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For the Forgotten 6 Cutest girls from Equestria Girls movies, specials and more! Back from the dead edition!

Previous Thread: >>37264944
Death Note: Invisible

Slave Equestria Girls (Mostly Sunset and Anon but Wallflower is there kinda)

Special Needs (WIP)

Deceptive Danger
where are their hijabs
oh shit this is back?
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my thread.. it lives? I gave up so long ago
I should write again.. even though my greens were shit and never finished
Should I try to write a Dark Souls green with Wallflower and Anon hollowing? forgetting themselves and each other?
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Well some green is better than none in my book and practice is how you get better, so I'd read it. That's assuming the thread stays up.
I'm playing through Elden Ring again in preparation for the dlc and I'm just not interested in the lore at all. It just isn't anywhere near Dark Souls in terms of worldbuilding for me. Anyway, if you're up for it, give it a shot.
>I'm just not interested in the lore at all. It just isn't anywhere near Dark Souls in terms of worldbuilding for me.
I tried to figure it out but it's so nonsensical and doesn't make any sense. I don't get it or get WHY. Like what does it mean? what is it trying to make me think about. Dark Souls especially 2 made you think about the literal purpose of life and what it means to be human. elden ring? why? It just doesn't feel like any of it means anything substantial for the characters or me in real life
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why do all the villains have an UNF demoness form besides Vignette and Wallflower?
Wallflower is already the most attractive she could possibly be
I really hope they don't continue in this direction for future games. Instead of everything being small pieces of a story you can piece together, it feels like they made it vague and mysterious even when you have the parts because that's what they think people want.
they definitely took the whole vague and mysterious thing too far.
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First time posting here, this screencap collage is the best I could do.
Sunsets demon form looks really terrible especially next to Twilights
the first EQG movie is just like that isn't it? just the worst of everything. very bleh when compared to the rest of the series
I think those two weren't as corrupted by magic as the others. Wallflower's power came from a stone, and Vignette only cared for looks, so she didn't exploited her powers at all beyond basic teletransportation.
Makes sense still makes you wonder what kind of transformation they would get.
I wonder. should it be eqg or pony? pony could be interesting but I feel for that I'd have to create a whole new world rather then just set it in the lands of Lordran, Drangliec or Lothric
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Kinda depends. If it's pony I feel it would be easier to change the Dark Souls aspects and have the story do as much or little world building as you want. Eqg feels like I would have to stick with lore closer to the games, but for me that's probably just because they're human shaped. It also depends on how big you want the story to be and if there are other people. If you do, having characters stand in for the souls ones would probably be better in my opinion than just using Solaire. Like Celestia being the Lord Gwyn equivalent and Nightmare Moon or Chrysalis as Kaathe. With pony you could break lore easier and have something like Twilight as Gwyndolin's role putting up an illusion of a long past Lord Celestia instead of what would be the Gwynevere stand in. Any way I'm overthinking this and these are just the thoughts of someone that doesn't write, so do whatever's best for you.
All four are my wives.
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Since Wallflower used a magic rock, I feel a stone armor with vines growing around.
As for Vignette, maybe something out of Cyberpunk? The phone was the item with all the magic.
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Here it is. The first stone in the story I hope is Pony Souls. very shit name honestly but I had to name the pone paste something.. I hope its not too cringe its unreadable. if its a little cringe that's ok with me
this had to be done to get a story with Anon and Wallflower going. maybe other of these cuties too if I can. juggling characters is hard
I like it, some minor edits needed. For example this line is missing an end "
>"I told you to make some friends, nothing more. I saw the signs of Nightmare Moon's return and I knew it was you who had the magic inside to.. uh.. defeat her
Fuck, well that minor mistake should be fixed now. something I know I've personally noticed is that I don't know how write dialogue. I have no idea how people actually talk
i use this
neat, This will help. Maybe my multiple
to show people talking is kinda shit. I saw it once and just continued with it since it was easier then writing their name every line
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my wife
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OOoooo, big fan of Junipers appearance here
The DnD campaign must have been fun
My wife so pretty
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Alright cool, so we got a little foundation for the world.
I mostly knew who was talking from how they said it but maybe the multiple > helped transition to the next speaker subconsciously. Either way it didn't take anything away by doing it.
weird, that's my wife you posted.. hm must have posted the wrong photo
thank you :) glad you like it, I wanted anon and wallflower both to be afflicted with the curse of the undead. or an equivalent of some kind but.. I don't really know how such a thing could come into being no matter how different the equestria. that part might be removed and it might be more like an adventure? I don't really know
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Maybe taking away Celestia's immortality caused the curse? Like since it wasn't in her anymore it had to afflict itself on all beings in a chosen area or it only effects those at random. Could also be that Celestia herself is the only one afflicted with the curse and she basically continues being reincarnated with a mish mash of all her lives memories. Her cutie mark could be the dark sign itself. It might be hard to write and detract from the Wally focus though. So it's whatever if you don't do it, an adventure would be fun as well.
I like some of this, I was thinking of trying to connect it to that. its part of why it happened
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poni poni
Cute pony, I'll never forget her.
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the cutest, the BEST. I love her
cute bard
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She's dressed as Lucatiel from Dark Souls II (best one), her whole thing is that she doesn't want to be forget herself, or be forgotten. She is loosing herself to the curse of the undead. Soon enough she will loose herself completely and become another mindless hollow

tldr: She is dressed as Lucatiel from ds2, her and Wallflower have alot in common
Now I want a fantasy adventure green with them
A bard wearing armor and carrying a longsword with no instruments in sight?
it's obvious?.. he wants a fantasy adventure greentext with the 4 characters of the thread going on (get this) an adventure
Maybe he meant more like why are you just voicing that you want it and hoping a write writefag descends from the heavens to fulfill your request instead of just writing it yourself?
maybe I dunno we'd have to ask him
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Oh you are right
Here's the right photo
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still my wife again, kinda creepy you have so many photos of her.. a restraining order might be in.. order. sounds weird when you say it like that
photos like this really accentuate the 80% leg designs of eqg.
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tbf they're nice legs
Yeah its weird cause she hands me the photos herself
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I think you have schizophrenia. Since we graduate she rarely leaves the house unless its to go to the backyard garden. even them we're usually together. shopping? together. most things really
>she rarely leaves the house
Duh most of the time she's in my walls
Weird thing for her to do haha
You might be the schizo dude
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oh yeaah that might be her, sometimes she leaves her body and goes to harass people. she says it's a dark souls 2 reference to the ghosts in undead crypt
it's her favorite game you know
If she's a ghost how can she touch and kiss me
Also her favorite game is javardry
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I don't speak that language that game is kek
There is one Wallflower, she is mine
if everyone who has ever thought they loved wallflower was in a room together she would choose me, every single time. I learned to write for her, I learned to draw for her. I have plushie and soon enough I will have another. I improve myself and my life for her. What have you done for her? She is mine and mine alone, Nothing you do or say can change it or convince me or her otherwise. I was made for her, and her for me. Anyone else who believes she is their wife is mistaken.
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> I learned to write for her, I learned to draw for her. I have plushie and soon enough I will have another. I improve myself and my life for her
And yet she still doesn't care... wow.. wow im sorry for you man
>Nothing you do or say can change it or convince me or her otherwise
Im not saying anything this is what she thinks
Welp back to spending time with my wife now
I can imagine it's hard to cope with not having Wallflower. I don't know what I'd do without her. but no reason to be mean about it.you should just move on :)
She told me that you seem like a good person and shouldn't be angry over us
>so mad that you forgot to add an image
I didn't forget I just didn't have any new ones I made
Cute Wallflower
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it's an illusion
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why did wallflower keep her clothes?
Mode I see a nippel. Murk this cracker.
No snitching uncle tom ahh
they're essential to her character
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we need to stop Wallflower bullying
so, Basically I have some more to this but still nothing with Anon and Wallflower, It's becoming difficult to stop this story with Luna and get to where I want the world to be, I'm not sure it has anything to do with this thread at this point in the process
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drop it on fimfic!
they have gay rules so I can't

Don't Post (Content)
Stories written in chat or script format. This includes stories in which dialogue is indicated like this: “TWILIGHT: I sure do love books!”

I'm not re-writing my shit because of dumb site rules
meh it doesn’t look like it’s encroaching that territory to me maybe the spacing.
greentexts are not allowed either and I somehow missed that part and that's far more the style of what I make
she's going to have a gamer moment
I forgot to ask the author to add painter attributes to Supernova Zap.

I regret every time I think about it
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The author is half a year behind schedule, and there are still two girls who have not yet finished drawing, so I will upload the draft first.

Shadowbolts :

Twilight Sparkle - Terran(Imperial Citizen)

Lemon Zest - pointed ears

Sugarcoat - Long-Ears race Miko

Indigo Zap - The child of a dragon and a hybrid giant

Sunny Flare - beast-kin

Sour Sweet - Terran(Junkercivilian)
this stuffs interesting what’s it for?
Provide material for future imagination space

A fantasy land for Equestria girls
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I fucking love wallflower
I liked it
Who has an unhealthy attachment to her?
thank you, more is coming out and bit of a spoiler but this part is about Sunset Shimmer. I'm not so sure its the same quality as the first part though.. and still not anon and wallflower like I said I would do
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Glim glam hooman allowed?
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>thread is kill
come on guys..
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needs greens or discussions
I'm writing, reee but it's not done. I should not have to hold it all up. this is why it died last time
soonTM I'm close to done with part 2. but CMON GUYS BUMP THE THREAD
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This was big write, big effort. it may be awhile for something else. thread will DIE before i get to wallflower for sure
>somehow the crystal empire returned

kek nice readin so far anon liking the setup.
It's probably terrible..
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na it’s alright whole thing feels like setup which it is so ok
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Well I'll try to keep this thread going
kind of think we should give up, if the greentext only gave the thread like 2 posts its hopeless. what else could even be done at this point
What's the name of that green girl next to Vignette? She seems cute. I also feel like I've seen her before but I'm not sure.
Wallflower Blush, we call her Wally sometimes
juniper montage she’s the only green girl in that pic.
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Is she the girl who likes to masturbate in public?
This comic was kino
retarded roastie
>women hates the ideal women
as usual, even comments call her boring and basic. the sheer state of society. Wallflower is one of the prettiest girls and has solid interests and passions. somehow this is 'basic' what the fuck do they want?
I enjoyed this one too (the non-poop version): https://derpibooru.org/tags/comic-colon-flowering+desires
This one was good too.
>thread finally alive
>it's just coomer shit like the other EQG threads
It's so fucking over
Well, what ideas do you have?
I draw pony and wrote the greens, I have ideas but only so many
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I like to think these two are related, with Juniper wanting to achieve fame and being jealous that Vignette has so many fans on the so called "new media" that is the internet.
I can see Juniper being an old Fudd who keeps to mainstream media like TV and Movies and being frustrated how much easier it is to be an influencer. Especially if some one pretty like Vignette is her sister.
I like it
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Scribble Deez nuts on her face
She looks so happy
I see them as cousins personally
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evil shimmer!
who can stop her at this point?
Hasbro plot device maybe..
My penis
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she's horizontally challenged
>no one laughed at my joke
It's so over...
Too big to post on 4ch. Also was in a rush
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No one's here on Wednesdays
Please try to include the huM6.
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Sex with potted plants
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they're not forgotten tho
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there are several horny ass generals related to them. this thread is for the 4 characters in the title or other ponies that are more unknown. Like the funny Pig character. look at him!
How rude,Rarity isn't a pig!
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of course not! but she and applejack have a little pig friend
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Equestria girls if it was good
Did her pig ever get named? I forgor
All cuties
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Wallflower is a pretty pretty mare and my wife (not yours) (mine)
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whoever else knows the origin of the quote. lets be friends
Black Water?
Man this outfit was the best, why did Pinkie get all the good designs?
Rarity would've been too lewd, and Fluttershy wasn't a model in the EqG world.
She was as much a mascot as Twilight was
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Another banger from koikatsu
Life for ants?
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She's getting ready to play Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC
I heard it was good
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I heard too but I'm trying to avoid spoilers. so soon I'm gonna be closing the internet for like a week or so
>thread's still up
have a bump
It is actually decent. A welcome suprise compared to the regular dlc slop most games get
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Nice butt
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She's got this.
>all alone in a cabin with her
The best weekend ever
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non stop action
Make a gallery. NOW.
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>first area is super fucking good
>next one i find is just running on horse. no enemies to a boss thats super cracked. decide to check out other area
>find a blue and red area
>literally fucking nothing
I'm absolutely dead inside I spent like 4 hours looking for SOMETHING and theres just nothing. did a dungeon. stupid ass reward
>find giant crazy place
>can't get in. neeed key item from somewhere else
I'm dead inside, it was so good at first now it's just empty. theres fucking nothing
Ah yeah
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I wish they were my slaves.
Love her thighs
Harem slaves for a prince
Sweater girls are the best.
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Cute duo
sexy duo
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man that hairstyle is pure unf
Japanese sport uniforms are great
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bless those japs
Lovely thighs
Would you say she's mouth WATERing?
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The Elden Ring DLC is fucking terrible. I just wasted like a week of playing it and not writing the anon-wallflower fanfiction only to find out the end of the DLC is so fucking terrible it's unreal. it makes my writing look like shakespeare
What happened?
>Inb4 spoilers
Spoiler it if you want. I only ask because, while I'm not into Souls-likes, how come the creators made a bad ending? As far as I knew, endings of those usually were "you sacrifice yourself so the flame can continue" or "you let the embers die, now your fire is the bright one". What did they do? "Hey, turns out the bad sickness was curable all along, only people were too dumb to heal itself"?
I tried to write it out. but it was like a 5 min read. I cannot compress this. its just so fundementally story destroying its unreal. it makes it so nothing can connect at all. they brought back a character because he's clearly a writers fav so you can fight him again (not to mention this fight is the most overtuned unfair fight fromsoftware has ever made every move in phase 2 has an AOE explosion of some kind)

They really fucked up bad. Elden Ring has the worst most confusing lore of any of their titles I've played. and there doesnt seem to be a central theme that ties it all together to make it make sense like Dark souls games have. not a central moral theme or just theme of what's happening. its just all over the place. and the DLC really fucked it up more

IT feels like the story was meant to be Childish being made into gods fucking shit up. like unable to accept loss and such. but they changed it into random bullshit. because they themselves are too childish to get over "that one really cool boss from the base game"
so sexy
The face really makes this picture.
holy sex
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He was a legend, one of the best. I'm proud to have known him
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she just finished the elden ring dlc (she's going to hurt whoever wrote that bullshit)
Now this is a cute outfit
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Here's the WW1 edit
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you don't have to tell me what happened. but you do have to eat this
A salad? Ok.
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There were a lot of nerdy characters in EQG
that's why it's peak
Like who?
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I found more ponified
Sci Twi, Scribble Dee, Wallflower, Juniper, the cutie above with red hair, and Sugarcoat
theres the one with braces too. I can't seem to recall her name
Don't forget Micro Chips.
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kek yeah she's got a big ass nose, it was a new image so I shared it still
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I love her. I need her. Why can't she be real?
shes probably the most attractive egg.
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Try lucid dreaming. Either that or hope AI advances enough to replicate her.
I came
I feel like they could be cousins or something.

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