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/mlp/ - Pony

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Previous thread: >>40924082

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser. Password: >filename.

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
To see server specific commands enter !commands in chat on the server.
To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.

Addon lists: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816159002
Server status: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/24205952 or https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps. Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3034844276
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

Current gamemodes are Sandbox, TTT2, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat Kid, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1 Co-op, HL1 Infected, Lambda(HL2 COOP), Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake 3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, Zombie Survival, and Final Frontier.
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They come
Why make another thread for gay mares? Its so obviously inferior to Popen! Unironically beating off mares in popen is better! And don't give me that stuff that you dont like it and arent into it or hate it. Just let her CUM! oco you dont have to be unhappy anymore!
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So willing yet eager...you will fit in nicely with the rest soon enough oco
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Filly's ready to pounce.
7 on sandboxen
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why the password dont work for me? i literallt type the correct one.
Install the add-ons for the pony couches!
Anon... this might be a skill issue.
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popen will never have sovl
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Did you know mares grow from the ground like lettuce?
20.5 unf
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6 on sandbox
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Mare of the land what is your wisdom?
mare milk makes you strong
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Does anyone know how do i check the pac3 content here? I cant find the stuff all the files are empty
Would be nice if anyone could share their pac3 content
I think I gave up on uploading everything to MEGA because there were over 3k files and it was taking too long. Everything should be there on the .zip though.
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Have you tried asking them, or better yet, looking in the pacs archive yourself?
I thought no one would want to give me since im new here and i did look
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>Shameless newfag
>Needs spoonfeeding
Pottery, next you'll say that you never lurked a single day
I just wanted some accessories for my pony
8 on sandbox
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We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch! We had mares, we had a serb, we had everything we needed, and it all ran like clockwork! You could have shut your mouth, snoofed sand, and had as much mare as you ever needed! It was perfect! But no! You just had to blow it up! You, and your pride and your ego! You just had to be the man! If you'd done your job, known your place, we'd all be fine right now!
steam moment
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Y'all are so greedy like the jews, won't even share the pac3 stuff, freaking fags
TF2 cosmetics are your friend here
why cant you just send the pac3 stuff for once and all is it that hard to share something, plus not all tf2 accessories fit on ponies and theres a bunch of other stuff like different horns since the horn in ppm is different than the ones i saw people were using and theres the nsfw models and a bunch of other stuff
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what the snoof is going on
Here are some pac3s that might not be listed in the mega link in the OP
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someone help her
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1 on sand
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3 on sandsnoof
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that floor is a spy!
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Ceiling hoofas
What a silly pony
5 in the nerd room
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3 in the nerd room, but two of them are dead
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I live
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out of mares
its marever
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My addiction...
I don't know what I'll do from now own bros.
mares will return
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2 left in the nerd room.
multi rose!
If I somehow crashed the server sorry about that
serb is back
based image
I love Linky!
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Nurd room moment
Was it an explosive or a combine ball?
It was throwing a grenade at some shrunk combines and then it froze up
ah yeah that map doesn't like explosions
couch mares!
you gotta suck this cock good
Kek. Whatever did happen to the beef?
Any mares interested in a rocket ride?
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He jumped off the ride and exclusively plays PvZ:GW
I don't think he ever liked pones and just wanted a place to 'fit in'
tolly snoofer
He hated ponk and was a TFHfag at best.
mb but >filename doesnt work and is this really the password
Just type connect and the address into you console and you don't even have to enter the password.
well thx for that i tried but said bad password tho does that mean i need a vpn or smth
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Roseclone windmill
windmill of friendship
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rapid hoofa steps
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she comes
3 on sandsnoof
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Could you add a cozy glow pac, or model with a properly sized queen chrysalis model with holes.
4cc match playing on the server now
>Mare tries to help wheely with her tyres
>Blurred memories of sharing "drinks" and burning rubber
6 on sandsnoof watching the 4cc
Tolly looks likes she's
That was a comfy 4cc watch party. Did anyone take pictures?
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I see what you did there Carlos
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100% genuine Roseluck
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HELLO darlings! I have exhilarating news! Gmares has a *NEW* Lethal Company server! Of course as you would expect I will be your GENEROUS host! Now forget about that old MC server as that game wasn't that fun anyways. For more info see here --> >>41081405
See you there DARLING!
>Rose went to a trip to Manehatten
What did she do there?
She got cloned.
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This has been added to the server but it needs to be updated to take effect.
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8 MVP employees!
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2 on sandbox
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god damn, lads, thanks for helping me remember the good ol days. haven't been in a place like this in a while
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we gotchu fren
cute derpster
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Thanks for joining in Anon, whoever you are
numlet my beloved
Please, I need a link to that "Hop on Gmares" Song.
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i cant go in the server kept saying bad password, had many attempts to type it wont accept maybe looks like i need a vpn for this are there other ways.
Read the OP again, carefully this time
I replaced the base this needs with a forked fixed version but its still busted so I'll probably remove it.
STALKER mare, preventing you from exploring the ruins of marenobyl and finding the secret snowpity essence.
Wish I could get the Gas Mask fitting on my zeeb for this exactly.
3 on sandbox
>tfw some of the pastes are kill
kek what is that background?
We did it guys, we defeated Princess Celestia.
Yeah, feels bad. Most of the PAC stuff that's kill is from dead sources
Boo they removed the fun stuff,
What stuff?
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1 in sandbox
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why did you leave?
Please come on Gmares.
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3 in the elevator!
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4(5) in elevator, but one is stuck in walls?
>map is missing
Anyone else get booted, or am I just a retard?
I just changed it to sandbox so everyone can get back in
What map was it?
3 in sandbox
how getb booty big? :(
in PAC there's a way to add flexes.
On the pony models you can change buttsize with it.
Everybody gangsta until the faggot who does nothing but constantly spawn shit shows up.
Filly has dreads?
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Agent of chaos
how carry wepon in moth
When is the server most active?
Surprised it wasn't Cozy Glow.
I wanted to be cozy glow but there's nothing for it, HOST ADD Queen Chrysalis https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=249088518 it aint hard ADD BUGO YOU FUCK, as for cozy glow I might make my own based off existing model
I think there's already a PAC for chrysalis that uses the ppm2 models that looks better than that unless I'm mistaken.
1 on snoofbox
All I found was young Chrysalis and it doesn't work properly
I would post the only file, but there only a4 files that tie to Chrystalis and there all broken, one is just for her wings, either present me with the actual pac for the actual model, or just shut up and put the fucking model in, cause I have extensively looked, there's not much else I can do aside for look by the file by name, cause no one knows how to properly tile a fucking file most are just gibberish, and not to mention most the pacs are fucking broken so I'm gonna need to see proof of a fictional file of Chrystalis so stop talking about shit you have no idea what your talking about. Not to mention most the shit I've seen feels so outdated like a lot of the models feel like they haven't been updated
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This is the broken mess you get, also even if there was a pac for chrystalis, how the fuck is it going to do the legs retard.
2 on the sand
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Anon needs to chill out
You are the biggest retard of all, you are the biggest yak-minded gorilla zigger of all.
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No u.
Ponk's futa donger.
mfw I sniff a snowpity
5 on sandbox
is it theaterfags?
5 on prop hunt.
6 on marevator
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N word.
Can different insruments?
only guitar at the moment
Pretty sick
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Hitting those riffs
Sniffing those snoofs.
1 on sand
What is that on her back?
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>Missed it by a few hours
sick wheels
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Horde and the Arccw weapons have been fixed.
2 on Horde
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but also excite
Let me know if there's any changed you'd like to see to Horde.
3 on sandbox
1 on snoofbox, gonna horde
Cute bat
It was nice to horde again
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mares are arming up to the teeth
I would trust them in case of zombies
4 on desert bus
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Remove engineer class form horde. Completely ruins the game for everyone else when they turret spam
Simple. Retards spam turrets and it just becomes an AFK game at that point. Nobody can get points to buy equipment or level their class up except the engineer who turret spammed. Everyone else just gets thrown into the cuck corner to watch as one selfish asshat ruins it for everyone
Skill issue
agreed, it's more fun without engineers on many maps
the open ones suffer most because a few turrets in one place solo the entire game
>skill issue for actually being able to play the game and not hide behind turrets
Try harder next time

Exactly. Big reason why I never defend turrets when they are getting attacked. I'll just sit there and watch them get destroyed, then kill the zombies
5 on sandbox
im interested in trying gmod but i have the feeling all that anons do is roleplay. I hope i'm wrong but anyway, what's so good about it? Your gmod server specifically
What difficulty do you guys usually play on?
Love these videos
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hey guys what is popen
fuck ya mudda
The popen() function opens a process by creating a pipe, forking,
and invoking the shell. Since a pipe is by definition
unidirectional, the type argument may specify only reading or
writing, not both; the resulting stream is correspondingly read-
only or write-only.

The command argument is a pointer to a null-terminated string
containing a shell command line. This command is passed to
/bin/sh using the -c flag; interpretation, if any, is performed
by the shell.

The type argument is a pointer to a null-terminated string which
must contain either the letter 'r' for reading or the letter 'w'
for writing. Since glibc 2.9, this argument can additionally
include the letter 'e', which causes the close-on-exec flag
(FD_CLOEXEC) to be set on the underlying file descriptor; see the
description of the O_CLOEXEC flag in open(2) for reasons why this
may be useful.

The return value from popen() is a normal standard I/O stream in
all respects save that it must be closed with pclose() rather
than fclose(3). Writing to such a stream writes to the standard
input of the command; the command's standard output is the same
as that of the process that called popen(), unless this is
altered by the command itself. Conversely, reading from the
stream reads the command's standard output, and the command's
standard input is the same as that of the process that called

Note that output popen() streams are block buffered by default.

The pclose() function waits for the associated process to
terminate and returns the exit status of the command as returned
by wait4(2).
3 on the sand
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can i join hlvraimares
If you want to help with the panel contact.
On steam
do not believe his lies
3 on the sand
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>when the snowpity drops hit
cute snoofer
6 on the sand
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9 popens on
pop open a mare
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I wish you could make G1pones, anypony on?
Leave this thread
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I would like the gameloft models with all the dance animations
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2 in sand
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7 on sand
4 on horde
8 on surf
he had a bad trampoline accident,
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flat Trixie is flat
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5 on horde
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horde plague soldiers killed serb
>horde destroys the serb once more
Roasted Berries
I'm glad this happened to her.
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3 on sandbox
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Why do mares like to eat bees?
Why tho
wtf dont burn mares
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Anon is puddle! Ha!
2 on sandbox
is that a ppm2 trixie?
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when is gmod getting the vulkan treatment
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3 on snoofbox
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mares can triforce!
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Can we have this ArcCW addon for horde? More guns for all classes please https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2317482090
I like having more class-specific guns myself...
I know you're threadshitting or doing something weird here, but this is unironically one of the funniest images I've seen posted on this board in a long time. Cheers mate.
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Added to the todo list.
Also we might want to rebalance the recoil and the spread of the guns, to make the ghost (sniper) class more useful
What is this ass juicer looking design. I bet it's got a really basic bitch name too.
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4 on sandbox
never changing the game mode ever again
Did it insta crash?
Shame there’s no way to get pac3 to tilt the model’s head at the same rate and direction of the camera.
There is, but it's broken
I used to have that to keep my sight in the actual head position, since mare necks also move forward/back a bit when they lower down or up
Yeh, came back up after a few minutes. We did lose like 3 mares in that time tho
>move forward/back a bit when they lower down or up
Found that when looking over a cliff edge, without pac3 FPV you think your just slightly looking over the edge when your really hovering Wile E coyote style.
What’s the pac3 setting you used before it broke? Some sort of proxy thing? I’ve near zero experience with the thing, just guessing.
Just added a "camera" at the face, kinda like when adding a model.
But like I said other times, that seems to be broken in the server for a good while
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POV: you are Berry after a few.
luna snoofa
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It has worked decently well for me. The FPV camera is attached to the 'eyes' bone so that it doesn't move in relation to the eyes, enabled the 'eye angles' checkbox, and have also set "eye angles lerp" to 0. But to make the camera work you'll have to disable the editor camera which you could do under the view tab in the PAC editor
wide rose is wide
I wonder if she has wide SLAMs too
sombra did a oops
serb is back
Oh lawd, she comin'
1 on snoofbox
Free the mares!
Good morning gmares
Sleepy Gmares
Gmod updated so be sure to update your CEF fixes. (If you use them)
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cute mare
4 on sandbox
Pirate Filly will steal your booty.
7 on sandsnoof
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5 on sandbox
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Server died
3 on horde
3 on sandbox
This still
Reckless saves the day!
cute red mare
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Can nados be added to server? Forgot if it was requested already or not.
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Arloste a qt
hey 6v here, tried getting into gmares. It's fun to fuck around but my cpu and hdd are bottlenecks that gives me some unfun freezes and i decided to uninstall the game. Also i got short on disk space
Seconding this. This works without gdisasters, which a lot of tornado maps need. A little less fun without realistic fall damage turned on, but still pretty cool map for driving around on and trying to avoid tornadoes
password doesn't work for me
im pretty sure I tried:
maybe some other variations...
try pasting into console: "connect;password >filename"
Do you know if any of the Black Ops/World at War guns was added into Horde? I haven't seen any so far. Or are you working on it?
They have been added to the server/horde but the horde config needs to be updated so they can be bought. That's being worked on.
2 on hide and seek
Cute orange mare.
4 on sandbox
Added this to the server.
Needs to be restarted to be applied though.
Also I'm working on two more possible classes for Horde, a Mage that will use magic weapons and a "Trashman" class that will use jerry rigged weapons like a saw and harpoon launcher.
I was wondering if you guys have any ideas for class upgrades and weapons for them.
dope. thanka thanka.
Grim reaper for that class or Demo would be cool. m1 garand and p38 for Ghost too maybe
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oh yeah we got the china lake as well
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Hop on NOaw
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very pretty mare
NTA but you don't even need to use the password to connect cause I just type in connect and the IP and it connects without even needing the password
4 on sandbox
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i like gmares
he should shoot himself with it
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Flutterbug a cute.
wrong thread bozo
Are there any places where I could find models for the EOI characters? I’m trying to make an EOI-themed TF2 map.
oh elements of Insanity?

There are probably some models of them in the gmod/sfm workshops.
I know, but there isn’t a way to search for them by name.
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Attack of the 50 foot Anon!
Wait, is Extreme Football Borked?
Been a long long time since we played, so dunno
10 on TTT
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top 10 worst rapes in history
My Gmod just crashed I'm going to take that as a sign to go to bed.
Goodnight Gmares.
9 on quake instagib
>im going to have to fork q3 again because the cvars are still busted
night gmare
9 mares on tornado alley
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What do about the ppm2 crashes?
4 on skatepark.
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mares slep
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can i please have sex
cute amre
can i please have a hug
the issues with ppm2 have been (hopefully) been all fixed
be sure to sub to all the items in the collection and UNSUB from the workshop version of ppm2
you are a miracle worker
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Many PAC3 animations doesn't work properly with the fixed version, might want to take a look at it, also typing !fix spits out this error in the problems menu
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is this nawni?
nawni isn’t batto
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Spawning in all those M1 Garands just to get more ammo might not have been a good idea
Looks like Dbot finally fixed the ragdoll issue on main so we'll be switching back to the workshop version of PPM2

sorry for all the version hopping shit has been hectic with all the gmod changes the past few months
2 on snoofbox
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neighver say neigh
what are the mares watching?
cute mare
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3 on sandbox
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why does the hair never stop moving
cartel beheadings
Equip the 'ponynj' playermodel, if you are smaller than normal
the what now
Change the pony playermodel to the one with the _nj in it. Say !player in chat to bring up the playermodel selector. I think you can do it in the ppm2 menu too somehow.
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It's literally called ponynj in the playermodel selector, basically stands for "No-Jiggle"
banana mane
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What is going on here I wonder
Roseluck cloning machine development.
The reason why models have been broken for Quake is because .vtx files which are native source engine model files. Have been omitted from the gmod addon whitelist by one of the "security" updates from the last few months. I'll attempt to contact the devs and see if I can get this rolled back or at least see why it was implemented in the first place.
Until then quake is still busted.
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inspector snoofa
where's the hlvraimlp prep schedule or is it secret
What do you mean? If you want to help with the panel contact purp.
2 on sandbox
can we please get this map
night ver of freespace
Sorry I'm too busy sucking cock to add anything new right now
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why upset
5 on sandbox
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5 on sandbox
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Why is it that watching a cute background mare give soft smile like that is so contagious into making me smile myself, no matter how bad my day is?
Does anyone have a gif of pov of you getting gmod ragdolled by Twilight levitating you with magic? Thanks
Its the snowpity.
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wheelie crashed
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never gets old
8 on sandbox
9 on TTT
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5 on desert bus
Thanks Anon
Cute mare
Poor Bopper
Quake 3 has been updated.
I found a workaround for the broken model files and there has been a new map added as well as music.
The mapvote issue has been fixed as well.

Also this has been added to the server.
Hype, looking forward to hearing the new music. Thanks!
1 on snoofbox
Does anyone have the link to the add-ons that Wapa posted during his Gmod pony machinima tutorial stream from last year? https://pony.tube/w/p/rbJG6Lx7JagMc1FFgssuUE?playlistPosition=12&resume=true
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3 mares on
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install uno
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Rose has the heart of the cards.
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server live
Mare's got the spotlight!
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abstract amre
4 on sandbox
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these mares do SO MUCH crime
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2 on sand
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mare is waiting for a call
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ponies can't drive!
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can they fly?
aaaa soft white light
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4 in the nerd room.
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call her then
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Puffy cheeks
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>The game was rigged from the start .jpg
Plot twist, she's going to duplicate you.
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>Tfw game reloaded then froze just as I was about to take the pic
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latest mare fashion
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untapped ppm2 potential

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