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Previous >>40906320

ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.

Completed Stories:
Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon
- https://pastebin.com/7r8iCJ2U

Ongoing Stories:
To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/c6D2XDbL
Game of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/Sx1M6gnB
Music Is Coming (Part 3) by Alexander Grey
- https://pastebin.com/4c5BLWLd

Shamelessly stolen writing guides:
- https://pastebin.com/V1ujiyJt
- https://pastebin.com/whCQ2GpX
- https://pastebin.com/bnMmZ2T3

Other Shadowbolt links: https://pastebin.com/wYy0FyrA
Cute girls
What are the both fan art and fan fiction do you guys like?
The one where they open the bob and vagene?
That a minor anon.
I’m starting to like watching you get triggered every time an anon bumps this thread
She’s probably the second most likely to get drunk on senior week
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I could stare at these beautiful sexy girls all day
Isn't there a fan fic where she dates flash sentry?
Try not to start samefagging like you do in the shimmer thread, ok?
Is there a fan fic that you guys like? I'll start https://www.fimfiction.net/story/294245/its-a-date-rocker-boy
Don't know what your talking about.
>”teehee look at me go”
Anon just say that you hates ships.
Anon, just say you’re projecting your own insecurities.
I thought bots weren't allowed.
Looks like you broke character cause your nerve got struck lol
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What ever enjoy your delusions.
Your earlier posts speak for themselves but okay.
Read them again anon.
Sorry, I already cringed at your cope once
Why are you fixated on me?
Maybe they shouldn’t have worn so little and people wouldn’t stare. Oh well, we got lots to look at.
Doesn’t look like they mind too much
Never understood why the artist gives every chick massive knockers.
Oh look, it’s another one.
And another.
Well if they don’t mind, I sure don’t mind either…
I love this honey mustard bitch and her big tits and ass enough to fuck her into next january
>honey mustard
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I remember an old green where she "dated" a rough guy.
Was it >rape?
Who's the one in the middle?
I’m stealing that. Honey mustard bitch lmao that’s good.
Reminder that all of them have the same body.
Aww, you still triggered?
I find hilarious that you keep responding.
And what?
Don’t look at me, you’re the one tryna say shit. But I already know it’s cause you’re still triggered.
>Was sitting there waiting to respond the whole time
Holy cow you’re fuming, breathe bro.
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You probably just motivated him to go back to his sad page 10 slide attempts as if we won't remake the thread anyway
No side boob shame.
I forgot that’s what her name was.
Not my fault he sees the lack of a response as acceptance, and can’t see through his thinly veiled rage when rejected.
>lack of a response as acceptance
Need proof.
She fine
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Thanks for the entertainment anon.
Hope there’s more new sets like this in the future
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Indie wants a direct spanking from anon for breaking the dress code
God they’re all so sexy…
She better flip her skirt all the way inside out first
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>ywn hotdog lemon zest while she listens to lewd music
Sexy beach bods
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bedtime bump
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what made him get so made two threads ago tho?
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>tfw don't even need to bother replying anymore
Feels great
Why are you guys thirsty for them?
Two anons, one of them a mods' pet, post images you can't report without getting banned yourself. That's how we know it's a mods' pet. Also he uses Reddit.
Why not? They are cute.
I bet sour sweet’s nipples taste like sour patch candies
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I don’t think this topic will be able to go anywhere actually useful, but if they became the “mane 5” of Crystal Prep, would they solve their school’s own friendship problems?
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Is this happening during Cinch or Cadence?
Pretty sure Cinch either would stop if not manipulate the Shadow 5 while Cadence would actively help and encourage them.
That regime change sure was important
They're safe-evil meaning I can fix them but won't because they're perfect the way they are
This sounds about right to be honest
Where did Cinch go after leaving
To my bed.
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this anon gets it
I wouldn't mind getting it every night if she actually looked like this.
Knockers are too massive.
>”ree stop bumping this thread that triggers me”
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Welcome to the club friend
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Lost count of how many times I came to this sexy girl
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Holy fuck he's so mad.
She is a hot girl, alright.
Sour Sweet is extremely hot when her sexy nipples poke through her top because she forgot to wear a bra…
I think the post that really set him off was this one >>41126932
Pointing out that they’re projecting their own insecurities always hits a sore spot for these posters, because they know deep down that it’s embarrassingly true.
Now he can’t let it go even if he wants to.
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Bump because suspiciously sudden page 10
Probably an unexpected increase in activity.
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>10hrs to 6hrs ago
>literally nothing out of the ordinary
Damn, you're right.
If anything, it looks like the board's activity was actually slightly slower.
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>”I promise I didn’t add vodka this time, Anon!”
Wew, checked
That would have made for an interesting special. Especially if it depicted the departure of Cinch and Cadence taking over. I can picture the S5 being conflicted over who to side with as Cinch attempts to manipulate each of them like she did Sci-Twi until they all decide that Cadence is best for the school to move forward. Damn. If I wasn't so lazy I'd make a green about this.
They’d all be glad that miserable vulture cinch was gone
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>pull front of her top down
Nice view
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these schoolgirls love to give those off
Is there good fan fiction of the shadow five?
May not be the first time that butthurt troll conceded defeat by slide attempt. But it’s the first time we could see real time evidence of it.
Pretty sure their to snobbish to do this.
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No just no.
Discover any new threads on page 10?
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Sugarcoat would take cinch's side
How so? She's the one who seemed annoyed with her the most at the end.
She'd immediately see how mushy cadence is and want someone more serious back
Meanwhile sunny is related to cinch
[citation needed]
Cinch is too much of a bother compared to chill and friendly Cadance. I'm not sure Sugarcoat would elect to be pushed around by some old self-serving prick all over again.
And let's not forget she called out the whole problem at the end of EqG 3.
Granted, is her personality, but I feel that, if she has the chance, Sugarcoat will knock anybody down a peg so she can be at peace.
>knock anybody down a peg so she can be at peace
Kind of shitty of her that THAT is what would make her be at peace. Don’t know about you but I sure wouldn’t want to be friends with someone like that.
Well as long as you don't disturb her too much you have nothing to fear, right? Also that's assuming she'd want to be friends with anyone she feels would get her in trouble. Kinda feel like she's not the one to give people a lot of chances. I'd probably take it as a challenge but not everyone would.
I don’t like people who “take others down a peg” to feel better about themselves.
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Naturally, that's why she's one of the villains.
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How do you know whether you're disturbing her or not? Maybe she's hard to read sometimes until it's too late.
Tits are too massive.
Pretty sure she has too much pride for that.
Answer the question >>41160835
I doubt she of all people would be the one to hide her annoyance. Unless she really really wants to be your friend despite being annoyed and tries to supress her desire to give you a piece of her mind.
He’s too shy
Based position
Would gently spank her ass like a pair of bongo drums
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Sexy outfits
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I don’t think it’s fair to ask that. This fag probably knows the entire catalog inside and out already. He’s probably camping out there on page 10 right now as I post this.
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Never understood her popularity.
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Who would have the lowest iq?
Sci-Twi - 125
Sugarcoat - 124
Sunny Flare - 123
Sour Sweet - 122
Lemon Zest - 121
Indigo Zap - 120
>Really, I think I would always make the best wife. Like me. I'd be perfectly happy to be a wife! I'd submit completely to my husband and devote myself fully to his children. But despite being the ideal mate, I'm still single. Why?
Putting Zap and Zest over 110 feels very generous.
Fucking hot Unf
Well, they are supposed to be the best of the best. Just not necessarily the smartest.
IQ tests measure one's preparedness for an IQ test more than how smart they actually are.
2-digit cope
Cute pic
Which is exactly what you get from a *prep* school.
Smart people prepare for their tests, yes.
Smarter people don't have to.
Yeah let me just look up IQ test questions on the net, since every test is the exact same.
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That's exactly what a stupid person would say.
>Someone doesn’t bother preparing for an IQ test and goes into it blind, gets a 130 anyway
This hypothetical person is stupid?
That’s the point where we start discrediting the test itself
Just because
Well that's easy to measure. Take 5-10 IQ tests in a row and see if there's a lot of difference in results. Then, if you're truly smart, come up with an alternative that wouldn't involve any sort of preparation and memorisation and would produce results that can be replicated every single time anyone measures it and can be compared to others in a meaningful way.
A yes or no would’ve sufficed but fine
>person gets within 3 points of 130 every single time without ever preparing
They stupid now?
They've scored within the margin of error proving that preparation has no effect on their result. Thus proving that IQ test measures how smart they are, not just how prepared they are. Which would still be a good measure of someone's intellect since good memory and abilty to prepare well for abstract tests is part of what makes one smart.
>proving that preparation has no effect on their result
That’s my point. They didn’t need to prepare.
The point here >>41177881 was that IQ test tests your preparation to the IQ test. In that example it is shown to be false.
Not my post. This >>41180618 was my post.
Then I don't know what you're even arguing for since implying that smart people somehow inherently possess the knowledge to pass every test in their life without preparing for them is just dumb.
>Having lots of prior intelligence before an intelligence test wouldn’t be a factor
I don't know who you're quoting there because I never said anything like that.
That’s not a quote, it’s a summary of what you just asserted. Im saying people who are already smart enough do indeed have the knowledge to do great on IQ tests without preparing. If anything, I don’t know where the hell “every test in their life” comes from since this whole thing is about IQ tests (which smarter people obviously have an advantage in), since you wanted me to quote you.
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Fuck intelligence quotient examinations, me want cute sexy school girls.
That's not what I asserted. I only said that smart people prepare for their tests since that's what they do, we're talking about school girls here. There is no way to "prepare" for an IQ test (unless you mean generally improve your cognitive ability, so by simply getting smarter) so it's a moot point.
So this was now about all kinds of tests? Even though your next couple of posts down after the Twi pic were clearly talking about only IQ tests just fine as were mine? You’re really carefully trying to move the goalpost and it shows. Unless >>41182100 isn’t you, which seems very unlikely.
What goalposts am I moving? My main points are
>smart people prepare for tests >>41180072
>preparation doesn't do anything for IQ tests >>41182100
>it's dumb to say that smart people don't need to prepare for tests >>41181669
>even if IQ tests aren't objective we have no real alternative >>41182100
If your entire point was that smart people don't need to prepare for IQ tests then I agree because nobody needs to prepare for IQ tests, smart or dumb. If you imply that only dumb people need to prepare for it and can somehow score higher if they prepare then it's just a baseless claim. I've yet to see any example of how someone can prepare for it.
>then I agree because nobody needs to prepare for IQ tests, smart or dumb
And smarter people could still get a more comfortable score if they don’t. There you go.
No one but you expanded any of this to being all kinds of tests, so that sounds like a you problem. Stop wasting all this effort (and quads) trying to make that relevant to what I said, it’s not.
If you're trying to say that smart people would score higher IQ than dumb people then I don't even know why we're having this conversation.
> if they don’t
They don't because there is no reasonable way to prepare for it that we've discussed so far. It's a non-point, a time waster. Neither smart nor dumb people prepare for it because it measures your cognitive ability and logic instead of some memorized facts as a regular high school test would. The whole argument started because someone implied that it's the case. Neither of us agree with that. What are we talking about? Your assumption that there is any meaningful way to prepare for it is purely hypothetical.
>trying to make that relevant to what I said
But I don't? I'm just stating the obvious. It's not a "problem" either, only you seem to have a problem with that statement for whatever reason. This statement is not at odds with what I'm saying.
>What is taking a day or so to refresh cognitive ability
>I'm just stating the obvious.
Stating the unrelated. I’m only talking about IQ tests, please curb your rant post.
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Let it go anon.
IQ discussions on this god forsaken website almost always bring stubborn autists out of the woodwork trying to sound smart on the internet.
Post cute sexy shadowbolt grils.
>a day or so to refresh cognitive ability
lel indeed
>Stating the unrelated
Not any less related to the topic of this thread than this garbage argument about a point we agree on.
Most people never actually taken the test in the first place and think it's some kind of university exam. Which is understandable I guess.
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You're barely making sense now. Maybe take a break okay?
Prolly should've disengaged earlier desu
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Next best time would be now.
Was it ever made canon what Sunny’s arm things are for?
The headcanon is that her parents run a tech company. Or at least that's one of the headcanons I remember. Don't think there ever was an official confirmation what they're for.
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Sneaky view
Is there a panty-less version
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Flash Sentry please.
>Still didn’t say what new page 10 threads he found
One of them is probably his own
Why does she have duct tape on her mouth?
Why are you so fixated?
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So I guess he's mad again
How did you come to that conclusion?
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Supposedly, that image of Sour Sweet with ductape comes from a story in Fimfiction. Which one? I don't know.
But I remember that was the reasoning from the artist. One of the older versions had this in the description.
I hope it's one where Anon forces Sour to be his "momma"
That green I think last thread it was was hot
>Why does she have duct tape on her mouth?
Broke: to shut her up.
Woke: to shut her up (she's loud).
Bespoke: to shut her up (to keep the air in).
She’s so sexy
I always wondered why Sour had a sippy cup in that pic as well. I thought it was a joke about a man and Sour Sweet being parents, and while the baby cries, she complains, and the dad just... tapes her mouth, anime style.
It's got me confused too. I wonder what's in the sippy cup?
Too busty.
Does this mean you didn’t find any new threads on page 10?
Ignore him, anon. He’s going to keep casually seething at everyone regardless. At least we don’t validate him as much as the Shimmer thread does.
What's make you think it's the same guy?
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sexy girls
How much for her OnlyFans?
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Shadowbolts Adventure Squad Completed

Indigo Zap

Sour Sweet

Sunny Flare

Lemon Zest


Twilight Sparkle

Dean Cadence
That’s really good stuff Anon. Amazing work.
I don't know what this is, but very cool
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