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>"What's the matter darling? You're looking a little red."
>Yeah, of course I am. You just got done pounding my ass with your 18 inch futa cock. I am literally full of your cum right now.
if you cum on her chest is it noticeable
>That because you just powder my cheeks also how your glasses defying the laws of gravity?
forgive me if you find this rude but i just wanted to say that you have nice breasts
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Rarity paizuri?
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I want more.
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(I'm never sure how lewd is too lewd. Pretty sure anything that doesn't have obvious genitals is ok, but spoiler anyways.)
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>Watch her lick and suck an ice pop
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(I like when they grab their chests.)
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(summer means less clothes)
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The glasses really are the best
I was thinking something soft and big
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I always want moar Rarititties
If she uses a white leotrad, will it look like she is naked?
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No but if she stood in a white room and closed her eyes you would just see a floating purple wig and lashes
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>"No shit, Rarity. I have to deal with you hoovelets. Theres no chest tufts, no tails. Hell, I'd even settle for just a snoot- no boop! Why am I even saying this to you. How about you take the half as many legs as you're supposed to have and walk your disgusting ass out of my presence."
Purp, if youre out there, please I hope you saw my post! I love mares! Haha! NUMGET!!
I prefer on model stuff like this
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>Want to sleep in my camp tent?
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If this thread keeps going (please help) The pics might get more "questionable".
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I Think it's impossible to figure out perfect size boobs, it's almost always too small, but sometimes it is too big.
It's never perfectly in the middle? I assume near head size for each boob?
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If it goes above head size, might be too big?
Remember when the artist lurked and drew images for a greentext story?
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I wish we could have that in every thread, every day.
>You calibrate your teleportal wrong and end up in a warped version of Equestria and in a bit of a stupor
>You need to survive long enough to escape
>The counterfeit bits you brought with you are worthless here in not-Equestria
>Snacks will run out in a few days
>You figure that maybe dancing in public might net you some money
>Your dancing gets you pelted with red tomatoes
>Not-Rarity walks up to you laying on the ground
>"What's the matter darling? You're looking a little red."
>"Mmm tomatoes," you reply
Mmm.. mares.
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I like mares, but Isn't is a question of boobs or no boobs?
Also, no boobs + focus on butts = guys/gay,
ponys? Cause guys is gay.
I mean how much of a choice is this? (I choose both *pone and boobs/humanoid pone*, and not choosing both is gay?)
Who has the largest bust of the Mane 6?
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canonically Rarity
>Not-Rarity chuckles and walks away.
>After gorging yourself on smushed-up tomatoes, you notice that one tomato survived wholly intact.
>Something to sell.jpg
>You pick up the tomato and carry it with you, looking for a place to sell it
>"Aaahh!!! He's open carrying a tomato!" a tinny voice says
>Tomatoes are considered weapons here
>You open your very full backpack to put the tomato inside
>There's no room because the backpack is very full
>Equestrian Etiquette - A Guide To Blending In
>You discard the book on the ground, it being useless here in not-Equestria
>Into the backpack goes the tomato.
>Where to sell it, hmm...
>Maybe this world's equivalent of Sugarcube Corner will take it
>You walk in the direction of where it should be, ignoring a farmer's market and a ketchup press
>After a minute of walking you see Sugarhypersphere Corner
>Weird, hyperspheres don't have corners
>You try to open the door. It's locked so you knock
>Not-Pinkie Pie opens the door
>You barge in
>The place is bigger on the inside
>"W-what do you want?" a tinny voice calls out
>"I want to sell you a tomato" you reply
>More murmuring
>A completely unfamiliar unicorn stallion trots up to you
>In a booming voice he shouts,"We'll buy it for 100 bits!"
>Delighted, you sell him the now-smushed tomato
>He immediately pelts you with it
>Not-Pinkie Pie's laughter reverberates through the hypersphere
>You don't care because you've just made 100 bits
>You leave Sugarhypersphere Corner with your 100 extra bits

Where does Mad-scientist-in-a-temporary-stupor Anon go next?
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Right here, Rarity will let you have them when shes done
Rarity is the hottest bitch, she would be the type to take you cloths shopping if she doesn't like your choice of cloths, then maybe fuck you after you take her out on a dinner date after cloths shopping
checked. nice digits, satan.
>She is at perfect height for a boobjob, and you fighting every instinct to NOT take her body right there
Surprisingly not a lot of pics
I demand more
Allow me to express my dilemma with song.
I mean, she is white, so faciaals and cum on body is a bit tricky.
A good joke would be her speaking to the girls, say "sorry, I must shower for a moment", and return with a normal skin tone.
Of paizuri?
>How to get home, let's see let's see...
>You try to think of where to go next
>Unfortunately, the teleportation accident seems to have hindered your brilliant mind for the time being
>You need to get some rest so you can think
>You wander aimlessly for a bit before laying down on a patch of grass in Not-Froggy Bottom Bog
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What have we done?
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Nice gems. Would gaze upon
Is her skin off white?
There are different shades of white.
Matte/flat white, and gloss white are both white, but ones shiny and one is not.
Then there's eggshell white, pearl white, snow white, and more.
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>You awake in the middle of the night, covered in fresh mosquito bites with a brain at full power. Your clothes are sticky with tomato juice in addition to caked-on mud halfway up to your knees.
>The events of the past few hours before falling asleep, you remember.
>The potentiometer you'd bought from Jones after misplacing yours in your disorganized laboratory.
>The teleportal making a whining sound, the flash of light being half a second too short, the confusion afterwards!
>A mixture of humans and ponies residing in a warped version of Equestria. >Awkwardly dancing the floss, getting pelted with tomatoes.
>Rarity in human form making fun of you afterwards? Odd.
>Sugarhypersphere Corner?
>It had to have been a dream.
>Too much work in the lab trying to cross dimensions to Equestria while getting mocked by your fellow "scientists" for it had given you a dream of idiocy, mockery and a friggin' hypersphere. Had to be the case.
>While telling yourself it was a dream you hear a twig snap
Hey you, you're finally awake
Nice outfit, very fa
>"Hey you, you're finally awake!" someone says from your left
>"Who's there?" You reply as you frantically try to open your backpack
>"I saw you stumbling around yesterday" the voice replies, this time from your right
>You open the backpack and reach inside
>The voice speaks again. "I just figured I'd introduce myself. Who are you?"
>"WHO ARE YOU?!" you shriek as you pull your flashlight out of your backpack.
>"I asked you first!" said the voice, this time from behind.
>Moving quick, you turn one-hundred-and-eighty degrees around and activate the flashlight in one motion, aiming it in the direction you last heard the voice.
>"I asked YOU first!" you shout
>The voice speaks again, this time from above. "Whoa, instant light!"
>You jerk your head and the flashlight up, seeing a multicolored blur speeding out of your vision.
>You aim the flashlight in the direction the blur went.
>"Wow, you can aim it! That is awesome!" the voice says from the completely opposite direction.
>"Rainbow Dash?" you ask
>An entire second passes
>"Sure, I like that name! Now could you turn down the light?", this time from ten meters to your left
>"What's your real name?" you question
>From directly behind you: "You can call me Rainbow Dash!"
>"Yeah, but what's your real name?", you say as you spin around to see nopony at all
>Oh boy. You may have found this world's version of Rainbow Dash, but it's nocturnal and doesn't want you to know it's real name
>Not a good sign
>As least its reaction to a flashlight gives you some insight into this world's technology level, or lack thereof.
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>mfw Rarara fat tatas
>"Stop right there Anon! I demand you fondle my breasts immediately!"
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>Be gentle, Darling. They're very sensitive"
Uzzi's content may be a bit ctrl-c ctrl-v, but he at least got right proportions for the girls.
Also, the yuri animation with Fluttershy, and the one with the forest monster were hot.

Writer here. I figured I'd try writing a greentext and found inspiration here in a hornyposting thread of all places. I do like the concept I've inadvertently created of an arrogant mad scientist trying to get home in a world full of interdimensional intrigue which he was sent to by a rival scientist's betrayal, however I feel like I've written myself into a corner. I need to restart this thing, so don't expect anything more here. Making it up as I go along is hard, man.
Forgot to tag
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Creating a story shouldn't be that hard?
Also as you said this is kinda a female chest thread.

A story about scientist cross dimension traveling seems a bit too complicated, for this thread, Or maybe for most of mlp.
Some people like comlex.
But call me crazy But I think mlp (y7 show) should be simple.

Now if you add some ecchi manga female chest (boobs) interaction and akward teen shit, to keep is safe, and interesting then you could make some short interesting stories?
By interesting, I mean teasing. But simular thing. Of course There is a limit to teasing though.
(Show the chest rarity)
Anyways, maybe do your random non-boob science story in another thread?
I want to see her watch me lick marsh mellows.
I want to lick her "marshmellows".
oh my goddess
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Hey! And the marshmallow titties?
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Big gems
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I know this is a rarity thread, but is it ok to post or ask for pics of other ponies/mlp girls with marshmellows?
I assume it's ok...
>Oh yeah Fluttershy blow that marshmellow like it's my horn...yes...
we're all frens here
That... actually sounds fun. Tits are fine, but marshmallows are better.
Why not both?
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what's the surprise
Why is this picture called
Putting marshmallows in my lantern...Is that code for sex?
Like putting a hotdog in a bun?
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Looks like stickers, in the pic...
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>I'll clean up your white sticky goo Darling
Like, off your clothes, or off your body?
The lusty rarity maid
Lovely thighs
How does Rara's butthole look like?
There was a green where Anon does that and ends up going to jail. She didn't see it, but she sure as shit felt it the next morning.
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I'm not expecting much from a massreplyfag but your taste is all over the place some of those are near identical
Damn shame this artist mostly draws gay shit
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Imagine, if you will, being her ex-boyfriend.
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Running mascara is hotter than it should be even outside of like facial abuse porn throatfuck stuff
*nom nom nom nom nom*
so hot
It does excite me for some reason as well
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first is already too big
bump tits
Sweet marshmallow milk
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Classic feeling
More than a
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rarara booba
love this outfit
>sorry boobs-i mean sex-i mean raritits
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>Darling, You seem to have tripped into and gotten stuck between my...breasts...
whiter than columbian fun sugar
I always wondered what the OG coca cola tasted like
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Exactly. We have greens where Anon talks to Rarity but come the fuck on not one of us could even look her in the eye or get out a single sentence without stumbling before such a beauty
>Sweetie Belle arranged this fall to happen as part of her scheme
>She noticed the two of dancing around the fact that you both seem to fancy each other
>Sweetie organized this fall to get you to talk more romantically
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>Rarity, surprised by your crude response, giggles to herself before taking another drink.
>Leaving her gaze on you as she does.
>You gulp.
>"Don't talk to ladies much, do you, Anon?"
"I uh, I mean I don't-"
>"In other words, yes I'm right." She says with a laugh.
>"Fear not, dear. Rarity is here! I will teach you how to speak and act like a true gentleman."
>She finishes her drink, gulping down a large swig.
>"Ah, I must, I must!"
>"I won't take no for an answer, darling. Now come. Sit."
>Rarity pats the ground next to her, batting her eyes as you do.
>You do as ordered, being overwhelmed with a sense of anxiety and fear with each step towards her.
>Finally, you arrive at her side.
>Catching a glance of her sapphire eyes as you sit.
>Your heart skips a beat.
>Slowly, and avoiding eye contact, you sit.
>Submerging your legs and feet in the cool waters.
>Your leg grazes against hers as you do.
"Uh- Sorry." You laugh nervously.
>"No worries, darling~."
>Rarity sets her glass down and begins.
>"Now then, the first lesson, when speaking to a lady is understanding politeness."
>You stare into the water, and nod.
>"And the first part of polite conversation..."
>Rarity places her finger under your chin and brgins your head up to look her in the eyes.
>Your heart begins to race.
>"Eye contact."
"Yea-" your voice cracks, "Ahem! Yeah. Sure."
>"Good! Now then, lets practice, shall we?"
>Rarity glances into the waters and brushes her hair through her fingers, making sure its as immaculate as it could be.
>As if it isn't always...
>You couldn't take your eyes off her as she did.
>Though a tiny gesture for her, to you, it was like watching an open window into heaven.
>As lame as that sounds...
>"Okay, you ready?"
>She asks, giddily.
>You gulp and nod.
>She clears her throat.
>"Oh goodness, Anonymous? I didn't expect to see you here! Its been so long, how are you, dear?"
"...D-do I say something?"
>She snickers.
>"Yes, dear. Go on."
"Oh, uh, uhm, G-good afternoon, Rarity."
>Your eyes dart side to side.
>You were losing tiny bits of motor functions because of your awkwardness.
"Um, good day to you too!"
>Rarity stares into your eyes with a look of concern before she closes them, and shakes her head.
>"No dear, the question I asked you was about how you've been."
>"Now then, lets try again. Fear not, my good Anonymous," she places her hand on your chest, "I'll make you a gentleman yet! I love a challenge!"
>You stare into her eyes.
>Unable to look away.
>"Hm~. Now, from the top..."
>The rest of the day is filled with your "lessons".
>Rarity made it apperent that you'll be spending a LOT of time with her from now on, until you're "fully trained", as she puts it.
>She loved a challenge, and you...
>And you just loved the thought of being around her.
I'm interested...
This. There aren't enough
>Rarity instructs
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Well I didnt intend on this being more then a one shot, but maybe, MAYBE I can think of more. But its doubtful. I am glad, however, that my dumb little green got a couple (You)s.
I like, I like
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Gave me a half-chub too, but then...when doesn't Rarity or anything related to her do that?
True, she's a beaut
I mussa drunk too m*hic* much whisky.
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This is perfect and healthy proportions, beautiful and right for breeding. I don't understand the USA's unhealthy, unnatural obsessions with fat butt/thighs and oversize breasts on eqg characters (or their women in general), it is repulsive at best and is a reflection of their poor state of mind and health from constant N word influences
Didn’t ask
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Alright, here is another little part. Can't say how many of these I do.

>A few days later...
>Outside the front of the school, she spoke to you on how to properly stand.
>"Now then, Anonymous, first of all, thank you for actually showing up! I'm so glad you actually want to learn how to be a proper young man."
"Uh, yeah- I mean! *ahem* Yes, Rarity. Of course."
>Her face lights up.
>"Ohh~ good job dear!"
>Rarity had kept true to her word about "training" you in the art of gentlemanly behaviors.
>Just as you kept true to wanting to learn.
>And the lesson for today?
>As excited as you were to be in her presence some more, it was a little awkward to have her friends all standing there talking while she instructs you.
>You glance at them and try your best to muster a greeting.
>Yet, all you manage is a smile and a half-hearted wave.
>To which they...
>Pretty much ignore you and continue their conversations.
>Well, at least they're uninterested enough to not actually watch you.
>"Now darling, when we talk about posture, what comes to your mind?"
"Uhm, I mean... standing up straight, right?"
>"Oh no no no, dear! There is /so/ much more to it then just being upright!"
>Rarity stands directly at your side.
>"Watch the way I move, dear."
>You nod.
>No complaints from that command!
>Rarity straightens herself out, and on top of this, raises her head so her eyes are facing forward, not down.
>That, along with a slight rolling back of her shoulders gave her not just a good posture, but one of confidence.
>You mimic her movements.
>Attempting to recreate the image at your side.
>"Good, Anonymous! Now, lets see..."
>She walked in circles around you as you tried to straighten yourself out.
>You clear your throat when you think you have it.
>"Almost... look upward a little more."
"I am looking forward already, though."
>"Yes dear, but your chin is still angled slightly down, your eyes are foreword but your chin is still down. Which gives you a more, broody, moody type of look."
>"Yeah! You walk like that like, alllll the time~!"
>"Pinkie Pie!" Rarity places her hands on her hips, "Stop interrupting my lesson!"
"Uh, excuse me, miss-"
>"But its true! Mr. tall dark and gruesome always walks around likes he's the bad guy in a scary movie! You know what cheers ME up? Cupcakes and cookies!"
>From literally nowhere, suddenly there is a jumbo chocolate chip cookie in your face.
"Uh, ahem, Pinkie Pie, was it? I'm sorry but-"
>She lets out a dramatic gasp.
>"You don't like cookies!? Well how about, cupcakes!?"
>Just as before, suddenly, cupcake.
>"Pinkie Pie! Stop trying to interject on my lessons! I'm training my new friend here, to be a gentleman!"
>Well... she's certainly a handful.
>"Ugh, borrrrring~!"
>In one bite, she eats both the cookie and the cupcake at the same time.
>"Whats all the hubbub over here?"
>"Oh nothing, Applejack, just having my lesson be interrupted!" Rarity looks accusingly at Pinkie.
>The rest of Rarity's friends now turn their attention towards you and her.
>"Lessons?" The Rainbow haired girl asks, "For what?"
>"Oh, how rude of me!" Rarity, covers her face in shame, "I forgot introductions! I was so caught up in teaching! Oh please forgive me everyone! Ahem, My friends, this is Anonymous."
>Fuck, now you /have/ to say hello.
>For real this time.
"Uh- hey! Hello." You wave.
>Rarity introduces them one by one, making sure that not one feels left out.
>Maybe thats the polite way?
>"Anonymous, this is Applejack."
>"Rainbow Dash."
>"Sup, dude!"
>"Annd... heh," She smiles sheepishly, "you already met Pinkie Pie."
>"Sunset Shimmer."
>"Whats up?"
>"Twilight Sparkle."
>"Good morning."
>"And of course... eh, where is Fluttershy?"
>They all look around.
>"Ah-hah!" Twilight says, turning, "Hiding behind my backpack."
>Fluttershy lets out a squeak.
>"Well, Fluttershy?" Sunset says, expectantly.
>"Oh, uhm, h-hello."
"...Damn do I really look like a movie villain?" You mutter.
>"Don't mind her, darling." Rarity waves, "She's like that around everyone before getting to know them."
>"Well, classes are about to start soon," Sunset say, "We should probably get going. Nice meeting you, Anonymous!"
"Yup! You too."
>The group makes their way up the stairs and to the door.
>"Well, this is a perfect time for your next lesson!"
"Another one?"
>She giggles.
>"Yes, dear, another one."
>"A gentleman doesn't moan, dear."
>She boops your nose.
>"Now then, stand properly like you were before."
>You do as ordered, getting into a good proper stance.
>"Good... hmm... good."
>Rarity does a quick walk around.
>"Okay! Next lesson is walking while maintaining posture."
"Oh hell."
>She snickers and playfully bats your shoulder.
>"Oh stop, darling, its not so bad."
>Rarity stands up straight next to you.
>"Now then, step forward, look straight ahead, shoulders back, chest slightly out, and eyes up."
>You do just that, feeling like you're being ordered by a Drill Instructor or something.
>"Now, glide."
>"Mhm! This isn't just walking, your smoothly walking and looking forward, letting your vision glide along."
>You shrug.
>A few steps in, and its not so ba-
>You get tripped up on a rock.
>"Remember to watch what's in front of you, Anonymous."
>You sigh, and continue walking-er, gliding, as instructed to the best of your ability.
>A few more feet and you're at the steps.
>"Feel free to take it a little slowly, now, Anon."
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>You begin going up.
>First step.
>Second step.
"Heh, kinda easy once you get the ha-haAANG!"
>You trip on a step and eat shit.
>"Oh goodness, are you okay?"
>Rarity comes to your aid, helping you to your feet.
>A passerby lets out a chuckle as she does so.
"Hey, HEY!" You bark, "I'm gliding here, asshole!"
>Rarity gasps.
>The rando ran up the steps and into the building.
>"You shouldn't say that?"
"Say what?"
>"Bad words like those!"
>Rarity facepalms.
>"A gentleman doesn't use such vulgar language. They solves their issues with /civility/, dear!"
>You stare at her, dumbstruck.
"Sooo... I can't call a guy who's being an asshole, an asshole?"
>"Goodness, no!"
>You sigh heavily.
>This is gonna be harder then you thought.
>Still, was kinda nice having a pretty girl come to your side.
>And look you in the eyes...
>God damnit she's so pretty.
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Without "r rated" sex innuendo's thrown everywhere, Some don't/won't have much interest. Nice effort?

>You trip on a step and fall face first...
>into rarity's big soft Bosom(chest), Gasping for breathe, so hot stuck between them, But you would rather die then leave...
>Teach me harder Rarity...
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>Ok Now I'm gonna wrap my legs around your face to...choke you. Let me know if you need air...Darling?
Fuck, this thread is making me feel to an elevated degree
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I like it. It's, like, My Fair Anon or something.
I wouldn't have minded if Rarity had told Pinkie to shut the fuck up there, lel. Not cause I hate Pinkie, she cute. Rarity is just so polite all the time, though. Hasn't she ever wanted to cut loose and call an asshole by their name sometimes?
a gentleman doesn't moan
but I will
Bad girl rarity is so hot
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Oh my
Don't bump if there isn't anything to say
He wants more green, or to kill off another thread that this one is in the way of
so why did YOU bump it?
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A little of fat goes great on Rarity
>captcha G00NX
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just more of her to love
Thicc marshmallow.
thanks, doc
Can this thread get archived already, it keeps making me horny everytime I see it.
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Nyan, Darling
Between this and this >>40932510, you can't escape.
I can't imagine that. I can only imagine being her husband. I am physically incapable of imagining being her ex.
There was a green where Anon talked to Rarity and he was really smooth and charming about it. But not because he was actually that way. I think he was a Psycho trying to kill her
Like Bateman?
Pet the pussy.... cat!
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I want to pet her pussy every day.
total futa win
total chubby win
oof she's got a strong grip
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How do you like your Mellows Dear?
(Explain why you think which one is best?)
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Another pic of same for you.
This is why you need to apply your "lotion" to your mellows.
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2 through 6 are far too undercooked.
9 and 10 are far too overcooked.
7 & 8 are just the right mix between the two.
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Fair enough, I was wondering if 6 really wasn't enough, but I guess you're right.
You'd think 8 might be too burnt, But Probably just the edge of the outside, making the outside slightly crunchy and inside liquid and gooey.
Good choices.
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"Perfectly sized" I'd say.
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True (I think we should know that some images are just named "large" as in the pic is not a small pic. But we know this.)
But her sexy "assets" are large.
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>click the "small" pic, assuming it to be small, it's a large pic just named small.
>aj poster
I feel betrayed.
Nice pic though.
>>41112223 <- cool digits

But what the pic portrays is rather small.
I thought that "joke" was obvious lol
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Faust intended for you to be horny whenever you look at Rarity, it's by design
NTA, but that's a good point.
Faust accidentally created one of the sexiest characters in 2010s TV shows. Is a shame I haven't seen another chick like that so far.
I guess TV shows are losing their edge (I mean, they have been doing that for long, but now is on death throbes).
Your pic is nice too
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Indeed. it's the voice that does it imo

She's a great VA and Tabitha's Rarity voice is just pure UNF
nice sweater
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the voice work was exceptional
Yes, no other character has an erotic charge like Rarity.
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She's too cool for skool
This is one of my favorite pics.
9. The char gives it a delicious flavor
she's sexy and she knows it
This and Party Rock Anthem were the songs of 2013. I miss those days.
They blew up with their songs and suddenly disappeared
Shame, they were actually pretty good
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Dance/gifs Time?
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Does this look like she's fingering (masturbating) herself?
Maybe it's just me.
It's the finger positions
I love Vice City, always nice to see a reference in the wild
that amazing hips
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I have a great thirst for classy tit play
No fucking way this is a real game. Sauce?
Still in development
Where can I throw my money at it?
It's a great game, let's see what Rockstar cooks up for Vice City in GTA 6
It has an itch.io page but the devs don't take money.
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Magic enhancement!
nice edit
I like her hair in this
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>when she tries the Everfree berries
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>~Life is a runwaaay~
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Guys, I didn't know the thread would last this long, (even though i made a LOT of posts in the beginning and middle).
I think we might run low of good rarity (eqg/non-human/non-anthro) pics?
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Nah, you can always find something.
OK, that's not the best example, sorry lol

Although I like her smile on that pic
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Gonna have to really start digging for pics.
That's the problem if you make a pic thread, but there's only so many pics of certain thing (that are work safe).
Every post I become more worried of seeing a repeat pic.
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The long arm of the law
damn this was p good
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You think Twilight is OK with this?
She wears it better

tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits tits...
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What’s her role in the game? Do we know?
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Question, for next EQG Rarity thread which swimsuit-themed pic is better? This...
or this?
The latter

Definitely this, if you ask me.
nice butthole
This one
sorry, already started >>41138449
We're being raided
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Rarity is short-sighted lol. Look at her smooshing her phone against her face
Or she thought it works like an old-fashioned camera lol
Doesn't she wear glasses?
why you still post here when there is and official Rarity thread?
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>Two is better then one, darling.
Just cause I guess. idk
Good reasoning
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I fucking came. based ai gods
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I'm glad you came. Hello!
ya just love to see it
>the sway of her hips
that's what your mom said
Damn 12 years?!
>What’s her role in the game
Room mate / hostess / classmate / sexy route (I think)
if you shit on Rarity's chest and it comes out looking like white dog crap, is it noticeable?
I mean it would be strange not to have her as a romance option
Are you Spike?
Well the KND VN is all OCs so...
Thats doesnt mean this one will be
The KND vn has a few ocs but it’s mostly background characters from the show
I think the OC we'll see at most is the MC: Anonymous.
I think it’s “Anon Mouse” going off the acceptance letter on the itch page
Anon E. Mous
Agreed. I do think she’s the only one of the main 7 as an option though.
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>How old do you think I am?
Old enough. ZIIIIING!
Old enough to think 300x168 jpg is big enough lol
Good noodle board
>Big booba Harshwhinny
6 hours
Probably for old phones back in the day.
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Might as well share this work of mine from a few months ago
Very nice
Haha, nice!
I bet Spike tried to hump her leg before as well.
Wasn't there a brand of sunblock lotion that had this type of images?
Coppertone, probably
poor rara
based spike
Coppertone, definitely.
Yeah, coppertone parodies are big in ENF communities
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Beach makes me think of suntan lotion...

Never forget, there was an Official scene of a pony hugging another pony so tight (lewdly) she caused the pony to "squirt her white cream"
I probably would squirt too if Trixie hugged my dick
Since we've got a little off-topic anyway...
kek, good story
Hmm will have to give this a read
Oh my
I get it. Because she is too white
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Read the filename. Is a DB ID.
Excellent, unchecked, trips.
How did this slip bye my big stinky watchful eye?
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Fucking gorgeous
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Post pics, idiots
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Whats this from?
Raribuns bread down! i repeat, Raribuns bread down!
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situation critical
Based ending
your horniness and potential boner are relevant to my interests
nice outfit
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What tags does this include?
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extremely depressing
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i want to appreciate your stylish panties too
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While I appreciate the fact that you haven't closed our legs in the time it took you to say all that, I want to be more appreciative of the fact you're not stomping my face in with your high heels.
She's just tall, or maybe you're short?
Nah she caught you peeking from the floor during lunch.
Makes sense
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Why is she so gorgeous!?
there's something off about the hair
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Indeed. She actually likes it because it validates all her effort in the work she puts into her appearance.
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How fancy do you think her undergarments are?
Stella Glow, Nintendo 3DS. It's a strategy RPG like Fire Emblem, but a bit more complex in gameplay. I've played through the first few hours and it's decent. I should really finish it some time...
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I don't know. 4.
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I like this one
>Begins violently choking her out
>"What's the matter, Rarity? You're looking a bit BLUE"
You're looking a bit Blue (Da Ba Dee).
Is Rarity into extreme breathplay?
I'd offer to stand behind her at all times and carry that hefty marshmallow burden of hers
Becoming a human brassiere sounds like a great career choice.
Almost certainly
imagine adding personality to them. like shaking them when she's excited, swinging to sides when she's in drama mode and such
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kek ecks dee

Wouldn't be a bad thing to see some EqG (not only Rarity) pics involving that.
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what a lovely waist
Wow, her skin got reeeally dark!
she used the suntan for white people
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Movie starlet looks
imagine how strong the wind must've been if it blew a whole chair underneath her
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That's just how she normally is, no edits or art required

Jennie's been my favorite artist for a while now.
The entirety of EQG was lewd, especially toward the end.
The yacht episode is infamous
because she's pure sensuality
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needs a song
kissable lips
And it's not a bad thing.

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Don't forget the swimsuits in the beach special
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>Don't forget
I like stylish women
Love this art, very retro
Yeah, RetroArt is cool.
The 1920s artdeco aesthetic was PEAK design
Chinese Rarity
Rarity with a cheongsam is great
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pure unf
Fruits & Vegetables Cosplay Sex Party
All that junk in the trunk
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