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This is the Pregnancy General, not stillborn and ready to be borne again. We've lately been building up a bundle of regular artists, storytellers, and others again; may this general get quicker and continue quickening.

For files and other things we can't discuss in this thread, there's a fraternal twin thread over inside Pregchan, the premiere pregnancy imageboard:

That thread is the third in a series, and here are the prior Pregchan threads, which have been archived here:

Because of that drama with Pastebin, here are two archives of our greentexts:

Here’s a list of some artists and writers who use these threads:

Here are some questions to stimulate activity while waiting for the birth:
How would you feed and otherwise care for your gravid dam?
Which aspects of magical pony pregnancy excite you most?
To be or not to be hyper pregnant?
Shoving bellies aside, which anatomical change do you most appreciate?
What's something rarely covered in art or stories you'd like to see focussed on?
Who are your favourite artists and writers; which pieces of theirs are your favourites?
For the relevant species, such as pegasi, do you prefer eggs or live birth?
Would you want to help your mare dress herself, and in what?
How would you cuddle your gravid mare and where?
Just how would you comfort your mare if she had a tummy ache, possibly from eating too much cake?

Last Thread: >>40936186
moonmare broodmare
She does make for a good one
I hope GFM’s able to finish Sunset’s story this thread, I really can’t wait to see who’s next.
More Luna’s never bad
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I like the way you think.
Such a good looking mom
Share your species-specific pregnancy headcanons, I'll go first.
>Unicorns experience heightened magical capabilities during pregnancy but their raging hormones also lead to poor control, leading to instances of pregnant unicorns randomly performing high-level spells
Deaconeuui can’t use magic while pregnant, as it’s all being used to make the “foal”
I tried to make the new thread on Mother's Day, but 4chan wouldn't let me. It even lied and told me it had been successful. I can barely post lately, so I'm glad someone else picked up the slack. I've got a few commissions in progress over in Pregchan, so go take a peek. I'm about to post another even.


Pegasi stretch out their wingspan in the womb, making their mothers look bigger.
That’s weird, I wonder what the cause was
That’s a nice idea about Pegasus foals
she would make such a good, albeit terrifying, mom
Yeah, motherhood's not a bad look on her though.
Not species specific, but ponies with unique magical abilites (Example; Fluttershy's ability to talk to animals and Pinkie's Pinkie sense) come from longer pregnancies, because they need to spend extra time soaking in magic from their mom. Also mares with nurturing cutie marks (Example, Fluttershy, Applejack, Cheerilee) also tend to have longer pregnancies because their bodies just plain like being pregnant. This multiplicatively stacks with the prior exention, and also increases the foal's chance of developing a special ability if he/she didn't already have one.
I really like that idea, and it matches well with the variations in horse gestation periods I've read.
Those chrysalis comms look nice
Yeah, I'll eventually get bored of commissioning it, but not yet. I wonder if that Ocellus idea is in the works at all.

I've dumped two more commissions in progress over in Pregchan. Feel free to post them here in my stead; I'm still having problems uploading images, but that may clear up in another day or two. I don't think the Applejack and Adagio Dazzle cover art will be done by the month's end, but I'll try to finish the story soon so I can post it immediately once it is.
Oh I was wondering about those, didn’t realize they were for a story cover
One of those is done now, but I still can't upload files easily, so you'll have to see it on Pregchan, or Derpibooru when Lulubell uploads it there in a bit. You can post it here for me, or I'll try to put it here later.
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Here we are.
This is really cute
I really hope Jargon does more pregnant mares
Pregnant Derpy commission.
This is cute. I can tell by the filename that it was on DeviantArt, but I don't recognize the signature. Are you the commissioner, or the artist?
I'm the commissioner.
This is really cute
You’re doing god’s work
Off 10
This is easily one of the best Fluttershys I’ve seen from you, I swear gfm can’t get to her green soon enough
I agree with the other guy. This is very sweet and cute. Thank you for drawing it.
Dash getting a good look at her belly for the first time in months.
Funny stuff, do you think the draft’s what got her attention?
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It's based on the story commission I wrote, and yes:

I'll probably swap out the current cover art with it. I intend to pay Jotun22 to finish this other version of the artwork later. You can get the original file for this from pregchan; I tuned the quality down to slim down the file size here, but you can't tell anyway since it's just a jpeg.
I think both of these are really nice, but I might prefer the more “horsey” one above
They’re both really nice
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This is so sweet
Purple Yoshi drew her very well. It has me strongly considering him again.
I’d do it he’s great
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>It’s that menacing voice that terrorized the hallways of Canterlot High.
>The one that never fails to make your spine shiver in all the right ways.
>You throb inside the pony’s pussy and your balls pulse with cum.
>Sunset fucks you with vigor; you can’t keep up the pace, in spite of your attempts to buck your hips up.
>It’s embarrassing how loud the sound of her plump, satin-like ass slapping your thighs is.
>The best you can do is manage your lungs so that your wife’s swollen stomach doesn’t beat the air out of you every second.
>But what a wild ride it is, watching the bully’s belly bounce with your babies inside.
>The oversized orange orb oscillates up and down on your chest, locking your eyes much to Sunset’s amusement if her laughter is anything to go by.
>Her breath gets more hoarse.
>She’s close, now.
>As for you, you’re in no danger of failing on her.
>Between the way her love tunnel pulls and squeezes your member and the sight of her swollen belly right in front of you, you’re as hard as a rock.
>”Come on, Big Guy. Show me what you got!”
>Sunset tosses her head back, sweat flinging from her hair.
>With a whinny she squeezes you with her thighs and shakes with orgasmic bliss.
>You feel your cock being strangled so tightly you could swear it goes numb for a split second.
>You roll your own head back and dig your nails into the girl’s pliant plot.
>Pulling your legs close, you lose it, and your cock tip burns painfully from how powerfully and how suddenly you cum.
>Your dick slit widens to the limit as you erupt inside the pregnant pony, pumping her pussy full of cum just from your first burst.
>Sunset wiggles her ass on top of you, biting her lip as she feels that familiar warmth flooding her filly funnel.
>The mare’s snatch pulls at your throbbing cock, milking more and more blasts of cum from your balls.
>It’s just. So. Satisfying.
>The perfect mixture of pleasure and pain from a job well done.
>You can’t help but give your wife’s ass a firm, solid slap that sends it jiggling.
>She squeezes you again.
>”Mmmmmmm. You like it when mommy fucks you, baby?”
>You nod.
>She giggles.
>”Good boy.”
>You let out a sigh as your pulse slows.
“So what’s the verdict on your end?”
>Sunset pulls down her face with her hooves.
>”Ugh. It’s incredible! It’s a totally different feeling. It’s like I can feel every last detail of your dick and the orgasm. Oh, God. The orgasm is so much stronger.”
“Tell me about it.”
>”Suck it up, Big Guy. I’m gonna want more of this.”
>Sunset shimmies off of your cock, her pussy not quite letting go, resulting in a ‘pop’ as your dick finally exits her.
>She rolls lazily to the side, slick with sweat, and snuggles up against you.
>Her belly naturally rests on top of you.
>You nuzzle her snout and give her a kiss, the first in her pony form.
>She kisses back and smiles.
“I love you.”
Morning bump
Much appreciated
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*slams the bump button in a panic*
I don’t think I’ve seen this one before
She pulls that off nicely
Great work
Your story’s been great.
This is new.
It’s very nice
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This deserves to be reposted.
Yeah that’s real good
And such nice digits too
AJ was built to be bred
Nice, have you rolled the next mare yet?

I have, and fortunately, I've known for a while how I want to open it.
Sounds great, can’t wait to see who it was
why does she have twi bangs
She’s just a bit older
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Hey, that's finished:

I've already got it set up as the new cover art:
Looks good
This is very nice looking
She’s adorable
I liked this guy’s stuff, shame he didn’t stick around
This is so great
Good stuff, come back soon
Quick bump before bed
Off 8
Every time you bump this thread, your unborn foal kicks your waifu.
Well that’s kinda cute
I’m really looking forward to it
I like this image, but it would be better if she didn't have wings.

That's a really hot idea I'll keep in mind.
Yeah it’s a really nice picture though
I’m sure she won’t mind after awhile.
This is a good one
It's a shame Symplefable's not around anymore either. Pour one out for him.
Those poor middle mares
Just a quick bump
Yeah you’re not wrong
Did the board go down overnight or something?
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I noticed no such thing.
I might’ve just bumped late, I suppose
Fingers crossed for Pinkie or Fluttershy
This picture’s so nice
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But everyone knows shifting active preg bellies are the best kind.
No arguing with that
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That's finished. As usual, there's more in Pregchan. There's a new tag in the boorus for this now: "womb with a view"

You may get it if you like Weird Al Yankovic. I couldn't think of a better tag, and it's a lyric from his song "I Think I'm a Clone Now" last century.
Emergency bump.
Good save
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Paternity marks are so fucking hot. Just imagine everypony looking at your mare's bump, and seeing some symbol that can only mean you plastered over it.
It doesn’t do much for me but I can see the appeal
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That is a pretty lovely Rarity
She appears unprepared
Looks great
>"The gravid and maternal Trixie demands that you carry Trixie to her bed-chamber and apply a generous amount of belly rubs!"
God I need more like this
What a great belly
Love this artist
Quick bump while I’m on break
This is new and pretty cute.
This is pretty cute
More Fluttershy is always nice.

>Your wife coos in response and rests her head on your shoulder.
>It’s amazing how quickly she can go from horny bully to demure little princess.
>It’s adorable.
>Her ruby and amber colored hair is mostly in shape, but noticeably uneven.
>She bats her eyes at you innocently.
>You hold the gravid unicorn and rub her tummy, much to her joy.
>The foals have calmed down.
>”Looks like we rocked them to sleep.”
“Oh, is that what we’re calling it?”
>Sunset laughs and sighs deeply.
>The two of you lay together for what seems like only a few minutes.
>It’s probably longer.
>Time flies by when you’re being raped by a horny horse.
>Or when you’re basking in the afterglow, as the case may be.
>Sunset rubs your chest idly with her hoof.
>You’re surprised at how good it feels. Her hooves are far more smooth and gentle to the touch than you were expecting.
>”You like that, Big Guy?”
>She smiles and kisses you, rubbing your chest a while longer.
>There’s a knock at the door.
>You hastily pull the covers up and over you and your wife.
>”Um… Y-yes? Hello?”
>You hear Stellar Flare’s voice through the door.
>”I invited Firelight and the others over for dinner. I’m making your favorite. Spinach artichoke gnocchi!”
>You look at Sunset.
“That actually sounds really good.”
>”It’s incredible. And I really could use a good meal.”
“Well, no time to waste, then.”
>You and Sunset manage to shuffle out of the bed. Sunset with your help.
>You get dressed and head downstairs to find your mother-in-law boiling the gnocchi while sauteing some onions and garlic.
>Sunset sniffs the air.
>”It smells delicious, Mom!”
>”I’m glad you think so. I sent your brother to get some garlic bread.”
“You’re really spoiling us, Stellar.”
>”I’m just happy to have you here. Oh, by the way, I didn’t hear anything earlier. I had the house magically soundproofed ages ago.”
>”What? I wasn’t born yesterday, Sunset. I know when a mare is restless for some love… or when she’s satisfied.”
>Sunset covers her face with embarrassment.
>Stellar laughs quietly to herself.
>The front door opens and Sunburst trots in holding a paper bag.
>”I got the garlic bread, Mom. Oh, and the others are here, too!”
>An older stallion who looks like the pony equivalent of a cabaret MC canters in.
>”Heyyyy, Stellar Flare. Thanks for inviting us over for tonight.”
>”Oh, you and your family are always welcome over, Firelight.”
>You shake hooves with the unicorn. You vaguely remember him from the wedding, but you take the time to reintroduce yourselves.
>You and Sunburst set the table while everyone else pairs off to chat.
”I can’t help but feel like Stellar and Firelight have been looking forward to this.”
>”But wasn’t coming here Sunset and Starlight’s idea?”
“Well, true enough. But I bet they were hoping.”
Always happy to see more of your stuff
This picture's real nice
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I wish Dot did more pregnant Fluttershy
Are they still doing art, at least? They're so on-model for Faust's sketches.
I think Dot still does art every now and then, but I feel like it’s been awhile.
I’m sure he’ll show up in an art pack or something eventually
I’d also like to see a Fluttershy from Welost, he did some real good pregnant Dash stuff recently
Emergency bump
You guys keep forgetting to bump your own thread.
Oh, was it the last thread on the board? Thank you.
It happens every now and then, but thanks for the save anon.
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Always nice to see
Very nice
He never stood a chance
"Aren't you full?!"
Hah, I love that.
I hate incest, but at least Applejack here is nice.
Oh my, that’s hot
I do like that Applejack though
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New Fizzlemom
This is real good
Nice stuff
Quick bump before bed
Off 9
Here's an old one that still holds up.
I still have no clue what this old piece is about nor why it was made.
I think he’s about to make his surrogate mom a mother again
Yeah that one’s nice
What a cute mare
>womb with a view
That's been a joke since test tube babies became a thing.
That’s some good stuff anon
It’s not a bad one though
Poor Bundle Joy
These things are getting really good.
Yeah it has improved quite a bit
That’s a good picture
Here's the other the guy generated.
Not bad
Cute bug
This is adorable, can’t wait for pinkie’s turn for a green
So cute
Someponys' jealous
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Well, yeah, but I'm only familiar with it in that context. Still, it's a good tag that isn't overly-specific, unlike my first few ideas.
Here's another.

>Our foal is fine, dear.
>He's hanging out,
>between my legs,
>where he belongs.
>fluttershy is about to smother you with her fuzzy, pregnant belly

Yes. Lord, please.
There are worse ways to go.
damn what did they use for this? Is this with Bing? I always seem to get the dog with Bing.
I need it
Not a bad Chrysalis.
What a nice Rarity
I have no clue. They got deleted from Derpibooru right as I could snatch them up, and they weren't tagged very well.
Yeah she looks good
I wish I could feel such a thing
Good thing sites like Twibooru and Ponerpics exist.
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Hey I think a wrote a reply in the last thread asking for requests but I ended up getting busy.

But I actually have a few hours to procrastinate rn, so if anyone had any small requests (just quick sketches) I'd be down to mess around :3

pic is something I drew recently.
>Hey I think a wrote a reply in the last thread asking for requests but I ended up getting busy.
You did.

>But I actually have a few hours to procrastinate rn, so if anyone had any small requests (just quick sketches) I'd be down to mess around :3
How about a pegasus, or one of Celestia or Luna, flying with a big bump? I've given some thought to how that would look, and it always comes across as silly, if you were looking from the ground.
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I missed the "from the ground part", but here's Luna flying while disgruntled about her active foals :3

This started as a basic sketch but I liked it so much I colored it
Thank you. The details you added are very nice, from the slight red of her belly to the little part of her cutie-mark that made it onto her bump. I'm also impressed with how you drew her mane and shoes; they look so good, yet the effect is so simple, and the smooth texture of her body helps them stand out like this. She looks so cute.
Dunno if you still got time, but maybe some gravid af Skystar or hippogriffs in general? Those tall frames were made for carrying big litters.
That’s really nice
Great job anon
I want to see her getting bigger than this.
I want to rub her belly.
When the mare's so big that her belly merges with her back like this, and she can use it as a shelf, that's really big enough for me. Anything bigger is either poor taste, or only works with a different pose, I think.
That’s fair
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Sugar Belle when she was pregnant with Little Mac I commissioned from Zigmeow, including some edits that are on Pregchan.
Pregnant Fluttershy in a nurse outfit
Why can’t I have that life
Can we get a humanized or EqG Flutters?
Hey, so I'm still finishing up my latest story, but I thought I'd ask you guys something. I'm thinking about entering this contest:

I have no delusions about winning, but thought it would be fun to go ahead and write a Zecora story anyway. If you have any special requests for that story, or if you want me to write about something else, feel free to make a suggestion.
I think a Zecora story would be nice
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That is adorable
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What a lucky filly
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geez wouldn't you know, I completely finished this until I came back and saw that this said "nurse" instead of "maid" lol. Sorry! Hope you like this anyway :3

This will be the last request for a time being, got lots of other projects to work on. I'll be back again one day!
oh forgot to mention, I didn't design this maid outfit, I based it off some image I found on google
It is very nice
It looks great
That's so cute, and much more interesting than somehow fitting her into the skirt anyway. She would apologize for that. I like how you went with a smaller size for her here, too. I think I'd want to call this twin-size, but I guess one big foal fits too.

Here's a Luna from a guy who rarely draws ponies.
That is one hot flutters.

Would hug and rub this moon much.
That’s a pretty cute Luna
Some pregnant Peachbottom from the other thread.
Good stuff
Poor Panko
That’s really cute
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Applejack's body is a machine that turns apples into Apples!
Love this pic
Rather than work on my latest story, I commissioned Fancy Blue for a silly little comic, and wrote this silly little story about it. The full resolution is over in Pregchan, or you can get it from the boorus. The asterisks represent italics:

“For my next trick, I’ll need volunteer.” Trixie was sitting on her rump, smugly, looking at the crowd from her stage. She hummed for a moment before adding, “a pregnant volunteer.” Her eyes were instantly drawn to the two of you, Twilight Sparkle and her husband, and both of you knew she knew the only pregnant mare in the crowd was Twilight. She harrumphed and made no move to go on stage.

“Aw, she’s shy. Come now, my delightful audience, let’s stomp our hooves to encourage her.” The crowd began to do just that, and Twilight narrowed her eyes at Trixie, who was still sitting but clopping her forehooves together with a smug grin.

“Just what do you need a pregnant mare for, Trixie?” Twilight pointed her left foreleg out accusingly at her. “Just what are you planning?” Trixie and the crowd stopped clopping and stomping.

“Well, Mrs.,” Trixie pretended to not know the unicorn’s name, “The Great and Powerful Trixie has recently devised a spell that does a wonder for a poor mare’s tired body, heavy with foal. She can guarantee you that the spell is entirely safe, and a mare of your,” she paused for a moment, “*width* certainly looks like she could use a break from carrying her foal, or should I say foals?”

“C’mon Twilight, don’t be a stick in the mud.” It was Lyra. Of course it was Lyra. “Get on up there!” Lyra started chanting Twilight’s name, and the crowd followed.

“Alright, alright!” Twilight was a bit better about grinding her teeth than she had once been, but she certainly looked angry as she gave in to Trixie’s plan, whatever it was. She mumbled all the way to the stage and up the staircase at its side. She stood before Trixie, still sitting, still grinning, and still smug.

“I’m sure you have no experience with the spell Trixie is about to show you, Twilight.” At this, Twilight’s expression changed from angry to curious. Now Trixie was addressing the audience, much more loudly.

“Now watch, audience, as The Great and Powerful Trixie takes all of the stress from this mare, by transferring it into her own body!” Trixie’s horn glowed, surrounding Twilight’s belly with blue magic. “Why, what else could the Mid-Motherhood Movement Spell do, after all?” Twilight thought that spell sounded awfully like a bad rebranding of the Gestation Translation Spell; by the time she stopped to notice just where Trixie’s magic was focussed, it was too late.
The crowd cheered, and Trixie had somehow become even smugger. Twilight, meanwhile, was horrified. Her pregnancy was just gone, as if she’d never been carrying at all. She felt lightheaded, and struggled to breathe as she turned her attention back to Trixie, sporting a pregnancy, *her* pregnancy! “Trixie, you had better undo this right now!” Twilight had one hoof at Trixie’s throat.

“Um, excuse me, could you stop putting so much pressure on Trixie’s belly? It doesn’t feel good.” Twilight’s other hoof had been resting rather deeply on the top of *Trixie’s* pregnancy, and she scrambled off of it in a panic. By now, you’d jumped onto stage yourself, prepared to beat the stuffing out of the showmare.

“Now, now, let’s not get violent. You wouldn’t hurt the mare carrying your foals, now would you?” Trixie fluttered her eyelashes in a mock display of innocence. “Ugh, feel free to give it some attention, however. It itches.”

Both of you nervously touched Trixie’s belly, and felt movement from it. It was odd, to see the same foal, or foals, in a different belly; inside, nothing had changed, but you and Twilight had obviously grown to associate your progeny with a tight purple belly, lacking any better outward identity for the time, and not a blue one with a disgusting outie.

“Well, that’s all, folks!” Trixie declared to the audience. “Those of you with VIP passes may wait around for an autograph, and a picture too, if you pay for it.” Everypony had a VIP pass, including the two of you, she only said it to sound fancier.

“Trixie, I swear to Celestia if you don’t,” Trixie hushed Twilight.

“Trixie will gladly return your burden, Sparkle, don’t worry.” She yawned. “But first, Trixie needs some sleep. ’Tis a *shame* Trixie must sleep in a cold wagon, lacking any fireplace. It will be a cold night.” Both of you were glaring at her, but she continued. “And Trixie has *such* little money to buy food, but it should be fine for just a night, Trixie supposes.” Her stomach growled, but her horn had been active the moment before; she had clearly made it growl on command.


You stared at the ceiling, lying in bed with your wife. Snoring very loudly in the other bed, which had been moved to be right besides yours, was Trixie, still pregnant. Twilight had to cast a spell on herself so she could sleep, and the mark of many tears was still present on her face; at least she was taking the opportunity to sleep on her stomach. You lifted your head and glanced over at Trixie, whose mouth was open while she slept, a scrap of food stuck on her muzzle. She’d eaten three meals tonight.

You were going to kill her once Twilight was pregnant again.
Good stuff
Poor Twilight
Just another one of those days
I like the comic and story, poor Twilight though
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Hey, I've got some new cover art. You can get the full file over in Pregchan, or from the boorus, per the usual.
Not bad
I don't like the way Ponk is looking at me while saying this.
I want to fuggo that buggo queen while holding on and riling up the sleeping babies inside.
Can’t blame you
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As do I.

You guys should check out the Pregchan thread. A lot of really good images were just posted, but most of them can't be posted here.

I like how their little faces are pressing against the membrane here.
Fuck i'd kill to see her like that in the labor stage before the pushing starts.

Just hours of ever more anxious changeling nymphs in toddler size bodies wanting out in every direction as their home begins to convulse and constrict around them while Chrysalis herself is feeling her whole belly go wild. Only a matter of time till they start heading southward.
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Good stuff
I really hope purpleyoshi does more pregnant mares in the future
You weren’t kidding there’s a lot of good recent stuff there
baby bump
I wouldn't count on it, unless you pay him. He doesn't seem to draw ponies much anymore, on top of that.
Yeah, fair enough
Poor Mrs Cake, at least motherhood looks good on her.
Bump with a humanized green
>Be Anon waking up in the morning
>You notices the conspicuous abscence of you beloved wife Fluttershy, who is currently 7 months pregnant with your firstborn
>You rise from bed and enter the kitchen, where you see her stirring away at a pan of eggs next to a sizzling waffle iron, sporting a cute quilted apron
>She hears you opening the door and turns to look at you
>"Anon!" she peeps her in delight, which ever since she got pregnant has been her main way of greeting you when you've been apart for longer than 10 minutes
>"Morning sweetie." You say stepping behind her and wrapping an arm around her "I see breakfast is almost ready."
>"I made it special just for you!" She says beaming
>"Just for me?" You tease her "None for the little guy?"
>"Oh, I made enough for all of us of course, but I wanted it to be special for you." She explains blushing
>she pulls the waffles out onto a cooling rack and scrapes the scrambled eggs onto a plate.
>You open the cabinet to get a plate for yourself but Fluttershy stops you
>"Uh Honey, I'm sorry but there's a special way I wanted to serve it, so could you please step outside for just a little bit?"
>You smile at her as you step back into the hall.
>You hear the sound of cloth being folded and then dropped on the floor
>You hear the sound of Fluttershy grunting with effort
>after a small pause you hear her call "Honey could you help me-"
>"Never mind, don't come in yet."
>You hear her wings flapping briefly. and then the sound of some things being shuffled about
>"Okay Anon, it's ready!" She calls you out
>You step into the kitchen and there you see it
>Fluttershy is stark naked and laying on her side atop the table
>A waffle and a serving of eggs are perched perfectly on top of her belly, with a fork and a cup of coffee sitting right next to her
>"Come and get it." She says with a coy grin
>You eagerly walk up ready to enjoy the meal
>But then a kick from inside her belly, knocks the waffle off
>It lands on it's side and topples off the table and onto the floor
>"Bu bu- bu-" Fluttershy stammers
>A second kick launches the eggs into air and they drop all over the kitchen, a large piece landing in the coffee
>Flutters' eyes well up with tears and she begins sobbing into her hands
>"Sweetie, it's alright." You gently say to her
>"I'm sorry." She whimpers "I was trying to be sexy, but instead I just ruined your food."
>"Eggs and waffles are quick to make, this isn't a big deal." You assure her while lifting her to her feet on the ground
>"Now how about you get your clothes on and I'll make some more food."
>"You're the best." She sniffles, nuzzling against you.
>You notice a single white drop hanging from the tip of her nipple
>"Don't worry honey, I think I know another way we can make this breakfast sexy." You say to her as you cup your hand beneath her breast and gently bounce it
Fantastic, hope you keep going.
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Such a sweetheart
Pregnant Roseluck!
She is pretty cute
I definitely will post an update, tonight. I definitely won't pass out after flopping on the bed as soon as I get home.

Looking forward to it
Sounds great, your updates are always nice to see
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This is nice
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Ai is getting better

>You imagine what the table would be like with kids joining you all.
>Hell, it probably isn’t big enough.
>Still, the thought makes you smile.
>Stellar Flare pats her mouth with a napkin.
>”Well, I’m sure we’ll get to experience that vicariously, soon. Thanks to our daughters.”
>She beams with pride.
>Sunburst clears his throat.
>”Actually, Mom, I uh… Well, I don’t mean to brag or anything. But I have started seeing someone.”
>That gets Stellar’s Attention.
>And everyone else’s.
>Suddenly he seems to regret having said anything.
>Sunset puts her hoof on his and nudges him.
>”Why don’t you tell us about her?”
>Feeling more confident with his sister’s support, he smiles.
>”Well, uh. She’s really nice.”
>Stellar leans in with eager ears.
>”She’s tall.”
>”Go on,” his mother encourages.
>Sunburst rubs the back of his head.
>”She’s… Well, she’s not from around here.”
>Firelight hums.
>”So is she from Saddle Arabia? Prance?”
>”Well, she’s tall and bipedal.”
>Sunset leans back, as if she suspects something
>“Oh! She’s an Abyssinian,” Stellar suggests
>Sunburst shakes his head.
>”Nope. Actually.”
>He takes a deep breath.
>”She’s a human.”
>Stellar Flare’s jaw drops.
>”What are the odds. Both my children have a thing for humans!”
>Sunset looks up at you and leans on your shoulder happily.
>Starlight smirks.
>”Look at you, Sunburst. Makin’ the moves on the ladies.”
>”Oh, it’s. Well. I mean. Eheh. We started out as cross-dimensional pen pals and it took off from there. She comes here every once in a while and we go on dates.”
>Stellar clasps her hooves together.
>”I knew it was only a matter of time before some girl realized what a catch you are, Sunburst.”
>From there the conversation ebbs and flows between the goings on of Firelight and Stellar Flare’s children, and the goings on of Sire’s Hollow.
>As the sun goes down outside, your mother-in-law raises her glass of grape juice.
>(It didn’t seem fair to drink wine with two pregnant mares at the table.)
>”A toast, ladies and gentlecolts. To family, and the future!”
>”I’ll drink to that,” Firelight declares.
>After the toast, your wife lets out a yawn.
>”Mmm. ‘Scuse me.”
>”Yeah. It just hit me all of a sudden.”
>”Probably because of the gnocchi,” Starlight suggests.
>”This was a splendid dinner, Stellar,” Firelight says.
>”Oh, you charmer.”
“It really was incredible.”
>“It’s only incredible because you all were here to share it. I’m just so grateful we can be together like this.”
>If there was ever a moment for a group hug, it’s now.
>Somehow, after getting out of your seats, you all manage.
>”Well,” Starlight says, looking at Sunset.
>”I guess we’d better get going. You and I need to lock in as much sleep as we can before these little guys arrive.”
>”I guess. It’s nice to see you, again, guys. Take it easy.”
Great stuff
Good for Sunburst
Nice to see more from you
I posted some Aryanne on Pregchan, but you can also get it at Twibooru or Ponybooru.
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Not a bad Celly
Quick bump before bed
What a belly
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Always nice to see newEris stuff.
That’s just vore
Not according to the artists tags, but I can see why you’d think that
I considered posting this, but thought it was a little extreme for here. I do like the lower kick, in any case.

No, it's just that he already draws them huge, and Eris can be used for even wilder stuff. Here's the first Eris he made, in a trade with me. I must admit this newer Eris is better done.
Yeah, I probably should've spoilered it now that I'm thinking about it, but I think if the kicking were toned down just a bit it would be really nice.
So cute
I do like this picture a lot
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She’s so happy
I really need to finish some stuff already.
That’s a nice pic, is it new?
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Poor mare.
Off 10
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Nope. Neither is this one.

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