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Cool Glasses edition
Previous thread: >>41006507
Thread links:

Voice archive


A playlist of Applejack songs
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First for Strawberries
that's gay
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Heh Frog face pony
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Ribbit ribbit motherfalker
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>Failed to keep the last thread up
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Or did it limit out
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My queen :)
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>least popular
Tis' bullshite
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She's popular with the crowd that matters
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I'm pretty sure 500 is the limit
I don't know, we haven't hit bump limit in two threads
Work won't let me post
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Well, looking at the bright side I think appul would be happy to see that all appulfriends were too busy working hard to bump her thread
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Good night Appuls
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Morning bump.
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>Y'all got apples in here?
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Moonfage here, may your dreams be filled with many apples
Anon, you're hiding in the apple bag again. If you want snoofs, just say it.
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Started a week long bicycle trip today with some friends. This is my bike. Also brought a smol plushie with me, hopefully I will get some chances to make some pictures with her
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Evil AJ be like: "I'm cute"
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Thank you, moonfren.
damn she got the plague doctor astronaut suit
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Morning bump.
Good morning
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Looks like beautiful country.
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Feeling comfy
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That looks like a nice place to play. How's this kalimba compared to the one you brought to EHM?
It's definitely quieter being a flat kalimba compared to that hollow one. But it has a nice softer sound which I like. Tines are slightly narrower and more close together so it's easier to miss the correct notes. But overall I do like it more
Wonderful drawing fren!
fpbp and /thread
>Verification not required.
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AJ how are you holding that with both hooves?
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Morning bump.
Incredible stuff and incredible dubs
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>Pocket Appul
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>just had an apple for the first time since high school cafeteria
>divine juiciness
Apuls for this feel?
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Fuji or Envy.
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How safe is it to do pic related?
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Safe if she likes you
so lovely
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Morning bump.
>tfw she can't keep a straight face and starts to laugh
Honeycrisp, maybe Cosmic crisp
Good Morning
Goth AJ is unf
I have the headcannon that goth AJ would be dressed like The Undertaker
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Morning bump.
Good morning
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Forgot to post this before
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Only time we ever see ghost mares.
You travel as work?
No, just on a bike trip right now
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Morning bump.
Where are you travelling fren?
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howdy howdy
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Gotland, Sweden
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Nice. Hope you are having fun.
very cool
Morning bump.
Good morning
What a view fren
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beddy bye tyme
This mare is for milfing.
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Morning bump.
Would've been the youngest milf, however Ponk has high energy(literally).
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I love her so much bros...
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she's my favourite ever
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Morning bump.
Lol good pic
Look how carefully she takes a bite, she knows how good that apple is and wants to enjoy every single moment she has with it, a great sign of quality
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when a city slicker says something so metropolitan you gotta hit them with the country stare
What do you mean?
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Truly the element of honesty.
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Morning bump.
Cute socks
smug aj is too hot
Is she getting high off that apple?
I'll save Applejack
Worst pony
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Morning bump.
good morning
She's so cute bros.... what do I say to make her have sex with me?!
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That's easy. When asked if you'll take this mare as your lawfully wedded wife, you say I do.
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I wish
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Morning bump.
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Literally me
Silly pony
I would like to wear AJ's hat. If I was a cowboy it would make me look really cool.
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Morning bump.
I will be away for about 10 days or so. Keep the thread alive, ya hear?
Just popping in to say she would most likely smell like horse sweat, hay, tree leaves and urine.
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holesome aplejak
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I forgot to repost the Google Doc for the panel in this thread https://docs.google.com/document/d/15-2i1zWJa0_TWwQS8cF3kUAw4NioyRKpVvmPm3BoeJ4/edit
pure sex
Thanks applebro
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I crie evry tiem </3
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what the fuck is that voice? First time watching Pony GO!
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Happens when you become cultured.
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what did she do?
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Won, but kept fighting
My wife is so cute. But wait, she's eating meat!
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Falsely accused of burning down some strawberry patches
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bump for my fav pony :)
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AJ! NO! It already took apart of your hoof!
That looks silly
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something is off about these applejacks, is it the hair?
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Luv her silly face
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so peaceful
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Why did she do it?
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Somepony needs to rush her to the hospital. Also an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Thanks dr Aj
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Good Morning appuls
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Rainbow Dash tried to use a shortcut, sadly she bumped into a lead pipe tree, which as you may or may not know, are very sensitive to the slight touch, which promptly dropped multiple lead pipes on poor Dash
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my dream
I want to give her a back massage
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I've never understood macro. This is a nice image and all but I would still rather be the same size as her.
Why is she climbing, she could just kick the tree
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maybe she just wants 1 apple
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You did this?
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made this comic. i did all the drawing traditional, and assembled digitally. lots of fun.
high quality version: https://files.catbox.moe/5qijot.png
That's nice, I recognize the reference pic, good job.

TOP KEK, that's pretty good. Of course AJ would not pass the opportunity.
i love this, the old comic strip style fits really well
WTF this is insanely cute. I'd love to read this weekly on sundays.
This is cute
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Morning bump. I'm back!
This is great!
Good morning, glad to have you back appleblor
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Alright Applebros, here's the poll for the panel, it will run for now up until the 26th, good voting and I hope to see you all on the panel https://forms.gle/toyyb5oaDsW7LxHn7
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I'll be there
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Morning bump.
Good morning
Just gotta say, you guys seem the most level-headed among the M6 generals. AJ's down-to-earthness evidently rubs off on you, no homo
Excellent Apples, frens
Thanks fren
Why so angry?
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Have you ever called someone a "sugar cube" before?
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Morning bump.
No, but I hope I would someday.
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>Now what's this here "camera" thingamajig
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It just wouldn't sound right coming from me, I'll leave the term to those with less suburbanite-blood. Might work it into my vernacular if I ever start working/living on a farm.
No, but I would sugarpie
Apple sex
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Morning bump.
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Hot as fuck
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good night appul
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Good night
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Morning bump.
eep tight
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I have the feeling that Applejack would appreciate a nice weekend on the beach after a week of hard work
Remember to vote in the poll
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Thank you for the reminder, fren!
yeah, I can’t imagine her going with harshwhinny though
Hi appul, could you please give me some advice. I bought some apples and have some puff pastry, do you have any recipes? For now, I plan to make apple puffs, they are delicious and simple and it's the only thing I've made with apples.
Apple Turnovers?
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Why not something from the MLP Baking book? I've done 'em before for valentines day, followed the recipe to a T and the result was pretty good!
>I like mine topped with a drizzle of Caramel!
What did she mean by this?
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felt inspired
No Appul, I can't. Great work as always
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Morning bump.
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I'm done, made 4 with only apples and 4 with cottage cheese and apples. It doesn't look very good, but tasty.
I'll try something from the book next time

bye appul
Because I can't understand the measurements. None of these are real units, at least not on our planet.
Voting right now
I guess, i didn't know how much 1Oz was either, I just searched for the equivalent in grams. The rest seems to be pretty standard cooking measurements though.
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It's almost weekend, don't forget to vote >>41160971
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done and done
want to bit that apple
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Morning bump.
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Would she give me that apple?
you want it? you have to take it from her
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don't say apple with your tongue sticking out
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Morning bump.
Good morning
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Reminds me of this
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Oh hey, schedule for the panel is up on https://mlpcon.online/schedule.html
And remember to vote if you haven't already, I'll be closing the poll around Tuesday/early Wednesday
Already voted, but thanks for the reminder anon.
Huh, we're the first ones to go. That's cool.
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Morning bump.
Good morning
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Hugh Laurie and apul
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Just wanna make sure everyone remembered to vote
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Morning bump.
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Voting is gay. I want a pony princess to decide for me.
I read this with their voices reversed
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5 more hours and I'll close the poll
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That pic gives me gas station manager vibes
I try not to self-advertise the Baking Book digitization project, but here is the conversion guide
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and a combined collection of what I have currently done for the Applejack pages as I don't want to clutter up the /aj/ thread. Forgive the half finished state, but scanning and editing the images in takes a while to do, plus it would make it harder to post the image due to the file size.
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Morning bump.
>That neck
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these sound delicious, this is the most tempted I've been to try baking
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Morning bump.
Good morning
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don't stroby the apple horse
God I want to marry her
So, what are the results? Should we tune in tomorrow to find out?
Tune in tomorrow to find out, I'll post the results later
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Morning bump.
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Good morning everyone, /mlp/con starts soon and I hope you're all as hyped as I am
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Applejack Appreciation Appointment is ON (links on the /mlp/con website because 4chan thinks cytube is spam) https://mlpcon.online/schedule.html
Great job, anon! Thank you for organizing this again!
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Morning bump.
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It always happens when I'm not only at work, but really busy at work.
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>four 4s
One for each of her hooves
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Morning bump.
Good morning
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Morning bump.
I miss my apple wife
Better work on your aim
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hang in there, lad.
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Morning bump.
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Have a nice day
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just lost muh job
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135 KB JPG
It's too damn hot
Hello everyone, I know I'm late but I ate a 3 day ban for posting ponies on /k/ so I couldn't do a proper thank you post for everyone here, if you guys want I can post the stats of the poll later, but for now, thanks for everyone who voted, hope the panel was as fun for you guys as it was for me, if you have suggestions for the next panel, please do reply with them, and for those who missed it, here's the panel recording https://pony.tube/w/akDeUaRNkCF5JmAZuHRznT

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