rob will be better once it is able to say a single word. Oh wait...
>There is yet no signs of anything on this planet that fits the criteria for defining life.
That's odd. Really odd. What are the ponies made of that the surface units are unable to pick up? Pure energy?
>no sign of photosynthesis
Something is seriously wrong with the mothership and the units.
>rod of some conductive material
I hope it did not find some ancient and dangerous magical artifact.

>The first quarter of the year
More like the first half. It is the middle of May!

Thanks for the update!
Somehow I have no doubt that Pinkie and Rainbow will manage to sink this ship upon collision.
I feel like there's either a Titanic or Costa Concordia joke to be made with that setup
I tend to gravitate towards the latter. The scenery is way too sunny for an iceberg joke.
>The Captain of the Concordia ran the ship ashore because he saw mares
I could believe that.
Unless you wanted to also make a 20% cooler joke with Dash to explain the iceberg in warm summer water.
>"Wow, it must be more than 20% cooler for icebergs to form."
I usually don't reply directly to greens but I do read and enjoy them
Please keep doing your thing writebros, you’re appreciated
Give them (you)s!
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Should probably cover up those parts
This >>41085375. Writefags depend on (you)s, even if they aren't attention whores. The feedback is important for them.
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This expression conveys a fundamental lack of any safety measures and/or moral qualms.
Perfect for a mad scientist
Why are her eyes bloody(?)
why does she have human titties
Probably something to do with the ai that generated that pic
ai do be doing weird shit
I don't want to be 'that guy', but this is dangerously close to anthro.
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Dash is really making me real nervous getting so close to a filled flask over a bunsen burn without eye protection
She's got retard protection. Dash will be fine. The rest of the lab might be another story though.
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A mare who makes a crash look stylish. That's some skill.
Who is this steampunk mare?
I'm guessing it's Precious Metal based of the file name
Wow actually interesting
Possible. Does she have a story though?
I neeeeeed that
#deca.mare update.
As far as I can tell she's just someone's oc they commissioned a lot of art of. If there are stories featuring her I can't find them after a quick search.
I'm so insanely jealous of whoever owns that
It's easy to spot the mathematical theorist in the room.
Imagine she were functional.
Incremental techup.
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I'm not sure how this is technological.
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Oh come on, throw her a bone will ya?
God damn it!
might have misclicked at 5 am
Ah yes the dangers of early morning posting.
I feel that one right now.
Late night boompin
Don’t let the flame die out
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>Having the cutie mark under the hoof
Now that's fancy.
I'm doing my part!
I wonder if anyone's done something similar to >>41094844 for this robo-rarity
Not as far as I know. But it would be just as challenging.
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BEHOLD! The power of technology!
Twilight can't believe that it ONLY holds 35000 books.
I mean 35000 ebooks, that's like what ~100GB in capacity, maybe more. It'd be easy to bump up that capacity with an added sd card
Can ponies use tablets? Could she control it with magic?
That pic is also like 11 years old and storage capacity was a lot smaller. Back then SD cards topped out at around 64gb
Imagine how she'd react to a basic gen1 mp3player
It's crazy how fast tech moves these days.
I think we have a green about that?
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Yeah. Nowadays you can get a 1TB sd card for like 60 bucks
His pose says it all.
Luna's pose is also excellent, for a different reason.
Yes Dash you are, but we still love ya
>Luna is also excellent
Fixed that for you.
Fuck that's a cool mech
She looks so fucking smug
>Applebot giving you heart eyes
I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad sign.
This hurts to watch. How can we cheer her up?
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Get her out of the rain, clean her up, patch her shell, and give her a hug seem like a good place to start
Sounds reasonable, yeah.
Protip: Never say 'Let's do a headcount' in her presence.
Still better than "what's your body count".
Or ask "Is anybody here?"
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Or "Don't lose your head over that."
Break a leg!
Honestly it looks like there's a lot of thing you should avoid saying
Did you get up with the wrong hoof today?
>"Break a leg" is an English language idiom used in the theatre or other performing arts to wish a performer "good luck".
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I feel like eventually she'll get tired of everyone around her tip toeing around her condition
Yeah, it can be a real pain in the ass.
More like a pain in the neck for her
Or sing: "They see me rollin'"
Tech up
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I wonder what Twilight could be adding to a flower pot of dirt to make Lyra so nervous
Rainbow Dash's face gives me vibes of a severe existential dread. As if she were semi aware of what is happening around her right now.
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Yeah it's horrifying. Artist did a great job.
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I'm not even going to ask how Derpy managed to smash a wrench cleanly through a whole monitor.
You ever just look at an image and just know it's cropped from porn?
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Their asses did NOT complete the lab safety protocol worksheet
But they have plot armor.
Oh god I remember that exact picture from science class
I feel like I'd regret to ask what the full version is.
Okay. What's the full version?
Got to love porn logic than means in order for Equestria Girls Pinkie to go back she needs a bunch of stallions to run a train on her
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Do you still remember all the mistakes?
So there is the catch.
This is what happens when CelestAI isn't coded properly.
AI is a bit of a crapshoot
Guess you just can't get rid of all the risk.
Yeah, even if try to build the most benevolent of Ais you're always at risk of running into the "road to hell is paved with good intentions" issue
Given the current state of the world though, I don't think the ones who could be capable of pulling this off even have good intentions in mind.
No. It's a headache.
Unless it's phantom pain in the ass
Hello frens. It's been a while since I've poosted!

For those of you who are still following and/or still care about The Swirling Menagerie, I wanted to pop in and clarify that I absolutely have not abandoned the story. I've simply been working on other projects recently, and with more work responsibilities to boot it means I haven't had as much time and energy to focus towards this one. Just rest assured that I'm doing alright, I'm still writing, and when inspiration strikes me again I'll get right back to it. The next chapter is already half-ish done, so when I do get the chance to get back on it then I've already got a foundation built up. I guarantee nobody is more frustrated about the hiatus than me, considering we're only a few chapters away from one of, if not THE biggest moment in the whole story. I might have gotten a little intimidated by the execution of that moment, which is why I've been struggling to push forward with it. Hopefully by the time I visit WiK next month I'll be ready to write about ponies again. Cheers!
Hey I'm glad to see you and your story still alive and kicking. might have to go through a re-read to refresh my memory
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RIP Lyra
Lyra fill find a way to survive. She always does.
I bet her favorite story is the one about the headless horse.
Maybe she runs on comic book logic and she'll get super powers
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The button says all there is to say.
nice error code
What does it refer to?
I'm surprised you don't know what 42069 refers to. But in case you're serious

420 = smoking weed
69= famous sex position
Oh, okay. I thought the code in its entirety stood for something else.
>there is basically no overlap between the lain and pony community
>only 6 images on derpibooru
Huh. Probably a generational thing.
What's lain?
I assume the anime "Serial Experiments Lain"
That's a big hoof.
Maybe that's why she so angry. It must be hell on her balance
>The designer did it on purpose to mess with Twilight
No wonder she's mad.
Yeah. I'm can you really blame her?
Not really, no.
How long does /pts/ usually go on break for? The thread before last hit bump limit but the most recent one died at like 50 posts and nobody’s made a new one yet
I never understood how these transparent wings are supposed to work. Or rather, what the wings of light are supposed to be in the first place.
You ever heard of hard light? Basically a hypothetical material consisting of light in a solidified state. Shows up in sci-fi every now and again. I think Mercy from Overwatch has something similar with her wings.
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>You ever heard of hard light?
Does he count?
I mean if the glove fits
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I wanna know which of the three of them had the idea to store the spare doughnut on Luna's horn.
Maybe it just happened to float there?
How likely is that in space?
best engineering in this art are Rarity's limb enhancers
'The Twi that Wouldn't Die'
The idea is always to guide the AI creatively. Although it can provide inspiration on occasion Seldom does it make good creative decisions
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>the environment is not actually toxic, but now Twilight can work with no distractions
>the writing on the bowl
I will catch up to it... some time...
Anyone got story recommendations?
Here's a couple in no particular order

>The Swirling Menagerie by Solanon
Linked in the OP

>Steel Sanctuary & Red Shift by Writefag Is Kill
Which are both completed and can be found here


>Adeptus Anonymous By Clarissa (Completed Warhammer 40k crossover)
>muffin in the mug
Can't say I'm surprised.
Can confirm Steel Sanctuary is good, just started part 3
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Damn Sunset's got that bad bitch energy I love
>>the writing on the bowl
explain plox
On the bottom rim on the bowl Twilight's levitating I can barely make out some letters I think are "TSOY ZHYFF EFTA" ". What that means I have no idea
It translates from Russian to "Tsoy lives mofo"
We need to cook
More like 'going in dry'.
Ah. That's why I didn't know what it meant
I feel like this would be the perfect setup for a fisting joke.
I can see that. Can't think of one though
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Twilight's cybernetically enhanced revenge for

I can't help think of Twilight's in game model having weird busted hand tracking due to Twilight not being limited by human anatomy
Oh God. That will hurt.
Pretty sure that's the point
What are they doing there?
Making circuits using magic crystals?
And it still catches fire in a few seconds?
Hmmm tags says it's Dash so it might not go as terribly if it was Derpy who mixed it instead.
Dash is just a tad less disastrous than Derpy. She may not be the same walking natural disaster as Bubblebutt, but her likely lack of lab security compliance would be almost equally dangerous.
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Not sure if that Glimmer is a bot or a cyborg.
Personally I lean more towards cyborg
>treasure planet but ponies
i'd read/watch it
More likely, yeah.
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Damn, I hope his stud bits are still intact. It would be a terrible waste if they aren't.
Sugar Belle would be so sad of he lost those tools
Not only her.
Let me guess, AJ too?
AJ might be dealing with her own issues
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Well, shit. Her bits are definitely out of commission. This is where science goes too far.
Why is she holding the soldering iron with her mouth instead of with her magic?
Good point.
The chugginator 6000.
Maybe the magic telekinesis field can mess up delicate electronic if it gets too close and direct?
Lacking bits for fun times aside, this poses a couple of other practicable problems too. Like, how does she relieve herself?
Perhaps the black plating slides out of the way to reveal some sort of built in waste disposal function
The only possibility I could imagine.
>Captcha STDX
Board's active again.
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Looking strangely handsome for a robot.
#deca.mare update.
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Those thighs look perfect
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Who'd be Neo in this case? Bonbon?
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Perhaps Twilight?
Either chrysalis is enhancing them or those thighs are the real reasons Cadance is the princess of love
The princess of love and 'family'. She creates both.
That could work. Also, Celestia looks damn hot here.
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>It's crazy how fast tech moves these days.
Jack & Shit information technology. Wait till' y'all see what happens when we get to 2030..
Enlighten me, what's that chart?
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>Be Twilight Sparkle
>Wake up on the beach of a strange island one day
>There are extinct animals like dodos and triceratops wandering along the shore
ARK green when?
I don't know, the ARK lore got mucked pretty badly as the developers 'fleshed it out'. Wouldn't even have a clue what there would be to write about.
Breaking bad?
Looks like it. Probably early on when they were still cooking out of the RV
More like Baking Bad
Timeline of disclosure of aliens.
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Is that supposed to be Derpy or a random OC?
Huh, I thought it was Derpy but apparently it's some one's bat pony oc named Night Striker
Yeah, I wasn't sure myself. This looks a lot like Derpy, but the eyes seemed wrong.
Yeah those eyes are properly aligned
And slit. Would've been a weird artistic choice to make them like this for non-bats.
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Limey posting?
Limey posting.
Well the Iris is pretty elliptical so I could see an artist drawing the pupils to be slit like to match if that's just how they draw eyes.
Yeah. That's why I was unsure at first too.
A bump in technology.
Those are some spindly ass legs
And tall to boot.She looks like Inky Rose as far as the outlines go.
her leg too long for her gotdamn she
but otherwise i really love the concept
So is that like Twilight's actual head mounted to a robotic body or just like a really detailed synthetic face that looks the real thing.
Probably a synthetic one. I don't see any life support components.
It feels weird if it is synthetic that they don't cover the rest of her body with similar material to protect the machinery
Budget cuts. What can you do, eh?
Budget cuts must be real rough if they couldn't even spare some purple spandex or something to cover her.
Mayhaps everything but her head an tail was meant to be covered by a cloak?
Or the guys on the financial board are real scrooges.
With that look on her face I'd normally make a "please step on me" joke but that would literally kill me
True. I wouldn't try pancake jokes either.
Classic image

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