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This is a thread for all things Starlight Glimmer. Post pics, greens and discussion.

Previous thread:
Topics discussed:
>new thread new glimmies
>If EQG had continued, do you wish it would've introduced human Starlight? >>40967233
>both had p
>For your wedding with Glimmy, who do you choose to be your best mare/stallion? >>40978289
>Has Starlight's mom ever been mentioned ever, in anything? >>40989517
>How old is glim in your headcanon when you fantasize about her? >>40998167
>enjoying glim's cutie mark (a lot)
>a theoretical different arc for glim >>41002550
>Its GLIMMY! >>41004037
>From 1 to 10, how much do you like Glimmy >>41006873
>wouldn’t glam be really frail? >>41008695
>sweaty glim
>AI discourse
>Breakfast time!
>Hypothetically, if a war were to break out in Equestria against some other land, what role would Glimmer play? >>41016322
>she's on her way, anon, she's on her way >>41018352
>glimmy's got a book for you >>41023223
>If you had to live the life of any pony [...] and eventually try to romance Glimmy, who would you choose? >>41028805
>anon wants to write a greentext (you can do it, anon!)
>crystal glims
>crystal glims: the lewdening >>41042580
>bangs glimmy
>rules of nature >>41051565
>chubby glims
>would you go to church with glimglam? >>41057654
>filly glim, what do? >>41071545
>edible glims (glimedibles)
>special guest appearance by Willy Wonka
>glim drinks
>closing thoughts: starlight tastes like minty cotton candy sprinkled with vanilla

Art created:
>Glim and flower

Edits conjured:
>glimmy's learned some new words
>>41028298 >>41029379

Greens authored:
>"Punkish Pasts" by Glimbrain
>Starlight (begrudgingly) takes Anon to see her old bedroom at Sire's Hollow.

Titbits scribbled:
>The missing mom

"Mystery of the ___"
>Anon asks Glimmy about her ___

>Beyond the veil

"Boop from Above"

>Starlight wants to write a greentext

"Excitable Epistaxis"
>Bangs Starlight has a nosebleed at the worst time

>ywn rizz up Headmare Glim

"A Cuddly Complex"
>Starlight wants cuddles and she wants them NOW

>Willy Wonka and the Glimberry

>Extremely important guide on which drinks to give and not give your glim (must read)

Legacy archive: https://ponepaste.org/7897
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Some selected fanfics and greens: [NEW GREENS: 1]

"Punkish Pasts" by Glimbrain (*NEW*)
>Starlight (begrudgingly) takes Anon to see her old bedroom at Sire's Hollow.

"Taking in a homeless Glim" by CrookedIronsights
>(You) take in a Glim with nowhere to go.

"Double Glimmy" by Glimbrain
>Glimmy and Glimmy (from the past) team up to drain Anon's balls.

"Public? Sexo" by jrudie
>Sexo? In a public space?

"Can I stay in your house?" by Marehouse
>Looking to escape her troubles at home, Starlight seeks refuge at Anon's place.

"Starry Darling" by Climaclysm
>Starlight Glimmer's parents discuss a recent incident she had with another foal in town.

The Pink In Pinko by HK-47
>Anonymous is locked up in Our Town by Starlight Glimmer, who tries and fails to convert him. He converts her by way of dicking the communism out of her.

Some essential fanfics and greens:

Collection of shorts from Starlight threads:

>It's easy to shake off regrets when you don't know how better it could have turned out. But, what if..

"Because I Choose To" by Mercury
>A very influential and iconic SPG story.
part 1 - https://ponepaste.org/2560
part 2 - https://ponepaste.org/2561

"Glimglam doth Flimflam the Green Man" by Empty_Philosopher
>It's a whirlwind of insane goofs between Anonymous and Starlight Glimmer in this one-of-a-kind adventure that uses its green medium expertly.

Grim's pastebin
>Writing with his heart more than with his hand, Grim's short stories radiate warmth, spark joy, evoke nostalgia and cause heart attacks.
>Deftly tugging on our heartstrings with his slice of life stories and drawings, this multitalented individual lures out and then intensifies all of our love for shy, sweet Starlight.

karwler's ponepaste
>karwler's midnight scribbles are weird, arousing, heart-warming, dark, playful with their medium and often times all of the above at once.
>Inspirations stemming from his bittersweet longing for the lavender mare, he reflects the everyday daydreamy state of a glimmera.

Glimbrain's ponepaste
>A cuddlebug packed with witty remarks, Glimbrain's sweetly endearing (and devilishly playful) Starlight has made me fall in love all over again.
>Clever twists and lively characters are signature skills of this incredibly talented individual. We can only muster a humble 'Thank you!' for all the sweet, sweet glimgreens he has spoiled us with.

Unlisted List
>Titles and links of damaged stories or otherwise unfinished works of pony literature.
Drinks Starlight loves(ALWAYS give these to your Glim):
>Hot Cocoa
>Chocolate Milk
>The pony equivalent of Monster Energy
>Orange Flavored Sodas
>Apple Cider both alcoholic and alcohol free
>other Fruity Liqours
>Peppermint Tea
>Your cummies

Drinks she likes(Give these to your Glim on occasion):
>Other Sodas
>Flavored Water
>The Pony Equivalent of Gatorade
>Fruit Juices, with some exceptions
>Other Teas
>Milk and Milk Substitutes like Almond Milk

Drinks she HATES(NEVER give to your Glim):
>Boba Tea
>Cranberry Juice
>Yerba Mate Tea
>Most blended food(Makes Glim GAG)
>Overtly thick and creamy Milkshakes
>Liquefied hay extract
>Changeling Heavy Cream(Did like it at first, until she found out what it really was and wherr it came from)
>Yak Liqour(Way too strong)
>Any dragon drinks
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why doesn’t she like boba it’s pretty good
The boba looks like Changeling eggs.
oh fair.
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Glimmy is best pony!
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Well, that’s a fucking strong OP. Good shit!
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Keeping bangs glim love strong ever onwards.
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more glim(s)
Words can’t express how much I love this
Do people really not like Starlight’s post-reformation mane? I’ve noticed that it is often changed in fanart. Or maybe it’s something else because not even Hasbro gets it right.
It is SOUL
I like to imagine it is all our Glimmies at a /glim/ pizza party.

I prefer her bangs mane, speaking just for myself, I think its cuter. Her reformed mane is fine, more art of her has it so its something I'm at peace with. She's still Starlight regardless.
I think the bangs fit evil Glim's personality better than the hair loopy fits her reformed personality, if that makes any sense. I can't really explain why, I'm technically new here still, lel.

I've grown fond of hair loopy over the years though. I'd love to spend some time just gently batting it around a little, like a cat.
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>wake up
>Glim still not real
Our everyday struggle. Stay strong.
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First impressions is a factor that effects some people. The same phenomenon is seen with Misty's mane too. Putting aside its thematic significance, if Glim's mane was swapped, then there'd be people who dislike her post-reformation bangs too.

One of the complaints was that her new mane makes her look bald which I never really understood. To me her mane looks really thick and full, especially when compared to manes like Rarity and Trixie's which are like mohawks.

I personally love her swirls more, but she's great with whatever mane she wants to rock.
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The toy in your pic is probably the worst example of her. Its design seems to be inspired by Pony Life. And her mane/tail seems to be a generic meant to be shared by others like Trixie and Fluttershy.
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I'm very fond of it. It's fun and bouncy, and it's also quite big and envelops her pretty little head, making her an even sweeter cutie pie.
It's also more approachable than the straight-shot bangs, that make me feel like she's a serious, no-nonsense mare, which puts me off.
But yeah, artists struggle drawing it exactly to how it's in the show, 'cause it twists and loops in an awkward fashion, but I think that just adds to its playfulness.
Imagine getting behind her while shes sitting like this and lifting her up and giving her lots of kisses in front of everypony.
I’d assume she’d instinctively teleport away.
She'd know her human special somepony instinctively.
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Fear not, anon. The universe is infinite, thus rendering an infinite amount of possibilities and Glimmy is one of them
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what if glim was “evil” and reformed?
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Like she retained the core of her ideology after reforming? Maybe go the opposite route by trying to make everypony super alicorns, or just be used as comic relief.
Looks heavy
>he cant lift his 2.5-3ft Glim
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Imagine her on top of you
How do you fart?
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Kiss Glimmy
What if she wants a kiss on the rump?
I'll kiss and make out with her ponut
yeah that’s basically what I meant seems fun.
I can only lift ninety pounds with both arms and that was at my “peak”. I’ve gotten weaker and skinner since then.
The warmth would negate the weight.
Lift for glim
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>lifting this mare with your own arms into your embrace
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Why glim hab booboo
For you to kiss it better ofc
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>glim keeps getting hurt on "accident" so Anon has to tend to her with his hands
Her old mane was way sexier and made her look 1000x better for hate fucking.
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What would you do if you and Glimmy were alone in your room and she did this on your bed?
I proceed to whip out my Switch and show her the joys of Monster Hunter!
Lay down on the couch and start reading through the many greentexts I need to catch up on.
I proceed to serve her breakfast in bed and kiss her hooves
I proceed to strip, as Glim has forced me to magically obey her whenever she's in my room. And right now she wants me to strip and dance.
I proceed to tickle under her forelegs, she's left herself wide open.
Why is my bed so fucked up? Where are my Power Rangers sheets?
What the fuck did Glim do, bros?!
She made it better to have sexo on.
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I get you Glim. Pretty sights make me melancholic as well.
Shes just upset shes trapped in a shit game.
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Glim would glim
False, she would Glam her Glimmus
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I like how protective she is of her.
I like this. A lot.
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Holy UNF
mmmmmmm... ponut hickeys...
This pic but me in the middle with evil glim and good glim giving me ponut kisses
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She is blessed.
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Made this and thought of yall! Have fun with it
kek pretty funny lad
what’s with glimmy and princess plot?
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Glim pussy
>Glimmy calls you a pussy
What do?
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I counterattack with tickles!
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Cute as hell.
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Her powerful plot mogs all others.
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Bangs Bum Bump
Glorious, and deserving of prai—compliments
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>You are Anonymous, and you are SWEATING.
>Currently, you are sitting in your room.
>The fan's running; the magical AC is on; you're even fanning yourself with both hands—
>But it's still not enough.
>Your lungs are working overtime; the fluids are leaving your body faster than you can drink them; and your head is taking you to pound town.
>There's no doubt about it; a heat wave has taken a sweltering hold of this once-lukewarm land.
>Why, Celestia?
>Why must she punish Equestria so?
>Was it because you called her butt fat that one time?
>Or the several other times?
>After wiping an excess of natural coolant from your brow, you turn to the other individual in the room; she lies splayed across a bean bag.
>Like you, she's also in dire danger of death by dehydration.
"Ugh…Starlight…it's so hot…"
>She grumbles, staring up at the ceiling.
>"I knooow…"
>Being a pony that's covered from head to hoof in sweaty lilac fur—she's likely having an even worse time of it than you are.
"Don't you have any magic to cool us down? I'm dying over here."
>She swivels her head over in your direction and gives you a frown.
>"I do—and I am. I'm casting several cooling spells right now."
>She languidly twirls a forehoof around in the air above her head.
>"Want-it-Freeze-it… Calor Decelero… Snowmane's Refrigeration Spell…"
>She takes a few more panting breaths before addressing you.
>"Can't you see my horn doing the…magic thing?"
>You squint your eyes to focus on Starlight's horn.
>Sure enough, you can see a faint turquoise aura encircling her magical eye-poker.
>It is *very* faint, though; the translucent greenish haze surrounding her horn appears wavy and weak—as if it's merely a heat-induced mirage.
"Oh, right… I thought that the…glowiness was just a part of the heat wave."
>You sigh, wiping more pooling sweat from your brow.
"I'm too broiled to think straight."
>She groans.
>"Me too…"
>You grab a nearby bottle filled with woefully warm water and dunk the contents into your throat.
>The hydration you feel is momentary—but the desiccation you're experiencing is eternal.
"Are there really no spells that can ease our suffering? No magical creatures that you can summon to blow frozen mist or spit ice cubes?"
>You fully expect your complaints to evaporate into the thin air—just like how the rest of you will eventually go.
>Yet Starlight's ears perk up at your remarks, and you catch her mumbling to herself.
>She takes a slow, thoughtful blink.
>And then her eyes suddenly light up.
>Starlight rolls off the bean bag and springs to her hooves, her stifled spirit having been rejuvenated by the soothing second wind of an insightful epiphany.
>"I know what I have to do!"
"You do? What—"
>She's out the door before you can finish.
>There she goes.
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>It has been a few days since you last saw Starlight Glimmer.
>You have managed to catch up to her again in the midst of Ponyville.
>But things have changed.
>Because you are Anonymous, and you are…
>You wear a thick winter coat to protect yourself from the elements; your equally thick boots have been given a thorough workout as you had to trudge through snow that's several inches deep just to get here.
>A harsh snowstorm buffets this once-sweltering village, turning all of the nearby buildings into seriously sizeable snow cones.
>Ghostly creatures gallop through the cloudy grey skies up above; their upper halves resemble that of a horse's, while their lower halves end in a spectral trail.
>They spit and spew streams of freezing cold air; each glacial gust they conjure up sends Ponyville into an even deeper blizzard.
"So, um, Starlight."
>"Oh! What is it, Anon?"
>Starstruck by the complete and total changeover of temperature that has transpired in just a few days—you only hope that the lilac mare in front of you has some answers.
"What happened here? And what are those things flying in the sky?"
>"Those helpful hauntings up above"—she raises a forehoof up the sky—"are windigos! They're the reason everything here is so pleasantly chilly."
"'Pleasantly chilly,' right. I take it you brought them here? Used some kind of summoning spell to do it?"
>She nods.
>"Yep! But—oh, there's no spell that can summon windigos."
"What? Then how did you bring them here?"
>"Windigos are winter spirits that feed off the strife that brews between feuding factions."
>She lowers her hoof, firmly planting it elbow-deep in the ever-growing pile of snow.
>"So, in order to attract the windigos to Ponyville—I had to find a way to bring that strife all the way over here."
>You cross your arms and knit your brows.
"Uh, you brought the strife…over here?"
>"That's right! Turns out, all I had to do was sow massive amounts of distrust and discontentment within the populace of Ponyville and—viola!—windigos!"
>She beams with triumph after finishing her explanation.
>You blink at her a few times.
"You…you really pulled all that off in just a few days?"
>The blue unicorn stood next to Starlight suddenly makes her presence known, loudly clearing her throat and posing with pride.
>"Trixie helped!"
>You stare at Trixie.
>With no more words to speak aloud, you tilt your head upwards.
>The Harbingers of Equestria's End circle in the sky above.
>Everything and everyone that they breathe on becomes a frozen fixture, doomed to decorate this wintery wasteland as one of its many ice sculptures.
>The three of you will soon meet that very same fate.
>But at least you're not sweating any more.

this one goes out to any of you suffering from the heat
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I want to eat ice cream with Glimmy!
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I like it when Anon brings out Starlight's impulsive side in your greens. It's a fun trait of hers to see come out every now and then.
So, yeah, cool job. Oh, and Trixie helped, of course. Can't forget that.

>she raises a forehoof up the sky
lel, wut
bros, what did glimmy do here? what did she mean by this? is the sky gonna be okay?!
>what did glimmy do here?
As if the windigos weren't bad enough, she's also violating the sky with her raw marechismo. She simply can't be stopped
>"And this is my most prized possession!... A kite signed by none other Tow Winder himself! He was the first Earth Pony to prove that kites weren't just for Unicorns to enjoy!"
>"Wow that's uh... really... interesting babe."
>Anon can't actually see anything because the Camera hasn't panned over yet
>she is, from your POV, quite literally pointing her forehoof at the edge of existence, all there is a void of an odd blue color
just another day in 2D horse land with 2D horse wife
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>It's a hot summer's day; you and Starlight have just purchased two ice cream cones—one for each of you.
>And now, the two of you are sitting on a nearby park bench to enjoy them.
>Starlight's ice cream is one of clear excess—scoops upon scoops of many different flavours pile up to form a veritable tower of frozen delight.
>Every minor movement it makes as it floats in the air causes said tower to shudder and shake; if she wasn't holding the entire thing within her magic—it doubtless would've toppled over long ago.
>Owing to its sheer size, Starlight's imposing ice cream also casts a long dark shadow over your entire being—providing you with an unlikely source of cool shade.
>Licking her lips, Starlight moves to devour her frozen treat.
>Meanwhile, you enjoy your ice cream more humbly; you have one generously sized scoop of vanilla with a chocolate bar inserted into it.
>With your hand firmly grasping the wafer, you lick around the modest mass of chilled cream.
>The soft sweetness dances across your palate, pleasantly cooling your insides while the sweltering summer heat washes over your outside.
>And then there's the chunk of chocolate sticking out; as you take a hearty bite, the quickly melting cocoa mixes in with the lingering vanilla aftertaste to create a charming contrast of the two flavours.
>"Oh…" you hear Starlight's voice at your side.
>You tilt your head to see how she's doing, and she…
>…has completely decimated her spire of solidified sugar; only the wafer remains.
>Her gaze is fixed in your direction.
>And she's got that look—
>The "I want a piece of your ice cream but I'm too self-conscious to ask for it aloud" look.
>It's a look that you can identify from a mere glance on your end—as you are Ponyville's leading expert on all of the subtle nuances behind Starlight Glimmer's eye movements.
>Also, her mouth is salivating and her tongue is lolled out.
>So you hold out your ice cream to her.
"Want some of mine?"
>She gives you the "yes" look,
>the "yes" nod,
>and the "yes" licks.
>Starlight wastes no time in lapping up your gracious offering.
>She quickly shuffles closer to you, giving her ample access to a wide array of angles that she can attack your cone from.
>And with happy hums and closed eyes, she runs her tongue all over your frozen dessert, savouring every drop of creamy essence that finds its way down her throat.
>Every so often, her tongue dips low enough to slide over your hand, and she partially opens her persian blue eyes, making eye contact with you for just a brief second—
>—before closing them and going right back to enjoying your sweet treat.
>Passing bystanders witnessing this scene may be quick to assume that Starlight has just fleeced you out of your own ice cream.
>You would forgive them for their ignorance.
>For there are few out there who could possibly understand the pleasures of a pastel pony mlemming all over your cone.

and then she got brain freeze
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kek so does anon just teleport wherever the camera moves?
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Alicorn Glimmy
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Super cute! I hope Glimmy at least leaves me the ice cream mess on her face.
I wanna huff glim ass
This is making me physically ill, delete this
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>Glimmy used a spell to explore your mind, transforming it into a library where your memories, id and ego are books
>her face when she sees THAT memory
Uh...which THAT memory?
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What an insatiable pony. She has a sweet tooth. Super cute.
I wonder if Glim liked ice cream as a kid.
THAT one, yes, the one that keeps you up at night thinking about what would happen differently.
The Alicorn of forgiveness
That's right Starlight, we're not so different you and I.
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Oh. THAT memory.
Well she did nearly destroy her world so I guess we're good? Right? Right?
Where can I find Starlight?
With me.
How does one go from punk to control freak?
reeeaally deep lyrics
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t o p g l i m
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Cute. CUTE!
That's so cute it's making me woozy
Cute cute cute cute glim
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that's fucking glimmy bloom
or maybe apple glim
she must be some kind of starlight apple, to have a bow like that
>glimmy nuzzling your leg
Kiss Glimmy
I don't like the later seasons, but Starlight Glimmer is awesome. She is the one and only good thing from any of the later seasons. I watched a ton of InuYasha growing up and also pretty much every CGi Barbie movie from the early 2000s so I was immediately endeared to her when I heard her voice. Plus, unicorns are my favourite race of ponies. It's just too bad she has to be in episodes where Twilight is an Alicorn with a stupid Crystal Castle... and the School of Friendship. I wish she'd been introduced earlier.
Gosh what a cute thought.

>She is the one and only good thing from any of the later seasons.
She's certainly carries them hard.
How is it connected to her mane?
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>Star Apples are real
How about Glim
What if glim ate a pepperoni pizza after convincing her to try meat
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after her first taste of meat or second ifnyegetwhatahmsayin [/spoiler she can’t get enough and hunts all types of creatures for exotic meat for you both to enjoy starting off small with rabbits, fish, and unreformed changelings (only you two know) to large ones like manticores and the mythicals like hydras and Ursa minors with Glim making you a glorious meal nightly sounds nice!
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glimmer a shit
tanked btw
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Might wanna tell her there are limits on what meat one should consume, lest she tests Pinkie if she tastes like cotton candy or Rarity if she tastes like marshmallows.
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Up you go Glim.
it’s fiiine she’ll just duplicate them for meat testing purposes.
Haven't seen you in a while celly anon.
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Oh, I've been here! I just post without a flag. I like to use it in /sun/ but I forgot to turn it off.
What does Glim taste like?
Depends on where you're licking... and what fetishes you have and if she's indulging them.
really sugary watered down grape soda going down on her makes you hyper.
I was asking if you were to eat her not eat her out you weirdos
>eating glim
how how is that any less weird?

anyways I don’t eat horses.
>You see Starlight walking down the road.
"Man…I wonder what she tastes like," you whisper to yourself.
>She flash teleports in front of you.
>"Huh? You wanna know how I taste?"
>She's smiling at you with those big ol' eyes.
>"Okay, here!"
>She raises one of her forelegs.
>Her horn glows.
>And she—
>Rips her foreleg off.
>Like, straight off.
>You hear a slight tearing sound as she does it, but there are no spurts of blood or screams of agony.
>Instead, there is but a furry nub where her limb once was—as if she never had a horse-arm there to begin with.
>Her detached foreleg is in front of you, hovering in the air like a video game collectible.
>You take it in your hands.
>"Tell me how it tastes too—I'm curious!"
>It's still writhing in your grasp.
>Well, in for a penny…
>You raise it up to your face and take a wide bite.
>Your teeth sink right in.
>Tastes like…
>And marshmallow.
>Grape marshmallow?
>It's not bad.
>There are no bones.
>It's very chewy.
>Sticks to your teeth.
>And there's a strong floral aftertaste.
>Very strong.
>Strong enough to make you feel a little woozy.
>You massage your temple to cease the marshmallow-induced migraine.
>"So how is it?"
"You taste like grape marshmallow."
>She gasps.
>"I knew it!"
>She sits down on her haunches, entirely invested in watching you eat her severed limb.
>When you're just about finished eating her—she speaks up.
>She raises her other foreleg.
>"Want the other one?"
>You stare at her for a few contemplative seconds.
"…Yes please."
I'm working on a comic. Here is Starlight becoming happily married to Double Diamond because I think they're cute.
Yum. I always knew Glim tasted good. I just hope she goes good with cocoa.
Those are super cute ponies
Heh, you have guts posting shipfics on a waifu thread
Thank you
I didn't realize it was specifically a waifu thread, I thought it was a general about the character. Woops.
Glimmy in heat
I’m in heat, spring/summer has become unbearable in the last decade.
Glimmy will cast a spell that turn your blood into ice water
>I didn't realize it was specifically a waifu thread, I thought it was a general about the character. Woops.
It has an emphasis that way but don't feel off-put!
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appreciate the thought, the slow painful death not so much.
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>Starlight is Spoileds daughter
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>mix-raced glimmy
What does this mean?
twitter joke, comments get bombarded with p u s s y I n B i o bots.
lame! I appreciate all of glims lineage.
>glim is taller than anonstallion
Need glim pussy
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So cute that I feel like I’m in danger for some reason
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how does she do it, the perfect mix of cute and unf
That is very cute, I want to see it finished.
Imagine Glimmy ramming her face (softly) into your balls and just huffing them. Getting high off that musky Human ballsack smell.
Thanks! Check the /create/ thread for all the pages I've made so far. Pg4 onward has lewd honeymoon activities and I'm working on more pages tonight.
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>glim after you give her one of your "special Human treats" (they were weed gummies)
doing edibles with Trixie and Glimmer would be an experience.
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I need this.
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Wanna drench her snoofa in my cum
dude weed funny lol!
the dream
yeah people who think cartoon ponies doing weed = pinnacle of humor are pretty lame
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no one said that.
Draw me a starlight
Amazing work so far, love your style and all the cute expressions! Can't wait for the finished product.
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glimmy mare
You vs Glim, who wins?
Do I get prep time?
She's your wife. No need to prep, you should know your Glim inside and outside.
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……I don’t want to be at the end of glimmys laser.
Nah, I'd lose.
Would you be okay with her being the dominant one in the relationship?
Not him but I'd expect her to be.
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Glimmy roompa unfa
I want Glimmy to boss me around. Just thinking about it makes me rock hard.
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preferably yeah.
Contender for my favorite pony image ever. I love this so, so much.
Unironically love this one
>Glimmy needs something
>"Hey Anon could you get that for me? Thank you!"
>you get a massive boner and can barely walk to even get it
This, but unironically
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Switch Glim best Glim.
Not bossy enough.
>Glimmy needs something
>"Hey Anon could you pick those up for me?"
>"What? No way. That shits heavy use your magic!" you say upon looking at the pile of rocks Maud had gifted Starlight for Hearthswarming
>"I wasn't giving you a choice. You're gonna do it, either voluntarily or involuntarily..."
>Glimmy charges up some magic in her horn, while giving you a side eye
>"I have much more important things to do than pick up rocks... like watching my husband pick up rocks while I eat ice cream."
>Glimmer casts a spell on you to make you sweat profusely and, she also removes your clothes
>she also procures two standing fans to blow your human male sweat smell directly at her while she watches you toil
>"B-buck... pick up that big one... bend over and pick it up..."
>You wordlessly obey, bending over to pick up a large, and admittedly beautiful gemstone
>Glimmy is treated to a nice view of your toned ass bent over, balls swinging to and fro, your rock hard member making it hard to even pick these damn rocks up
>"Oh Sweet Celestia..." Starlight's face is flushed as she ogles her humie boy toy
>"Your mom was so lucky she got to wipe your poopy butt as a kid..."
>Strange compliment but alright, Starlight is very bad at sexy talk
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>"Your mom was so lucky she got to wipe your poopy butt as a kid..."
I love it, thanks!
Glimmy ate my glizzy
No wait Glimmy, I didn't mean it, spare meee!
She ate my only hotdog. Now I'm gonna starve.
she thought it would set the mood
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Oh it definitely set the mood.
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Been thinkin; bout thos glims
Kek. Classic starlight and her fetishes
Gooning to glim
>TFW invented the quiet kid to your office and they’re just starring at you blankly
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>glimmy invented the quiet kid archetype
Holy shit she's so SMART
A short, unedited green I typed up. I purposefully tried to leave it ambiguous because I wasn’t sure who to use; a teenaged Anon, Anonfilly, Cozy Glow, a random pony/creature would all make sense.
>Starlight sat upright, forelegs pressed together upon her desk, eyes bouncing off various objects in the office in a vain attempt to distract herself from who was seated before her.
>When getting lunch from the cafeteria earlier she noticed them; lonely island in a sea of creatures, sitting at a table but not conversing with anycreature. It was like they didn’t exist. Wanting to help, the unicorn invited them to her office to talk.
>What wasn’t apparent from the brief glance was that the island’s shore was protected by sharp, pointy rocks that kept everycreature away. It had been fifteen minutes, this entire time they hadn’t spoken a single word; every question was answered with a head nod or a shrug. Eventually she ran out of questions.
>She knew the lunch period was going to end soon but was unsure about the exact amount. Not wanting to appear rude, the one place Starlight didn’t dare to even glance at was the clock.
>Her eyes finally fell on them. They stared back; gaze unrelenting.
>”S-so,” Starlight stuttered, “lunch is almost over. Do you want to talk talk some more tomorrow? Maybe we could even eat lunch together tomorrow?”
>As soon as the words left her mouth the blank stare contorted into an angry glare. Starlight’s only response was to force a big grin and stare. Thankfully, the bell rang shortly after the deadlock began. Angry had given way to annoyance as they wordlessly left the room.
>Starlight held her position as if turned to stone. Eyes fixated on door as if she expect them to return. Once the bell signifying classes had begun rang, she exhaled and let herself collapse on the desk.
Poor thing has autism
Good stuff
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both of them do.
Long glim belly rubs
Curious, makes me want to know what's up with the little bugger
Would make for an interesting challenge for Starlight the councillor as well
Headmare Glim UNFA
I want go under her desk and eat her out while she works!
A continuation, even shorter and still unedited because I got caught up and lost track of time. Weirdly, I think it works.
>”Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.” Starlight Glimmer watched the clock hands slowly move as she waited. Her stomach complaining about being deprived of food. It had been fifteen minutes and they were a no show.
>With a soft sigh, the unicorn slid off the chair and walked to the dining hall. It was busy as always; eating, talking with stuffed faces, gossiping, exchanging notes, the works. After getting food, Starlight went to table where she saw them yesterday only to find nothing. They were missing.
>”Maybe they’re absent.” She thought to herself.
>It was kind of a relief. It’s not that they didn’t like her or anything, they didn’t come because they weren’t at school.
>That’s when she noticed they weren’t the only missing student. The table wasn’t as full as it was yesterday with a few empty spots, but there was trash to signify the other students were here at one point.
>Rolling her eyes, she used magic to envelop it all in a bubble and dispose of it. With a thud all of it was gone. A weird shape quickly emerged and retracted from the side of the trash. This time she audible groaned, yet another obstacle between her and her meal.
>Walking around the waste disposal’s corner, Starlight practically lost control and dropped her lunch. There on the floor, holding a book, sat up against the side of the bin, compressed to take as little space as possible they were.
>Their eyes getting a little wider as they looked up at her.
>”Y-you, uh, look uncomfortable.” She stammered. “Want to still come with me?”
>Their face returned to it’s normal, emotionless, hard-to-read expression. They shook their head side to side.
>”O-okay.” Starlight responded.
>She then scurried away as quickly and calmly as she could.
I want to huff her ponut while she ignores me completely and counsels students to the best of her ability.
Fucking UNF, just imagine the smell and taste of her sweaty ponut and pussy

It'd be better if you (You) were also a young student. Scandalous relationship with Headmare Glim!
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>glim meets someone with worse social skills than her.
Unfa all 3
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You know, I can see why Glimmy has a tough time dealing with this anxious little nugget, but I imagine she would try to connect to these kinds of kids through her own experience of her fillyhood.
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drunk glim....
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>ywn have drunk glim force herself on you multiple times one night and in the morning apologize profusely for it.

why live?
God just the concept of a drunken Glim makes my dick so hard
What if Glim was a serial killer?
Then it would be an edgy fanfic.
Well, actually I hear she's a mass murderer of millions already
Worse than the Joker, Thanos and Satan?
she’d be very dangerous…….and hot, the only ones could compare to her are Alicorn level and with her many miscellaneous spells she’d be a horrifying monster
Like Marty McFly but Hitler
I'd feel bad for her breakfast.
>Glim is addicted to cinnamon toast crunch
Lol no. Characters in a show like this are considered survivors by default in any troubles. So this bullshit is nothing more than unfitting headcanon.
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She'd be Starlight Yagami.
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Rare glim face
Quick, cum on it while you can!
Shit I missed! Sorry Spike.
glim staring in hor[n]y]ror
Spike doesn't mind.
If I had any editing skill, I’d change the shot of Spike licking the icing off of himself.
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I love my wife
lovely belly
Glim has coronavirus
sorry anon but that's MY wife and MY foal you posted.
I honestly don't see Dash and Starlight getting along much really.
me neither but I can see them bonding over flying
True, but in small doses.
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Dash is like a different flavor of Trixie, I think they'd get along well. Flying, kites, competitiveness, spa, and reading are interests that they could share.

Dash getting Glimmy to see a Wonderbolt show would have been a good opportunity.
I love unexpected pairings like this. Just thinking about them is so nice.
>Dash is like a different flavor of Trixie
Ew, poor Trixie.
Glimmy sat on your leather chair and her ponut left a ponut mark on it.
>it makes a loud *smooch* sound when she gets up
Fucking unf!...
>draw a noughts and crosses grid around it
>Glimmy comes back to see you making art from her ponut mark
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>9 now
That's how many nuts Glim demands from your balls in her hoofie.
Come on dude. Must you make a lewd joke on every single post?
It's not even funny at this point, it's just tiresome.
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>Come on dude. Must you make a lewd joke on every single post?
1. It hasn't been on every post.
2. All you posted was "Glimmy!" Which isn't exactly a high quality post either.

Stop whining like a little bitch. We're all horny for Glimmy here.
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she should’ve gotten a special one on one episode with all the mane 6

>Fluttershy - an episode of them getting glim a pet with discord intervening and getting her some anomalous creature.
>Rainbow Dash - like the initial anon said or maybe hey could start competing over flying with RD trying to show glimmy some new tricks.
>Applejack - drawing a blank maybe glam trying to delve into the complex apple history?
>Rarity - glamour could be invited to the gala and she can ask Rares for help picking an outfit this could easily lead to Rarity also trying to pamper or smancy fancy her up.
Pinkie - also drawing a blank meh

and maybe something with discord he’s cool.
Glim teata milk?
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P9 glim
/glim/ is.... dead...
she’s so powerful…..
>go to bed
>no sleepy Glim to cuddle up against
Makes me wanna kms every night, at least I have my cat
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>she should’ve gotten a special one on one episode with all the mane 6
This! s6 could have been Starlight's season like s1 was for Twilight in becoming more intimate with her new friends.
>Applejack - drawing a blank maybe glam trying to delve into the complex apple history?

Applejack is trying to coach Starlight into using magic less often as an easy go to solution for everything by doing some hard work on the orchard.
Starlight makes mistakes and decides to cheat "just a little" with magic to make right. Goes wrong, Applejack disappointed.
Something majorly bad happens, magic would help (Twilight idk is at Canterlot or something) and Starlight is unsure if she should.
She ends up doing so, day saved. Magic used correctly is good, just not for every little thing. The End.
Magic as a moral doesn't really work by itself since it doesn't translate to reality, it needs to piggyback the actual moral. I rather Starlight keep relying on magic anyway, it's half the fun!
What of glim had no ass
Literally wouldn't matter to me, I'd love her bony butt just the same
What if she poured her milk before her cereal?
what if she raped you and ate your ass
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Nothing a few hayburgers can't fix.
Give her the Twi diet.
We should be able to balance each other out then
What if Glim violated the 3rd commandment?
that’s the only correct depiction of glim.
Reminds me of Winter Wrap-up, Glimmy better get a gratuitous butt shot!
She'd work up a sweat doing manual labor on the apple farm...
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False, Glim is THICC.
>ywn have a foal with glim
>ywn try teaching your foal how to foal correctly because you're a human
kiss glimmy
On the dock
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Glim ASMR when?
on the forelock
Glim has tasked you with getting more toilet paper. Surely Anon won't fuck this one up.
Anon would get an infected paper cut from trying to squeeze the Charmin.
Just can't do nothing without your Glim.
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>voiced by a dude
Uh, no.

>Anon goes out to get the TP
>this song starts playing: https://youtu.be/KThlYHfIVa8?si=K_bn5y887H89KPfA
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mtf character voiced by a dude
what're you mad about
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Glim is disappoint.
I love this goofy shot of her, silly Glimmy.
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She bucks really good.
Older Glim or Younger Glim?
Both get hugs and head pats.
every glam gets the plap
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These threads are too lewd of late
>stop lusting after your wife chud
Uh, no, bitch.
Eh, there's not much else to do
It could be lewder
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Bangs Glim lewdest Glim.
You guys only love Glim for her body
and her personality
and her POWER
Her voice, her mane, her colors, her character, her magical ability, her dorky side, she is much more than just a curvy, sexy, lovely looking mare.
Holy FUARK she's so POWERFUL

Bejita would SHIT his PANTS seeing this OVERFLOWING power
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>and her POWER
I love her magical abilities and enthusiasm with magic. As much as I like the conclusion of her becoming headmare of the school of friendship and its significance to her character, it kind of leaves her magical prowess and obsession by the wayside. At least it's easy to imagine her creating a magic division within the school that easily surpasses Celestia's.
I want Glim to try and teach me magic after I let her read the Harry Potter series of books that for some reason came with me to Equestria and she thinks its an autobiography because I forgot to tell her it's just a fictional story.
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>anon why is there a specific forbidden killing spell when most of the spells seen have that capacity?
Glimmy playing shadow of the erdtree
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Oh snap, forgot that was coming out. I want to game with Glimmy!
>ouya controller
Give me Glim
or give me death
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missed a spot colour masking the sketch layer
glimmy would be the strongest summon
>glimmy is just the comet azure meme build
posting this here incase u don't see it on the tf2 thread glim-farter
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wait are you being genuine anon?
also wonder if i overlapped it with the original glimmy moaning video.....
but why....
jannies it was a present for him please you have to understand....
it didn't even violate the rules......
Yeah, I’m being genuine. I’m that far gone.
>wonder if i overlapped it with the original glimmy moaning video
Sounds like it could potentially work.
Jannies are very inconsistent.
File deleted.
fuck jannies
also i get it, not a brap fag, just made this to appease the brap huffer himself since he cross thread posts so much (not complaining at all since he's cool in my book)
here's your video back for you
i wanna hear your response as the brap master
Was busy playing ER. I come to to /glim/ and see someone made a glimmy brap video in my honor.

I appreciate the thought and effort, but some Glim moans would've been a nice addition. Also the glimfren in the tf2 thread isn't even me lol, I don't play tf2 and never post in there. Still, like I said I appreciate the thought.
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how would you survive a zombie apocalypse with glim?
By just being with her. Her magic would solve all issues.

It'd be pretty boring honestly, relatively speaking. It would essentially be normal life but with Glim just magick'ing it up more than usual.
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Morning glump
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Twi was somewhat low on my m6 rankings until Glimmy came long. When Twilight befriended Starlight, which proved her genuine growth as a princess of friendship, was when I gained massive respect for her. I felt Glim breathed new life into Twi, showing a really cute side to her personality and giving her a great teacher arc.
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>"Starlight, gaze upon my latest and greatest magic trick!"
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What's she reading?
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that’s a skill glimmer knows all too well
With great power comes great responsibility.
Being her right-hoof man in the inevitable community that springs up around her.
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A book on how to nurture a healthy human and pony relationship.
Coincidentally, she also authored that same book
Under the pen name of:
>Glimmerlight Star
>"I am afraid, sir, that you have a rather weak grasp of reality."
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Who are you?
bro she just drew in it with pencil, not even pen
okay that is too precious
>"You wrote that book didn't you?"
>"haha, of course not! Don't you see the name of the author? Hahaha!!!(incredibly forced and awkward luaghter)"
>"You mean... 'Glimmerlight Star'...?"
>"You don't think that sounds an awful lot like...your name?"
>Anon rolls his eyes
>"Hey! It's not my fault we unicorns all have same-y Space related names."
>meanwhile in a cozy high rise apartment building in Manehattan, a light orange unicorn with a butter cream mane is biting her lip and sweating profusely as she rights down the words to her latest interspecies erotica
>"And than... they kissed..." Glimmerlight Star said under her breath. "Ah yeah... that's so hot..."
plottwist they co-wrote it
I'm partial to Glimlight Starmer.
Glimmo sexo mako happeno righto nowo
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>congratulations you have summoned demon starlight
I *did* say many times I liked evil glim
I want to be at her mercy so badly...
Imagine those eyes staring unblinking into yours as she rides you until you’re empty but doesn’t stop because she’s not even close to satisfied. Careful what you ask for >>41182567
>one shots glimshit
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Glim no diffs that fodder mare
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Finished this glimmy. How does it looks?
UNF foal-making missionary sex with Glimmy!
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>anon underwear
What if Glim, somehow, gave birth to a human baby instead of a foal?
We would immediately seek a cure to heal our sick foal.
satyr would be cooler
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>"F-fix our child? What do you mean?... So what if he isn't a foal?... You aren't a stallion yet I love you with all my heart. What's so bad about him being a human like his Dad? He'll be a handsome humie stud that'll make a mare, or other creature happy just like his Dad! Oh come on Anon, now you're just finding excuses, we can just add some powder supplements for my teat milk he won't be malnourished. All mares do it, if I had a pegasi foal I'd be doing the same thing... if you didn't want a child Anon, than why didn't you insist on not using protection?..."
hate seeing a sad glimmy anon just thought the foal was sick any child of starlight is perfect
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Get out of here with your "Age of Reason" poppycock
Chest tuft seems a little over the top, otherwise, superb.
No! Our child was supposed to be a filly, Twilight confirmed it in her tests! We had a name picked out and everything! S-something is wrong, this can't be happening!
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>*Glim wipes her tears away and snorts*
>*she grabs your collar via her magic and brings you down to face level with her*
>"Anon... This is our son, and you WILL love it. Got it? If you don't, i will MAKE you. I am not keen on having marital problems or a divorce, so I'll just rewire your brain a bit if you keep acting like this. We are the perfect interspecies couple and nopony will be saying otherwise."
*I suddenly get a raging boner*
Starly... alright I'll do it for you. We'll get through this together.
>"Go jerk off in the bathroom. You've lost hoofjob and aurajob privileges for the next two weeks."
>no aurajobs
That is cruel and unusual punishment!
It would be extremely painful.
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Ultra Friendship Super Saiyan Glimmer is the strongest being in the multiverse.
She's complex hyperversal. But she is still a slut for my BHC.
Her kryptonite
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She can't help but involuntarily wink her pussy whenever she thinks of your hot monkey dick.
What if Glim caught whatever retardation Derpy has?
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Didn't read.
Messy hair Starlight makes me hard.
I want to protect starry
Glim drinking Starry under a Starry sky.
Starry is pretty good, finally a Sprite competitor that I prefer.
Sierra Mist was better.
That tasted just a bit too strong/sugary for me, though not as bad as Surge.
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Wow! I'm guessing the mouth movements are incoherent speech, but it's always cool seeing the potential of AI.
Starlight tries to not be sexy challenge(impossible)
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What do I do anons? I kiss my plushy all over her body but I still want MORE glim.
dream about her
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What if glim was my very strict mommy who made me wear a collar and eat her pussy all the time.
that would be so weird.
that’s just preformed Gli.
Also lick her hoofsies clean... And lick her ponut clean too haha...
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Glimmy give me strength, I'm so nervous.
Whats going on Glimfren?
did she just call her son "it"?
>Implying she wouldn't be a /very/ strict mommy.
Shes calmed down with her controlling habits in day to day life. Instead, she satisfies this urge by making (You), her friend, fulfil her sexual dominance fantasies.
>Glim when she says shes gonna crush my balls beneath her hoof and i was like hell yeah do it bitch but she doesn't actually wanna hurt me so she lightly taps on them just like in your GIF
Get a second Glim plushie. Then when you finish kissing Glim #1 all over, you can start kissing Glim #2 all over. This can be expanded for n number of Glim plushies.
What a silly sweetheart.
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That would be so good.. as a prank lol.
I unironically think it fits her character, being in control is her comfy place
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Just met up with some old friends I've lost touch with due to my own crippling insecurities. The reunion went well, complete with me shedding tears under the emotional stress.

I never would have gotten this far without Glimmy. It's thanks to her that I've started taking better care of myself. She also helped me to break my neet streak, even if it was mostly just to afford her merch initially. Starlight is such an amazing pony, she is an inspiration, she has shown me that it's never too late. I feel like I'm going through my own redemption arc with her guidance.

Glimmy is best pony and best waifu!
>someone posted the LUMA thing i made a few days ago
huh, neato
Really? You don't think Glimmer has the skill to crush balls without causing damage? I think you do 'err, sir.
>i made
Its extra funny because it's an AI pic fed into an AI image generator.
When you waifu Glim it's like becoming a new man. I'm glad you were able to face your demons.
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Smug Glim on the left is up to something. What is she planning?
I wish i wasn't a broke, depressed loser so I could get glimmies.

Also Trixie is about to get gas blasted.
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She wants her cutie mark!
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Trixie is all about dat ass.
Oh dude, tiny Christmas Glimmy is so cute.
ur getting too technical i obviously don't hold that webm as some weird point of pride
it's slop but im just surprised it got reposted
Theres probably a spell for it
I'm the one who prompted the prompter. Does that make you the AI?
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Believe in Glim who believes in you!
Watch yourself. That's a horribly offensive slur amongst the AI's.
love the glim in the hat and scarf
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ooo, never seen this 'do it for her' poster
I think i've had this flavour once
was gross
Post Glim doing cute leggy stuff

I think they changed all the ingredients for poptarts back during covid. Now even the great value brand is better.
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I just made it haha. Wanted to make a cute poster that included all forms of Glimmy.
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think you forgot a couple.
ooo crystal Glimmy. I purposely left out no hooves though.
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There's a lot of space with 0 glims.

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