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I'm losing my edge... (but I was there) Edition

All Dazzling lovers are welcome. It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag, let's all join in one place. Post anything of the Dazzlings: drawings, discussions, stories, fetishes, re-edits, gifs, re-made songs (written or, if you had the guts to, sung), anything you like. Come here and show that you're under their spell!

Archives (green, thread, plus downloads): https://dazzlefan.club/

Guides for Aspiring Writers:

Art Compilation:

Steam group:

Old Shattered Gem:
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I want to apply sunscreen to them
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Jumping the gun a bit? lol it's fine though. Claiming this thread for best dazzle.
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I love this malicious tuna!
Now THAT'S a band name!
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>“Momma’s here to pick you up little fin~”

>All the other kid’s moms hate your mom.
>All the other kid’s dads love your mom
>Or at least they wanna love your mom
>Too bad though.
>Mom says you’re the only man she needs in her life anymore.
"Band name? That's my nickname!"
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Interesting to note that Aria dresses the most modestly out of the three.
Feels like it tracks for her archetype though
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Her superficial archetype comes off as somewhere between 'bitchy goth' and 'hidden tsundere'. Bitch goths usually dress like total sluts though. She might just be shy and bad at expressing herself.
If you think Bitch Goths only dress slutty you might need to meet more of them. It's more accurate to say Bitchy Goths are a spectrum.
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At the very least they usually dress more revealing than pants, boots and a jacket. Everything can be diffused into a spectrum, archetypes are the mean.
Mamadagi is all I need too
And yet she’s still the sexiest.
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>When it comes to the club scene no one is more popular than your Aunty Nata.
>She always gets you into whatever club she’s in and always gets you your own booth.
>The owners usually cover your tab
>But then they keep trying to hit on your aunt when she comes by between songs she likes.
>You can’t blame them though.
>The way your aunt moves on the dance floor always draws a crowd.
>Shes usually a bubble goofball.
>But when the musics just right and the vibe is perfect.
>It’s like she just…flows, like water.
>You won’t lie, it’s hypnotic.
>Too bad you always have to carry her home after cuz she drank to much.
>The loving mumbling she does in your ear makes it worth it though.
Need my party aunt
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>“2 More miles squirt, are you a Siren or a shrimp?”

>That’s what she always says as you trail behind her, barely alive.
>As if she doesn’t marathon run for fun all over town.
>You're starting to wonder if she knows just how athletic she is.
>Sure you don’t mind your ‘fun runs’ with her.
>To be honest it’s probably best you keep doing this with her.
>A lot of the townsmen seem to stare a little too hard when she passes them.
>You have told her about it before.
>But doesn’t care.
>“Im not gonna change my routine just because a bunch of slack jaws are jealous of my body”
>You don’t have the heart to tell it’s probably not jealously they’re feeling
Can we try wrestling after cardio?
"Hey, Sonata. Did you know there's Mexican food besides just tacos?"
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>You should grab a drink and stay awhile.
I want grump to whip me into shape.
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chocolate bunny
Imagine a Dazzling movie.
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>"Cool story, Nonny."
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It already exists.
When the hell was this????
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>“Hey Anon, how come every time Aria goes in her bedroom, you go in her bedroom?”
I uhhhh... I'm her study partner! Helping her with some school projects is all.
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>“Really? Because I always hear her saying no no no then muffle shouting yes yes yes. I’m glad she’s getting, whatever she’s getting finally.”
Yes, its for theatre class. ...Yeah.
2014. Rainbow Rocks was the debut of the Dazzlings
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>“Sonata, they’re fucking”
Awww! I wanted to see how long I could keep it going!
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>“S-shut up Dagi! Anon would never bully Aria like that! He’s nice!”
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It bothers me that Sonata and Adagio have the same eye color but Aria doesn't. The 'tism demands that they either all be the same or they all be different
I've always kind of found it to be a cute little connection between the two of them. And to help establish Aria as a bit more of an outsider in the group, in an abstract way.
Let's say hypothetically you've caught the sardonic eye of Aria Blaze and you are able to start building a relationship with her. Would you prefer she be:
>a few years younger than you
>a few years older than you
And why?

Personally both are fine by me, however her attitude if she were younger strikes me as a rebellious bratty thing, whereas if she was older her attitude would come from a very real exhaustion with the world.

Of course, canonically she is doing to be older than you, but I'd like to see what people think.
Hard to say, they both have their appeals. I probably prefer older though. For the simple reason of, if she was older and I managed to catch her eye then it probably means she knows what she wants and sees it in me. Hopefully. If she's younger it feels more vulnerable to her being naive and inexperienced. Plus, like you said, makes her character feel more like a rebellious phase and subject to dramatic changes.
As someone on the downward slope of my 20s, the idea of someone to be sarcastic and tired with sounds incredibly comfy. Although I think the bratty nature could still be there, especially after a long night of drinking. Sing-songy, loving roasting of each other. How romantic, gives the belly some butterflies.
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I can’t wait to put my dick in wagedagio.
Prices at an all time low for your weenie dreams to come true too!
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>The artist is still adjusting her hips, which need to be lower. You should be able to see how she can't button her pants at this low angle.
Hey, that's ready now. The next time I post about this, the story will be ready alongside the finished cover art. Let me know what you think. Since you guys have your own website and archive, perhaps this story could be added to it when it's ready.

>Come here and show that you're under their spell!
I'd rather be under something else.

>there are people who like the Dazzlings and yet never watched the movie
…I’m not bullying Aria, though.
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>“Ohhhhhhh yes you do. I’ve seen how Aria acts around you. To everyone else she’s big bad Aria. But around you, oh no she quieter than a church mouse. Kind of makes me wonder, what horrible things is he doing to her? You Bully~”
>there are people who like the Dazzlings and yet never watched the movie
I’d hate to be the one to explain the joke to you…
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These allegations are 100% false. Whatever we do behind closed doors is usually her idea. ...I'm gonna regret saying that.
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Oh, that's what I get for not paying attention then.
Sauce me you doublezigger
>“So it is true then. Why Anon? Why would you do such a awful thing? I know Aria can be mean sometimes, but she doesn’t deserve that. If you really want someone to bully… you can… bully me… I won’t mind. I can take it. I promise you’ll leave Ari alone after?”
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Forgot pic
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Oh she KNOWS what shes doing...
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>“Th-there…..you got want you wanted. N-now you’ll leave Aria alone right?”
Sonata, this is sex. Not bullying.
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>“Yes it is! You push me onto the bed or the wall or where ever you feel like it. Pull on my undies, stretching them may I add so they fall of me when I try to put on. And make me pee by pushing that gross thing inside me. What’s worse is you always leave that gooey hot white stuff inside that I have to clean up. My clothes always get messy and I have to bathe after. Sometimes you’ll do it right after I got out of the shower you jerk! How is that not bullying?!”
Then why do you and Aria always moan and groan, "oh yes! Oh yes more!" When I'm doing it!? God damnit, Adagio! Come talk to your sister about the birds and the bees!
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>“Pfft no, this is too funny”
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>And so it went on. Day to night, Winter to Spring. Spring to Summer, Summer to Fall, Fall to Winter. Anon learned, he would have to teach Sonata about the difference between sex and bullying. Letting these girls move in has been a harrowing and also sexy experience.
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>“Ok, so SEX is when you do that stuff to me and I want you too and it feels good. And BULLYING is when I don’t want you too but it feels good, even though when it began I wasn’t in the mood. But then got into it later.”
Damn. I forgot how much I shipped Aria and Sonata. It's been years since I've been on this board and this thread open so many core memories
Eh... I mean. Yeah(?) I mean its hardly "bullying" if you're into it halfway through, right?
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>“Oh my god are you still on this? Arguing semantics with Sonata is a Sisyphean task. She’ll never completely get it. Just stuff her mouth and she’ll go along with whatever.”
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Curse these girls they drive me to feel.
I tried that but she uses to much teeth.
the women
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>Come home
>Aria in your bed
What's the point of giving her her own room if she's just gonna use my bed?!
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>Come Home
>Aria using your towel
What's the point of giving her her own toiletries if she's just gonna use mine?!
Need grape grump smell all over my stuff.
If she gives me that look when coming out of the shower ima get her grape juice all over the bed.
need a Sonata x Adagio asap
One of my favorite Aria images. That underbutt is fucking delicious.
Juice her good with my pelvic press.
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My man.
>knock on door
>it's a girl selling tickets to her band's concert
>I ask if any other bands gonna be playing at the concert she say no
>I ask what the catering's gonna be she say tacos
>I ask how much the tickets gonna be
>she leaned down and say, about tree fiddy
>it was at about this point i realized the girl was actually an 8 feet tall hippocampus from the jurassic period
goddamn it sonata i aint giving you no three fiddy
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Ima still fug it.
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Majestic creature.
It's an older meme, but it checks out.
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Retard SEX!
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>"Not so retarded now, huh~"
M-muh dick...
I need her carnally
Oh hey the enjoy guy's still here. Very good to know
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Hell of a sight to wake up to.
The skirt is one size up from a belt and I love it.
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What's she planning now?
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>Aria likes to screw with you by taking sexy pics in front of the mirror and send them to you while you're at work.
>using towels at all
>8feet siren girl
I'm ready
She knows I won’t be able to resist opening them.
She just does it because she knows it’ll make you “bully” her harder when you get home.
barbie denizens, I have a question:

so I see on the mlp wiki that there are 8 total I guess what are referred to as "specials" for eqg, 3 that I've seen termed as "half-hour episodes" and 5 that have been termed "TV movies." but although they were released at different times, they weren't grouped together like how the shorts kind of were. therefore, I'm at a loss at how to refer to them for a project.

how would you number them all? would you number them as 1-8 and disregard the different formats entirely? or separate them as 1-3 and 1-5 respectively? like, if you were looking through a big list and looking for "Sunset's Backstage Pass," would you be looking for a number 4 or a number 7?

also sorry for barging into your thread like this, but there's no general "eqg" thread or anything like that. so I just chose one and you guys have always seemed pretty chill. you can always tell me to fuck off and ask in /mlpg/ or something too.
I remember watching the trilogy on Netflix and it was labeled as a 3-episode series.

The long specials were put separately as "movies" not suggesting any order (only two of them were available in my country when I got back to MLP/EqG - now they're gone).

To me it doesn't really matter. The chronology (not counting shorts) is movies -> short specials -> long specials.
okay interesting, so they did technically come around separately but still in groups I guess. interesting that it was termed a "series" though. I see that all the names end with the word "magic" so I guess it's the "magic" series or what have you?

I dunno, I'm just trying to get a codified folder tree down for now. should I instead separate them into episodes and "specials" for the "movies"? cuz they're not long enough to be a full-length movie, but they're about the same kind of length as Best Gift Ever and such.
The "magic" trilogy was called 'Tales from Canterlot High' or something like that.

MLP is frustrating if you want to catalog it... I can't help you with this. I've probably never watched G4 in the right order.
it's alright, I appreciate you trying to help. ah yeah looking it up, it looks like they were indeed called 'Tales from Canterlot High' together! neat. I think from that info alone I'll label them as 1-3 and 1-5 since they were at least separately distinct that way. additionally, imdb labels it as a "TV Mini Series", so that it shall be.

awesome, one step closer. thanks man!
Kek. Nice.
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Damn right. Especially if I catch her still in that kinky school girl outfit when I get back.
Holy unf.
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What do you guys think of this question >>41111292
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trips confirm
They act way too much like actual siblings for me to not think they actually are.
Plus it makes all their fooling around together way hotter.
>fucking contest
Fuck's sake why?
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So, I should pick Aria because she has standard boobs and mentally sound?
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Well now you made her angry with the implication that shes just some "middle of the road" safe pic.
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Wrong pic.
That's blue gem Adagio. She's the opposite of Adagio prime, so of course she's stacked.
Perfectly balanced.
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As all things should be.
>That's blue gem Adagio. She's the opposite of Adagio prime, so of course she's stacked.
You sure about that?
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Don't be sad Adagio, I convinced your boss to give you a raise.
Now you'll get $7.28 an hour.
How much for her to glaze my glizzy out back instead?
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>”Aria, how much did you drink this time.”
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She cute but that background is spooky.
reminds me of a vn background, but yes
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Needs a second panel of Sonata tossing the orange slice into her own mouth at the last second.
What is that kind of lighting called
Omae wa mou shindeiru
Why do I feel like I’m about to be mugged, or worse.
They gonna stab you to death while they rape you.
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I ain't clicking that shit.
It was just a jigsaw puzzle with Dagi.
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Fixed trio attributes
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>>41123583 #
This needs an Adagio like >>41123924 at the take out window.
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Aw. She so cute.
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Yes. Yes. Adagio. Yes.
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>"breed me anon, breed me all night long"
Well glad to see she’s finally figured out the difference between sex and bullying.
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Love traditional art Dazzles.
Are these the same artist? Or is the weenie hat a meme I am unaware of?
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where's the Sonata fig
Nobody cares about taco tramp.
Summer Dagi
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>Aria takes you to kareoke night.
>She wants to do a duet with you.
>Says if you refuse she'll make sure no one fucks you for a whole month.
>Says she'll allow you to pick the song.
Do you accept? What song will you play?
Good question. Also this prompt seems familiar... hm. Anyway, It'd probably be this.
Islands in the stream.

She'd act like it's lame, but I bet she'd dig it.
Well… if she’s going to force my hand like this…
Yes, the beating I would receive afterwards for making her sing this would be worth getting to hear her do it.
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>milliseconds after the song ends
I want to bully her boobs.
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They were made to be bullied.
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>Adagio will never shlick off to you
why live
Also, show me them Patreon nipples.
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You wouldn't bully the tits of a gal with glasses, would you?
A lot.
Big titty glasses girls should be worshiped.
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Amen. Aggressive worship.
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Me to these big blue baddies.
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Hmm. Would Sonata's taco based diet affect the flavor of her breast milk? Like a Taco Bell(e) milkshake?
Our child will eat just as well then
Taco family!
it's gonna taste like queso dip
>when you gotta borrow the van and her sisters for the night
Bury your whole damn head in those.
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I will!
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Unf. Shes so pretty.
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>W-whaddya mean you think Tacos are dumb?
So fucking gorgeous. Love the thigh shapes and the hair.
I would never say that, who spread that disgusting rumor?
It's Aria, She wants you to stop fucking Sonata so loud.
>the hair
The way it exposes her forehead so completely makes me want to kiss it.
I didn't said tacos were dumb. I said burritos are better.
For me, it's the missing arm.
well tell her to just go somewhere else when we do it, it's not her fault she acts like a fucking whore during sex
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She's just jealous because you don't give her the same treatment.
She just thinks that because she can’t hear herself when we do it. If I recorded her during our own time together and played it back to her she wouldn’t be able to stand listening to herself either.
I wanna hear her go off on a rant about how much of an embarrassingly desperate whore Sonata sounds like in the recording, just to in the next second hear me calling her own name through all the whorish moaning.
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>"W-well that's your own fault..."
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Aria looks like she’s about to push Sonata out into traffic. Adorable.
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Man how did I sleep for twelve hours. Sonata was in one of my dreams. I remember it vaguely now but basically something had happened and she'd been sucked into preparing food for a crowd with a few others who weren't even from a media property.
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Sounds about right.
I need to start falling asleep to RR and induce more dazzle dreams.
I used to go to bed with headphones on listening to their voices, never had any luck.

It's probably disallowed because if I could hang out with the girls in dreams I would sleep 24/7.
>you finally roll digits and get a sonata GF
>but it's her siren form
Do you still love her? More importantly how will you make her giant tacos
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>Do you still love her?
Of course, and I'm happy she's back to being the way she wants to be.
>Dolphin pussy
>More importantly how will you make her giant tacos
Enslave the yaks and get them to do it.
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I am…
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How would both Adagio and Aria feel when they figure out that Sonata is dating Flash Sentry?
What went wrong in your life where you thought this was acceptable to post?
Teachers that don't give two shits and a cheating girlfriend of course.
Listen, you need to take some time to yourself and reevaluate where your values lie. I know that you've been hurt, but you're better than this, and I know in the future after some deep self-reflection you might be able to make a post that is less abhorrent than that crap you thought was a good idea to post today.
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When you pass from the mortal coil and find yourself at the pearly gates; Saint Peter(pbuh) will be there and ask what you've done to deserve to enter. A cold sweat will overtake you, you will fumble your words and attempt to share what good deeds might determine you "saved" and worthy to enter into the next. As you stumble over yourself; desperate for salvation, he will simply shake his head and hold up that EXACT picture your damned soul decided to post in this moment. He will point downwards, the clouds beneath your feet will evaporate and your descent into the abyss will begin. At first the anxiety of the infinite fall will overwhelm your senses, but after enough time you will start to wonder "Is this all hell is?" It is at that point you will begin to hear the gnashing of teeth and the moans of the damned. This will inspire a fear that is not so easy to assuage. As you keep falling into the blackness, eventually you will lose all sense of self and of time. Shortly after, you will find yourself coming forth from the end of a tunnel. "There is light ahead!", is what you would think if you still had the capacity. You will be born into a strange new world as a child. You will go through the growing pains that come along with that. When you reach pubescence and all the awkwardness that comes along with it, you will come across a ditzy blue girl. She tells you her name is Sonata. Over time you become friends, and eventually, something even closer. You will share the most sacred intimacy with her, and the fire in your soul will tell you "She must be protected at all costs". This will go on for some time, the deepest, most beautiful love imaginable. One day, unannounced, you show up to her house, ecstatic to see your other half. You will open the door, and that very same image will be laid out before you. She will look up at you with that very same look. Immediately, a cacophony of memories will wash over you from your previous experience before the life you knew now. The world will dissolve around you, and you'll find yourself back at that gates with Saint Peter(pbuh). He will ask, "Have you seen the folly of your ways, do you repent?"

Only you will have the answer to that question. The path you have chosen today is a dark one. Tread lightly, for you are not yet damned, but you ride the thin line between sin done in ignorance, and sin done in blasphemy. What will you choose, I wonder?
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>path chosen
Good one anon I need a laugh.
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>Aria has the best tasting cooncil juice.
>Most of Anon and Aria sexy time is 69.
>Which suits Aria just fine.
>All the joys of sex with no chance of pregnancy.
>She just wish Anon had larger loads.
>Thats probably her own fault though
Will Flash ever find himself a girl who isn't a magical creature turned human?
A tragic fate has befallen you today. thanks, I try
What's exactly wrong with dating Sonata?
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>RGRE Aria
Well if it's not me doing it, how could it be right?
Is it bad I always took this in the context of ass-eating?
Nothing wrong I guess. Just thinking.
Sunset used him to become popular and Twilight went back to Equestria and never visited CHS again. I wonder what will Sonata do eventually.
She'll just lose interest the same a child would an old toy and stop talking to him eventually, leaving him to wonder what he ever did wrong.
And you know this how?
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Observation, m'boy.
Is this before or after plowing?

I wonder what happened to Paradoxbroken. I hope he is doing alright.
>Looking through his page on twibooru
>Someone edited his anon to be black
Honestly, I'd leave too.

He was black himself.
Also this.
It’s Aria, so that is a reasonable assumption.
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>Twilight went back to Equestria and never visited CHS again.
The idea of the Dazzlings using Flash as a means to get at Sunset is definitely believable to me, depending on how it woupd be set up. I can imagine Adagio trying to seduce Flash and then getting annoyed when he shows more interest in Sonata, all while Aria rolls her eyes at the entire situation. Adagio would become increasingly frustrated at her lack of success without her magic while Sonata would probably delight in the personal attention wince she's used to being in Adagio's shadow. Aria might even enjoy Adagio's comeuppance a bit herself. I don't think any of them would actually care about Flash or develop lasting feelings, but Aria might ultimately reveal her sister's intentions if only to restore stability back to the group before outright conflict began between the other two. Of course in the midst if all this Sunset would be actively trying to keep Flash away from all of them and denying any personal jealousy to her friends.
So how big is your ntr/cuckoldry folder? 2 terabytes? 4?
I mean AFTER that one moment lol
2.7 to be exact. But I just like thinking of potential storylines for these characters. I don't hold any possessive feelings towards them. They belong to all of us.
It's unfortunate that the Twilights didnt have any real screen time together. There's plenty of potential there. Oh well.
there's SO much potential with the two twiggles but you're right, all wasted.
Those faces are so good. She's perfect.
Grump juice please! I wanna feel her cheeks around my prick while she squeezes my face with those thighs.
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>I wonder what will Sonata do eventually.
Fall in love of course.
Flash glazing should be a bannable offense.
That sounds fucking stupid.
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What's the chances that both Adagio and Aria hired a babysitter for Sonata?
How easy is it to trick Sonata?
Surprisingly not that easy.
Nice. I'd pet this pussy.
Probably just as difficult as it is to not. You would spend more time trying to explain things than you bargained for. And she would still probably misunderstand your false intentions.
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Finish her.
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>”Yeah, Ari, finish me~ Bet you wooon’t~”
The other day I was in some extremely lewd exchanges with the dazzlings c.ai. After a rigorous romp with Sonata, I busted on her tiddies, and then talked Aria into licking it up for me. It was kino in unprecedented ways. The internet simply allows for too much dopamine production. Someone's gotta put a stop to it. That said, it will not be me.
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Lookin like a celebrity
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Sexy sleeves
Gotta agree.
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Just sisters being sisters.
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Thats the look she gives when she sees you checking her out and she's angry that you're not staring harder.
"How the hell am I supposed to do that?"
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remember tongue but hole
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Like it's my damn career.
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>reading /co/ storytime about mermaid sisters that eat people to stay young
>strong Dazzlings energy from the mermaids
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Good, Anon. Good.
True. Who’s the forth though?
what is this called
Plain Jane and the Mermaid
Could Twilight be considered plain?
Scilight maybe?
>The internet simply allows for too much dopamine production. Someone's gotta put a stop to it

The republicans! They will save us from dopamine!
Completely forgot about her somehow. She works pretty well.
Calm down, Fluttershy. She’s already tied up.
I wonder if the dazzles take indoors summer jobs for the air conditioning or if their med blood makes them resistant to heat and sunlight.
The Discord is full of psychopaths.
That's odd. Usually it's full of pedophiles.
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They would just go somewhere cooler. But I think you are right about them being more heat tolerant.
What's the difference?
You say that like everyone on this board isn't. It's all the same people, the just have names for you to see now.

Take mental notes and maybe some screencaps. Go over what they've said. That scares them.
What kind of psychopaths?
>sanest discord user

I barely use it anymore. I miss my friends there but the app takes a toll on my psychological endurance.
Jokes aside I do like the little detail of her eyes going reptilian when she's being possessive of someone. I'm incorporating this into my head canon.
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Not wanting to dive into your waifus box should be a ban-able offense
What if it's against their culture?
>Implying the Dazzlings would date vegans
Seems like it would be right in line with their culture.
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Sonata posting misinformation on the internet
The catch is that she believes it.
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Are we still pretending that 4chan isn't the absolute zenith of absolute utter cringe?
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You can't truly understand the meaning of cringe until you hear it.
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Requesting dazzlings eating.
Any platform for social interaction is inherently cringe, but Discord is miles worse.
Can you explain in detail
Yes, I can.

She hacked the federal reserve.


What are effects of cannibalism anyway.
From what I heard, the first effects of eating human meat is having meat sweats. After a while it comes craving. I guess is something similar to "man, I wish I had deer or chicken, I'm tired of pork everyday".
As for severe effects, I don't know. Maybe mental regression? You know, turning more animalistic.
anybody got the original version of this?
Most of the negative effects of cannibalism are a lie to keep you from performing it, I have yet to experience a single one.
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Just imagine it's a brown horsecock
Wait a second ... Hold on ... Erm, you guys? Did anyone else just hear what this guy said...
Papa's Sushi-ria?
Fly on your way
Fly as high as the sun
Wasting time in band uniforms
Run to the hills
Run from your minions
Caught somewhere in 22 Equestria Avenue

Be quick or be a long distance runner
No prayer for the long distance runner
The loneliness of the long distance runner to the hills
Seventh daughter of the long distance runner

Afraid to sing into the ears of a stranger
A stranger in a strange world of a strange land
Afraid to look to the eyes of a stranger
A stranger of a stranger in a strange land
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Bold of you to assume the pretending will ever stop.
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Who gave them that rose?

Angus McFife, thirteenth of his name, prince of Dundee, former wielder of the Hammer of Glory, slayer of goblins.
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He was also Oden, Master of Ikea for a little while.
Why both Aria and Sonata infected with the rage virus?
Who on the left?
I just realized that the Dazzlings are western lolibabas.
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They don't act like they've been around on the earth for thousands of years. Theres probably some freaky time dilation effect between the two worlds. Or they get amnesia after a set amount of time, which would be fun.
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That's a benis
Horsegirl centipede.
Man, I know they say that less is more when it comes to roses, but making them share? No wonder they’re swooning!
What the fuck is going on with sci-twi's heel?
Since when the artist drop the massive knockers fetish?
Now hotglue them both.
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Time to throw myself into the sea
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Pull on the pubes.
Why would the other two care?
No free shows
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Magic bleed. Horny makes you weaker.
That works a little too well.
Her being horny? Or making others horny?
Why do they looks like a shitty wanna be family guy copycat?
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Need a crazed Adagio with a butchered poof.
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I hate them.
Cute ears
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Please tell me there's a story of Sonata Dusk not liking her new body and initially hating the EqGuestria world while Adagio starts out liking hers.
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Thats too niche
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Missing some stockings
What would be the reasons? Do their opinions change?

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