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Friendship with Windy and Dahlia had ended. Now Princess Pipp "The Capitalist Pig" Petals is her best friend. But for how long?
Man's best friend
>Episode so bad it killed the thread and all interest in the character
I want to see them fuck
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we hit bump limit!!!!!!1 and I kept episode posting over >>41119033
this frame tho
How did this episode kill Posey?
It didn't, its just one samefag dissapointed they killed their WindyxPosey ship so he just repeat same stuff about S2 being shit and Posey being ruined
it did
retard making things up
Strap on or futon?
Pipp just became Posey's friend because Posey might ruin the bracelet brand
fuuuu even Poseys tail is lifted
Pipp is one of the "good ones", so that chudmare has no issue.
Bro the Posey tag is being polluted by this forced shil
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what the sigma are you talking about
This episode did kill posey threads haha
What do u mean....
Looks like a samefag.
it certainly broke one samfeagging poseyfag
Posey pushed away her friends because of her character. This is her reformation episode
I hope she stays at least a bit grumpy though.
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Hope to get more Posey episodes since she's best pony.
What more would you do with her?
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heh heheheh hehehe
reposting OC
second version
Posey gets dumped on irl too. Her VA wasn't credited in the credits of the newest episode.
Is it an AI voice now?
nah, I just don't think they took the time to update the credit slides. I never really paid attention, but I bet they just keep them the same for every episode, like they showed Hitch (and others), but he didn't have any parts
I like version2, good memer
it was a struggle between finding a shot with both of them facing each other and their faces being far enough apart to fit the text inbetween
>Friendship with Windy and Dahlia had ended.
not in a world with a shred of continuity
Windy will probably come back
I miss Windy and Fifi
Well look at how dead this thread is and tell me I'm not right. I was also the last poster 5 hours ago
The last Posey thread hit the post limit
Welcome to the DEAD /mlp/ Posey Thread! Should I do some statistical analysis on the Posey threads before and after the episode to really figure out how much you have won? looool
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Posey is in bloom.
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any ideas for what I should use the Posey RVC AI voice thing for? I was thinking of re-recording a racist Terry Davis rant, or maybe Francis E Dec rant to have more of her intonation then run it through the voice changer
That'd be nice
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Posey ranting about glowies
Try the Francis E Dec computer god rant
Wouldnt that be more for Terri?
He's the one who likes all our pretty songs, and he
Likes to sing along and he likes to shoot his gun, but he knows not what it means
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okie dokie
imagine the smell
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working on the stats, pulling from these threads

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It's a messy right now, but here's the method:
> sum the # of posts over 6 hour periods since the start of the thread
> that's the plotted line
> each thread gets it's own color
> longest lasting thread was over 52 days
So far this thread looks like this:
> 8., 6., 2., 5., 5., 2., 3., 1., 1., 4., 3., 1., 2., 2., 1.
Which is pretty standard, starts off with a lot of posts, then tapers off to dedicated posers bumping, etc
I'll get some more stats and see if I can make a better and cleaner viz tomorrow, but I think we're alive and well
I respect your analytics
based datachad
You really notice how tiny Pipp is when she stands next to posey
Why was 686 such a boom in bloom?
if I had to guess it was discussion around the episode leak right about here https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41005686/#41046196
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> thread/38585597/ 26 posts
> thread/38776680/ 97 posts
> thread/38867568/ 128 posts
> thread/39341612/ 12 posts
> thread/40447257/ 5 posts
> thread/40462051/ 95 posts
> thread/40579930/ 145 posts
> thread/40708142/ 209 posts
> thread/40871660/ 188 posts
just comparing the current thread with the previous thread
> thread/41005686/ 182 posts
> thread/41127267/ 15 posts

also just realized I should add a thing to update the current thread data, it's stale, but we need to bump >10
>first posey thread only got 26 posts
Below I state some of the many REASONS for said re-hearing, plus all of my evidence the attorney general chicaneriesly forwarded to the Bar Association Grievance Committee for prosecution of felon gangster mafiotic unicornish the UNICORN Izzy Moonbow, a Gangster Judge, therefore unprosecutable. The unicornish menial unicornoid-in-apperance-and-demeanour felon vicious parroting puppet ex-district attorney Bridlewood County with NO private law experience, DETESTED by all factions, in spite of this SOLELY because of her many year secret gangsterization and crucifixion of ME, this unicornoid low mafiotic deadly UNICORN Izzy Moonbow was then IMMEDIATELY and UNPRECEDENTEDLY and REPEATEDLY rapidly promoted in spite of TREMENDOUS opposition to the present position of second highest state judgeship SOLELY through Gangster Computer Alicorn manipulation!
maybe my software is gay and wrong, I manually counted that thread and it's coming out to more. I'll dig into it

lol yesss
oh duh, it is wrong because I labeled the 6 hour bins as "posts"... what it should say is "thread life" and do some math: 26 * 6hours, so 156 hours or 6.5 days
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had to do a few takes, but I finally hit it I think
>Izzy Moonbow is a gangster
I love it
Anon, I feel the need to recreate that in animation.
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I like her character voice here
I was going to add some AI art and clips over it, but a animation would be amazing to see
Yo she's mewing
Kek, that's great. She sounds so indignant too.
Lacks emphasis of the original text
true, earlier takes matched the texts emphasis better, but the flow was off. Might give it another go tomorrow with textual emphasis translated to the vocals, but it ends up sorta odd sounding
It's hard with AI
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think I hit the emphasized words as script in this one
she's literally me
Imagine the chudsex
Pipp thread and Posey thread should combine. They're both so fucking hot
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I like it more... I'll use this audio for the animation.
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aw yisss
Dumb silly hopping ponies
Was it a Pavlov reaction?
I guess all life could be reduced to that thru the lens of operant conditioning, but I think it's an expression of a deep spiritual joy
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I love when Posey is just crushing someone directly, absolute mare-chad
We need this angry direct Posey with no brakes again
The last time we saw Posey like that was in the Christmas episode with the critic
I only hate bad change that's meant to corrupt and demoralize
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this panel comes to mind to, and how Pipp jumps in too, so good
ay nice Poser
>Teaming up to bully a lil ziglett


also yellow eyes Pipp
Wtf how do you get Pipp's eye color wrong, if you're going to get it wrong at least do early merch red-eyes Pipp
I mean if you want random merch error excuses, there is one.
That's still Green
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Its green but you can absolutely glance at it and think its yellow. You absolutely could pull the render lottery and end up thinking Pipp has yellow eyes atleast for a bit.
I was being stupid calling it an error though. The power of not thinking what the meaning of what you're writing.

Her final eye color looks super yellow in some lighting scenarios. Mostly cause its heavily yellow who could have guessed.
Which fun fact, I'm pretty sure any non-yellow green Pipps(like the toys) are using an even earlier concept design than red eye technically.
Deep Pipp lore.
I like how she looks downs here
A bit better, but still pretty emotionless for Pose
Pipp is rocking those extra chromosomes
Posey is going to get a makeover in a new tyt.
is this a leak?
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I would like to share a story that I wish to re-do and continue. But I don't know how to greentext properly so I'm not sure if you guys would enjoy it.
go for it, I don't know how to greentext either, but I think it goes something like
>be me
>be anon
>be Posey
>minding my own business, when suddenly a North Korean nuke turns me into a shadow of my old self
>isekai'd into g5 equestria
"wha... where am I?"
>vision blurry
etc etc, just give it a go
cute poser anon
draw more!
Yeah. I don't want to share a link to eqd, though. But it's there. 3 previews and Posey is in one.
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looks like she gets a singing part too
Okay let me draw another Posey and I'll start working on an intro
Looks like a musical montage. Is our girl getting another episode?
Clean lines poser
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Need to edit Misty out of this, she's like a jumpscare
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>>>"Every flower needs some sunlight"
>Just moved into town
>Be freshman in uni
>Studying anatomy and physiology
>Would like to be a doctor one day
>Uni is near the coast
>Feel that fresh ocean air hit my hair as I take my first step towards my new apartment
>Decided to show up two weeks before the semester starts
>Wanted to settle in and clear my mind before all the other kids start to show up
>Unpack my two boxes and single suitcase
>Sign the paperwork and get the keys
>Elevator is down
>Begin my trek to the sixth floor
>About to get to my floor when I bump into something which causes my boxes to slip out of my grip
"Whoa watch it!"
>There is an earth pony mare looking at me with distain
"Great another human moving in here"
I'm sorry?
>I was taken aback from the rudeness of the mare
>They are normally jovial and kind
>That aura was not found in this moment
"Yea you should be..."
>Her eyes lock on the spilled contents of your box
>Manga, CDs, art supplies, and a picture of you when you were kid was on ground
>She pauses and trots towards the photo
"Who is this?"
>Annoyance had now been replaced with curiosity
>Not wanting to give any unnecessary information to some random mare you just met you come up with an excuse
He's my nephew from back home
>She rises an eyebrow and then looks at the other stuff
"You read and listen to this stuff?"
>I take a knee and begin to place the contents back into the box
Yea when I have the time
>Her expression softens
"I'm on chapter 9 of that one and they have some good songs too"
>I close the box and stack the other one on top of it
Oh yea? How do you like the story so far?
>She smiles
"It's really cool but the blood and gore keep me coming back for more!"
>You chuckle
I feel you
>She takes a look at your sweater
"Oh, you're going to be a student here too?"
Yea, I plan to study anatomy and physiology. What about you?
>Her eyes light up
"Me too, I want to be a doctor so that I..."
>She suddenly pauses
"My name is Posey, what's your name?"
>Now it was your turn to raise an eyebrow
My name is Anon
>She clears he throat
It's nice to meet you Anon, I'd like to chat, but I need to finish unpacking
>I nod
No problem, hear have a listen to this while you are unpacking
>You hand over a few CDs to her
>She looks at the CDs with a sense of hesitation
I'm not going to charge you a late fee if you don't give them back right away
>She smiles and places them her pack
"Come by my place at 7pm and we can get some dinner"
>I nod
I'll see you then Posey
>She nods and turns away
>You get your stuff and begin to walk towards your door
"Oh Anon"
>You turn around facing the mare once more
"My apartment number is 208B"
>I nod again and walk towards my place
>After putting my boxes down, I plant myself on the couch
>I get my headphones and start listening to some music
She's kinda weird but in the ditzy autistic way
Plus, those green eyes look familiar...
I feel this one
> hear have a listen to this
ha, nice punny mispelling. Posey is way too easy and nice for me in your story, but good job with writing your vision out. I like your drawings too
We got the Misty episode instead of the Poser one and she is such a wet blanket. At least Posey is funny when she's miserable
nice, some eyecandy with my greens
Oh cute poser
my name is Anon Y. Nmous
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Pipp's fat makes good padding
sticky Poser turned out good
Chubby fatty pink piggy princess padding uuuuuuuoooh
Pipp would make a great pillow for Posey
At least there's one flower among the grass
Posey is always in bloom
Eqg Posey green followers, expect an update soon. For real this time.
Take your Time to tell your tale
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She looks like she's about to bolt
she's wondering why anon is being so friendly, he must want something
he wants her PONY PUSSY
He wants to pet her mane, and just wiped his hands on his pants after eating cheese puffs
that would be a good thing to put into the college Posey green
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But where's the PonyPosey green?
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In this thread!!!!!!!!! >>41153113
but I really liked this picrel series
Just woke up and she's already pissed! Fuck this chud life and wife!!!
It's anon's fault for asking up at 6AM and ruining her beauty sleep!
I'm working on the next chapter and art. Should be up by tmr afternoon
I like this
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me too buddy, me too
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I don't like ponytails
...unless they're attached to a rump
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The good ones?
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Pour one out
Wtf Pose is a Plant Pony?
It's a divine birth
Take your time
>>minding my own business, when suddenly a North Korean nuke turns me into a shadow of my old self
>isekai'd into g5 equestria
I'd read it
maybe I'll come up with something then, I want to try and do a complete but short story, just need to get the overarching structure figured out: it's all details rn
Good luck
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this is the look of love
this is the look of hate
>Whitesnake " Is this Love" plays in her head while she stares at Anon
> That dumb monkey that she hates to love but cant keep him from her head
> when he is near her its like the clouds move away and the sun shines brighter
> Horn heads and dragon kids stay away when he is around
> Here he comes with some fruit just for her
> Dont let Windy see her like this
The duality of Posey.
She feels both at the same time
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This is Posey equivalent. How would you even approach a Chud, let alone woo it?
This is the look of love and hate
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we'll connect over the fall of Equestria
Drunk and belligerent in public again.
Uh, tell me about the dragons, Posey.
Oh its Posey rambling about unicorns and zebras again
And yaks
wtf Posey I was just walking home
Well thats one of the reason why i like her so what the problem, again ?
She'll never love your monkey body
Which perspective is closer to Posey
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dude, I'm afraid to click either one of those videos
Then don't
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I didn't
Cute color-coordinated mittens
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Should have been Windy
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She's pogging
They look small here
cope, she is already my wife.
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wow just realized you were so close to nailing some epics digits, just a second too slow
Make me
Love her judging face
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Pipp imprinted on Posey
Her reaction when you get her pregnant
Should have been me
Pipp is smol
A walrus?
A masterpiece
Except unlike Alphabittle I'm taking responsibility
wait are you saying Alphabittle is zebra coded?
such a kino episode
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I enjoy ALL episodes with Posey in it (mostly), the one where they all turned into babies was sort of contrived
Posey is always a plus
Posey saved that episode, the recycled farting and regression episodes are slop
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earth pony magic allows them to grow extra limbs on command :O
We got few seconds of Posey in new episode being a Karen!
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I can't believe she said it
I want to make her my mare wife
love it :D so angry, so beautiful
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bump before beddy bye
Best part of the episode
That's just toonforce
What an entrance.
It's just smear frame
Why isn't she with Windy?
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>Windy is stuck at her job in Zephyr Heights.
> Her boss is a mean mare who is making Windy work every day of the week for a few months straight.
> Windy desperately wants to move to Maretime Bay to be closer to her bestie.
>Posey isn't aware of this and is hiding her sadness about not being around Windy for so long
at least she's with Dahlia
But still...
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I think we just have to give up on Windy and Posey from here on out. I hope I'm wrong, but all the signs I'm seeing seem to point that direction
I blame the Malaysians
Windy became a woke liberal
That's tragic
>Dommy Dahlia wont be denied
wow, I didn't notice Windy in the background with ANOTHER pony, she gets around!!
S2 is regressive
Me too
wtf she's so light
Windy just softened her up
Windy prefer other Pegasi and Posey other Earth Ponies, like how GOD intended

Also like how Posey gets ignored by Pipp and not letting her ride even though they were suppose to be besties
Pipp and Posey had an argument over someone
Lucky girl...
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flat fuck posey!
>Magic is going haywire
>tribes are drifting back to their own again

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