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Fluttershy weighs in on a hotly debated topic.
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Why does she have fur?
Why do people Flutters the massive tits?
because it makes sense, like giving them to pinkie and dash and applejack and rarity and celestia
Twilight bros... the itty bitty pony titties are ours...
The shy sweater girl thing. I can understand why, but personally I always imagine human Flutters as rather more willowy, and that type doesn't usually pack a dead heat at the zeppelin race.
What about a mare-bear?
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My first instinct was to choose the man over the bear, but then I remember this crazy motherfucker. Your chances of running into a psycho killer off-the-grid LMOE-type in the middle of nowhere is pretty low but never zero.
how does that look?
>Weighs in on a hotly debated topic
The weight of her boobs alone carries the argument.
Verification not required.
This guy makes good art but most of it is gay porn
Depends on the mare
Dash, flutters and twilight are as flat as a board. I lay my case.
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>Why do people Flutters the massive tits?
Because she takes care of her pet birds and feeds them regularly :)
It's a weeb thing
Shy girl = Big breasts
Tits look good but her facial expressions are weird
She looks kinda scared instead of eager, idk why he made her pupils so small
how would you even go about courting a girl like her...she's too nice...
Does anyone have that Hootershy green?
>ask her to go out on a date
>she's too nice to refuse even though she doesn't like me
gg, ez
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>that Hootershy green
probably this one
cause it's hot af
t. likes sticc and thicc Shy
definitely big boobs but not that much like in OP pic
Yeah flat
I'd say she is busty just because
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Many thanks
completely agree, pinkie should have the fattest tits, then rarity, then applejack
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Never liked this green. The author and protagonist feel too much like nogs and he can't restrain his ntr fetish stink from bleeding into it.
goose should play him in the inevitable biopic, literally his spitting image
big shy nipples
I followed it for a while when it was being posted. I lost interest because once they get together, the green becomes all about Anon and his big dick problems. Which is not what I signed on for at all. I wanted shy girl big tiddy problems, bruh.
I still read all the lewd scenes though; the oyakodon is based af
god damn
damn girl, shes huge
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that's her height in feet, right? post more
Built for Big Bear Cock
What is this perspective? Did we fall down?
no she's really tall
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How did she get her pubes to look like that?
Apparently this is where EqGs have their cutie marks.
Very carefully.
Makes sense
>"Welcome home, Master. Shall I draw a bath for you?"
Good grief
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Woah Mama
such a great show
The Lusty Fluttershy maid
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she had the best swimsuit
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I want to make Fluttermaid cry by never molesting or taking advantage of her
No, metres.
eh, I like to still be capable of interacting meaningfully, there is such a thing as too big
>he doesn't want to craw into her kyojingina
assuming the volleyball's a normal size, she's probably more about 6', maybe an inch or two taller
why did she do that
don't trample my dreams, maybe it's a beach ball or a special volleyball for huge girls
repressed violent urges
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>Victorian Flutter Maid
Call your mom and let's make the EqG version of Haha Donburi the world NEEDS!
I really like her breasts
That's why we're here
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Well that’s rude
Perfect to squeeze
the shading is nice, reminds me of color pencils
Seems memeable
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Uh oh
is this an unofficial buttered bread?
I don't see any contraindications, but I can only speak for myself.
Sure why not?
I know people hate the "quiet ones" trope, but it fits the best with Fluttershy given how she behaves in the show.
Plus she's beautiful enough to be a model
Fluttershy's boobs
Fluttershy's tits
unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf!
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Nice tits
nice, but she should have a taller and slenderer frame (the big tits and ample body fat are still fine)
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Fluttershy's relaxing, so we need to bump.
Pump it
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Freudian slip? For Fluttershy I can pump it anytime of the day
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Fluttershy is too sexy. Why the fuck is she shy again?
I mean just imagine if she had Rainbow Dash's confidence in that body. She would be an unstoppable fuck machine.
I always imagine human flutters as tall and svelte. Fits her nature schtick more.
Damn this is an old image
oldie but goldie
She'll gain confidence. Give her some time.
But doesn't "Busty, curvy fetility goddess" also fit her nature thing? shes like a mother, or caretaker. I do also always imagine her tall though that just fits if nothing else it's a good contrast to Rainbow who would be the shortest
This is what I learned to like and accept back in the pre-EqG days, when it comes to their breast sizes:
Interesting, I can accept that
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I do agree with this list, however my view on Ponka and Flutters constantly changes on which one is bigger
fair enough
For me they are both have big plot and big booba, but Ponka is a shortstack and Flutter is way taller
Different tastes, both lovely
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Ponk's used to be much smaller, but every treat she eats magically makes only her breasts grow.
Also this is one of the best Retro's pics IMO.
i like skinny, nerdy, smol breasted Shy
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It does, but the fertility goddess archetype also requires a healthy amount of fat and fluttershy seems like the type that's too self-conscious to let herself get to that point. The nature-loving elves are usually depicted as slender, so I imagine her to be something like that.
I imagine the most stacked in the group probably being Pinkie Pie or AJ. They're healthy girls that eat well and don't really care about their figure.
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Tall slender, relatively flat fluttershy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Big titty cumbrain bait
Also, she’s mostly vegetarian so she isn’t gonna be super thick
I could watch this gif for hours
wow this is actually pretty good, usually gifs on here are compressed to hell to fit the 4mb limit. Or slow as shit to load and play.
noice gif
It's pretty good isn't it?
>Also, she’s mostly vegetarian so she isn’t gonna be super thick
You'd be surprised, she's vegetarian not vegan. The milk and cheese hit veggie girls like a truck
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tall or not?
japs always make good art
certainly better than western artists on twitter that make everyone black
i wonder what it says

Can someone translate that?
As usual I decided to post before thinking...

A comment by Lost Marbles on Derpibooru from 9 years ago:

Fluttershy is diligent when it comes to underwear, but because of her large bust size, it can be difficult for her.

Her boobs are a bit different from AJ’s in quality(of course we’re going to talk about boobs).

While AJ’s have a bit of muscle to them (and thus are able to keep form), Fluttershy’s are untidy and tend to be formless. (Seriously, some of the words he uses I can’t find anywhere on the internet or in my electronic dictionary. Basically, Fluttershy’s tits flop around like globs of jello and in no way resemble AJ’s ‘bags of sand.’)

Her body is softer than everyone else’s. (We can only take your word for it.)

(Wow, these translations make me are making me quite irate.)
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>right click, copy image
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>the quality of milk is different from AJ
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Thanks. I've never noticed this feature.
It can also translate web pages. Just put the URL in the translate box. Chrome has this feature built in but sometimes doesn't detect the language.
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I don't really like eqg but this makes me ROCK FUCKING HARD post more of this concept does it have a tag like pubic cutie mark or something
Wtf stop making them look this pretty
I feel we're gonna have another EqGfren soon.
And yeah, you guessed just right. "pubic cutie mark" is the tag.
>while Futa is a little sloppy and dripping
I miss these tag names, why did they remove them?
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Hootershy is still there
You can use it on Derpi but it redirects to Busty Fluttershy
"Princess Balloona" was probably my favorite.
WHA? When did Fluttershy turn into FlutterSLUT?
Since she hit puberty
damn these swimsuits were so hot
These two were the best IMO.
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Very cool
Of course. First lesson is you just directly asking someone for something you want.
Speak clearly and directly and project yourself
I'll never forget "Ze-bra-Buster" for Zecora because it's just so stupid, but I love it

Tell her to thrust her chest forward...and be assertive
LOL, I don't remember this one
>She is very careful about her underwear, but her bust is too big and she doesn't look good.
Absolutely demolished.
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I would willingly die right between those Flutter hooters
Derpi's trannie jannies hate fun. Note the dick and ass names are still there, though. Breasts can't be associated with faggotry like dicks and asses can.
>dick names

I gotta name my dick.
Big Jim
Richard Peeterson
Big John
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Assuming anon is average height, how tall is she?
I thought the anon was sitting and she was standing up?
toenails on eqgs just look off. its so weird.
That seemed obvious to me. He's definitely not standing.
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no, he's standing up and she's taller
Solid Snake
Where do you think your goin missy.
Other than the nose this is pretty cute
what's up with the nose?
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both are qts
certainly a unique artstlye if nothing else
Wow, so close.
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yes. biggershy and biggershy.
>come for ponies
>recieve anon
that's this entire board
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>come for anon
>recieve anon
>Ponies were hated because they're shove everywhere and into everything
>Anon becomes hated because he is constantly shoved into ponies
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I've said it before and I'll say it again it wasn't my best work nor is it really one I'm too proud of. i just wanted to write gigantic hootershy coom but I tried to put a story around it and it got away from me. That was my bad but at least it seems like the must was worth it as to this day it's still my most viewed green on ponepaste by a country mile and the Oyakodon one is gaining steam as more people discover it
right into the butterzone
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Bumping shyly
I want to lovingly knock fluttershy up with my half crayolaay-half terran babies
I wonder if that incest green based on this pic is still around.
Tell us more
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i vaguly recall this, what was it called?
I wish to conduct scientific research into this phenomenon
Big hair
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Hell yeah
She's got curves
I like this, it's a really nice pic.
Big in size, big in chest, as the gods intended.
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She is kind, despite her shyness
Found it.

nice, thanks
Very cool
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I am every bit as not-confident and shy and pathetic as Fluttershy though and it doesn't work at all since I'm a guy. It's unfair to Fluttershy but it's probably the reason I'm not very fond of her.
Well at least you got us ya fag
Its nice talking with you fags but it just leaves me feeling so mentally weak and lonely. idfk, excuse the rant.
same but i'm also a bit autistic
but i do like Fluttershy. she gives me a little bit of confidence. not enough to be social but i show (a little bit of) assertiveness when i'm treated unjustly and it helped me many times
Ponies is no different than football.
>the ponies/games are fictional events/characters
>people pick a favorite
>obsess over that favorite for no reason other than to kill time/entertainment value
Nice, very nice
Maybe so, but ponies is just very important to me. It's borderline a religious thing. I have a hard time connecting with people who don't share any of my interests.
Nice curves
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I miss Doxy's Fluttershy
the comics were pretty good
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will you study with her?
We can work on sex ed together
Or Biology
How about helping her put a bun in the oven
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10 Haunting Photos Taken Moments Before Disaster
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what about this?
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Fluttershy torture porn.
I want to torture Fluttershy with hugging her tightly and never letting go.
>Page 10
Too shy. Time to shine!
BUILT for bullying.
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I wonder when AI will reach the point when you can make an entirely lewd version of all the EqG films that flawless replicates each scene. Humanity needs this.
Equestria Girls: X-Ray Vision Edition
Confident for once
Closer then you think. Stacked AI systems are going to be what makes it reality.
script writing model > voice acting model > storyboard model > animation model
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Oh, I was thinking something more creative, like with skimpier outfits and plenty of suggestive overtones in the dialog and gestures. Just making it explicit ruins the mystery and appeal of the lewd tease. You should work up to the big reveal.
This is why I go on living. I can die happily once my dream has become a reality.
>Tall slender, relatively flat fluttershy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Big titty cumbrain bait
The slender frame just fits her delicate and soft nature far better. Besides, reducing Flutters' attractiveness to her chest is a disservice to such a beautiful girl.
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personally i see her as a skinny, geeky girl who enjoys reading mangas, playing comfy vidya and sleeping naked
Yeah, right. I also prefer something like this instead of straight up nudity/porn.

I just wanted to post something more than "bump", lol
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>"Here, Anon. Let's get your mind out of that gutter."
Dat hand, unf!
So cute
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Oh no! Turns out she was a changeling!
Still would
Why is flutters angry?
Oh no! Anyways...
She would.
Can we talk about what the correct answer would actually be in the MLP universe? I feel like either way you're fucked, not because of the stallion or the bear, but because of what else is in the woods.
It we mean actual Equestria than yeah, you're fucked. If we mean cartoonish reality Equestria then you're moderately injured, requiring a friendship episode to help you.
In eqg verse, there's nothing to worry about in the woods except getting lost
Love the pic
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Going for a swim
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both of these are pretty good
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How do you do, fellow crunchers?
both beauties
>she acts in a sexual manner and watches you get stiff
also captcha: 2H4RD
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>Then Rarity approaches and starts talking something about dresses and other darling things.
I get even stiffer and we have a threesome.
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The Amy Rose deranged look
2Hard 4 her
ayy get back
I love the way she smile.
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Forgot about posting that already lol

Anon checks if Fluttershy's wisdom teeth started to grow.
Surprisingly cute
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Veggie burger?
I had one of those recently and it was actually pretty good. A bit dry, but otherwise decent
>A bit dry, but otherwise decent
Fluttershy's snatch desu
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So kind
That's why we love her
This outfit was the best, it spawned soo much porn
I have a soft spot for the one from Sparkle's Seven and wouldn't mind seeing an EqG version.
I like how confident she was in this
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A rare occurrence
It was all Spike's imagination though.
That's why shes confident
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God damn it Brad
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And thighs
Hourglass figure
She has everything doesn't she? A charming smile, delicious thighs and a big pair of tiddies
Let's add nice hair to the list.
The perfect girl
She has nice hands as well.
Sweet Celestia, i wish that was me.
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Pony or human, she's going to be an insatiable cougar when she's older.
death by snu snu
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especially when the kids are old enough to leave home, once that empty nest syndrome hits, you're cooked buddy.
Give me the Flutters
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or give me death!
>he doesn't keep his babe continuously pumping out babies
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imagine kissing her while a single spaghetti wiggles between your mouths
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It's just like the movie
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I like when they're free and jiggling, but something has to be said for when their squished tight together
i meant chocolate starfish
Why does she hate her brother so much?
Few things in life give me as much joy as Hootershy does
She hates the poor
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>Rainbow Dash
>big tiddies
it's like you don't even aerodynamic, fag

Are you sure you didn't mean hot dog flavored water?
Might as well repost this older work of mine here
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Good Lord
Noice. Congrats!
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>"Stop showing that '10', you stupid page counter"
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I like it
Ah Natasha, Ah Natasha
whoa, don't put your eye there
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nice pic. nice song. simple as
Need a nekid plus jewelry version.
Rare to see a Miracle of Sound reference out in the wild
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old but gold
no, Anon, that's her bento!
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assuming the position
Hot as fuck
Booty :)
>tomboy Shy
>"Um, Mister Anon are you sure this is a yoga pose?"
Yes, now close your eyes and feel the liberation of relaxation spread into your body and release it's sticky cleansing into you.
Dang, most pics by Sumin have weird facial expressions or/and hands. It's always been a downside for me, because usually the rest of the pic is really good. I unfed at her right hand in this one though.
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i feel ya
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>this thread is still going two months after the retarded meme was long forgotten.
Turns out we just needed another EqG Fluttershy thread lol
I wouldn't say it's a bad thing.
>knowing about such memes
that says something about you
I still don't know the whole story behind it. I just assumed it was one of those forced social engineering memes.
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Fluttershy getting a lot of love.
She deserves all the love, she's so kind
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Would you rather share your feelings with a Woman or a Tree?
Would you rather be lost in the desert with a Woman or a Dog?
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Oops, the second one was supposed to be just a *Human* or a dog. Whatever, answer either way I guess.
>... a-and if my baps were this big I could ask him about it - No! Not 'that'... - and he would do it for me... And maybe like it?"

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