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Last time on The Good Necromancer:
>You get to reunite with Hannu before messing with the Fjadurhnifur a bit, seeing and getting to hear different visions from it.
>You all chat for a while over dinner before you retire for the night with Hannu and Dawyn. Waking up in the morning, you chat with Armas a bit and then with Hannu and Dawyn, the three of you getting cleaned up.
>You talk with Armas again about him getting to experience Radonitsa. Giving him some extra Necrotic magic you give him a Deer form and the name Iiro to hide his identity for now.
You can also catch up here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40758171/#40758171
>Lore Pastebin:
>Inventory Pastebin:
>Spell Pastebin:
>Information Pastebin:
>Crafting Pastebin:
>Curse Pastebin:
Taking a seat between Hannu and Dawyn, you bite your lip in contemplation.
"It's up to you, you can join us if you wish. You won't be imposing much but I won't hassle you to join if there are other things you want to do."
"Even if I'm not eating I can sit and talk," Iiro responds, "I could take a walk in the woods, but I don't know the area."
"And seeing as you are here, I suppose you'll be wanting to check out the nearby town, especially with the festival," You say, "I've got some sightseeing to do, purchases to make, and plans in general, but is there anything you want to do."
"Seeing the festival would be fun," He smiles, "I also wanted to look as some spellbooks in the area, look at some spells and such... If you're all fine with me coming along."
"I don't see why not," Hannu smiles, "Those are things we can do."

What do you do?
'I need to pick up something for Master, as well as for Dawyn and Hannu. Kost(?) deserves some commemoration as well, but Morena(?) said he was alive, so not quite the same gesture. I'm gonna have to cover for Armas in terms of Grivna, assuming Hannu doesn't have much on him. How fitting, for a Spirit to walk among the living on this day.'
Stirring from our thoughts, we look at Smoke and Tanssija.
"What about yourselves, did you two have plans?"

Happy to see you're back, hope the break was decent at least
It was, though it was longer than I thought cause I had a lot to do this week.

'I need to pick up something for Master, as well as for Dawyn and Hannu. Kost deserves some commemoration as well, but Morena said he was alive, so not quite the same gesture. I'm gonna have to cover for Armas in terms of Grivna, assuming Hannu doesn't have much on him. How fitting, for a Spirit to walk among the living on this day.'
Moving away from those thoughts, you look over at Smoke and Tanssija.
"What about yourselves, did you two have plans?"
"Not really," Smoke shakes his head, "I was going to go around and see the weapons and armors they have... maybe alcohol as well. Besides that, I don't have a lot."
"You can join me for my commemoration," Tanssija tells him, "I wanted to do something for my parents and I don't exactly know what I'm supposed to do for that on Radonitsa."
"I would love to, and I can show you," Smoke smiles, "It's not that bad, you just have to follow some stuff."

What do you do?
We pause, not wanting to intrude on their moment as they look so cute together.
'Smoke is probably the only one in the group that properly knows the tradition, since he grew up in the Sea of Trees. Hannu might want to be involved as well, but that is best left between him and Tanssija. Dawyn may also want to honor someone. And Armas, he has his whole life to both grieve and celebrate.'
Biting our lip as another second passes, we finally speak up.
"What sort of stuff? Would someone in town be able explain things?"

Felt like simultaneously a day and a week passed, but was busy as well
"I take it this would be your first Radonitsa as well, Hannu?"
"I do know a bit, but I haven't had an opportunity to follow the traditions to the letter. Usually I would polish tombs and leave bread and meat for the departed. What should I look forward to for tonight?"
(Polishing graves is usually a noble thing, so I think it's safe to write.)
Sounds fitting, and is benign enough that no one should question it
You pause for a moment, not wanting to intrude on their moment as they look adorable together.
'Smoke is probably the only one in this group that properly knows the tradition, since he grew up in the Sea of Trees. Hannu might want to be involved as well, but that is best left between him and Tanssija. Dawyn may also want to honor someone. And Armas, he has his whole life to both grieve and celebrate.'
"I take it this would be your first Radonitsa as well, Hannu?"
"I am slightly familiar with it, but yes it'll be my Radonitsa." He nods.
"I do know a bit, but I haven't had an opportunity to follow the traditions to the letter. Usually I would polish tombs and leave bread and meat for the departed. What should I look forward to for tonight? And would someone in town be able to explain things?"
"That would be any of the Speakers in town," Smoke replies, a Speaker being what the priests of The Court are called, "Well, for most of the day people are going to be mourning and celebrating the holiday with things like food, gifts, visiting graves. You can donate food to the temples as well and an hour before the sun sets the Speakers lead people to the cemeteries where people will commonly sing and leave gifts for the departed along with doing things like cleaning the grounds, polishing tombs, and just being there for the dead. After that there is a feast, usually with just your family or you can join the public one that the Speakers organize with the donated food, and then there's a dance that everyone can partake in."
"A dance?" Hannu asks.
"I know it probably sounds a bit weird, but not only is Radonitsa for mourning it's to also celebrate life and the lives that the dead lived."

What do you do?
We bite our cheek apprehensively at the mention of Speakers, seeing as our Goddess isn't really well liked by The Court, and by extension, neither are we, but there isn't anything we can do about that. So, we nod along with what we know and understand of the holiday, brushing a lock of our mane out of our face.
"That is about my understanding of it as well: a celebration of life through remembrance of the dead, with some appreciation given to the living around you as well. While none of us are local, it couldn't hurt to partake in the singing and cleaning."
'I could attempt to make some food to leave for Master, but I don't know that I should gift something inedible, even if he'll never eat it. Hm, what will Wyn and Han sound or dance like?...'
Lost in our thoughts, we glance at both Hannu and Dawyn.

Sorry, trying out HOI4 EAW and two hours went by without notice. It's interesting, though I have no idea what's going on and promptly got my ass handed to me.
"Dancing... I've never danced before, unless you consider dueling as a sort of dance. I've heard the two are similar, each following a rhythm of moves and steps... Will there be instructions on how we move?"
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
Rediscovered a post from the previous TGN thread, made a sequel post.
>Gael's heart pitter-pattered in her chest as she walked through the alleys of Lower Canterlot after midnight
>Splitting up after the museum heist had been an optional safety measure
>She'd signaled for it the moment she could based on a hunch, and despite her nerves, she was glad she did
>She'd seen nothing, heard nothing, and her nares were still caked with Nickle's rocky spunk, but ever since that practically pornographic statue had cracked, her instincts told her she was being followed
>Granted, her instincts had been going a little haywire lately, but this wasn't a cucumber left out on the counter spooking her, this was actual alarm bells 'predator, death, run' type stuff
>Conversely, her cold, matted thighs and amorous tail were a consequence of her listening to certain other instincts, thankfully hard to see under the cover of night
>Gael ducked into another alleyway, intent on losing her pursuer, only to freeze at the sight of a wall that definitely wasn't where it should be...
>She appeared from nothing, the slender mare with no expression
>Even with a tattered tarp to cover most of her titanic body and face, what pale fur showed shone under the moon like a specter of death, and Gael's shorter stature gave her very ample proof that the statue had been more than just chiseled stone
>That last part aside, the figure could've been something right out of neighponese folklore
>Sweet Luna though, those things must've had a gravitational pull of their own, as the hen was having some decidedly not straight thoughts about-
>Shaking her head, Gael tensed, thoughts of fleeing quashed by a need to protect --her nest-- the safehouse from the strange mare
>In seemingly a single step, the mare closed the distance and lifted the little hen by her scruff (as Winter had done a few times before when he wanted his 'toy'), all fight leaving the startled Griffon immediately, then progressing to confusion as cold lips met beak
>The mare's tongue was strong but delicate, unafraid of the little carnivore's beak as it explored every inch, searching for something
>Quickly as it began, the mare pulled back, leaving the stunned hen to stare under the hood and into those ancient glowing green eyes, any taste of Nickle replaced by a lightly dusty taste
>"Знaчит, этo был твoй жepeбeц."
>A monotone voice spoke in a language completely foreign to Gael, who despite herself, simply tilted her head in confusion
>A wave of lightheadedness passed over her, the hen shaking herself awake once again
>The same voice from before spoke in perfect, unaccented Equish, answering a question she hadn't yet found the courage to voice
>"Love is a more powerful force than many give it credit for. Especially when many share it, and a little, percussive force is applied. You freed me, little hen, so I owe a life debt to you, your mare, and your stal-..."
>Freezing, the otherworldly mare brought her lips to Gael's neck, and the Griffon squeezed her eyes shut, waiting with fear and shameful arousal for the inevitable bite of icy fangs...
>"Ah, stallions. I apologize. Your Earth Pony wasn't present, but I owe him as well."
>"... So you're not going to turn me into a thrall and drain my blood?"
>It was slight enough that most would miss it, but Gael caught it: a smile without fangs of any sort, somehow both motherly and kind yet teasing, eyes still cloaked in impenetrable shadow
>"Not unless you ask nicely... Congratulations, by the way."
>"... W-what?"
>"You are with clutch. Is this not celebrated these days? Unless-"
>Gael's unconscious body slumped and dangled from the mare's hoof, having connected the dots
>"oнa нe знaлa."
>With the strange hen unconscious, Luscinia felt her grasp of the local language slip away, only feeling mildly guilty for shocking the little thing as she watched her soul's color fluctuate rather curiously
>With a little improvised magic, the Earth Pony attempted to track down the sire of the unborn chicks, only to double check her casting
>Sure enough, in her mind's eyes, three distinct locations with unique impressions appeared, slowly reuniting without their wide rumped fourth
>'... I think I will like your little herd. Perhaps the pink one can help me find something to wear.'
>Tucking the expecting hen carefully under her improvised cloak, the lich mused at the thought of becoming a godmother in this strange age, before disappeared into nothing once more
You bite your cheek apprehensively at the mention of Speakers, remembering that your Goddess isn't well liked by The Court, and by extension you weren't either, but there isn't anything you can do about that. So, you just nod along with what you know and understand of the holiday, brushing a lock of your mane out of your face.
"That is about my understanding of it as well: a celebration of life through remembrance of the dead, with some appreciation given to the living around you as well. While none of us are local, it couldn't hurt to partake in the singing and cleaning."
"It never does," Smoke replies, "It's still a good gesture, even to strangers we never met."
'I could attempt to make some food to leave for Master, but I don't know that I should gift something inedible, even if he'll never eat it. Hmm, what will Wyn and Han sound or dance like?'
You glance between Hannu and Dawyn before speaking.
"I've never danced before, unless you consider dueling as a sort of dance. I've heard the two are similar, each following a rhythm of moves and steps... Will there be instructions on how we move?"
"Nope, dance how you like." Smoke says.
"If you want I can show you some dances." Hannu offers.

What do you do?
That sounds... Intriguing. I believe I would like that.
We smile slightly.
"I would enjoy that. Will we need space to practice? I don't know where we would begin, to be honest. I believe I read somewhere that there are more forms of dance than there are of combat."
Hmm, will you teach me, or is it practice for Seija?
You smile slightly at this.
"That sounds... intriguing. Will you teach me, or is it practice for Seija?"
"This is not practice for her, this is so that you can learn." He smiles back, standing up.
"Will we need space to practice? I don't know where to begin, to be honest. I believe I read somewhere that there are more forms of dance than there are of combat."
"There are a lot of dances, but for this you only need a few."
He then gives you a small smile, extending a hoof out for you to take.
"Would you like me to show you some now?"

What do you do?
Considering his hoof for a moment, we note the differences in size and shape compared to our own, before eventually taking it, even if we do wind up standing up mostly by ourself.
"I would love to."
We reach out and take his hoof in our own.
It would be for the best, at least it would mean I have some practice.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
You consider his hoof for a moment, noting how it was much smaller and thinner than your own hoof, before reaching out and taking it.
"I would love to, at least it would mean I have some practice."
Smiling and taking your hoof in his, he leads you away from the group and over to a small clearing. Once there, he looks over at you.
"Is there anything you want to start with first?" He asks.

What do you do?
"A waltz comes to mind, but my understanding is that would be a little, formal for what this is. I've only ever read about it though, but I know it involves two individuals."
"A waltz comes to mind, but my understanding is that would be a little, formal for what this is. I've only ever read about it though, but I know it involves two individuals."
"It probably is, but I think a waltz is still a perfect starting point, so first you stand like this..."
He trots up to you and wraps his forelegs around you, one going around your neck and the other the middle of your back. Smiling at you with his face several inches from yours, he continues.
"And then we'll take it a step at a time, so we'll first move a hoof out..."
You watch as his right hind hoof slides to the right a bit and then stops.
"Like that."

What do you do?
When Hannu steps closer so we'reface to face, we blush a little, suddenly understanding why it is so common in the romance novels we had sampled. Mirroring his forehooves with our own, we're mildly amused to find the usual suspects that throw off our balance are actually being helpful in this case. Sliding our left hoof forward the same distance as his, our first instinct is to follow with the other, to help keep our balance.
"Like this?"
When Hannu steps closer you blush a little, suddenly understanding why it is so common in the romance novels you had sampled. Mirroring his forehooves with your own, you're mildly amused to find the usual suspects that throw off your balance are being helpful in this regard.
Sliding your left hoof the same distance as his, your first instinct is to follow with the other, to keep your balance.
"Like this?"
"Yep," He smiles, "We then do this..."
He then slides his other hoof so that they're next to each other while also shifting his body back slightly so he's slightly facing a different direction.
"And we just repeat this a few times."

What do you do?
We follow his motion once more, slowing for just a moment as our balance sways, but we tighten our grip on the buck and keep going. As we start to get into the rhythm of things, a smile spreads across our lips.
"... I think I'm starting to see the appeal: a little music, some fancy dress, some wine and the stars, and it would be like living a play. At least, what I imagine a play to be."
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
Moving like this seems like it'd get tiring fairly quickly... But perhaps that is just my inexperience. Not that I aren't enjoy this though.
You follow his motion once more, slowing just for a moment as your balance sways a little, but you tighten your grip on the buck and keep going. As you start to get into the rhythm of things, a smile spreads across your lips.
"...I think I'm starting to see the appeal: a little music, some fancy dress, some wine and the stars, and it would be like living in a play. At least, what I imagine a play to be."
"It's fun," He smiles, "Even in an informal setting like this."
"Moving like this does seem like it'd get tiring quickly... but perhaps this is just my inexperience. Not that I aren't enjoying this though."
"It can, but dancing is one of the things my parents made sure to teach me."
He then smiles a little.
"Since you're enjoying it we could try something a bit more advanced, like a spin if you're interested in that."

What do you do?
"A spin? Will you be able to stop out catch me if I go off balance? You know how big my girls are."
(A little on the nose. I feel this could be a bit more flirty/teasey.)
Seeing the buck smile, we subconsciously smile a little wider.
"If you think I can handle it, I'm willing to try. If I start to tip though, feel free to release me. How will this work though: should I be actively spinning, or is it simply momentum?"

Night, Pluto!
Had DnD tonight and it went very late. I will try to post a summary tomorrow, but I have been lazy about the last few ones so I don't know how I will summarize everything.
Have a good night or day!
Seeing him smile at you, you subconsciously smile a little wider at the buck.
"A spin? If you think you can handle it, I'm willing to try. Will you be able to stop or catch me if I go off balance? You know how big my girls are."
"I promise I will if that happens."
"How will this work though: should I be actively spinning, or is it simply momentum?"
"It's going to be momentum. I'll pull you in and then move you outward so you have the momentum to do one."
With that, he pulls you in closer until your bodies are touching, one of his hooves then moving to take your hoof in his.

What do you do?
I believe so.
We hold onto him a little tighter with our hooves waiting for him to start.
We stare down at the buck, our chest to his, the way he holds us so delicately making us feel like he's the one who could uproot a tree with his bare hooves.
"I am."

You stare down at the buck, your chest pressed up to his, the way he holds you so delicately making you feel like he's the one who could uproot a tree with his bare hooves rather than you.
"I believe so."
"Alright, I'm starting... now!"
He takes a slight step forward and gently throws you out, his one hoof still holding onto yours as you find yourself moving back in a circle. Just as you reach parallel to him he lets go of your hoof, resulting in you spinning in place a few times. Just as you start to lose your balance in the spin you feel his hoof return as he catches you, giving you a smile as your world stops spinning.

What do you do?
That... Ah, I'm a little dizzy after that but... I can feel my heart racing in my chest.
We lean into him rather heavily and rest our head on his shoulder, having been mentally prepared for a spin when he took us on quite the whirl. Supporting our own weight more as the dizziness passes, we lift our head.
"That was, fun. I may need more practice though. Thank you, Hannu."
Smiling at our little king, we surprise him with a kiss.
'I wonder if Dawyn needs some practice? I think she'd be a little more graceful than myself.'
You lean into him rather heavily and rest your head on his shoulder, having been mentally prepared for a spin when he took you on quite a whirl. Supporting your own weight more as the dizziness passes, you lift your head up to look at him.
"That... ah, I'm a little dizzy after that but... I can feel my heart racing my chest. Thank you, Hannu."
Smiling at your little king, he goes to respond only for you to surprise him with a sudden kiss. Leaning your head back to see a smile on his face along with a slight blush.
'I wonder if Dawyn needs some practice? I think she'd be a little more graceful than myself.'
"No problem, if you want any more practice you can always ask."
He then returns the kiss, placing it on your cheek before continuing.
"And thank you as well, that was a lot of fun."

What do you do?
Leaning in a little closer, we lower our voice slightly.
"I think that will do for now, though I think there is a mare who may benefit from some lessons as well, if she is willing. We've probably dallied long enough though, we should probably get a move on."
Stepping away, we drop back down to all fours, and rejoin the group, sitting next to Dawyn and kissing her cheek.
I think I will be fine with what I know now, I'll learn more while we dance during the festival.
Leaning into him a bit closer, you lower your voice slightly.
"I think I will be fine with what I know now, I'll learn more while we dance during the festival," You say, "Though I think there is a mare who may benefit from some lessons as well, if she is willing."
"I would be happy to teach her if Dawyn wants that," Hannu smiles, "I'll ask her when I get the chance."
"We've probably dallied long enough though, we should get a move on."
He nods in agreement as you step away and drop down onto all fours. The two of you then return to the group where you sit down next to Dawyn and kiss her cheek. Smiling, Dawyn shuffles closer to you and returns the kiss with her own.
"Were the dance lessons good?" She asks.
"I'd say so," Hannu replies, "Silver did well with what I showed her."

What do you do?
"I had a good teacher. I don't think I will be dancing any jigs, or winning shows any time soon, but it was fun."
Our tail flicks, laying across Dawyn's.
"Should we be heading into town? If this place is known for Radonitsa, the streets and shops may get busy."
"I had a good teacher. I don't think I will be dancing any jigs, or winning shows any time soon, but it was fun."
You then flick your tail, laying it across Dawyn's. At this, her tail wraps around yours in return.
"Should we start heading into Sibashikha? If this place is known for Radonitsa the streets and shops may get busy."
"We should," Smoke nods, getting up from where he is sitting, "Let's get going, unless anyone wants to grab anything last minute?"

What do you do?
No I don't think I will need anything more than what I have on me. Lets get going.
Busy atm
I Guess we're skipping breakfast? It's a shame to have all of that for smoke made to waste.
We didn't eat? I didn't realize that
Well there is still what Smoke made, there may likely be food there but it'd be best not to waste his efforts and he is a good cook.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
"No, I don't think I will need anything more than what I have on me," You say, "There is what you made, there may likely be food there but it'd be best not to waste your efforts."
At this, Smoke blinks and looks over at the food he made, having finished it a minute ago and now sitting on a plate for everyone.
"...Right, we should eat first." He chuckles a little.
Using his magic, he grabs some plates and puts the food on each plate, floating it over to all of you to enjoy.

What do you do?
Accepting the plate out of the air, we smile graciously to Smoke. Glancing at 'Iiro,' we recall he said he'd already ate and wasn't hungry.
'Perhaps I should devise a way to allow Spirits to taste things. Or just study the mechanism of them in general. One would assume they're simply another form of soul, but what distinctions are made? Is it simply a matter of energy and will that allows them to exert their will on their souls and surroundings? Can all souls naturally become Spirits, or does it require the right environment and motive?'
Ruminating on the questions our dream with Snowdrift raised in addition to the others, we absent-mindedly lift a bite of food to our mouth. Eyes widening a little, we realize just how hungry we are after everything, and follow with a quick second bite.
We use this little moment to relax and prepare ourselves to be around so many ponys for the first time.
Taking the plate out of the air, you give Smoke a gracious smile. You then glance at 'Iiro', who Smoke offers a plate to as well be he politely declines it.
'Perhaps I should devise a way to allow Spirits to taste things. Or just study the mechanism of them in general. One would assume they're simply another form of soul, but what distinctions are made? Is it simply a matter of energy and will that allows them to exert their will on their souls and surroundings? Can all souls naturally become spirits, or does it require the right environment and motive?'
Ruminating on the questions your dream with Snowdrift raised in addition to the others you have now, you absent-mindedly lift a bite of food to your mouth. Eyes widening, you realize just how hungry you are after everything and follow with a quick second and then third bite, also using this moment to relax and prepare yourself to be around so many others.
After several minutes you all finish eating and head down the little dirt path back to Sibashikha, arriving back in town where you stand on the outskirts and look around. There were already so many Ponies moving around on the streets between the various buildings and shops, mostly Unicorns with the very occasional Earth Pony. All of them either shopping or doing various activities for Radonitsa like on the street you were watching you could spot a Speaker standing behind a simple table, a Pony occasionally coming up to place some food on the table where the Speaker give them a head bow and some words that you could not hear over all of the noise.

What do you do?
Despite ourself, the Speaker does have our curiosity, even if we feel nervous with all the hustle and bustle. The presence of our friends is comfort we're especially thankful for in this moment. Seeing as we lack food that isn't just rations to give though, and would prefer to stay off the street where we can, we start searching for a shop that isn't completely packed where we can buy some food... or even just a selection of things to peruse.
'Maybe there is a book store? Armas wanted spell books, and Dawyn and Hannu wouldn't be opposed.'

I'm assuming a lot of the perishable food in our bag has either gone off and been tossed or been eaten in the background? And nice digits
We look around at all the different sights, mostly watching the other pony's out of mild curiosity. Being thankful for our height granting us such a great view.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
You look around at the different sights and Ponies, but the Speaker grabs your attention, even if you feel nervous with all of the hustle and bustle in the town. The presence of your friends is a comfort you're thankful for in the moment. You did have some food in your bag, but it was mostly rations, and you preferred to stay off of the streets, you start to look around for a shop that isn't completely packed where you could get some food or just a selection of things.
'Maybe there is a book store? Armas wanted spell books, and Dawyn and Hannu wouldn't be opposed.'
After a few minutes of wandering you do find a few stores. There was indeed a bookstore and you did also find a couple of stores that sold food, but most of them were packed with Ponies, but there were two that weren't as packed and you could get something from them if you waited for a bit: a small bakery and a butcher.

What do you do?
'A good cut of meat might be nice, it may be difficult to gift though, to the living or the dead. Smoke might have to prepare it as well. Does Dawyn like meat? A bakery is benign but ready to eat. If I had more time, perhaps I could make Kost's bread for Master... though, I'm not sure I know the recipe.'
Realizing we're getting cold hooves and distracting ourself from going over, we lean over and get the others attention on the shop we spotted.
"That bakery doesn't look too busy. How about we check it out?"

Sorry, been on the move for the last little while.
'A good cut of meat might be nice, it may be difficult to gift though, to the living or the dead. Smoke might have to prepare it as well. Does Dawyn like meat? A bakery is benign but ready to eat. If I had more time, perhaps I could make Kost's bread for Master... though, I'm not sure I know the recipe.'
Realizing that you're getting cold hooves and distracting yourself from going over, you move over and get the others attention on the shop you spotted.
"That bakery doesn't look too busy. How about we check it out?"
"Sure," Smoke nods, "We can give it a look. If not, there might be another store we can check."
So the group of you move up to the bakery, moving through the door into a small wooden lobby made smaller by the fact that there are some Ponies there already. Behind the counter of the bakery several Unicorns were working, a mare spotting all of you and calling out.
"Hello, welcome! Give us a few minutes and we'll be right with you!"

What do you do?
Not having an immediate response, we simply nod and hold the door open for the others. Shuffling to the side so our group isn't taking up all the real estate or blocking the door, we glance about, trying to figure out what we could get. Though a little packed, the enclosed space is rustic enough that it feels closer to home than the crowded streets, a small comfort in itself. The smell of, what we assume to be, fresh bread and sugary pastries makes us feel hungry, despite having just ate.
'I hope Hannu, Tansijja, and Armas don't have to deal with too much staring. I thought there might be a few more deer than this. At least Dawyn can blend in a little.'
Shifting a hoof over, we allow our side to brush up against the dragon-mare's as we wait.
Not having a response to her, you simply nod and hold the door open for the others to come through. Then shuffling over to the side with everyone so you're not taking up all of the real estate or blocking the door. As you do you look at the pastries they have behind some glass displays spotting stuff like: Kulich, Sunflower Halva, Charlotte, Khvorost, Medovik, Oladyi, Pashka, Ponchiki, Trubochika, Vatrushka, and Zefir. The smell of all of this baked goods makes you feel hungry once more, despite the fact that you've just ate some food before coming here.
'I hope Hannu, Tanssija, and Armas don't have to deal with too much staring. I thought there might be a few more Deer than this. At least Dawyn can blend in a little.'
Shifting a hoof over, you allow your side to brush up against the Dragon-mare's as you wait. Her claw wraps around your hoof in return, giving you a small smile while the other group does their order and then leaves, giving your group a glance as they trot out but nothing more. Once they leave the Unicorn mare from earlier waves all of you over.
"Sorry for the wait, it's a busy day as you know," She apologizes, "Is there anything I can get for all of you? I will warn you that it could take a few minutes and maybe more depending on what you want."

What do you do?
Damn! I had this in my notes for the exact moment we enter into a bakery, but I was too late!

'What is most of this stuff... It looks like it's mostly bread with some jell-like substance inside. I wonder what title taste like.'
"Um, what would you recommend?"
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!

'What is most of this stuff... It looks like it's mostly bread with some jell-like substance inside. I wonder what it'll taste like.'
"Um, what would you recommend?"
"Personally, I think the Zefir and Vatrushka are great," She smiles, "Zefir is just some whipping fruit and berry puree mixed with egg whites and sugar to make a sweet tasting treat. The Vatrushka is some dough surrounding a cheese filling with bits of strawberry mixed in for the holiday."

What do you do?
A look of concentration and mild indecision settles on our face as we consider our options.
'If Vatrushka is associated with the holiday, it seems a sensible confection to give my Master. If I get two, I can try one, and gift one to him. Though, should I offer something to Dawyn and Hannu as well... I'll try one, maybe it's big enough to share.'
"A Vatrushka, please."
We glance at the others, interested in what they might order.

Meant to post earlier, but today was packed, and I'm gonna be busy later as well. Also, I can imagine Luscinia being absolutely weak for sweet and Han and Wyn abusing that fact.
We nibble on our mane trying to process the foreign words spilling out of the mare's mouth.
'puree? Egg whites? Filled with cheese? Is this normal food?'
"How about one of each...?"
We then look over to Dawyn, trying to sound more confident than we feel.
"What would you like, Sweetie? My treat."
A look of concentration and mild indecision settles on your face as you consider your options.
'Puree? Egg whites? Filled with cheese? Is this normal food? If Vatrushka is associated with the holiday, it seems a sensible confection to give my Master. If I get two, I can try one, and gift one to him. Though, should I offer something to Dawyn and Hannu as well...'
"How about one of each...?"
You then look over at Dawyn, trying to sound more confident than you feel.
"What would you like, Sweetie? My treat."
"Oh, uh, could I get some Khvorost in a bag?" She asks.
You then look over at the others, interested in what they might order. Hannu gets some Sunflower Halva, Smoke gets a Kulich for him and Tanssija to share, and Armas doesn't get anything.
"Alright, it'll take... twenty or thirty minutes to get all of that ready," She says, "And besides that, it'll be ten Grivna for everything."

What do you do?
We take the grivna out of our pouch and hand them to her.
Then... I suppose we will return then, or are we expected to wait here until then?
Reaching into our bag, we produce ten Grivna for the mare, the value being low enough that we don't mind covering for the others.
"Is there anywhere you can recommend we check out while we're in town? Or somewhere that you suspect might be more quiet this time of year?"
Reaching into your bag, you produce ten Grivna for the mare and hoof it to her.
>ten Grivna removed from your inventory
"Then... I suppose we will return then, or are we expected to wait here until then?" You ask.
"No, you don't have to stay here," She shakes her head, "You can leave and come back when it's ready."
"Is there anywhere you can recommend we check out while we're in town? Or somewhere that you suspect might be more quiet this time of year?"
"The temples to Pallas, Midas, and Kallisto are very nice, though they are probably all packed right now. If you're looking for quiet most Ponies are celebrating so the bookstores and the shops near the lake are pretty quiet."

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
I vote bookstore.
"Did you still want to look at some spell books, Iiro?"
"Does anyone want to come with us, or would you like to look around the festivities?"
"Thank you."
'Pallas, Midas, and Kallisto. The Lover, the Protector, and the Traveller. It might be interesting to see their customs, but I don't know how the gods will take a worshipper of Melia/Morena in their temples, and I don't think any in this group wish to be trampled. Pallas may be visiting, for Dawyn and Hannu. Iiro/Armas should get some consideration though: this is the first time he's been able to remotely be himself in ages, and
"I think the bookstores may be worth perusing, and if there is one near the lake, we could enjoy the view while we're there."
"Thank you."
'Pallas, Midas, and Kallisto. The Lover, the Protector, and the Traveler. It might be interesting to see their customs, but I don't know how the gods will take a worshipper of Morena in their temples, and I don't think any in this group wish to be trampled. Pallas may be worth visiting, for Dawyn and Hannu. Armas should get some consideration though: this is the first time he's been able to remotely be himself in ages.'
"Did you still want to look at some spellbooks, Iiro," You ask, "I think the bookstores may be worth perusing, and if there is one near the lake, we could enjoy the view while we're there."
"I would love to if that is still possible," He nods, "Are there a few bookstores nearby?"
"There is one a few blocks away," The mare nods, "There is also one near the lake, but I've heard the owner of that one is a bit... eccentric."

What do you do?
We raise a brow, our expression otherwise unchanged.
"Eccentric how? An odd book selection, or simply difficult to be around?"
You raise an eyebrow at this, your expression otherwise unchanged though.
"Eccentric how? An odd book selection, or simply difficult to be around?"
"He can be a bit difficult and otherwise he is a little strange," She explains, "He doesn't like people very much, only comes out at night, his selection of books and his library are normal but apparently the building makes some people uncomfortable for whatever reason."
She then shrugs slightly.
"Just a strange Pony I suppose."

What do you do?
Tilting our head in intrigue, we look over at the others to gauge their interest.
"Any objections or alternatives? Because I must admit, now I am a little curious."
I suppose we could do something else... But this is the first time i am experiencing something like this, I am navigating blind in a sense. does anyone else have a better handle on what we should do?
"I see."
'Someone like that must be hiding something. We will be going to the lake later, so it'll be up to the others on how comfortable they would feel about visiting him.'
"As long as he sells books, I'm sure our interaction with him won't be more than just making the sale. But what does everyone else think?"
"I see."
You say as you tilt your head slightly, looking over at the others to gauge their interest where most of them looked interested.
'Someone like that must be hiding something. We will be going to the lake later, so it'll be up to the others on how comfortable they would feel about visiting him.'
"As long as he sells books, I'm sure our interaction with him won't be more than just making the sale. Any objections or alternatives? Because I must admit, now I am a little curious."
"Nothing from me." Smoke replies.
"Nope." Tanssija shakes her head.
"I don't have any, but we could go see if there are any holiday games going on." Dawyn suggests.

What do you do?
...Holiday games? If there is something exclusive to this time we should do that, we can get books later.
"What sort of games?"
'Festivals have festivities, but the idea of games being played hadn't even crossed my mind. They may be rather popular though.'

Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
Sleep bump
Sorry for disappearing yesterday, got really busy with stuff suddenly.

"...Holiday games? If there is something exclusive to this time we should do that."
'Festivals have festivities, but the idea of games being played hadn't even crossed my mind. They may be rather popular though.'
"I know there are probably more traditional games like Lapta, Chizhik, Cossacks and Robbers. There will probably be some different fun contests as well though I don't know what those could be." Dawyn explains.

What do you do?
Tapping our chin, we nod.
"How about we find a game or two, return for our treats, and enjoy them by the lake, so we can look into the store while we're there?"

All good, everyone gets busy. Was a bit busy as well
Tapping your chin, you nod at this.
"How about we find a game or two, return for our treats, and enjoy them by the lake, so we can look into the store while we're there?"
"Sounds good to me!" Dawyn replies.
Everyone else agrees and you all file out to try and find where the games are. It takes a few minutes and some asking around, but you eventually reach the street that had been designated for the games. The whole street was lined with stalls advertising different games from normal games like Throw the Shishiga, Ring Toss, and so on along with different competitions like eating, dancing, insulting, and slapping.

What do you do?
Our eyes dance up and down the street with curious wonder and a little bit of trepidation at the chaotic crowds. Barrels filled with water and brightly colored fruit, various challenges of strength and dexterity, a small carriage holding various mirrors (enchanted 'fun house' mirrors?) even a foal sized archery contest, with cheers coming from all around. Feeling a little unsure, we gravitate towards one of the simpler stands, where ponies are tossing a colorful ring at some wooden rods, the stall aptly reading "Ring Toss"

Tossed out some ideas. Figure the group might disperse here for a few minutes. Could see Tanssija dragging Smoke off to have him win something for her, or vice versa.
>Throw the Shishiga
Is it a live Shishiga?

We study the games intently, watching the ponies playing them and learning the general gist on how to play them.
"There's a lot of games here. Perhaps we should split up so we're not waiting in line for too long."
We look towards Hannu and Iiro.
"Did you two remember to bring Grivna?"

Your eyes dance up and down the street as you study the game intently. Barrels filled with water and brightly colored fruits, various challenges of strength and dexterity on display, a small carriage holding various mirrors pointing towards each other, and even a foal sized archery contest where there were even a few foals trying it out.
"There's a lot of games here. Perhaps we should split up so we're not waiting in line for too long."
You then look towards Hannu and Iiro.
"Did you two remember to bring Grivna?" You ask.
"I brought some with me." Hannu nods.
"I... seemed to have forgotten to do that," Iiro replies, "In my haste to leave it slipped my mind."
"I can give you some of my Grivna then, Iiro." Hannu offers.
"That's very kind of you, thank you."
As Hannu gives Iiro some Grivna you find yourself gravitating towards one of the more simpler looking stands, where Ponies are tossing colorful rings at some wooden rods. As you approach with Dawyn behind you a Unicorn stallion running the stand spots the two of you, moving his way over as you arrive at the stand.
"You two want to try a game of Ring Toss," He asks, "Only a Grivna and if you manage to get a ring on the third row you get a prize!"
He points behind him where you see a wall with three rows of wooden rods on them, the lowest row having the longest rods while the highest row had the shortest of them.

What do you do?
We put up a couple Grivna.
I would like to try a few times.
Placing a few Grivna on the counter, we (accept/pick up a ring, rolling it between our hooves for a moment to get a feel for it before offering it to Dawyn.
"Would you like to go first?"
Assuming she doesn't want to, we toss it at the the center of the rings with a little spin, clearly not knowing what we're doing and just feeling things out.
You put down three Grivna on the counter for the stallion.
"I would like to try a few times."
"Then let me get some rings for you."
He takes the Grivna while his magic grabs three colorful rings and floats them over to you. Accepting the rings, you roll one between your hooves to get a feel for it before offering it over to Dawyn.
"Would you like to go first?"
"I would love to."
Taking the ring in her claw, she carefully aims and then tosses the ring at one of the rods at the top.
>She rolls a 3+2 for 5
The ring ends up falling very short, instead landing on the table below the rods with a soft smack.
"...I was a bit short." She admits, looking over at you.

What do you do?
I'll give it a try, maybe with a bit more power.
We pick up our own ring and toss it.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
>It was another uneventful day with the caravan.
>Luscinia and friends are around the campfire, just shooting the breeze when Dawyn lets out the cutest little yawn.
>"I think I'll go to bed early," Dawyn says. "Good night everyone."
>Dawyn gives Luscinia a kiss before trotting over to the tent.
>Luscinia and the others continued their conversation before calling it a night themselves and retiring to their respective tents.
>As soon as Luscinia arrives, she notices movement inside. Confused, she used her soul sight to see Dawyn's soul as a bright pink.
>It didn't take much imagination then to know what she was doing.
>She then open the tent flaps to see a naked Dawyn with her hind legs spread wide and claws rubbing and pinching her clit.
>She looks up at Luscinia briefly before looking back down to herself, but smiling a little as she ignores Luscinia and starts humming in pleasure and she speeds up her movements and digs deeper into herself.
>A blush exploded across Luscinia's face as she watches her marefriend pleasure herself without a single care in the world.
>Not wanting to interrupt her, Luscinia casually walks inside, closing the tent flaps behind her as she undresses herself as the gorgeous dragon mare begins to moan.
>"Oh, Silver~"
>Now naked, Luscinia lies down and gets close between Dawyn's legs to watch her diligent claws work inside of her as the melodic sounds of her gasps and moans and warm sent fill the tent.
>'I wonder what she's imagining what I'm doing to her? Perhaps there's something I can do to help out? But I don't want to interrupt her fun...'
>Luscinia's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of a whipping tail. She looks over Dawyn to see her tail start to coil itself below then between her legs.
>The tail brushes Luscinia's cheek before Dawyn spreads her lower lips wide for the tail's tip to rim her folds and collect her juices spilling out. The tail then lowers itself down to her anus and shoves itself as deep as it could go.
>Dawyn gasps and moans louder, picking up her pace by pumping her claws in and out of her. She then activates her magic to assist the tail to do the same.
>Luscinia watches in awe and arousal from the dexterity of her claws and tail, to the ferocity of her masturbation, and the powerful smell of her desire. Not able to help herself, Luscinia reaches below and starts to rub herself.
>"Ooohhh, yeesss!!! Ah, hah, hah~!"
>Dawyn throws back her head as her back arches. Her lower legs twitch as a spay of fluids leak out of her. A little got on Luscinia's face.
>Dawyn pants and comes down from her high enough to look down at Luscinia with a bright smile on her face.
>"Did you enjoy that, dear?"
"I think you're plenty tall enough, but I could give you a boost if you need it."
Not even we can keep a completely straight face, our lips tugging into a slight smile that doesn't match our deadpan delivery. Leaning down as we pick up a ring, we sneak Dawyn a surprise kiss, whispering our explanation.
"For a little extra luck: I'm lucky enough to be with you, after all."

Nice, a fun little way for Luscinia and Dawyn to pass the time.
Like to imagine that Dawyn learns enough about Luscinia's voyeuristic tendency that a day of carefully timed scratching, stretching, flexing, and tail raising is enough to leave the mare flush and shaking slightly. Whether she plans to do something in particular in the evening, or simply hold the mare tight until they both doze off. If I had time, I'd write something out, probably focusing on her wings, or Luscinia taking advantage of her horns repeatedly.
Unrelated, but have you read this or the original post? I recommend the original.
"I think you're plenty tall enough, but I could give you a boost if you need it."
Not even you could keep a straight face, your lips tugging into a slight smile that doesn't match your deadpan delivery at all, watching Dawyn roll her eyes but smile as well. Leaning down as you pick up the ring, you sneak Dawyn a surprise kiss before whispering to her.
"For a little extra luck: I'm lucky enough to be with you, after all."
"Thank you," She smiles, "Let's see if it helps~."
You then take your ring and toss it after a bit of aiming.

Roll a d20 and add 2 to the roll.
Rolled 11 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Throwing the ring in an underhoof arc, you watch the ring fly through the air, flipping around a few times before getting caught on one of the middle rods. On the rod it spins around a few times before coming to a stop, hanging from a middle rod safely.
"Nice job, you got a middle rod," The stallion smiles, "You have one more ring left for this round."
"Huh, guess I can give others a bit of luck," Dawyn comments with a slight giggle, "Do you want to go again or do you want me to?"

What do you do?
"Go for it: you've got this, Wyn. Show that rod what for."
Give it a go hun~
"Give it a go hun~. Show that rod what for."
Dawyn takes the last ring and after some careful aiming she throws it again.
>She rolled an 8 + 2 for a 10.
Similar to your own it spins through the air, looking like it might land on the first rods near the bottom, but it manages to just barely catch a middle rod and hang from there.
"Lot better than the first one!" Dawyn smiles.
The stallion nods and floats over three more rings for the two of you to throw.

What do you do?
We can't help smiling as she does.
"Nicely done, you're getting the hang of things. Let us see if my first go was a fluke."
Picking up a ring, we attempt to mimic what we did before.
Rolled 9 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

this >>41132307
You can't help smiling as she does.
"Nicely done, you're getting the hang of things. Let us see if my first go was a fluke."
Picking up another ring, you try to mimic what you did before as you throw it. You don't get it exactly right, but you do get the ring on a middle rod like the first one.
"Appears it wasn't." Dawyn comments.
She then grabs another ring as well and gives it a toss.
>Rolls a 20 for a nat 20
The ring flies high into the air, bouncing on one of the top rods before swinging down and catching itself on the rod it landed on. At this, Dawyn gets a massive smile and jumps into the air.
"I did it!" She cheers.

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
Excitement flutters in our chest seeing our mare succeed. We wrap her with a leg and give her a kiss.
"That was a graceful toss. What prize does she get?"
I feel like adding more to celebrate the Nat 20, but it would be a little strange for how mundane it was achieved for.
Her enthusiasm nearly shatters our usually reserved front, especially with the exceptional throw just before it, so much so we nearly start hopping in excitement along side her. Instead, we rear up onto our hindlegs and carefully hug her out of the air, holding her aloft for a few moments with a beaming smile and an odd sliver of pride, words falling us for once.
"You did, quite spectacularly as well. I knew you'd 'Wyn.'"

Could be the nat 20 reflects the effect it has on the stallion and Luscinia? Hard to translate a critical success for a relatively mundane game.
Her excitement flutters in your chest and it shatters your usually reserved front, especially with the exceptional throw just before it, so you find yourself hopping in excitement with her. You then rear up onto your hind legs and carefully hug her out of the air, holding her aloft as she hugs you back, words failing you for once.
"You did, quite spectacularly as well. I knew you'd 'Wyn.'"
She laughs a little at this and proceeds to give you a kiss in return. Letting go of her, you turn to the stallion.
"What prize does she get?"
"I wish I had better prizes, but I have some magical trinkets that I like to give out."
His magic grabs something from below the counter and floats it out to Dawyn who takes it in her claws. Once the magic disappears both of you look upon it to discover that it's a small golden locket, decorated with golden vines that weave over the metal.
"This is a Song Locket," The stallion explains, "If you think of a song and then open it up it'll play that song."

What do you do?
"I think it's rather charming as prizes go. Music isn't really my forte: my knowledge begins with humming and ends with the concept of harmonics. Is it memory based, or imagination based? A little golden vine would look good on you."
Speculating aloud for a moment, we take a seat beside our mare, gathering and holding her mane out of the way to help her put it on.
I could see her sneaking it onto us, but we might assume she wants to wear her prize and it'll look good on her. Considering we're wearing a vine collar though, maybe we could make it work?
"I think it's rather charming as prizes go. Music isn't my forte: my knowledge begins with humming and ends with the concept of harmonics," You say, "Is it memory based, or imagination based?"
"Memory based." He replies.
"A little golden vine would look good on you."
You take a seat besides your mare, gathering up her short mane so that she could put it on unimpeded. Once it's on she looks over at you and gives you a smile.
"It matches your collar," She comments, "Now, let's see..."
She cups and the locket in her claws and falls silent for several seconds. She then opens up the locket and a second later a song begins to quietly play from it.

What do you do?
We sit there with an ear turned towards Dawyn's chest, listening as some sort of string instrument begins to play, and then the vocal kick in. Before we know it, the song is over but the sense of love and longing within it still lingers, having to blink and carefully brush aside a few tears to not ruin our makeup. Feeling like our relationship may only last for minutes more, rather than days, we kiss the shorter mare passionately without warning, not lustfully or just playfully, but genuinely, perhaps a bit desperately even as we hold her close.
'I love you, Dawyn Crisrinn... That vision of you on the beach, if it cannot be me by your side, then I will do anything I can to ensure you are loved beyond compare.'

"... My apologies, Sweetie, your song. It left me without words, and with some, strong emotions. I suppose today is a day of passion.

Wasn't entirely sure on my post, and perhaps a bit strong, but Luscinia probably hasn't heard a lot of music if she doesn't really know food. That, and the passionate relationship with a known deadline tends to spark emotions. That, and a day like this kinda suits it.
Our ears twitch a few times as we listen to the song, slowly throughout it's duration we lean closer to Dawyn and end up just holding her close by the time the song end. Our body trembling slightly and we are entirely unable to stop it.

I honestly think you've got a good post, but that the words are unnecessary. Even a bit much possibly. We can just hold her and be close and the effect should be even more if Lucinia can't bring herself to speak..
Seconding! I'd argue about Luscinia's natural awkwardness, but you're right that they don't really add anything, especially compared to being overwhelmed enough to be actually speechless.

Scratch the dialogue
As the song plays it's beautiful notes, see feel a warm sensation in our heart. It is a much different tone than the usual chants we hear from spells, curses, and undead war chants.
Our eyes start to well up, listening to the soft lyrics of the singer, the meaning behind the words very clear. As the song ends, we let all of it sink in.
"It's... So beautiful."
All we can do is hug her with all of our heart, sharing our love with her and showing our appreciation for the song she played for us.
Have to stop early tonight. Got a late shift at my work tonight.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
>Gael flopped about in the dark in her 'nest'
>Somewhere nearby, the squeak of bedsprings sounded briefly
>He always got this like, this time of year, and while she didn't need sleep, she enjoyed it
>More to the point, he did need sleep
>Like that 'secret' sock he had finally decided to toss, it was something they just didn't really discuss
>At this point though, there was no discussion to be had, simply a problem to be fixed, so she pushed open the 'door' to her room and peaked into the room proper
>On this hot spring evening, Schal lay on his bed, puffing with a foreleg draped over his eyes, elegant blue feathers and soft white fur tussled and knotted with the aggressively red and raw 'problem' still proudly standing tall
>Slithering silently out of the cupboard and onto the bed, she wrapped her silk self around the bulbous base
>Schal tensed and thrust his hips, his bloodshot eyes taking a second to recognize the red on red in the dark, whispering sharply
>She signed to the stunned Griffon with her other end, after stroking and smoothing the fur of his belly for a moment
>"I reminded you to pick up lube, condoms even.Your claws are too callused to be rawdogging yourself like this, and you can't always use your own beak."
>Being a scarf, Gael didn't actually experience lust or libido, so she was usually the odd one out when spring rolled around
>It was entertaining, exciting even, but also frustrating: fair enough that no one wanted to risk friendships or parenthood over a quick fling, but most of the Gang seemed content to embarrass and inconvenience themselves for no reason
>Having this sort of control over Schal was tantalizing in a way she couldn't have imagined though
>Wrapping around Schal's schwanz again, another 2 inches were enveloped in her silk embrace, and he thrust again
>"Warn me when you're about to pop: if you give me cumstains, I'm making you wear me and wash me until they're gone."
>Schal just continued to lay there panting and shivering, wide eyed and beak hanging open, the blush and twitch of his cock suggesting she'd said something he liked
>Taking the corner of her free end, Gael brushed against the curious barbs crowing his tip, tugging against her threads-
>A muffled roar filled the room, nearly spooking Gael as Schal pumped his hips into the air and jostled her about, naturally leading to her clinging tighter as his cork finally popped, rope after rope of spunk firing through the air for nearly a minute before he slumps back down
>Seeing as the cock was finally off in the land of dreams, with a massive grin on his beak and a faint rumbling in his chest, Gael finally relinquished her grasp and noticed the 'grime' now covering her
>'Sweet dreams, Schal.'
>With that, she slinked off to the bathroom and prepared a little soak for herself: her threats weren't idle, but she could do him another favor, just this once
You sit there with an ear turned towards Dawyn's chest, listening as some sort of string instrument begins to play and a warm sensation fills your heart. It is already much different than the usual chants you hear from spells, curses, and undead war chants. Then the vocals kick in, your eyes starting to welling up as it plays and you lean closer to Dawyn. Before you know it, the song is over and you find yourself holding her close by the time the song ends, but the sense of love and the meaning behind each word is very clear to you. Feeling like your relationship may only last for only a few more minutes, rather than days, with your body trembling you kiss the shorter mare passionately and without warning which surprises her for a moment. Not lustfully or playfully, but genuinely, perhaps a bit desperately even as you hold her close.
'I love you, Dawyn Crisrinn... That vision of you on the beach, if it cannot be me by your side, then I will do anything I can to ensure you are loved beyond compare.'
After a few moments you separate from the kiss, staring into her eyes as she stares back at you.
"It's... So beautiful."
"I knew you'd like it," She smiles after a moment, "It's one of my favorite songs, and I wanted the mare I love to hear it."

What do you do?
Our lips part but no words come as once again, this scholarly scaled mare we've known less than a month steals our heart like some charming halfling rogue from a novel. Caressing her cheek, we exhale and pull ourself at least partially back together.
"I swear, you're trying to render me mute, Dawyn: how will I say I love you every time I see you if I haven't any words?... I, I didn't know music could have such power."
'A journal... perhaps I could write the ways I love her, so that if, when, we are separated, I am with her. If I were a smarter, richer mare, perhaps I could recreate the magic of the mirrors? What can I give her to match this song? What do I give Hannu to match that?'
Biting our lip in thought, we start to scour the street, setting such thoughts aside for the moment, the strange mirrors we spotted earlier holding some interest.

Realizing that we have a Necromancer bracelet that we haven't had a chance to look into yet. We need to find the time. Also, feel like some guilty on Luscinia's part over hiding her identity from Dawyn would be appropriate, but don't want to make things too heavy.
Using our front hooves we take her claws in them and pull them to our chest.
It is… like you’re straight from a romance novel, will you ever run out of surprises?
Your lips part but no words come as once again, this scholarly scaled mare you've known less than a month steals your heart like some charming Halflinger rogue from a novel. Using your forehooves, you take her claws in them and pull them to your chest.
"It is... like you're straight from a romance novel. I swear, you're trying to render me mute, Dawyn: how will I say I love you every time I see you if I haven't any words? I, I don't know music could have such power."
"I'll have to let you listen to more music then. It's incredible what music can do and what power it has."
'A journal... perhaps I could write the ways I love her, so that if, when, we are separated, I am with her. If I were a smarter, richer mare, perhaps I could recreate the magic of the mirrors? What can i give her to match this song? What do I give Hannu to match that?'
Biting your lip in thought, you start to look up and down the street, setting such thoughts to the side for now, the strange mirrors you spotted earlier in the carriage holding your attention as you look over at it.
"...You want to do the Hall of Mirrors next," Dawyn asks, bringing you out of your thoughts, "It could be fun."

What do you do?
"Is that what it is called? I was going to say, it doesn't look like a traveling boutique or tailor, yet those were the closest I could picture. If you're not opposed, I'm curious what entertainment could be derived from mirrors, in this context at least."
Briefly brushing up against the mare, we step slowly into the crowd, feeling more confident once she's at our side.
It... Doesn't sound that special, but I'm surprised aren't mirrors incredibly expensive? I wouldn't mind seeing what it is all about.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Sorry, been an extremely busy day.

"Is that what it's called? I was going to say, it doesn't look like a traveling boutique or tailor, yet those were the closet I could picture," you say, "It... doesn't sound that special, but I'm surprised, aren't mirrors incredibly expensive?"
"Depends on where you get them," She shrugs, "Could be mirrors, could also be magic."
"If you're not opposed, I'm curious what entertainment could be derived from mirrors, in this context at least."
"I would love to," She smiles, "Let's go check it out."
You briefly brush against the mare as the two of you get up, stepping slowly into the crowd now feeling more confident with her by your side. As the two of you approach, you are greeted by a Unicorn stallion standing outside the entrance to the carriage.
"Ah, welcome," He greets the two of you happily, "You two lovely gentlemares want to try to traverse my Hall of Mirrors? Only 3 Grivna per person!"

What do you do?
The stallion's light theatrics are amusing, so we engage with them a little.
"Indeed, I believe we do. Anything we should be aware of before our journey, or is a sense of mystery encouraged?"
Grabbing the requisite Grivna, we hoof it over (before helping Dawyn with the first step onto the carriage?)

All good, slow and unpleasantly hot day here. Want to think of magic mirror ideas, but limited stuff comes to mind: randomize race (halflinger Luscinia comes to mind), gender swap, maybe more conventional mirror effects ie short/fat/tall proportions.
The stallion's light theatrics are amusing to you, so you go to engage with him a little.
"Indeed, I believe we do. Anything we should be aware of before our journey, or is a sense of mystery encouraged?"
"Well, if I told you everything about it that would spoil the fun," He replies, "Instead, I would step in and experience it for yourself. Just be mindful to not touch the mirrors, even if it seems tempting."
You take out the required Grivna, and hoof it over to him.
>6 Grivna has been removed from your inventory
As the stallion takes it he studies the Grivna for a moment before pocketing it and bowing slightly to the two of you, moving out of the way as well.
"Hope the two of you have fun and are amazed by my wonderous Hall of Mirrors!"
With that, you take Dawyn's hoof up and help her up onto the steps of the carriage, watching as she moves to the entrance before turning around and helping you up. The two of you then step into the carriage and are met by a small hallway with the walls instead lined with mirrors, though the mirrors seem to be normal here and only reflect you back normally. You do note that the hall goes for about ten feet before ending at a room of some sort, immediately noting that this hall is longer than the carriage.

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
This... Is an illusion? Or spacial magic... That would be an impressive enchantment-
We walk forwards and presumably smack our snoot into the cold unforgiving surface of a mirror rather embarrassingly.

This is super hot, I love this angle of things. Super spicy, nice work.
We glance at a mirror some distance away, ignoring the probably illusion driven elephant in the room for what is supposedly the focal point of the attraction. Not seeing anything other than a pair of beautiful mares reflected back in the first one we check, we glance between Dawyn and the space that should not be.
"Impressive, but it seems a trick of the light to make the carriage seem bigger than it is. The door has to lead out the other side of the carriage, right?"
We say that, but a part of us wonders if this cart may be more magical than we had predicted, a worrying yet intriguing thought. We stick close to Dawyn.

Morning, Pluto!

Can't remember what exactly sparked it, just figured the dynamic would be cute/hot and wanted to explore it. Scarf Gael might lack libido, but from what I recall/assume, she was teasing yet helpful/practical, and would be lacking in some of the hang ups she usually has. After all, in her eyes, who would have a relationship/feelings for a scarf? Schal would probably be second guessing whether it's a dream and how to address how he feels about it (and how Gael's touch now effects him).
Honestly wish I'd made it a little longer, but keeping things short made sense.
Necromancy is dangerous and called an abomination to Yahweh
You glance at a mirror some distance away, seeing nothing other than a pair of beautiful mares reflected back at you. You then glance between Dawyn and the space that shouldn't be.
"This... is an illusion? Or spacial magic... Could also be a trick of the light to make the carriage seem bigger than it is," You say, "The door has to lead out the other side of the carriage, right?"
"It should," She nods, "Seems like it could be any of the three, but regardless it is impressive. Being able to use magic like this or manipulate light a bit."
"Any of those would be impressive-"
You start to walk forwards only to smack your snout into the cold unforgiving surface of a mirror rather embarrassingly, stepping back with your nose aching a bit. Behind you, you could hear Dawyn trying to keep her giggling quiet, the mare trotting up to your side.
"Here, I'll try to guide us."
Taking your hoof in her claw, she leads you down the hall. About halfway down the hall you notice your reflections start to shift in the mirrors and the shape of the mirrors change as well, your reflection now appearing extremely tall or shot, or you find your reflection being bent around a point in the mirror.

What do you do?
Pausing at that last mirror, we let go of Dawyn's claw and take a few steps towards it, moving our head around to observe the warped surface of the mirror and the way our reflection changes as we move around. Placing our reflected face in the center of the point, it is a little disturbing to see our face curve in such a way, though when we turn our head, our snout stretches and becomes obscenely long as it curls around the point. We can't help smiling at the silliness of it.
"You suppose that the silversmith or craftsman had a particular design in mind, or were some of these simply trial and error, with hours spent in front of silly mirrors?"
You pause at the last mirror, letting go of Dawyn's claw to take a few steps towards it, moving your head around to observe as the warped surface changes your reflection. Placing your reflected face in the center of the point, it is a little disturbing to see your face curve around in such a fashion, though when you turn your head, your snout stretches and becomes obscenely long as it curls around the point. You can't help but smile at the silliness of it.
"You suppose that the silversmith or craftsman had a particular design in mind, or were some of these simply trial and error, with hours spent in front of silly mirrors?"
"I like to think that it was simply a happy error and now it's here." She smiles.
Dawyn stops in front of a mirror that makes the reflection wide. Staring at it for a moment, she rears up on her hind legs so that the mirrors makes her body look extremely wide, giggling a little at her own reflection.
"Does this mirror make me look fat?" She asks you jokingly.

What do you do?
"No, dear, it makes you look tumescent, parturient even."
Happy with our little wordplay, we make our way over to pur marefriend and rear up (beside/behind) her, and 'admiring' the much wider and more rectangular mare that stares back.
"Hmm. Perhaps you have a point: this mirror is definitely making me look fat. I wouldn't mind a little extra mass, but this is silly."
We pout in an exaggerated fashion and then stick out our tongue, our tubby reflection sticking her tongue out in amusing fashion.

On the move, otherwise I'd write more. Could do am upside down mirror, or a true mirror
Hmm...? No it only accentuates your beauty by making it look like there is more of you.
We look at her for a moment before going up to the same mirror, rearing up and doing the same.
What about me, does it make me look- Oh.
We rear up the same she did, just being taller than her made the "target" of the mirror lower down on our body, instead of not being skinny like we intended as our cloak falls open from our rising onto our hind hooves our massive teats reflect wider in the mirror just making the contrast between them and our lithe form even larger.
Seconding, though the mirror seems (rather I assumed it was) set up to effect everything equally. I could see a 'focal point' being a thing though.
"No, dear, if makes you look tumescent, parturient even."
Happy with your little wordplay as Dawyn looks back at you with a playful smirk, rearing up beside her and 'admiring' the much wider and more rectangular mare that stares back."
"What about me, does it make me look- Oh."
You then look down a bit. The mirror makes your whole body look wider, but being taller than her made the target of the mirror a bit lower down on your body, your teats also appearing wider as your cloak falls open and they reflect in the mirror.
"...M-Maybe in a few areas." Dawyn giggles a little, a blush on her face.
Blushing a bit, you try to distract from this by sticking your tongue out, your tubby reflection sticking her tongue out in an amusing fashion back at you.
Watching you do this, Dawyn smiles and brings her tail around, the appendage quickly growing in size and girth in it's reflection. Giggling a little, Dawyn wiggles her tail back and forth in front of the mirror.

What do you do?
We lower ourselves down back onto all fours.
I think... They are plenty rotund enough, Tempting fate with making them larger wouldn't be wise.
We chew on our mane a little to keep from tittering.
This... Is nice.
We let out a quiet giggle in kind, covering our mouth and watching the thick appendage of her reflection for a moment before looking at the dragon mare herself, swaying tail (and rump) and all. Our eyes follow the dexterous limb for several moments before settling on her face.
"I believe your tail is perfectly adequate as is. Any bigger or longer and it may qualify as a weapon in its own right."
Stepping over beside Dawyn, we begin shaking our rump at the mirror, letting out a snort as we glance back at our ridiculous reflection.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
You lower yourself down back onto all fours.
"I think... They are plenty rotund as they are. Tempting fate with making them larger wouldn't be wise."
Watching her move her tail around, you let out a giggle in kind, covering your mouth and watching the thick appendage of her reflection for a moment before looking at the dragon mare herself, swaying tail and rump and all.
"I believe your tail is perfectly adequate as is. Any bigger or longer and it may qualify as a weapon in it's own right."
"Yeah, imagine me using my tail like a mace.' Dawyn laughs.
Stepping beside Dawyn, you turn a little and shake your rump at the mirror, letting out a snort as you glance back at your reflection. Dawyn does as well and after a few moments the two of you continue down the hall.
Reaching the rest of the way you arrive at a small room lined with mirrors just like the hall you came out of and the hall that you exit through on the other side. You look around at these mirrors expecting to see something like the previous ones, but are surprised when you realize that the reflections were showing you what you looked like as different races: Unicorn, Pegasus, Halflinger, Shetlander, Cyes, Deer, Griffon, and so on.

What do you do?
"... These ones are definitely magic. I think I'd like a moment to look at these ones properly, Sweetie."
Looking over the numerous mirrors, we have to remind ourself not to touch them as we get closer, glancing between ourself and our reflection. For a moment, we're confused when we find a normal mirror, only to realize it's the one designated for Earth Ponies. At a glance, our normal self seems to be towards the thinnest and the tallest versions of ourself, only the pale doe being thinner and the pegasus mare roughly matching our build with more lean muscles and an insistence on hovering. Overall, our height is only eclipsed by a broad yet tranquil boar, a regal hippogriff, and a colossal Cyes, the simple act of having to look up at someone rather... interesting. The griffon is only slightly shorter but more muscular at a glance, a martial upbringing seemingly inevitable. Doing another circuit, we move past the unicorn quickly, her horn making her look lovely yet inexplicably not us, and the wings of the pegasus drawing our eye more because of how they respond to our thoughts, and to keep our eyes off the 'bottom heavy' hover the winged reflection insists on.
"I have the same expression, generally, yet the species and body language seems to be subtly recontextualized to give different impressions. That, or my body language is changing each time I'm looking at a new mirror to match the species."
We stop in front of the halflinger, taking a closer look at the adorable mare nearly (a third?) our size as she studies us back, the size difference interesting us nearly as much as the Cyes.
"I could probably spend hours in here, sketching myself from every angle."
Wonder if there's also a gender swap one
Oh... Now that is an interesting twist. I wonder if it's possible to mix and match to an extent?
Standing in front of a pair of mirror we turn to face them side on, so our rear half was in front of one mirror and our front half was in front of another mirror.
This... Would probably be a more impressive effect if I removed my cloak.

We turn back to the unicorn one, studying our reflection a bit further and remembering the Mare in the dream.
How similar was her mane to ours? How much of her features compare to ours?
"Oh... Now that is an interesting twist. I wonder if it's possible to mix and match to an extent," You wonder, "These ones are definitely magic though. I think I'd like to take a moment to look at these ones properly, Sweetie."
"Go ahead," She nods, "I want to take a look at them as well."
You begin to look over the numerous mirrors, having to remind yourself to not touch them as you get closer, glancing between yourself and the first reflection. For a moment, you're confused when you find yourself staring at a normal mirror, only to realize that it was for Earth Ponies. At a glance, your normal self seems to towards the thinnest and the tallest versions of yourself, only the pale doe being thinner and the Pegasus mare roughly matching your build with more lean muscles and an insistence on hovering in the air. Your height is only eclipsed by a broad yet tranquil Boar, a regal and calm Hippogriff, and a colossal Cyes that almost doesn't fit in the mirror, the simple act of having to look up at someone being rather... interesting to you. The Griffon is only slightly shorter than you but has a bit more muscles at a glance, the mirror deciding that a martial upbringing is inevitable for the Griffon you. Doing another circle, you find yourself back at the Pegasus you though mostly because her wings draw your eyes to them and how they seem to respond to your thoughts, and to keep your eyes off of the 'bottom heavy' hover your winged reflection insists on doing in front of you. As you look at the Pegasus you turn to face it side on, the reflection following you so your rear half is in front of one mirror and your front half in front of another.
"This... Would probably be a more impressive effect if I removed my cloak," You mutter, "I have the same expression, generally, yet the species and body language seems to be subtly recontextualized to give different impressions. That, or my body language is changing each time I'm looking at a new mirror to match the species."
"That's what I'm getting as well," Dawyn comments, "It's probably to follow what different species are generally like. It also changes the body a bit while trying to keep general features like my wing size for the Pegasus."

As she speaks you stop in front of the Halflinger mirror, finding an adorable mare nearly a third of your size looking back at you as you look at her, the size difference almost as interesting as much as the Cyes.
"I could probably spend hours in here, sketching myself from every angle."
The last mirror you stop at is the Unicorn mirror where you study your reflection there and remember the mare from the dream you had. The Unicorn that looks back at you had a less muscular build and was slightly smaller than you, but her body was generally the same and her horn makes her look lovely yet also not like you. Studying the mare in the mirror she does closely resemble the Unicorn mare from your dream, having the same purple mane as you but her coat was red rather than having your skin colored coat.

What do you do?
Making sure our hood is completely out of the way, we run our hooves through our mane, doing our best to mimic the manestyle of our m-, of the mare.
"Dawyn, could you come here for a moment? This is, me, correct? Rather, I resemble this mare."

"She, resembles the mare from my dream. Her mother. My mother. My memory, perhaps, rather than a dream."
We sit there silently for a moment, reflecting on this knowledge and our feelings. Some part of us suspected the fact, and we knew our family was probably not alive, but the memory of the cold following the mare's presumed death still makes us shiver for a moment.
'I was old enough to communicate with her. Was it trauma or magic that sealed the memory?'
Knowing answers probably won't come, we set that know aside for now, simply enjoying Dawyn at our side.

Want to have more fun with these species mirrors (don't know Cyes scale, and Griffon and Hippogriff provide interesting contrasts/extremes for Luscinia), but it felt appropriate to give the moment some gravitas. Of course, I can't help wondering if Luscinia blanked out her Mom's teat size, or if they were unremarkable, given they weren't referenced, AFAIK.
We stare at the reflection finding the similarities to the mare way too uncanny.
'If it wasn't for the coat...'
We use minor illusion to change our coat to the same shade of red as the mare.
'... Am I really Murula?'
We told Hannu about the dream. There's too little context for Dawyn I believe. She may ask too many questions about the dream we had.
Seconding, and that slipped my mind, thought we told both of them. Feel like she's gonna ask us questions if we linger though, so there is that.

Retracting dialogue/reference to Dawyn. Also, switch the resemblance dialogue to a thought.
You stare at the reflection and find the similarities way too uncanny. Making sure your hood is completely out of the way, you run your hooves through your mane, taking as much of it as you could in your hooves and twisting it into a loose braid until you get it as close to the mare's mane as possible.
'She, resembles the mare from my dream. Her mother. My mother. My memory, perhaps, rather than a dream. If it wasn't for the coat...'
You cast Minor Illusion on yourself to change your coat to be the same shade of red as the mare. The resemblance was now really close, causing you to sit there silently and reflect on this knowledge and your feelings. Some part of you suspected the fact, and you knew your family was probably not alive, but the memory of the cold following the mare's presumed death still makes you shiver for a moment.
'I was old enough to communicate with her. Was it trauma or magic that sealed the memory?' Am I really Merula?'
Knowing that the answers won't come, you set those aside for now and instead look over at Dawyn. Dawyn was currently studying her reflection in front of the Earth Pony mirror, the reflection making her slightly bigger, but her wings, horns, scales, and claws were all missing with her claws being replaced by hooves and scales replaced by fur.

What do you do?
'Is she feeling just as introspective as I am, or just enjoying a different perspective on things?'
Letting the illusion drop, we start making our way towards her, indirectly, a combined intrusive thought and magical-anatomical quandary has us make a slight detour by the Griffon mirror as we trot. Lifting the edge of our cloak, we take a peek under the hen's cloak, ignoring her more defined musculature and proud smirk at our peeking to answer two questions: would our upbringing have effected our most paradoxical parts, and whether Griffons have more than one pair of teats?
Flashing the flabbergasted yet intrigued hen (having also peeked) a smile, we approach Dawyn, letting her break the silence if she so chooses as we run a hoof along her back.

Feel free to ignore the detour, just figure Luscinia isn't going to have a chance like this again soon, so dumb anatomy questions would be right up her alley.
'... The answers will come eventually, and Armas will help me with this, one way or another.'
Clearing our head we smile at Dawyn, dismissing our illusion and walking up beside her, giving her a kiss on the cheek.
"A little strange to see you without your scales. I would miss playing with your horns and feeling your wings around me, but you still look as beautiful as ever."
"Seeing myself as a Cyes was interesting. My already larger than average hight barely fit in the mirror... It put some perspective for me on what it's like for others to look up."
"My shetlander self was also fun. I could hide her behind my breasts and no one would notice."
Though, Shetlander or Halflinger? Both may be able to, but if it's one to one with (Tolkien) Dwarves and Hobbits respectively, a Halflinger could be half the height of a Shetlander.
From the sound of the description of Granite Firehoof compared to the demon, it sounded like Shetlanders are smaller. After all, the demon was able to keep us pinned, despite forcing his will on us. It may not be a fair comparison though, but I think Shetlanders are smaller, unless Granite was a midget upon her kind.

That said, I imagined the boars were more related to dwarves. The bandit leader had a Scottish(?) accent, which is more in line with dwarves, unless they're meant to be Orks? Ogres? It's a bit difficult to distinguish them apart in writing.
Boars are Orks, definitely orks. Tusks, Cockney accent (I'm pretty sure, though i can't think of a point where it's explicit), wandering warbands/rading parties, and Pluto's interest in 40k all point to that. Also, opening post of character creation thread listed the species parallels explicitly
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
If a griffin hen had 6 to 8 teats each as large as Luscinia’s they would be the buffest hen in all the lands carrying that kind of weight around.
She'd have to be to support all that, though I'm wagering it'll just be a single pair, two pairs max, notably smaller than Luscinia's due to a low fat diet and more intense regimen. I imagine Master wouldn't have had a choice in making Griff-Cinia more of a spellblade type: she needs to get the zoomies with intense flying and blade training before she can focus on magic practice.
'...The answers will come eventually, and Armas will help me with this, one way or another.'
Clearing your head and letting your illusion drop, you smile and make your way towards her. As you do, a combine intrusive thought and magical-anatomical quandary has you make a slight detour to the Griffon mirror as you trot by. Lifting the edge of your cloak up, you take a peek under the hen's cloak, ignoring her more defined musculature and proud smirk at your peeking to answer two questions you had on your mind: would your upbringing have effected your most paradoxical parts, and whether they had more than one pair. There was only a single pair, and while they were big they weren't as big as yours, maybe half the size of yours.
Flashing the now Flabbergasted but intrigued hen a smile, you approach Dawyn.
"A little strange to see you without scales. I would miss playing with your horns and feeling your wings around me, but you still look as beautiful as ever."
"Thank you," She smiles, "It is interesting to see myself like this, but it's also fascinating to see myself looking a bit more like you."
She then looks over at you.
"Did you see anything interesting?"
"Seeing myself as a Cyes was interesting. My already larger than average height barely fit in the mirror... It put some perspective for me on what it's like for others to look up," You say, "My Shetlander self was also fun. I could hide her behind my breasts and no one would notice."
"A Halflinger could as well," Dawyn giggles, "Did you look at your Halflinger form? My was absolutely adorable!"

What do you do?
"Only briefly, but I have to agree. We could take another look together, if you like? I'm a little curious about the height difference."
Regarding the lovely earth pony mare in the mirror for a moment, we kiss Dawyn's head, the reflection allowing us to appreciate the beauty of the mare before us even more. Smirking slightly, we lean down and whisper to her.
"I may have to be cautious around the Griffon mirror: I don't anticipate anything happening, but I may have bruised my Griffon form's pride. I enjoy her confidence and adherence to her regimen, but quite simply, she is smaller."
Honestly it looked almost like I was just a somewhat short earthpony, I think my unusual proportions throws a lot of these mirrors off.
"Only briefly, but I have to agree. We could take another look together, if you like? I'm a little curious about the height difference."
"I would love to, I haven't gotten to see the Halflinger you."
After this you regard the lovely Earth Pony mare in the mirror for a moment, stopping to kiss Dawyn's head, the reflection allowing you to appreciate the beauty of the mare before you even more. Smirking a little, you lean down and whisper to her.
"I may have to be cautious around the Griffon mirror. I don't anticipate anything happening, but I may have bruised my Griffon form's pride. I enjoy her confidence and adherence to her regimen, but quite simply, she is smaller."
"Aww, poor thing," Dawyn giggles a little, "Maybe we can make it up to her... somehow? I don't know, but I have noticed that the forms in each mirror seem to have their own personality, which is fascinating."

What do you do?
"Isn't it? I've been rather enjoying this little excursion. I wouldn't mind making it up to her though... if there is anything that will brighten her day, it's some company. How do you feel about sneaking up on me while I go check in on my feathery counterpart? Maybe she can predict things, but I don't think she'll dislike the attention~"

Seconding, though we were told not to touch. We can use illusion magic to achieve the same effect though.

Grivna (presumably)
Indeed... Short of these actually being plain glass with very dedicated changelings behind them... Each mirror is potentially a reflection window into another dimension? Or a co-existing timeline... Truly 6 Grivna was probably too cheap.
We smile a little looking around at the different mirrors.
There are few ways to truly make it up to them, with the limited connection we have but... I can think of a few ways...
If we haven't already changed our cutiemark to the book and sword again we do that now, before slowly pulling off our cloak.
There one way... That I would like your help to test that may make it up to her. We could share the griffin mirror, I would like to see how it would capture two folks at the same time as they interact... And what would happen, if you were to... Have some claws on some of my largest assets~
We walk with a sway back in front of the griffin mirror letting our teats swing and sway giving her the full glories picture of them. We breath hotly on the glass leaving a steamy condensation on it, then as it fades away we conjure an illusionary script mid air. "No magic, they are all natural."

Yeah... Just bungled that. Forgot about the no touching rule my bad.

Seconding right back by the way.
"Isn't it? I've been rather enjoying this little excursion. Short of these being plain glass with very dedicated Changelings behind them... Each mirror is potentially a reflection into another dimension? Or a co-existing timeline... Truly six Grivna was probably too cheap."
You then smile a little looking around at each mirror.
"I wouldn't mind making it up to her though... if there is anything that will brighten her day, it's some company."
Grabbing the collar of your cloak, you unclasp it and pull it off of you, putting it into your pack for now.
"I would like your help to test something that may make it up to her. We could share the Griffon mirror, I would like to see how it would capture two folks at the same time as they interact... And what would happen, if you were to... sneak up on me while I check in on my feathery counterpart and have some claws on my largest assets~? Maybe she can predict things, but I don't think she'll dislike the attention~."
"Hmm, sounds like something fun we can try~," She nods, "We'll have to be quick though, no telling if someone else may be coming."
Going back to the Griffon mirror, you trot up with a sway back to the mirror, your Griffon form returning with a more neutral expression and a blush as you give her the full glories picture of them. Breathing hotly on the glass to leave a steamy condensation on it, then as it fades away you conjure an illusionary script in the air. "No magic, they are all natural."
As you breathe on the glass the Griffon does so as well, shortly followed by words as she conjures a script as well though it reads differently. "How? I thought mine were big!"
As she writes this you see Dawyn sneaking up behind you in the reflection, rather her Griffon form which shared her fur and mane coloring with her feathers while having a large pair of wings and slightly longer claws, her wings splayed out as she sneaks forward.

What do you do?
We allow ourself to grin at the cream/peach colored Stork-Caracal mix, plucking at our bra casually under the guise of adjusting it, an article which she's 'replaced' with a simple though more covert smattering of bandages. We take care not to look at the approaching hen, even if we expect our counterpart probably isn't so easily snuck up upon.
"Oh, they are~, but you seem the most active of us, as well as smaller than myself, and it appears to have rewarded you in other ways. I know a deer king that would enjoy sticking his head between those thighs, for example. Plus, a pair like that could make for a happy Cock or Hen any day."
We change our script hovering in the air. "Yours are impressively large, but it seems earth pony genes gives me the edge in that boon. Seems you got the muscles though."
I wonder... What else is different where they are from, is it just they a griffins? How much is different and how much is the same?
We take a moment to consider things before smiling softly.
"It took nearly half an hour to get them measured~"
We then pop up a display of our outdated measurement sizes to keep her nice and focused on us and not what is sneaking up on us.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
You allow yourself to grin at the cream and peach colored Stork-Caracal mix, plucking at your bra casually under the guise of adjusting it, an article that she had replaced with a simple though much more covert smattering of bandages that wrapped around them. You take care not to look at the approaching hen, even if you expect your counterpart isn't so easily snuck up on, instead changing your script hovering in the air.
"Oh, they are~. Yours are impressively large, but it seems like Earth Pony genes gives me the edge in that boon and you seem the most active of us, as well as smaller than myself. Seems you got the muscles though, I know a Deer king that would enjoy sticking his head between those thighs. Plus, a pair like that could make for a happy Cock or hen any day."
'I wonder... What else is different where they are from, is it just they are Griffons? How much is different and how much is the same?'
You take a moment to consider things before smiling softly at the perplexed Griffon.
"It took nearly half an hour to get them measured."
You then pop a display of your measurement sizes, the hen's beak falling open at this.
"That can't be right! How do you even wa"
As she writes she stops and turns around just as Griffon Dawyn pounces. At the same time Dawyn pounces on you, her face sliding near your cutie mark as her claws reach around and grab your teats. The Griffon on the other side does the same, causing your Griffon to jump as her claws wrap around her teats in turn, looking down at Griffon Dawyn with shock as a blush appears on her face. Dawyn's form just gives her a playful smirk as her claws start to massage her lightly, your Griffon's eyes slowly drifting shut as Dawyn starts to massage you a bit.

What do you do?
We should do a quick soulsight to make sure we wont have company soon.
Are the griffons still mirroring our position/posture? I assume so, but the turn makes things slightly unclear
"Mmm, you almost took her by surprise, Sweetie~."
Our eyes start to drift shut as well, but feeling Dawyn tug our hefty pillows from our bra, we force them open to commit the sight to memory: her Dawyn barely tugging a single bandage/wrap/ribbon aside and causing the whole setup to fall away, likely an embarrassingly common occurrence, leaving the respectably busty/milk laiden warrior hen on display, her dark pink nipples a curious anomaly compared to our light pink buds.
We can't help our tail flagging a little, between Dawyn's proximity, the near perfectly mirrored touch between what we're watching and what we're feeling, and the show we're getting in return, leaving us with the dangerous temptation to press our teats to the mirror. We lean forwards for a moment, making it harder to peek under us, but letting Dawyn and our counterpart make eye contact. "Show her your fangs, would you? Let her see them, and surprise me with a little bite."
We modify the illusion again, watching with rapt attention.
"I'm loving the synchronicity: we planned, yet she also executed it on her own. And your ability to fly is more vexing, honestly. Does your sharp vision lend itself well to our voyeuristic tendencies? Oh, and tell that sexy hen you love her."
"I love you, Dawyn."

Might be moving a little quick, but wrote what came to mind. We'll probably have to back off soon.

Seconding, and I'm curious if we might see something interesting these mirrors might be portals of some sort
Changing the text once again we slightly groan in pleasure.
"I have to walk in a very specific way, they actually keep my center of gravity quite low so I more agile then you'd expect. But I can't start and stop moving in certain directions all of the sudden or the momentum will have my girls act as wrecking balls and knock one of my legs out from under me. The bra's help immensely with that."
I am going to have to see about what enchantment this is, I hardly want this to be the last time with this experience... Though maybe that's what makes it special.
"Mmm, you almost took her by surprise, Sweetie~."
"I was doing good until she turned around at the last minute."
As your eyes drift shut you quickly shift to your soulsight, finding that nobody was approaching but what was interesting was the two Griffons had souls. This gives you a bit of a pause before you let your eyes drift shut as well, groaning slightly in pleasure as Dawyn tugs your hefty pillows from your bra, forcing them open to commit the sight to memory: her Dawyn just barely tugs at a single bandage causing the whole thing to fall apart, which is likely an embarrassingly common occurrence, leaving the respectively busty warrior hen on display for all, her dark pink nipples creating a curious anomaly compared to your light pink buds.
Your tail starts to flag and your Griffon's tail follows suit, between Dawyn's proximity to you, the near perfectly matched touch between what you're watching and what you're feeling, and the show you're getting in return, leaving you with the dangerous temptation to press your teats to the mirror. You begin to lean forward, making it harder to peek underneath you, but letting Dawyn and your counterpart make eye contact with each other, the two looking at each other. Your reflection does the same, ending up with you staring at her Dawyn in return.
"Show her your fangs, would you? Let her see them, and surprise me with a little bite."
Dawyn nods and opens her mouth up wide at this to show your Griffon her fangs. Dawyn's reflection then opens her beak up for you, letting you see the inside of her beak quite well.
"I'm loving the synchronicity: we planned, yet she also executed it on her own."
"It is quite interesting, isn't it?"
"I have to walk in a very specific way, they actually keep my center of gravity quite low so I'm more agile then you'd expect. But I can't start and stop moving in certain directions all of the sudden or the momentum will have my girls act as wrecking balls and knock one of my legs out from underneath me. The bra's help immensely with that."
"Mine aren't as big, but they give me a bit of trouble when fighting. It's actually a similar problem: if I turn another direction suddenly they cause my balance to go off a bit. The bandages help with that."
"And your ability to fly is more vexing, honestly. Does your sharp vision lend itself well to our voyeuristic tendencies? Oh, and tell that sexy hen you love her."
"I love you, Dawyn." You tell her.
Just as you say this you watch the hen on the other side do the same, her beak moving but no sound coming out. The two Dawyn's react the same though, both smiling up before-
Dawyn reaches up and bites down on your neck, Dawyn's Griffon doing the same as she reaches up and nips at your Griffon's neck. At the same time Dawyn pinches your nipples and tugs at them slightly.

What do you do?
Arching our back as we gasp, our eyes flutter for a moment, though our gaze settles on the reflected world and we watch as what is undoubtedly the mare we love in feathered form basically mount our body, rendering our wings rigid and spread as we can practically see larger hen purr, with Dawyn's claws just barely obscured by ourself. Controlling our breathing, we stand up and carefully turn around, point both ours and our lover's rump at the mirror, keeping a wide stance as we watch from over our shoulder.
'If I ever gain the means and am satisfied with adventuring and the pursuit of Necromancy, I am retiring and studying mirrors like these. They're not simple illusions or tricks of the light, they are glass gateways.'
We can't help wondering if the stork-headed Griffon noticed our souls as well, or if she is even a Necromancer. Closing one eye, we double check our reflection for the faint scar from where we got shot.
"Bandages are a very fitting and practical choice. I didn't have the luxury of bras until recently, only old shirts and gowns, or day long treks in leather armor that became too much of an ordeal. I'm a tad jealous of your claws though: I didn't learn about their splendor until my love and I bathed together, and I-"
The spell fizzles and we let out a pleased sigh as Dawyn tugs slightly harder on a nipple.
We shudder and let out another hot breath over the glass.
We pant softly shaking under Dawyn soaking in the pleasure as we watch the scene before us with objectively perverse pleasure. After the fog fades we have another message waiting for our griffin counterpart.
"I wonder... Is being bitten similarly pleasing for you? Feeling like prey that's been stalked and pounced on might be... A different Experience when you're a hunter species."
We slowly turn around keeping our neck arched to both keep looking at the mirror but also so Dawyn has full access to it. Lowering out front half we sway and swing our rear making out teats dances teats dance to our hips pace. Lifting out tail with a flick to get it out of the way and not obscure the view. A thought then comes to us and we change the script.
"Now, if you're not too distracted by the view to notice me changing this~ What do you see us as? Are you in a hall of mirrors?"
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
You arch your back as you gasp, your eyes fluttering for a moment, though your gaze settles back on the reflected world and you watch as what is undoubtedly the mare you love in feathered form basically mount your body, rendering your wings rigid and spread as you can practically see the larger hen purr, a weight settling on your back as well as Dawyn does the same. Controlling your breathing, you stand up and carefully turn around, pointing both yours and your lover's rump at the mirror, keeping a wide stance as you watch over your shoulder and get greeted by the sight of the two doing the same. You simply pant softly in response, soaking in the pleasure as you watch with perverse pleasure.
'If I ever gain the means and am satisfied with adventuring and the pursuit of Necromancy, I am retiring and studying mirrors like these. They're not simple illusions or tricks of the light, they are glass gateways.'
You can't help but wonder if the stork-headed Griffon noticed your souls as well, or if she is even a Necromancer at all. Closing one of your eyes, you doublecheck the reflection for the faint scar from where you got shot. It's a bit hard to see underneath her feathers, but there is a scar similar to the one you have hidden by her feathers a bit.
"Bandages are a very fitting and practical choice. I didn't have the luxury of bras until recently, only old shirts and gowns, or day long treks in leather armor that became too much of an ordeal. I'm a tad jealous of your claws though: I didn't learn about their splendor until my move and I bathed together, and I"
The spell fizzles and you let out a pleased sigh, getting interrupted by Dawyn tugging slightly harder on a nipple. Griffon you has a similar issue, but after a moment her words appear.
"I could get some bras, but I'm too used to the bandages and they do the job fine, and I would keep enjoying the claws if I were you."
"I wonder, is being bitten similarly pleasing for you? Feeling like prey that's been stalked and pounced on might be... a different experience when you're a hunter species."
"It does, but it still has a nice... rush to it that's a bit hard to describe. Like... an excitement."
Lowering your front half a bit, you sway and swing your rear making your teats dance to your hips pace. Lifting your tail with a flick to get it out of the way. Your Griffon does the same thing, moving her tail out of the way to reveal a more subtle set of lips, the area around them now matted by her juices.

"Now, if you're not too distracted by the view to notice me changing this~. What do you see us as? Are you in a hall of mirrors?"
"Yeah, we just entered one a bit ago. We see both of you as Earth Ponies which is interesting for both of us to s"
As she writes you watch Griffon Dawyn release her grip on her and slowly slide off, the hen too distracted to notice her sliding underneath her and wrapping her beak around a nipple until it's too late, the words fizzling as the pleasure hits her. Pleasure hits you at the same time as well, Dawyn removing her teeth from you to instead slide underneath you and start sucking on a teat, one claw still rubbing the other.

What do you do?
Our tail immediately flicks up again, helping keep the few strands that had fallen out of the way as our marehood winks, thrusting our rump back towards the mirror. We allow our chest to rest on the floor, only partially because our legs are growing unsteady: the sight of a powerful warrior 'brought low' by simple and pleasurable affections is too tantilizing, especially if it is 'us'.
Taking a good look at Dawyn's mirrored loins, as well as her tight looking butt and curious paws, our face flush and blood pumping in our ears as we watch the hen clearly enjoy 'suckling' her partner. We rub the back of our mare's head, brushing over a horn but leaving her in control.
"Ha, you're making an, absolute mess of her, Wyn."
Anticipating her taking a peek through the mirror, we let our gaze lose focus and play up our neediness, panting openly as we roll our hips ever so slightly forward and back, trying subtly to grind on something, anything, as our teat bumps against the back of Dawyn's head. Feeling a certain gaze eventually pull away from our rump and teats, (and her own body) to look at our face, we wait a moment before locking eyes with the wide eyed hen with a smirk, winking at her as we press our thighs together, pressing our teats against the back of her neck. We cast the illusion once more.
"Mirror hall is consistent. This beautiful little mare is a Dragon Pony though, with lovely horns, scales, and wings. You're a pair of magnanimous Griffons from this angle. I wasn't expecting a hen's lips to be so shy by comparison, but it's good to know 'I' have a soft side: your rear makes for a far more tempting pillow then mine, I'll say."
Stereotypes about Griffons aside, we focus on making amends for bruising our own ego earlier. Whispering to Dawyn.
"I think your word might mean more than mine."

idea: we show off Dawyn, using illusion magic to try and circumvent the mirror. Could probably do something like pretend bodyswapping with a little hypnosis, but that might make things too complicated. Was tempted to have us back into the mirror as well. Also, our counterpart references claws yet Daeyn is an Earth Pony.
Reaching a long fore leg back while we gaze over out shoulder we slide our hoof over out flanks before tugging on our cheek to make our slit pull open more. Fully exposing our own tunnel.
"It seems... You don't quite gape the same either. Looks like those tight buns of yours squeeze that pretty pussy of ours for you."
Changing the text we then slip our hoof fully, tracing gently over our slit.
'Hmm... I wonder if the mirror is changing Dawyn to look like an earth pony on that side, or it is reflecting two different places. Reflecting me, and reflecting a dimension? Universe? where dawyn is a earth pony at the same time?'
Glancing down we take a look at the mare as she seemingly so desperately tries to drink from us.
You're not holding back are you? You love my girls don't you~? But... I get the impression you want more than what you've got... Maybe my neck isn't the only thing you want to bite~ Do you want to sink your teeth into something softer, and leave your mark~? You can get as rough as you like you know~ Show them how much you love them~

>in before we leave and realize because of all the mirrors pretty much anyone at either end of the hall of mirrors could see what we were getting up to.

Your tail immediately flicks up again, helping keep the few strands that had fallen out of the way as your marehood winks and hers in return, thrusting your rump back towards the mirror. You allow your chest to rest on the floor, partially because your legs are growing unsteady, partially because the sight of a powerful warrior brought low by simple and pleasurable affections is too tantalizing to you..
Taking a good look at Dawyn's mirrored loins, as well as her tight looking butt and curious paws, your face flushes and blood pumps in your ears as you watch the hen clearly enjoy 'suckling' her partner. You rub the back of your mare's head, brushing over a horn but leaving her in control. It still causes her head to pause and then her whole body to shiver before continuing.
"Ha, you're making an, absolute mess of her, Wyn."
Dawyn just looks up at you and gives you a smile as she continues before looking over at the mirror. Reaching a long foreleg back while you gaze back as well, you slide your hoof over our flanks before tugging on your cheek to make your slit pull open. Griffon you does the same thing, a claw reaching back and gripping her flank to pull herself open as well, exposing that she is also a bit different on the inside as well.
"It seems... You don't quite gape the same either. Looks like those tight buns of yours squeeze that pretty pussy of ours for you."
"I imagine you have a bit of trouble with yours, with how puffy yours are."
You let your gaze start to lose focus and play up your neediness after this, panting openly as you roll your hips ever so slightly forward and back, trying to grind on something, anything, as your teats bump against the back of Dawyn's head. Feeling a certain gaze pull away from your rump and teats to look up at your face, you wait a moment before locking eyes with the wide eyed hen with a smirk, winking at her as you let go of your rump and trace your hoof gently over your slit.
'Hmm... I wonder if the mirror is changing Dawyn to look like an Earth Pony on that side, or is it reflecting two different places. Reflecting me, and reflecting a dimension? Universe? Where Dawyn is a Earth Pony at the same time?'

"Mirror hall is consistent. This beautiful little mare is a Dragon Pony though, with lovely horns, scales and wings. You're a pair of magnanimous Griffons from this angle. I wasn't expecting a hen's lips to be so shy by comparison, but it's good to know 'I' have a soft side: your rear makes for a far more tempting pillow then mine, I'll say."
"I didn't know that, both of you look like Earth Ponies to us. We're not both Griffons either, my Dawyn is a Pegasus with the fluffiest wings imaginable."
You then look down at your Dawyn as she desperately tries to drink from you.
"You're not holding back, are you? You love my girls, don't you~? But... I get the impression you want more than what you've got... Maybe my neck isn't the only thing you want to bite~. Do you want to sink your teeth into something softer, and leave your mark~? You can get as rough as you like you know~, show them how much you love them~."
At this, Dawyn unlatches from your teat, giving your nipple one last lick before opening her mouth wide gently biting down on your neglected teat. Her hoof leaving your neglected teat to instead meet your hoof over your slit. In the mirror, Griffon Dawyn does the same and bites down on her other teat, the Griffon jumping before shivering and letting one leg shake a little.

What do you do?
We let out a hot and heavy breath that shifts into a quiet drawn out moan. We shift our hind legs farther apart giving Dawyn more room to work her magic.
Mmm~ That's nice... Is that the best you can do though Dawyn~? Don't you want to leave a mark to claim your hoard~? Something I'll look down, see, and remember you by~?
We lower our hoof from our pussy, giving her claw free reign then we bring it to the back of Dawyn's head and push her head farther against out teat enveloping her muzzle in soft teat. Glancing at our mirror counterparts we grin just slightly as we change the text.
"Now... I wonder, which of us is the bigger slut? Only way to test that is see who will cum first~"
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Intriguing as our other self's subtly anxious hindlegs/shuffling and curling paws are, especially compared to our own stoicism, our neck is starting to strain as we stare half lidded at the mirror.
Reaching down, we rub Dawyn's back for a moment before grabbing hold and carefully rolling onto our back, dragging her along with us. Laying on our back with Dawyn still liplocked to a teat, we're tempted to just lay there, but our curiosity won't stand for it, and Dawyn's position limits our view of our hen-iffied goods, not that we ever really get a glimpse of ourself without a mirror. Slipping a hindleg under her tail, we lift it to reveal her to the mirror, casually gripping and stroking the dragon mare's horns as we watch one hen begin to melt into a crooning/purring pile of feathers on top of the other, the similar manner in which a certain elegent, peach colored feline leg stretches to lift a thin brown tail and unveil a pussy's pussy, proudly displaying her mate... We truly feel like putty in Dawyn's swift claws, even as we exert a some control and tug the mare by her horns from our teat, ostensibly to make sure she breathes.
Tossing out a little magic, we create a softly glowing illusion of Dawyn over herself, a wireframe reconstruction of details we know from memory, focusing on her membrane wings, scales and scaly teats, horns, tail, and wonderful slit. Not obscuring the mare at all, merely showing her how we see her.
(Griffon Dawyn becoming a 'Hippogriff' with her Griffon parts still visible?)
"A stunning mate, for a stunning hen. Shame the latter is a shameless exhibitionist and voyeur who came from her mate being rutted in front of her~. Was it 'Burning Desire' for you as well?"
We can't help teasing our Griffon self even now, wondering if things might have played out differently last night for them, or if that embarrassing little tale is unique to us.

Still think Luscinia cumming when the cold mirror presses against her lips could be a fun finale, but idk that we'll be able to clean that up, and Dawyn deserves some loving.

Probably worried about drawing blood/hurting us. That said, a serious hickey or two seems in character.
Intriguing as your other self's subtly anxious hind legs and curling paws are, especially to our own stoicism, your neck is starting to strain as you stare half lidded at the mirror. You let out a hot and heavy moan that shifts into a quiet drawn out one. Shifting your hind legs further apart to give Dawyn more room to work.
Then reaching downward, you rub Dawyn's back before grabbing hold of her and carefully rolling onto your back, dragging her along with you so that you're on your back and Dawyn is on top of you still locked to a teat. It's tempting to just lay there, but your curiosity won't stand for it, and Dawyn's new position limits your view of your hen-iffied goods, not that you ever really got a glimpse of yourself without a mirror before. Shifting a hind leg underneath her tail, you lift it up to reveal her to the mirror, casually gripping and stroking the Dragon mare's horns as you watch one hen begin to melt into a crooning pile of feathers on top of the other just as the Dragon mare does the same, her claws flexing and unflexing repeatedly, and the similar manner in which a certain elegant, peach colored feline leg stretches to lift a thin brown tail and unveil a pussy's pussy similar to her own... You truly feel like putty in Dawyn's swift claws, even as you exert some control and tug the mare by her horns from your teat, just to make sure she breathes as she stares up at the ceiling panting.
Tossing in a bit of magic, you create a softly glowing illusion of Dawyn over herself, a wireframe reconstruction of details you know about her from memory now, focusing on her membranous wings, scales and scaly teats, horns, tail, and wonderful slit. Not obscuring her at all, merely showing her how you see her. At the same time a similar wireframe appears on the mirror as Griffon you does the same for Griffon Dawyn, creating an outline of a slightly smaller Pegasus with large fluffy wings, and a short tail similar to the length of her short mane. As this happens, you speak to Dawyn.
"Mmm~! That's nice... Is that the best you can do though, Dawyn~? Don't you want to leave a mark to claim your hoard~? Something I'll look down, see, and remember you by~?"
Dawyn still looks a bit out of it as she remains there panting, but her eyes tell you that she is very much listening and thinking. As she does you turn back to the mirror.
"A stunning mate, for a stunning hen. Shame the latter is a shameless exhibitionist and voyeur who came from her mate being rutted in front of her~. Was it 'Burning Desire' for you as well?"
"Yeah, Burning Desire. Don't act like you're different from me, I know you're a voyeur as well and how much you're getting off by just looking at me!"

"Now... I wonder, which of us is the bigger slut? Only way to test that is see who will cum first~."
"If that's a challenge then let's find out~."
As you finish reading this Dawyn starts moving. Taking one last deep breath she opens her mouth wide once more and latches on your teat again, this time biting down on it much harder while her tongue flicks your nipple. Meanwhile, her claw flicks your clit and then gives it a momentary pinch, moving on to to wiggling it a bit between two claws.
In the mirror, Griffon Dawyn does the same thing, latching onto Griffon you who reacts by jumping a bit and then flopping her head onto the floor as her claws does the same thing to her.

What do you do?
We whine as our head similarly slumps, trying to keep quiet. Our grip on her horn tightens considerably but we don't dare stop her from staking her claim, the pain blending in with the pleasure as our Dragon rolls our clit between her digits like a precious gold coin. Our hindlegs hold steady as our magic flickers out once more, at once feeling like jelly and like a steel trap that could spring shut at any moment.
In the back of our mind, past the pleasure, the love, and the pride in our new mark, we wonder if this is more carnal or taboo for our predator self, to be marked by smaller prey, and if perhaps she has more experience in pain with her pleasure than we do. We admit that it's rather nice.
Pressing back against Dawyn's claw and grinding against it, a spark travels through our body, producing a wonderful thought that makes us gasp and shiver.
'She read Burning Desire to her lovers... she, both an apex predator and an honorable knightess, submitted as a toy to her prey lovers, and loved every moment~'
Certainly a bit of an embellishment and romanticized vision, but we can almost see it in our mind's eye, the muscular, big teated hen, stuck between a Pegasus mare, and a (Peryton?) buck, experiencing one of the happiest moments of her life as she almost drowns.
Feeling a tension surge in our belly, our eyes widen though we smile all the same, leaning up to speak with Dawyn.
"C-close, ha-a."

Want to give Dawyn some attention, but the spectacle/finale probably works best if Luscinia and Hen-cinia are on display for each other. Still tempted to use hypnosis in some way, but nothing reasonable comes to mind
You whine as your head also slumps, trying your best to keep yourself quiet. Your grip on her horn tightens considerably but you don't dare stop her from staking her claim, the pain blending in with the pleasure as your Dragon rolls your clit between her digits like a precious gold coin. Your hind legs hold steady as your magic flickers out once again, at once feeling like jelly and like a steel trap that could spring shut at any possible moment.
In the back of your mind, past the pleasure, the love, and the pride in your new mark, you wonder if this is more carnal or taboo for your predator self, to be marked by smaller prey, and if perhaps she has more experience in pain with her pleasure than you do. It's a strange thought as you look over at her and find her with her head on the ground, tongue out as she pants.
Pressing back against Dawyn's claw and grinding against it, a spark travels up and through your body, producing a wonderful thought that makes you gasp and shiver at it.
'She read Burning Desire to her lovers... she, both an apex predator and an honorable knightess, submitted as a toy to her prey lovers, and loved every moment~.'
It's a bit of an embellishment and romanticized version of it, but you can see it in your mind's eye: the muscular, bit teated hen, stuck between a Pegasus mare and a Peryton buck, experiencing one of the happiest moments of her life as she almost drowns. This thought causes a familiar tension to surge in your belly, your eyes widening though you still smile, leaning up to speak with Dawyn."
"C-Close, ha-a."
At this, her eyes become filled mischief. A moment later she bites down a bit more, using this as a distraction to slide her claws away from your clit and into your lips, quickly moving them back and forth as fast as she can inside of you. In the mirror, Griffon Dawyn does the same as her claws sink into her and start moving, causing Griffon you to kick her limbs out in pleasure.

What do you do?
We bite our tongue a slight hiss slipping out between our teeth as her teeth sink more into the soft teat in her maws grip, before we our knees trembling a bit as we grind our hips back into her claws.
We try to hold off in some vain attempt to win but it doesn't take more than a few moments for our cum to be splattering out across Dawyn's claws and onto the mirror itself as we shake and pant.
Been sitting here for a bit trying to type something, but mind is very much elsewhere, annoyingly. That, and I'm melting and a bit dehydrated.
I wonder if that qualifies as touching the mirror?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Our legs spread for a moment, holding steady compared to the twitching limbs of our feathery double before closing around Dawyn's waist, no tighter than an affectionate hug yet firm and immovable from the power of our Earth Pony strength. A shiver spreads from our core out as we can't resist pressing our teat against Dawyn's maw, shifting ever so slightly underneath her as her claws plunder our cave.
"Ah~!" A soft, elated cry slips past our lips as our excitement splatters onto our love's claws, not much louder than we had been yet echoing a little around the room. As our marehood hugs and tugs at her slick digits, our free hoof finds its way to her neck, stroking it for a moment before gripping her other horn and holding on for dear life.
Your legs spread for a moment, holding steady compared to the twitching limbs of your feathery double before closing themselves around Dawyn's waist, no tighter than an affectionate hug but still firm and immovable from the power of your Earth Pony strength. A shiver spreads from your core and out as you can't resist pressing your teat against Dawyn's maw, letting out a slight hiss as her teeth sink more into the soft teat, before your knees tremble a bit and you grind your hips back into her claws.
You try to hold off in some vain attempt to win, but it only takes a few moments for your cum to splatter across Dawyn's claws as a soft, elated cry slips past your lips, not much louder than you have been yet echoing around the room. As your marehood hugs and tugs at her slick digits, your free hoof finds it's way to her neck, stroking it for a moment before gripping her other horn and holding onto it for dear life, causing her to freeze and then melt into your touch.
After several seconds you come down from your high, managing to roll your head a bit to look over at the mirror. Some of your essence had ended up on the mirror along with the Griffon's on the other side, her limbs now splayed out around her and her head laying on the floor as she pants. Griffon Dawyn is laying on top of her, looking at the two of you with a big smile even as her lips are wrapped around her teat.

What do you do?
Looking at the happy hen with more than a few disheveled feathers sprawled out and panting, looking exactly as pleasantly tired as we feel, and glancing between the happy little hen and mare that made a mess of us twice over, we close our eyes and groan, vividly picturing our slit winking in sync with its doppelganger through the glass, slightly distorted from the excitement. Gripping a horn and her flank, we try to pull Dawyn away from our teat so we can kiss her.
"Don't suppose you caught which of us came first? And how close are you?"

Conjuring up the illusory text again, we smile as her Dawyn and ourself.
"Should've seen this coming, being a mirror and all: no winner, no loser, just a slutty bird, her soft and capable lover, and their equally amorous reflections. Suppose we could run a little test, see if the climax synchronicity is consistent."
Making an assumption that cumming in sync was inevitable, and that we'll at least need a minute to clean up. Plus, Luscinia wouldn't turn down the chance for a little more info.
We slowly stand up shaking a little bit. We reach out a hoof and rub it over Dawyn's tail.
Looking over at the happy hen with more than a few of her feathers disheveled sprawled out and panting, looking exactly as pleasantly tired as you feel. Glancing between the happy little hen and mare that made a mess of you twice over, you close your eyes and let out a groan, vividly picturing your slit winking in sync with it's doppelganger through the glass, slightly distorted from the excitement. Gripping a horn and her flank, you try to pull Dawyn off of your teat which she doesn't at first, but after you use a hoof to rub her tail she pops off easily, pulling her into a kiss for several seconds.
Separating from the kiss, you conjure up the illusory text again, smiling at her Dawyn and yourself.
"Should've seen this coming, being a mirror and all: no winner, no loser, just a slutty bird, her soft and capable lover, and their equally amorous reflections. Suppose we could run a little test, see if the climax synchronicity is consistent."
"Gonna have to see if I can try to clean it. We could see though."
At this, you look at Dawyn.
"Don't suppose you caught which of us came first? And how close are you?"
"You're not wrong about the syncing, you both did it at the same time," She replies, "I'm not very close. If you want to return the favor we can, but we could wait until tonight and bring Hannu in again~."

What do you do?
Running a hoof along Dawyn's back, we shiver at what she is proposing for later, but compose ourself. Kissing her again, we glance at the other mirrors around, and the teat Dawyn claimed.
"I'm tempted to do something now, to see if I can make that hen make faces half as cute as yours, but we could have company at any moment, and we have to clean. Do you suppose one of my nightgowns would be a fine enough material to clean the glass and minimize smudging?"
Hmm... Very well... Maybe we could sneak in here again... I imagine it would be quite a sight seeing what his other copies have to offer. Lets... Take a look around, I am curious to see what my other selfs have to say about my teats... I'm pretty sure one of my teats is larger than the halflinger version.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!

Seconding! A chance to explore a little more sounds fun. We'll need to check in on the pastries in a bit though.
Running a hoof over Dawyn's back, you shiver at what she is proposing for later, but manage to keep yourself composed. Giving her another kiss, you take a glance at the other mirrors around the two of you, and at the test Dawyn claimed where there is an obvious mark that she had left. Thankfully, it wasn't bleeding.
"I'm tempted to do something now, to see if I can make that hen make faces half as cute as yours, but we could have company at any moment and we have to clean," You say, "Maybe we could sneak in here again... I imagine it would be quite a sight seeing what his other copies have to offer. Let's... take a look around, I am curious to see what my other selves have to say about my teats."
"Sneaking in, that could be fun," Dawyn smiles, "We can take a look around, but we should clean this up first."
"Right. Do you suppose one of my nightgowns would be a fine enough material to clean the glass and minimize smudging?"
"I'm... not sure. I think it should work?"

What do you do?
"Keep an eye out, please, I'll try to be quick."
Pulling out a gown and our waterskin, we fold it up and wet one of the corners, carefully dabbing at the mare juice on the mirror, the discrepancy between ourself and our reflection just a little distracting because of how fascinating it is. We glance up from our work once or twice to meet the gaze of our stork headed self, peeking at her soul to compare against our own.
We take out one of our nightgowns and look to the mirror.
I hope the request about not touching mths mirrors doesn’t have anything to do with the magic on them.
We carefully clean the mirror trying to put little to no pressure on the glass.
You take out one of your nightgowns and look over at the mirror.
"Keep an eye out, please, I'll try to be quick."
'I hope the request about not touching the mirrors doesn't have anything to do with the magic on them.'
She nods as she gets up and lets you get to work. Taking out your waterskin as well, you fold the nightgown up and wet one of the corners, carefully dabbing away at the mare juice on the mirror, the discrepancy between yourself and your reflection just a little distracting as she does the same with her own nightgown on her side. You occasionally glance up from your work to meet the gaze of your stork headed self, finding that her soul is normal but there is a hint of nervousness as she cleans away.
After a few minutes the two of you finish and pull away from the glass, finding that it had cleaned up the mess nicely. Griffon you looking over at you and giving you a small smile as she conjures an illusionary script.
"There, no one should hopefully notice."

What do you do?
Seeing as we're a little nervous, we do our best to reassure the Griffon.
"If they do, it'll be subtle enough that determining it was us is unlikely. Might see you in a few hours, because this stuff is too fascinating as is. Until then though, have fun~."
Grinning a little, we peek over at the hen behind 'us'. Stepping away from the mirror and openly watching our retreat, we start moving towards the nearby Cyes, Hippogriff, and Boar mirrors, not yet bothering with our cloak.

Open to alternative mirror priority, but figure we could stay here forever if we don't keep things moving.
We smile a touch then pop up our own illusionary script as we put away our nightgown.
"Unless they have a sense of smell~ I hope to see you again at some point, narcissistic as this whole event probably was it was fun."
We take our leave, going to see what the other mirrors hold, slightly curious if any of the other mirrors will match the events that just took place.
Seeing as she is a bit nervous, you do your best to reassure the Griffon. Smiling at her a touch as you pop your own illusionary script and put away your nightgown.
"Unless they have a sense of smell~, and if they do, it'll be subtle enough that determining it was us is unlikely. I might see you again in a few hours, because this stuff is too fascinating as is and the whole event was fun. Until then though, have fun~."
"You as well~."
Your smile turns into a grin, peeking over your shoulder at the hen behind 'you'. You then step away from the mirror and openly watch your retreat, moving over to see what the other mirrors hold.
Fifteen minutes later you and Dawyn step out of the Hall of Mirrors, trotting down the small steps to find that the entrance was only a few feet away. None of the other mirrors really came close to the events in the Griffon mirror but they were still interesting to experience. There were a few other mirrors as well that seemed to use a bit of magic as they reflected different backgrounds like a mountain or swamp. As you step out the stallion running the cart looks over at the two of you.
"You two were in there for a while," He says with a smile, "I assume you enjoyed the wonderful world that these mirrors brought you?"

What do you do?
We nod our head.
Yes, honestly it was quite an experience. How do those magical mirrors work by the way? Those differing forms are quite astounding.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
"Indeed, we've not seen anything quite like this before. Can you go into how some of this stuff works? The magic behind some of the mirrors is very fascinating."

Morning, Pluto!
You nod your head at him.
"Indeed, we've not seen anything quite like this before. How do those magical mirrors work by the way? The magic behind some of the mirrors is very fascinating."
"Oh, I have a friend that works with mirrors and he gave them to me for this," He explains, "For the first mirrors there is nothing magical about them, just glass that has been warped and deformed in certain ways to make the reflections do that. For the background mirrors they were brought to certain locations and some magic was used to make the environment they are reflecting permanent. As for the mirrors that change your race... well..."
He pauses for a moment and gives the two of you a bashful smile as he rubs the back of his head with a hoof.
"He never explained it to me."

What do you do?
If I could then, I would like to talk to your friend then. If that isn't a problem for some reason?
"Is there any way we would be able to get in contact with him? There seems to be illusion magic weaved into those mirrors in particular, but I suspect the potency and school of magic beyond the illusion is greater than he had intended to share. Or perhaps he determined the spellwork ultimately was benign."
We add that last part more so to Dawyn and ourself.
"If I could then, I would like to talk to your friend," You say to him, "There seems to be illusion magic weaved into those mirrors in particular, but I suspect the potency and school of magic beyond the illusion is greater than he had intended to share. Or perhaps he determined the spellwork ultimately was benign."
"You could, but it would take a while," He replies, "He doesn't live in Sibashikha or anywhere near here. He lives on the island of Salakan. Got these mirrors from him when I visited a few years ago."
With that he stops speaking. As he falls silent Dawyn looks him over for a moment.
>Dawyn rolls an 18 + 3 for a 21
As she looks him over she leans over to you, whispering quietly to you.
"I think there might be a bit more to what he's saying?"

What do you do?
Brushing a hindleg against hers to show we heard and agree, we try to study his soul covertly as we probe him for information.
"Could we get the name of the craftspony at least? An artist's work and legacy should be preserved, and you possess and display such fine pieces, even if they are not conventional canvases."
... Is that the whole story? These mirrors... Are quite an artifact, at least some of them are nearly peerless in potential.

Brushing a hind leg against hers to show you heard and agree.
"Could we at least get the name of the craftspony at least? An artist's work and legacy should be preserved, and you possess and display such fine pieces, even if they are not conventional canvases."
"Glass Flute, Glass Flute is his name."
"...And is that the whole story? These mirrors... Are quite an artifact, at least some of them are nearly peerless in potential."
As you ask this you study his soul, taking note as it changes over to show nervousness. For several seconds the stallion remains silent before eventually speaking once more.
"That... That isn't the whole story, but Glass Flute wanted me to keep the story a secret." He explains.

What do you do?
"... If you're trying not to peak our interest, you're doing a poor job of it. Is it the sort of story that would get you in trouble, or the sort that would get him in trouble?"
I suppose that makes sense, our curiosity against your friends trust weighs poorly. I would say we won't tell anyone else if you will take our word but it is up to you.
"...If you're trying not to peak our interest, you're doing a poor job of it. Is it the sort of story that would get you in trouble, or the sort that would get him in trouble?"
"...I doubt I would, but he probably would."
"Well, I suppose that makes sense, our curiosity against your friends trust weighs poorly. I would say we won't tell anyone else if you will take our word but it is up to you."
He looks away from the two of you, clearly weighing the options in his head quietly.

Roll a d20 and add +2 to it.
Rolled 4 + 2 (1d20 + 2)

Rolling? Haven't done this in a while
After this moment of thought the Unicorn shakes his head slightly and looks over at the two of you.
"The two of you seem like nice Ponies, but I can't, I'm sorry." He says.
He then smiles a little at the two of you.
"However, it is nice to know that you two have an interest in them. Guess my wonderful Hall of Mirrors did it's job then."

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
We pause, biting our tongue as we consider our options.
'I could try seducing him, it is something I've considered adding to my repertoire... no, the stakes are low enough to experiment, but him sharing a friend's secret because he's horny and I'm nosey doesn't sit right with me, not today or with Dawyn either. Same for bribery. The mirror might be up his alley, and it would be neat to share it with an enthusiast.'
"I am glad to have seen them, at least. If we're not keeping you, there is a wonder we'd like to show you as well. It's on loan from a friend, but perhaps you can share the details with Glass Flute when you next see him."
Pulling out the handmirror, we display it for the stallion to see.
"Would you care to guess its function?"

Hannu might have kept it with him, but I'm imagining us using it and meeting Seija for the first time by accident.
It did… perhaps I’ll learn more of these mirrors in the future, they are going to stay in my mind for a while. Do you often bring them out to celebrations like this?

Love the internal monologue.
I’m a little worried about showing off the mirror but… it probably should be fine?
I get this is a common DnD trope, but it feels out of character for Luscinia to consider. It also feels a bit hypocritical, since as a Necromancer, we have secrets ourself that we wouldn't want anyone to press.

On a different topic, Salakon is on the South-East side of the frozen shores. It's far from our rout to Lichny, but maybe if we hug the shores after our business, there would be a small window of opportunity. That said, Smoke's business is on the Western side of Etsys. I can't think of a good excuse to go East except for maybe going Tower shopping or to detour to visit Dawyn's home.
I didn't bring it up because it's a DnD trope, I brought it up because I swear Luscinia has legitimately discussed/considered using her body as a tool (and wasn't insulted by the word harlot), and wanted to reflect that.
Though, I really should've wrote the monologue a bit differently: it's supposed to be that empathy over secrets that has her drop the social strongarming, and while showing off the mirror isn't wholly altruistic, any actual expectation of an answer is gone (not the desire or hope). He almost spilled it because a couple mares asked him nicely, so I can't imagine it being 1:1 to our Necromancer status.

Also, I do think we're slightly hypocritical, in that we're hiding our status from Dawyn.
Could mark it as a place to visit. Once we've delivered the Copper's stuff, we might be able to get around faster, or at least time skip to an extent.

Seconding, and thank you.
You pause, biting your tongue as you consider some of your options.
'I could try seducing him, it is something I've considered adding to my repertoire... no, the stakes are low enough to experiment, but him sharing a friend's secret because he's horny and I'm nosey doesn't sit right with me, not today or with Dawyn either. Same for bribery. The mirror might be up his alley, and it would be neat to share it with an enthusiast.'
"It did... Perhaps I'll learn more about these mirrors in the future, they are going to stay in my mind for a while. If we're not keeping you, there is a wonder we'd like to show you as well. It's on loan from a friend, but perhaps you can share the details with Glass Flute when you next see him."
Pulling out the hoofmirror, you display it for the stallion to see. The stallion studies it for a moment before smiling a little.
"Ah, a Way Mirror, don't see those very often at all."
"Would you care to guess it's function?"
"It allows two Ponies to communicate over long distances," He replies simply, "I've heard of them before, but I haven't seen them a lot. Found it while out exploring?"

What do you do?
Hmm... You seem to have a lot of knowledge on magical mirrors.
We put away the mirror.
What would your name happen to be?
We're not completely surprised that he isn't as awed by the Way Mirror as we were during our trip into the Hall of Mirrors, but the novelty of getting to share what we've discovered is uplifting.
"As I said, it is on loan from a friend who found a working pair. Staying in contact has been convenient and useful."
Putting the mirror away carefully in the middle of our bag, we bow slightly to the stallion.
"We may be by later, but I have to say, I will recommend some friends visit the hall while it is in town: you have an actual wonder on your hooves."
You're not completely surprised that he isn't as awed by the Way Mirror as you were during your trip into the Hall of Mirrors, but the novelty of getting to share what you've discovered is quite uplifting.
"As I said, it is on loan from a friend who found a working pair. Staying in contact has been convenient and useful."
Putting the mirror away carefully in the middle of your bag, you look back at the stallion.
"Hmm... You seem to have a lot of knowledge on magical mirrors. What would your name happen to be?"
"Quicksilver." He smiles.
"Quicksilver, we may be by later, but I have to say, I will recommend some friends visit the hall while we're in town: you have an actual wonder on your hooves."
"Thank you, and I'll be happy to show off my wonders to your friends."
With that, the two of you move away from the Hall of Mirrors.
"So, what do you want to do now," Dawyn asks, "The pastries should be done by now."

What do you do?
We smile at Dawyn, brushing our cheek against hers.
"You know, I was thinking the same thing: I could use a little something sweet."
Leaning in, we whisper to her.
"If I were a Changeling though, I would have to watch my weight, with how sweet you are."
You give Dawyn a smile, brushing your cheek up against hers.
"You know, I was thinking the same thing: I could use a little something sweet."
Then leaning over to her, you whisper.
"If I were a Changeling though, I would have to watch my weight, with how sweet you are."
Dawyn blushes at this and nuzzles you back.
"And I would probably have to do the same," She giggles, "We can see if the others want to come with us, or we could let them continue the games here."
As she says this you look around, not spotting any of them among the crowd of Ponies enjoying different games and contests.

What do you do?
We scan the crowd, looking for familiar souls, though the number makes it just as much of an impossibility.
"Let's spend a few minutes searching. If we don't find everyone, we can assume they are already at the bakery, or will join us there shortly."
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
"How about we take our time to return to the bakery. We can look for them on the way, and see if there's anything else that catches our eye."

Just thought of this for fun.
After some convincing from Dusk, Light agreed that exploring the festivities would be the best way to learn more about the Court religion.
Rune jumped in glee and immediately galloped towards the town leaving his friends behind.
Rune took in all of the sights and sounds. They weren't as flashy as the festivals back home. No flashing lights or roaring steam engines, ponies shilling wares, and no clowns or jesters in sight, but the lively atmosphere, smell of foods, and live music made up for it all.
"Hello, young lad!" A stallion called out to him, getting Rune's attention.
"That's quite some armor you got there! How about you check yourself out in my hall of mirrors? Only 3 grivna!"
Rune looked at the stallion, then the carriage. Rune has heard of ponies being kidnapped this way, but what is a stallion to him as opposed to the countless hell spawn he's faced?
Besides, it's a festival. If there was anything dubious, the carriage wouldn't be this close to everything else going on, right? But if we was a bad pony, he'll be the one to stop him!
Throwing all worries aside, Rune collects 3 grivna and hoofs it to the stallion.
"Enjoy your time!"
Rune simply nods and cautiously trots inside.
Inside, there weren't any dangers as far as he sees. In fact, he's impressed on how well these mirrors are made, given how behind in technology Etsys is. These mirrors were crystal clear, so clear it as if they're portals to other worlds!
Rune's guard lowers, and there's a smile on his face. This IS an attraction! There's nothing to worry about! Rune takes his time, enjoying the weird and wacky ways his body reflects in the silly mirrors, laughing to himself as he grows big, wide, and even as other species!
A cry from further in causes him to freeze. Is someone in pain?
Pulling out his sword, he looks around to spot not only the wanted Necromancer, but one of Tiamat's Kin!
And she was EATING the Necromancer!
The sight was horrifying, but what scared him more was the implication that Tiamat broke her promise! She said she wasn't interested in the rapture, so why is one of her Kin here?
Rune is torn. If he kills the Kin, the Necromancer would go free, and Tiamat won't be happy with him. On the other hoof, if he kills the Necromancer, the Kin would eat him after he wears himself out. And he can't simply let the two go free. The Kin would cause havoc, and the Necromancer has that bounty on her for a reason...
Rune can feel the darkness wrap around his soul from his frustration at the situation.
Rune quickly grabs his necklace, and slows his breathing as he thinks of his friends, making the darkness dissipate...
His friends. He needs his friends. They'll know what to do.
Rune gallops out of the carriage. Hopefully he can spot them on time!
And that's adorable! Could've sworn you wrote a similar piece, where Jaaja gets interrogated by the foal trio about Luscinia, scarring them as he's forced to spill intimate details, but I can't seem to find it. Love to read more about the foals.
I need to write more as well, but my brain is fixated on writing about a Zebra, and I've not had a decent idea. Though now I'm picturing Gael accidentally altering time and her mother is now a Zebra rather than a Pegasus. Might run with that.
You scan over the crowd, looking out for their familiar souls, though the sheer number of souls makes that an impossibility to try and pick them out.
"How about we take our time to return to the bakery. We can look for them on the way and if we don't find them, we can assume they are already at the bakery or will join us there shortly."
"Sounds like a plan!"
The two of you begin to move through the crowd, keeping a lookout for your friends as you do. After a few minutes you do spot Hannu and 'Iiro' standing in front of one of the game booths where Hannu is showing Iiro something, but from how far away you are you can't tell what it is.

What do you do?
"Found the Bucks. It looks like they're in the middle of a game."
We trot up to the two to see what their doing.
Upon spotting the two you point them out for Dawyn.
"Found the bucks. It looks like they're in the middle of a game."
"Let's go see what they're playing."
You trot up to the two. As you do they spot the two of you, Hannu looking up and trotting forward to greet the two of you.
"Hey, you two been having fun," Hannu asks, "Just finished with this archery contest and, while I didn't get first, they did give me this pendant for getting in third."
He then lifts up a small silver pendant hanging from his hoof, the pendant being in the shape of an arrowhead.

What do you do?
"That's a beautiful pendant. It looks valuable too. If that's the third place prize, what does the first place prize look like?"
"Dawyn won a Ring Toss game and earned a Song Amulet. She just needs to think of a song, and it will play."
"We also went into a hall of mirrors. I strongly recommend it. The mirrors over there are more than meets the eye."
We then lean in close, whispering conspiratorially.
"And we've gave one of them an eye full ourselves~ I would love to introduce, and be introduced to her cute buck~"
"Are you having fun, Ar- Iiro?"

I'm not sure about the whispering part. If there's a better subtle invite, you can react that part.
Didn't see there was an update, let alone two. A bit busy.
Yes we had a... Great time. I'm surprised the mirror room isn't more popular. And also third is a pretty decent placing congratulations, did Tanssija participate? If not maybe we'll have to inform her later.
"That's a beautiful pendant. It looks valuable too. If that's the third place prize, what does the first place prize look like? Did Tanssija participate? If not maybe we'll have to inform her later."
"From what I saw it was some Grivna and a bow. Don't know if it's a magical bow or just a normal bow that looks nice. I haven't seen Tanssija since she went with Smoke, so I'll definitely tell her if I find her. You two been having a good time?"
"Yes had a... great time. Dawyn won a Ring Toss game and earned a Song Amulet. She just needs to think of a song, and it will play."
"That's awesome, you'll have to show it to me."
"I would to." She smiles.
"We also went into a Hall of Mirrors. I strongly recommend it, I'm surprise the mirror room isn't more popular. The mirrors over there are more than meets the eye."
You then lean in close to the buck, whispering to him conspiratorially.
"And we gave one of them an eye full ourselves~. I would love to introduce, and be introduced to her cute buck~."
Hannu looks confused, but he still blushes from the tone your voice takes.
"A-Alright, we can look later?"
"Are you having fun, Ar- Iiro?"
"I am," He nods, "It's been a while since I've been to anything like this."
"Yeah, we were talking a bit about that." Hannu adds.

What do you do?
I am glad to see you're both getting along well. Perhaps you could write to each other to keep in touch after this. But for now, why don't we go pick up our pastries before we find where Tanssija and Smoke have snuck off to?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
A sense of curiosity and mild amusement passes over us.
'Did they find somewhere private, then?... No, not in this place at least. I bet they're being cute together, wherever they are.'
"I'm glad you came then, sounds like this is something you've needed. And Tanssija's probably trying to have a moment with her coltfriend, away from the eyes of her sibling. We will find them before long, one way or another. Pastries first though."

While we should encourage this, Hannu vouched for "Iiro" as an acquaintance at least, and will be "going back" with him. Staying in touch via letters might sound weird to Dawyn.

Morning, Pluto!
A sense of curiosity and mild amusement passes through you.
'Did they find somewhere private, then? No, not in this place at least. I bet they're being cute together, wherever they are.'
"I'm glad you came then, sounds like this is something you've needed. And Tanssija's probably trying to have a moment with her coltfriend, away from the eyes of her sibling," You say with a smile, "For now, why don't we go pick up our pastries before we find where Tanssija and Smoke have snuck off to?"
You get agreements from everyone and the four of you start trotting down the street once more. As you do, Hannu trots up to be next to you.
"You, uh, do have me a bit curious about the mirrors," He admits, "Are they just normal mirrors or is there a bit of magic to them?"

What do you do?
Whether Hannu meant to or not, he asked exactly the right (or wrong) question, and we can't resist sharing what we learned.
"A bit of magic may be an understatement, for some of them at least. There is some quaint smoke and mirrors tricks within, but I don't think I impressed upon the poor stallion working there just how unique some of the mirrors were. It must be either several mirror enchanted with True Illusion spells made to trick all senses intelligently, or gateways into other worlds, thinly veiled in an illusion to create a consistent effect. And even then, I don't know if it's a reflected pocket dimension with some degree of creativity and self actualization, or if it's a true parallel world."

Sorry, was busy driving. And I left things open for Dawyn to tease us by telling Hannu some of what actually happened (ie we flashed our teats at a Griffon version of ourself and she was surprised), or add to the convo. Tempted to share some of the size stuff we saw, but that can come once Hannu presses for more details.
Whether it was something that Hannu meant to or not, he asked exactly the right question, and you can't resist sharing what you learned with him.
"A bit of magic may be an understatement, for some of them at least. There is some quaint smoke and mirrors tricks within, but I don't think I impressed upon the poor stallion working there just how unique some of the mirrors are. It must be either several mirrors enchanted with True Illusion spells made to trick all senses intelligently, or gateways into other worlds, thinly veiled in an illusion to create a consistent effect. And even then, I don't know if it's a reflected pocket dimension with some degree of creativity and self actualization, or if it's a true parallel world."
"Huh, that sounds very advanced. They made gateways?"
"We're not sure, but a section of the hall had the mirrors reflecting you in the form of different races. Like one that reflected you back as a Boar, Dragon Pony, Deer, and so on. And each reflection seemed to have a bit of a personality and independence."
As Dawyn speaks she lowers her voice a little.
"Cause when Silver flashed her teats to the Griffon mirror her Griffon reflection got a bit sad."
Hannu blinks at this and blushes again, trying to process this for several moments.
"...A-At least it's just a reflection of some sort," He stammers, "It is interesting to hear that the reflections had a bit of independence though."

What do you do?
"I've even conversed with her through illusions, and she was able to respond back. Apparently, we were earth ponies on her side, and despite the reflection prorating another Griffin, her Dawyn was a Pegasus."
Remembering Armas was once the King's Mage, we look over to him.
"Have you heard of anything like this, Iiro?"
"I'm not so sure of they're just that: the proprietor was reluctant to share much information about the mirrors. The independence showed in the body language and expressions of the reflections, and it was interesting to see some of the extremes: I was adorable as a Halflinger, and as a Cyes, I had to look up for once. Not to mention what Dawyn and I looked like as Does."
Casually dropping that mental image, we let it linger for a moment before leaning in to whisper as well.
"As for the hen, a shorter stature and rigorous martial training meant a more visually impressive frame, but only half my 'size', opting for bandages rather than a bra. It's interesting to note that, despite making a plan to cheer her up with her own Dawyn, she remained oblivious to it. Whom was allegedly a fluffy Pegasus, rather than the Griffon we saw. I wasn't aware Griffons had such supple lips either."
We mention the other Dawyn's form, to see how long it takes for Hannu to realize we conversed with our Griffon self, as opposed to just ogling ourself with Dawyn's assistance. Blushing a little and glancing Dawyn's way as we recall how 'ravenous' she was.

Seconding, much more straight forward
"I'm not so sure if they're just that: the proprietor was reluctant to share much information about the mirrors. The independence showed in the body language and expressions of the reflections, and it was interesting to see some of the extremes: I was adorable as a Halflinger, and as a Cyes, I had to look up for once. Not to mention what Dawyn I looked like as Does."
Casually dropping that mental image to him, you allow it to linger for a moment and watch as a blush forms over Hannu.
"As for the hen, a shorter stature and rigorous martial training meant a more visually impressive frame, but only half my 'size', opting for bandages rather than a bra. It's interesting to note that, despite making a plan to cheer her up with her own Dawyn, she remained oblivious to it. Apparently, we were Earth Ponies on her side, and despite the reflection prorating another Griffon, her Dawyn was a fluffy Pegasus. I wasn't aware Griffons had such supple lips either."
"That... is quite fascinating," He admits, "For there to be mirrors that function like that."
At this point you remember that Armas was once the King's Mage, so you look over to him.
"Have you hear of anything like this, Iiro?"
>Armas rolls a 12 + 5 for a 17
Armas looks up into the sky in thought for several moments before nodding.
"I remember lea- reading about experiments with mirrors and using them as gates to other dimensions and planes," He says, "These sound a bit similar, but also quite different to what I read about though."

What do you do?
"Is it as simple as a difference of function? As in, the gates you read of, and the, 'windows' we observed? Or would this be a case of lost or altered magics?"
The fact that Armas has heard of something like the mirrors isn't surprising, but our thirst for knowledge urges us to press for more, especially considering it ties into magic most likely lost to time.

Nice digits
It is bound to be, there is research being held in different fashions by different groups from all over.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
"It is bound to be, there is research being held in different fashions by different groups from all over," You shrug, "Is it as simple as a difference in function? As in, the gates you read of, and the, 'windows' we observed? Or would this be a case of lost or altered magics?"
"Seems to be of function," He explains, "The mirrors of old could allow one to step through them to another dimension and vice versa. These ones sound like they don't do that and the other side mirrors you somewhat."
He looks up again for a moment.
"It's a bit interesting, rather than a gateway these ones are more windows as you say."

What do you do?
"I wonder what must have changed, if it is indeed the same school of magic. At times, it almost felt like... a dance, i suppose. Except the one who leads isn't always entirely clear. Not in a controlling manner, simply adjacent priorities shuffling from moment to moment. Given that Dawyn and I allegedly weren't both Griffons, it could be that either the first, least, or even most significantly altered observer dictates the properties of the other world."
Something worth pointing out to Armas does cross our mind as we speculate.
"Illusions were how we communicated through the mirror, so it seems whatever enchantment exists on the mirror doesn't simply 'mirror' them without reason."

Our cutie marks were probably mirrored as their disguised version, just felt that we should warn Armas, since he's using the same spell. We need to talk to Hannu about our mother at some point, and possibly tell Dawyn about it as well.
It'd definitely be wort a revisit. It doesn't cost to much and there is so much you could learn.
"Would you argue it's similar to our Way Mirrors in a sense? Only it reflects another world? That would imply someone having knowledge of parallel worlds and expected their other half to make a mirror to link to theirs."
"I wonder what must have changed, if it is indeed the same school of magic. At times, it almost felt like... a dance, I suppose. Except the one who leads isn't always entirely clear. Not in a controlling manner, simply adjacent priorities shuffling from moment to moment. Given that Dawyn and I allegedly weren't both Griffons, it could be that either the first, least, or even most significantly altered observer dictates the properties of the other world. Would you argue it's similar to our Way Mirrors? Only it reflects another world? That would imply someone having knowledge of parallel worlds and expected their other half to make a mirror to link to theirs."
"I would say it is, just that it connects with another world rather than connecting two people on the same plane. That could be what they're trying, but one mirror was usually enough to connect two planes, so expecting the other half to do the same seems a bit overly complicated."
"Illusions were how we communicated through the mirror, so it seems whatever enchantment exists on the mirror doesn't simply 'mirror' them without reason."
"Seems so, maybe a few other enchantments on top of it to achieve a mirrored effect though for what reason I don't know."
"It'd definitely be worth a revisit. It doesn't cost too much and there is so much you could learn."
"I think I would like to visit it, as long as you're all okay with that." Iiro nods.

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
We can, though first we really should go collect our baked goods or we will forget them entirely. And see if Smoke and Tanssija wish to join us. It would be nice to do something as a group.
We start to head to where we ordered our food from.
Morning, Pluto!

Y-You too
"We can, though first we really should go collect our baked goods or we will forget them entirely," You say, "And see if Smoke and Tanssija wish to join us. It would be nice to do something as a group."
The four of you then continue to the bakery. It doesn't take long to return there and get what you ordered in a few different bags. As you trot back out you open up your two bags to look at what you had purchased.
One bag contained the Zefir you ordered, a small collection of five that all had a spherical shape but looked like whipped cream and when you touched them you found them to be soft but solid. The Vatrushkha is in a separate bag where it was indeed a ring of bread surrounding a yellow and purple center.

What do you do?
Taking another look at our baked goods, we begin divvying them up to everyone present
The absence of both Smoke and Tanssija has us slightly worried, but also curious. We look for a quiet place with a view of the bakery, putting off enjoying our own Zefir for a moment as we scan the souls of the crowd.
Taking another look over your baked goods, you take them out and start divvying them out to everyone that is present.
The absence of both Smoke and Tanssija have you slightly worried, but also a bit curious about what they're up to. The four of you find a quiet place with a view of the bakery, putting off enjoying your own Zefir for now as you scan the crowd. Most of the souls among them a mix of happiness and excitement.
Dawyn moves over to next to you, taking the offered Zefir from you and chomping down on a piece of it. As she chews a smile slowly spreads over her lips before she swallows and looks over at you.
"Mmm, fruity! You should try yours."

What do you do?
As Dawyn takes us out of our somewhat worried scanning, we smile slightly when seeing her smile, processing what she said a second later.
Taking a bite out of the confection, we close our eyes as the flavor of an unknown berry greets our tongue, mixed with sugary goodness. Humming softly, we swallow and inspect the inside of the treat we bit into.
"You're right, it does taste of fruit. It is, strawberry?"
We say uncertainly.

Leaning over, we give her a little peck.
>>41177250 this, but also:
"I was expecting something a little sweeter-"
We give her a peck
"-but nothing can be as sweet as you are."
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This card is one of the latest cards released in Magic the Gathering. It's literally a Plant Necromancer!
I wonder if this thing was in the Good Necromancer canon, would it be a joke from Morena to give it her blessing, or is there something more sinister like a soul inhabiting the plant, and it took on necromancy?
The general concept of an overgrown sunflower taking up necromancy is pretty funny! I like to think that The Necrobloom raises the dead to eat them as a source of nourishment. Or do you think this plant wants to raise the dead for something now nefarious?
I can work with it.

As Dawyn takes you out of your worried scanning, you smile slightly when you see her smile, processing what she said a second later.
You take one of the Zefir and take a bite out of it, closing your eyes as the flavor of an unknown berry greets your tongue with an extremely soft texture from it, mixed in with sugary goodness. Humming softly, you swallow and inspect the inside of the treat, finding just a white inside with bits of pinkish-red scattered around inside.
"You're right, it does taste of fruit. Is it, strawberry?"
"Yep, it's strawberry," She nods, "Seems like they shredded some and put it inside to give it a bit of a fruity flavor."
"I was expecting something a little sweeter-"
You then lean over and give her a peck on the cheek.
"But nothing can be as sweet as you are.'
Dawyn smiles and blushes at this, her tail moving to curl around one of your legs.
"Hard to be as sweet as love."
You then return to your Zefir, taking another bite of it as you scan the area again. This time, you do manage to spot two familiar souls coming up and a few seconds later you see Smoke and Tanssija coming out from the crowd.

What do you do?
With our mouth full of delicious strawberry pastry, we can't say anything, but we still call attention to ourself and point them out to the others. We look them over, for any prizes or signs of what they have been up to, raising a hoof in the air after a couple moments to catch their attention.
With your mouth full of delicious strawberry pastries, you're unable to say anything, but you still call attention to yourself and point them out to the others. All the while you look over the two of them and it looks like the two of them have been enjoying a few of the games and have won some trinkets from that. Tanssija had gotten a ring that is now on her left forehoof and some bronze colored glasses that she has in her right forehoof. Smoke also got a ring as well through it looked like one that is meant to fit around a horn, and he is also carrying a large wooden drinking mug.
Hannu calls out to his sister which gets her attention and soon Smoke's. Spotting the four of you, the two trot over.
"Hey, sorry we're late," Tanssija apologizes, "Smoke saw a drinking competition that he wanted to try."
"It was entirely worth it," He smiles, "They gave me this cool mug for coming in second."

What do you do?
"Second? Have to wonder who came in first, given your heritage. I hope it wasn't so much that you can't enjoy your treat."
Holding out the bags, we can't help being curious about the trinkets they won, the rings especially, glancing between them for a moment.
"I rather enjoyed the Hall of Mirrors, I must say. Hannu and Dawyn have had their own victories as well."
We raise an eyebrow the slightest fraction.
Second? Now that's rather surprising.
You raise an eyebrow the slightest fraction at this.
"Second? Now that's rather surprising. Have to wonder who came in first, given your heritage."
"Yeah, but was first was a Shetlander and I'm beating a Shetlander in a drinking contest."
"I hope it wasn't so much that you can't enjoy your treat."
Holding your bags out to let them grab what they ordered, you can't help but be curious about the trinkets they won, the rings especially, glancing between the two of them for a moment.
"I rather enjoyed the Hall of Mirrors, I must say. Hannu and Dawyn have had their own victories as well."
"Huh, what did you two get?" Smoke asks.
"An amulet that plays any song that I think of."
"A pendant that tells me which direction the wind is blowing."
"We got a few good ones," Smoke nods, "The ring that Tanssija got lets her create a small magical effect and the glasses makes everything move in slow motion. The ring I got is a horn ring that can change the color of my magic to whatever I want and as well as this mug, any liquid I put into it gets chilled."

What do you do?
These are all some decently impressive effects to be just giving away, I wonder if it'd because we are nearing the college and they supply things like this.
In slow-motion? I wonder how that works. Does it create after images, or is there a buffer for the effect?
I am also curious about the Ring's effect. Would you mind demonstrating?
Does the ring that changes your magic's color also effect your eye color? In MLP canon, the color of magic matches their eyes
How fast does the mug chill your liquid? Is it just liquid? What would happen if you put something solid?
"These are all some decently impressive effects to be just giving away, I wonder if it's because we are nearing the college and they supply things like this," You wonder, "I am curious about the Ring's effect. Would you mind demonstrating?"
Lifting up her hoof, Tanssija keeps it flat before a small sparking ball appears, bits of it arcing over her hoof.
"It's just a magical effect, so it doesn't do anything other than look cool from what he told me."
To demonstrate this she moves her hoof through the effect, her hoof simply phasing through it without any issue.
"Does your ring that changes your magic's color also effect your eye color?" You ask Smoke, looking over at him.
"I don't think so, but you'll have to tell me."
He puts his own ring on over his horn and activates his magic where it turns from blue to red, his blue eyes remaining the same.
"Looks like it doesn't," You tell him, "How fast does the mug chill your liquid? Is it just liquid? What would happen if you put something solid?"
"I was told it would take a minute, as for if solids work in it I'm... not so sure honestly. I don't think it would?"

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
Perhaps something that you can see about if it does or not later. If we needed cool water for something, say if one of us gets a fever or someone suffers from heatstroke it could be very useful indeed. Quite nifty.
This festival is rather... Wondrous, i've never been to something like this and it is really awe inspiring.
Oh, right before I forget, Tanssija your brother won himself 3rd place in an archery contest.
We smile back at him.
But... I wanted to invite you all to come look at set of increasingly curious mirrors, both magical and not all far from mundane.
"Perhaps something that you can see about if it does or not later," You tell him, "If we need cool water for something, say if one of us gets a fever or someone suffers from heatstroke it could be very useful indeed. Quite nifty."
"Yeah, I can see a lot of uses for it," He nods, "Would be good for drinks as well."
As he says this you look around at the town which is still bustling with activity.
"This festival is rather... wonderous. I've never been to something like this and it is really awe inspiring," You say, "Oh, right before I forget. Tanssija, your brother won himself third place in an archery contest."
"Oh, that's awesome, Hannu!"
"Thank you, it's what gave me this magic pendant," He smiles, "I think you should try it, they have a nice first place prize and I'm sure you'll get it."
"I'll have to check it out then."
After they finish you smile at all of them.
"But I wanted to invite you all to come look at a set of increasingly curious mirrors, both magical and not all far from mundane."
"Sure, I would be happy to," Smoke nods, "I assume they did some interesting stuff?"

What do you do?
Yes, it reflects much more than a warped image of yourself. I don't want to give too much away as discovering it for yourself will be far more entertaining.
You won't get any prizes and it costs grivna to enter, so perhaps that is why it's less popular but it is worth it.
"There are some novelty mirrors to begin with, but the magical mirrors are something I would encourage you experience yourselves, if only for a neat stroll. Not to oversell them, but going in blind is recommended. I may have spoiled Hannu and Iiro to the surprise in recounting mine and Dawyn's venture."
We admit somewhat bashfully.
"There are novelty mirrors to begin with, but there are mirrors that reflect much more than a warped image of yourself. Not to oversell them, but I don't want to give too much away as discovering it for yourself will be far more entertaining. I may have spoiled Hannu and Iiro to the surprise in recounting mine and Dawyn's venture."
You blink and blush slightly, but continue regardless.
"You won't get any prizes and it costs Grivna to enter, so perhaps that is why it's less popular but it is worth it."
"Well, it sounds like to be a fun time," Tanssija comments, looking over at Smoke, "I think it would be fun to take a look at it, Smoke."
"We can look at it," Smoke nods happily, "Thanks for telling us, Silver."

What do you do?
We let them have a few moments to settle in and enjoy their baked goods, getting back to ours as well, finding that we finish it all too quickly. We quash the temptation to go get another.
"Once we're done here, was there anywhere you wanted to visit? The bookstore by the lake comes to mind, but we're still somewhat close to the Hall of Mirrors."
'There were the temples as well, but I'm not sure I should encourage looking into those.'
You give them a bit of time to settle in and enjoy the baked goods they got, getting back to your Zefir though with how small they are you find that you finish them rather quick. Rather than going back in and asking for more you quash the temptation down.
"Once we're done here, was there anything you wanted to visit? The bookstore by the lake comes to mind, but we're still somewhat close to the Hall of Mirrors."
'There were the temples as well, but I'm not sure I should encourage looking into those.'
"I was thinking we could go look at some weapons and armor," Smoke says, "Don't know if we need anything new, but I don't think it'll hurt to look while we're here."

What do you do?
"I'm satisfied with what I gave, but as you said, it can't hurt to browse. Might be a little busy though."
We look at smoke a little confused.
... They sell weapons and armor at a festival?
Meant to put this up earlier, but I got dragged into something that went very long so stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be prepared for our spelunking expedition tomorrow. I don't know if I'll have enough Grivna to buy anything, but I wouldn't mind tempering my sword and patching my armor."
'I still have that mending book I need to read.'
I'm a little surprised an armory would be open during the festival.
You look over at Smoke a bit confused.
"...They sell weapons and armor at a festival?"
"Yeah, still plenty of people traveling and going from place to place for supplies and all that."
"I'm satisfied with what I have, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be prepared for our spelunking expedition tomorrow. Might be a little busy, but I wouldn't mind tempering my sword and patching my armor."
'I still have that mending book I need to read.'
"We can do that then," Smoke nods, "I might need to get my armor looked at as well."
"Wouldn't hurt for all of us to do that." Tanssija points out.

What do you do?
We look around the crowd a bit, still mostly unfamiliar with the layout of the town.
"Did any of you spot an armory or a smithy while we were out and about? I must admit, I failed to notice any."
We can't keep from glancing at Hannu and Dawyn as we speak
I suppose since there was bound to be a great deal of folks around, there would be those who wished to peddle their wares. Yes lets go have a look at these stores.
You begin to look around at the crowd somewhat, still mostly unfamiliar with the layout of the town which isn't helped by the crowd of people.
"I suppose since there was bound to be a great deal of folks around, there would be those who wished to peddle their wares," You say, "Did any of you spot an armory or a smithy while we were out and about? I must admit, I failed to notice any."
"I didn't notice any." Dawyn shakes her head.
"I saw one near where they were holding the games," Hannu replies, "Looked to be open."

What do you do?
"Seems we have our direction, would you care to lead then?"
Making sure we haven't left anything behind, we straighten our cloak, and make sure everyone else is packed up.
We walk towards it and try the door.
"Seems we have our direction then, would you care to lead us?"
"Just follow me."
Before going you do a quick check to make sure none of you were leaving anything behind. Once you're sure you all head off down the street back towards the game area where you do find the store, a good sized corner store called Anvil's Arsenal. Going inside, you do find that is packed with people but it's also packed with different weapons and armors on display.
"Huh, quite an assortment here." Smoke comments.

What do you do?
And it's quite busy. ... Probably the reason it is open.
We look around doing what we can to squeeze our way into the crowd so we can see the different items around.
We try to find a space or path that is out of the way of everyone else: being indoors almost feels more natural to us, but sheer number of people still leaves us on edge. It does seem like a good selection though, swords in sizes and shapes we've never seen before, including those made for halflingers, and greatswords that would be more like longswords for Cyes, or even Hippogriffs and Boars. Shields of leather, wood, and metal in all sizes and geometric patterns. Bows, spears, maces, warhammers, polearms.
'... or would those be glaives?'
There is a slightly odd weapon though, more so for its simplicity than anything else, perhaps a common ancestor to the mace and the hammer: a long wooden shaft, too long to be wielded with a single hoof, terminating in a perfect metal sphere, devoid of flanges or irregularities that would be seen in other maces.

Sorry if it's too rambly, figure it might not hurt to fill things in a little. Watching too much R6, and couldn't help thinking of Sledge's elite skin "ball hammer" (i can't find what it's actually called)
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
No worries. And I haven't played R6 in years. Got a good level in it, but I was still bad and got bored so I dropped it. Tried to find the name for it, but I couldn't so I just made one up.

"And it's quite busy... Probably the reason it is open."
You look around as you do what you can to squeeze through the crowd. Being back indoors feels more natural to you, but the sheer number of people still leaves you a bit on edge. You eventually squeeze through and are able to begin looking around, finding swords of various sizes and shapes you've never seen before, including some made for Halflingers through the Halflinger section looked untouched, and greatswords that would be more like longswords for Cyes, even some Hippogriff spears and Boar axes. Tough looking shields made out of leather, wood, and metal in different sizes and geometric patterns like circles, kites, ovals, squares. Deer bows, Cyes spears, Dragon Pony maces, Shetlander warhammers, Pegasus polearms.
'...Or would those be glaives?'
You are brought out of your thoughts by a weapon that stands out quite a bit, more so for it's simplicity than anything else about it. It was a long wooden shaft, too long to be wielded with a single hoof, terminating in a perfect metal sphere on the top, devoid of any flanges or irregularities that would be seen on other maces. At this point Smoke squeezes through to you, stopping next to you.
"Find anything... huh, that's an interesting weapon."
Looking over the mace with you, his eyes move over it before spotting a little note underneath it. Taking it in his magic, he brings it up to his face before floating it over to you.
"Járnfall, a Griffonian made warhammer found on a fallen Griffon near the Magnibuga border. It's make suggests it was made in Fjarribiǫð. It's in excellent condition and has been tested and proven to be a capable weapon."

What do you do?
I must be honest, that it was found on and taken from someone who died with it doesn't speak greatly for it's effectiveness. I suppose their death could be unrelated to the weapons combat potential though.
What do you think of it? Flails and momentum weapons seem to be something you are trained in more than me.
We perk up a little more upon hearing it is of Griffon make, glancing over at Smoke before looking back over the blunt instrument. Sitting in front of (the?) Járnfall, we pick it up with two hooves and test its weight and balance, looking a little closer to find subtle claw marks within the worn finish of the wood. We also spend a moment studying the items in the room with our sight, to confirm there are no wayward souls bound to any weapons.
'I meet and interact with my Griffon counterpart, and then my eyes are drawn to a weapon of Griffon make. Coincidence, or a "message" from the gods?'
"I am well practiced with a sword, but seeing this, I can't help but imagine it could have considerable utility, especially given my hither-to unexplored strength. It would take training, though."
The damage we could do with this would be brutal, not as clean to fix magically as a sword cut, but not all foes can be cut.

Never been much of an FPS player, so I only picked it up briefly, but it's sort of a perfect storm of binging and medieval fantasy weaponry.
Idea: Hannu and/or Dawyn gifts us the hammer later? Not as romantic as a book, but a possibility.
You perk up a bit at hearing that it's Griffon made, glancing over at Smoke who was looking over it in interest before looking back at the blunt instrument. Sitting in front of the Járnfall, you carefully pick it up with two hooves, finding that it's a bit heavy even with your strength, looking it over to find subtle claw marks that have been worn into the wood handle.
'I meet and interact with my Griffon counterpart, and then my eyes are drawn to a weapon of Griffon make. Coincidence, or a message from the gods?'
"I must be honest, that it was found on and taken from someone who died with it doesn't speak greatly for it's effectiveness. I suppose their death could be unrelated to the weapons combat potential though," You say, "What do you think of it? I Flails and momentum weapons seem to be something you are trained in more than me. I am well practiced with a sword, but seeing this, I can't help but imagine it could have considerable utility, especially given my hither-to unexplored strength. It would take training, though."
He spends a moment thinking it over before nodding slightly.
"I think it would do well, but it is quite a step up from the swords you use," He tells you, "If you want I can help you with training. The weapons I use are pretty heavy, so I would be able to help a bit."

What do you do?
Hmm... Learning how to handle more weapons would be wise, it's impossible to tell when you might not have something you are practiced with.
And it might be better on more armored opponents. I still remember how effectively you destroyed that Boars's armor with your flail.
We take a look a the price for the weapon.
"I wouldn't be opposed. And if I should ever be disarmed, it wouldn't be too difficult to find or fashion a temporary replacement. You are trained in two hooved weapons, then? Wait, how heavy is this for yourself?"
We hold it out to him, to see how he grips and handles it, trying to understand the sort of poses and posture we should emulate before we form any bad habits or false preconceptions.

"If you're willing. Your brother Sorrel trained me well with the axe, so I have confidence you would train me just as well."
We pause for a moment.
"...I haven't been practicing what he taught me. Maybe I should pick up an axe while I'm here."
"I wouldn't be opposed. Your brother Sorrel trained me well with the axe, so I have confidence you would train me as well... I haven't been practicing what he taught me. Maybe I should pick up an axe while I'm here."
You then shake your head a little to get back on topic.
"Anyway, learning how to wield more weapons would be wise, and if I should ever be disarmed it wouldn't be too difficult to find or fashion a temporary replacement. And it might be better on more armored opponents. I still remember how effectively you destroyed the Boar's armor with your flail."
"They are useful for that." He nods.
"Wait, how heavy is this for yourself?"
You hold it out for him to take. Looking it over, he takes it in both of his forehooves and lifts it up with a tiny bit of effort. His hoof at the bottom going over the handle and his hoof at the top going under the handle, both maintaining a good grip on it. As he does this you look down at the note and find the price for it.
"500 Grivna"

What do you do?
The price does give us some pause.
'That would be a fourth of my Grivna, but also roughly the amount I could make from a single job, and it would last me for many jobs unless I'm particularly unlucky. Is the price from its make, or from its rarity, I wonder?'
Looking down at ourself, we're reminded of the somewhat ragged state of our Master's cloak, due for a patching up, as well as our limited attire underneath it.
'I do have that other cloak I could use for a bit, and it would be good to have it patched up on a day like this.'

I'm all for the hammer for versatility, utility, and rule of cool, but a stat block might be good to have.
I didn't know if we would buy it ourselves per say, it's more at Smoke's level. We can take his copper flail if he buys it. (It would be less dangerous for us beginners)
I do agree that we need to see how strong it is before making the commitment. Comparing the prices from Mysk, it's twice the money of the Chigiriki. Seeing the scuffs on it, it might be weaker than it should, or its durability would be lower than a fresh one.
>less dangerous
I understand Smoke being more proficient, but a (one handed) stick with a ball and chain is always more dangerous to the user than a (two handed) stick with a ball on one end. Plus, I figured we could both leverage and work on our magically enhanced strength, but that kinda depends on how we measure up against Smoke on that front. Plus, I kinda picture him being 'ambidextrous', swapping his weapon between his hooves and his magic, and idk if he'd be able to wield it as well in his magic. Then again, rule of cool would be that he could wield it just fine.
Also, armor durability is stat tracked, not weapon durability. Unless you're proposing any ancient powerful weapons we loot should also crumble quickly, and that this place is selling damaged good for way too much to a proverbial army of adventurers.

We should probably check prices and quality on the other maces to confirm that, actually. The scuffs were intended to be surface level flavor text, but double checking won't hurt in this case.
That seems… Excessive. Especially for a weapon with such a past.
We inspect the weapon a little more closely, feeling a touch odd about being drawn to the weapon and curious as to why. We hazard a glance at it with soul sight out of puzzlement more than anything else.
>Járnfall, a Griffonian made hammer used by Huscarls that consists of a simple wooden handle and a smooth iron ball on top of the handle. It's still quite a weapon and one that looks like it can do quite a bit of damage.
Weapon type: warhammer
Dmg: 45-50
-Targeted Strike: because of the heft of the weapon it can deal a lot of damage in the right hooves and with careful aiming. For spending a turn charging the attack you can deal 55-60 dmg. This requires training to use.

As you look over the weapon the price does give you some pause.
'That seems... excessive. Especially for a weapon with such a past. That would be a fourth of my Grivna, but also roughly the amount I could make from a single job, and it would last me many jobs unless I'm particularly unlucky. Is the price from it's make, or from it's rarity, I wonder?'
You inspect the weapon a bit more closely. Besides the claw marks worn into the handle the Járnfall is in great condition. Despite it's simple design it looks well taken care of. After looking at the hammer you look down at yourself, being reminded of the somewhat ragged state of your cloak which is likely due for a patching up, as well as your limited attire underneath it.
'I do have that other cloak I could use for a bit, and it would be good to have it patched up on a day like this.'
"If you want it I would be fine with dipping into the group funds for it," Smoke tells you, "It'll be a nice weapon with some training."
As he speaks you look down at it again, taking a look at it with your soul sight. Though you don't see any soul attached to the weapon.

What do you do?
"I need to think on it some more. It has devastating potential, and I could see it being quite helpful. Would you feel comfortable wielding it yourself, if we should encounter something before I am proficient with it?"

"There should be an armorer or tailor nearby, yes? I might get my cloak cleaned and repaired, if they aren't too busy. It was my mentor's, after all."

I think the damage upgrade, low variation, and potential damage type makes it worth it, but that ability feels a bit weak, unless the training boosts it? Sundering/damaging armor makes sense flavor wise, but idk if that would be too powerful. Maybe a chance to stun/stagger. Tempted to start running some math, but I can't recall if multi hit attacks (Rapid Slash) are reduced individually, or cumulatively, and if each hit can miss.
I do know that if Rapid Slash hits 3 times for 15 damage each (lowest result where all attacks hit), it's equal to the hammer's lower base damage, versus the highest being 5 times 18 for 90 damage. Average w/o Def or evasion is 62.5/turn.
Compared to the hammer's ability doing 57.5 every 2 turns. In turn compared to 47.5 per turn, a 20% damage boost at the cost of a turn. It would be worth it for a very high def, low health opponent, or where chance to hit is like 50/50, or a middle ground, but I think I'd have to plot it out.
It's weird, only cyoas/quests make me this number obsessed.
We look at Smoke a little flatly before shaking our head.
That isn’t what those funds are for, even if I would allow myself to spend them doing so would make me hesitate more. Let’s look around some more, perhaps we can come back to this later if it hasn’t sold by then.

I think the question on if damage from multislash is reduced by armour each time has come up before. For some reason I want to say the answer is it’s only affect once by defender? But it was ages ago so I don’t know.
When thinking about the extra ability I thought about it being able to break bones or something which sounded really powerful in my head. I can put a chance to break armor on it, like 20% or 25% and bump up it's damage stuff by 5 or so?

You look over at Smoke a little flatly before shaking your head at him.
"That isn't what those funds are for, even if I would allow myself to spend them doing so would make me hesitate more," You say, "I need to think on it some more. It has devastating potential, and I could see it being quite helpful. Would you feel comfortable wielding it yourself, if we should encounter something before I am proficient with it?"
"I would be just fine with that," He nods, "And even if I'm not proficient in it, it would be good practice for me."
"There should be an armorer or tailor nearby, yes? I might get my cloak cleaned and repaired, if they aren't too busy. It was my mentor's, after all."
"There should be, not sure if one is open but since this place is open I believe they should be as well," He replies, "We can keep looking here as well. I was thinking that Dawyn could use something, she has a lot of magic but her only melee weapons are a pair of daggers which uh... I don't think is enough."
As he speaks you look over at Dawyn who was looking over some shortswords nearby, her eyes moving over one of them as she inspects it closely. As you look her over your eyes move over to the scar the Quyish gave her on her neck, now marked by some off colored scales that have grown over it.

What do you do?
Seeing those scales reminds us of how close that fight was, how close Dawyn came to bleeding out in our hooves. As upsetting as it is though, we focus on the fact that she is still here, with us. We nod, Smoke having channeled his doefriend's accuracy with that concern. Leaning over to her, we ask.
"How do you feel about shields?"
'If we can find her a shield that fits, a weapon to match shouldn't be hard to find. That, and she'll be better equipped to protect herself when I'm not around.'

Bone breaking depends on how brutal you want it to be, but yeah, it may be too powerful if it's guaranteed/highly probable: two hits and someone would be out of the fight. Though, numerous targets would counter that hard.
How strong of an effect would the armor break be? Bear in mind, while it could be "expected" to occur once every 4 times it's used, it's actually 68% of it happening, likely only once. This would be if you dedicated 8 turns/rounds to just that. That's not a small amout, and usually someone will be hurt or combat will end by then. D&D is usually 3 to 5 rounds, for reference, but multiple turns of course.
It might make sense for it to guaranteed remove a couple points of defense: it would basically be a damage 'boost' by X for the next few turns, multiplied by the number of attackers. Removing 10 armor would be 30 extra damage per turn (assuming Luscinia heavy attacks again, 40 if she normal attacks), but reducing it twice for a cumulative 20 (thus 80 across the board) might also be a bit much for four turns (then again, the two turns she didn't attack were at least 90, but when she does hit, it was at least 10 more than a normal attack). Could make it the lesser of x% of remaining armor and a fixed number (5, let's say), to cap it yet make it relative.
I'm fine with almost no damage if the effect were to actually be used, because outside like 35+ def, 2 normal hits are always better than 1 heavy, every time, especially with the low variation.
Just rambling thoughts, take them as you will

Think I asked the question before, to be honest. And I felt it was only once as well, but I wasn't sure.
'... Don't think about it. It's healing as well as it can, and she isn't feeling any pain. Eventually the scales will grow back and it'll be like the event never happened.'
We shake our head and point her out to Smoke.
"It looks like she has the same idea. A lot of her magic is defensive, so she has to rely on her weapons more for offense. Those short swords should give her some better range too."
'...I should have been training her on some offensive magic. There wasn't much going on over the past few weeks... Am I a bad marefriend?'
A bit of a downer, but the time skip has made us procrastinate on a lot of things.
Also, I think our leather armor needs more attention than our cloak does. The cloak did get torn from the boar story wise, but our armor needs patching meta wise.

>armor needs patching meta wise
Por que no los dos? The cloak just needs a piece of a piece of cloth to be upgraded, and we could enlist both an armorer and a tailor easy enough. Should probably do that for everyone that we can, but we'll need a changing room or something.
I was thinking it could be a chance, but having it charge for a turn to just break some armor and put an enemy's defense down by 10 or so sounds fair to me. Could also make it last for only a few turns as well.

Seeing those off colored scales reminds you of how close that fight was, how close Dawyn was to bleeding out in your hooves.
'Don't think about it. It's healing as well as it can, and she isn't feeling any pain. Eventually the scales will grow back and it'll be like the event never happened.'
You try to focus on the fact that she's still here, with you. You nod over at Smoke, having channeled his doefriend's accuracy with his concern.
"It looks like she has the same idea. A lot of her magic is defensive, so she has to rely on her weapons more for offense. Those shortswords should give her some better range too."
'...I should have been training her on some offensive magic. There wasn't much going on over the past few weeks... Am I a bad marefriend?'
With that though, you move over to her.
"How do you feel about shields?" You ask.
'If we can find her a shield that fits as well, a weapon to match shouldn't be too hard to find. That, and she'll be better equipped to protect herself when I'm not around.'
"A shield could be nice, it would probably help a bit," She says, "I was mostly thinking about a weapon to have."
She then looks over at you.
"I haven't used a lot of weapons before, so do you think a shortsword would work?"

What do you do?
"It's no dagger, but a sword can be very versatile. There is a reason they are so prevalent, and come in many varieties. I'm not overly familiar with shields myself, but something smaller and light could be unobtrusive for ground and aerial combat, yet leave you with more to protect yourself, balancing the sword, so to speak. Shall we take a look? We should be able to find something you're comfortable with."

The lasting a few turns thing could be explained as them partially being 'staggered/winded' by the blow, and less able to defend themselves/the damaged part of their armor, recovering after a bit.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
You have both a lot of dexterity and power in those claws of yours, a short sword might suit you but I could also see you making fine use of a spear or pole arm.
It really depends on what purpose you want the weapon to serve, do you want one to use to try ward others from getting too close to you or would you rather something for when someone is that close to you and your claws won’t cut it?
"It'll be a slight adjustment, but they should, giving you better range and versatility."
We pick up a pair, recalling how Kost would use his swords, holding them in an X formation before slashing down with one, then performing a side swing with the other. We lift our forelegs back up, crossing them over so the blades now form a T formation.
"Dual wielding with longer blades can allow you to perform both offense and defense with the right training, though from what I was taught, a lot of the defense requires proper hoofing Footing With the ground."
We put the swords back up.
"It won't translate well with flying. You would be knocked back far and won't give you a chance to retaliate. That said, you would be able to perform more offensive pressure in the sky."
I have some lines about questioning how easy it is for her to use magic when dual wielding, but then I remember she has horns so it's probably not that difficult as it would be for us.
Morning, Pluto!
"It's no dagger and it'll be a slight adjustment, but a sword can be very versatile. There is a reason they are so prevalent, and come in many varieties, but I could also see you making fine use of a spear or polearm," You say, "It really depends on what purpose you want the weapons to serve, do you want one to use to try to ward others from getting too close to you or would you rather have something for when someone is that close to you and your claws won't cut it?"
"...Probably the latter," She replies, "And I assume that would be the shortswords."
You nod a little as you pick up a pair, thinking back to how Kost would use his own swords. His technique was a bit advance cause he has six limbs and four of them could hold a weapon, but you could still follow it a bit. You bring the two into an X formation before slashing downward with one, then performing a side swing with the other. You then lift your forelegs back up, crossing them over so the blades form a T.
"You can also dual wield them, allowing you to perform both offense and defense with the right training, though from what I was taught, a lot of the defense requires proper hoofing with the ground."
You place the swords back on the table and look over at Dawyn who was watching your performance intently.
"It won't translate well with flying. You would be knocked back far and won't give you a chance to retaliate. That said, you would be able to perform more offensive pressure in the sky."
"As cool as it would be to have two, I should probably just stick with a sword and shield to start off," She mutters, "Do you want to start with shields?"
"We can take a look. We should be able to find something you're comfortable with."
The two of you trot over to the shield area which is just a wall with shields hanging from it. There are a lot of shields of varying shapes and sizes, from large kite and round shields down to small bucklers. There are also shields that incorporate different things like a shield that had a lantern attached to it or one that had a long spike on the front, and even a big shield with blunt edges and looked to require two hooves to hold.

What do you do?
"I believe a medium sized round shield would fit you best: larger would encourage your opponent to overpower you or knock you off balance, likely slowing and tiring you as well. It would pair better with the shortsword as well, allowing you to bash, parry, or stab around it. You'll have to gauge it's suitability for aerial combat yourself, unfortunately."
Letting Dawyn look over the selection, you speak up.
"I believe a medium size round shield would fit you best: larger would encourage your opponent to overpower you or knock you off balance, likely slowing and tiring you as well. It would pair better with the shortsword as well, allowing you to bash, parry, or stab around it. You'll have to gauge it's suitability for aerial combat yourself, unfortunately."
"Right," She nods, "Metal would probably be the best, but would add a lot of weight so... this one looks..."
After looking over the shields she grabs one from the wall and brings it down to inspect it. It's a basic round wooden shield with metal reinforcing the edges and a metal circle in the middle with the wood being painted red followed by yellow lines being painted over that to make a swirl that originals from the middle underneath the metal.
>Dekorativnyy Shield: a medium sized wooden round shield, called so because it's easy to decorate and modify while still providing a nice amount of protection. It's a rather common shield to find in Holy Cannor and The Sea of Trees due to it's relatively cheap price being affordable for both.
>Def: +6
>Blk/Dge: +10%
>Price: 200 Grivna

What do you do?
"It will work as a back up or training shield if you find it isn't quite up to the task, work up to using a metal shield. For now, let's see how comfortable it is for you."
Grabbing a shortsword from nearby, we hold it out for her to try while also holding the shield.
'A sword and shield isn't much of a gift, but it would still be a kindness if I got them for her. I will have to think of something more thoughtful though.'
"It will work as a back up or training shield if you find it isn't quite up to the task, work up to using a metal shield. For now, let's see how comfortable it is for you."
She watches as you grab a shortsword from nearby and give it to her other claw while her second one holds the shield.
'A sword and shield isn't much of a gift, but it would still be a kindness if I got them for her. I will have to think of something more thoughtful though.'
Taking the sword she maneuvers herself onto her hind legs, a position that looks awkward for her as she stumbles slightly before getting her balance.
"It's... a bit weird," She admits, "Though if I keep practicing with it I'm sure it'll become less weird with time."

What do you do?
Circling around her, we inspect her stance and posture, nudging her carefully here and there.
"It should come to you fairly quick, especially with your wings and tail to aid you. It would be best to keep your daggers available though; being disarmed aside, it's better to be able to defend yourself competently than to be vulnerable while armed."
Stepping behind her, we rear up on our hindlegs and move her sword and shield, stealing a little kiss on the cheek while we're there.
"They are heavier than you're use to, but once you get accustomed to the weight, it won't be so bad. We can also spar on our free time if you're up to it."
"Unlike me, You're still able to use your magic with your hooves full. A strategy you can use is to block with a shield, stun with magic, then strike with a sword. And remember that it's never cowardly to use the shield for its purpose."
Circling around her, you inspect her stance and posture carefully, nudging her here and there to get her into the proper posture.
"They are heavier than you're use to, but once you get accustomed to the weight, it won't be so bad, especially with your wings and tail to aid you. It would be best to keep your daggers available though; being disarmed aside, it's better to be able to defend yourself competently than to be vulnerable while armed. We can also spar on our free time if you're up to it."
"That would be nice," She replies, "So, my stance should be like this?"
Stepping behind her, you rear up onto your hind legs and move her sword and shield around a bit, stealing a little kiss from her her you're there before going back to all fours.
"Unlike me, you're still able to use your magic with your hooves full. A strategy you can use is block with a shield, stun with magic, then strike with a sword. And remember that it's never cowardly to use the shield for it's purpose."
"Got it," She nods, "And that's what I was thinking for my magic with this. Maybe I can find some spells that can stop the enemies for a bit."
She then looks over at you.
"So, shortswords now?"

What do you do?
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
"Yes. Are there any that look interesting to you? It might be best to find one that is well suited for your claws, and the balance on most of them should be similar, assuming they are of the same quality. Blade length may vary a little as well, but you'll want one roughly between your leg and phalanx (trying to say forearm) length. Too short, and it would be better to use a dagger, and too long... well, I don't recommend using a longsword as a shortsword. It is intended to feel like an extension of your limb, with the (fetlock/wrist) functioning as a joint."
We blush a little as we realize we've started to ramble, but hope that Dawyn can appreciate what we're sharing, as a fellow scholarly sort.

Sword stuff mentioned here is without citation, just memory and inference

Afternoon, Pluto!
Yes, lets go take a look at some short swords.
"Yes, let's go take a look at some shortswords. Are there any that look interesting to you?"
"Not... really," She admits, "Like I said, I don't know much about swords."
"It might be best to find one that is well suited for your claws, and the balance on most of them should be similar, assuming they are of the same quality. Blade length may vary a little as well, but you'll want one roughly between your leg and phalanx length. Too short, and it would be better to use a dagger, and too long... well, I don't recommend using a longsword as a shortsword. It is intended to feel like an extension of your limb, with the fetlock functioning as a joint."
You then blush as you realize you've begun to ramble, but hope that Dawyn appreciates what you're sharing. She indeed smiles at you, looking over the selection of shortswords available.
"Thank you, that's good to know," She tells you, "So, too short just use a dagger, too long and it's a longsword. Hmm..."
She goes silent as she looks over the selection. There are plenty of shortswords available from the standard ones to ones that are slightly longer and ones that are more like long daggers. After a while she carefully grabs one that is slightly longer than the average shortsword and brings it over. It's a rather simple sword with a standard steel blade with two edges and a point. The hilt is decorated simply but nicely, being made out of what looks like bronze with a knob at the end and covered in rigids that her claws are able to wrap around nicely, complete with a strip of leather that goes over the rigids.
>Rezka Sword: a shortsword that is commonly found in The Sea of Trees and used by both civilians and armies in the various kingdoms of the region. Despite it's looks it is a deadly weapon in capable hooves, able to cut with it's two edges and thrust with it's point. It also has some use outside of battle as it commonly used to clear away plants in The Sea of Trees.
>Dmg: 25-35
>Stab Wound: given how sharp this weapon is, with some precision it can cause various bleeding wounds to a target. When attacking with this weapon you can halve the damage and go for a 35% chance to cause the target to bleed.

What do you do?
Hmm... Two edges, seemingly sturdy construction. If it is made out of bronze you should be able to fix it should it bend in the heat of battle... Though if you are facing someone in heavy armor or with a shield, or just a creature with tough hide that is more likely to happen. It would be good for self-sufficiency though.
Taking the sword from her for a moment, we press the flat of the blade gently, feeling for any sort of wobble at all, or faults in the construction.

"Hmm... two edges, seemingly sturdy construction. If it is made out of bronze you should be able to fix it should it bend in the heat of battle... Though if you are facing someone in heavy armor or with a shield, or just a creature with tough hide that is more likely to happen. It would be good for self-sufficiency though."
"That's good then, can quickly repair it in battle if needed," She nods, "It feels nice, not too heavy and good materials."
She holds it out for you to inspect which you take, pressing the flat of the blade gently and feeling around for any sort of wobble. You don't feel anything though, no sort of faults or breaks or anything. It's in good condition. As you inspect it you find it's price as well.
>150 Grivna

What do you do?
"Decent price as well. Are you happy with these? I suppose that's hard to answer without testing them out."
Thinking for a moment, we make up our mind.
"I will cover the cost. I pushed you to get the shield, and if you find the sword to be unsuitable, it's at no cost to yourself other than time. You suppose they have paints here? For shield (heraldry/livery)."
The price seems decent, though I may not be the best judge of that. I don't have as much experience as I believe you or the others would have.
"It's a very good price as well. We may even be able to ask the Black Smith to add some enchantments on it."
Seconding! Couldn't really think what to write, but wanted to throw in the idea of adding enchantments.
"The price seems decent. We may even be able to ask the Blacksmith to add some enchantments on it," You say, "Are you happy with these? I suppose that's hard to answer without testing them out."
"I'm fine with these," She nods, "It'll take a bit to get used to them, but they'll still help a lot."
You then think for a few moments, making up your mind on it pretty quick.
"I will cover the cost. I pushed you to get a shield, and if you find the sword to be unsuitable, it's at no cost to yourself other than time. You suppose they have paints here? For shield heraldry?"
"I don't know," She shrugs, "And dear, you don't have to if you don't want to. I have plenty of Grivna to get both."

What do you do?
I will get more Grivna. Think of it as a gift, I would like you to be able to defend yourself. I'll teach you how to use it... Though I am mostly trained in larger swords some of what I know will transfer.
"Grivna is just coin. You are, magnificent, and irreplaceable, Dawyn Crisrinn. A sword and shield are simply tools in the defense of your being; a necessity more than a gift."

Was thinking of enchantments as well, but more so curses that we place on it ourself. The problem with that is that she would want to be involved, and/or would be able to figure out the nature of any enchantment we place on it after some time.
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Night, Pluto!
As cool as that would be, I think mundane enchantments would be fine. Better variety at the very least. We don't have enough ingredients for any effective curses to curse our blade.
But I was thinking more for Dawyn's new sword. Nothing too fancy either. Bronze isn't a strong material, so something that can make it bend itself back on its own, or even a sharpness enchantment would be good. (I imagine sharpness would be like a magical extension of the blade's edge, perhaps increasing bleed/crit chance.)
Sorry there wasn't a post today. Had a shift at work and then Sunday DnD as soon as I got home. Still need to figure out how to summarize everything that has happened in a way that won't result in 10 posts.
Anyway, have a good night!
Night, Pluto! And take your time. Maybe write out some notes (short or long form), then clean them up when you have time and the mental bandwidth.
"Grivna is just coin and I will get more of it. You are, magnificent, and irreplaceable, Dawyn Crisrinn. A sword and shield are simply tools in the defense of your being; a necessity more than a gift," You tell her, "And I'll teach you how to use it... Though I am mostly trained in larger swords some of what I know will transfer."
Dawyn blushes at this and looks down at the ground for a moment before looking back up at you with a smile.
"Thank you, Silver, this is a very generous thing for you to do for me, and I won't forget it. But-"
She pauses as she steps forward and kisses you on the cheek, keeping herself close as she speaks quietly with a small smile.
"Next time you want something I'm paying for it."

What do you do?
We look away for a moment, blushing with a little smile ourself before meeting her gaze again.
"I'd encourage you not to, but I've read enough to know the futility of such. Nothing too expensive. Before that, shall we go pay for your new weapons, or see how the others are coming along?"
We pick up a sheath for Dawyn's new sword as well (assuming it didn't already have one).

Happy Leaf (Canada) Day!
We smile and give her a loving nuzzle.
"And there's nothing I can do to change your mind?"
"I suppose there's no point in arguing then."
We give her a smooch on the lips.
"A good thing about bronze is that it doesn't rust, but practicing proper maintenance is important."
We take her to the maintenance supplies and pick up a whetstone, mineral oil, and a rag.
"Sharpening a sword is straight forward. Run this stone along the bevel of the blade or if you have a table, the other way around. Once sharpened, you want to treat it with the oil to prevent rust, or in your case, scratches. And the rag is course to wipe it. There's nothing worse than to clean dried blood off of a sword."
(With hooves, I imagine it's a huge pain. Since they're flat, I can imagine her nicking/breaking her hoof-nails.)
You look away for a moment, blushing with a small smile yourself before looking back at her and giving her a loving nuzzle.
"And there's nothing I can do to change your mind?"
"I'd encourage you not to, but I've read enough to know the futility of such. Nothing too expensive."
You then lean forward to give her a smooch on the lips.
"But before all that, shall we go pay for your new weapons, or see how the others are coming along?"
"We can do both," She replies, "I wouldn't mind seeing what the others are thinking."
"Actually, I forgot about maintenance."
You take her over to the maintenance supply area which is filled with everything needed to maintain your weapons. As you move through the area you pick up a whetstone, some mineral oil, and a simple rag.
"Sharpening a sword is straight forward. Run this stone along the bevel of the blade or if you have a table, the other way around. Once sharpened, you want to treat it with the oil to prevent rusting, or in your case, scratches. And the rag is of course to wipe it. There's nothing worse than to clean dried blood off of a sword."
"Right," She nods before blushing slightly as she looks at everything, "...I knew there was a bit of maintenance that goes into weapons, but I didn't know there was quite a bit... Guess that shows how much I've used weapons before."

What do you do?
"There isn't too much, and the things I have here are the essentials for sword maintenance. Most of the other things here are for ponies who treat their swords like trophies. Those other tools like this one-"
We take a jig that's on an adjacent shelf.
"-is to help with restringing bows. Or these-"
We pull out a tool kit.
"-are to fletch your own arrows."
Realizing we're rambling again, we blush as we put the tools and jig back.
"I can go on and on, but we would miss the rest of the festival. Let's check on the others."

We pull out a gem.
"And these gems have enchantments in them, though they're unreliable, only lasting for a couple swings. It's better to enchant the blade itself. Different culture seeing the fad of disposable enchantments less enticing than its origins.

Couldn't help myself
"Your schooling wasn't heavily geared towards weapons and self defense is all. Not that mine was either, my mentor merely had a thing for self reliance, and our somewhat isolated location meant I couldn't be ignorant if something were to happen, and not taking care of what equipment we had was wasteful."

"Your schooling wasn't heavily geared towards weapons and self defense is all," You tell her, "Not that mine was either, my mentor merely had a thing for self reliance, and our somewhat isolated location meant I couldn't be ignorant if something were to happen, and not taking care of what equipment we had was wasteful. Besides, there isn't too much, and the things I have here are the essentials for sword maintenance. Most of the other things here are for Ponies who treat their swords like trophies."
"I see, so this one here..."
She points over at a jig which you explain.
"That is to help with restringing bows."
"And that?"
"Those are to fletch your own arrows."
Then realizing that you're rambling again, you blush and put both tools back.
"I can go on and on, but we would miss the rest of the festival. Let's check on the others."
Dawyn nods and follows you out of the area where the two of you quickly spot Tanssija looking over some of the bows they had on display. Taking a elegantly crafted wooden bow with silver metal tips down, she pulls the string back with practiced ease and lets it go, watching the bowstring wobble back and forth. Her attention is brought to the two of you as you approach.
"Hey, just looking at some of the bows here," She explains, "What about you two?"

What do you do?
"Dawyn is getting some new equipment, nothing for myself thus far."
We leave Dawyn to share what details she wishes while we watch curiously as Tanssija holds the bow in her hooves.
"I'm a little jealous of deer hooves, and especially of claws: you make handling a bowstring seem so simple and
elegant. It doesn't hurt that bows have a natural organic elegance to them."
'They resemble and function similarly to certain muscle structures, after all.'

Had this mostly typed and got distracted with something I couldn't put off, and when I finished, tech issues meant I had to re-type it.
"I've been helping Dawyn with picking a sword and shield and teaching her proper maintenance. There was also a Griffin made war hammer that caught my eye. I don't think I have the strength to use it effectively, but it was an interesting nevertheless. I may look at axes later. Sorrel taught me how to use one back in Myysk, but I never practiced his tutelage."
Sensing Dawyn's confusion, we clarify.
"Sorrel is one of Smoke's many siblings. He can tell you all about them."
"Are you considering a new bow? The bow you have is a stunning piece of art and is unlike anything I've ever seen."

(I would like to bring up her scimitar. She/We never used it. Meta wise, it is like our sword use, but story wise, it's just been sitting uselessly in scabbard/bag.)
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!
Morning, Pluto!
>I don't think I have the strength to use it effectively
Line feels weird, since we have shown some disproportionate strength. Or at least enough to match up with Smoke, who was chill about wielding the hammer himself.
"I've been helping Dawyn with picking a sword and shield and teaching her proper maintenance. Nothing for myself so far, but there is a Griffon made warhammer that caught my eye and I may look at axes later. Sorrel taught me how to use one back in Myysk, but I never practiced his tutelage."
"Huh, didn't expect a Griffon warhammer to be all the way here," Tanssija comments, "I've never been trained in axes, but the axes they have look interesting so I would definitely check them out."
"Sorrel?" Dawyn asks.
"Sorrel is one of Smoke's many siblings. He can tell you all about them." You clarify to her.
"Oh, I'll ask him later then."
You then turn back to Tanssija, specifically her hooves and the bow she is holding.
"I'm a little jealous of Deer hooves, and especially of claws: you make handling a bowstring seem so simple and elegant. It doesn't hurt that bows have a natural organic elegance to them."
'They resemble and function similarly to certain muscle structures, after all.'
"Uh, thanks, though it's still in the training I got," She says, "I've seen plenty of Ponies use bows just fine and you and Smoke can hold things just as well as I can."
"Are you considering a new bow? The bow you have is a stunning piece of art and is unlike anything I've ever seen."
"I'm just looking is all, these bows are well made and I am just curious about them," She explains, "Besides-"
She looks over her shoulder at her bow, the green glass bow with a chain instead of a bowstring certainly being unique compared to other bows you've seen and the ones here.
"I think it'll be hard to replace Taino's Hunt."

What do you do?
"Do you know what the chain is made of? I'm no metallurgist, but making a metal with the right properties for a bowstring can't have been simple."
"I can't blame you. That bow is very elegant, and it's function is just as great as it's from. Does it have a history?"
"I can't blame you. That bow is very elegant, and it's function is just as great as it's form. Does it have a history?"
"It does, it's been with my family for as long as we could remember. It was my grandma's, then my mom's, and now it's mine."
"Do you know what the chain is made of? I'm not metallurgist, but making a metal with the right properties for a bowstring can't have been simple."
"No, what metal the chain is made out of is a mystery. My great-grandpa apparently made an extensive effort to try to identify it, but the metals he could get his hooves on never matched with the metal of the chain."
She looks back at Taino's Hunt once again.
"We're not even sure how it was made, or how our family even got it."

What do you do?
'Armas might know what it is. Even if it's not his forte, there would have to be some level of magic in its making.'
"If magic wasn't a factor in the making of it, I would eat my..."
We pause.
"Does the saying still apply if I'm not wearing a hat? I think I've only ever read it."
"That is curious. What about the glass? Usually metal and glass don't work well, but the flexibility and durability, and no cracks or scratches at that, is marveling."

I like the expression! Though we are in a store. If worse comes to worse, we may have to buy a hat to eat.
Is it's name connected to it's origin?
'Armas might know what it is. Even if it's not his forte, there would have to be some level of magic in it's making.'
"That is curious. What about the glass? Usually metal and glass don't work well, but the flexibility and durability, and no cracks or scratches at that is marveling."
"The glass is called Lasia, it's a special glass that is mixed with tree sap. It isn't uncommon for it to be used for weapons, but it's mostly for decoration."
"Is it's name connected to it's origin?" You ask.
"Probably. Taino is a Deer name, though who this Taino is specifically is anyone's guess right now."
"If magic wasn't a factor in the making of it, I would eat my..."
You pause and look between the two.
"Does the saying still apply if I'm not wearing a hat? I think I've only ever read it."
"It can, though it's usually replaced by something else if there isn't a hat." Tanssija replies.
"Armor?" Dawyn suggests.

What do you do?

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