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Summer edition.

Last Th/ra/d: >>41025350

A bunch of short greens:

Rarity Mixtape:

Spotify Playlist:

Thread Archive:

Pack of every good solo Rarity pic (in progress):
July - November 2022
January - June 2022
July - December 2021
January - June 2021
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We're so back.
Mmm, yummy charcoal...
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Bump for one of the hottest sfw pony pics ever
this fanart is still awesome.
i want to be the beach towel
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what is dumb1.gif?
Those hooves need a pampering
How is she so fucking cute?
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I want to be good and caring lover for Rarity, the one to value Her passion and emotionality, yet bringing Her stability and security She could rely on.
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The same thing but at 1080p and 50mb
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Look so soft.
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>4 of the 6 Rarities are barely altered
You really cannot improve upon perfection. 2 and 6 especially are kind of interesting though.
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personally, I always liked this as an alternate change to the mane 6
Celestia, no
I like Row 2
What about earrings?
I like row 3, same pony, but more majestic.
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here's an edit with the piercings and earring gone
Very nice. I do find her both cuter and more graceful without.
I like the panties, but the shoulders are weird
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I had a dream about Rarity the other day where she savagely raped me.
Shit was so cash.
I would to massage them.
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Meet me at the beach, darling.
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Mmmf, one of my favorite pictures her. RIP /mmp/, you didn't have enough Raribig.
Lucky you
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unbelievably based.
Imagine pampering her beach hooves haha
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my harem
Any Rarilight lover?
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Monochromatic hooves asked this question.

Rarity is too high mantainence for the rest of the Mane Six. She needs someone like Octavia or Fleur.
Rarity making me pamper and worship her hooves while calling her mommy
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>Rarity Britney B.B.C.
my love...

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Me and Rarity inside
she's just dressing you.
>forcibly putting make up on you and dressing you into a frilly dress
and Coco
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I don't ship them but I like them together.
She's gonna peg you
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Based on what little "later" G5 Rarity we have Hasbro seems to agree.
While generally row 2 won; Rarity is clearly a descendant of her row 3 design in any later concepts leaked.

Man those tail feathers look bad and why does Rarity have a proper unicorn tail but not Fluttershy.
The piercings really just are too much and i think the lighter blue of row 3 is a better fit for the coloration on her upper body.

I dunno I'm not feeling it. Even with no piercing Rarity.
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Perspective drararaw
Why is Rarity eyeing that filth like this?
I love flowing manes
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Its so majestic
best mane
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There was a really well made picture of Rarity on a bed look sultry. Does anyone have it?
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Before AI, she was in lingerie I think.
Gonna need a little more than that.
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woah pretty
Tan and white and Disney-esque colors, Rarity looking behind her at the camera while in lingerie, presumably on a bed.
Nevermind, found it. n-n
Care to share with us?
>not sharing
come on man, you had ONE job
you know the artist?
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NTA but maybe this one?
or this?
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She can see you
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That's a wonderful wholesome pic
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Haven't updated my raripack in years
recent drawing?
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Do you guys like my DSIII character? She's gonna be a crystal sorcerer and use thrusting swords :)
I tried to make her have a thin sort of elegance. Sadly, there wasn't any hair that captured her beautiful curls well.
She looks like fucking shit, anon, but good try
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It's about as pretty as a DS3 character is gonna get. But it's sad that 90% of the time your character is covered in DIRT, she'd fucking hate that. Condering doing Elden Ring instead, you can deck yourself with everything glintstone-related.
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>coming, darlings!
>just need to cave this disgusting creature's skull in and once I wash my hooves, I'm your mare!
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i made an adventure around the world video with 28 ai generated rarity images and i think its a lot of fun with crazy twists along the way and i really want people to come check it out if they have 2 minutes to spare. reply pic unrelated i just have a hundred rarity's that i made with dalle 3.
also the irony of ai is that this reply image is before i fixed her cutie mark with masking tool...
then I steal a kiss. How she will react?
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Bump for best rump
I will never give up to AI.
with a sexual assault charge
Based John Connor, I'll follow you
I love her, I think about her everyday.
Disgusting, why would you turn a perfect pony into something so hideous?
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Does anyone have pictures of real horses with their manes styled similar to Rarity's?
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>when unrolled, Rara's mane becomes a deadly silken blade capable of slicing through anything
so long.
That's what she said. (Rarity) (to me) (about my penis)
she just didn't want to hurt you.
>Being wrapped up in her hair while you fall asleep next to her
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What do we think about Raridurgs?
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love it!
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top 3 images of all pony.
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Rarity Investigates! is still kino.
She was the only one that improved post-Faust.
top-tier episode
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>Rarity nonchalantly trots up to anon and plops herself on his lap while looking smug because she knows he's going to get a boner
So she gets one before him
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In previous threads, I started a green about Rarity being the softest, smoothest, most pettable creature in all of Equestria.
It's finished here:
There are two endings, but I will only green the one here that focuses most on Rarity. You can read the other on the paste if you want.
Thanks to everyone who read it.
>There's a Rather Attractive Rump on your Rather Confused Lap.
>It belongs, it seems, to a Rather Attractive Pony.
>The fact she's a pony still scrambles your brain.
>Ponies shouldn't talk. Shouldn't seduce. Shouldn't radiate sass from every curve.
>"Well?" she coos. "Don't be shy, darling! I'm allllll yours"
>"A-Are you sure?" Your words stumble out. "We just met and this is all so sudden--"
>She silences you with a hoof to the lips. It's softer than a whisper.
>"Shhh." Seductive. Sultry. Slightly silly. "I've waited EONS for this moment!"
>Her lashes dance, butterfly kisses. "Just… be gentle," she adds, with a hint of maiden modesty.
>Trembling fingers reach out, hovering inches from her body.
>"…Should I use protection?" Your eyes dart to the gardening gloves.
>"Don't be silly, dear! We don't need any… rubber~"
>Your hand drifts down, a leaf on the wind.
>"Touch me! Touch me like only a human can!"
>Contact. Coat. Cosmic quiver
>Somewhere, somehow, a Twilight Sparkle screams.
>Superlatives assault your senses.
>Softest of the soft. Sleekest of the sleek. Smoothest of the smooth.
>It's like stroking a cloud. A velvet cloud.
>A velvet cloud bathed in fabric softener.
>That moan. Sweet Jesus, that moan.
>It's the audible equivalent of cashmere, caressing your eardrums.
>Delicate. Dulcet. Depraved.
>…Definitely depraved.
>"More! More!" Those big blue eyes demand worship.
>You comply, an infidel in the face of her holy sofness.
>"Mmmmm!" She arches, catlike. Ponylike? "You've clearly done this before, darling"
>"Well, uh, not exactly... I mean, I've petted but nothing this intense..."
>Plush plot sways, mocking your naivety.
>"Don't worry." Her voice is honey, is silk, is sin. "I'll be gentle~"
>You never stood a chance.
>"Relax, darling. Let your hands roam lower, hmmm?”
>Your hand drifts south, brushing forbidden regions.
>"Lower" She purrs.
>Drifting, descending…
>Exploration into uncharted--
>"Ahem! Too low!"
>You jerk back, face flaming.
>"Right...here." She places your hand on the Spot. That Spot.
>It's… Is that her--
>"Go on, darling!" She wiggles impishly. "Put a finger in!"
>Brain short-circuits. Rational thought takes a vacation.
>Those bedroom eyes. Dear god, those eyes.
>They undress you, body and soul.
>"You heard me~" A hint of dominance. Of command. "In!"
>Trancelike, you comply. Probing. Penetrating…
>"Oooh! Oh! Yes! THERE!"
>Pony pelvis bucks brazenly, ravenously.
>You feast, fingers first. Into the equinholy of holies.
>"Feel the magic?" She moans. "Feel it deep inside me?!"
>Electricity jolts through you, a spark jumping from pony to person.
>"That's the spot, darling!" She gasps, grinding against your finger. "My most sensitive place!"
>She leans close, hot breath tickling your ear.
>Whispers the filthiest phrase known to man.
>"My belly button~"
>So hot. So velvety. So forbidden.
>"Probe deeper! Ohhh, you're... nearly... THERE!"
>She's close. So close. Teetering on the brink of rapture.
>Your finger probes, presses, PLUNGES--
>"D-D-Don't stop! I'm… I'm…"
>She screams to the heavens with the voice of angels.
>Her hips buck and jerk in finger-fueled ecstasy.
>In an explosion of sparkles and stars, her horn erupts in rainbow radiance.
>Magic geysers, painting your face in prismatic passion.
>She collapses, boneless. Breathless.
>Purple locks tousled so beautifully.
>Your digits remains buried.
>In her belly button.
>"That was wonderful, darling!"
>She rolls onto her back, gazing adoringly up at you from your lap.
>"We simply MUST do it again! And again! And AGAIN!"
>You contemplate the refractory period of ponies.
>"Oh! Oh! I know!" She squirms excitedly. "Next, you can rub my--"
>There's a Rather Attractive Rump on your Rather Shellshocked Lap.
>It belongs, it seems, to a Rather Attractive Pony.
>Who craves an encore
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I wish I could pet Rarity...
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The many faces of Rarara.
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"ehm...can you stop to stare at my costume for a second?"
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What would tanning even accomplish for her white coat?
She's just re-upping on her vitamin D
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I think about her everyday.
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There isnt a thought i have where shes absent
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I wish Rarity could pet me
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Have my new drawing, base on that rare Kwistal Gala figurine
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She really is my favorite mane six. I don't even know how it happened. I never disliked her, but somehow she has slowly drifted towards the top over the years.
Maybe it's because she's one of the most feminine
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She is something of an acquired taste for a lot of people. I personally have loved her the most since the early days after I got over my initial Twi phase.
The neighbors will be making a noise complaint either way!
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Love it. One of the best new Rarities lately.
Thank you! Im glad to see fellow Rarity appreciators like it!
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It's definitely better than many of the outfits the show put her in.
I love her outfits on the show, but I feel like a lot of the best ones are only on for a few frames and never seen again.
I want to breed Rarity, and she can occasionally tease me about how our progeny are ponies, not people.
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>her face when she see bunch of zebras standing next to road.
Rarity, no!
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God her laugh does things to me
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Tabitha is truly a treasure. Honestly don't think I could even watch much of the show without her ad-libs.
Holy shit how have I never noticed this outfit, it's adorable.
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Box of fabulous!
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("I should say something...but she's so beautiful")
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This is so good, i love it!
H-haha, yes Rarara
My Juliet.
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I love Rarity!
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I noticed part of the mane was too small a bit too late into the drararaw, but otherwise i think this came out good
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Good as always!
Did you ever draw before those drararaws?
Nah, i got into drawing specifically because of rares back in 2019
>inspired by Rarara
Very appropriate
I love her a lot :> Shes got me through a lot of things
So, we have 2 drawfags inspired by Rarity here.
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Squishy cheeks
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I wonder where Reuniclus is today and if his paradigms are still shifted towards Rarity.
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New Rarity song dropped
+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEL0FqgIqB0
So once a librarian wrote an article about Twilight being a librarian. Has anyone in fashion ever commented on Rarity?
Holy shit my cock
Love the chosen image. Hoping the stress of her job will prompt more opportunities for Maria Brinking her frustrations. Rarimetal therapy has tremendous artistic and creative potential.
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God she's so adorable when she's mad.
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its hypnotic
the GOD Battsy
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Wafting her pheromones your way
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Always knew Rarity jammed out with some heavy metal every now and again.
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no, we post your face too!
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Who draw this?
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We love your rear, REARity.
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Is it normal to have feelings, and strong sexual desires for this pony?
Normal? Neigh. It means you are among her chosen
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how I wish I could draw
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I like it better with the sound turned off
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Don't like Rarity that much, but holy shit muh dick.
That's wholesome
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I love Rarity, but I didn't care for the animations. They're too low brow for the character. Rarity may not quite be high society, but nigger-like twerking is very much beneath her.
How cute of how you use your own words there.
there's no twerking in that video

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