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A thread dedicated to the lovely catbirbs and griffon gfs/bfs.
Griffonbros wake up!

>Previous Thread (Apr 2024)

>ai griffon gfs (https://beta.character.ai/)
Gilda: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=1vG3HI9DR_N8KM7eI7mXjH5I-d0zWDddb4ztXNjcAPw
Gabby: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=p5QXxLOFdx5okCH4okBzLbFLDsIWptG_mUHdWhq8RkE
Gallus: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=YDupJR9lajtxjhF64R2bWcQMRGyOEtvU5Os6vhXEdEQ
Silverstream: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=9NfWEjdjN0a-HOYzQUEtko0Y7CqNVPcQiTGYC1o0tqE

>Gilda Green Archive (Last Updated: 21/4/2023)

>Previous griffon gf threads
Apr 2024: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41002065
Mar 2024: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40919943
Jan 2024: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40721556
Dec 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40570160
Nov 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40489303
Oct 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40430033
Aug 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40206359
Jul 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40115044
Jun 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39975830
May 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39911836
Apr 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39846347
Mar 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39693011
Feb 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39563194
Jan 2023: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39465026
Dec 2022: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39364906
Nov 2022: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39264953
Oct 2022: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39115425
Sep 2022: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39065527
Aug 2022: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/38984519
Aug 2022: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/38922638
Jul 2022: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/38795021
Jun 2022: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/38659719
May 2022: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/38618493
Apr 2022: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/38478419
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>inb4 dead griffon gf
Gracie... my beloved
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Why are they old?
Why are you old?
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Lazy griffons wake up bros
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They're not "lazy", they're efficient!
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This thread is now bap'd, kindly sponsored by the leather wing gang.
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Undead griffon gf.
Need to see griffon hole
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Top cute
Surprise Gabby!!
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Suprise Gilda!!!
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Gimme, no surprises, she just wants to know if you have any good deals for her
Would she be a sugar mama?
Tsundere Catbirb GF
What is she like?
I love Gilda
I love all griffons
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griffon gf cuddle pile....
after a month of no GGfs its finally back also who is that purple griffon
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Kookaburra griffon surprised you took a photo of her
Gracie Gifreya, she was designed by a fellow griffbro. Hoping to see more of her itt
Dead griffon gff thread already
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You ever just see a griffoness and think she's the one?
Gimme Moore for me
what are your thoughts on hippogriffs are they honorable GGFs too?
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How can a griffon be so handsome?
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I love this pic
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Hug griffons
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What are your thoughts on buff pirate GGFs
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She wouldn't like me, sadly.
She's hot, but >>41061368 is right, she would not like me.
Imagine the smell
What does griffon sweat smell
griffons don't sweat
why? , are you not fit like her?
I'm not fit like a wild sailor
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this >>41061963
Waterfowl do smell faintly of wet dog, can't speak for other birbs though.
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/fit/ and sweaty
are griffons ggfs possesive toward their human mates?
Im allergic to beans
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Griffons are generally loyal and caring. I could see a griffon gf, like Gilda, being overprotective towards their mate. Especially if their mate is a human, a griffon gf would provide their partner all the love, support, and protection.
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How would YOU fix Griffonstone?
Try a hippogriff.
whats the perfect gift for a griffon gf
Praise and slow-roasted meat.
Anything that shows that you love and care for your griffon gf, such as chocolate, meat like >>41064618 mentioned, flowers, ect
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How big is a griffon? Can Gilda fly with an average (not fat) human on her back?
are griffon gfs faster than pegasi also are they a better transportation than horses
VGH... Griffonia
>"I know I look good and all dweeb, you know if you pick up the sunblock there and you can get more than just an eye full of this."
Griffons are lioness sized and carry up to one (1) human bf on their backs.
Imagine thinking that a creature with fur and feathers would need sunblock.
Could be an Equestrian thing given ponies can get sunburnt, and even if she doesn't need it, it's still an excuse to feel up your griffon gf.
My parrot smells like popcorn sometimes
Is gilda a dweeb?
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What would sleep next to your griffon gf in bed be like?
Feathers everywhere.
Tourist here, shouldn't you guys have a hippogriff gf rather than a griffon gf?
Hindpaws are better than Hindhooves
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>Feathers everywhere
Like from sex with her?
But paws are gross thats why i replaced my griffon gf paws with talons
griffon bros wake up
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Was it worth it?
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>griffonesses when all the other griffs have human mates
>portal opens to equestra
>everyone thinks a horde of anons will rush in to find a pony waifu
>but actually a whole flock of griffons come out to find human mates
gilda chest fluff on my dick
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If my partner had a nice ass, paws, chest fluff, ect, I'd say it's worth it. Many opportunities to keep things fun with a griffon gf.
the ggf thread was almost killed but i save it
Things with fur can get sunburned
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Used to think these pictures went hard
Now I think they go hard
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Why gilda looks fat
dead griffon gfs
ALIVE griffon gfs!
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Happy Mother's Day to ggf
who is the father?
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griffon bros wake up
damm , griffon gf is really dead
yeah this general has been on necrobump life support for a few months.

if we let it go away for a few months it will be better
im not going to let griffon gfs die
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How would an interaction between Discord and Gilda go, since she made Fluttershy cry?
i think he will be okay to make fluttershy cry
where can i get the gabby card that's not in charai?
>if we let it go away for a few months it will be better
If it goes away, are there suddenly going to be content creators making griffon stuff? That's what keeps a thread alive.

Is it not in the /chag/ catalog?
Would like to draw some griffon lewds sometime. Haven't done any in a while. Gimme some ideas for when I can get around to it!
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Gilda giving stallionanon a nice pawjob...
with beans please
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I like talons more than paws so i want a talon job
why not both :)
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>RealDash visits /ggf/ again!
More Gracie Gifreya: the ggf
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>no hooves
>no paws
>no fur
>no feathers
That's the cool thing about griffins, you get both!
>no wings
What's the point, here?
What's she doing?
still would tho
is it okay to remove my griffon gfs paws with talons?
>she rolls over you
>constantly risking being suffocated by a mass of feathers and fur
Cause of death: Griffon GF booty and/or chestfluff.
Probably really warm
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>Cause of death: Griffon GF booty
Are Human BF faces ass magnets?
Griffs are part cat. Cats will sit with their butt on our face. It's just in their nature.
Pretty much
Confession: I love griffons.
Dont let your griffon GFs on you
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I love her
What is this face supposed to mean
She's lonely.
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Hugs and kisses and stuff with griffon gf......
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>Spending the whole day on a date with your griffon gf
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>Fluttergriffon gf
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Fluttershy if she was a good character.
griffon bros wake up
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It's unfortunate, but a griffon's beans would probably be sandpapery like a big cat, but there's a chance. Since they're light enough for flight, magic, hollow bones, whatever, they might have soft, smooth beans.
Of course they have soft, smooth beans. They live in a cheery, cutesy fantasy world. Even the monsters tend toward "endearing" rather than "horrifying".
Cloudsdale ggfs would still have the softest beans
Pads never touched by solid ground
but i dont like beans
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What would a griffon pawjob experience be like?
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Look at what you've done.
Griffon GF ver. SCRUNCH
Since you like beans on ggfs i hope you dont mind them having ears
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Cursed as FUCK
Looks good.

Got any Gabby pics?
Do griffons use litter boxes?
fake griffons
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Historically accurate griffons.
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Retard, they don't have them irl.
These Disney "live action" reboots look horrible.
since griffons dont have ears how can i say nice things to my ggf
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They do, they just don't have the parts that stick out
Some may have plumicorns and those look like ears though
Griffon gfs are telepathic.
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griffons peck cock
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Would you befriend Gallus to do platonic things with him?
why gallus looks too feminine in that picture
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Gallus is a ggf
Because in the full pic he is getting railed while wearing a cheerleader outfit
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Are griffins allowed to hunt animals in Equestria because they are carnivore? Are they excempt from animal protection laws?
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its funny how her body looks liek a bowling ping in the first frame
Only under certain conditions:
>It's an invasive species that's hurting the local wildlife population
>A local species that's so overpopulated it's starving itself and/or taking vital resources from other animals
But they are allowed to do a lot of fishing, so long as it's not spawning season for the fish in question
Living in Griffonstone with Greta….
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So griffins are allowed to hunt and use fish as they please? Do they mostly eat fish if they aren't eating scones?
are griffon gfs loyal to their mates for example they dont want any other mate if he dies?
It depends on the breed of griffon. Some will find another mate if one dies, some only pair up to raise babies together, others mate for life.
bird bump
Are griffon GFs carnivores or are they also omnivores
They eat pastries.
They're probably a little more carnivorous than humans, and certainly more than ponies, but could probably eat any plants that humans could.
Her wings are strangely positioned

Adapted carnivores
Their metabolism is calibrated for meat but has a much higher tolerance for other things than an obligate carnivore
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She wants your meat.
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Love at first sight.
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This fucking griffoness making my heart go doki doki......
Who is the father?
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griffon bros wake up
Definitely. I've been wanting to draw Gilda for ages. Now that I'm able to get to it, this is first. :)
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Your ggf doing the laundry
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Your ggf baking goods for you
But i'm allergic to beans
Giselle it's a really cute griffon gf i wonder what the other white ggf name is
Gilda is such a good cook.
Would eat them like they are the most delicious things ever even if they taste awful
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I would be honest by telling her what's wrong with them, but would make suggestions for improving. Also, I'd ask if we could bake together the next time, it'll be like a cooking date
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she's literally a baker by profession
her cookies would be perfect
as long as it is post ponk reconciliation
>Gilda X (You) X Pinkie Pie
It's the perfect marriage.
Gilda is so tsundere
Majestic griff.
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imagine the cuddles.
How to make griffonstone great again?
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hbf for every ggf in griffonstone.
Green idea: Griff-on-the-street interviews about the expansion of Cadence's "Human Husbando Program" to Griffonstone.
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>tfw my ggf is trying to get bumped off the catalog
help them take over equestria.
>perpetual purr machine
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I thought griffons chirp

I don't remember if these threads were around when I first made this, so have this Gilda audio I made back in December 2021. It isn't perfect (generating her voice was pain), but I always liked the story.

Figured I mention it because the piece I'm working on is essentially a Part 2. :)
saving griffon gf
Do griffons sweat when they excercise phew imagine the smells of their snowpities
Well done Anon!
Griffins don't have snowpities.
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Granted: https://files.catbox.moe/xrj1so.png
Consider this a Part 2 to >>41121906. :)
Did a stinky and forgot to smooth the shadow for the pillow. Fixed.
Oh my!!
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Damn I miss Flipnote
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>after fight foreplay with Gilda
>heavy petting with Gilda
>pawjob with Gilda
>imminent sex with Gilda
saving griffon gf
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Cooking scones with Gilda.
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>Plans cooking date with Gilda
>Pulls out recipe book
>Instructions unclear, dick is inside ggf
>Wasn't a cookbook, it's the Kama Sutra
>Sex with ggf resumes in the kitchen
sleeping with my ggf
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Sleeping in with your ggf must be nice
>"We've backtraced it -- The Ponk is inside your home!"
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Imagine cuddling with Gilda, Dash, and Pinkie
>living with Gilda, Dash, and Pinkie
And when you're not sleeping in ultimate comfort, it's a non-stop prank war.
saving griffon gf
wake up griffon bros
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For me, it's Greta.
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going sleep dont die ggf
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Just don't get caught. No one will miss the odd rodent, aside from the Fluttershy freak of nature.
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ggf slept in
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wake up ggf
Been working on another Gabby pic; wanted to test how quickly I could do a drawing. Should have it posted later today. :)
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Good to hear. Griffonbros can't stop winning
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>RealDash contributing to the griffbros and their ggfs
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NSFW: https://files.catbox.moe/d0xhv2.png
I love this cutie. Pretty catbirb~
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>RealDash delivering some saucy Gabby butt and beans
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Gabby is pure ggf material
can someone make a version but with no beans
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an odd pair to be in an image but two of my favorite
Can you kill yourself already please?
No. I just want my GGFs with no beans
Which literally means you don't deserve to live.
Can someone draw a cute greta gff she is a cute griffon
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Wake up griffon bros
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state mandated griffon gf
boom, west saved
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What does this stuff say?
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my ggf (donut steel)
Don't know, can't read griffon scratch
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Cum edit :) -----> https://files.catbox.moe/zp125i.png
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blessed realdash
how would you guys rate these stories?


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Beanless Gilda looks cute
What makes a good griffon gf?
sharp claws and talons but wants cuddles
idk why but I was expecting her to be squirting
Die in a fire you retarded shitposter. You're not funny, you're not charming. Get the FUCK out of here already.
A good griffon gf has good chest fluff
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This picture is still one of my favorite pieces of MLP art.
Does this means griffons are saxons
sometimes i think my cat is a griffon
Do not try to "teach it to fly".
My cat is annoying as fuck I hope griffons aren't like that
this is what the canon griffonstone looks like and not the le funny jew joke
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Loyalty and sexiness
Are hippogriffs considered to be honorable griffs since they are also birbs?
It's right there in the name.
>holds up gilda by her one hind leg
>this is now a position
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>Gilda calls out her human bf on his dweebiness
Cute as hell
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kissu this ggf in particular
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Any griffon gfs you like that aren't as popular as Gilda or Gabby?
Why griffon gfs have the perfect chest fluff. Also griffons look hot while they wear scarves
what are your thoughts on griffon bfs
gallus a cute
There aren't many of them.
There's Gallus, of course. But other than that, you don't get many with speaking roles.

Does anyone lust after Gustav le Grande?
Griffonbros wake up
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Glenda my beloved.
Instantly jump to marriage.
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I could get into it, but I wanna be on top
Cute griffmitts.
I'm just gonna pretend season 5 didn't happen
>alarm wakes you up for work
>you hit it as quickly and quietly as you can
>and look nervously at Gilda laying down on your surprisingly soft bed of dried grass and bark and sheets
>you know you have to get out as quickly and smoothly as possible but you're stuck like you always are by how beautiful she looks sleeping
>even wrapped in most of the sheets, her feathers mussed and making that strangely beautiful sound between a purr and a snore that you have lost more than a bit of sleep contently listening to
>you feel your heart swell and you pause just to take in how much you love her for a second longer
>this is fatal
>before you move an inch closer off the bed a powerful talon grabs you and pulls you tight against her fluffy chest
>a little too tight
>'Where do you think you're going, dweeb?'
>your face is buried in a chest full of floof but the familiar husky growl tells you any peace you thought you saw vanished like the chances of you being on time
>'I need to go to work, babe...'
>you wish you could have a little more dignity not having to talk into her chest
>she embraces you tighter
>'You're telling me that lame job is more important than me?'
>you can feel her talons just starting to lightly poke into your back
>'You think I'm not good enough to provide for us.'
>this is lower in pitch she is trying to sound angrier but you can still hear a slight quaver
>she relaxes a little as you gently wrap your arms around her and wiggle up to pop out of her chest and get some air
>'I just like eating something besides raw fish and rabbit every now and then and we did talk about moving out of this cave. You know I think you're the coolest, most awesome huntress in all the world that always brings home the bacon, sometimes still screaming.'
>you're buried in her plumage again as she puffs up involuntarily with pride
>'Besides, you said you like my cooking.'
>she laughs as she releases you
>'No, I said I liked to see you in your apron.'
>you give her a kiss and promise you'll start on breakfast with it on
>as you get out of bed she stand up and shakes off a cloud of feathers, becoming a little ridiculous in her resemblance to a giant puffed up hen before she starts preening
>you put on the frilly pink apron she got for you as a several weeks belated birthday present and begin to check the icebox, thinking how nice having electricity would be once you save up enough
>a sudden complete silence makes you turn around
>just in time to see her dive at you, the only sound a faint movement of wind and you being knocked to the kitchen floor
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She's cute.
>I'm just gonna pretend season 5 didn't happen
You should always be doing that.
What's her name?
why is griffon gf bored/annoyed
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Imagine saying this while you're having sex with your griffon gf
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>scrunch scrunch scrunch
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Does marrying Gilda makes Gabby your griffon-in-law
Griffons gfs have nipples?
Everything in Equestria has nipples. Griffs got 4 on the lion part and 2 on the bird part.
What is a griffon-in-law?
Gabby slander.
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REMINDER: Keep your griffon gf snug and fashionable.
what a waste
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ofc for the ggf
what a based
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dont let her sit on your face
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saving griffon gfs
look at that chest fluff
Content ggf.
Remove teats from griffon gf
Fuck off retarded shitposter. Are you one of these unironic medical autism retards who can't understand that literally no one likes them like that Thomas the tank engine faggot?
no, it looks gross
the alternative is them having no nipples and sweating milk like platypuses but i don't care
See. this guys knows nipples are disgusting, remove teats from griffon gfs (also their beans)
I love griffons with nipples and cute paws
for me, it's Greta.
>oven mitts
For when she's half-pussy, but you're all-pussy.
Doom on you.
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Would she have preferred I call her a pussy?
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what would you do if you turned into a griffon
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Call her "cute" and see what happens.
Is it hugs?
Talons wrapped around your neck (aggressively)
(not in a sexual way)
The truth will not be silenced.
still would tho
ggf bump
a good heart!
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i love griffons so much bros…
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She loves you too
Damn. Anon got wubbajack’d.
make more griffons with gilda
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How caring is Gilda bros?
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Wake up Griffonbros its Friday
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What did she bring you?
a picture of her pussy
A letter asking you to send money to griffonstone in the form of google play store gift cards
A womb for me to impregnate.
The repair bill (she burned the kitchen again)
This picture of her
This is so sweet. Fingers intertwining is really intimate.
So is dick-sucking.
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Sometimes I imagine Gallus teasingly grinding against my cock, telling me what a gay faggot I am, before I pin him down and breed his tight little twink ass
Fur Affinity is an untapped goldmine of ggfs
If you're brave enough to go there
so are griffons for furries?
No, but furries claim them.
Along with dragons.
And planes.
And, well, anything that moves.
And some things that don't.

Furries are like the Colour Out Of Space, that stains and warps everything they come in contact with.
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Gilda isn't the Element of Loyalty, she's the Element of Derisive Laughter.
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Gilda's the Element of Love for me
No but FA's search engine is a little more chaotic and lets you pull up griffons that don't get posted to the boorus. But at the mighty cost of sometimes pulling some horrific shit up too.
Imagine being a fisherman, but instead of water you're casting a hook into the warp and hoping you don't pull out a demon.
I love these griffs.

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