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Best thing/pony in G5 MYM however she is deeply flawed (like everything in G5)
I like her song and that scene where she tries to paint her hooves
TYT Opaline is her best version and she had better song. Its disgusting IDW never made a comic about her
Our Queen is perfect, heretic
They trapped her in the tree, so is she dead or alive? both options are awful. If she is dead well, but if she is alive and conscious trapped in darkness
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I love my mommy.
Like all of G5, she had plenty of potential that went nowhere due to early termination.
kek, any greens for this?
I fel like hating or liking Opaline is a g5 shibboleth or taste appraiser
it's simple:
daddy issues -> hates Opaline
mommy issues -> loves Opaline
Actually, I just find it really hot when a mare is an utter cunt
My queen.
>that scene where she tries to paint her hooves
I don't remember that
It was in TYT when she was watching Jazz's tips
I want to look at the tips of her teats
It means if you hate Opaline you have bad taste
Whos, Opamommy or Jazzybabe?
Checks out to me
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she watching
Shit mare. Deserves a kick in the cunt and an express ticket to the nearest trash can.
Watching what?
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Posey having fun
"and thus ends the era of Piglight Spackle "
Come back, my queen.
We're going to need a bigger throne
>Things that never happen
Happened two weeks ago
Best alicorn.
She doesn't have much competition.
Burned to cinders.
I liked it when she tried to fly and failed
Misty never did set up that home gym, did she? That lazy, lazy pony. It's all her fault.
It really is
I also liked the part after Opaline collapsed after blasting a rock
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Me too. It's pretty a astute observation.
Niggerish taste
>Misty taste
Imagine hating Misty so much, that as you hold her you start spitting bars in Korean
Mym Opaline has I'm A Villain
A bump for the queen.
She will handsomely reward you you a bag of dark berries, fetched by Misty.
It is an honor.
Queen Opaline Arcana will return.
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This is her cutest picture.
Another bump for the queen.
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The one with Misty in chapter 6 where she tried to negotiate with her and says
Is my favorite
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That was a good one, yeah.
Literally made a :3 face
-Is what Opaline would want everyone to think
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This is true. The cutest alicorn.
...Because Skyros is going to suck
...which makes it true!
What do you have against Skyfags?
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she's out of touch...
And she's out of time
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>Opaline when her taquitos are ready
I'm her taquito but it's me who's gonna eat her.
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When is the boomer mare returning? Allura is such a forgettable non threateaning villain even TYT forgot about her like about Comet
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I for one love when she tried to explain her plan to that hoe Misty.
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Opaline was the only reason I stuck with g5
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I said this in another thread, but Misty constantly complaining and being sad makes it look like she had a better time with Opaline
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The queen is too good for G5.
She looked so sad. Truly a hoe, that Misty.
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Sometimes less is more.
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god I want to impregnate her
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I believe this is the closest thing we have.
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Madara vibe here
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Video games Opaline is feisty and cute
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G5 mlp is definitely the worst generation out of all of them. the characters are just so tacky.
Nah G3,5 and Pony Life are much worse. Also G5 is still better than S8 and S9 of G4
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>G5 mlp is definitely the worst generation out of all of them.
That would be 4.5 and TYT for the most obvious reasons of crude art, overall lower quality, and, worst of all, CalArts beanmouth. Opaline's narrower features plus her design help her stand out as the most attractive mare in all of G5. In TYT, Opaline almost completely lacks the CalArts beanmouth, allowing her design to do its thing as well as let her look more unique.
>the characters are just so tacky.
Save for Opaline, I won't argue with you there.
Did you forget about G3?
Sunny is funny. Izzy and Hitch really went downhill after the movie. Zipp is a fun spin on tomboys and Pipp is the funniest g5 character in a fun way and she has a VERY sexy design
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The cutest alicorn.
And all of them are countered by sheer awfulness of Misty. Only Posey saves the show
good, she's perfect that way
This is true.
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We know she also likes kiwi fire blast with a purple heart.
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I blew my load to that blowjob animation of her today.
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Spreading her legs to assert dominance
I like Opaline's fat Earth pony legs.
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That's my favorite Opaline move!
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She looks cheeky.
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It's a good look for her.
Imagine living through thousands of years, see Equestria being build and you still end up getting killed by TikTok zoomers
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Opaline's happy pills are finally kicking in!
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Opaline is silly
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Certainly not!
I miss her so much
Singing with the queen.
If they dont ressurect her im not even bothering with G6
She should be the new main character. And they can't ruin her by making her an alicorn since she already is one.
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>Series where Opaline scorches the shit out of Creaturequestria with Twilight Sparkle as the final antagonist, directly taking place after G4
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Ultra Kino
Thumbnail looks like her wings are on fire
She's coming with her bad dragons
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Why are her lips ashy?
Find her ears first
He was looking at a picture of misty
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It's all the rage in Skyros. All the foals are doing it.
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hot kissing (me)
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She looks like she's in a mischievous mood.
Opaline's opalines...
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A loyal monkey.
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Let's spar, little Misty.
Why is she wearing a gnome hat?
Is there a fanfic where Opaline tries to conquer Equestria and defeat mane6 while only having anon as the loyal henchman?
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Not really.
>Anon begins autistically rolling around in circles on the floor
>Misty begins to get dizzy, and eventually trip over her own hooves, bumping into a pedestal and knocking over a magic vase that then causes a small explosion that cuts a cord holding up a chandelier that falls and crushes Anon
>Opaline gives Misty something that could almost be considered praise and a slap on the ass
Poor Anon
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>tfw your duty is to job to Misty
Didn't she die?
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She will return.
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That's just what she wants you to think!
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So is literally everyone from FiM (except for Spike, who got amnesia instead).
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I think Allura sucks compared to her.`
Shut up Misty.
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>”Let’s not make terrible assumptions, dear. I assure you I suck MUCH harder than that abomination ~!”
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Evil Dorito
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Reminds me of that green where Opal would have big wet orgasms from being pet
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>Misty, get the mop.
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The Living Legend
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That one with the blue gems wouldn't even fit her head.
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Weird, in the thumbnail it looks like she's scowling, but in the full image she's like >:D
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So Many crowns!
crown world
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I like to imagine G4 happened thousands of years ago, and we've had whole civilizations and their associated fashions rise and fall in the meantime. Like there was one time Equestria was a 17th century French aristocracy, and then there was another time it was a wacky Mad Max wasteland. That's why Opaline's wardrobe has so much variation.
That one is for my cock
She is a classic. We need greens about her adventures through the eras.
>Verification not required.
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>Working for Opaline
>2 bits a week
>Half a loaf of bread each day
>Glass of mead each day
How KIND of her.
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>Captcha: M0NGY
Her hair is loosened up here
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imagine the scrumptious smell
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They actually do look delicious. I would try them.
MYM Allura or TYT Allura?
This is a Queen Opaline Arcana thread. Kneel before her greatness or keep thinking about the cold kitty.
>Ms.Starscout, a second plane has hit the lighthouse.
All of them.
Fire vs Ice...
Opaline incinerates the absolute shit out of Allura.
But is Allura cool enough to compete?
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Such a kissable snoot.
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She looks like she has a wicked plan!
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It spells out victory.
Look at all the snacks FATpaline the OBESE made Misty buy her
They put in extra effort with Opaline
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Don't worry, she BURNS the calories right off again.
You can't start a fire like that inside of a tree!

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