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Usual OP is still at vacation edition

The pic that started it all: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37443253/https://desuarchive.org/mlp/post/37447036/
Previous Thread:
Alternative thread: https://nhnb.org/fim/res/2295.html
Archive of snowpony thread art: https://mega.nz/folder/0okEHKxS#8FIy3EQUHM-XluGvV7knIg
Archive of snowpony-related musics: https://ponepaste.org/5819
On the boorus, the snowpony tag ended up being "snowpony (species)" or "taiga pony"

>What is a snowpity?

>What are snowponies?
Lore dumps for the newfags

The Great Snowpony Expedition

Reading material:
>Anon and Frosty Flakes
>Comfy lore snippets
>Cirrus Wisp and Filly
>Lichen greens
>Bury Me in White
>Surehoof's First Ice Step
>A cute (hopefully) snow pone short
>Frost Fringed Letters [WIP]
>My Winter Storm
Kinderquestria Greens
>Agate's vigil is no longer WIP, finished story now.
>The First Fish
>New Life with Frosty Flakes (Lewd)
>[WIP] Cultural Exchange at Spa
>Snowfall Frost's seach for Windigos
>The first step north
>Pine Ponder and the Lost Scarf
>A Crystal Forest Rescue
A Snowpitt vignette
>Russian snwowpone fics (use google translate or something similar)
>Comet Chaser and a Windigo Hunter
>Lights Going Out
>Granite and Fireweed

Pine Ponder approved tea:

Snowpone patches:
>OP image
Do snowpony boops work the same way?
I can see Lichen doing that, somehow
Gonna be a snowpony horsemas card this year.
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that is one big foal...
Cute! I see Lichen wants Dickmas
Wait that, s supposed to be a foal. Damn I know Abominables are big but I always figured a foal would've been similar to an adult Snowpone mare.
I can already spot Frosty and Cold. That might be Pine on the end of the log. Kinda looks like she has a bread roll in her mouth.
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Might as well share something I left dormant a year ago. No floof layer were applied to this yet.

It's in a file name.

Based on letters we have Lichen > Pine Ponder > *Don't recognize her* > Cold Shoulder > Winter Wonder > Frosty Flakes
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Also found original wip from 2022.
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Oooh, looking wonderful!

Gorgeous! You really have a talent for manes.
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Arctic Ink!
made with MLP oil pastels
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Can I get a QRD on all of the main snowponies and what they're like?
Cute filly
>prettied up snowmares
Now that's definitely a unique sight.
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I do like the inky filly.
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I love your cute and sincere art!

Here's a QRD as I best recall it:
Well the core 3 are Frosty Flakes, Winter Wonder, and Cold Shoulder.
Frosty seems to generally be the "poster pony" of snowpones as a whole, and if I'm remembering correctly is the cute every-mare who embodies snowpity and general snowponishness as a whole.
Winter Wonder "ooo"s at most things, and is a curious snowmare who if an anon visited would be the one asking all the questions and wanting to know everything about humans.
Cold Shoulder is brave and a little standoffish, she is a bit more cautious than WW and cares deeply about snowpones and their safety.

Pine Ponder loves pinecones and collects them, she is a gentle and sweet soul.
Lichen is...Lichen, boxing her isn't easy. The village shid pretty much.
Cirrus is a wise and mystical snowmare who guides and helps out across all the lands of Snowpony. Is she a shamare, or something more? Its hard to say.
Puffins is a small snowmare but big personality, and doesn't like being confused for a filly!
Ice Elation is generally taken as Cold Shoulder's elder sister, she explores the icy wastes alone for long periods.

Arctic Ink is a cheerful little artist filly!
Niveous is a bit of a cheeky and prankster snowfilly.

I freely admit I could be getting some of these wrong or misremembering important factoids. If so, I apologise, it isn't intentional and I welcome corrections or differing ideas that better fit.
>Lichen is...Lichen, boxing her isn't easy.
Pretend-autistic shitposter extraordinaire.
That is one heavy foal.
I completely forgot these threads existed.
How so? They were on the board the whole time.
Thank you. Wait, Puffins isn't a filly?
Shes a mare!
Very petite.
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She's even a mother!
Did Marbo ever make a reappearance?
Very sadly, no.
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Where does she get the ink? Suggestion: They harvest it from their underwater octopus farms.
>underwater octopus farms
how would this work, it sounds fun
Introduce this pone to mushroom pizza.
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>pizza be basin fur fur snowcap
Introduce this shid to fidget spinners
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I noticed some errant pixels that strayed from the 5-color palette.
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Cold Shoulder art from April
Ooh, thank you! It is a firm favorite of mine.

Forgive the question seeming perhaps a bit stupid, but is this temp or permanent? Either way, it is cute and awesome.
Very permanent, and mostly settled in.
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Kickass, props to the tattooist, really good on model job, the snowpity shines through!
Nice image choice. I made the pony and the fish, my tattooist made the pumpkin.
This is the tattoofags mindset, enjoy paying 5 grand for laser removal when you get tired of it.
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Will do.
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The soul-levels are sky high. The cute wooden canoe!
Did you make
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No, I didn't make the canoe. Was made by the anon who made your pic, though. I have a few things from him around here.
>pic reminding me how impossible it is to keep cat hair off of literally everything this time of year
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Puffins is big mare.

To add some stuff...
As usual, a lot of the pone's characters can be at least partially inferred from their names.

Pine Ponder is quiet, reserved, but not a Fluttershy-type doormat. She's a mostly solitary forager, and her habits come from having to be quiet and sneaky while in the woods. Highly knowledgeable about the woods around her village, has some herbal knowledge and the like.

Bundle Up and Boreal Blanket are two cloth makers, though with completely different styles. Boreal tries to make fancy stuff, while the eternally cold Bundle Up just makes the most brutally effective, warm clothes.
Bundle Up has a younger sister, Arctic Ink, an aspiring lorekeeper that's insatiably curious, perhaps too much even for her own good.
Ice Elation is a solo explorer, a very dangerous occupation for a pony, which means she's quite good to survive so far. She too is quiet, given all the horrible predators that prowl the wilds, though she's not averse to telling the stories of her adventures and doing some well-earned bragging once she's back in the safety of a village. She puts up a tough exterior, but she's easier to fluster than you'd expect.

Tell you what, anon, why don't you make a wiki like this, and I'll help to fill it in a bit?

Octopi are super smart even IRL, I think they'd be too smart to farm in the MLP world.
>Bundle Up has a younger sister, Arctic Ink
Isn't Bundle Up Artic's mother?

>Fandom wiki
Not him, but aren't there better and still free alternatives like Miraheze?
Opinions are slightly divided. But artist originally didn't intend for her to be the mother.
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Huh, I guess she could be either a godmother or a mother figure. That is if she is that old.
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No. No. Absolutely fucking not.
See this image? This is what they will do with ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING you upload there. Terraria's wikis moved to wiki.gg because of possessive/corpo-takes-your-content bullshit of fandom, on top of the page being over 50% advertisements, including shoehorning "related" (not related) advert-video links into the text of the page.
IIRC they've been doing something stupid.
it's actually alright, not sure if there's been any drama recently about it but it's pretty solid. Still no better than self-hosting one though.
Snowpones are so small in number you could probably make a text file, or even a pdf or rtf to describe them. Probably wouldn't take more than a page for each snowpone, if that.
Can't say I see any ads, Brave blocks them pretty thoroughly. And how are derpitards a problem, if the very first sentence quite specifically says
>Welcome to the Moth Ponies Wiki, courtesy of /mlp/!
Batpony wiki says the same. /mlp/. And the retard faction of derpi tries to avoid anything associated with /mlp/ these days.
I guess, maybe? I was thinking of making a ponepaste, but a wiki page has more stuff, like images and more ways to format info. Unless you can also embed images on paste, I think I heard about that feature... Everything then depends on that single person maintaining that paste, though.
It's not about derpitards, it's about fandom trying to take your content for theirs. Dummy.
Yeah, that was less "don't use it" and more "be wary and keep backups".
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Ah, so it was a metaphor for it in general, not specifically derpi.
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Process update
>colors are just for masking
>I think I've gotta thicken the legs
Trying to also make the coat look cleaner with smoothness and little to no strands, but not sure if should even bother with that at this point.
>make the coat look cleaner with smoothness and little to no strands, but not sure if should even bother with that at this point.
Hard to say, crystallizing and long fur seem an impossible combination. Only way my mind goes when I think about that is long crystallized strands that end up looking like a hedgehog's needles and making the snowmare unexpectedly pointy.
Braided Frosty looks cute. I want to help her braid her tail. I realize they've been crystalized here, but I wonder if snowpones have an tribal or inter-tribal celebrations where she and other snowpones would 'gussy up' in a similar way?
Cold looks just amazing like this. All three rock it, but Cold, wow.
>rock it
Because they're crystals?
I wonder how that works with long hair.
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>making a snowmare unexpectedly pointy
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Their leg anatomy looks pretty scuffed.
>Winter Wonder's hindlegs are stuck on the sides like a toy
>>remember, buttcheeks in actual anatomy are part of the leg, not part of the body
>horizontal shin bone too
>she has the bump on the back but the actual leg is moved massively downwards
>Cold Shoulder has the raised leg rotated around what is drawn as the TOP END OF THE SHOULDERBLADE
Remember, the hoof is the NAIL, not the hand. The elbow goes right next to the body, not halfway down the leg. The forward bump (that isn't drawn on show accurate ponies, and should not be anywhere this distinct on snowponies with their fur - alongside all other muscles) is the shoulder, not the "backwards elbow".
Damn, I never realized that the bones go so damn far into the tail.
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Finally. Skinhorse.
Oh god I hadn't noticed, sorry

Snowmare takes care to carve
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This horse is very sick sadly
Looks very vulnerable to flies and other irritants. Poor thing.
As time goes on I've noticed there's a lot of WIPs and crops in the art archive. The WIPs I'm mostly fine with, but I may go through and remove all the crops since the original images already exist in the archive. Thoughts?
Seems fair.
Go for it, I guess. It's not too relevant for me since I use the boorus to look up snowhorses anyway.
Cool. Now where's the nsfw version?
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That is the NSFW version.
Unless there's some sort of problem or concern, I'd prefer everything to be kept, as it's not a proper archive unless everything is.
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Nice! Is this new or just something I missed somehow?
Brand new, yes.
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Kek, embrace the bear Frosty
Heheh cute.
Floofy hoof draped over your face probably feels pretty nice. Not so much floofy hoof pushing your face back into your skull.
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That's one way to catch fish for sure.
How would Lichen catch fish?
With her rear?
Lichen is capable of fitting an entire person in her ass
Based on one of the earliest bits of green for Lichen, she intends to let a stallion catch fish for her.
Why? So that she can lewd him?
Pretty much. https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37877395/#37898555
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My liddle shid can't be this cute.
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I's more likely than you think.
So green! What would Boreal Blanket suggest to color complement this mare?
At first I thought this was a stack of gargantuan dollar bills.
Dunno about BB, but I think some brown decal on the scarf would not be amiss.
Would brown leaves be too obvious?
>brown leaves
Just slap a brown zigzag over it and call it a day.
KISS, and all that.
*loadsamoney starts playing*
Damn, need this but with Frosty
Snow poner bump.
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>Page 10
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The artwork was done by the tattooist, so in theory you could acquire said thing.
Imagine the hugs.
Bone breaking at first, but so soft and warm.
The weight alone could be a problem for hugs.
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unimaginably cute
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Cirrus is truly special. I love her design and look so so much.
Perhaps if they lay on their back and were cuddled from on top?
>at first
Only at first?
Snow poner bump.
I like to think that these frosty ponies are of a different species altogether
Well, once broken they're already broken!
I'd rather think they're a subset of earth ponies and Cirrus is the closest thing they have to a princess/alicorn among their peers.
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filly zoomin'
any anons know if the pine ponder tea tastes good? me and another anon will be having a plushie tea party at marefair and feel its only fair we drink tea from the snowpittea collection.
Yeah it's pretty good if you enjoy tea, worth it in my opinion
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page 10 is snowpone over?
I hope not.
Imagine. Your face, her chest.
Been busy with other things, but I won't abandon snowpones.
No, it better not be. I have ideas for two greens I want to get to. Can't at the moment 'cuz I'm renovating my home and I've got a deadline.
>So hey, it's pretty horrible how those ponies eat fish, right?
Snowpony is on her way to the underwater ice caverns. Transportation by seal is the only way to get there.
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but you eat fish
Gotta hold her breath pretty well then.
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Its never over, you gotta believe!
This. 100% this.
Snow poner bump.
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Snowpone arts and crafts are cute.
six hoofy rolls!
present her the pic related.
Is that from that super toxic tree, or is it actually safe?
I remember some tree with cones that could kill people, and its juices being so poisonous that it's not advised to stand under it when it rains. Can't remember the name, though.
No, those produce fruit, not cones.
That's a cone from an Australian bunya pine, and it is actually edible and nutritious. The only deadly part of the cone is that it can crush your head if it falls on you.
Have snowpones seen griffons?
Generally, snowpones haven't seen anything but other snowpones and abominables. Any knowledge of other species, even pegasi and unicorns, depends on how well old earth pony history was kept. Given the amount of time passed, it may practicality come down to legends told by shamares and village elders. Combine some less-than-true preunification earth pony beliefs about other species with a multi-century game of telephone and I'm sure they have some interesting beliefs of their own.
Lichen is the only snowpone who doesn't have earthy, close to realistic horse colors. But I'm not entirely convinced she's not just as white as Niveous or Cirrus, just stained from all the time spent lying in patches of lichen.
>close to realistic horse colors
It's not too far off. If the fetlocks and the hair were a bit lighter, she could pass a grey coated mare.
>The only deadly part of the cone is that it can crush your head if it falls on you.
I am now picturing Pine Ponder wearing an extremely sturdy helmet.
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>Cold pulling Winter Wonder
Is Winter Wonder injured or just tired?
Probably just out having fun in the snow. Getting pulled in the sled by someone else was the highlight of my day back when I was a kid and winter storms would knock out the power constantly, and snowpones haven't been spoiled by the choice of entertainment TV and the internet brought.
Pine is a safe mare. She knows to protect her ponderer.
she prurty
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Cold no! You'll get booped too!
Oh no, what a horrible fate.
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As if that isn't the goal.
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>Hey, what's going on here?
No! Pine! The booping! No snowmare is safe!
>Hey Anon! Here to boop my caverns?
>nervous sweating
Why is she so pretty bros?
Varied and pretty color scheme, yet one that's made of natural, attractive colors?
Also, frosted eyelashes are pretty.
[Spoiler]and blue eyes[/spoiler]
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Maybe it's a long journey to get where Twilight is, and they took turns pulling each other so the other one could get some rest and keep going non-stop.
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Now why didn't I think of that
>that spoiler
You like Pine Ponder, don't you anon?
Snowmare snoofing
>You like Pine Ponder, don't you anon?
Most anons do, and I am one of them, yes.
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um, ackshually, individual horses are equal to somewhere between 3 and 7 horsepower
Well that's just silly
A bit. It's an old measurement. I don't remember the exact formula, but it's something like "how much effort it takes for one horse to pull a 1200 pound load up a 60 degree incline"
Guess I'll rename that image to 3-7 horsepower.
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>This is a pickle
>What is a pickle?
>Well it's this green long thing that looks like a diseased peanus and tastes kind of like if urine was edible you imagine, and good
>Yes, that is the thing that is a pickle, but if you are curious as to what is the situation that is a pickle, well you were told to catch a singular fish
>Or well, you have to catch a fish, the other ponies caught on to your life plan of getting yourself a hubby who does everything for you while you just laze around and spread your hind hooves a little every now and then
>Your mother was all like "Lichen you can't do that Lichen you have to be able to look after yourself" and so on
>So here you are, Lichen the snow mare, standing in front of the thing where the fishes live that is all cold and wet and icky, with a few ponies watching over you that you actually do it
>But you reeeaallly do not want to, especially you do not want to get wet and cold
>so what could you do...
>You spot a tree near the river
>You ask one of the ponies for an axe
>You are not given an axe after you explain that you would use it to cut down the tree and block the river from flowing and then get a fish that way
>Next up you grab a stick and hold it in your mouth and try to poke a fish
>No success and it accidentally slips and you deepthroat the stick a little and throw up because of it
>The other ponies are laughing and you take your frustration out by kicking the stick
>Maybe if you dip your tail in the river with bait attached...no, that would get it wet
>Some of the ponies are telling you to just get into the river and grab one, but your hooves would get wet
>What else is there to use...nothing, just huge rocks
>You get an idea
>You find a big, but not too big of a boulder
>and after a few tries, a big enough you can just barely lift up
>A more sophisticated mare could use horsekick trickery to do what you are about to do, but luckily this is a cartoon world of cartoon logic and let's say it's the later seasons in the show
>So you grab the rock by your front hooves and stand up onto your hind hooves, standing bipedal with the rock raised up above your head for the few seconds you are able to do it because it's a huge rock, and throw it at the equally sized rock in the river, peeking out of the water some amounts, with all the strength you have
>There is a very loud stone hits stone sound and you stand back down to the proper pony position
>a few stunned fish float up to the surface and you quickly grab the stick from before and get one of them close enough to the shower to grab, while the rest just float along the river and off to who knows where
>Fish acquired and now the river has 2 big rocks in it
>Your mom is not happy and apparently you should have asked for a net or something from one of the ponies there who was there specifically to provide fishing items but you got fish you did the thing you can now go do something fun
>You return back to the village while your mother mutters something about being way too old for this
>You're not really hungry so you hand out the fish to a random pony
>Only for it to soon wake up from being stunned and spook the pony by suddenly springing to life
Also shower should be shore
there might be more mistakes here and there but you could also say it's just Lichen being schizo for no reason and seeing things where they should not logically be
Oh Lichen! She thinks she'll get away with her feesh for sex relationship but ends up with a stallion who refuses to bone her in heat unless she catches some
which snowpony would you look after as a child?
Ha only Lichen would use loud banging to catch feesh!

I take it you mean of the ones who aren't foals, back when they were foals?
Puffins. Too cute for words.
Raising Salmon Run or Still Lake would be comfy
You can't say she doesn't have problem solving skills, at least.
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I love her
Just got around to finishing Agate's Vigil now that it's complete.
I don't think her parents ever witnessed her "de-aging" thing when she's playing with foals, and got hit in the feels imaging a scene a few years down the road where they walk in and see their *little* Agate and her new sibling together
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Well, she's capable of actually getting things done when she wants to.
Raising Winter Wonder would be cute too.
>curious filly ooo's a lot
>her face lights up with joy at every novelty
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Meant for
love the art filly!
Imagine how she was in her foalhood 'drawing on the walls' stage.
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Some might say she never grew out of that phase.
>they play tug of war with the feesh like big fillies, and get into it!
>then notice the audience they've acquired and get all shy...
>everypony has wholesome chuckle and all is well
Wasn't there some anon that said he was going to write a Thing story?
RIP in pepperonis, I guess.
Snow poner bump.
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I still miss Marbo
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Yeah, there's probably a bunch of little scenes like that I could add, and some I thought up after I already finished the story. What's done is done, though. and I think it's more important that I managed to finish it at all. Extra scenes can be added later... Someday. If I get back to Agate at all.
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We all do.
>Be Lichen
>You feel like doing something
>Something very big, and cool
>You want to leave your mark into the world somehow
>You got this idea when you listened a few snowponies talk of how this squiggle thing was painted by some mare X years ago and you realized that ponies still talk of that specific pony up to this day
>You want that
>But you can't paint that well
>But, there is another thing that many ponies talk about
>A huge boulder
>And a pony who was strong enough to roll that boulder there, and no other pony after him has been able to roll it away so the rock is now there and ponies still talk of this specific rock roller pony
>Now you can't do the same, and while you could possibly roll a log, log is not eternal
>But rock is
>Rock is forever
>And you know just what to do
>There is, a bit away from the usual spot of the river near the village, a point where the river comes close to a stony cliff
>And this cliff has a pretty weirdly shaped piece of rock protruding outwards, and over the river
>And it looks like it could fall down, but never has
>So you are gonna drop that rock, into the river
>Which is why for the past few days you have made your way on top of the rocky part hanging over the river, and been bouncing on it, bouncing on that rock so hard
>up and down up and down really slamming down on that rock with all the bucking power you can get out from your hips
>But the rock refuses to budge, it won't come
>So you are once again thinking of the painting plan
>And you have found a solution
>You can't paint that well, but your whole body can be of become the brush
>So you acquired some paint and a rope, and after tying the rope around yourself and the other end to some rocks, you dump all the paint onto yourself
>The plan is to jump down, and the tension n the rope brings you slamming right into the face of this rock part you tried to make fall down, leaving behind a literal imprint of you on it for future generations
>Because apparently this rock won't fall down no matter what
>You brace yourself, by your calculations of winging it by the arse, you should not hit the rock too hard for it to hurt too bad, but strong enough that you can then bounce away from the fresh imprint and then climb back up from the side of the rock rather than smudging the fresh Lichen print on the front
>And you're off
>A little while later the other ponies had to rescue you from the river because the rope came loose, but you managed to leave behind a smudge vaguely in the shape of yourself, more or less
>If you squint you see it
>Apparently this is an important rock for some spiritual reason so you were scolded and your art was cleaned off of the rock, which caused the rock to finally give in and fall into the river, causing the river to shift a little with a huge rock now in the middle of it in that part
>Now you have your rock
>You feel good
>The ponies will never forget this
>You feel a sense of accomplishment
I need art of Lichen smashing herself into the side of a boulder
Did Lichen try to twerk the rock into the river?
>be a shamare
>visiting the sacred guardian cliff above the river
>Lichen is shaking her ass on top of it and chanting "Fall! Fall! Fall!"
>Page 10
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Checked those quads.
>>But the rock refuses to budge, it won't come
That mare has problems.
The best shamares are the ones who take things in stride. After all, most spirits are old ponies. If there's not some danger or important situation they need to lead you towards or away from, they're probably going to screw with you a bit.
And they're probably used to Lichen's stunts too.
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Every snowpone generation probably had its "Lichen", even her mother was like that. Its just that Lichen herself takes it up a notch even on that.
>Be Lichen and you've come to a realization, after hearing a few ponies discuss spirits
>Spirits are basically old ponies, like really old grandpas and grandmas
>You used to imagine spirits were scary, spooky, but they're just the elderly, possibly slightly more transparent or something like that
>And that has given you a plan
>Because shamare ponies and the like have all kinds of cool stuff, items and accessories
>And you used to imagine that those were very hard to come by, but basically you believe that the spirits just dish them out to shamares like candy to a grandchild
>You thought that you'd have to be something special for that stuff, but all you need to do is go over to grandpa or grandma of the dead and look cute so they give you gifts, and you can totally do that
>Hence you have been hunting spirits lately
>You asked the more spiritual ponies about how to find spirits but you could not really understand what they told you so you're doing it the old fashion way
>You made a few homemade fish traps (100% freestyled and completely unable to catch any actual fish) and added stuff you imagine very old ponies would like, some leftover yarn for arts and crafts and a few very old dried berries, because old ponies like old things right?
>And left them outside, so far nothing has been caught but the berries keep disappearing so spirits must visit them
>Even if you could swear you saw a squirrel goo into the trap once and then come out, but it could have been just a very small spirit, that just happened to look exactly like a squirrel...
>But anyways, that is only plan 1 in catching spirits out of 2
>The second one is more old fashioned
>An old broken net, not good enough to catch fish but it should catch spirits, you think
>You of course could not get a shamare to add any special spirit boogaloo into it for catching spirits so you did not even ask, but you did hide it for a few days inside the shamares house so it could absorb and free floating spirit catching...shamare things magic stuff
>The plan is simple, locate spirit, catch spirit, look extra cute, gain spirit items, be really cool because you now have spirits and spirit jewelry and other spirit things like possibly spirit snacks and spirit toys? Anyways you'll be the coolest
>Oh, you spot a familiar pony and quickly get her to stop so you can test out your cuteness
>You tell her to watch this and then flop to the ground, roll onto your back, pull your hooves to your body and then wiggle around on the ground in a cute manner
>The other pony looks at you weird, so you add extra cute by wiggling harder and making what you believe to be cute eyes
>She just keeps looking and then questions what you're doing
>You get back up and shake off the snow and tell her it's a secret
>She jut does not get it, you look totally cute doing that, you're confident in this
>And that night once again you sneak around the village, looking for spirits, hoping to catch one someday
I just KNEW this gonna be posted here when I saw it on the other board, kek
Would've been hilarious a few years ago when the vegan autist was throwing a fit.
mmmm fesh
He died of malnutrition
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>snickering Cirrus.jpg
Oh, Lichen...
Just wait until she gets the idea to use a shamare as bait. Cirrus better watch her step or she'll find herself hanging upside down from a tree in a Looney Tunes-style snare trap.
Imagine being the ghost of a snowpony and up for little tomfoolery, so you go and visit the village at night, maybe spook a young snowpony or two. Instead a random mare almost instantly throws a net at you, that passes right through you, and then starts to debate with you wether or not she has caught you for some reason, followed by jumping onto her back on the snow and then wiggling back and forth on the snow while staring at you indignantly and then demands you give her stuff and then you just leave when she starts to wiggle harder at you without saying a thing and making an upset angi face
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We do a bit of trolling
>Cirrus better watch her step or she'll find herself hanging upside down from a tree in a Looney Tunes-style snare trap.

Cue Scooby-Doo style chase scenes around the village with the rare but scary angry Cirrus in pursuit...
>Hello everypony, it's Lichen here
>And you happened to stumble upon a worrying piece of news
>Long story short the "young" stallions of the village made a list of "young" mares of the village, and ranked them, and you did not rank as high as you would have wanted
>After getting to the bottom of this (stalking and eventually threatening a few stallions) you learned that while your looks are ok (Just ok, can you believe that?) your personality leaves less to be desired
>Can you believe that? So to show all these ponies just how wrong they are, you're going to do some general appealing to them
>You soon find the first stallion, and you start to look at him doing his stallion thing...business...you are not sure what he's doing but he's doing something, but basically you're gonna stand there all alluring like and maybe bat your eyelashes at the stallion in a very appealing way
>After a little bit he asks you if you're having a stroke, so you decipher that he must be into other stallions and move along
>Next up, you find a small bunch of stallions hanging out at the fallen over tree that's used as general seating and a hang-out place
>They're doing some kinds of arts and crafts, wood carving you think, and you decide to go over there and be appealing
>You lean on the log in a seductive manner and slip right off as it was kinda icy
>The stallions are not very confused by this and get back to carving as you get back up and pat away the snow off of your mane
>Then you try to be alluring by looking at what they are doing
>one is making a fish, one is carving out a pine cone for some reason, one is trying to make...
>A giraffe? Oh he says it's a specific pony from the village and now looks offended
>You tell him that he does not need to worry, he could be a very handsome giraffe if he wanted to and pet him on the back which confuses him to a great deal
>The small talk dies down and they get back to carving and you lounge around on the log looking at them carve, making very good poses but they don't notice as they are very focused on carving
>Now you want to try carving something as well so you join them and get to carving, they had a few extra pieces of wood nopony was using
>You're gonna carve something so cool, like a small charm thing to make into a necklace
>A very cool piece of lichen you decide
>After it is finished you've already forgotten about the list and you must show off this masterpiece to your friends so you bid the stallions farewell
>You find your usual friends and show off the cool lichen charm you made
>they tell you it's a...nice...abstract...modern art?
>But it's a lichen...
Of all the things Lichen could have learned about from the expedition, it had to be twerking, internet slang, and giraffes.
I do like giraffes, wish there was something with them in the show.
>hindleg stocking pattern
>wish there was something with them in the show
I mean, there was. It was very underwhelming though.
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She can't keep getting away with it
>ywn help Pine Ponder move all those pinecones
>one is making a fish, one is carving out a pine cone for some reason, one is trying to make...
>A giraffe? Oh he says it's a specific pony from the village and now looks offended
Hmm, the fish is for Frost Flakes or Salmon Run. The pine cone, do I even need to say the oblivious? But the "giraffe", I wonder who that'd be representing?
How to get snow pony gf?
Are there any easy ways into the hearts of specific mares?
Based on one tiny green, accidentally knocking them over. https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37877395/#37903620
I need to accidentality knock over Cirrus.
Yeah, that was really lame.
I can't believe one mare can lay all those tree eggs.
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I'd pay to watch her do it
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>Anon watches Pine place cones for several hours into an accurate ritualistic design for The Blessing of the Cones for the low price of three freshly grilled salmon
>Shamares pleased; Pine Ponder fed; all is good in the world
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Hard to believe we'll be coming up on three years of snowpones in just a couple months.
Its been wonderful.
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Catch a beeg feesh.
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How big, and is it proportionately big or is there a base metric
I know this guy. He legit doesn't expect to live long enough to regret it.
Pretty sure you don't know me friendo, I plan to live forever.
Big enough to make her heart beat, large enough to convey your love.
Her mane must look adorable without the band.
cute and pretty
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Imagine grabbing two handfuls of Cirrus rumpa and hips and kneading them under the guise of a special human spiritual warding ritual.
plot twist: her glutes and biceps were sore and now you've soothed them
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Nobody asked.
Ignore bait, embrace snowmare hips
Must be trans as in transitioning to snowpity
Can you keep that shit out of this thread, yes?
I'd say proportionately, going to need a bigger fish for a big mare.
That said, quality is a factor. A rare, or beautiful, feesh, or a very tasty one, any which show taste and ideally understanding of the snowmare to be woo'd, would be received well.

It might also be thoughtful to bring a smaller more individual gift too. Say for Pine, a nice feesh and a perfectly formed pinecone.
"Wrong neighbourhood, motherbucker."
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Sounds about right to me
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That looks new.
Ooh, she's a cutie! I wonder what her name is. Lovely hat and braids.
Drew it myself, so it is new, haha
Ty! Still working on a name as she’s a new OC. I want it to include cocoa or cacao or something, though.
Different mushrooms can provide a variety of different inks and dyes depending on the species and mordant used
New mare a cute. She kinda reminds me of Katara.
Simple pony naming is usually combining a characteristic of the pony, like color or a personality trait, with their talent. Alliteration optional but also surprisingly common. As a bad example, Cocoa Carnaby or Cedar Cacao would be a simple 'talent + color' name.
Just make sure never to name your kid something like "Hairy Potty" or you doom him/her for life.
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Nice one, anon. Guessing she either trades with merchants or travels south herself to acquire the exotic southern drink.
Do we have a fungus interested snowpone?
Yeah. This cutie was made some months ago. I think her name was decided on Snowcap? >>41083827
I knew we did! Thank you. So Snowcap could provide Arctic Ink with plenty of shroom based inks to paint with.
Ooh, I like her!
She's a little lewd looking. Not a bad thing! but the legs, the eyes...
Indeed— and you’ve given me an idea for a new doodle hmmm
Captcha: 0 harms
Her blushes must be insanely cute.
I bet snow ponies whine like huskies.
Diplomatic relations have been established.
Whoa. Now that is fantastic, oozing soul and charm.
The jewellery, the artwork,the colors, the effort, its beautiful.
Ah. Now that's an interesting development.
>built-in socks
imagine being so much of a slut its in your genetics
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Smut pony
Oh dear...
Still very cute.
>offboarders love reposting offboarder content
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The horse thread on /an/ is basically diet /mlp/
So is there any writing to this at all, or is the guy who's commissioning these is doing it purely through pictures?
If there is I doubt it follows anything that's been established about snowpones or the land they inhabit. The commissioner seems to either not know or not care about the thread's existence.
>Snowpony Alicorn
Now that's new.
She's a snow-changeling. Think more like their version of Chrysalis.
Floofy tail!
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Lichen observes nesting puffins.
This is supposed to be summertime. As usual, I'm very sorry.
Heh. Nice licheny afro.
That is actually cute painting.
She looks like she should be manning the grill right now

Cute why does she remind me of Mr. Satan in this image
Cute curious mare
Well, she has a name, Kemeya, and unlike Chrysalis, she lives in a happy marriage with her loving husband.
>No horn or wings
What, where?
Don't be, please, its utterly adorable! The puffins themselves, Lichen's cute as heck "ooo" and blush, soul itself.

Interesting, that's a nice name. Does it have a meaning?
>she lives in a happy marriage with her loving husband.
Is he a snow-changeling too?
>Interesting, that's a nice name. Does it have a meaning?

Kemeya is translated from the Eskimo language as “Wave”.

>she lives in a happy marriage with her loving husband.
Is he a snow-changeling too?

Yes, snow changeling king.
His name is Siky, and translates to "Ice".
I can't load the picture, so sorry for the link.
Being frank, I was a little dubious about "snow-moths" as an idea, but
and your posts have very strongly won me over. They fit wonderfully.
Without Maytee this would not have happened, I am truly grateful for her help.
By the way, if you want to make your own snow changelings or write fanfic about them, I will be only too glad to see your creativity.
I'd be interested in reading about snowlings anyway, but there's no stories to go with them, far as I can see.
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When the fuck did the furfags take over this board?
I'd need to know more about them, is there a commonly agreed upon lore for them?
I didn't think through their lore because I'm not very imaginative.
So you can think of anything about them.
I can only suggest as an idea - to make the first ancestor in the mythology of the changelings, the first queen - whose daughters went to different parts of the world, thereby creating the snow, wasteland and sea changelings.
>The commissioner seems to either not know or not care about the thread's existence.
And then, he shows up in this thread.>>41169943
Quick, anon, say something like "Marbo is definitely not going to return tomorrow."
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Alright, I decided against removing crops from the archive for now. What I did remove is 33 old snowpone charts in favor of only having the most current one. And on that note, since the trixiefag who kept the chart updated hasn't been around for a couple years now, I went through and tried to add any new snowpones missing from the chart. Older snowpones were added if they have names or if I can remember the thread being interested in naming them. This chart hasn't replaced the old one in the archive yet in case (You) notice I've made any errors or duplicates. Font isn't the exact same but that doesn't matter so much.
Notable changes are thus:
- 44 new snowpones added.
- In one of the chart revisions, portraits were swapped around to try and keep family members together. In keeping with this, Flurry was moved from I1 to O3, and all snowpones from I2-I7 moved back one, to make way for Snowdrift.
- L4 moved to P5 to make room for Shieldfrost. I don't remember if she's family with Heavyhoof but they're similar in concept.
- L1, P5 were named by the artist. Names added.
- Alternate alias for G5 added.
- Could not decide between 173051 or 180419 for O6. Let me know if you think the other would be better.
thank you for this, anon!
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You absolute hero! Thank you so, so much for taking the time and effort to do this!
Nice work, just couple things to note here.
U3 and Q3 are the same pony, and I believe T3 is named Summer Green. And Lushcoat is Snowplow's older sister.
As the other Anon's said, thank you. Reminds me how many ponies we still have unnamed
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Fixed. Also added alternate spelling to D1 because that's how it is on the boorus and I don't know which is correct. As for the rest,
J2 > I1
J1 > Q4
Q4 > I2
I1, I2 > J1, J2
U4, U5 > U3, U4
Lovely work, anon.
I think O4 should be Puffins, but she does look different... including eye color.
Neuro forgot what colors Puffins' eyes were at some point and they switched from blue to pink, but O4 has a different coat and mane color too.
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Q1 very underrated art. Was a fix up of that early ai prompt art.
Not for long if Lichen gets a say in it
Definitely another thanks merited for this.
>TRUE snow mares
hell yeah, are there any slurs for these halfbreeds?
'Thincoat' immediately comes to mind. 'Sleet' could also work considering it's snow that's half melted and then refrozen.
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Halfsnowmare. Absolutely terrible insult.
Or Pity.
No snowpity. Just pity.
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a reference to one of my favourite stories. this is made with AI, I once tried to actually draw something like this but i'm not good enough.
can you tell what i'm referencing here (except the discoverers of the vast ruins weren't ponies in the original)?
Can't really say I recognize it. Could be any post-apocalyptic setting,
>Hello everypony it's Lichen here and you can't really talk...or think, right now, to your imaginary audience to whom you're reporting on what you are doing
>Mostly because you made a bit of an oopsie, a whoops if you will
>You broke the thing, the thing that is specifically meant to not be broken, the thing with the spirit, that thing, from the shamares house, the clay thing shaped like a vase as it's a vase, or a jar if a pony were to ask you
>Anyways supposedly there is an old evil spirit trapped in there and you knocked it right off and onto the floor with your stupid, stupid, big, soft and quite luxurious behind as you were cleaning as a punishment for doing a different kind of oopsie
>You brace yourself and close your eyes while scrunching your mouth, preparing for the incoming evil spirit
>And you wait
>And wait
>Then you open one eye
>Then the other and look around
>Nothing is happening
>you relax and stare at the remnant of the clay jar that had a wooden lid on it to seal it
>yup, it's in a million pieces
>But also there is something else there
>Some kind of an amulet looking thing, very old, carved out of...something, not wood
>You lean down and stare at it intensely
>Then you poke it a few times with you hooves
>Then you lick it
>And then you put the whoel thign into yoru mouth, and then spit it out to the floor
>Nope, nothing is happening
>You make a pokerface, on the other hoof you are relieved, but on the other you're disappointed
>Oh right, you need to fix this situation
>You look around and spot some empty clay jars, and one of them is the right size and shape
>You use some sneaky arts and crafts knowledge (you just sorta rub it on the pieces of the broken jar) to make it look about as weathered as the original jar, and then put the amulet inside of it and the jar on and place it back where the jar was, and then sweep the original jar up into the trash with the rest of the dust and stuff
>Yup, no pony will ever know
>You open up the jar again and try to bite the amulet to see how hard it is
>Yup that is pretty hard, you put it back in and then get back to cleaning while being paranoid of your own butt knocking down more things
>The next night you saw some kind of a nightmare but you already forgot what it was about
The spirit of Lichen's grandmama working overtime to keep her from being possessed.
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Would you please tell us what it is?

Lichen...oh dear this doesn't seem good...
>Hello everypony it's continuation here
>Nah it's just Lichen, nervously sweating while sitting near all the other ponies, all the ponies in the village, as the shamare gives a big speech on how some evil spirit has escaped
>You see, you still had to clean a bit more as a punishmnt, it was not a one day kind of a deal, and you sorta took into habit to get the weird amulet and put it into your mouth and sorta move it around and gently chew on it as you cleaned
>It's very relaxing to do that
>But the shamare spooked you by coming in while you were cleaning, and you accidentally swallowed it
>Said shamare quickly noticed that the jar was open and then looked inside to see the amulet thing missing, and questioned you about it but as it was in your tummy she did believe your story of that jar always having been open and you not touching it
>After rummaging around your coat to confirm you're not wearing it or something
>She has so little trust in you
>Anyways a meeting was quickly called and now the shamare is going on how this is a dangerous situation and how the escaped amulet must be found and so on
>While said thing sits in your stomach
>All the ponies are quickly send to look for it in various directions around the village and you too pretend to look while mildly panicking
>You somewhat contemplate on telling the shamare how it's in your stomach and how you have been chewing on it every now and then to pass the time while cleaning because she seems to be under the impression it's some really really evil amulet thing, but if it was you should have felt something by now because of it
>Besides the mild tummy ache
>But on the other hoof do you really want to get more into trouble? You've been in trouble a lot lately and you feel like your stonks amongus the snowponies are going down because of it
>You slowly sneak away from the village and then go over to some very familiar berries
>Poisonous berries in fact, the ones that make you puke really bad if you eat lots of them
>You know this by experience
>But, if you eat just a little you should puke out the amulet thing, right?
>You pop some into your mouth, they're quite pungent indeed
>It's got a sharp bite to it, some zest...maybe a bit nutty?
>You swallow and wait
>Oh boy here we go again
>After some noises of vomiting, the amulet now lies in a small puddle of ewwww
>You wipe it on the snow and quickly sneak back to the village and just toss it somewhere not too obvious, but obvious enough and then go to take a nap because all this vomiting and stuff made you feel quite lethargic
>After a good secret nap you hear that the ponies did find the amulet and the shamare says the evil spirit was very close to escaping, judging by the pungent vile stench coming from it, and has now been sealed again and the village avoided disaster
>You make a scrunchy pokerface and wonder if you failed to wipe it clean enough, but anyways crisis averted and nopony will ever know
Or 'Drizzlemare'. When water falls instead of snow.
>nopony will ever know
Well, she got away with it so far.
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The story I was thinking of was HP Lovecraft's At The Mountains Of Madness. (highly recommended btw)
I'll say, it wasn't easy to tell from my image unless that story was the first thing on your mind at the moment. honestly it was neither quite what I had in mind when i read the story nor precisely what I wanted it to look like. but that's amateurish AI use for ya.
On the way I got a LOT of images (it was several hours of trial and error after all). pic related was one I considered posting instead, and there were a couple quite freaky and interesting ones. ai pictures like that tend to get my imagination going sometimes, but I don't want to flood the thread with something that quite frankly is off topic, so i'll just link a couple interesting pictures and comment on them, if I may.
an early one, looking comfy but not arctic at all
vast, desolate, but way too few houses and ponies. in fact this would turn out to be my main problem, the program stoutly refused to make any ponies in most cases (despite using pony diffusion)
again, no poners, but more ruins this time and a nice big mountain in the distance
now THIS is an interesting one, and finally theres a poner. some strange (and evidently huge) mare. is shejust a decoration? o frozen in there? will she awaken one day?
if this thing is alive and not an extravagant building, you better hope it doesnt notice you
you better REALLY hope this one hasnt noticed you
compared to the previous one he seems nicer. still wouldnt necessarily wanna be near him
mare is for (cold fresh wintery) air
another one i couldve posted initially, but once again this is less of a "discovering something" feel, more of a "climbing on the highest place you already know". maybe this city isnt even a ruin. or perhaps in the frozen north from before the windigoes
I dont get a frozen wastes vibe from this at all, more like the gobi desert or something. bit of greenery, a lot of sand, cold mountains in the distance.
I really like the clothes in this one. but the program messed up a bit and thus the city isnt far away, it's very small instead. the smallest metropolis in the world, lying in ruins because a cataclysmic 6 inches of snow fell long ago
and heres a last one, there's a whole lot more that'll remain unposted (mostly without poners).
one thing I want to make clear (on the off chance someone considers it), i don't want any of this stuff to find its way into the "official" agreed upon snowpony lore. that should be reserved for real handmade artworks, not machine sloppa.
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Outside of a Smut? Seems like you guys coming up with them just fine.
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>The story I was thinking of was HP Lovecraft's At The Mountains Of Madness. (highly recommended btw)
I did wonder, but I didn't venture a guess because of lack of confidence.
Some cool work there. I am guessing a non-XL model for generation?
no, it's Pony DIffusion 6 XL. Just not super optimized prompts and stuff for maximum image quality, thats whjy its kinda wonky and fuzzy in places
do the snow changelings also change shape and feed on love?
I imagine kindness and hospitality would be the staple of changelings living among snowponies.
A weary traveler entering a village would be welcomed with open hooves, and with many little groups moving around a random unknown snowpone would not raise any suspicion to the populace.
That's right, in this they are no different from other types of changelings.
But they use their shapeshifting to hunt unintelligent animals, and to get love they use their friendliness and charisma.
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Good idea, although I think it might all depend on how they are treated and how many strangers are passing through there.
Where everyone knows each other and random travelers rarely appear, it is quite possible that changelings walk in their true form - because the effectiveness of receiving love is higher when they show positive feelings for them in the present.
And where many caravans of foreigners regularly pass, they will pretend to be snow ponies, due to distrust and wariness of strangers.
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>Hello and hi every of the pony kind
>consequences of your actions are here
>You're currently getting lectured hard by the shamare
>To make a very long story very short, the amulet was a fake one and she knew all you were up to
>You stare at the real amulet the mare is dangling by the string while lecturing you
>"...so does the real amulet taste good?"
>The shamare stops and glares at you
>heck you could swear the amulet is also glaring at you, somehow
>And then she starts going on about how untrained hooves can not touch the amulet yadda yadda which sounds more like a dare
>"Challenge accepted"
You touch the amulet by quickly stretching out your hoof to poke it and then suddenly everything goes dark
>When you come to, you find yourself in an unfamiliar scenery, sitting on what looks like a throne of pure ice of sorts
>The shamare is there too, and the amulet is floating in front of her with some kind of magic stuff happening, as it slowly morphs back to looking how it looked before
>The shamare finishes doing the...thing, and you ask her what's going on, where are you and so on
>She just tells you to not worry about it as you hop off of the throne
>Then you look back at it and stare at it
>"You got any rope?"
>Shamare asks you why while wiping some sweat off of her brow
>"I want to take this with me it's cool"
>She gives you a very tired look
>You could swear the amulet does too
>The shamare tosses you some rope and then tells you that the village is in this direction and starts to slowly head in said direction, the amulet floating next to her, as you tie the rope around the very stationary ice throne and start trying to pull it
>You could swear you heard the shamare and the amulet grumbling about something together as you keep trying to pull the throne
>It won't budge!
>You later on returned to the village rather fast after you tried to break it off and managed to shatter the whole thing by varying levels of accident
>You could never find the remnants of the throne place afterwards no matter how hard you tried, even if you could have sworn it was right here or there
Lichen is a seriously scary snowmare. That poor shamare...she must have hit up Maple Muchly for some maple liqueur afterwards. Or a lot.
Oh my. Even the horse demons can't handle Lichen's antics. Assuming there's actually an evil spirit in the amulet and it's not just a story the shamare told to try and scare Lichen.
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My heart can't handle when this image is posted.
Oh no, anon is dead!
What do you think about merphons as neighbors of snow ponies?
I think they could live in bone houses covered with skins, like primitive people.
YOUR ART? It looks really good so far
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Old art and not mine, unfortunately. Pretty sure that artist is still around, though.
... what. Is there a pony mod for it?
W-what skins?
I think this is dangerously not a pony.
These are the skins and bones of sea monsters, as well as walruses and seals.
>You may think this is simply a group of friends hugging, but in truth, snowponies have grown to have a much better eye for movement than their earth pony ancestors.
>Part of this is due to the hostile wildlife in the frozen north, but by and large it is to notice the much greater danger of a shiver.
>A shiver is a warning.
>It was a warning when snowpones were still starved, shorthaired villagers huddling in a pit for warmth, and it is especially a warning for the much better insulated snowponies of now.
>There are no better predators than the cold and wind, and a shiver is the only sign it is claiming another.
>All the way to the edges of their peripheral vision, the average snowpony will notice even the slightest twitch. The slightest tensing of muscles.
>And in that moment they have no greater urge than to share their warmth with another.
This feels like a recipe for disaster.
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I don't understand the dissatisfaction.
They are predators and primitive hunters that survive in places where there is no vegetation.
What's grimdark about this?
If there is a better idea about merphones, I wouldn’t mind reading it.
Not that anon. A key point of snowpones is isolation. They're isolated from other pony races, other species, and to an extent even other snowpony villages. Throwing other species into the mix breaks the isolation. Simply put, they don't fit. Frankly I don't think snow changelings fit either. It's no different than 3 years ago when snowpones blew up and every offboarder wanted their own snow bat or snow unicorn or snow pegasus.
It's clear.
I thought it was just a snow theme, since I am only superficially familiar with snow ponies.
All good. Short version of snowpone history is 'earth pony tribe gets separated from the other earth ponies when the windigoes bring endless snowstorms upon preunification ponies, end up isolated in the far north, and adapt to have thicker, longer coats and an incredibly friendly disposition over time to survive both the cold and the windigoes.'
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Love the lighting in snowpone images.
Do snow poners live in the far north, or the far south?
Far north. They're directly based on a breed of Siberian horses and there's a lot of Inuit and Siberian influences
>machine sloppa
Eh. It's not that simple. Some seem to think in AI stuff purely on principle,
like "it's not art therefore bad". For me, it's all in the quality. Most AI output is slop. But so is most artwork in general. What's most hilarious to me is that AI created a resurgence in Donut Steels. I've seen a number of truly horrid, shitty ai pics with watermarks and loads of text on them, stuff like "you're not allowed to modify this without permission, I made this, blah blah blah". Comedic.
On the other end, there's some really good results out there. No reason to ignore a stunningly beautiful picture of a snowpone if an AI happens to spit one out.
>WoaW! Look at all these interchangeable brown nobodies that 99% nobody cares about
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>Pretty sure that artist is still around, though.
Always lurking anon.
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So cute, I love them. I need to find time to organize my snowpone folder
Who shall assist Lushcoat with the sheddings?
Oh no, the horse is melting!
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Assist? This is probably Lushcoat's wet dream.
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Snow mare lurc
Your snowmares look incredibly cuddly and very cute.
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>crystal pony buttplug
Hey whatever happened to that anon who was gonna make the Frosty Flakes car?
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I want to drink from the river the snowmares have stood in
You'd choke on a bunch of clumped up snowmare fur.
Phew. Good thing equines have hair instead of fur, otherwise I'd be cooked. ^:)
Ooh, male abominable! Excellent name/cutie mark too. Looks friendly in the "caveman grug" sort of way.
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