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Fortunate Sun Edition

>Get the game
Reminder to use creamapi to get all the DLCs. You can also get the game for about $10 on instant gaming if you don't want to wait for a steam sale.
>Get the mod
>Balefire Blues
>New to HoI4

Previous thread:
Favorite Barrad leader?
Silver Star and Asinti.
Leopold and Silver Star.
According to the comments, Silver Star can actually join Wittenland. Anyone got those events?
Are helicopters good?
Played through Pax Chrysalis yesterday, got the neutral end
Gonna try for the good secret end today or tomorrow
The only true end for Pax Chrysalis is The Princess and the Kaiser.
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The only true end for Pax is TOTAL BUG DEATH
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Did another A-Z. This time it was Gryphian Host.

I went harmonist for this and was lucky enough to not have my neigbors go harmonist or isolationist. Managed to form Evi rather easily. Lake City attacked me, but I conquered them and then I helped the Concordat beat Wingbardy leaving me with these wonderful borders. I could try taking Aquileia, but I see no point. I did all my focuses anyway.

>Fun initial goal to unify Evi, which lends you a cool formable.
>Lots of natural enemies to fight, even if your going harmonist.

>Focus tree feels outdated. Many focuses are 70 day.
>Fun is highly dependent on what route your neighbors go down.

Overall, a simple but fun nation. Nothing too special, but good for shorter runs. If you want to play this on harmonist, I'd suggest setting your neighbors to expansionist routes so you can actually invade/get invaded. Nothing much to say here, but this nation could use maybe a small rework. It can be fun though if you just want something simple.

Next up will be Haukland.
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He's working on it. Trust the plan.
2 months.
What's the "good" end?
Post it.
Worst EAW exclusive character?
The only redeeming quality of Griffonia is Dread Leauge that allows you to rid it of all life in it and Barrad that will let you do the same.
Zebrica is garbage and should be remade but Equestria update should come first. Fuck stormniggers and northern pushovers - where is great Zebrican Shamans and Saddle Arabian content aka the defining features of Zebrica?
Sorry but we needed that 1000 year old cult country that should have been a destitute shithole because isolated economies don't function but instead had enough military and technology prowess to scare the Storm King
If they had made it an actual backwards undeveloped country that was practically like an even more extreme North Korea would you like it?
Yes, then it would have been interesting instead of what wankery the devs made it.
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Empire is fun, expansion go brrrrr

Seriously, the most fun I've had in this game is setting every nation to random paths and just going vanilla Empire, it's so much fun.
Anything that Memerskai makes, they are barely even characters. It is just dumb memes and shitty expies of modern-day characters. And all of them bland.
Zebrica is really a mixed bad, it has some horrible horrible lows and some really amazing content.
Kiria, Chital and Coltaghe being the lows.
Tobuck, Zarantia and Sirens being the amazing ones.
Its fun and definitely well-made, but too easy for my tastes. It's probably the best nation for new players though.
Yes it is stop lying.
What about Star Father :^)
Worst nation?
By what metric?
The definite worst are the countries with generic focus trees. The dragons in equus, griffonstone, and northern tribes are worse than the zebrican generics.

The next worst would be the equestria civil war minor tags because you have to deal with a big hostile country almost immediately and if you're not particularly skillful or lucky you'll lose instantly. Buffalo state and our town also fall in this category.
Worst country that people are actually expected to play?
>actually expected to play
Harmonic Equestria. Imagine if America's main campaign goal in Vanilla Hoi4 was to survive against a Mexican invasion that is going to happen in 1940.
Stalliongrad's faction is almost as strong as the Changeling's faction, and they join Equestria.
Which characters has he made?
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Broken Gems 1.3
It is finally here!

First of, thank all of you so much for your patience and your continued support!

Second, we have moved the mod to a new Steam-page:

This needed to be done both to facilitate the name-change, as well as to make sure the mod is not bound to any single dev-account, which would mean the mod would die if they left the team.
So please, subscribe to the new version!
And, with that said, I hope you have a great time exploring the content of Broken Gems

• Focus tree and content for New Mareway
• Focus tree and content for The Bloody Army
• Focus tree and content for Neocastle Guilds
• Focus tree and content for Canterlot Alicorns
• Extra starting units to Neighvarro
• New gamerule to enable a much stronger Operation: Cauterize
• Loads of new 3D unit models

• Dropped EaW/OWB from the name
• Overhauled robotics tech tree
• Renamed the Plains Raiders to Dust Reavers
• Renamed the Freeside Raiders to Speedfreaks
• Renamed the Leslie Raiders to Amethyst Liberation Army
• Renamed Hayseed Walkers to Hayseed Striders
• Renamed the Hayseed Cult to Cult of Myriad
• Split South Everfree into two states
• Gave the AI the option to refuse to join the NCR
• Red Eye can now do a border war against the Fillydelphia Contingent every 50 days, instead of every 60 days
• Talon Training Instructors law now visible to all, but still locked for certain tags/paths
• Removed the Unity from the major countries in the country selection screen as it's content is not up to par with the rest of the mod
• Updated some focus GFX for Neighvarro

• “Ghost aircraft” will no longer remain on airfields after capitulation
• Hayseed Walkers now no longer receives 4,000 advanced infantry equipment while at war with Neighvarro
• Misc missing GFX
Glory be! I've been waiting ages for this one. Hopefully someday Unity will be great.
Nice to see.
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Ayyy finally!!
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Is kiria supposed to be kinda shit? What is the best path? Keep getting justed by events draining my politcial power
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>Yona returns to school and learns something surprising.
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Have it in a quality that doesn't require you to squint your eyes.
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>Few born by the grace of Ara are able to take to the skies unassisted, despite their desires to rival Conurus and his endlesss sky.
>The spiritspeakers were useless, their airships outdated, and the air force stagnant in ideas dated even before the Storm King took his first breath.

>But perhaps the advice of a single pegasus may allow their forces to soar once more. The thoughts of one of the few remaining on the isles capable of flight, and with the ear of the president in hoof to boot.
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>Starlight Glimmer has an important quest to tackle in the Fillydelphia Revolt
>Event and decision category loc by @Gonderlane
>Map art by @Dear Deer
>Im sure nothing bad happens to them if Fillydelphia loses against the Solar Empire
Oh boy, more Starlight shit.
Very cool event for once carrying the spirit of the show.
I would suck did for an equestia at war Vic 2 mod
I've been considering doing that for OpenVic whenever it comes out, but I'm not sure. I've never played Vic2 or done any modding before. I know it sounds stupid to want to make a mod for a game you've never played but it was just some weird timing stuff around various projects and when I started having any interest in Victoria.
Gilded Destiny is what I've really had my eye on. And Grey Eminence before that.
I too would suck did for something like that.
Why did they make the diamond dogs generic furshit, when they were going to add another generic furshit race and there already is a generic furshit race.
Well, Diamond Mountain has proper-looking diamond dogs. Both the King Rover and Clifford the Red. Old Princess portrait also looked like they do in the show.
Artists are coomers scared to draw anything that doesn't look like generic waifu.
Looks nice.
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Yea, but do your little submarines look cool? I thought not. Check mate.
It's funny because naval bombers wreck submarines hard too.
Not even naval bombers. Just a normal cas set on the naval strikes. It obliterates submarines easily.
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>Someone send this to CGP Grey, I dare you.
>(I should mention that this is yeti racial tech, since I didn't really make that clear)
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>And it came to pass that our faith became the law of the land, and that the denizens of the night were forced to choose between upholding their wicked ways and possessing basic necessities. But let it be known that we are not without mercy, for those who come unto Celestia shall not go hungry.
I want to vomit. Why the fuck would making the barrel a hexagon reduce the combat width of a single barrel howitzer.
Why wouldn't it?
Because going by supply requirements it's never a single actual artillery piece but at least 12.
Why would having a hexagonal barrel on any amount of individual howitzers lower their combat width?
...also why are hexagonal barrels a yeti racial tech?
I think the focus on artillery overall is their racial tech. And I think someome mentioned something about airships too.
Hexagons are a very good shape for putting things next to each other, therefore, it would naturally apply to artillery as well.
That is very debatable, I would lean closer to triangles.
Artillery doesn't go next to each-other. 36 three inch barrels fit into a mile of ground if they are hexagons or any other shape.
If this applied to MLRS's only it would make some sense. I still don't understand why this is a racial tech, every other racial tech is based on biology, I can make a hexagonal barrel.
>every other racial tech is based on biology, I can make a hexagonal barrel
They don't, ponies, griffins, polar bears, and changelings all have racial techs which are both based on biology and outside characteristics.
Your correct, I was wrong.
Why is the solar empire being made into Christianity but with Daybreaker?
That's the Mormon ponies being put into the Celestial Resistance rework.
Because Celestia State dev is a soulless husk with no creativity.
Would you rather it be muslim?
No that should be the batponies with Nightmare Moon.
Because the Moon has long been a symbol of Islam. The reason it gained significance was because traders had to travel during the night to avoid the scorching daytime heat of Arabia.
Do you think global warming will see a rise of Islam due to this reason?
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>scroup cooked
Could it be? Are they finally giving changelings something of their own aesthetic?
It looks nothing like Starkiller base, why did I think of Starkiller bas immediately.
Somehow, Sombra has returned.
It has been a thing for ages. But I wish it was expanded beyond just the Tower. And having more unique architecture stuff and then spreading it like a tumour across Equus.

This looks interesting.
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I'll be hosting an EAW game tomorrow Sunday at 18:30 CET. Your all welcome to join!
How can you join?
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When the game starts, I'll post the ID and password here, which you can use to join and if we get at least 3 people including me, we can start. You can find this menu in multiplayer or in EAW, Play with friends!
>anon is from Europe
Hope you are well bro. It seems kinda late over there.
Its passed midnight, but its also rewatch so I have to stay up late.
Seems a little limited.
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Starting up the lobby. The game will start at 18:30 CET, around 15 minutes from now..

ID: 90198984235055115
PW: /mlp/
Mods: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players
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Looks great. Really makes the changelings feel powerful.
Yeah, it could do with more stuff. I really don't like how you don't start with anything either. Also some of the restrictions on certain laws seem like weird choices.
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This made me want to vomit almost as much as that video of a guy fucking a rat.
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The subtle shadow of Daybreaker is a very nice touch.
>using the wrong buffalo
>using the wrong bear
Shit meme
How'd you name Vietnam country in EAW universe?
Ponynam? That sounds goofy. Any other suggestions?
Since asians in eaw seem to be kirin or zebra we dont have to restrict the name to just be pony related. As SEA myself I would rather be a pony though.
Vietnam also has other names that can be used.
>Dai Viet
These were all used for the area/areas of modern day Vietnam. I'm not good at making up names tho
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>äMoerman calls,

>Big plans ahead,

>Will you accept?
It looks like the troops overlap with the stairs or whatever those are by the bottom left
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Those are shadows. That structure is like the Brandenburg Gate.
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>hey fuck off i already put a reference to that in Abyssinia
Lets hope they get good PP generation to actually afford some of these.
Ah yes, another nation with mercenaries for hire whose templates are trash (and are locked) and I can just make better templates myself. I have no idea why devs obsess over mercenary nations so much when they all universally suck. Not a single nation did this well.
Sad thing is that this could easily be fixable if the devs just gave them better templates. Surely most of them played enough HOI4 to know what's efficient.
>muh trash templates
Get good son
When the template is at most 10w with little to no support companies, then it is indeed trash. And that is most of these mercenary templates.
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EaW is the most Paradox mod of the most Paradox game. I hate it but I keep playing it because there aren't any real alternatives.
Its great I love it.
Why would LE care about that?
Because NMM isn't retarded.
I’ve gotta be real with y’all niggers, it ain’t looking good for the future of eaw. many of the veteran devs who made the mod good in the first place are either retired or inactive. there’s a billion projects stuck in limbo with no end in sight. and many of them are about random shithole countries in ziggerica. the actual improtant projects people care about are stuck in dev hell. it is quite indescritbale what happened with stallionhrad and equestria. former has gone through several revisions from ground up and endless dev drama stirred by vatnik unironic commie retards who loce their self insert glorious ruski country. equestria was developed by the same guy who made TNO april fools equestria, but when he left the team to take a break from the endless arguing, he was told he cant come back because hes ”toxic”. and the developmnet has been restarted from scratch by a new pair of developers, one of whom is an aforemetioned vatnik. dev team has more woke troons than ever before and the offtopic shitposting discusion channel is more active than all other channels combined. every now and then their favorite hobby is laughging at people on /mlp/ refusing to praise the mod like all the jewtoobers do. dont expect any major content updates anytime soon, i highly doubt anything can be finishe din this shithole anymore, and if yes then it certanely won’t be equestria or staliongrad.

in summary, shits fucked yo topkek. ny source is that i made it the fuck up
None of this sounds unbelievable.
big if true
>EAW is dead
We know
The russian subspecies and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Isn't Equestria still being worked on?
I don't think anyone knows.
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Well here's one of the guys working on it.
EaW is still a great mod as it is, content is still being made, submods are still being worked on. It's far from dead.
if i may ask are there any paths where every griffon just fucking dies (by my own actions)
i want to kill them, i hate them, they look stupid
Go for 3 civil wars in Colthage and go for Hiram. Proceed to genocide all avians and crypto-avians. You literally set up places called Extermination Mandates.
I'm not sure if this is good or not. What did he do in the past?
Working on multiple project at the same time is never a good thing, because then you don't give either one attention it needs. And the final product will turn into trash. This is also why Cyrus nations are the ones the most in need of rework, because he was doing multiple at once, and you can feel it, because they just suck.
>improtant projects people care about are stuck in dev hell.
Its cause of the Russian Ukraine war. A lot of devs got conscripted
>A lot of devs got conscripted
If they know how to work code I doubt they were conscripted as just frontline soldiers. I wonder what do they work on in the front.
>le war
Nah, the amount of Russian and Ukrainian devs is minimal. Most are either western, or south Slavs, balts, scandis, and anything further west.
The real reason is that the mod grew too much, and attracted a bunch of people who didn't care for either ponies or creating some narrative for the world. And were in it just for the clout, and now as they are expected to create, they don't actually have anything to offer.
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>Honestly, I think it's about damned time someone actually worked on the dragons.
>Note that I'm going to be working on the dragon racial techs first and foremost. A focus tree is still far off, but dragon development needs to be piecemeal given its history.
Dragons do need stuff.
Hopefully cool stuff. Kirins were a good idea too and then we got Democratic Kirin PP simulator.
Though that may just be a consequence of them not knowing how to do non-Imperialist states.
>but dragon development needs to be piecemeal given its history.
So it is gonna be crap, this kind of statement is always a red herring showing that the dev has no idea what to actually do.
>red herring
You mean red flag? What's even a red herring?
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How do you know it'll be crap?
> volunteers should only work on official projects 24/7
> no break time with submods allowed
That is not what I said at all you dumbass. I said that doing multiple nations at once means you won't be able to develop either properly.
Learn some damn reading comprehension.
Because if you don't develop something as a whole from the start, it is always shit. Making something in pieces is going to result in frankenstein monster.
Correct, I meant one thing and wrote another.
I'm pretty sure the vast majority of EAW nations were developed not on their own.
> he doesn't realise that literally every single EAW nation was developed by multiple people, working on multiple projects
Ya realise that focuses, loc, events, GUI and GFX are all different teams right?
Not always.
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>In addition to other Inquisitorial decisions, several focuses will unlock powerful upgrades for your counterinsurgency efforts. There are seven in total, each providing unique effects and bonuses, which will be converted into a bonus for your occupation, colonisation and intelligence agency (if you have La Resistance) once the counterinsurgency stage of gameplay is complete. Two of the seven bonuses are shown below.
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Pax isn't dead.
Yea, and it just happens that most of them are incredibly bad for that exact reason.
There was already a mechanic like that before Pax for the Solar Empire. Seems its just being retuned up for the new version. Though given that there's going to be a new rebellion I wonder what this one spawns.
Anon wrote down the wrong thing but 'red herring' is a term used for elements of mystery plots that ultimately exist to distract or misdirect the reader/viewer. Like, say you have a murder mystery and this one dude has a very compelling motive but in the end it turns out he didn't do it; he's the Red Herring.
Thank you, Anon.
>Though that may just be a consequence of them not knowing how to do non-Imperialist states.
Please elaborate.
The main issue is that the main game of HoI4 revolves entirely around WW2. The idea of building up towards a great and massive war that Democratic states will be able to unite and fight against the various fascistic/communist countries.
This is why base Equestria works so well as the Celestia/Sisters path gets to build up and has a big fight against the Changlings.
A lot of the democratic/goodish states in Equestria however don't have any major enemies or nearby threats. Big alliances don't form till near the end of their trees long after threats have been dealt with so there isn't strong democratic opposition to various enemies. So many various states and factions tend to just be peaceful little hermits who have no conflict or goals as a result. Which is why we tend to see the "Internal" Gameplay style where you need to deal with event based threats to your empire or things go wrong.
“The Way of Fire”
The Everfree Forest can now be annexed with a decision by anyone except Changeling Lands and Manehattan Protectorate.
Added a decision to form the nation of Riseia for Osqat, Maretania, Re'em, Yemane and the Haymirite Kingdom.
Replaced Aestlonian and Macawian placeholder country leaders with proper ones.
Griffonian Republic's Reinhard Suntail can now unify with Bakara's Firm Scow.
Resource prospecting decisions have been added all around the globe.
Added artwork for the Vesalipolis state lore.
Split the Mechanics tab of the welcome screen into New Mechanics and Changed Mechanics, for maintenance and translation purposes.
Added a new general for Solar Empire, Azir and Macawia, and an advisor for communist Longsword.
Added a new general and admiral for Posadist Hippogriffia.
Added a female operative portrait for Abyssinia.

Implemented changes from HOI4 1.14.6 patch.
Aquileia or one of its subjects must own Griffenheim before the former can take the decision "Hoist The Tricolour".
Encryption and decryption technologies now offer a small boost in operative detection and evasion, respectively.
Slightly increased Rumare's population.
If the Everfree Forest exists, Kattail's Night in Canterlot focus now only requires owning Canterlot.
Griffonian Republic no longer has suggestions or implications about assimilating "native" populace.
Buffed stats for zebra Chargers and dragon units.
Improved supply in northern Griffonia.
Tank chassis can now use a maximum of one Anti-air Radar.
Jungle pioneers and regular pioneers are now mutually exclusive.
Sirens will no longer receive fantasy flavour events.
Removed Suri Polomare advisor from New Mareland.
Updated victory points for yeti nations.
Rewrote ideology description for Equalism.
Further code refactoring to improve performance.
Updated flags for the Evian formable and fascist Asterion.
Replaced an old naval themed loading screen with an improved one.
Solar Empire's Daybreaker has received an updated portrait, with alternate portraits based on path chosen.
Skynavia's Asper Sickleclaw has received an updated portrait.
Asterion's Andris Dory and Maximin Kokkinos have received an updated portrait.

Corrected multiple cases of non-DLC starting forces having incorrect equipment.
Fixed an issue in Gerza's Colthage where a dynamic modifier had one of its stats wrongly defined.
Kattail's Abyssinia can now integrate Manedalusia, and should no longer declare war on Warzena too early.
Buildings should no longer be added in impassable states by various effects.
Added missing bypasses for Aquileian wargoal foci.
Aquileia will no longer get stuck in its focus tree if it can't reach House Erie and Avian.
Corrected a Coltvan decision adding victory point value to a wrong province.
Fixed a song's name preventing it from being played.
Improved how a dynamic modifier was applied on Coltvan states.
Chiropterra's Ocean Spray is now properly removed as a country leader in relevant circumstances.
Dehumanised and fixed various GFX issues.
Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 0fc6 @everyone
This update SHOULD be save compatible with, but some fixes will require a new game.
>If they know how to work code I doubt they were conscripted as just frontline soldiers.
Anon, the now former head of Roscosmos got sent to the front and ended up having his dick blown off. If that happened to him then what makes you think some random guys who make mods for Paradox games would fare any better?
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>base Equestria works so well
Look it does what it wants to do when you are running the Princess Celestia paths. Its outdated, but it functions towards giving Harmony a path that isn't boring.
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Uwaaaah mommy!!!!
As expected
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Most underrated EAW character.
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Did another A-Z run. This time it was Hawkland.

A short run overall. The politica/conquest part of the focus tree is rather short, and I didn't think it was worth going passed this since I experienced everything important with this faction. I have no idea why Skyfall never attacked me, but if they did, one can assume this would be a much longer run.

>Surprisingly good story.
>Satisfying clear goals. The focus tree takes you to conquering the dragonlands, Vedina and Skynavia and gives cores for them.
>You can get dragon units.
>A dangerous but beatable natural enemy in the form of Skyfall (sometimes)

>Tree is short and there isn't much meaningful things to do once you complete it.
>Skyfall can chose to not attack sometimes and when they do, it can also ally with bigger powers making them fluctuate much in difficulty. Beating them alone is fine, but when they join the Entente...
>Only 4 research slots.
>Lack of replayability.

This is a nation I'd suggest anyone to play through at least once. Fun story with fun conquests. I would advise setting Skyfall to a path you would be comfortable fighting though as they can either attack on their own or join either Republican Aquileia or Republic's factions. Plus its the only focus tree for dragons so far.

Next up will be Hippogriffia.
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I wanted to actually do a "world conquest" for once so I decided to try the griffion republic. War against the empire was a clusterfuck I took the north before stalling out as they annexed the french kingdom luckily not mussolini came in and made it a 3 front war so I was able to occupy the empire and win. I was given little time before wingbardy deced on me and I considered this the second big war of the campaign. I got pushed back all the way to rome before I was able to stabilize and get my first tanks off the line. Was a brutal long was but I beat him. Next big war was against the river confed as they had a fair amount of my cores this was the longest and bloodiest war of the campaign even with super tanks they held on forever and the terrain was awful not to mention they had like 600 facotories and got near max possible cores. Final war was against a unified changling empire. It was a long slow war since 20 years of naval build up meant they had a fuckin retarded sized navy but I sunk it with my torpedo bombers and fleet. Half of all my losses in the war was against the small island changelings in the northwest I lost 500k just landing and must had used 50 nukes stubborn fucks. All the while new mareland kept getting naval invaded. After a few years I finally managed to cross to equus where I made liberal use of nukes though it was uneeded as they lost most of their army doing retarded naval invasions of their own. For some reason luna became leader of Equestria. Fun campaign. I disabled zebrica for lag reasons as even with EaW performance magic I didnt want to have it make the game even a bit slower.
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I probbably used 200ish nukes in the war and the river fed even dropped like 5 as well. No changling nukes since I had air superiority. Not long after pic I just battle ordered the continent. I actually set rules for solar empire but they still lost somehow. Changleings are not a strong final boss the nukes were overkill.
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And what I decided to make final borders. I just felt like sharing. Not sure why the changling puppets stayed black they are harmony and mine now but whatever. Only nations I didnt conquer were the island nations and the ex slaves in the south east.
just spam light cruisers haha
stealing them from maregypt is optional
Which focus tree has the biggest "impact" on the world of EaW? As in, directly fucking over other nations or causing them to take a drastically different direction.
Im not fully sure I undersand you. Griffion empire probbably wins since they wanna conquer their coninen and have a slight focus to eventnally deal with new griffionia. If you mean not war I know if Kiria manages to not fuckin implode and stays harmony they get decisions to ask nations in zebrica to join their faction, add legations to make them trade and be friends, and demand anyone with a variety of "bad" acts like causing world tension and owning non cores to disarm or go to war. Hippogriffia can kinda do something kinda similar on some paths. New mareland can suck off other nations for help if equestria loses and they stayed loyal. Kasa free state gets immigration based on how many evil nations are in the world.
Good job! The Republic can be a bit hard at first, but pretty easy once your experienced with them. Did Chiropterra conquer Zebrica?
Nah I turned them off since unless im playing their its a waste of CPU and most of the continent doesnt have much content yet. Given I did 23 in game years and it still was 11 hours of play I think I made the right call.
Probably either the Katzenartig Imperium from the latest april fools, since they have the entire rest of the world unite against them. Or for a more serious answer, the Star Father since he wants to make griffons and other birdlike races extinct and he has a gargantuan amount of violent content to try and accomplish this goal.
Still impressive. Reminds me of that time I did a WC as Lunar New Mareland.
I love Haukland's story, Meyer is just such a good and fun character with clear motivations and the epilogue event is so bittersweet.
As for cons, they also can't get to modern society, they're stuck at Industrializing.
Most of the things in this post are just wrong, but two stand out to me in particular
>but when he left the team to take a break from the endless arguing, he was told he cant come back because hes ”toxic”
>the offtopic shitposting discusion channel is more active than all other channels combined
These are just objectively false. Why lie? What is there to gain? What's the endgame of making shit up?
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They were obviously jealous.
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>Check it out: Blackrock's Bandits will allow you to finally bring The Good Ending to Griffonkind
Scroup is Vladimir Putin.
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I knew it!
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>Nothing to see here, just a lil polish to New Mareland's 'Equestria in Exile' Path
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So what changed? It looks almost the same
I see a few new focuses. Divert production (industry?), break out the antiques (guns?), call on diasproa (copied from ELF?)
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>Bloodthirsty Megalomaniac
>Bloodthirsty Megalomaniac
>Bloodthirsty Megalomaniac

>Holy shit, I'm in the County of Blackhollow.

>New leader portraits for the Blackrock's Bandits rework, featuring flags for their formables. Coming soon to a miserable wartorn hellscape near you.
Board is fast today.
>its all fake news OBJECTIVELY!!!!
>whats the endgame of making shit up?
whats the point of your damage control? i cant prove jack shit without ”leaking” things and you cant disprove me either. literally no point in trying to argue about this unless either of us posts actual ”objective” fucking proof. i can say the world is round and you can say its objectively flat and that im lying all you want.

How about instead of doing damage control on 4chan, you do damage control inside the dev team itself? oh wait youre not an actual dev so you dont know what youre even talking about nevermind
this is real and straight
>STG is run by belarus communist teens larping
>EQS is run by an american troon and a russian
>Yaks are being updated by an autistic spic
>The autistic behind PAX/KIR is in charge of CRY
>baron was a gook
>Most of the original devs are gone
>the only good devs are all furshit ones in Ziggerland
>the Pax/Kirin dev is behind the Crystal Empire rework
For fucks sake
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>troon and a russian
Celestia pic.
Who decided it was a good idea to make the kirins a giant population?
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>>The autistic behind PAX/KIR is in charge of CRY
It's fucking over Sombrabros
because the mod needed a china copy and kirin are from chink mythology so
But for Chinese it's qilin. Kirin are Korean/Japanese.
>its not ching chong its chang ching
implying the devs care or bother to do research lole
Yea, that is my point? It is such a worthless addition. Exile government in New Mareland sounds like such a cool concept. And even now that Equestrian rework is underway, they still do nothing with it.
>Exile government in New Mareland sounds like such a cool concept.
It gives Equestria a proper presence without ELF even after its defeat. Plus it makes sense. Why wouldn't the Equestrian leadership try to escape to New Mareland?
The fact that the school of friendship exists in the world of EaW is so fucking hilarious given how it was presented in the show.
Equestria invited the children of the political elites of every other nation in the world to study there and embrace their superior way of life.
And then the "oh so perfect" Equestria implodes in a bloody civil war. Or Daybreaker takes over and does 180 on every harmonic policy. OR Equestrians are used as cattle by the changelings.
Shit like this happening should be a global event given how many times characters on harmonic paths reference Equestria as the model nation. Like, -10% harmonic support worldwide. Plus stab hit on foreign harmonic nations. Would make the world feel a bit more alive for sure.
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They will never give Equestria the significance it should reasonably have.
I realized that I've started to dread seeing that something has been posted in the teaser channel.
Today is 24th of June, and Yetis, Zarhay and Hyenas were supposed to come out for Christmas. So it has been exactly half a year delay now. And neither it will be as good as the Bears, I am sure.
I guess I'll have to do it myself, I have zero modding knowledge, barely know how to read and struggle to find the power button on my PC, I got this.
Any updates on that?
Yes, trying to figure out how flags work and remembering which nations are friendly to Equestria so I can slap the event idea on them to not like it's conqueror, but beyond that, too dumb for anything more complex.
Aren't they releasing more nations at once?
No idea, haven't heard anything about it. The last thing I remember is the dev diary for these.
And it is still hilarious to me that the dev diary didn't even mention anything about Ugabi, despite it being one of the first Zebrican nations to be worked on all the way back.
Pretty sure there was a vote about it.
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Nice uniform.
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>Because playing as Equestria in Exile [New Mareland] and liberating the home of Harmony from Bugs can be a little stale, have a few more additions. As a treat.
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>get 19k pop and three generals
>353 guns
lmao even
>finally gets to become Equestria if you actually beat buggers
Finally, no idea why that wasn't added a long time ago. Hopefully, you get some unique post-war focuses to reorganize Equestria based on New Mareland model and culture, considering how very different it is from Equestria that would be cool.
After checking all the Yeti teasers, I expect nothing but disappointment
I only have meagre hopes for them because I heard they are supposed to have some airship fuckery. And I want to play an airships nation.
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>Oh and the Loyalist Tree is no longer lopsided. Enjoy
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The exile path should give building slots if not more factories on the shitty states like the cross islands and the ones around New Manehattan. Building the equipment for a naval invasion take a long ass time.

Its either that or give Puerto Caballo and the rubber islands south of the Dragons to EQC

If only she showed up before Equestria capitulated. Equestria is in dire need of more good field marshals
Starlight shows up when Stalliongrad declares war on Equestria. At least, she's supposed to. But for Fillydelphia I think it should've been Sunset, Starlight already is the pivotal role for the ELF. Actually you knot what, Sunset should've been the primary character for the ELF, then I could accept Starlight for Fillydelphia.
ELF is based on a story arc in the show so Starlight makes sense for them. Sunset for Fillydelphia would be kino since we'll have two Starlight nations.

Gameplay-wise though, I wish Starlight started as a lower level so I could grind her stats optimally. She spawns at lvl 4 while Luna gets lvl 2
Weird, those are the breakaway states that spawn when Equestria has it's civil war. I don't think they spawn when the changelings win.
My bad Luna does spawn at lvl 4 same as Starlight
They're civil war tag characters so their character files are stored under the civil war tags. Moving them for an event shows up like that.
Does no one on this board actually know how modding works
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Her cheek is weird.
There you go anons, someone popular finally tried out EAW
Disregard my post, my stupid ass somehow missed that it says the characters join New Mareland and not the countries themselves
I hate Starlight Glimmer.
Bo obviously knows all about EAW
Fillydelphia was originally going to have Sunset Shimmer be the main character instead of Starlight when Baron was in charge of the project, but they changed that when a different dev took over development (Baron was originally making a submod of it because he thought the team wouldn't like his ideas for it)
Sucks because he felt like the only dev who actually cared about Sunset (even if it was only from unironically liking EQG) so I don't think she'll get any attention anytime soon
>ELF is based on a story arc in the show so Starlight makes sense for them.
Not when they've completely changed her character and all the events surrounding her. Also them still making Trixie her fucking lap dog on top of that.
To be fair EQG movies do have some genuinly interesting magical concepts that I would like to see in the mod too. And Sunset is most deffinetelly the best character in the movies.
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i wonder if there were any special events planned in case the sirens and sunset would cross paths in Equestria. would make for a fun interaction
She better pay with ass.
Is this free gift a fren?
>our queen is a whore (and that's a good thing)
How do changelings live with themselves?
Imagine listening to Chrysalis trying to give some epic speech against Equestria while you remember that she's already been fucked by them and sucked their cocks.
Imagine fighting a war just so that your queen can go suck even more dicks.
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Couldn't be me.
>equestrian bombers dropping photos of chrysalis getting her guts rearranged by shining
It would make a lot more sense if changelings were actually insect-like and almost entirely female. Then they'd all be like "hell yeah I wanna be like her!" Though that would make it feel very porn plot-esque.
>oh no, this race of female shapeshifters is invading us to steal our love, how terrible!
That would just make changelings fight ecen harder. Reinvigorating the morale.
>almost entirely female
>that would make it feel very porn plot-esque
make changelings 100% female. and also the hive would have to steal away males from other races to lock them in breeding harems. then you've got yourself a proper porn plot.
For some reason, it feels like the "meme" paths or april fools paths feel less forced than the ones intended to be "canon". It's especially evident in Kiria, Colthage and Chiropterra. Tryhard plotwriting with essay-sized events and endless exposition are barely even discussed here or on other platforms, mostly being forgotten in a few days after release, while funny shit like the Grey Pact, the Ascendancy or Posada carry EAW's relevance for ages.
It's almost like meme paths are the only outlet for creativity in EAW's writing team. Maybe it's in part because "canon" content is purposefully made to resemble TNO. (see Kiria or pax chrysalica for example)
I really hope that the guy doing Crystal Empire won't fuck up Sombra. It's one of the most replayable paths in the mod.
It's because the "regular" stuff is honestly just complete dogshit on every narrative level. The only fundamental difference between "meme" paths and "regular" paths is plausibility, but when the regular paths even fail at that then they lose any advantage they had. The meme paths are at least able to be more fun because they know they're off the wall and not plausible and they just roll with it. The regular paths don't have the fun of the meme paths and they don't have the plausibility of a serious story, so they have nothing.
More people need to play Zarantia (not Worm Queen), it's one of the better nations for North Zebrica. Way better than Chiropterra, Posada, or Star Father.
How to get worm queen and why is it good?
Legalize the mass murder of autists now
Gay Pact, Ascendancy and Posada are not meme paths.
They are regular paths.
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calm down regent
I came around playing Zarantia after doing both Chiropterra and Colthage and it was surprisingly good. I think the reason might be that unlike the other nations, it focused almost completely on two bright main characters rather than spreading out on an entire pool of bland ones.
Set Tobuck to honor the deal, don't clean up the corruption, and do a shitload of rituals in the decisions tab and it should trigger.

The fact that the paths are only slightly varied but are primarily influenced by Umalez and her mother's reactions that you can go 'oh yeah that makes sense' regardless of what they do is what cinches it as a top tier narrative to me, unlike say, Posada, where Novo has to act like a total dickhead to get that communist support up.
I mean it makes sense. Hippogriffia is a relatively nice place to live and Novo is seemingly a preety good ruler, the only reason it would go communist is if she just started acting like a cunt for no reason.
Hell, even them going fascist makes more sense.
Hippogriffs going communist should just be handled entirelly different. It should have gone all in on interwar french thing.
Which would make sense because Storm King devasted them just as much as Germans fucked the French in Great War.
And it should have been a radical desire to oppose militarization and conscription that gets commie support up. Which also aligns whith irl Posadas, because he was radical anti militarist.
>has to act like a total dickhead to get that communist support up.
>only reason it would go communist is if she just started acting like a cunt for no reason.
This seems to be a recurring thing.
Kiria has a few fun schizo paths, infiltrator-reich in exile comes to mind.
Which scripted war in EAW is the most difficult?
What counts for that?
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>The nethermost caverns are not for the fathoming of eyes that see, for their marvels are strange and terrific. Cursed is the ground where dead thoughts live new and are oddly bodied and evil the mind that is held by no mortality
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>Okay, here we have the late-game Solar Empire tank design company. I've written the code such that the starting size of the company is one less than that of the largest company the player has to reflect expertise transfer and ensure the player is not severely crippled by switching. The MBT company will have the current Equestrian unique traits as well.
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>Yea, I say verily unto thee, we shall go forth and perform the task laid before us by our Goddess, and none shall stand against us.

>(Context: this teaser is for the "Friendship Lodge path" aka the Solarist path for the Celestial State rework) The reason this unlocks decisions instead of a war goal is because in the event that, say, another country has already defeated Chiropterra (such as Hippogriffia), you will instead be able to send that country a very friendly letter asking them very politely to let you invade Chiropterra.
>This seems to be a recurring thing.
i'm honestly more surprised by the option of randomly attacking the buffaloes. i wonder what kind of chemical reactions need to happen inside of sunbutt's brain in order for her to even consider the option of just going full final solution on some random nearby tribe.
imagine twilight just randomly waking up one morning and the first thing she hears is that her mentor initiated TBD.
EaW takes place in an AU where Celestia is much more incompetent and malicious.
Same, Novo being a bit of a cunt has at least *some* base (her basically flipping off the M6 after their pleading so she can go for a spa treatment). But straight up having Celestia whack the Buffalo is so out of left field.
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>Oh, and if they refuse, it's a mandatory intercontinental war against a major power, likely while your sun mommy is already busy fighting the Changelings. But as long as you have faith, you'll be victorious. That's how it works, right?
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>With a military woefully unprepared for war, and an isolationist population, Equestria can't do much in the way of armed interventions in the early game. However, should others, such as Thorax, start the fight for Harmony in their own nations? S.M.I.L.E. can lead a helping hoof to their new friends.
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>Of course, the Changelings aren't the only area where friends might need some help...
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>[if you don't have LaR DLC, an alternative decision that costs civilian factories for 70ish days will be in play. Don't worry, we're not making any DLC mandatory ]
Solar Empire can already declare war on Chiropterra, this lets the pony Mormons that worship Daybreaker to do so too, likely sooner than Daybreaker will be able to. They might be working on updating the Solar Empire.
Why in the fuck didn't Zecora roll out the everfree forest offensive when it would actually aid the war effort, but only after the war was already lost?
Why doesnt' a ruler as petty as Chrysalis immediately assign Everfree Forest (and now-lost Ponyville) as her brand new nuclear testing site and turn the place into a huge Chernobyl (killing or crippling every rebel in the area) as revenge for one-upping her like this?
>Why in the fuck didn't Zecora roll out the everfree forest offensive when it would actually aid the war effort, but only after the war was already lost?
Because they needed to have their epic canon tie in reference.
Yeah but while the war in Equestria is ongoing?
ahem... Dread Leauge
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>In space of seven years I succeeded in accomplishing great work and uniting whole continent in one Khanate.

>Kerr is almost complete, so have this teaser of his political tree and some selected focuses!
Yaks might be interesting?
They exist.
Compared to bears this looks kinda boring. I thought it would tap into some Mongol insanity based on their history and mythology. But this is just a generic fasca path.
You know, normally I always shit on there being groups cooperating with the changelings but yaks are stupid enough that it can actually make sense.
> The Nirik Militarchy of Lan Kir. Coming Soon (TM)
>Portraits by @Rari the Glim-Glam Fan
To be fair, the Fickle Current KIR path is pretty fun and has good replayability. (while the others are borderline torturous, as is PAX)
The main reason for this is that Fickle's path doesn't involve much bullshit decision micro taken straight from TNO. In his path it's kept mostly optional.
if this guy will stick to the original CRY paths and gameplay scheme (without cutting the fun shit like randomly marrying nearby rulers), and keeps his precious decision mechanics OPTIONAL, then it might actually be an improvement on what we already have.
As for writing, I think Sombra's characterization is VERY difficult to fuck up. The events he wrote for Chrysalis while one sided to the point there isn't a single non-humiliating depiction of Chrysalis in them, are not all that bad. So let's hope for the best.
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>Sign the decree, my Sufrit. For saving the Colthage from the backwater and leading it to prosperity.
>Colthagian Federal Republic
Monzano for sure

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