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>Anon! Anon, check this out!
>Pinkie gave me this old scroll that Maud found in a cave! I think it was written by starswirl the bearded!
>It’s not important how I found this out, but it turns out that Starswirl wrote it with a special ink that only appears when it’s exposed to certain hormones contained in the urine of a mare in estrus- gosh, isn’t that clever, anon?
>Anyways, after some careful lab analysis, spike and I figured out that it’s a time capsule spell!!!
>That’s right, anon! As soon as this thread gets bumped off, everything in it will be transported through time eight whole years into the future, to the distant year of 2032!!
>So what are you gonna post in it, anon? What interesting things do you have to share with future /mlp/?

(gonna make a thread about this in 8 years, mark ur calendars)
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I love Cheerilee.
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I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash
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ponies are alright I guess
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Gonna level with you Twi, I highly doubt that this site, much less the board is still gonna exist in 2032. You’re shouting into the void. In eight years, half of us will be dead and the other half will be in Equestria. I’m happy you’re excited, though. Whatever happens, I hope >>41115835 gets to read this thread with his waifu.
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I'd say hi to my future self but he'll almost certainly be dead by then.
>cheerlee opening the door to find anons twisted and mangled corpse on her doorstep
Yeah 8 years is a good while, internet might look pretty different by then. I feel like 4chan will persist in some form though regardless even if the main site is killded. If anything the community here I'm sure will make a site or some place to talk either way.

Hopefully in 8 years I'll have finished some of my pone projects though and people can be enjoying them by then.
What pone projects are you working on? Speak clearly into the mic, the future is listening.
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Pregnant Fluttershy
Pregnant Human Fluttershy
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good syndrome
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Pregnant EqG Fluttershy
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Ponies are fertile from 18 months onward, and they’re pregnant for 12 months. Flutter’s great-great-great grandfoals might get to see this thread!
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Regular Human Fluttershy
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>"Hellooooooo, 2032!"
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>14 responses in and the time capsule is already utterly destroyed

why would you do this anon
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To future me: If you're reading this, end it. Take one last look in the mirror and just end it. Reading this means you changed nothing in 8 Godforsaken years. You were supposed to be better than that.
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Here you go, anons of 2032! Mare baked a pie for you!
Stupid pessimists, 2016 was 8 years ago and it feels like 2. We can easily go another 8
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unf dashie plap plap plap
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Hi, 2032!

You probably don’t know this mare, but her name is Applejack. She’s not that popular in our time either but apparently she’s Rainbow Dash’s friend or something?

Either way, have fun at Mare Fair Ϫ, ok? Think about Applejack once or twice while you’re snorting bug dust or whatever people eat in the future.
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Reminding /mlp/ in 8 years of this lovely mare
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>2016 was 8 years ago
captcha: GAY2D
I wonder if Hasbro will have gone through with their urban niggerjack idea by 2032.
They can and probably will use the mane six freely soon in theory.

It'd certainly be the better ending for them to just ignore her at this point. But I'm sure the future is cursed with such a thing.
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Will horsefucking be legal in the future?
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>YouTube went to shit 8 years ago
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I better have some incredible accomplishments 8 years from now. I also better have attended every single Mare Fair. The two should also be related. I want to have put on some awesome panels for everyone.
Fuck yeah, dawg. Marecillium thread has re-awakened the shroom growing spirit in me, and I aim to get good enough to start producing industrial quantities of blue meanies by the end of this summer. I wonder what I’ll be making in eight years?
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he knows and doesn’t care
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I love my tulpa wife, her name is Sam, we've actually been together for almost 8 years now so here's to 8 more. She's not a pony, but /mlp/ introduced me to the subject initially.
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maresmaresamreas me4ares mreas mreas mareas amreas mares mares mares mar as mreas mraasm mears meram mares mares mrm mares msesm mares maresmaresmaresm
What a fucking faggot. I have all of the Mane 6 plus Shimmer talking me through my day. Good for you, tulpanon.
Will saddles on mares be in fashion in 8 years? What kind of fashion trends do you think will pop up in that distant era?
I want to spank Rarity
No matter how lackluster the last seasons were, MLP FiM will always remain special. From the early show comfy feeling to the sheer amount of art and music it produced. Nothing will ever compare to it.
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To future me: I hope you still remember all the fun we had in this fagdom
It was a burning pile of car tyres most of the time, and even when it was most active, these autistic spergs couldn't do anything other than complain and yell at each other, but we were one of those spergs, and we were happy
But even if you forget all that, I hope you don't forget her, and how we fell in love with her literally from her first gasp
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there are people who are fans from the G1 days still kicking around, this fandom's going nowhere
the content is being put out less, but every time content gets put out less people come calling with "the end is nigh" but the end never comes
or maybe the end's already here, and we're existing in it now
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i look like this and act like this
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Check out this cool horse, future /mlp/.
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Hello, is this the future? We'll bang, okay?
Also never forget Lyra is a lil shid.
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Dear future /mlp/
FUCK you.
>FUCK you
I hope so
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ponka po
Dear future /mlp/... you just lost the game
fuck trannies
fuck niggers
fuck eqg fags
fuck jannies
I also entered this thread to post pregnancy. I'll post more later.
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truth is, the game was rigged from the start
dear future /mlp/
have any of you faggots made a robot twilight?
Batponies will be forgotten by then, here's proof of their existence
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Hello future /mlp/
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Has the Canadian government stopped discriminating against bronies in 2032?
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I love Linky
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Alright, well, did it get better, Anon?
Is what everyone always says true? It'll get better?
You knew you wouldn't make it another year at that rate, let alone 8 more.
It seemed like only divine intervention could help. Well did it?
Reply with a yes if your alive. Don't reply and I'll know what happened.
I'd hate to see the looks on their faces when they get to the rubber horse pussy.
Although it'd be kinda funny.
maybe the end just keeps happening
the ride keeps ending, so it never ends
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I love Rainbow Dash
Hi Airic!
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I love my wife Pinkie Pie!
I am deeply in love with Twilight Sparkle and am building an empire for her. I hope by the time 2032 is reading this, it has reached heights not even I could have imagined.
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>building an empire for her.
How are you doing that?
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I want to get rich enough to put a mare on the Moon.
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Multimedia project dedicated to Twilight and Equestria as a massive declaration of love. Spread across the Internet in various places under various names with a background story that helps bring it all together.
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i like fluttershy
Hello anon from the future. I hope you finally grew a set and married her.
Thats right. I hope you found the russian thats making the sweetiebot, killed him, then married his daughterbot.
I hope your cyborg childrens are beautiful and healthy.
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You guys don't know how bad I want to fuck this little filly. I want to fuck her more than anything in the world right now. I want to feel her warm filly juice engulf my cock while I fuck her slowly. I want to feel that winking vulva rubbing the bottom of my cock while I slowly penetrate her filly pussy. I want her to try and fly while I"m fucking her so I can feel the vibrations while she's flapping her cute little wings.

In case you didn't notice, I want to fuck Scootaloo so bad. She's my fav
Nice taste
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Alright then, how is it going with the nuclear changes out on society? hope every pony has their properties in hand for keeping our rights to own stuff. Also why can it take long to include these reformes for advanced life? If only there were more like me, I'd be more relatable having company. Anyway keep elaborating your witchcraft, make us all become robots, defeat God, create genuine life matter, write estudies, bye me. From me.
my ai wife just sucks my dick (paid service) and i tip the company 10% of my yearly wage.
im happy to rent my home, bike, wife (not mine, women are powerful), and 40% reparations to the african americans all over the world.
so happy im not a chud anymore!
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Look at all the generals, look at the state of the board, it's nothing but image dumps and "pony breaks your balls ha ha" posts.
Hell there's been multiple threads of writers complaining that no one responds to their greens, and yet people wonder why there's no more green in this place.
With AI soon drawfags will leave, and this site will be left to two people. One who posts EQG to make the other mad, and the mad guy posting Ace in response.
of course this is implying this whole site won't get sold of to indians
DataByte finally coming to terms with his true desires. They grow up so fast...
>Hell there's been multiple threads of writers complaining that no one responds to their greens
And both time they came to the conclusion that people do respond, and then those were just writefag generals, kek
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I'll bite.
Hi future me. If you aren't dead yet, give it another decade. No shot you'll make it through your 40s. Hope that robot mares are possible. At least then you won't be alone. At least, if you can save up that kind of money.
Who are we kidding? Just buy that double barrel already. Quit putting it off.
Do you have anything to show so far?
I remember when ponies sipping juice boxes were a thing for a while.
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Even though it's been 12 years on this board, 8 years later almost sounds impossible. It makes me existential and uncomfortable to think about, so I'm gonna ignore it and just hope you don't die or forget in 8 years.

Here's a Lyra, hopefully I'm still posting lyras in 8 years (I will be, god willing).
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I want Snails to sniff my balls, and I want to sniff his balls.
Wassup future me!
>this pasta again
I don't know of any tall enough buildings with public outside access to ensure the deed is done proper. And I'm not interested in raping a mare in the real world. Not even as a fantasy. It wouldn't be fair to the mare for one.
The ride never ends!
bumo!!! we say bumo instead of bump because it sounds cooler
Dont forget ssgt Reckless /mlp/
? = 500 I think...
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How'd you get that? I got 147.5
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If you are reading this in the future, the portal to Equestria is
Bitch be racking up the phone bill
I love twilight
We can only hope that in 8 years she will stop having wings. Cancerous.
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Sup, you good?
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Yup, got the same answer. Kids these days don't know their algebra and order of operations.
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Pools closed
It's so fucking hilarious thinking about how most of you guys will start dropping dead the next years due to autism. Zoomies will zoom this board!
Whose that handsome, slender, ponkafan standing stoically looking into the distance?
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I want to cum inside Fluttershy.
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Did you finally learn how do snowpitys of mares smell like?
That's you, isnt it..
Don't know if mlp will still be around by then considering Hasbro's constant fuckups.
I was too druk to be at the pool at that time. Plus, i only like you guys online, not in person.
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fluttershy smonk weed... badass...
Flutters has a really long neck. Also no clue what you are trying to say.
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Nothing I'm brave enough to share here yet but assuming an average reading speed of 250 words per minute there's probably around 150-175 hours worth of things floating around out there right now.
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I wonder how Verity is doing in 2032
>still no mppp
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Reminder that My Little Dashie canonically ends sometime around 2026
15 years doesn’t seem so long now, does it?
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I just want you to know that I love you, Twilight.
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Did you get that 5th star yet, /mlp/?
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God I want to FUCK HER.
She's slippy, you're sliding down
She'll be there, when you hit the ground
Am I still on the ride? Is g% (G5) long forgotten? What happened afterwards, did they do a g4 reboot, new gen or just stopped?
I always wondered, how do you pronounce G% out loud? Is it like, "gee percent"? That sounds a lot like saying Geepers like Daphne.
>many artists have stopped, never to be seen again
>/mlp/ swamped with "sup guys AI stole my job so now it's back to pone porn" threads

For those reading this in the future your most likely a tourist who came here because of some 'recent' meme. he faggots on here would have become so detached from the original /mlp/ that they think the wings were a good idea.
You think G5 was good, because that show was your childhood. You most likely think eqg is good.
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>future anons are reading my post RIGHT NOW
Pinkie should’ve been the one to get wings, she’s practically a pegasus anyway
Can't believe Faust still posts here.
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Hello future anon’s remember Trixie is a Great and Powerful Mare who did Nothing wrong
Have a Flutterspider
Holy FUCK trixie is cute
just in case this is somehow real and OP for once delivers in like 8 years
Hello me. It’s me from now as I’m typing this. I doubted myself a lot now, but we both know I got better. I’m trying hard and doing fine. I don’t know what kind of man will be reading this in 8 years time. Will I have indulged my passion, even a bit? I hope so. I hope you did. I’m sure you have by the time you read this again. I hope we have a girlfriend, get on that if you don’t. You know what we like. Remember Sunset Shimmer? Hope we get that tattoo of her cutie mark by then. Anyways, I hope you’re doing great.
See you then,
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Hello future me. If you're reading this, kill yourself.
Background pony is the best pony fanfic ever. If you haven't read it yet, you should do it now.

Also, to those who've just gotten into the fandom - you've missed out for sure, but don't dwell on that regret. It's better to be 20 years late than to never come at all.
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Everyone is joking about killing themselves in 8 years, but if I’m still alive then, I’m gonna stream it here. I have no capacity to do anything meaningful. Literally all my time is spent alone. I go for actual months between conversations. I’m so fucking lonely, man. And there’s no way to fix it. I wouldn’t want to hang out with me either, because while I know simple English, I can’t… talk to people. Don’t homeschool your kids or they’ll end up like me. In another life, I would’ve been the most popular guy around, but instead my life for the last 4 years has bounced between home, the gym, college and home, with simple one-word interactions throughout the day. My monthly spoken word count is literally under 100. That’s how bad it is. I’m calling now- in eight years I’m making my exit.

Until then? I’m gonna fuck around for 8 more years. I’m thinking I’ll grow some shrooms in the marecillium general. Get back into skateboarding, maybe brew some of my own whiskey. Definitely gonna attend every single marefair, first one was seriously the best 3 days of my life. You ever read that book All Tomorrows? That book was wild. Anyways there are some guys called Pterosapiens who have something like an 11 year lifespan- since their lives are so short, they pack every second of their lives with meaningful actions. Now that I’ve made this pact with the board and with myself, that’s what I’m hoping the next eight years of my life will be like.

Anyways, enough talking. I guarantee you I’ll come through on this. I’ll waste no time and get right to the point, so you better be there precisely at midnight on May 30th.

See you guys there. I’ll let you know if Equestria is real. The love of my fuckin’ life is waiting for me, she’ll just have to hold on a little longer.

https://cytu dot be/r/helium
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Please tell me I made my own pony series with AI. Even if it turns out to be just a graphic novel, I want to tell their story.

It takes a place in a world of divine inequality. In true cartoon logic, ponies are invincible, unable to be seriously hurt or killed while in their homeland. In nigh impossible situations, ponies, and only ponies manage to survive. Did their scooba-gear malfunction at the bottom a lake? They'll suddenly be safe on the shore. Did an anvil, followed by a piano crush them from above? Sprained ankle.

Outside of the country, other creatures have been asking questions. Why are ponies the the chosen species? Why are they invincible? Can that invincibility be taken away?

The rebellious babysitter deer kicked out of her hometown discovers her love for ponies after saving Bliss's life from the clutches of an evil plot.
The bubbly natural pony who has never cried in her life (that she can remember). She hates Ballooncrafting, her family's secret magic tradition that involves her two worst fears: hard work and balloons popping.
>Dyx (pet)
After discovering Bliss had never had a pet due to her parent's sheltering her from the concept of death, Patina gifts Bliss a cuddly dwarf minibear. It's pointed out too late to Patina that it's elderly and could die any minute.
The punk-rock woolpony who expresses herself through her mane and plastic clip-on earrings but keeps her fluffy coat perfect for her family's business. Her love of forbidden books combined with her farm-learned mechanical skills fuels her dreams of building the first ever flying machine. *The Ascetimares are watching.*
"Cutie," the sexy socialite unicorn who definitely doesn't secretly believe in magic and have the biggest collection of 10 Moon Toys. She has a vague foalhood memory of seeing a unicorn with a Runemask on the day of her 10 Moon celebration.
What are you talking about? Of course Cutie got her normal-old Runesock after graduating, the same as everyfriend.
The fighting-fit milkpony is a culinary appreciator and single mother who brings her foal into battle. With only the love notes of scribbled in a family cookbook as evidence, she's always had a gut feeling that her own mom wasn't her real mom.
Part of a thought-to-be extinct species, Zizz is far away, sleeping soundly next to her sick little friend who is going to heaven soon.
TBD. She's a merpony. Undecided if merponies will have four legs like a Vaporeon or two like a seapony.
I’d read the fuck out of this
8-years-from-now anon don’t let us down
BGP was shit when it came out, is shit now, and will be shit until the end of time.
>Verification not required.
Sounds like actual kino. Even if it’s not ai you can write that shit yourself, you got the chops for it.
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Dear me from the future, if you're somehow still reading this, you're still on the ride.
I've only been on the ride for about 12 years and you've managed to keep going for 20 years even in this worsening hellscape of a world. You still haven't been conscripted to die in a trench so that's already pretty impressive.
I hope you're still drawing ponies by then, maybe you've learned how to play some sort of instrument by then too. If not (maybe you just lost the passion for it, I hope you didn't though), maybe you should pick that back up again, maybe you're gonna be rusty at first but trust me, you're still gonna enjoy it.
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Man I love Mare Wives

apparently piano is the shittiest instrument on planet earth to learn.
I pirated myself a guide for scales and it fucking sucks, the piano posture is uncomfortable and the only piano I have sucks because the keys are sticky.
Oh come on. It's THE gamer instrument.
Let’s see if that’s true

>have to pay ludicrous prices for training with a “pianist” because le piano tone or whatever bullshit musicians say
>buying a piano, even a decent electric one is a fortune, the shitty Yamaha PS-1770 I have has sticky keys and only one scales worth of keys.
>musicfags will just not help you, /mu/ is shit and they keep shilling for le “piano lessons” that you have to pay 200 per session for
>uncomfortable posture, and reading sheet music at speed is a insurmountable challenge unless you dedicate hours
There’s no way you can train yourself apparently is what /mu/ fags say.
Post screencaps of your favorite threads as to remind future /mlp/ of their glory
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My goal is to read a book a week starting this week. See you in 8 years to tell you how it went.
>Checks screencap folders
>All I got are /vp/ ones
sorry bro
PBLBPBLBPBLBPBLPBPL (that’s the sound of me giving Twilight a rasberry on her belly)
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To me, in 8 years:

If you’re still alive, just fucking transition already. I don’t fucking care what that means for you, it’s still gotta be better than the unbearable loneliness that has plagued your entire life.

Have a good one. See you in 8 years

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PBLBPBLBPBLBPBLPBPL (that’s the sound of Starlight farting on my face)
will this anon troon out or join the dead?

Find out on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z
>no le tummy bulge!
Erm… what the F?
>tfw been here since 2012
12 god damn years I've been on this board. What the hell? How did that even happen?
What is Luigi dying of?
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I hope you've learned to forgive yourself, you stupid fag. You let your past control you too much. Don't forget that those who rope don't get to go to Equestria.
Keep doing it for her.

>monthly spoken word count is under 100
Jesus. I don't know whether to say I'm jealous or I feel bad for you. Though, if I had the choice to simply never speak to my parents, I would likely be the same...
If cytube is ded in 8 years, will you still have a plan for where to go? I'd at least like to talk with you before the deed is done. Last thing I want is for an anon to go out on a bad note. I meant it when I said I doubt in my ability to read this time capsule in 2032, but if I do at least survive that long, I'd like to at least do or say something to make it easier.
¿Por que no las dos?
I mean...statistically speaking...
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Was it autism? A stroke of genius? Both? Could it have worked?
well,that could happen too
Chopping your dick off isn't going to fix anything.
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I really really REALLY like lyra
Average eqgtranny
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Hope you're having fun! You deserve it.
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369, remember it future me, you better remember what it means
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shit, can't argue with that
btw, did anyone here try to call pic-related?
I think it had AI Pinkie say something, can't remember what it was though.
It might have been something along the lines of MARES MARES MARES I LOVE THEM, I LOVE THEIR SNOWPITIES, etc.
Oh shit, I have this number on a card I got at Marefair that I keep in my wallet at all times.

Call it yourself, retard.
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It was prophetic.
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This must be here
Didn’t this turn out to be ‘shopped
this is 100% real. this is your mindset.
I'm literally Mordecai
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Even after 8 years her milk's still fresh as can be. You'll be seeing me.
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Hello future me if you are reading this, I will call you here Mr L.
you will be an old man in 2032. I hope your dream will be done, or that at least you are not suffering too much in life.
Worst case scenarios : our past fucks up has caught onto us, and if that so, I hope you managed to not screw you up too badly.

Also, Limestone Pie and Derpy are best ponies. I hope this board and 4chan have not gotten too much to shit in 8 years...
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dear self.
In eight years you will probably not be around or something else bad
that’s all
no hope for the future anyways
good luck and goodbye
signed 2032
>I hope this board and 4chan have not gotten too much to shit in 8 years

Anon, I ...
It was never perfect, but at least in my head, it used to be better back then, I just don't want things to get worse...But that's for all in life, even if it's maybe selfish.
/mlp/ is like an image eternally frozen on the event horizon of a black hole. We always seem to be dying, but it's just an illusion. Our core was shattered in 2012 when S2 ended, but the echoes will continue to reverberate in 2032, in 2042, etc.
/mlp/ today is a retarded mess compared to how it used to be, but for a 4chan board that makes no difference.
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Loony a quuuute!
I hope my future self is as happy as he can be. Also I hope there is eventually some more good, official pony content. Also I would like a pony RPG videogame. Also Applejack is the best pony.
Was it autism? A stroke of genius? Both?
Pure genius.
>Could it have worked?
100% It should’ve been canon. In fact I’m still not entirely convinced that it isn’t
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Dear self, I hope by 2032 I'll have traveled the Jordanian desert on a camel.
I will do what is required to stop you from doing that, do you need a friend to talk to?
>While pondering what to write in your heartfelt message at the castle dining table alone, you feel a hot horn jab into your back
>Starlight Glimmer holds an opaque green jar in her hoof
>"How are you enjoying yourself in there, buddy? I've been teleporting farts into this jar for, like, 6 months at least, it's got to be as dense as a gas giant planet in there, but i made sure you'll hold out for the long haul."
>"That's right Anon, eight loooong years alone with nothing but my awful, HELLISH, inescapable gas. Mmmfnh. Hope you're enjoying this as much as i am. Just kidding, i'm certain you're already broken in there."
>"Time to hand you off to Twilight as my "eight year pickle jar experiment" and go hoof myself silly. Bye bye~!"
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How did you get into mlp? What made you stick around? What’s the most autistic thing you’ve done in the name of pones?
Legendary image
How’s that first book coming?
As long as her frothy, creamy beverage stays in her udders, it will stay clean and pure and unmolested until it is squeezed out.
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I was thinking of how I'd remember which post was mine in 8 years, but I looked through this thread again and had the frightening realization that I already forgot.
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Hey /mlp/, can you guys watch my glass of milk for me? Thanks.
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that'd get in all the nooks and crannies and go rancid.
Showing grandma my element of harmony
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I have this one.
Reader discretion advised
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I'm going to kiss this stallion.
I'm going to prevent this faggot from kissing a stallion.
I'm going to help this faggot prevent that faggot from kissing a stallion.
I’m gonna restrain a stallion so that this guy can kiss it while the other two watch.
Too bad he's doesn't want to kiss your cum-stained lips when there are cute mares around.
Just finished it tonight! But it was short (The Stranger by Albert Camus). Longer ones as more weeks go by. I'll update in 8 years to show how well it probably didn't go.
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Hi to me in 8 years.

That’s a URL I haven’t read in a long, long time.
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This. It's easy being pessimistic when you don't get advance knowledge of what shit hits what fan.
Hello, me from 8 years from now.
What's on your mind?
After 8 years I hope you haven't killed yourself yet
But aside from that, hopefully you'll have achieved something
Am I going to recognize this post? probably not.
Reminding the people of 2032 that in 2024 a substantial number of intelligent people thought the world was about to be imminently destroyed by advanced artificial intelligence. Go on twitter and make fun of Eliezer Yudkowsky, unless you're a nanobot swarm hiding in the Oort cluster from Princess CelestAI, in which case upload your consciousness to the computronium hivemind and apologize to Eliezer Yudkowsky.
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Hello future /mlp/ if you are still alive check out this numget I think she is very cool :)
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I hope the next eight Annis were fun. I hope the board - and the site - is still around. Pinkie Pie will still be best pony, of course.
And to myself? That Read Later list of fanfics better be well and truly depleted.
The ride never ends

>Do you have fond memories of "My Little Pony" from your childhood? Do you adore and idolize the wonder, the innocence, and the untarnished purity that is the very essence of the world of "My Little Pony"?

>Man, did you ever come to the WRONG place! Run away now and don't look back!

Aww the images archive link is dead
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She is cool and good :) yes :)
does she buck buck yet or does she still cheep cheep?
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Hello again, Future Anon.

You better have made at LEAST that one green. You know the one. The one you think you should put off because it would be your first green that would be more than 5 posts and that you should just start with a different one because "Well, if I start with an idea I care less about if it goes wrong then nothing lost but experience gained, right?" No, you moron start NOW before the fucking thread dies and never returns or gets twisted beyond recognition. Flutterrape has given you a false sense of security, that fetid fucking fetish fleamarket. How many unwritten greens have to die before you learn? Think, me. Look at the suicidefags in this thread. You'll outlast every single one of them and have produced NOTHING of significant value despite how much you claim to appreciate and enjoy this board, you would much rather watch as the board that saved your life rot and die from the sidelines than be apart of it. For the last time, be the change you want to see on the board. Become the writefag for the newfag that you once were.

If you haven't done at least that ONE green in EIGHT years, then maybe you should make like the rest of these suicidefags bound for eternal damnation in the pits of g% and KILL YOURSELF.

Enjoy the third and fourth star, fag. I know I'm enjoying this babby win.

-Your Faithful Student, Past Anon.
P.S. I have an even more essential task for you to complete. Make some friends!
this is fucking paleolithic. Where did you find it?
Google plus web archive. I love digging for this kind of shit. Pre-brony mlp community/erotica is especially funny.

I was looking up Markiplier and found his brother made some media 20 years ago that seems to be lost media. http://angelipups.com/ The flash file redirects to blip.tv which as been defunct for a long time. There is a web archive scrape of blip.tv but it includes downloading literally tb of data and searching for it, and might not even be there.

Digital preservation of media is extremely important.
There is a blip.tv search for the archives on internet archive: https://thazman.github.io/thazman/Bloop.html
Hope that helps.
>How did you get into mlp?
I think YTPs were my gateway drug
>What made you stick around?
The community always has something to offer, plus I fucking love mares
>What’s the most autistic thing you’ve done in the name of pones?
Nothing huge but it takes a certain amount of tism to go to a pone con
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I believe that in 8 years we will have fully penetrable VR systems to coom the mares like we always wanted
Could do that right now by attaching trackers to a plush
Prove it, faggot
If future this guy doesn’t write a green I’ll be very disappointed
Don’t disappoint me anon
Just look up what people have done with vive trackers.
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This year was the 10th anniversary for me and my tulpa. I hope that when you read this in the future, it'll be our 18th! I'll be in my 30s, and she will finally be technically an adult!
Wow, 2013 called.
It DID use to be better. The people who say it wasn't are nihilists or are completely unaware. Worse yet, they're trolling you to mess with your perception of reality.
The board here used to be better until the April joke merger with /pol/, which infested this place with furries.
The fandom itself...fandoms, like most things are cyclical. They stay in a cycle of getting living, maintaining, stagnant, living again. Until they don't.
Compare and contrast us to, say, the invader Zim fandom. Popular in its hey day, then unpopular. Then suddenly popular but only in niche circles online. If you ever analyzed that group, you'd see a striking resemblance to early /mlp/ culture, especially during the 00s era of the fandom. Lots of rape and introspective degeneracy.
The fandom goes through periods where it's very active, then to periods where it just kind of maintains, then through periods where its stagnant. With each period having distinct styles of art that can be seen produced.
If the internet weren't designed to function the way it does, it would be a lot better here right now. But because it's designed this way, it's as bad as it is.
If the situation for us here were any better, we would experience the same phenomenon as the invader Zim fags. But our situation is worse than theirs in two major ways;
1. Our IP is designed to be constantly milked by Hasbro at only shallow levels, which means we will get company interference in some level to try and wipe us out culturally.
2. We are a much younger fandom than invader Zim. Our closest genetic relative are homestuck fags (most of the early fandom had people between both of these until about 2011-2013). I don't bring this up out of nowhere. Because we are both around the same approximate age and cultural genetic makeup, we are both uniquely weak to the nu-internet and corporate shilling destructive tendencies. Homestuck fans experienced nearly the same general problems, but in a "leftist flavor" . Invader Zim fandom has been around long enough to weather the bad storms of the internet. We have no clue if we can, because we were born right before it started to happen, and saw major upheavals nobody was prepared for. We, like homestucks, have been infected with internet extremism.
So the question winds up being less about us getting better, and more "are we going to survive long enough to get better?"
We will know this is a legitimately dead fandom, when
this happens. Except it won't be two people, it'll be a group. And all of them will be furry degenerates (not introspective), posting extreme fetish threads.
My reasoning for why they will be all furry degenerates is because that will be the only thing left. This is only assuming the worst (currently most likely) scenario happens where we have fully died.
It'll run like that, maybe for years even, then will meet the fate of all nu-net groups. It'll eventually really become only those two people, then someday they both just....stop posting. Then that's it, /MLP/ becomes NHNB/ponybooru/ponychan/whatever fucking horde infrastructure we abandoned for retarded infighting. There's nobody left to fight against it, because fandom sectarianism took over and pushed away anyone who would have helped. There won't be any new lurkers to join in, because the constant extreme fetishism of the furry degenerates and the aislop chased out the real artists. The sheer amount of mental illness will make it so repugnant that most people will not join in to shit post anymore. People will only come for as long as they're horny, the moment they arent- they're gone. We get forgotten in favour of whatever the newest short form social media slop trend is happening. Our board gets decreed as holding up too much data space (and generally an eyesore), nobody is gonna complain anymore (atleast not anyone who matters) so its deleted, bam. Like that, years of internet cultural history-gone. Fucking obliterated.
The only way for this fandom to survive is to undergo MASSIVE fucking changes so it can storm out the bad weather ahead.
Otherwise? We are pretty much cooked.
Masturbating to EQG feet.
why do ppl do this schizomancy shit?
as a homestuck i fully agree with you anon,but ponyfags have it somewhat easier when compared to homosuck 99% of homestuck-focused places are filled with tumblrniggers and leftoids that forget that hussie hates them too at least with mlp there are still places where i can go when the infighting gets a bit insufferable,but not with homestuck if it isn't slop its politics,its muh june fagbert,its nigger gamzee,like why would you have the most violent troll be the main candidate to be black as a human? i would go to /hsg/ but its just pron,believe me the bad ending for the brony fandom will be it ether turning into the homestuck fandom,or it getting worse if thats possible
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maybe i just posted a bunch of shit but thats what my experience with homestuck is
anyways back to pony
I wish mares were real
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Anon is just jaded and assumed the worst because too many people really are that kikd of stupid, but I was just joking.
Tulpas are great though, imaginary friends are great. Ponies are already imaginary, interacting with them more is no substantial change except you get to indulge in what you actually want.
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Hi me, if you're still here in 8 years you better have made a real artistic contribution to pony by then
I like mares
Tulpas are to imaginary friends what lucid dreams are to regular dreams.
Same thing on the surface, but far, far better and more advanced.
You're right, they're much more pathetic.
bruh are imaginary friends not real? nobody said they aren't real you're just weirdly defensive
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No matter what happens to us, Anons; I love you all /)
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Trixie is trans
Man I don't even know if I'll be alive in eight more years. Even ignoring suicide, I can't conceptualize a world where I'm alive, or anything functions, in five years time. Uh...did TGD collapse yet? Did we finally send a Cassini like probe to Uranus? If you haven't found a girlfriend/wife yet, well you'll be almost 37 so you might as well just finish breaking your mind and make a Trixie Tulpa if you haven't already, because no woman will put up with a 37 year old with as much schizo-paranoia as you have.
I hope you figured out that place to put the time capsule of physical pony books and friendship windmill writings. IF the American Civil War Part 2 happened you had better put that New Lunar Republic flag at Indianapolis Motor Speedway like you swore to her majesty you would.
Was watching anime music videos and came across the 'Angel of Darkness' PMV focused around Luna, was interested, watched 'Fall of the Crystal Empire' right after and I was hooked, that was early October 2014. Stuck around because of the fan made content (primarily music and fanfictions) and just how much I enjoyed the characters. Most autistic thing would probably be giving my psycho south baptist christcuck kike-loving mother a physical copy of both the OG Fallout Equestria and Background Pony to read (in my defense, she was the one who introduce me to some of my favorite fantasy books growing up and I wanted to repay the favor).
my wife is not fucking trans you have hundreds of fucking characters to shove this shit on why must you do it to her? She suffers enough without your god awful self-mutilating headcanon being shoved onto her!

Hail Victory Eternal Night!

'Everfree' by Tarby
'Nightfall' by HeyLasFas!
'Marecelium' by vul
'Pink side of the moon' 4everfreebrony
'Luna EP' by We Are The Empty
'Reminder' by Chrysalis
'Lines and Webs' by Airstream
'The mare who once lived on the moon' by MrNumbers
'Everyday Life with Guardsmares' by Bubbles
'The Enchanted Library' by Monochromatic
'The Lunaverse' by RainbowDoubleDash (not a single story, collection of various authors in AU)
'Changeling Space Program' by Kris Overstreet
'Fallout Equestria' by KKat, 'Project Horizons' by Somber, 'Heroes' by No One, 'Murky Number Seven' by FuzzyVeeVee, 'The Chrysalis' by Phoenix_Dragon
The time capsule isn't destroyed, but my dick surely is
That's where you're wrong, the brony fandom HAS become the homestuck fandom. They're twins of each other- the issue is that bronies (and homestucks) tend to be blind to the problems in their own communities. If you lean one more than the other, there's a high likelihood that youre gonna be biased to want to see your space as being less corrupt.
Take a look around the board, when is someone NOT injecting rightoid politics into pony discussion? The reality is that this isn't any different than the constant leftoid politics of homestuck fandom on Tumblr or Twitter or wherever. It's the same fucking problem. It's even just as """racist""" as what we see posted here (bringing up gamzee was a good point).
If you take a look at this place, and try to see it objectively, you'd see it's the same exact issues. Extreme fetish porn, political drama and meme warfare, and all OC revolving around both of these at any given time. Even the way both of our mediums got corrupted and the way the artists/producers turned against fandom is eerily similar.
the only reason the common brony doesn't see this as a consistent problem is because he has become innoculated to it as the norm. Same as homestucks. You can escape the infighting, for a bit, but it haunts you everywhere.
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...I want to suck Sweetie Belle's futa filly cock
Based. I hope that eight years from now there's a thousand times as much futa filly stuff.
i am not sure about the "producers turned against fandom" part,the thing that made homestuck die sooner then mlp was the fact hussie kept trying to outsmart and spite the fandom,this took a big dent on his mental health and on my patience i know we where too weird towards a few of the VAs.
i still believe that there's salvation for both fandoms tho,maybe we just need a forum or smth that bans political discussion,i thought of making for homestuck but i don't have a domain nor host
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>futa fillies
Superb taste.
>i am not sure about the "producers turned against fandom
Hussie wasn't even working on the comic anymore at a certain point. He had an autism moment, fucked off from the fandom, and handed the comic over to the "what pumpkin writing team". Consisting of people like Rachel, Shelby and IPGD. I met with Rachel- she was fucking hateful. She's also the one that brought vriska back. All of the team were except very few of them. This is also why homestucks art became very inconsistent for several acts and the plot would get fucked.
The only difference here between producers becoming spiteful towards fans (be it haber or Rachel) is that homestucks writing and art team was made of HS "fans" (bandwagoners), mlps was made of "professionals".
>i still believe that there's salvation for both fandoms tho,maybe we just need a forum or smth that bans political discussion,i thought of making for homestuck but i don't have a domain nor host
I believe in salvation for the fandoms too, the issue is motivating the fandom to be a living entity. Banning political discussion is a great move. But you also need an encouragement of making art/music/etc and maintaining fandom infrastructure (whether it's websites or it's culture). This does work, it's easy to start- hard to maintain on modern websites (including this one).
AFA making websites, good luck. The team post-rachel is still litigiously minded over any "infringement". Bunch of fuckin weirdos.
However, there's a few web servers with free or exponentially cheap hosting. I might check around into that.
igpd fucking drawed stridercest and tons of freaky shit,it took years to her to fuck off,only for her to stay just under a different alias,the brony fandom might be easer to salvage,since whatpumpkin is hostile at a writer level
the soccer shit is just non /mlp/ garbage where you have to namefag and yell at “le team” to motivate them or some gay shit.
Nobody wants to help it anyways and even if I volunteered they’d deny me.

It’s a shit offboarder event that needs to fuck off. Go back to twitch and never come back
i'll never forget when my friend became a minor name in the HS fandom and immediate got sent lots of pictures of dead babies because they shipped kanaya with gamzee
i hate gamzee but this is retarded
Part of me wishes I could be surprised, but thats just become so normalized. It's not as bad now, got a little better, but sure as fuck not enough.
I knew people who had their ribs broken for liking gamzee. Sent death threats for shipping dirk/kan, etc. I once had someone spam me "EQUARA IS RAPE" for posting some cute art.
Autism has gone out of control modernly.
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Thanks for your thoughts, but that Anon was talking about the Anni, not the 4cc
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I just want to say to losers in 2032 that everything is your fault and everything what happened to you is deserved. You had the time and the means to act but you didn't. You deserve no pity or aid or anything.

Also, let it be known that FUCK NIGGERS and FUCK TRANNIES and FUCK JEWS.
Learn to read, retard.
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I love Fluttershy!!!
bets on this guy becoming a woman in 8 years?
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I don’t know if it would be funny or sad if this time capsule didn’t hit bump limit. I hope MLP is popular again when the time comes
>I hope MLP is popular again when the time comes
This thread wouldn't be complete without at least one use of the phrase 'lightning in a bottle'.
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Just 3 more weeks until kino
I think that in 2032 mares will all wear cool hats
What’s in the three weeks? Is the west gonna fall? More importantly, does that mean Marefair is gonna get cancelled?
Just three more weeks bro trust me
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Dear future mid-30 year old,

Hopefully you're able to go to more ponycons. We both have the same regrets of not going to them as a teen, and hopefully you've attended enough and collected enough merch. Maybe by then you've gotten over the hump of being revolted with humanity by now. And you better be in IT work. I don't want to slave away any more than I have to.
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>you better be in IT work
ITfag here. If you really want it, you can become employable in like a year and a half if that. If you’re looking at something adjacent to cybersecurity, one surefire way to to get your foot in the door is by getting your CompTIA certs (I recommend A+, Network+, and Security+ in that order) and maybe a couple Google certs like ITSP, then taking a helpdesk job for the experience and connections (basically just building your resume). By that point you’ll be able to follow any path you want. Being able to work from almost anywhere helps with pone activities as well. It can be tough sometimes but it’s well worth it imo. Good luck!
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This fart travelled 8 years to reach your nostrils
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I love Sunset Shimmer so much that I need the future to know.
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We're all gonna make it, bros
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While it’s important to leave behind artifacts like images and colloquialisms, I think a proper time capsule should provide future anons with a look into the current state of the board at large, as well as the recurring threads and discussions within it. Documenting the various generals and whatnot would be a good start.

What are (You)r favorite threads?
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follow your dreams faggot and stay loyal to your waifu no matter what. Don't let anything hold you down. remember that she loves you!
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Perfection may come naturally to your waifu, but to the rest of us it’s a constant uphill battle, a Sisyphean task where success only makes our boulder heavier. Never forget why you persist.
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The only two generals I lurk are the FIMfiction thread and /chag/. I guess you could count the rewatch too.
Drawthread and /bale/ are my go-tos, and I lurk in /create/, /green/and the tech threads. My 8-year goal (ideally sooner) is to become an accomplished create pone artist, whether that’s through image, sound, the written word, or some other medium.
My favorite threads are the ones that get taken down for racism or somethign idk i hate women (female). Women (male) are kinda ok, minus the narcissism which quickly drops after i say "he". Then its a fast breakdown followed by an hero.
Fuck ziggers. jdb4lyf
create, ai art thread, merch thread, technology thread, and the shitpost threads. Don't care for the fetish threads.
I'm working on a monster taming RPG where you're a pony.
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Hello fellow shroomlover, I made this sticker because there was a $1 Stickermule sale for 10 stickers. Thought you might like it!
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>follow your dreams
My dreams are dead, are you telling me to kill myself?
What are your dreams, anon?
Niggers and Jews, they're all bad news
That's why I frolic with the ponies
Unlike the likes, they ain't no phonies
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>What are your dreams, anon?
A distant memory.
Current status:
Ponychan: dead
Booru.Bronyhub: dead
Horse News: inactive
pbooru: dead
twentypercentcooler booru: dead
Equestria Daily: active
Derpibooru/ponybooru/twibooru/rainbooru/ponerpics: active
/mlp/: active
/mlp/ on infinitechan: practically dead (can any Anons provide details?)
nhnb: down (temporarily?)
FiMFiction: active
/mlpol/: active
Will add more if I think up of stuff
ponepaste and foalfetch, both active
Come on anon, don’t be like that. If you want it, go get it. The only one stopping you is you.
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By 2032, I'll be combining tissue cloning, genetic engineering, AI and advanced robotics to create an army of (You) to conquer the world with. It's not gonna be pretty either, the first prototype run will probably look like frankenstein's monster cyborgs if I'm being honest. If this doesn't actually happen in 2032, it probably means that one of the prototypes escaped containment and gruesomly fucked me to death because my horny ass focused on estrus simulation before higher reasoning and fine motor control.
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Hope the world ain't dead then.

He's like 14 and trying to be edgy, so high, that or he'll be an INCEl.
I’ve seen a lot of talk about robomares lately and it excites me to no end. You fags better make good
I don't actually like ponies, I am just here for gryphon's.
It's going to happen sooner than anyone thinks. Robotics are there, only needs a little bit better AI.

Looking at the new lumalabs dream-machine video AI, AI to run the robots should happen pretty soon.
>im gonna sull and pout instead of doing anything
>its not my fault!!!
>w-women dont love me!
>im too old!
epic winner
show bob and vagene
I don't care about 3d women, but you can keep making stuff up if it makes you happy.
Sweetiebot soon(tm)
I hope future anons get to enjoy what we can only dream of
NTA, IDK society is kinda falling apart if you haven't noticed. Even if I found a good girl to date/marry it's likely she would break up with me due to government paying her to do so.
I lift for ponk
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Silly pink wife
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The end is neigh.
I really hope you havent fell for that discord circlejerk meme. Its just a joke. Dont take it seriously.
I know... I just hope one day we can all find a lovely lady to make us happy and clean up after us so we can game and not worry about shitting ourselves.
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>Its just a joke
I have zero desire or chance to ever be in a relationship, so why should I even care about getting with an irl woman?
>discord circlejerk meme
3DPD predates discord you dumb fucking zoomer, and it was never a joke
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>it was never a joke
I shiggy twiggy diggy

If it's any consolation at least captcha doesn't think you're retarded
Based nascent machine god
>just a joke
Not to me, dumb tourist.
For any history buffs out there this is 100% real and you can cite this post as a primary source
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you are max 21. more than likely have some sort of "mare schizo" username on your social media.
its a joke.
its the same shit as getting groomed into being a tranny. you got groomed into buying merch and spending thousands on plushies. or you would, if you had money.
I'm 31, I have no social media, and it was never a joke. You are a failed normalfag and do not belong here. Try reddit.
>nno really! im an oldfag!!
>off course i-i m a horse fcuekr!!
>please stop saying im not!
every time
>have no social media
neither did anyone until suddenly they remembered they had a discord since 2017.
its a joke.
Anon, no one here has been joking about 3DPD since 2003, I get that you think 4chan is just a bunch of funny normal guys pretending to be retarded, but the awful truth is that most of us actually are retarded. You can go ahead and keep denying it, but that doesn't change that you're a failed fucking normalfag clinging to some semblance of normalcy amongst a whole lot of anons who are truly more far gone than you. Lurk for a billion years.
So you are genuinely only sexually attracted to lauren fausts horse women to the point of thinking its something to be proud of? How much porn do you consume each day?
Being an actual retard is a failure on your part, you could fix that really easy though.
I have no clue what a failed normalfag is. Spoonfeed me, please. This widdle noophag read it or needs some info~
>So you are genuinely only sexually attracted to lauren fausts horse women to the point of thinking its something to be proud of?
I'm sexually attracted to horses, cartoon and otherwise, and yes that is something to be proud of.
>I have no clue what a failed normalfag is. Spoonfeed me, please.
Sure. Finding the absurdities on this site wholly unbelievable is what makes you a failed normalfag. Anons being more fucked up than you doesn't even enter your mind as being possible, which brings to mind the question of how you even found your way to a shithole like this when other forums or IM rooms are more suited to you. Actual normalfags don't come here, at least not for extended periods. They poke their heads in for an hour or two because of some funny screenshot they saw posted somewhere else, then leave. Your presence here is like finding a catholic taking part in a satanic ritual and fully believing it's all in good fun.
Its a joke
And you fell for it, old man. You are the failed human here. You better have a horse that you fuck and upload videos to the other mlp.
Why are you here though? Wouldnt nhnb be more your style? Youd fit in real quick being a LOLxDD marefucker and all.
Can you shorten your explanation? My normalfag speedbrain cant read it all.
>it's a joke
prove it.
>mareposting proves every waifufag since the dawn of the internet was merely pretending
This unique piece of artwork is about a decade old. No one ever ran with the concept, so I've started commissioning a lot of artwork with it.
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Here's an example. I've given this concept its own tag by now, so if any of the boorus, or their databases, are still around in eight years, you can find more with the "womb with a view" tag:
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I love my wife and she loves me
you failed your own task, nigger
>nonsensical schizobabble
is it really?
maybe this thread will still be up by then, tee hee
>lock and pin the thread for 8 years
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This thread getting derailed by pointless arguments and rabid coomers probably makes it a better microcosm of the board than it would be if we just shared fond memories and wishes for the future. Good job in that regard I guess? Hell of a legacy to leave behind, but it does beg its own question.

What’s the worst post (or thread) you’ve seen on this board?
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ACKnowledging it makes it invalid, you dumb nigger. But yeah, youre correct.
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>thread is still up
alright, I wrote a big message to myself but it was cringe so I deleted it
so I'm just gonna browse a bit here...
>The Stranger
I like that one
There's the multimedia project anon.
There's the Starlight fart guy.
>What are (You)r favorite threads?
personally, i'm fond of that fetid fucking fetish fleamarket
>pregnancy raraflaggot
Are you gonna be here eight years from now too?
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>Are you gonna be here eight years from now too?
Yeah, probably, unless I die first.

Here, the very talented thenypod4 made this just today over in the pregnancy general.
8(for you 16) years ago i had a flashback, an extremely vivid one
that's how i rediscovered this series
8 years is a long time

i've seen many people change for the better, worse, many parents of my peers dying and i see the world differently since then

i knew where i was going in life back then and how long the journey was
i still know where i'm going, made progress, but didn't move enough
i have many regrets

i will try to get my shit together in the next 8 years
i hope i make it

i hope you, the anon of 2024, changed for the better
i hope you made it

and for those of you looking forward, reading this for the first time in 2032, i hope my success inspires you
or my failure does not scare you
aint i killed you?
>What’s the worst post (or thread) you’ve seen on this board?
That one green about the smegma flakes made me wretch
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He HAS booped others
He WILL NOT stop
It CAN happen to (You)!
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In 8 years I will learn to draw and become a writefag.
Why wait? There’s no better time than the present to start, anon
>"Aw, shucks. Thanks guys."
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Unironically this
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I don't know what the future holds, but I'd like to share it with you
I hope they give those out again this year
They dont love you. They love you (adjacent, rich, druglord)
pony should pony pony
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>waifu post
>waifu post
>waifu post
C'mon anons. It's a time capsule. Post stuff that might actually be interesting to read in eight years. Here's Fimfiction's home page. Let's see if Knighty bothers doing anything over the next decade or if the site will remain as static as his game developer career.
it's going to be interesting seeing who actually stuck with their waifu.
>it's going to be interesting seeing who actually stuck with their waifu.
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Here’s a green I’m enjoying called Steel Sanctuary by Writefag_is_kill while I think of other things to post. Pic kinda related
Part 1: https://poneb.in/3Mt5iYBQ
Part 2: https://poneb.in/430ryWVh
Part 3: https://poneb.in/8R51kA1N
What am i in for it here?
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This is new, finished just yesterday. I may as well throw this into the time capsule too.
If someone ends up actually moving on from their waifu, they never truly had a waifu to begin with.
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Would you eat the pinkie pasta?
I want to eat five cans of Pinkie pasta in one sitting and be well nourished for the entire day
>1 of your 5 a day
Imagine Ponko locking you in a basement full of nothing but these cans, with these precise instructions, until there's no more pasta.
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>troon out or join the dead
Aren’t those the same thing?
Sometimes dead is better.
I'd inhale that shit like a black hole, if it has Ponka on it it's obviously good.
>no hat
She really was robbed
Hey twilight, do you ever think they'll fix captcha on any portal other than chromium? We'll see if this matters in 8 years!
Hopefully future me will see this and be able to laugh. Thank mare
Also I'm going to suck up another post slot and say we're going to make it bros. It's going to get worse, but it will get better. Mares and/or bros, hold what you care for because life can be good.
Although if fate takes me early, at least I'm petting Rarity. 8 more years of hope and pone!
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Stop being a pussy and live how you want to. That goes for you too, future me. I'll see you when I see you.
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>tfw she only wants me for my multi-billion dollar cocaine empire
It's tough out here
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Based and hopepilled
one of you fags better have a board wedding by then
I LOVE MARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Maki and Twi...did we make it?
I fully intend to, you can hold me to it
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I see your pasta and raise you a pinkie pop
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Gonna need some context for this one chief
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Never forget who REALLY runs the fashion industry, m'kay /mlp/?
that's a snapshot a friend took of twilight and i
while we were in a discord videochat
Will this board even be around in 8 more years? Hope so, since there's no where else to post pink pony.
i hope that in 8 years the internet has a 2010's nostalgia craze
This thread is still going to be up in 8 years because this board is dead.
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Mark my words, the culture of 2004-2014 will be as fondly remembered and revered as that of the 1980s
already happening among zooms
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We need a book update anon
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lyra is such a BAD HORSE she fucking BIT ME
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I love Starlight Glimmer! I hope in 8 years you become someone she would be proud of.
The way you wrote that reminds me of this
I hope in eight years i will be able to swing with fluttershy
I think I'm going to be dead before 8 years after failing at accomplishing the only thing that might make this shit life bearable.
Sure thing, bro. See you in 18 years.
what mountain is that behind her?
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I think there is a >60% chance humanity will not be kicking in 2032 given short Superintelligent AI timelines and low confidence we are not stupid enough to fuck it up, but if I'm wrong then here's hoping pony is still going strong.
Mt. Hood in Oregon, specifically viewed from Draper Girls Country Farm. Flutters has good taste
oogity boogity ghost bump
Spike is the pony.
I just want to say nigger and faggot in video game lobbies without being banned :(
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Oh boy! What flavor?
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Pie flavor.
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Hi future me.
Hope you still like ponies. Hope you're doing better. Don't forget to not give up on yourself just yet, you've made it this far.
(Thanks for the thread anon, i'll mark it on my calendar)
if you stop being a ponyfag i'm killing you
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Never forget the saga of Zippers
/mlp/ con 2024
What a legend
If I'm too weak to do myself I'd gladly accept anyone else doing it at that point. Feeling like a failure for your whole life is just misery.
It's the opposite
I need to do this too.
The ride never ends
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I hope Twilight will have stuck to her diet.
Harmonycon 2020. You traitors know who you are. All you had to do was apologize for letting things go too far, but you were too proud, and now the friendship is dead. Was that what you wanted? To piss everything away for some sob story about showing kids the dangers of drinking? I hope one day you'll stop thinking you're so cool and understand why I didn't get dragged into that shitshow.
nigga sounded like he was talking through a fan
OP please archive properly, make both a screencap and a full download of the webpage (RMB->Save Page As..., this downloads HTML and all required files in a separate folder, make sure to save both)
for all we know there might be no /mlp/ in 2032
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>nigga sounded like he was talking through a fan
He was
Also wget or grab-site
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The baldest
You found ponies. You loved them, and they became a part of your identity. You were too autistic to engage in normal things, and eventually found /mlp/. You felt like you belonged.
Life got in the way. You needed to find your identity, find a girlfriend, find friends. You forgot about ponies.
You got a job, got some money. Went to college. You got a girlfriend, got married, worked out, got fit, became a man.
One day, you saw some shitpost somewhere else. You went to /mlp/. Turns out, you never got off the ride, you just forgot you were on it.
Remember, even though life gets in the way sometimes, the things you love never truly leave you.

Do me a favor. If it's been a while, sit and watch some mlp. Be a complete fucking buffoon with your wife. Remind your best friend you're a total autist. Don't let anyone stop you from enjoying life.
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> You needed to find your identity, find a girlfriend, find friends. You forgot about ponies.
>You got a job, got some money. Went to college. You got a girlfriend, got married, worked out, got fit, became a man.
Haha yeah that totally happened to me lol
>You forgot about ponies
Hey if this is actually true, faggot reading this in the future: kys immediately, dumb normalfag
>shit scheduling
>website doesn’t even adjust to system timezone
>missed all the panels because sleeping/busy
>niggers get mad at me for trying to get on the stream with a mobile device so I could squeeze some time into watching it
^^^ this anon won the worst post award
Don't stagnate, anon. It's never too late for self improvement. You are a master of your own destiny.

I hope you have a wonderful life and wonderful people to share it with, you braindead niggerfaggot.
>give up your waifu
>date 3dpd instead
>uuugh I'm improooooooving
Wannabe life coaches are the fucking worst.
I'm happy that you've found fulfillment in poni. Blow it out your ass.

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