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There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.

"mare's existential dread" edition

Old thread: >>40963936

Ongoing greens:

Shape Your Home by PoneGreen
https://ponepaste.org/477 (Part 1)
https://ponepaste.org/478 (Part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/479 (Part 3)
https://ponepaste.org/480 (Part 4)
https://ponepaste.org/4581 (Part 5)
https://ponepaste.org/8319 (Part 6)
https://ponepaste.org/4466 (April Fools' interlude)

Completed/on hiatus/ded greens:
GET OUT OF MY HEAD by Anonymous

Dreams to Dream by Stabbythesnowman
https://ponepaste.org/4197 (part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/5562 (part 3)

A Wish Enough for Two by TakeItEasy (née YukkuriPaleHorse)

The Recruiter (epilogue) by pentapony

Hallmark Dream-a by lmone6

Stories by Pentapony

Carl's Hardened Heart by Reggiesomething

"Fleetfooted" by SadBoy

Stories by Aftercase

Stories by AnthonyC4

Stories by Horse Story Anon

Stories by YukkuriPalehorse

Rainbow Dash and the Ghosts of Hearts & Hooves Day by Lonesome Rider

Stories by Trandhal: https://ponepaste.org/user/trandhal

Rocks out of the Quarry: https://poneb.in/aX2C686i

Stories by Tsar Anon: https://poneb.in/BnjZqwM3

Stories by Angry Wino: tinyurl dot com slash vskmqfx

Stories by Crabs of Steam: https://poneb.in/u/Crabs_of_steam

The Broken Carousel (Part 1): https://ponepaste.org/1541
(Twilight Sparkle Interlude 1): https://ponepaste.org/1543
(Part 2): https://ponepaste.org/1542
(Twilight Sparkle Interlude 2): https://ponepaste.org/1544

This Heart That Fears


Low Self-Esteem AJ

All I want from christmas

Couch Surfing

A collection of misc. green since the 1st thread
Good thing peetzer princess found a good and willing stock in another dimension
I will always be there for her. She will never be alone.
>nice numbers
Some mares might be concerned about potential backlash from female humans considering that equestria is taking their males, but don’t worry! Cadence has done lots of research and found out that female humans would rather be mauled by a bear than be around their males, Celestia knows why. So take any you like girls!
Da faq is wrong with Rarity's hooves??
what no man does to a MF (Mare Foreveralone)
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Thread hidden. See you guys in 2 months.
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there was a time he wasn't insane
Good riddance, fuck off
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Befriending mares, and then some.
>"Hey, handsome, do you play piano? I bet your fingering is AMAZING"
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she's an animal in bed
I feel you, Anon. But isn't that a bit too brash?
Holy shit, just look at that swing of the hammock. A pure beast.
Mare hole.
>two proxies to the ship's biolab
Don't anypony on Equestria misses them? Even if they are only gone for a few days or a week.
>gestation unit
I bet Sky will want to wake up in it.
>Are you sure he wants to do that?
Getting closer.
Nailed it.
>determined to go through the process
Well, he never experienced birth, but this one won't be real either.
>Not being able to move is one of his worst personal nightmares
What about the giant tube down in his throat?
>his mind struggles to make sense of the current situation
I mean doesn't he saw it before?
>impairs Sky Squall's mental capacities as well
Well okay. Odd that disorientation does this to him, after all he is a pegasus and he spent the past who knows how long learning to fly spaceships which has 0 "normal" feedback.
>Give me thirty seconds to double-check everything.
Make it a minute!
>You give him a reassuring nod.
Oh cmon, let's make him eat what he just cooked. That way he will learn that bad choices have consequences.
Oh cmon, no tube in the throat? Missed opportunity to endlessly mock him.
>For sure.
>You were right about the air in this room though. It could be better.
Old people smell. There are two in the room!
>spar with you in the biolab
Just born and already picking fights? Suddenly I'm not sure Sky is the best choice for being the 4th god.
>I can't show myself there.
I think there is plenty of uninhabited parts still.
>She is likely to notice the presence of a camouflage
Then don't go near her?
>Or alter-alter ego, in your case.
Did their proxies died already?
>three space suits of the equine variant
This is new.
>and a towel
Never go anywhere without one.
>I get the concept.
If he keeps this up he will develop severe claustrophobia.
I assumed they could hear Sky for the whole time.
>It will feel like a second skin to you in no time.
More than one way. (Proxy.)

Thanks for the update!
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Silly leather mare.
many mares are silly at heart
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But one mare is the silliest of them all.
AJ sure is a gentleman's taste.
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she's the best
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Sm0l, but adorable.
they are little ponies after all
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We can go smaller.
>Don't anypony on Equestria misses them?
Not necessarily. If they're known to travel a lot and frequently, there could easily be a couple of extensive gaps between each individual visit in the same area. Which would mean that the ponies who live in these places are aware that the two only show up in their corner of the world once every few weeks or months or so, and at the same time they have no idea where the two are whilst they're away. It wouldn't cause too much confusion if they "disappear from the map" on occasion, as everyone would assume that they're just somewhere else at the moment.
>Odd that disorientation does this to him
The disorientation isn't the main issue since this is only a symptom of the situation. He's having these problems because his sensory perception is misfiring wildly before it is gets gradually adjusted to proper standards, meaning that his own senses lead him astray in absolutely abstract dimensions, especially at the beginning. Think of him like he's suddenly being thrown into the equivalent of a television static screen, you know, the good old ones with their visual black and white messes, literally in the blink of an eye, whilst being immobilized and surrounded by liquid, and he is getting just one more little morsel of clarity with each passing second as his mind is racing in futile loops. That's unlike anything he has encountered before.
>That way he will learn that bad choices have consequences.
Well, the number on the hill and the time in the ditch already demonstrated that quite thoroughly to him. That was a day he certainly won't forget. It's also a bit different this time around because Anon and #deca.mare informed Sky in advance that experiencing the initialisation could have some rough streaks, and he listened to their considerations before he came to his informed decision. He knew that he was likely to face some discomfort along the way, and he accepted those side effects for what they are. There's no need for Anon to hammer it home any further, and Sky Squall in turn did not complain much about it either. The whole thing was practically done and dusted the moment Sky managed to get over his initial shock.
In contrast to that, his stunt on the hill was an impulsive action in which he threw everything to the wind, willingly, to charge ahead. He had good and brave intentions in mind, sure, but it messed with things he could not have known of, so Anon had to intervene before Sky really started to fuck things up. That's where the Pegasus made a truly poor and partially uninformed decision, which led to his aforementioned unpleasant bath in a ditch. And it sparked a longer discussion between the three of them to iron out Sky Squall's chipped self-confidence.
>Just born and already picking fights?
It's not meant to be aggressive or anything like that though. To him, it's more like a gesture of camaraderie and challenging each other on friendly terms. In a way, rearing up in this manner is somewhat like a Pegasus equivalent of a "high five".
>I think there is plenty of uninhabited parts still.
Sure. Lots of them, even. Considering that there are still several blank spots on the Equestrian map at the start of the show, i.e. a millennium later, the post-Nightmare Equestria must have wide swathes of unclaimed land in all directions. There's very little they could do in these areas though, aside from spending planetary time in their own little group.
>Then don't go near her?
If only it were that easy. They cannot fully know for sure what Celestia senses and what not until she does, as her perception is more keen than that of most. She's a bit of a wildcard in this regard, so it is theoretically possible that she somehow picks up on strange "magical" signals that are popping up somewhere in the distance. It wouldn't be entirely unfounded as far as the show goes either, as it would be comparable to the visions she had in S4 when Tirek made his sudden reappearance known to the world. Now granted, the three do not pose a danger to the land like he does, but the principle is similar.
>Did their proxies died already?
No, it refers to the proxy already being an alter ego of Anon in its current form, whereas the proxies of #deca.mare and Sky Squall embody themselves. Or at least the pony part of her sentience in #deca.mare's case.
>This is new.
Not really. Anon used a prototype of these suits with his proxy when he boarded the first terraformer wreck that they scooped up in their salvage efforts. The idea has been around for a while.
>Never go anywhere without one.
And don't panic.
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Much text.
Much wasteland.
I want to kiss Littlepip right on her nose
where nose??
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Her cutie little snootie
Small mares have small snoots.
Fallout equestria sucks and it killed the thread
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She is perfect sized
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Haha look at that little cute tomboy
I guess it can still be a dick hole?
wouldn't get you where it needs to be, though. Without pulling it down a bit more.
>likes guns
That's the good stuff, Anon.
Hold on, she's good at computers and lockpicking too! No keeping her out of your house.
Why would I keep her out? I love her little snooter and want to brush her mane!
Something about her just takes me back to 2013...
i never got around to reading it until like 2018, feels like i hopped on at the end of the ride again
There's still stuff going on, someone's trying to make an animated adaption of FoE.
i got low hopes for it. no one has completed one before.
Whats the story with that artist ?
>Well, the number on the hill
tldr 2 paragraphs trying to turn a kick in the balls into a character study
went full tumblr/twitter brainworms/TDS, started using pones as mouthpieces for his own shit opinions (this really ramped up during the BLM riots as he was firmly in the "they dindu nuffin" camp), was one of many who pitched a bitchfit during the derpibooru nonsense during that period as well.
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>2013 was 11 years ago
I wanna go back
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>Mare stretches her glutes in front of you
What do?
'mire, of course.
Gotta work on my own, and taking reference for stances can't hurt.
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Stretch my pelvic muscles right behind her while she does it.
Bonus points for making eye contact with someone else while talking
>Do this whilst talking to Blossomforth
>She does one of her equally impossible physical exercises at the time.
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Mare at dusk.
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>/nmp/ is as dead as /ggf/
Bruh moment
surely everyone's just busy getting ready for marefair in September.
This place really needs some more writers.
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(You)r mare has a special interest. Would you endorse it?
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Do writers who aren't writing anything count?
Kinda hard to boost thread activity when no content is posted.
depends on what it is
if she goes out to larp on weekends as Bloodthirster the Daunting, barbarian of the wastes, then yeah sure.
all except one were successfully driven off by toxicity
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>forgetting the truecel vs fakecel civil war that fractured this general forever
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But most of it was obviously deliberate drama stirring.
>driven off by toxicity
The correct term is "gatekept".
At times maybe, but some of it was blatant shitposting as well.
A pretty closed gate, literally all the writefags was attacked continuously.
the only one I recall being furiously yelled at was the FoE fag, who pitched a bitchfit as well because he couldn't take that his taste was bad.
I don't think there was any vitriol near that degree pitched at bughorses, bats, or anyone else who kept it with man and mare.
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why do so many good people die while a piece of shit like me goes on living
Just how it is on this bitch of an Earth.
Let every loss be a reminder to goad you into being better than you were yesterday.
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The only real way to prevent that is to become someone who's life worth living so you don't have to justify your existence to yourself.
Autistic man angry that my waifu is superior, seethes endlessly.
>my waifu is superior
This attitude right here was the problem. It's one thing to love your waifu, it's another to shit on all the others.
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Remember your wife isn't just your support
she's also your workout buddy
>Celly as workout buddy
Doing this exercise with her would surely end with my knees shooting out of my legs or something.
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one day you will be equal to it
you don't do the big lifts at the start, you just use larger ponies over time until you're ready
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Tell the autist that, all he does is whine about Littlepip whenever she gets posted.
Skill issue. Suck less so you can make other, even worse people ask the same question.
Chad chat.
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What would it be like to get matched with a workaholic pony, dedicated to her craft?
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I can immediately see a few different things happening depending on the mare and her job
>become involve in her work, help out or become an apprentice, do things together, try to keep up
Probably the most rational outcome but most likely really hard for some exotic professions involving magic or flight.
>she really wants to make the time to dedicate to you but it's so hard to do, is conflicted about it and as a result both her work time and (you) time suffer until you resolve it
I can see creatives reacting that way, Rarity immediately comes to mind. Bonus points if you inspire the mare to work even harder, making hanging out with you harder as a result.
>she wants to stay dedicated to her craft and you have to fight for your time together
The Harshwhinny scenario, but also I can see how high-profile public figures like pop stars or actresses wouldn't want to abandon their calling. Those, or very dedicated salarymares.
Start by lifting random maids, then guards, then twilight, cadence, luna, and finally celestia
>Heavier than guards
I know she's got a lot of burgers on her rump, but I doubt that she weighs more than a buff stallion.
>lifting stallions
Oh right, sorry. I thought about the generic male guards.
Guardsmares are precious.
Plus, their warplate perfectly frames and accentuates their rears.
That's true for most mare dresses.
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These eyes man. They're magical.
Imagine Cadence making a chart like this for Anons and mares.
>It wouldn't cause too much confusion if they "disappear from the map" on occasion
At this point, they are too old for that in my opinion.
>before he came to his informed decision
I think he is more stubborn than to really take into account what they said. He decided "it can't be that bad" and stuck with it.
>strange "magical" signals that are popping up somewhere in the distance
What about the shuttles? Or the underground transporters. Or the mothership circling the planet. I don't think she can sense a camouflaged pony 2 town over. Tirek is different, he extensively used strong magic, while these three would just manipulate the vision of the nearby ponies which would not be strong magic imho. These ponies are in constant connection with Harmony, all their brain functions run elsewhere so the camouflage would not even be happening near them.
Ah, I forgot.
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Nothing expresses the essence of mares quite like this image.
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One cannot resist their charms.
Always remember the classics.
Kek. An unusual cure. But when it works, it works.
So what happens when your husbando doesn't seem to understand love? He isn't evil or anything, but he doesn't know how to respond to affection.
just keep trying, I'm sure it's just because he's never experienced it before.
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>just because he's never experienced it before
And about as skilled in subtlety as pic related.
>When she is getting creative
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BEEG mare
Beeg mares are a treasure.
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>he doesn't know how to respond to any form of affection despite desperately wanting to show it himself in overwhelming amounts to anyone who's nice to him
>she only knows how to be generally nice but everything beyond that is a mystery and the thought of mishandling him scares her
Fix this now
I bet he'd respond to that.
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As are normal sized mares and smol mares.
cutest pic in this thread
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*pins you down and has her way with you*
>tfw a mare gives you craft herpes and regular herpes
>craft herpes = glitter
Just in case anyone was wondering.
That shit gets everywhere.
He's broken, return to Earth and have a new one issued. It's not your job to fix him.
I hate when artists do this. It's like they can't stand for their own opinions without hiding behind a sockpuppet who would never even bring up the topic. Like "Hurrdurr, I'm Rarity, and I think all cops are bastards. Vote Biden or you're not my little pogchamp uwu darling". It's cowardly and patronizing.
Artists should not be allowed to express opinions.
Unless they agree with me.
they can have opinions, they just shouldn't force some fictional character to regurgitate them because they don't have the conviction to do it with their own mouth.
I'm literally saying they should express their opinions without pretending it belongs to some cartoon character instead of themselves, you illiterate fucking ape.
They can have opinions.
They should keep their opinions to themselves.
No one is interested in their opinions.
That's nice.
I don't want to hear their stupid opinions.
That would be a reason to an hero.
I knew that about glitter already but I still saw "craft herpes" and thought it was what you got when you fucked a gril who drinks IPAs
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Night mare.
Always remember, eye contact is vital.
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Remember, some mares might need an adjustment period to being in a relationship too.
Worth it for the precious plum mare.
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I want to cuddle her
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>"Mhhh Yes Umm fellow human men. We have a new agenda from the World Economic Forum."
>"You VILL eat zhe hay"
>""You VILL immigrate through zhe portal"
>"You VILL live in zhe cottage"
>"You VILL chat with zhe neighbors"
>"You VILL marry and impregnate zhe mare"
>"You VILL have lots of foals"
>"Und you VILL be happy"
>"Isn't that right fellow lizard ponies-I mean lizard juice?"
Now that's an agenda I can get behind.
what's yer offer
Sounds good. Where do I sign?
I am not into her. However, if I was, hypothetically speaking, I would stop at nothing to try and find a way to fix her horn. She deserves it.
if nothing else, there should be a crystal prosthesis to use as a focus.
And who knows, the zebra tooth growing potion might have similar concoctions for bones of the forehead.
If it were simple, it would have probably already been done.
She probably has serious brain damage, that will need to be addressed if she's going to truly healed. The damage done seems to have shifted her personality.
It's why her version in EqG shouldn't have missing hands, she should have a metal plate in her head and a personality disorder.
her serious brain damage was not wanting friends and being unable to focus her magic properly. It's basically nerve damage and fixing the horn would be like growing a shitload of nerves to replace a dead cluster
which means her horn would be super-sensitive for a while, both for channeling magic and for it being touched.
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Usual time post. Just as the last few chapters, I'm still working on this one, just not in the pace that I'd like to maintain.
Sorry for the late response. I didn't quite find the proper time to write earlier.
>At this point, they are too old for that in my opinion.
Fair point. Their age could indeed be a concern for some. Though I reckon they could claim to mostly travel in groups with others to minimise the risks or some such thing. It's not like the average pony would doubt their words and check whether this is actually the case or not.
>more stubborn than to really take into account what they said
Sure, he might have underestimated the effect to a degree, though I don't think that he'd outright ignore the warning in its entirety. Like, he heard the warnings and prepared himself, for example, for a 2/10 as far as inconvenient moments go, yet he faced a 5/10 experience instead. Not nice, and certainly enough for second thoughts, but still bearable for the most part.
>What about the shuttles? Or the underground transporters. Or the mothership circling the planet.
Celestia can't sense them directly and discern what they are, but she indirectly does know that they are there in some fashion. After all, she once has taken control of a capital ship weapon system and used it actively to stave off a group of dragons, so she has far more agency than most. But just like all the other ponies, the best she can do is to perceive these things as a part of an elaborate school of magic which is far beyond the knowledge of most, and she would consider the occasional readings of a shuttle or any other unit as a fleeting whim of, for the lack of a better term, "background magic". Something which is around them, somewhere, somehow, but which she can't put into a more tangible form. Even her giving the order to fire the turrets would be interpreted by her as having performed a magic incantation ritual of some kind.
>which would not be strong magic imho
Yeah, it is far less potent. But it would still be advisable for them to keep a low profile and avoid a direct confrontation with Celestia or some of her more magically inclined companions like Ink. That wouldn't be much of a challenge for the two, considering their profound intel, but it would still be an effort which isn't strictly necessary.
Mare is cooking something up.
Cut out the hay and you've got yourself a deal
I like art where the human has a ridiculously long and thick penis that he uses to plow mares into ecstasy
That's what happens to all humans who go to Equestria. The Power of Love(tm) grants them those enhancements when they arrive, so they can fully please mares.
bros i'm so glad that being human means i'll become a sex god when I get to Equestria
who cares about being a sex god when you can scratch a mare under the chin while she rests her head in your lap
Average nmpcel obsessed with dicks
>sex god
>not being satisfied with cuddles and boops
this is not the thread for you
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>my waifu is superior
*laughs in security*
Why not both?
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>When Pinkie is trying to play matchmaker instead of Cadence
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>"Please Anon, I don't want my sisters to end up as wizards like Twilight"
>You sit across from Cadance as she pages through your file
>"Well, uh..." she looks between the file and you, "I'm trying to get a gauge on what you're like, but this is... A lot of mixed signals."
>You twiddle your thumbs nervously
>"I'll be honest, this is pretty gross. The only thing you haven't enjoyed thoroughly is gore. Cozy Glow, really? These mares here are too old to be in diapers!" Cadance smacks the file with a hoof in disbelief, "These mares are walking on two legs, this is a mare using an entire building to pleasure herself. Just who is this Lemon Drop you've been cranking your hog to? She needs to be arrested. This is a gryphon... And this game you've been playing, Reign Equestria." She looks at you once more, "What exactly happened to you as a child to make you like this?"
>Cadance sets the folder down, you can see it had a lot of images you've beat off to
"Uhh... We all make mistakes in the heat of passion?"
>"This, this is bad Anon. I can't make you a good husband for a mare. She'd have a heart attack from being exposed to this kind of degeneracy."
>"I usually don't do this, but we're gonna need to break out the big guns. The crystal heart will have to search the manasphere to a mare who can handle your freakiness."
>You follow her to the giant gem and she makes you do a little appeasement dance and pray to the crystal before putting your hand on it
>It was searing hot to the touch and countless ancient glyphs flashed in your vision, burning into your retinas until you were cast falling into darkness
>The voice of Steve Urkel rattles through your skull, "Oops, sorry. Did I do that?"
>"Wh-where am I?"
>"Your essence has been linked to my omnipresence... Cadance was right, you're into some weird stuff."
"I just like to goon a bit! I can be normie!"
>"Stop speaking the tongues of the dark gods please."
>The voice goes silent for a few seconds as you feel its presence leave you
>"I have found a suitable mare. In my search, I have seen much and come to realize Cadance is actually a bit of a puritan. She shall be revealed to you, now awaken!"
>You open your eyes and fall back from the crystal heart
>Cadance retches
>Depicted within the gem is a mare in the privacy of her own home using a vibrator to stimulate herself through the excess cushion of a diaper
>You felt something familiar
"Aaahhh... I'm 'bout to... BUS!"
>You nutted in your pants and passed out, much to the princess' disgust
Diapers are worse than guro.
>Suddenly, everything goes dark as you're jerked off of your feet. You feel yourself moving, but since your body is scrunched up in this confined space, it's difficult to tell where you are going.
>You feel the walls start to give, so you struggle harder.
>The space you were in crumbles into sticky chunks that cling to your suit.
"What the hell is going on?!"
>You hear somepony gasp.
>""Go ahead! Unwrap your birthday present!"
>Pinkie? Of course pinkie is behind this.
>A mint-cream unicorn bounces on her hooves as she studies you with wide, golden eyes.
"Hi, Lyra...happy birthday?"
>You step out of the oversized confection, trying not to get any more frosting on your shoes.
>As you brush chunks off of your cake-caked suit, you notice you now have a light green ribbon with white and gold stripes tied in a large bow around your neck.
>Looks like Twilight is going to need to give somepony another of her "interventions".
I feel like I'm missing a lot of references.
>"Hi, Lyra...happy birthday?"
So she's napping people who are already in Equestria. Things are gonna be interesting when she starts to use little dimension hops to nap guys from Earth in a split second and returns with her 'loot' just as quickly.
Happy mare bath.
>Pinkie was surrounded by blank expressions.
>"But if we're all the same color, won't we stand out?"
>"No-no-no! Where they are, they're all the same color!"
>The Magenta Mastermind tapped a hoof on the chart filled with pictures and diagrams of humans.
>"Okey-dokey! Tell me the plan."
>"You just told us all the plan."
>"I know! It's a review, to see if you remember all of it."
>The "humans" standing around the room muttered between each other, then one stepped forward.
>"You...We go to the place, then invite humans to the 'super-cool party' you set up, then, when they drink a lot, we bring them back through the portal."
>"But they have to be fun ones!", another of the "humans" interrupted.
>"Right! They have to have...um..."
>Pinkie filled in the blank, "The soul for getting down!", and busted out a few dance moves, to demonstrate.
>The "ordinary humans" nodded to each other.
>"Okay, got it."
>"Super-duper! Now get ready, we need to get this done before Twilight notices we're messing with her portal-thingy."
>Sunburst stepped from behind the arcane electronics, coat and cloak smudged with grease.
>"Pinkie, are you sure this is a good idea. I mean, the theory is sound, but very little is written about this specific type of portal..."
>"Don't worry! It'll be fine! What's the worst that can happen?"
remember to scrub your mare from tip to tail
it'll increase her affection without fail
>What's the worst that can happen?
Famous last words before disaster strikes.
Mare doesn't know what the fine for dabbling in the darkest art is.
Late night bathing is always a great thing too.
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It's so hot that bathing doesn't matter, you get sweaty right away.
>foam sweat
I see someone paid attention.
frothy mare sweat yes
>ywn dabble in the dark arts with your waifu
I want friends on the other side
Cult mares can be fun.
Remember to go through official channels and not to resort to dubious magic to pull your husband from the aether. There's a lot more paperwork than you'd think.
>Paperwork for unofficial activities
That sounds like something that Twilight would set up.
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No resistance. And that's good.
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Maybe a little resistance to not make it feel TOO easy.
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She looks slightly horny here. Not that this is a bad thing.
she's a unicorn Anon, she's always horny
Anon you're spending a lot of time with my chief of security guardmare, what were these doing in her room? Why are you running?
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>4chan disappeared my image
who would be that little punster's match, do you suppose?
Colgate She'll love his puns.
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Is that Luna or Nightmare? I'm not entirely sure.
why not both?
Because it appears to be a bipolar thing. Moon mare is either the one or the other.
>Mare on 10
Anyone want to send some reading recommends for a few of these to start with?
Better don't start with the ongoing one, unless you can handle the autism that went into it.
I think it's just regular munhorse and not spooky munhorse.
Minty's Careful Steps by YukkuriPaleHorse
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>pic related
thanks anon
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>Pic related joins the Husbando Hunter teams
What happens next?
Bro is skibidi :skull:
ah hell nah
She teams up with Anonmare
Mare is the light.
This is The Way.
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Thoughts on stage mares?
when you're with them, you'll always feel like you're under the spotlight
(as in you're the main character, not that you're constantly being watched)
That's just part of the life when you bond with a high profile mare.
>(but you *are* constantly being watched)
>turns out that the pony paparazzi are just as annoying as they are on Earth
>well, maybe "as annoying" is an overstatement
>they're certainly always clamoring for photos and bombarding you with questions but they're also a lot more respectful and polite
>the fact they're all adorable ponies helps too
>normally they just congregate in places that are hard to avoid like thoroughfare streets
>when you and your pony wife come through, the photos and questions begin
>you'll give them a few minutes of your time, then they're happy to leave you be and go about the rest of their day
>and when you're out in public, though you'll catch ponies giving you sidelong glances, you're left in peace for the most part, except for the occasional filly or colt wanting an autograph
>luckily you've never been followed by fans
>other than that, being horsemarried to a celebrity is pretty alright
>being horsemarried to a celebrity is pretty alright
>except for the intrusive thoughts telling you to do outrageously eccentric shit to throw gas on the fire
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Very exhausting to be with. If it's a high-profile celebrity expect to not be able to keep up with her tempo. Surrounded by press in public and extraverts in inner circles, is either an honest extravert herself or a constantly tired borderline sociopathic introvert when nobody's looking. Lack of privacy, constant grind at a pace you can't get used to quick enough. You could probably easily ruin her career without even realizing it because everything you do is thoroughly documented. You could probably just as easily ruin your relationship too because it's hard to understand this lifestyle and you'd end up insulting her without realizing it either.
>constantly tired borderline sociopathic introvert when nobody's looking
she's just like me
Maybe you can fix each other then.
I don't think high profile life in Equestria is quite as cutthroat as on Earth. It wouldn't be that bad, if Sweet and Elite is any indication.
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It's probably not AS bad but the trends seem to be there. Showbiz mares like Photo Finish do seem to be very busy and always in a hurry, pony press can be assholes all the same, fans can get just as jealous and bitter, and pony high society is most definitely overbearingly social. What's different about it is most art does come from the heart and not from the wallet, so singers, actresses and other creative mares won't be shallow and superficial even if they're married to their job and aren't quick to open up to someone who one day just appears out of nowhere and takes a permanent spot in their life.
>and pony high society is most definitely overbearingly social
Kinda 50/50. You have cunts like Jet Set and Upper Crust, but also more benign ponies like Fancy Pants and Fleu de Lis.
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Thethy mare with thethy lithp.
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>don't think high profile life in Equestria is quite as cutthroat as on Earth
unless it's the fashion industry
Manehattan was a mistake.
the industrial revolution and its consequences are a disaster no matter where you are
Truly, Manehattan is like Equestria's ghetto.
>Your lady has gotten serious in a funk ever since you left the cutthroat scene in Manehatten because she has no outlet for her competitiveness
Places like that exist because its denizens collectively agreed it should be that way. Sometimes being in a friendly small town isn’t enough for her and wants a place to sharpen her skills. Even she likes the feeling of a hard fought victory
That's not the fashion industry, it's just one mare who desperately needs a hug and a bunch of foals to make cute outfits for
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And that's bad because?
I'm not gonna take any shit from a 10-year-old with a cowlick that could be used as a bullwhip
>Taming the lion
Based family founder.
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>Public booping
Blue board!
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Jenny brewing.
Feisty sportsmare.
Board's fast.
It only looks fast, in truth it is very slow. When everyone posts at the same time it provides a convincing illusion.
Yeah, it does have its high and low times.
Still alive post, the second. Sorry for the long delay. Time is scarce as ever and this chapter is going to be crucial. So I'm investing more work into it than usual to make sure that I don't screw this one up.
Bat mare eeeeing this thread up from page 10.
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You know, this does seem - at least temporarily - like it could be a satisfying way to live. Mostly because I'd be with the poni, and she would be all I really needed to make everything else about this okay.
Some of the edits fixing/parodying his mouthpiece drawings were pretty good. Plus the little bit of his mom burning him when he came out as "poly".
>- at least temporarily - l
Why that?
honestly his relationship with his mother explained a lot
>his mom burning him
The only time I know of when a woman moment actually did something good for a change.
>really liked his old stuff
>still do
>it is now forever tainted with the knowledge of how he uses them as mouthpieces
I hope that faggot killed himself
Many such cases, sadly. It's a total brain worm.
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>when her casual sex appeal goes through the roof
...as in, sex appeal that requires no effort, right?
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Stealth mare.
*stealth furry bear
Redemption plum is cute in her own way.
most mares are
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Common NMM W.
Worth it.
>Celestia: *has never kissed a human before*
>(You): *expects horse tongue*
The rump is too big.
Anon, I'm afraid you might have brain damage.
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Luna's tiny butt may excite you so, but the dark side of the moon is always a bit rounder than you think.
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I mean it is just one mark right here it counts, she knows what she's doing.
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Mare isn't ready for me
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Yeah this thread is pretty cringy
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They go together like the horse and the carriage.
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I take it back bros, I take it all back. I wanted to believe there was good in this world and maybe there is but I don't care to look anymore.
Total mare supremacy.
Her legs look completely off.
You can always count on a pegasus mare to be there for you on a rainy day she called in a favor and scheduled the rainy day so you two could have some alone time
I think that's the joke, those wikihow images are always scuffed.
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Not so fast!
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You know what they say about cool mares.
they need extra cuddles to warm up?
That works too.
All mares deserve extra cuddles.
>Celestia's vanilla
Probably the best of the bunch.
She's been around for a thousand years. She knows what she wants.
her lipstick mark is also the most distinct, which means she did that firmly.
Making it even better.
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Most of her kiss marks are just below that frame.
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Ooh, melon mare a cutie.
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She aged very well.
There's a "Silver Spoon in your mouth" joke here, but I'm having trouble formulating it.
Did you just make an innuendo about eating her out?
Not yet, I'm trying to find one that's funny enough.
I was wondering for a moment why she's frowning until I saw the image number. That's a 'pre-show redemption' depiction of adult Diamond. I'm glad she turned around though. She'll be great as a mare.
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Could you stand bat humor?
She's frowning because I'm not real and can't pat her on the head and tell her how pretty she is
What a terrible fate.
I don't get it.
The word batty acts as a double meaning for being bat-like, and acting like a crazy person. It's a word play.
Yeah, and that'd be funny if (implicitly, Pinkie Pie) were a bat pony, but she's not. It's like Daft Punk describing Screwloose as a "daft pony"—using that exact word is the joke, but it's not very good because it feels so strained.
The next chapter is now finally, finally, finally done. Still have to proofread the thing, but I hope to manage that during the weekend.
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Mare out of her element.
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>10 in 2 hours
Holy crap, that's rare. Time for some mare.
Rare mare
Sadly its rare nowdays.
holy shit that's lewd
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Mare resting on page 10
what's with the bowl of eggs
She's got a warm drink. That can't be so bad.
she has to eat all the eggs
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Pony family ties. How do you think yours would play out?
well, considering your family would be on the other side of the portal, fairly one-sided. Hope you like your pony inlaws.
i am unimportant
>your family would be on the other side of the portal
That's for the best, really. They couldn't handle ponies anyway. Much less ones that might become part of the larger family.
honestly I think mine might come around because at least my mom would get grandchildren that way, but then again I don't think it'd really ever be fully accepted.
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Alright, the update is live and ready to get posted. Actually got the proofreading done yesterday, but was too tired to upload the whole thing at three in the morning. So let's do that right before the dull weekly slog commences, now shall we? Links and such as usual.
Main story:
Side story:
Hope you like it.

>The inner blast door of the airlock opens up with its characteristic rumbling sound whilst #deca.mare, Sky Squall and you patiently wait inside the airlock for the way to be clear.
>And even though the atmospheric pressure in the chamber has already reached its normal state, all of you are still wearing your full suits.
>You have not even begun to unseal your apparel, and you will continue to wear it until you are past the airlock.
>A decision which acts both as a safety measure, and as an exercise of patience for Sky Squall.
>The stallion takes the few additional minutes in his gear with a disciplined mental restraint, in spite of his urges to toss the whole thing.
>His background is definitely helping him in this regard, as a less experienced pony might not act quite so well in such a situation.
>But the Pegasus endures.
>And once the blast door is gone, you leave the airlock and gather in the centre of the adjacent hall where a utility unit is already waiting for you.
>Said unit carries a second medium-sized container.
>But unlike the one in the biolab, this container is unsealed and empty.
>The automaton is waiting for you to deposit the suits within it before the machine heads off to ferry the three sets.
>They will be first brought to a minor workshop for an examination.
>A standard procedure to check the gear for damages and other potential problems.
>Afterwards, the unit will transport the container and its contents to its designated slot in a nearby cargo area.
>So you finally unseal the suits, much to the relief of a certain Pegasus, and undress in the same collaborative manner in which you donned them in the first place.
>As soon as the suits are placed in the transport box, #deca.mare closes the container and steps away from the automaton.
>Sky Squall and you do the same.
>Then she gives the utility unit the command to go.
>Which it does.
>The automaton steers the machine right into the airlock.
>And the blast door seals itself shortly thereafter.
>You are the first to speak up after the departure of the machine.
"So, that's another 'birth' for your record, Sky."
>The stallion nods before he responds.
>"If you can call it that, I suppose."
>He pauses.
>Sky Squall stops for a second to consider his wording.
>"... that would make two foalings without ever having a foalhood."
>You blink and look at him neutrally.
"Okay, would you have preferred to come back as a youngster then, with the knowledge you have today?"
>He laughs.
>"No, I don't think so."
>The laughter of the Pegasus turns into a snickering.
>"Besides, it would make a future reunion... a little bit difficult, don't you think?"
>You fail to suppress a smile as well.
"Yeah, I'm not sure what Firefly would say to that. If she'd find any words at all."
>You grin at the stallion.
"On the flip side, it would've been funny to have 'little Sky' around. We could tell you when it's bedtime and such."
>You suppress any attempts of your mind to imagine Sky Squall as a colt, but retaining his full personality as it is today.
>Because if you would envision that, you would probably not stop laughing for a while.
>Sky Squall returns your grin with a wry one of his own.
>"In your dreams."
>Then he retorts with a similar proposal.
>"I'd be ready to consider the offer if the roles were reversed though. You know, to give you a little refresher on family life before you have your plate full with Harmony one day. Consider it a favour between friends."
>His smile immediately gives it away that the stallion is joking.
>He is not expecting you to genuinely consider the offer at all.
>But the temptation of picturing this particular mental image is just as strange to you as the previous one.
>You briefly glance over to #deca.mare, then turn back to Sky Squall.
"I believe neither of us could pass as model foals."
>The Pegasus shrugs and goes on.
>"Doesn't matter. I've got experience in these things. We would work it out."
>Well, he is certainly not lying in this regard.
>After having gone through this experience four times, that is no exaggeration or empty boast on his part.
>He takes a breath.
>"In all seriousness though, if you two need parental advice at any time, just ask."
>You nod.
"Thanks for the offer, Sky."
>With that promise given, Sky Squall senses the opportunity to cram in another brief quip.
>"My other offer stands too, should you decide to create younger bodies for yourselves."
>You smile and blatantly roll your eyes whilst the Pegasus watches you.
>He takes the hint and changes the topic.
>"By the way, when are your new proxies due anyway?"
>Now you blink.
"Due? You mean as in scheduled?"
>He nods.
>You take a breath.
"Well, that's very easy. As soon as one of our proxies has suffered from unforeseen devastating injuries somehow."
>A pause.
"And when I say devastating, I mean it. We can heal practically everything that isn't outright terminal."
>Sky Squall tilts his head.
>"What about age? Your first proxies have been around long before Equestria even existed, correct? Surely you must have made new ones since then."
>You grin for a moment.
>Then you shake your head.
"Nope. This may surprise you, but these are still our 'first ones', as you put it."
>You can read Sky Squall's next question in his bewildered face before he actually utters it.
>"How though? Faking old age in Equestria is no problem for you, but how do you avoid the aging process altogether without putting the bodies into one of those cryo machines? From what you've told me, they must be decrepit after all these years."
>You look over to #deca.mare.
>And she elaborates right away, looking a little bit proud as she does.
>"This is true. Under normal circumstances, they would be. But you see, we came up with a certain trick, not so long ago."
>The ears of the stallion perk up.
>"What kind of trick?"
>#deca.mare goes on.
>"A pretty effective one."
>She takes a breath.
>"It is a twofold procedure. The first part involves a slight alteration of our proxies on the genetic level."
>#deca.mare registers the faint look of growing concern on Sky Squall's face.
>For whilst he has no expert knowledge in advanced biology, #deca.mare and you have told him enough about proxies and life in general to give him a rough idea of what you are talking about.
>"I know it sounds drastic, but it is not as incisive as you might think now. We have merely adapted and added a few modifications which I originally created for the princesses to enhance their longevity far beyond the already considerable life span of the average pony."
>A pause.
>"To sum it up briefly, we have 'copied' the vastly prolonged life expectancy of the sisters. But apart from this addition to our bodies, there is no other effect. The phenotypes of the proxies, their performances, and their potential remain wholly unaltered."
>#deca.mare chuckles.
>"The joke Anon made about turning you into an Alicorn was overblown, but not too far from the truth."
>Sky Squall blinks.
>"Wait, are you telling me that my body is partially an Alicorn now?"
>#deca.mare shakes her head.
>"No. Your proxy has not received this treatment so far. We did not want to do anything like that without your approval. But we can still do so, if you wish."
>The Pegasus takes a breath.
>"And then I'd be one. Or at least the proxy, that is."
>You take over.
"I wouldn't say that, Sky. We're talking about a zero point zero zero zero something percentage of genetic material that's specific to Alicorns. I mean, it's technically not wrong to call that 'partially Alicorn' from a genetic standpoint, but the degree is minuscule. And as #deca said, it has no tangible impact on anything."
>You pause.
"If we were to apply the changes to your proxy too, then your body would remain, by all means, that of a normal Pegasus. The exact replica of who you were in your prime that you see right now."
>You smile.
"The only thing you'd lose is the inevitability of getting grey hair."
>#deca.mare speaks up again.
>"And before you ask, no. This alteration is not hereditary either. We made sure that the process does not affect the gametes of a proxy in any shape or form."
>Sky Squall thinks about this for a moment.
>"So foals would remain completely unaffected as well?"
>She nods.
>"Indeed. To the foals, it does not make a difference whether the parents, or only one of the pair for that matter, might possess this prolonged life span or not. Neither genetically speaking nor otherwise."
>You speak up as #deca.mare pauses.
"That last part wasn't even a problem in the first place since Alicorns always have been genetically compatible with other ponies."
>You see that Sky Squall thinks about another question, so you give him the opportunity to ask it.
>"Just out of curiosity, what would happen, you know, in this case? Theoretically speaking?"
>You grin.
"The foal would be a normal pony. Earth, Pegasus, or Unicorn. Tendencies may vary though, depending on who the father is. The Royal Sisters will remain the only born Alicorns."
>The gears in Sky Squall's mind are grinding.
>"And the second step you mentioned? How deep does that reach?"
>You let #deca.mare explain this one again.
>"It is in fact less 'deep' as you call it. And it has more of a supportive role rather than an active one."
>She inhales.
>"You see, Sky. Even the most stable genome can be subject to damages and changes over time. Caused by injuries, harmful substances, radiation, simple random chance, or a multitude of other factors. Most of these occurrences are so tiny that their respective singular impairment goes by unnoticed. Metaphorically speaking, they are like nigh invisible scrapes on a smooth surface."
>#deca.mare takes a breath.
>"But once these scrapes accumulate, their damage becomes more overt, and problems start to crop up as a consequence. I have done a lot to counteract these effects in ponies and the other denizens of Equestria, yet as you can attest to personally, this can only delay the process. It is unable to stop it."
>She sighs.
>"It is also, by the way, one of the key reasons why you are not fully organic. Your brain in particular."
>Sky Squall reaches the conclusion on his own.
>"You sidestepped the problem. To save us from dying."
>#deca.mare nods.
>"Indeed. And the princesses are no exception either. They are exceptionally healthy, stable and long-living, even by pony standards, but they would face the same issues eventually too. Inevitably so."
>She pauses.
>"Which is where the second step comes into play. Their augmentations."
>Another pause.
>"The augmentations of the princesses are enhanced custom designs, adapted to the unique physiology of the sisters."
>The stallion nods and #deca.mare goes on.
>So far, so clear.
>"But there is more to them than a simple functional adaptation. One component is also tasked with an ongoing procedure to keep the princesses healthy and free from aging effects."
>Sky Squall blinks in silence, clearly unable to imagine how this is supposed to work.
>So #deca.mare gives him more details.
>"The concept is not so difficult to explain. Do you remember what we told you about nano-machines?"
>He does.
>"Sure. The tiny things that maintain our bodies."
>The Pegasus takes a breath.
>"Their active operations are limited to the non-organic parts of us though. They can measure the heartbeat and such, but they don't hold any sway over the health of a pony."
>#deca.mare nods.
>"You are right in general, Sky."
>The stallion slowly grasps what #deca.mare is alluding to.
>"But the Royal Sisters are an exception to the rule, I assume."
>Another nod.
>"Right. In their case, the network of the nano-machines does not merely monitor and maintain any mechanical components, or read vitals, it is capable of directly affecting the living cells too."
>Sky Squall appears to hold his breath for a second.
>"That's... how?"
>#deca.mare starts to smile.
>"By expanding the functionality of the system which coordinates the network."
>Another breath.
>"It works as follows: We provided the original system with a meticulous array of blueprints and technical details about the augmentations and their respective purposes inside a pony. Thus, its nano-machines can spot and repair most damages or other malfunctions on their own, right upon detection. An intervention is usually not necessary. The injuries in question would have to be grave for the network to struggle with them."
>She pauses yet again.
>"Now, the enhanced variant in the sisters has, on top of the already existing framework, also access to the genetic data of the princesses. It is aware of the entire genetic code of the two."
>#deca.mare keeps looking at the now quite captivated stallion as she goes on.
>"In short, this version of the system can scan their whole bodies for flaws in their genetic material and prompt the necessary repairs."
>Sky Squall is stunned for a second, but eventually manages to overcome the notion.
>"You mean these machines can heal organic parts too?"
>#deca.mare considers to nod for a second, but decides against it in the very next moment.
>"Indirectly. The nano-machines do not do it themselves, but they rather make the body alter the genome back to its original, and optimal, state. It causes, in a way, a controlled reverse mutation."
>Sky Squall still looks at her intently and speaks up.
>"Or, in a word, immortality."
>He ponders on his last comment for a second.
>"Bodily immortality, I mean. Their minds are safe anyway."
>#deca.mare partially agrees with the conclusion of the Pegasus, albeit somewhat hesitantly.
>"At least as close to 'immortality' as a proxy can get. Age and wear are no longer an issue, but some of the usual risk factors still apply, of course. For instance, the princesses are very resistant, yet not immune to physical damage. Dependencies on food and water obviously remain as well."
>A pause.
>"And now, our proxies benefit from the same improvements. Minus the physical advantages of the Alicorn anatomy, as you can see."
>You can virtually read in Sky Squall's expression that he is trying to conceptualise what #deca.mare is telling him.
>"I figure this must've been difficult to achieve."
>#deca.mare smiles warmly.
>"Yes, and no."
>Then she chuckles.
>"Designing the specialised nano-machines that are capable of such a feat was not an easy act. The development process could fill a series of expert books."
>A pause.
>"But the implementation of these machines was, in comparison to the development, almost trivial."
>Sky Squall tilts his head.
>"You mean in the case of the princesses? Or in yours?"
>#deca.mare grins again.
>"Both, more or less. The former was a breeze. Our proxies required a few additional refinements to be compatible with the new type of nano-machines though. This was not hard either, but it required a little bit of extra work."
>#deca.mare inhales deeply.
>"Still, it paid off. Our efforts gave us some useful additional insight on top of their primary benefits."
>Sky Squall remains curious.
>"What kind of insight?"
>A moment of silence follows before #deca.mare responds.
>"On the first steps of what we have to do to make this kind of technology compatible with other organisms. It is, in part, a form of field test. One in a tightly controlled environment and with a fairly easy execution, but a practice test nonetheless."
>#deca.mare pauses yet again.
>"You must understand, we have not conducted this project merely because we were so attached to this pair of proxies. It is nice to preserve these bodies even though we could replace them, but all of this work is intended to, hopefully, lead to something far more important."
>The expression of the Pegasus makes it very clear to both of you that he wants to hear more.
>And #deca.mare sighs before she gives the Pegasus exactly what he wants.
>"It is my, no, our hope to use these machines to..."
>She takes another long breath as she glances over to you.
>"... preserve Anon without the necessity of a cryo unit."
>Sky Squall blinks.
>#deca.mare speaks up when the Pegasus fails to say anything.
>"If you think about it, the theory behind the idea is not so far-fetched. The genetic structures of all living beings on Equestria base, at least loosely, on terran life. And the fundamental components of said genes are precisely the same in both Equestrian and terran life forms."
>Another breath.
>"As such, the basic pieces we require are already in place. We have the technological proficiency, and we know for a fact that it is applicable to terran genetics."
>The Pegasus eyes #deca.mare sceptically.
>"You know this field isn't my forte, but judging from what I've gathered so far, you make this sound way too easy. I can't imagine the solution is so simple. Especially not after the fuss you made about finding a way."
>She shakes her head.
>"I never claimed it would be easy. On the contrary, this is indeed much harder than our 'practice test' with the proxies."
>She inhales deeply.
>"For instance, when I created our bodies, all of them, I shaped the respective physiological baseline with the explicit usage of augmentations and nano-machines in mind. Our bodies are practically made for bearing them."
>Another pause.
>"This was a premise right from the start. The augmentations are, figuratively speaking, a 'natural' part of the ponies. And in the case of our two proxies here, I merely had to expand the range of compatibility. But the essential capacities to do this were already present."
>#deca.mare sighs.
>"Anon does not possess this ability, however. In fact, he is at a disadvantage."
>Sky Squall raises an eyebrow.
>"How so?"
>You take over.
"Because this kind of tech is foreign to my physiology, Sky. We can't just implement these things and be done with it. My body could try to repel the machines, and if that were to happen, the side effects would be, well, bad."
>He nods faintly.
>"And no means to circumvent that?"
>You take a breath.
"No realistic ones, at least. Unless you suggest we suppress my entire immune system."
>The Pegasus blinks.
>"No... that wouldn't be sound."
>Not to mention that #deca.mare would flat out refuse that option in any case.
>You grin.
"That's the irony. We can program a whole swarm of these machines to preserve my genes, but we can't get them in yet. Not without the risk of doing more harm than good."
>The stallion comes up with another question as you mention that.
>"But you have programmed some to do so already, just in case?"
>You nod.
"Oh, sure. A long time ago, even. #deca has analysed my genome ever since she took the first blood sample from me. That was the true first step of her work. The list of subsequent intermediate steps has grown pretty long over the years, but feeding some machines with my genome was one of the earlier ones. As you said, just in case."
>You pause.
"We'll keep working on this to find a way though. We are far from being done here, and if you have any ideas, we're open to suggestions too."
>You look at #deca.mare.
"Right, #deca?"
>She gives you a nod.
>"Always. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes can see something that we miss."
>Sky Squall blinks.
>"You think this is likely?"
>#deca.mare shrugs.
>"Perhaps not likely."
>Then she smiles.
>"But it is not impossible."
>A moment of silence follows until #deca.mare speaks up again.
>"Anyway, shall we go? The main hall is not the most comfortable place to have a discussion."
>Which is true, even in comparison to the relatively modest living standards on the ship.
>The three of you head for the crew quarters at a slow, yet calm pace.
>And as you casually walk through the short corridor, you decide to return to your original question.
"And, Sky? Have you come to a decision already?"
>Sky Squall looks at you.
>"You mean whether I want the adjustments myself?"
>You nod, and the Pegasus considers how to respond.
>He takes a deep breath before he raises his voice.
>"I see nothing that speaks against it. But... I'd rather wait for now. I don't want to make this decision without, you know, her. That wouldn't be right."
>You give him a second nod.
"That's understandable. Though I think Firefly will agree as well."
>The stallion smiles faintly.
>"So do I. But I'll be patient until then regardless. We'll do it together."
>You mirror his smile and laugh.
"Romantic. I always knew you had a penchant for soft sentimental stuff."
>You notice that your little quip manages to slightly tickle his ego, albeit only for a second.
>Casually rolling his eyes with a smirk on his face is all that you get out of him.
>Sky Squall is fully aware that you tried to poke him with this jest.
>Oh well, it was worth a try.
>You go on.
"Jokes aside, it's all good, Sky. We're in no hurry here."
>You continue your short walk to the living quarters.
>It is Sky Squall who speaks up next, just a few seconds later.
>"Hey, Anon."
>You turn your head to the stallion again.
>He pauses and just barely stifles a wide grin.
>"Does the Alicorn thing come with a suitable title?"
>You blink as you come up with a response to this not quite so serious question.
"Hm... I mean, kind of, but not necessarily. The connotations of Alicorns and royal titles go hand in hand in Equestria these days. Unless you're talking about the families of the old Unicornia royalty, they're almost interchangeable. Yet it's all nevertheless, technically and objectively speaking, a mere custom."
>You clear your throat.
"Or rather hooves than hands. I think you catch my drift though."
>Then you get an idea and laugh.
"And if we run with these customs as standard as well, I suppose we could call you a 'Per Mill Prince'. Or 'Prince Per Mill'?"
>Sky Squall exhales loudly, smiling in turn.
>"These don't sound very, well, titular."
>You shrug and keep grinning.
"They would still oversell the actual percentage of your Alicorn parts though. And widely so... "
>You fail to suppress a chuckle.
"... Your Marginal Majesty."
>The stallion snorts in amusement.
>"Alright, alright. Sky will do just fine."
>At this moment, #deca.mare speaks up.
>"How about captain?"
>Both of you look at her.
>"Come again?"
>#deca.mare now grins too.
>"Since you are about to play a vital role in the development of Equestria and learn the ropes of life in space, you could become a captain. A ship captain."
>She snickers.
>"You already have a lot of practical experience as a leader and organiser. The flight and navigational skills are more than sufficient too. You only need some additional technical expertise to qualify for the position. According to official terran customs, no less."
>Well, #deca.mare is obviously joking around, but her idea is not totally off.
>Sky Squall does have many decades of field practice under his belt, in several commanding roles on top of that, and his almost stellar track record speaks for itself.
>If he knew more about spaceships, he would indeed be a solid pick who would pass the respective learning modules and tests in a breeze.
>In theory, at least.
>You cough.
"I don't think the USC guidelines would allow a Pegasus to be in charge of a command bridge. No offence."
>Not that this would make a difference here anyway.
>And Sky Squall shrugs without a care in the world.
>"None taken."
>Then you inhale.
"Besides, you'd outrank me if you make it. And I can't have that."
>The stallion laughs.
>"Alright, that convinces me. What are the necessary courses?"
>You feign an annoyed grunt.
>Sky Squall eyes you and gives you one of his challenging grins.
>"Don't be upset, Anon. Nothing stops you from doing the same. Maybe you're even faster than me. You have a head start, after all."
>You shake your head, still acting as if you were insulted.
"You really try to turn everything into a challenge, Sky."
>The golden Pegasus shrugs again.
>"But it works, doesn't it? Nothing is better than a little bit of friendly competition to drive everypony to do their best."
>#deca.mare chuckles again, a tad louder this time.
>"This is a good point. And it opens up a lot of... learning potential."
>You glance over to #deca.mare for a moment, then you look back at Sky Squall.
"Uh oh. Now you've done it."
>He tilts his head.
>"I did what?"
>You try to sound deadpan.
"You've given her ideas to get creative with."
>Another shrug.
>"Yes, and?"
>You fake a sigh.
"You'll see."
>Then you smile.
"Nothing is more unpredictable than #deca when she gets creative."
>This gets another chuckle out of her.
>"And you love it, Anon. You cannot deny this."
>Now it is you who shrugs casually.
"Well, yeah. That's true."
>#deca.mare and you look at each other and laugh as the three of you enter the side corridor, raising the total number of the current residents in the living quarters by one.
>Relatively soon in the future, this number will increase yet again when the magenta counterpart of your golden friend joins your ranks as well.
>It is almost as if you have a small motley crew gathering on board.
And done. Sorry for the long wait again. This was a damn tricky thing to write, and I can't think of a single paragraph that didn't go through several different versions before the final ones struck to (hopefully) avoid any screwups. So I'd really appreciate some feedback on this one, if only to know whether this direction is crap or not since this chapter is, in essence, admittedly one big exposition with very little else in between. It had to be done at some point though, and it was on my list of to-do things for a very long time.
you've got to shovel the exposition in somewhere, otherwise you get gaping plot holes.
and not the fun kind.
she seems to be in a sticky situation
>When the hottie glues herself
on the bright side, if it ever comes up again you can just handwave it as a "and then they spent the next couple hours going over this thing we explained previously" as a segue to the next scene.
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Agreed. And it was high time to address that now. A couple of Anons mentioned that topic already, and it appeared to be a somewhat apt point in the story to do so as well.
Oh yeah, that's a great advantage. Now that the bulk is out, the whole thing won't be so cumbersome to write about in the future when it becomes relevant again.
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Ponies love balls. Your mare could be doing this right now.
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Lingerie mare.
I wonder what a game with huge balls like these would look like in Equestria.
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>When she feels like a princess
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Eee mare.
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Letting the thread fall off will get you pic related.
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remember to wash you stinky wife, even if you like how she smells
you have to go out in public eventually.
I figured Tree Hugger would be a greater challenge to wash.
Bring her to a lake or stream and use "natural" soaps and stuff. Throw in some talk of healing vibrations and aligning chakras and you could put whatever favorite scents on her that you wanted.
Good point. I haven't thought about that.
Besides, you can always get her sweaty again later.
Challenge accepted.
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>Cadenza when she's on a shipping spree looking for singles
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Mare silently judges the low activity in the thread.
She'll thank him later.
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>Your mare could be doing this right now.
It would look mightily odd if Celestia would do pic related in the castle. Unless she does it behind closed doors.
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Have you ever considered that magic could make ways of pony clothing possible that wouldn't make any sense to us?
Mare-made dresses beyond my comprehension?
I mean, if we can imagine it we could probably make sense of it.
they could have outfits purely composed of magic and it would still be understandable at a conceptual level.
What if it's some non-Euclidean Rarity × H. P. Dresscraft collab that reduces you to gibbering madness because a dress is a thing of limits and angles, and it has neither, though?
If it could be comprehended enough to be created, it can be comprehended enough to see.
It might just give you a headache, though.
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Yes but since ponies and their clothes were designed by a human I don't think it's something to worry about.
>I don't think it's something to worry about
until you're over there.
If you ARE there then there's more to worry about than comprehending pony fashion.
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God they're cute.
What if you get matched with Rarity or Coco?
In that case, not understanding pony fashion means that either you're a delightful break from their business or you're a fresh perspective unafraid to ask questions and put forth ideas that a pony would never consider.
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Then you're most likely the perfect test subject for designing Equestria's human fashion, or simply helping them with staying fresh. And those are the "normal" ones, imagine helping Lily with her left-field inspiration or satisfying Inky's goth vibe cravings.
>satisfying Inky's goth vibe cravings
Then this mare would achieve what even the most depressing shit in this world couldn't: Making me wear goth stuff.
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Sign me up, I'd jump at the opportunity to relive my goth youth days even if she didn't want that.
Mares love large human phallus
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Mare safely contained on page 10
Why wouldn't she want that? It would be her perfect fit.
Mare dare.
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Would your mare keep you prisoner of the bed until the last moment, or would she help you get ready for work?
Pretty sure she'd encourage me to get up in time to see the dawn with her.
What happened to the regular text wall commenter?
he might be on vacation
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remember to smooch your wife with vigor
And frequently too.
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Of course
>5.2% related to scent
That comes from the whole horse breath sharing thing, I assume.
>Sliding halfway across the catalog in 25 minutes
What the fuck is going on?
entered unified bumping time for the assembled threads.
There are too many mares who deserve happiness and not enough men to make all of them happy.

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