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Previous Thread: >>40987181

Starry night edition

Twilight's favourite books:

Fanfic Reading:

Twilight music playlist:

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First for prettiest mare
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4 hours and only one post? Put some respect on your fucking princess.
We're dead... It's over...
its not fair
Nothing is fair in this world.
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This alien Twi thingy is a pretty cute idea, I kinda want to know more.
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Look at her go!
Where's she from?
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Artist name's in the filename. Found it on the boorus.
what a cutie
Well according to Faust convention
>green coat
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She looks even more retarded than Derpy.
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Oh, no, she's in heat.
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aw yeah, she's in heat!
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Say goodbye to your pelvis.
Not like I need that for anything, right?
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She's so pretty!
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sleepy twily
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Purple belly!
Twiggy Piggy
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Twilight can't be a sexologist, she has no experience in anything sex-related.
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She has theoretical knowledge.
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I will provide her with the practical and experimental knowledge and experience.
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Requesting comfy twilight wallpaper, preferably at night or twilight
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does this suit what you're looking for?
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Is this what you are looking for?
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There's more but I'm trying to stick to ones that are reasonably comfy
Not really a wallpaper but very comfy
I don't know what's up with all these almost wallpaper resolutions
Comfy anons, thank (You)
Freshly optimised
Why is she so angry?
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>Alicorn Ponk
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Kill Nyx
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Damn look at that rump.
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Twi, It's summer already.
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Is it finally time for the beach episode?
She looks great in yellow!
Is it me or does that dress make her butt look big?
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I'm artblocked which made me doodle ponies, dropping this here since you guys might enjoy it.
Based drawfren
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Well it IS pretty big.
Looks great
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It's finally happened. I've gotten into the habit of writing a todo list for the day in the morning. Then I'm trying to spend as few hours as possible to get all my tasks done efficiently. This has measurably helped me have more free time per day to do pony stuff. However I can't shake the feeling that I took the wrong turn in my life somehow. This isn't normal behavior. I thought Twilight would be the most likely pony to understand my weird feeling.
You're autistic, congratulations! High-functioning autists are a new stage of human evolution so don't worry about it.
>However I can't shake the feeling that I took the wrong turn in my life somehow
But why?
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Good shit.
>However I can't shake the feeling that I took the wrong turn in my life somehow.
>taking strides to organize yourself in the morning to get stuff done
>doing that so you can spend more time doing the things you actually enjoy
Anon, most normies can't even organize themselves in the morning, you're doing just fine, a little autistic, sure, but a little autism never hurt anyone, keep it up, Twiggles would be proud of you
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Damn I must be worse than a normie because I can't organize anything at any time of the day.
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I love leggy Twiggles.
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Cute giraffe legs purp!
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Alicorn filly?
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War is hell
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Twilight for ants.
Does Twilight's fairy also constantly pester her by demanding "Listen!"
How many did she kill?
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Not enough.
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Is she okay?
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It's just that the book was so good, she ate it.
This sloppa is getting gud
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That's just the beginning
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Comfy style
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Sexy evil purp!
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Why was this type of magic only used in one episode? Did they forget?
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It was used offscreen.
Jim and Haber should be hanged.
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No nostrils
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Well, she does pass all her tests after all.
Don't worry, I'll take responsibility.
what faggot denies her not once, not twice, not three times, but FIVE?!
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You wouldn't get it.
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Erectile dysfunction?
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Good mares shouldn't smoke!
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Too bad she's bad. Bad to the bone.
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Imposter, she can't dance
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get her really sexually repressed and when she can’t take it anymore enjoy the rough dubious consent purplesmart sex
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More like sad to the bone.
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I beg your pardon. She has read plenty of books on the subject!
They should make out
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Twiggy Piggy!
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imagine the smell
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Waifu horse!
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Somebody get her a towel.
I don’t think rubbing all over her body is gonna help
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Then what can help her?
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Cute, grumpy Twi!
She's not grumpy, she's just high.
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Nuh-uh, no sex before marriage!
>lust provoking image
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Noooo! Stop you monster!
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This evil man must be stopped.
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She's a smart mare
Good job! You work really hard Twi!
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Bad day?
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Hey Twibros. I drew second best pony in a maid outfit, thought you'd enjoy.
Very nice, thanks.
Cute purp!
trips befitting a based twimaid
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Based drawfren
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who's the best? you can tell us, you're among frens
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I haven't thought of Jackie Chan Adventures in years but the sight of this talisman made me hear an "ai-yahh!" in my head.
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Not canon.
Does it still hold up? I was thinking about rewatching it a while ago.
So she's the one who burned down the library? TKD
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>dash flag
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What now?
It's a fake kirin.
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Would Twilight love anyone more than she loves her books?
Just wear a book costume.
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Well, she loves her friends more than some books.
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What kind of ritual is she doing?
summoning (You)
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It takes less than one cider to make this pony go wild! Just try not to let her drink more than three.
Look at her go!
Based drawfren
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Thanks Anon. I love drawing my wife.
She cute.
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Why can’t I have this?
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Now in color!
You can have it, don't stop believing.
Looks nice. Post it on some booru.
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Very pretty marea.
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Purple semen demon.
Ever wanted Twilight to force a blowjob on you?
>implying it wouldn't be consensual
You can't force the willing.
Of me by her.
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Twiggy Piggy

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