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Sisterly bonding edition
Previously >>41092085
>List of greens so far
https://ponepaste.org/8941 (Sweaty Sunset Sister.)
https://ponepaste.org/8950 (Sister Sunset Stormy Silver Screen)
https://ponepaste.org/9062 (Sister Sunset’s Secret Scandalous Salacity)
https://ponepaste.org/9166 (Kindred Kissing Carnal Cousins)
https://ponepaste.org/9189 (Milky Motherly Morning)
https://ponepaste.org/9416 (Vinyl and Sunset Sisters, unfinished/abandoned)
https://ponepaste.org/9463 (Family Friendly Fun, ongoing)
https://ponepaste.org/9764 (Dawn of Incest)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40464433/#40470159 (Various greens that never made it to ponepaste)
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39941314/#q39969050 (The beginning of Scribblekek’s downfall)
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Sex with Adagio.
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>sex with Adagio be like
Don't forget to give your sister daily gropes!
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It's for my own relief as much as it is hers.
They do need massaging every day to grow big and bouncy!
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Why is bed hair so sexy?
I gave mine more than gropes.
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>ywn make cousin Trixie cum just by complimenting her
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yeahyeahyeah what if sunrise twinkle was your mom whatever. How about you fags post some more Diamond Tiara?
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Diamond likes a big bro who will take control
Actually, you can do that fairly easily. Just make sure to call her the Great and Powerful in public, and really roll that r on the great.
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Please not here. Not on /mlp/. We're better than that.
pictured: DT lying on her belly because she can't sit or stand after i obliterate her tight lilac pucker to correct her attitude
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>it only makes her more bratty
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She’s empowered by correction
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How can big sisters ever hope to compete?
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I wonder what cousin Diamonds reaction will be when I agree to come with them, just to spend all my time fawning over my cuter bespectacled half-sister.
She’ll have no choice but to correct Silver Spoon
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>When your little brother oversleeps and doesn't give you your good-morning kisses before he rushes out the door
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>Im afraid Anon’s priorities lie elsewhere now, cousin
>"Wait, what?"
>Sunset notices that Anon is spending more time with their younger cousin Diamond Tiara lately
>Hanging out with her, taking her to the park, getting ice cream with her, etc
>Sunset is worried that Anon is drifting away from her and into something inappropriate
>Barges in on Anon and Diamond
>Expects to see something lewd
>Sees them doing something platonic and innocent
>Turns out that auntie Spoiled is nasty and mean behind closed doors, and Anon has been filling the role of big brother lately
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>but yeah, they do be fucking
Silver would feel guilty for accidentally stealing all the love and constantly try to throw some of that attention her friend’s way.
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Such a good friend... but I can't help but keep my eyes on her for some reason.
I'd love some of her bed head.
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she needs to let me lick her feet or make me
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Like this
…that’ll do it.
Now you pay the price. I get to juggle them.
So you guys asked the question 'What if Sunset Shimmer were your sister?' and you all decided that the answer was
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Fuck else would you do?
Diamond better hurry and get those implants. Sunset won’t be able to compete with an oppai loli
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Because the real answer is:
>being bullied into the void during her bitch-phase and become either:
>the most submissive fuckboi as avatar of insecurities and derange yourself into liking that
>the most bitter edgelord on a mission to make every woman on this planet pay for what she did to you
>and after thatn have an episode when reformed Sunset tries to fix fucking you up with no effort
So people go for sex option, it's easier.
Option 1 sounds pretty good to me
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Of course it does, you little fag
Degrade me more. It turns me on.
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>>and after that have an episode when reformed Sunset tries to fix fucking you up with no effort
>Suddenly be shown pictures of her revealing herself as a literal demon.
>Hear about her actually being an alien from another plane of existence
>You suddenly realize your real sister has been missing for an unknown period of time
>Someone posing as her has been making your life a living hell in your own home
>A stranger that barges into your home, takes away your sister, sullies her memory by acting like a cunt, and spits in the face of the family that gives her food and shelter
>Tfw when she has the audacity to try and 'fix' you
I think its a bit too late for that, now
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Only one answer
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It's going to be hard to think of anything else when she's your sister.
You know what ELSE is hard?
Better not be your mom
That might raise some questions
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What if her abs are hard?
>Curling 3pl8
>For reps
Fitlestia scares me
She’s needs to always be able to carry her son to bed, even when he’s grown up. What a considerate mom.
>”Bedtime is 10:00 sweetie, say goodnight to your sisters and cousins.”
“Mom I’m in high school, I don’t need-“
>”Now. Sunshine.”
>Mom bodily picks you up like a stuffed animal, you don’t struggle as you’ve seen her curl 315 as a warmup.
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>So, what if Sunset Shimmer was your sister?
>She basically bullied you into the void, every day from thirteen to fifteen. You were there for her rise to power, and meteoric didn’t begin to describe it. It was like your sister was possessed, her stare so cold that not even the adults could look her in the eye. They broke, bowed away, and let her get away with anything. Kids were no harder. Sunset Shimmer had a plan for everything, always another trick up her sleeve, and, sometimes, watching her, helping out where you could so the both of you were at least roughing up the same kid rather than her roughing up you, you’d get the feeling that she really was possessed. Because no thirteen-year-old should know how to manipulate, blackmail, and terrorize as well as she could, and there was no way your boring old middle class suburban life could have taught her those things.
>But while you helped where you could, at the end of the day, it was just you and her. Your half sisters didn’t live with you, and your mother was too busy running the school to care about its students. Your father was long gone. And then the demon-bitch would turn back to you, that same older-than-she-should be arctic stare, those same long teeth and hot, clawing body.
>You’re not quite sure what was the tipping point. But your sister threatened to report you for molesting her if you ever disagreed with her again, and you stayed. That week, you held Sandalwood’s head underwater in a bathroom stall while your sister renegotiated the share of his profits, dealing everything from his older brother’s weed to the occasional porn mag. Your sister nearly choked you out with a pillow, one night while you slept, and you stayed. That morning, you went and slashed Vice-Principal Luna’s tires, and then told your aunt that Rainbow Dash was actually responsible for messing up her car. Your sister found out you had a crush on a girl in class, and cut her with a knife, photoshopped nudes of her and spread them around the school, and, when Scribble Dee stopped coming to school, you still stayed.
>She bullied you into the void, coerced you into doing the same for others and, one day, there in the darkness of Hell, things tipped over. You couldn’t look at yourself in the mirror anymore, let alone look at your bitch of a sister.
>So, you left.
>But your sister threatened to report you for molesting her if you ever disagreed with her again
>Not far, just far enough that wasting your time was never the most profitable thing she could be doing. One town over, no social media presence, job in an industry where not asking questions was the standard, because there were always more questions to ask. It was an ugly life, rebuilt from the ground up, and the first two years were Hell, sleeping on the streets, shelters, and anywhere else you could lay your head.
>It was cold. Made you cold. But it also made you hard, and after two years of junkies, burnouts, and people too weird to have a name, your bitch of a sister didn’t seem that scary anymore. But you were too cold to come back, not to a city where she could burn up your life at any moment. You weren’t scared of her, but she had blackmail material. You were scared of that.
>The way she tells the story, you molested her.
>You don’t tell the story that way. But you don’t expect anyone asking those questions to hear your answers over hers. She might have been a bitch, but “I’m only like this because he touched me at night,” shifts a lot more of the blame for her being a bitch onto you than you’d like there to be. Frankly, you’d like to think you were entirely innocent for the way she turned out.
>When she was twelve, Sunset Shimmer ran away from home. A perfectly unremarkable act of tweenage rebellion against parents who wouldn’t let her have a sleepover on a school night, or so your story goes.
>Six weeks later, Sunset Shimmer came back. Or, at least, that’s what you thought for the next four years. It turns out she might still be out there, that the bitch you’d rather be homeless than live with was an imposter all this time. You saw the news, tabloids and tik-tok posts but you saw it all. The demon, the rainbow vortex, the ponies. It’s not something you like to think about. She hurt you either way, hurt everyone you knew or cared about, and the betrayal feels just as real regardless of whether that bitch was your sister or a demon in her skin.
>Cracking dive bar skulls is a good hustle, though. You’ve since stopped imagining that each rowdy patron or drunk asshole was the demon in a clever disguise, but you lean into them regardless. If nothing else, your bitch sister had taught you how to make yourself be feared, even if it was by example. These nights, you pay your gas, cigarettes, and rent by being the scariest bouncer in town.
>You aren’t the biggest, nor the strongest. But you are cold and hard, know how to hit hard, and stare down every patron who crossed your threshold with the same frosty message. “If you want to cause trouble, go somewhere else. There’s a whole world of trouble out there. Go there or I’ll take you there.”
>Because you had done just that.
>It was a cold night and your shift had just ended when Sunset Shimmer came back into your world of trouble.
>The smoke from your cigarette curled up into the frosty air, and you were watching it mingle with the steam from your breath when your sister approached you, limping over from across the bar parking lot, where you were having one last hit of nicotine at 4 AM, before the day began and you turned into bed, and fought the nightmares of the bitch until the dusk, and your work, came again.
>Of course, you didn’t recognize her at first. All you saw of the disheveled and stinking bundle of bones and rags was just another bag lady, likely a drifter, seeing as you knew this town’s homeless population pretty well, and you couldn’t match this gaunt redhead’s face to any you knew. The possibility that she could be your sister was impossible. All you did was stare her down with narrow eyes, watching as she drew closer, first a vague silhouette, then an emaciated shadow, then, finally, filled in by the flickering neon of the bar sign and the one remaining streetlight in the strip mall, a picture of desperation, all stains and matted golden-scarlet hair, skin the color of jaundice, eyes the temperature of regret.
>Reflexively, you lean back against your car. It’s the most valuable thing you own, and its a piece of shit. But it's also yours, and it's your getaway ticket if your bitch sister’s threat of a witch hunt ever came true, and, worse yet, broke out of Canterlot City.
>Her voice is hoarse, sickly. “You take hitchhikers?”
>You puff smoke, not at her, you don’t pick fights with people you can kill without breaking a sweat, but just in the air, where it mingles with your hot breath into a thick cloud of cancer. Perfect for the icy air, perfectly fitting the state of your life. Your breath smells like beer and, even from several yards away, she reeks of human refuse and years on the street. It’s a familiar smell, one that seeps into every pore, and takes a month of showers to get out.
>She looks up at you, blush-nosed and baggy-eyed.
>You look back, cold green face matching her shivering gold.
“No free rides, kid,” you say, despite the fact that you’re both the same age. But you both look a lot older after everything that’s happened, but, then again, it's because of that you recognize how young she really is. Can’t be older than eighteen, like you.
>A flash of bitchy anger crosses her face, perverting desperation into something far, far cruller. But then it’s gone and, after a second, she spins, uneasily and slowly on unstable feet, heavily favoring her left leg. But her odd posture does the job, showing you an ass that used to be fat, and now is merely, barely, toned. Twin rises of flesh sit above slender legs, even if one of them is wounded, bandaged at the knee, over her jeans with an old scrap of flannel.
>Afterward, facing you again, she adjusts her coat, letting the scratched-up leather fall around her shoulders. There’s a shirt under it, what looks like two, actually, she’d be suicidal not to have something on in this weather, but you get the message. You see the curve of her breasts. The words just rub it in, “I ain’t got cash, obviously. No grass either. But I got ass, you get what you see. Just…” And she forces the words out afterward, “Get me out of this place.”
“What’s wrong with this place?”
>The flash doesn’t return. Broken, your sister slumps down next to you, fetal position at your feet. For a second, you almost buy it, but you just smoke on. The bitch tried this, and you used to fall for it. You stopped falling for it after half the women in the shelter tried the same. Vulnerability, offering dirtbags like you a scrap of self-esteem in exchange for a ride. Once you got good at beating people up, you stopped needing the self-esteem.
>The ass, however…
>”I’m not asking to go far,” she mutters, still glaring at her battered sneakers. “Just… as far as you can take me. I’ll go all the way. I just can’t walk anymore. Can’t be in this cold.”
>It’s not that cold, you think. Not really, at least, not under your leather jacket, and not under your sweater, your shirt, the vest underneath that. Not even your face is cold. Sure, you’ve drawn your buff lower now to smoke, but that’s usually up to your nose, and a beanie covers the rest of your head. Getting recognized in the street isn’t what you want. Against all odds, the people you hurt tend to have friends…
>You flick the cigarette aside and it dies with a splash of sparks against the parking lot tarmac. That done, you draw the buff back over your chin and mouth, and take your first proper look at the girl fake-crying at your feet.
>What if she isn’t?
>After a good shower, maybe a lot of perfume, a haircut, and a change of clothes, she could be beautiful. She has the body for it, even starved and raggy, you can see that. Long curve of her neck exposed by her lowered jacket, a generous chest, and long legs that her jeans fail to hide. Her skin could be the color of the sun in the right light, and her hair has such a distinctive glow to it that you could swear you’ve only ever seen it once before… well, twice, once in the mirror, but you shave your head so nobody recognizes that.
>The only person to have such a brilliant mix of blonde, copper, ginger, and pure, flaming crimson is your sister, Sunset Shimmer. And the demon-bitch that stole her skin.
“I stay over in C-suburb, a few miles opposite the way you came.”
>Immediately upon hearing you, she adjusts her jacket back over herself, and fights with the zipper until she’s covered up. Through yellowed, chattering teeth, she says, “Works for me… So, uh, now or later?”
“Now what?”
>”I gotta pay you, don’t I? No free rides, remember?”
>You shrug. Vaguely, you consider lighting another cigarette, but you consider against it. It’s not like you’re really going through a dry spell, but you try to be a gentleman. That’s how you were raised, after all, and you were raised to quickly, firmly learn that girls do not like the smell of smoke. At least, the women in your family didn’t.
>”You’ve got a car.” She stood up, not bothering to brush the freezing dust off of herself, the effort to stand taking enough out of her as is. Swaying back and forth, she almost falls into you a second later, pressing her meager wait against your bulk. The smell of desperation hits hard, acrid and stale, like smoke and mouth-breath gone to rot. “You can fuck my ass in there. You could… turn the aircon on. I’ll suck your dick, I’ll let you do whatever you want. Choke me, hit me, anal, whatever. Just get me out of the cold.”
“I could…” you say, slipping a hand around her thin waist, feeling the sharp rise of her hips through her mud-stained jacket and thin shirts, “Or I could take you back to my place. Might have free time later. Could take you further than C-suburb, maybe up to J-town, even.”
>Her watery eyes widen, like a pair of pool balls with chipped numbers surrounded by faded cyan paint. Snake eyes, really. But her voice is like a lamb’s, a crippled lamb’s, sick and dying, “You’d do that? Seriously? I’ll take it!”
>A smile spreads beneath your buff. Looking at this girl who looks like a humbled version of your runaway/bitch sister. How she clutches you, how weak she is, that you can finally stare her down and she looks away first. Fragile thing. And you finally get to do whatever you want…
“Then get in. Just remember, kid. No free rides.”
Interesting. I’m interested. Question though. Does Anon know or not if this is his sister? I feel like I didn’t quite understand that.
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>It was just a bad dream, Anon. You know I’d never hurt my little bro, right?
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>*blocks your path*
Personally, I like to consider the incest lore separate from the actual lore of the series. Replace the years of evil alternate dimension sister with our own sister’s bitchy teenage phase, but not quite actually evil. I prefer being with our actual sister.
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>It was cold
>But it also made you hard
>”Wow. A demon, huh? That sounds like some dream, bro. Couldn’t help but notice this down here though.”
>She gives your eager morning wood a gentle flick
>”Wanna pick up where it left off and let your big bad evil sister make it up aaaaall up to you~?”
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Kino's back on the menu
>Replace the actual character with someone else entirely
Might as well just read any old incest story at that point.
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It's not someone else entirely really. I just want to be related to the actual character. So just replicate the same sort of circumstances without the magic. Otherwise we would have to be interdimensional ponies as well, which is interesting but not what I'm really after most of the time. Really though this only applies to the extended familyverse.
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Thanks for the good feedback guys, lets do this.

>You don’t get far driving with the girl next to you before realizing that you won’t make it all the way home without cumming. In your defense, you're not sure if she's your sister, after all. You're just sure she said she'd let you fuck her for a ride across town, and you really need to bust a nut. Better to do it in her then, especially seeing the way she looks at you, staring wordlessly, like you’re her only connection to life, to hope.
“Whatever I want, right?”
>The girl nods, overlong and rough-chopped bangs falling across her face, like a bonfire of scarlet, crimson, jasper and bright flaming gold across a skyline of tanned skin, clouded with weeks of dirt and grime. She smells about as bad as she is eager to please you, that cruel, acrid and sour smell of the streets. She smiles and her mouth is nasty, but hungry regardless.
>A shaking hand, all tendons and bones visible she’s so thin, lays itself on your jeans. You’re hard, immediately, and not from the cold. Your dick is diamonds, eager for her throat.
>You pull the car over somewhere secluded. Doesn’t matter where, you’re not into this night because you care about that.
“Get in the back. Blow me there.”
>She obliges, hopping out the car and before you can even have doubts that she’s running away, taking her chances in the roadside wilderness rather than with you, she’s opened the left side of the car and clambered in. There, sitting on the seat, she unzips her jacket and throws it off, yanks off her shirts afterward, the t-shirt coming off easily, the blouse needing some fumbling with the buttons. She’s eager, so are you. She’s eager to please, do whatever you want and survive, and you’re eager for a blowjob.
>You’ve always liked those.
>You’re in the back seat a second later, and only your own survival instinct has you lock the car. I-Town is mostly a boring place, but you don’t want a serial killer nabbing you while you’re busy skullfucking a homeless girl. That’s just a bad ending right there.
>Much more importantly, you unbuckle yourself and turn to the girl. Seeing her half-nude nearly drops your jaw. Perfect breasts, thinned out after the rough living sure, but if there’s one thing in her that’s still gorgeous after whatever this drifter’s been through, it’d be those tits. Two perfect handfuls of soft, golden flesh, pert in the dim light of your car.
>Before you can grab them, she leans over, taking your entire length the first go, sliding her mouth down your diamond-hard cock like its the first taste of anything she’s had in days. The feeling is immaculate, and you gasp instantly.
>She begins to bob her head a second later, tonguing you, before withdrawing and focusing on the tip, swirling her lips over it, tasting all of the glans, each lick another burst of pleasure. Her eyes stay open, bashful, but still daring you to look at her as she works, sucking and tasting and licking you, exploring all of her shape like she’s refamiliarizing herself with it.
>And as she pleasures you, an attack of second thoughts careens into being, crashing into your mind just as she slides her mouth, tongue, and throat back over your cock.
>You’re not worried about whether or not this girl is your sister. You don’t know and you’re too busy getting a blowjob to care. But what does suddenly crunch into being with an awful buzzing sound you can’t blot out of your mind, like that time a biker sucker punched you in the ear and you had tinnitus for a month, utterly, totally unignorable, is the following. If this girl is your sister, or, Hell, just a psycho in need of a car and a wallet to steal, then the last place you want your dick is actually in her mouth between her teeth.
>Sure, she hasn’t used any yet. She’s actually pretty fucking great at this, bobbing her head and jaw to a perfect rhythm, tasting all of you down to the base, running her long tongue down and around your shaft while those same rough-looking lips are suddenly so damn soft and tight around you. It’s up there for one of the best blowjobs of your life.
>It’s like she’s playing you like an instrument, some kind of horn. And when she starts to stroke the base of your cock, then your sac, with one hand, you can’t help but grab a fistful of her matted hair, splitting and yanking loose ends free as you draw her deeper into your junk, gagging her on, turning the soft bobbing of her head back into something you control.
>You moan as you skullfuck her, watching the sinews in her neck and back twitch, her shoulder blades like fallen bone angel wings twitch with each time you shove your penis into her. She gags, gasps, looks up at you with unfocused cyan eyes and cheeks that chipmunk out before going gaunt again, pressing the soft, warm, and wet walls of her stinking mouth against your dick and trying to match your rhythm, your lead.
>It’s the accidental scrape that does it, when, close to bursting with each thurst and wave of pleasure that accompanies it, you yank her head forward, as hard as you can.
>Her eyes widen to star-sizes as she suddenly kisses your crotch, her lips and nose buried in your pubs. Your tip bangs against the back of her throat, one, two, three times before you adjust your hips, your rhythm, and angle yourself down her gullet again.
>But as you did this, she accidentally bit you, wholly accidentally, very softly. But there was that subtle scrape regardless as you skullfucked your sister’s doppelganger, or her, herself, either the demon-bitch or the runaway.
>The revelation that you might just be about to die hits you like a truck of bees!
>Instinct battles instinct as she sucks you off. But you’d be dead long before if survival wasn’t stronger than sex, even though it might be a fight to death to get there.
>Reflex and big muscles throw the emaciated girl off your cock before those same long teeth, now filthy with plague and something filmy on the gums, can sting down and kill you in just about the nastiest way for a man to die. Bite your cock clean off
>Her bruised head clacks against the roof of the car before she slumps down, pressed against the door, huddling her legs and bare arms into herself like some stray ginger dog protecting its vulnerables. Eyes still wide like she’s still gagging on your dick, those cracked tangerine lips still agape, those sunken cheeks still pulled in. Soaked in sweat from the sex and the aircon, she retreats into a terrified, musky shiver. Fetal position again, knees drawn up against those great, bare breasts.
>But she still looks like a dog, a stray kicked and cowering. A bitch. A stray bitch.
>Demon, runaway, or someone else? Right now, you don’t care.
>You were too busy getting a blowjob. And it happened to be one of the best in your life, and even now your nuts twitch like they’re ready to burst, filled with a load so hot and heavy it’d be a like a shotgun blast clean through her skull. Forget about bruises, you’d blow her head off!
>The words shoot out of her just as fast as, she too, tries not to die. As she speaks, gasping with too much spit in her mouth and her throat banged-up and aching from your rough thrusts, you catch a look at yourself. Clean-headed, half your face concealed by your signature buff, green skinned, creased, furrowed eyebrows and stormy glare. The face of a man who has killed before, will again, might now.
>”Wh-what, did-di-did I d-do wrong?” she gasps, looking away from you and back into herself. She’s close to tears, fat bulbs of saltwater in the corners of her eyes next to the grime and sleep-salt. “Don’t hurt me! Whatever I did, fuck, I’m sorry!” She spins then, yanking on the door which, wisely, you’d already locked.
>Regardless of who she is, you don’t want this beautiful redhead to go.
>”I’ll go, I-I’m sorry, I’ll walk it, okay?” And when she realizes that, yeah, bitch, door’s locked, her expression bursts, truck crashes, bodies break and die and things catch alight and explode and those same seawater ice eyes burst into tears, and seconds later snot rolls down her lip and begging, pleading screams come from her bruised throat. “Please! Don’t, what-whatever you do, I’m sorry, sorry!”
>You’ve seen this before. You’ve seen this with her before? Maybe, depending on who she is, but know isn’t the time to ask that. You really want to cum, you really want the homeless woman locked in your car to stop screaming, you need this to be over. The memories of others begging before you and your sister get worse, but you know what to do at least.
>She’d taught you well.
>Salvaging this, you place a firm hand on her shoulder, as gently as you can. Again, you’re shocked at how thin she is, more like a trellis of a woman than a real girl, just stained, dirty skin stitched with long, hungry, endless nights over brittle, twig-like bones. If you wanted to kill her, and you feel how her warm skin and the weak muscles under it clench and writhe beneath your grasp, you easily could.
>But you don’t want that!
>So that’s what you make clear, in the same false-compassionate tones your sister would, when the wrong person pissed her off, and quickly realized they could really die. Except, of course, you’re entirely sincere… probably. Might still be the demon here.
“I’m not going to kill you, kid.”
>She stops yanking at the door, at least.
Salvaging this, you say, “You weren’t listening to me, that’s all. Didn’t realize you’d hurt that easy, but I don’t actually want to hurt you, let alone kill you. I just wanted you to stop, and you didn’t listen when I told you.”
>She stops. She doesn’t turn back around, but she stops.
“Look, offer still stands. No free rides.”
>”Wh-whatever you want!” she gasps, speaking, if not to you, then your reflection. At least its softened now, the scary green man still scary, but not to her, just scary like a bear, not something you ever fuck with. Something you listen to if/when it speaks, not that you did, but she doesn’t need to know that. “Please, I mean it, man. I-I am sorry, just don’t kill me, don’t throw me out there. In the cold again.”
>Those two things would be about the same.
>You shift closer, and gently turn her to face you, where her fluid streaked face, looks halfway like you’ve already came on her. But you haven’t, and the rapidly developing blue balls inform you that, yeah, you need to sort that out soon or a very annoying night is in order.
>She shivers in her arms, despite the heat. All the windows are steamed over now, but she’s still frigid, bony arms and breasts that heave as she hyperventilates. You take another look at them, soft bronzed skin, not too large, but definitely not too small, about a handful each, and were it not for the circumstances and how dirty she is right now, they’d be up there for the best pair you’ve ever seen. Tits that are pert, dark gold areolae that terminate in nipples firmly pointed. They jiggle as she breathes in bobbing, uneven bursts.
>One, two, three. You watch those beautiful nipples rise and fall like a pair of pupils in the eyes of her breasts, staring at you, as those eyes roll up and down.
>You take one in your hand and grasp it, feel how her flesh gives into your grip, kneading it, feeling how soft and tender she is beneath the cold exterior. You feel yourself harder than ever. You feel yourself ready to burst as you grope her, as she relaxes, realizing that no, she’s not going to die.
>After a few seconds, the girl even gets into it, biting her lip, throwing out a moan.
“This is what I want to do. You wouldn’t be hurt if you listened.”
>Demon, sibling, or stranger, she moans again as you play with her chest, pinching her nipple between your fingers, thumbing it as your knuckles press red marks into her soft flesh. You jerk your hand and she moans again, a moan interrupting her moan, something gasping and genuine. She edges closer to you, almost grinding on her seat, staring brightly into your eyes, a light that never warms. You stroke her chest again and that ice stare widens, and fiery brows shoot up, and she leans into your play as you stroke her chest.
>A quick nod is all she needs and she’s on your dick with both hands. Her strokes are rough-palmed, calloused, cold and dry after the wetness of her mouth, but you don’t care. You were getting a blowjob, now its becoming a tit job. Besides, there’s still enough of her spit left that this feels great, another sharp rhythm, one, two, three, as she jerks wildly up and down.
>Salvaging this, there’s that sex drive again, you grab her hands around your cock and aim it at her cleavage.
>The realization is crashing, instant. And as you strain to burst, gasping again and bucking your hips upward into her, she lets go. Before you can pull her back, she leans aside and adjusts herself, almost falling as she kneels in the footbay of the car, so her chest’s at the approximate height of your dick. She throws her tits forward a second later, and clasps her hands around them, burying your sex in her excellent chest.
>You thrust into her twice, grabbing her head again, angling her chin down to it, to face it, and, there, sandwiched between her breasts, you come.
>Hard, fast, and burning warm, you unload on her. The feeling is beautiful, a wave of pleasure that blanks your mind in smooth, slippery, bursting softness. Again, like you and her have an unseen connection, she gets the ideal message, lowering her hands and kneading aside her flesh until your tip emerges between her breasts, spurting its cum upwards. The first rope catches her on her face. The second lands in her open mouth, as do the rest.
>You lower her head as she drinks you up, one shot after another right against the invisible, awaiting target of the bruise you left not minutes before.
“Yes! Like that!”
>Those words scream, clenching your fist around her hair, pulling a gasp from her that turns into a choking, gagging cough as the cum goes down her windpipe instead of her gullet. But you don’t care. This is the best titjob of your life.
“Like that, right! Take that, you bitch, choke on my cum!”
>Not your best, but she does.
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>Using outdated buzzwords
>Accusing someone else of brainrot
Absolutely sneeding
Well now I’m depressed AND horny…
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>Plot twist; she's the sister that ran away all those years ago
Cousin tempest might be one of our more level headed cousins.
Unless she’s still angry and trying to overcompensate for something she broke.
I’m not sure what would be analogous for a broken horn.
>I’m not sure what would be analogous for a broken horn
Not sure either, but for some reason I feel like I don’t wanna find out.

I felt kinda bad for him for a moment but he is asshole in his own right. Now he has no excuse of being manipulated by demon of a sister.


Something along those lines also crossed my mind.
Nah, he still has. She made him like that, after all.
Let the man write his damn story.
Maybe. He should, however, have that little thing called will. Something that lets make us choices. Two years is admittedly not a lot of time when you deal with such things. Enough to make at least some progress if you are actually willing.
I won't get into details but I know how it is when other want to break you. Use you.
I know how easy is mentality of "world hurt me, why shouldn't I hurt it back?". How easy it's to use mechanisms you know all too well. Take it from someone who realised that using others is surprisingly easy. Too easy. Bit of cold shower when one realise that one turn into someone you despise. So I stopped. Scraped by. Took some time.
So I will concede. It's part of excuse. Not whole one.

I am not sure what do you mean. Neither of us really told much. Speculation and opinions are common and are integral to any published work of fiction. Still, it rarely changes anything in it if author has any kind of vision.
I think that character is asshole. I think that sister being replaced and found anew is plausible plot. I don't want to actually change authors work. Just random thoughts that flicked through my mind while reading it.
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If we make baseless speculation he’ll write better
The comment probably reads more seriously than it was intended. I just thought it was funny because I thought the same thing but didn't want to say anything and sound like a twat.
Can we get some more wholesome incest up in here?
>This edgy Max Payne story is just Adagio’s fan fiction
nigga where do you think we're at
My mom’s house
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>And when you’ve fucked every last drop of white through those immaculate golden tits, you lean back, and, remembering your promise, don’t make like you’re going to kill her. You gently push her aside, and she scrambles back up next to you on the worn backseats of her car.
>Both of you breathe. One, two, three, and that third second later you hear slurping. A look to your left confirms she’s licking her fingers. Running her fingers over her chest, not playing with the cum dripping from her lips, her chin, off the swan-curve of her neck, bone-sharp collarbone, down her cleavage, but rather scooping it all up, catching it underneath her grimy nails, then raising them to her mouth.
>Her tongue flicks out, curling the cum off her hands. You watch as she almost fellates her fingers, devouring every last string and drop.
>You buckle your pants up about the same time as she’s done.
“You know I’ll feed you properly. You’ll get breakfast before I drop you off in J-City.”
>Her shoulders fall in relief, and she slumps, spent, against the seat. Again, you watch her, smiling, satisfied, having confirmed she’s not about to die in the cold, or against the hardness of your hands balled into fists and pounding down, down, down like you used to do for your sister until she knelt down next to them and told them they just should’ve listened, they’re not meant to die tonight. It’s a beautiful confirmation, restoring almost an angel of beauty to a face that’s really, by all measures, disheveled, muddy, and haggard.
>She’s even licked up all her snot and tears. Her face is almost as you remember your siblings, save for the brutality of wherever this drifter’s been and the mark that left. Heavy-lidded eyes, long lashes like sparks from a campfire, a strong nose and lips that are meant to be plush, the same dark tangerine shade as the nipples that, now, still rise and fall as she breathes. Beside them, on each side, you can see her ribs, like ladders in her starved chest. Her stomach is flat to malnutrition, and below it, around where the tender, intimate skin below her navel meets a spark-red-and-gold dusting of fur, you can see the twin rises of her hips.
>If the cold didn’t kill her, if you didn’t prove she’s the demon and do the deed yourself, another month of an empty stomach would. At least you still got her while she still had something of a chest, but, then again, your sister’s always been well-endowed.
>If she is your sister. If she is, you’ve got a lot to answer for out of these past ten minutes. Then again, it wouldn’t be the first time you’d need to think of an answer like that.
>It’s always great, if you can push past the guilt.
>Still, it’s getting late… early, really. You like to be asleep before sunrise, have something of a normal routine, sleep when it's dark, wake when it's light. Wake up and pretend the sunset is actually a sunrise.
>A wry smile at the irony. But then, looking at the exhausted, half-naked girl, you snap your fingers, and put on your most authoritative bouncer’s voice.
“Get dressed. Back in the front seat. Buckle up.”
>”What?” she asks, legitimately confused, covering herself by reflex, if not embarrassment. Not like you haven’t seen exactly this before or, well, something similar… And it can’t be the first time she’s done all this, not if she’s that good. Not if she’s turning to fucking you for a ride that fast, anyhow.
“As much as I want you with your tits out, you’ll get cold. And I don’t want some traffic cop pulling me over with a whore on my back seat.”
>”Oh,” she looks down at where her arms already are. She uncrosses them, and reaches for a purple rag which, soon afterward, you recognize as her shirt. You pass her the spare, then the leather tatters she calls her jacket, then slip out the car.
>The cold air hits you like a truck of pleasure coming into a wall. The honey of the orgasm afterglow freezes away into nothing but the humdrum trouble of your life.
>You get back into the driver’s seat and restart the engine. At its growl, the girl hurries up, slings on the rest of her clothes, and joins you in shotgun.
>Just like old times, joyriding in your mother’s car. Funny how the school principal never cared what her kids got up too, but then again, Celestia was always an odd lady. Very affectionate, very cuddly, and an excellent baker, too, but you never got the impression she was all there. All that consistent. She was an administrator, not really a mother.
>4:16 AM. You start the drive over to C-suburb and your studio apartment. No music comes to mind. Normally, you’d put on something like Flyleaf, TFK, or Flash Drive, but rock hardly seems appropriate. Besides, listening to her breath is musical enough. She’s clearly in pain, but too proud to admit it. Can’t give it all away, you guess.
>Or she’d really run out of reasons to live.
>Still, time to clear that up, or at least start. You doubt you could wring the truth out of her if you tried, tightening your meaty hands around her tender neck, and crushing the bruise you already fucked there into a broken windpipe, a pressed-off carotid artery, the threat of a nasty, blue-lipped and bulgy-eyed death. That was one thing you admired about your sister, in a way. She liked her sob stories, sure. She would plead, beg, and make promises she’d never deliver, all on the off chance her cold demon stare and infernal plans couldn’t get her the result she needed. The kind of tactics reserved for cops, security guards, pissed off older brothers and gangsters she couldn’t charm her way past. She’d do anything they’d want to get her way, or at least say she would.
>But you could crucify her before she’d tell the truth. Often, you’d end up bailing her out. You were always a big kid… you’d wonder how she got on without you, but the school had plenty of big kids eating out the palm of her hand already…
>So, as you drive, carefully actually, seeing as your license, like your ID, was bought, you ask the question.
>You ask without expecting the answer you’re hoping for, more angling to see how she answers it, especially as off her game as she is now, half-starved, half-frozen, belly full of her brother’s seed. Of course, she’ll lie. But she’ll suck at it.
>Or besides, if you’re wrong about who she really is, and this gorgeous redhead really is just some drifter in need of a roof over her head and a meal in her stomach, there’s no way she’d say she’s Sunset Shimmer anyhow. She’d probably lie and pick a fake name regardless. Well, she would lie, of course, you did when you ran away and you have ever since, but nobody would lie and call themselves the queen bitch, right?
“So, seeing as you’re sleeping on my floor today, what do I call you?”
>At every look, she flinched. The same thing happens here, with her wincing out the words, “Whatever you want, I-I guess.”
>You take a hand off the wheel, slow the car slightly as you turn to her, just one gear shift back, enough to remind her that she can walk, if she wants. She flinches again, cocooning deeply into her jacket, chin buried beneath her collar. Doesn’t matter, you’ve seen it all before, maybe dozens of times.
“Want I want is your name.”
>The girl in the passenger seat chews over the question like she’s inhaling strands of the rusty air from your half-bust aircon, mouth opening and closing like she’s chewing down the dust and the heat and the tenuous offer of shelter and safety and digesting it, hungry for a meal tonight past just your sperm, chewing at the air, before coughing up what, obviously, she hopes you’ll take for an answer.
>“My name is Spitfire.”
>No, it’s not. Even if it wasn’t an obvious lie, from how she bided her time, averted her stare, and forced out the words, she can’t be. Because you know Spitfire. She’s your half-sister, one of several lucky enough to be raised by parents in other houses. And while Spitfire was unlucky enough to have been mistaken for Sunset Shimmer before, same complexion, roughly the same size and similar hair color, they’re evidently different people. Spitfire smokes too much to sound this delicate and breathy, and her eyes aren’t frostbite blue, either.
>But it isn’t like anyone would know that. She’s basically lived in sunglasses ever since your full-blooded sister gave her two black eyes after soccer practice. The style suited her, as a teen anyway. You’ve got no idea where the woman is now, but you’re confident it's not here.
>You catch the girl staring at you from the corner of her eyes, behind a matted mess of golden-scarlet locks, that same frostbite stare, only now without any of the pain.
>While you’re sussing her out, she’s sussing you.
“Spitfire it is… Fiery for short, then.”
>Was that a smile behind her filthy curtain of hair, and, if so, malicious or not?
>”And-and you?” she stutters a second later, not facing you, but looking fully out the window, into I-Town’s predawn streets, black save for the sporadic streetlight illuminating urban decay, broken windows and graffiti tags, plastic trash twisting along freely in the winter winds. “Do you uh want me to call you something? Some of the guys… they, well, like that.”
>Unlike her, there’s no point in chewing the air and coming up with something on the spot. Ever since getting it, your fake ID’s always said you’re the same twentysomething. But then again, if this is the demon-bitch playing some new game, you don’t want that coming back to bite you. Maybe she can’t pass for underage anymore. But other crimes exist, and you don’t want any names tied to what you’ve done tonight, or plan to do today.
“If you don’t know who I am, then I’m smart enough not to tell you. Call me Anonymous.”
>”Right then, Anon.”
>It takes a lot of effort to focus on the road, not skip the red light and hit the nearest tree when that comes out. Sunset Shimmer liked nicknames. It was part of her strategy, right when she was starting out, a way to test boundaries. Give someone a nickname they never wanted and, the way she saw it, you controlled a part of them. Owned a piece of them. Dashie, Shy, Marshmallow, Background Character, the names were endless. None were nice.
>You call the car to a halt and let the light cycle its colors. The aircon chugs, and you drum your fingers on the steering wheel as you think of your next angle of attack. It’s always like this with her, intimate, knowing her so well, no idea what she’d so next.
“So why are you here, Fiery?”
>”Don’t wanna freeze to death, Anon…” Her breaths are ragged, as if it's an effort on her throat to speak loudly, but her sigh is long, pneumatic, regardless. “Don’t wanna starve either. Not… not that complicated.”
“Lucky I’m here, then.”
>Her ragged breath turns to bitter laughter, an almost choking sound, like the sudden blast of summer from song long in the cold is too much for her to take, and she must spit it all out. Eventually, wiping the phlegm from her cracked lips and onto a crusty sleeve, she recovers. “Guess uh you g-get lucky a lot. That’s why I’m here then. In your ride. You’re uh not bad.”
“I know that. But why are you in I-Town, coming from Canterlot? Why there?”
>”Lost a fight.” That one was instant, true or true enough to be committed to memory. And, unlike most people, you learned to tell when your sister was lying. Sometimes, even the demon-bitch’s perfect ice queen mask would crack, and something weak and lost and cast out of heaven would emerge. She’d want to look away, look down, anything but make eye contact. Sometimes she’d demand you hold her, and when, like she often did, she’d talk about plans or ideas or goals for world domination, starting at the high school, segueing to college then the world via some grand political coup, she might twitch. A lie.
>Reflexes. And they came the most whenever she’d trip up in those rare, lonely homesick moments, on the couch or on your bed, and talk about her past. Before she ran away from home, back when the both of you were kids, just a pair of troublemakers. All of it, for her, you coolly realize, a lie.
“They mess up your knee in that fight?”
>You throw your glance away from the dark, empty road and down to your partner’s leg, where a scrap of cloth is wound tightly between her thigh and shin. It’s stained, speckled like the rest of her with mud, dust, and time, but also with blood, blood old enough to look rusty in this gloom. An old brown scar, and a thing of the past regardless of its impact on another present.
>Another cough. “Why do you…” and she pauses, body stiff as she stares at the passing world, a night so late that, for everyone else, it’s morning. Her words are measured, delicate, paced, and pain, “Yes, they won. Messed up, real bad. Six of them. And me. Tried… uh… to scare them off. Their leader didn’t hit back. G-guess I landed badly.”
“They let you off nicely then. Could’ve killed you.”
>Immediately, she flicks to you, and it's your turn to flinch. Her look is all pain like broken glass, some old church window of dusky reds, blues, and golds all ran through with the sledgehammer of your words. And despite the hurt, the same message occurs to you as when you saw her the first time tonight, slumped at your feet. She wouldn't be so bad looking if she wasn't so bad tempered, and she’s not bad looking to begin with. “I lost everything! Anon, do you think I’d fucking be here if those bitches had let me off… nicely? That I-I’d be do-d-doing this?”
>This, this hurts her more than you whacking her head against your car. An assumption that cut deep enough to rub against a crippling scar. Good to know six bitches hit her that badly.
>Six girls then. You don’t flinch when the realization hits you, but it's a hammer-blow regardless. You feel it in the twist of your guts, the pound of your heart, and how the next breath you take is ragged as well, as if all that broken stained glass of her beautiful, anguished stare ended up sliding down your throat.
>The video you saw of the demon-bitch Sunset Shimmer ended with six girls, five holding hands, the sixth a crowned princess in the center, all of them levitating in the air. That shaky phone-camera footage ended with a flash of rainbow light.
I almost don't know how to comment on a story like this. But I am kinda liking it in a weird way.
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>This is really harshing my mellow, dude
>right outside the car
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Rescue bump
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All the energy appears to have been sucked out of here
Quick somebody post a happy story
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>Sitting next to little sister.
>She is happy.
>You are happy.
The end.
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Alright yeah, what about this?
I mean its kinda cool i guess
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>”Hey, bro. Give us the sex”
>And then they sexed
The end
>little sister sitting on your face
>You are happy
>She is happy
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Now we're talking.
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If that massive thing is pressing against me when I wake up, then I can’t be held responsible for what happens
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N-no, don’t step on me, sister-mommy!
>What if Sunset Shimmer were your sister?
1) She gets accepted to Celestia's School for gifted unicorns
2) I never see her again
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Your mouth says no, but your body says yes…
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Need sister clussy.
>”Faust alive, look out!” The girl’s shout breaks you out of your reverie, and your regret. Her arms are on your hands a second later, wrenching the wheel aside and, as you look up, there’s a pedestrian caught petrified in your headlights, nearing by the heartbeat. No face, no shape, no sex, just an obstacle about to die and scuff your car.
>There were worse things to crash into than a random pedestrian. Except, of course, in that pedestrian’s opinion.
>But you and her twist the wheel just in time and, that plus them diving aside, means you pass without a scrape, swerving onto the wrong side of the two-way street, their screams and your screams and Fiery’s screams echoing in the far away distance of your mind along with screeching tires and crunching trash as you grapple the wheel, breaks, and pedals and force the car to a safe halt on a lightless curb of the icy street. You end up inches short of a dead streetlight, two long trails of wavy parallel black scraped out behind you on the tarmac.
>The pedestrian you almost hit is long gone, not wanting to tempt fate again at 4:46 AM on a Saturday night or, well, their Sunday morning. It might be your imagination, but you think you hear footsteps sprinting into the distance. But that might be your own memories, after all, your sister’s footsteps at twelve, yours at fifteen, nearly sixteen. Running away from home.
>The slump back against the headrest of your car seat is impulsive, reflexive, as if you expected the airbags you didn’t end up needing to push you there and hold you there. Only a minute later, when the black spots of your memory start to bleed into the reality of your vision, do you remember to breathe. There’s no airbag compressing your lungs.
>In… one, two, three.
>Hold… one, two, three.
>Out, one, two, three.
>At some point during the ten seconds of pandemonium, your aircon had shut off, and the air you now chew on with chattering teeth and sore, sweat-sticky throat, is deathly cold.
>The cold barbarizes you. Makes you hard, sure, but it also makes you engage in barbarism. Turned you into a viking three years ago. That’s your excuse for how the near miss got your blood pumping like nothing had since those fifteen-year-old days cracking skulls for your sister.
>An appeal to bloodlust.
>Appealing to a cold, hard, and viking young man. An appeal you can hear, pounding in your eardrums, one, two, three, in, hold, out. Your panting soon joins it, and a smile shatters across your face. Been a while since you nearly died.
>Because you’re not a moronic drifter who picks a fight with six girls, nor a demon who thinks they could win that fight, you’ve gotten very good at winning, and even better at not dying. Men have flicked knives, pulled guns and, Hell, one time even whipped chains at you. Fun times compared to what your sister used to do, but you stayed and survived that, and no matter what I-Town’s thrown at you so far, you’ve stayed and survived too. Still, the adrenaline is always nice.
>The two of you look at each other. No broken glass, backstories you’re terrified you know, backstories you don’t want to have to learn, and whatever she suspects about you. None of that, just the raw animal connection from before, hard forced into soft. Cold into warmth, hard into wet. You’re both turned on again. You can see that, feel that in a second.
>And it isn’t a second later you have your hand on her neck, not doing anything past holding your thumb and forefinger against her jaw, forcing the brittle frostiness of her gaze upwards, where it meets yours. Where she can’t look away, where you can feel every puff of steamy air sliding through the bruises and the fatigue and the sickness. Close enough to kiss, to kill if you wanted to… if you wanted.
>Her stomach growls. It wails in anticipation for another taste of you, her pale cheeks are blushed, and her thighs are pressed together, shifted together as the sex between them, you know, is ready for you.
>Panting again, the girl who is maybe your sister, maybe a demon, again a stranger, is deathly still in your hands as she whispers in a voice reeking of your cum, “I-I’ve missed that.”
1) She disappears without a trace
2) When she appears she behaves like a horse and does not even remember me
AGHHH!! Why is she so hot!?
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I want to fuck both of these girls at the same time while they tease each other over how slutty they're being.
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This but only of Dagi is a little girl
To be fair, it wouldn’t make much of a difference.
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The first part is going to be difficult for our little cousin... but there will be a lot of teasing going on, that's for sure.
Fucking UNF
It’s gonna be such a shame when Sunsis *accidentally* drops the key down a drain in the heat of passion
...I like where this is going
Now that you mention it, how was Adam ever supposed to survive Jigsaw's puzzle? The stupid bitch through the key on him so of course it would fall down the drain when he woke up. He never even had a chance.
I will not have sexual relations with my relatives in any capacity. You are unwell for suggesting it
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>Adagio must watch her cousins rut like wild animals for 1 hour without cumming or else the collar around her neck will explode
Live or die, make your choice
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Love me some short hair Shimmy sister.
>what if your sister was a hippie?
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What would you do if you were alone with cousin Trixie?
Ask her why shes sleeping in my bed again...
Practice one of the oldest magic tricks in the book.
>”Hey Dagi, come here real quick! Chat doesn’t believe me! You have to show them!”
>”Users…’Blazing_Star’ and ‘TheGreatandPowerfulBurnerAccount’ are both going to donate 100 bucks if I prove it on stream!”
>”Aaaand I might just reward you with a little snack later tonight~ A nice ‘cream pie’ maybe? I know how much you love those, hmm~ My big bro’s special recipe? Hot and fresh from my ‘oven’?”
>”Oh don’t be such a wimp, it’s not like you’ve got anything to show off that’s going to get me banned anyway.”
>”This is wild, chat, check this out! Prepare to eat your words harder than my cousin here will be eating me ouuu-ououuu-out of my hand later!!”
or we can make room for a new half-sister or cousin
>”Aren’t, like, we all, like, just sisters and cousins in, like, a way, man?”
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I like to imagine Anon and Trixie have WAY too casual sex. Like Trixie could be on a Webcam with one of the cousins and when they ask where Anon is, she just points the Webcam down nonchalantly to him eating her out.
Sis is putting in the work to be able to do all those crazy positions her bro has always wanted to try.
Kek. I love the streaming stuff, especially the interactions with chat.
Hot. Trixie has Anon praising her from down there just as much as much as eating her out, and usually at the same time. Gets her off at least three times as much.
Anon tricks Sunny into giving him a Blowjob to help him study better.
It actually worked and now he has to try and convinceher to do it again.
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>Sunny has the answer sheet for Anon's tests and has just been pulling a double con on him to study the material and jump his bones.
If you trace the letters “GREAT AND POWERFUL” on her button with your tongue she will cum instantly. Works every time.
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The Trixie cheatcode.
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>Get in here, bro! Dinner is ready.
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what if Gordon Ramsay was your sister?
Oh finally I-- What the hell?! Why are you half naked!? Why are you playing video games in my bed?? And why are you serving dinner in my room!? No no! This doesn't add up at all!
>”Anon, calm down”
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It’s time for dessert
>Sunset is caramelized bacon sushi
>Vinyl is a blueberry cream pie
eventually grow together as people and she learns that maybe not everything is about sex and money and anon learns to see the person of his sister more instead of a fuck toy and they get married and have kids with slightly higher potential average of genetic disease and live happily ever after
>lining my sisters up and banging on their bums like a bongo set
>life good
Meant to quote >>41152191 but I guess Gordon can join in has an honorary sister.
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Imagine your sisters just lounging around half naked all the time. Imagine.
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Imagine if they just laid around wearing nothing but oversized t shirts all day
>”It’s for ease of access of course, no sense in wearing more when our stud has free rein of the mares.”
“Oh Sunset, you and your horse metaphors.”
>”I meant that quite literally brother.”
Then I imagine they better be prepred to take responsibility for the oversized erection I’ll be walking around with all day.
I am perfectly happy with my bratty little sister using me as a fuck toy
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I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that once everyone drains you dry
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Imagine losing your virginity to your sister
Imagine the /ss/ with your big sister...
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>tfw no big sis to molest and groom me into loving her and only her
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>when you slip it in her butt
>pull dick out of her
>she sees you're not wearing a condom
I see that and think busting on the back of her throat, but that is honestly even better.
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>"Anon, Look. We don't have enough time, drop the pants and fill us up. For some reason we preform better after!"
Told you it would fit.
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What if you had a drunken fling with your sister?
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Would have to do it in secret, not of age.
Having a little drunken fun with sis while hiding from moms and aunts would be nice.
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>not of age
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Why are they fighting, bros?
Anon is out sick today and can’t be passed around so all the girls have nothing else to regulate their moods.
The school is in chaos.
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>"Listen hear you little SHIT! I have little patience for you, Aria, and any other cunt in this HELLHOLE, So unless you're prepared to bend me over that trash can and give me what I need!? ZIP IT."
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>"Mmmm. Seems the family is getting a little rambunctious today."
>"Anon really needs to get over this cold soon or things may start getting ugly..."
>"But...I'm Ari-"
I mean, now that Dagi’s mentioned it. I don’t think it’d be out of the ordinary for Aria to keep a strap on close by for emergencies
Ironically, Adagio would be the only one there NOT completely losing it, since she is the only one used to not getting any in the first place. She simply exists in the default state of sexual frustration of which she has grown accustom to, at this point it is the norm for her.
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>"Tch, amateurs.
At long last, the goon queen has something she can be smug about for a little while
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School's almost out bump

What activities does Mom have planned to best keep us from wasting away our summer in bed?
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Getting plenty of sunlight.
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>When no one is getting any personal time with Anon, Adagio finally gets her time to shine
>She assumes her place at the top of the chain, as the most respected member of the family
>thanks to how, relatively, cool and collected she can be in this time of family crisis
>All the girls come to her for advice on how to cope with getting no dick
>and like the benevolent queen she is, she inspires and advises them through this dry spell
>For the next couple days she is treated like a princess, pampered and waited upon
>books carried, hand fed grapes and such, practically carried around the school without lifting a single finger for herself
>...until the next day when Anon finally returns
>and they drop her like a sack of bricks straight onto the cold floor as soon as he walks in
>immediately jumping his bone non-stop all day until they have regained their senses
>and Adagio, who barely has any time to register the change, immediately resumes her regular scheduled "quean-ly" activities right there on the spot, with a renewed fervor all of her own even
>so much so that you wouldn't be blamed for thinking she had been missing most of all
Judging by the summer camp gear, I assume we’ll be doing it in various positions around various areas at the camp site
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>”And that’s how I got this shirt…”
Well, at least she had couple days where she was the only gal who wasn’t Mindbroken for once
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I figured you guys would appreciate this art, depicting Scribble Dee being only slightly taller than a middle schooler.
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>Come on in, big bro. The sauna’s just fine.
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I don't know if they want us wearing the robes in there though...
*one new message from: Bacon Bitch*
Wasting summer in her bed!
Well now there’s a problem there. Your little sister’s already sat down and gotten comfy. Guess you’ll just have to take her robe off for her…
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>Sits in your lap
>"Sorry big bro, is this seat taken?"
>pulls her against chest
>gently rests chin on her head
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>My, my. How bold of you.
>You really wanted to see your little sister’s perfect body, huh?
Yeah, by your mom, nigga
Imagine slapping Sunset
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>Okay, what kind of inbreeder are you?
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Every morning when I wake up.
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You see that, everyone? I made that happen
>Anon after getting wasted at the family reunion
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>I’m next, guys!
How would your family react if they found out you knocked up your sister?
See above.
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poor girl was mentally broken from her own lack of breasts
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Genetics are a bitch.
Well, that and the fact that she’s a massive cuck
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I don't know man, what if Sunset Shimmer actually was your real sister. Would you really be all like
>unf sister
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I would never allow her to not be pregnant ever again
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Slanderous lies.
Bravo, you found some balloons that match your skin color. How clever.
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It really does somehow look like Dagi cut out a picture of her face and stuck it on one of her sisters/cousins photos. It's just not believable.
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What are they looking at?
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Realistically speaking, which family member would be the most comfortable getting plapped in a public setting?
Vinyl, Trixie, or Sonata
>blue women
or Wallflower, depending on who you ask.
Blue women and white women
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Stop doing whippets in the middle of the night you dumb whore.
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>"Oh, here it is! Check out this shot, Trix! This is the part where he lifted me up over-"
>"Who the heck is filming this? And why can't they keep the camera steady?! Or wipe the lens... Trixie can barely see the good stuff!"

>"You try keeping still while those two freaks are throwing themselves around right on top of you, damn it!!"
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Vinyl is honorary blue woman.
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How openly affectionate would you be with sunsis?
would you help sunsis get herself clean, to a place where she's off of that shit that's ruining her life?
But it feels so good when she licks it off my peepee
Considering we live in a society where we can just start fucking in the middle of class and no one bats an eye, I’d be very openly affectionate
Hugging and holding her close from behind in public conversations, have her sitting on my lap in the cafeteria during lunch, rubbing my face all over her like a damn cat all the time. Lots of public cuddling.
That'd suck
hand holding
that's lewd
You ever watch Crank 2?
Sunsis wants to go out on a date, where do you take her?
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Hell yeah
Monster truck rally or a derby or something. I bet she would like that.
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>pictured: Anon, after hitting his early growth spurt
>Aria and Sonata, just before hitting their own
>Adagio, oldest one in the photo
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>current day
>she's still waiting on it
Trixie would absolutely make a show of it, and Vinyl would take a plapping during her own if Anon wanted to. Sonata does it recreationally.
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I'm sorry...but I can't look at this and not think of pic related.
I too would feed my sister my banana. She needs her potassium.
Dagi doesn’t look as proud of the fact though.
Dagi would never admit it, but we all know the truth.
We know what she is…
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>What are you staring at, faggot?
Aria, we BOTH know what I’m looking at. And you like it.
Bold of you to assume she won’t rip your throat out for speaking to her like that
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I would bend down and pick her right up onto my shoulders with my face planted firmly in her crotch then proceed to push her up against the ceiling while I ate her out. See how long she keeps up that attitude.
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If I woke up and saw this next to me in the morning we'd never leave the bed.
And after we’d have insane make up sex.
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>smooshes both cones into her face

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>Page 10
>"Say the line, Adagio!"
So she finally says the quiet part out loud
I want to sniff Sunset’s hair
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Adagio’s been behaving herself recently. Should we reward her with some butt love?
So brave.
Is she willing to spend all those good girl points? If she held out a little longer she could pay to get the belt unlocked. Or can she simply not make it?
I want to poke and tease at her tight little back door while she squeals and chews a hole through the pillow in pure ravenous anticipation until, after weeks of being barred from touching herself, she cums herself out cold without me ever even having penetrated her.
She never makes it that far. Just keep her locked up, that way she has to focus solely on what’s prodding her puckered hole from behind.
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Uh oh, it looks like somebody else is coming in…
Wait… why is she so nervous? That doesn’t look like the face of a good girl who earned their anal pounding the right way….
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>Why do you hate me bro? It’s been five whole minutes since we last had sex!
Maybe she doesn’t like being watched?
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Cousins always barging in for surprise sleepovers.
her mom is your mom, dumbass
yeah, but
>"You know else took this seat? My m-"
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What if one of our family members is secretly a Russian spy? (It’s Trixie)
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Cousin Trixie always comes up with the crazies roleplay scenarios.
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I want to stuff my face in her bed head.
This makes me want to stuff my face in something else…
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>when she sees her shota brother coming out of the shower
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>Ugh, look at this creep perving on his own cousin. He must be really desperate.
She wants you to tie her up and “interrogate” her.
The way she’s looking got me feeling desperate.
I wish sisters were real bros…
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Sister is broken. How to fix?
You gotta pull on her hair like a lawnmower cord while you crank her from behind. Works the first time, every time.
Ari you came into my room to change
Your tits are taking up almost all of my vision, I couldn’t look away if I wanted to
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>Your sister, step sisters, and cousins often enter your room at random times and just start undressing.
>Its usually not for sex.
>They just want somewhere to change clothes in peace.
>And also it often leads to sex.
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>Like what you see, faggot?
>Imagine having less muscle than a girl
Yeah well... you should help me bulk up.
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>The house is so packed full of girls and women that the only peaceful place is the no woman's land of Anon's room
>It's a small consolation, but there's no yelling or fighting allowed and disputes must be settled outside
>Despite, or because of this, it also unfortunately means that it's highly contested territory between your relatives, even the more hot blooded ones
>Your room has multiple stakes of claim from your sisters and cousins, ranging from underwear storage and makeup stations to musical instruments and video games
>It had basically become your family's closet, locker room, and rec room all at once, despite your bed taking up most of the area
>At any given moment there were at least one or two people in your room besides you, either changing, talking, grabbing something, or playing
>You were a laid back guy but even then some privacy was nice, so sometimes you needed to flex your complete and absolute power you had over your domain by enacting laws within the kingdom of Anonymous
>These were usually rules everyone else had to follow, or be deported
>The most important being barring everyone from your room, this had to go through several iterations from the first sign of "no girls allowed" to no "tits allowed" to finally "no pussy allowed" as there were loopholes in the previous two
>Other rules were less important, but could be whatever you wanted, a kiss or hug upon entry, a tithe of food or money, no clothes allowed, no talking, sleeping/cuddling only, or no emigration without a creampie, that sort of silly stuff
>Even your moms and aunts had to obey them, so if aunt Spoiled wanted to bitch at you for something while you were in your room, she was doing it with her tits out and paying you five bucks for the privilege
>It felt good to be king
God I love incest
And it loves you.
>Anon’s sisters when he exists on the same planet as them
>"Anon I had a nightmare, can I sleep with you tonight?"
Sunsis positioning herself like she wants to there bright and early to great you in the mourning.
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>I had a bad dream too, bro. Can I sleep here tonight?
Who’s the big spoon and who’s the small spoon?
Vinyl is growing on me and competing with Sunset for best sis
As it should be
Sister ass is made to be on brother face. And sometimes lap.
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>You see brother, I have scientifically proven that inbreeding is actually the superior way to reproduce.
>Wanna help me with my experiment?
Yes! ...for science, of course...
>>Wanna help me with my experiment?
I don't see why not, just let me call over Vinyl and you can take some notes.
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>Vinyl's not in on it or snide about it
>She's just happy to fug
>This pisses off Sunset more
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>It’s about time you showed up, cousin. Trixie has been waiting for you
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She would have had Vinyl ready to go right after her anyway, as well as a few other relatives. You gotta test more than once to get accurate results.
But, since she is a proper scientist, she already had a control group ready as well...
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>Trixie parks her mystical, magic travel carriage(an old, beat up, one person camper she did up to look like a traveling cart) right outside your house
>slipping flyers under your door for "the greatest show in magic the world has ever seen", before banging on the door and running off
>stinking up Trixie’s tiny, little camper with sex
At least it won’t smell like peanut butter anymore
Is Dagi allowed to have whatever drips on her head during each breeding?
Actually, as the designated "research assistant" it is in fact her job to help dispose of stray samples, as well as clean the testing area between visits.
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Adagio is eating good tonight
What about the first option becoming the second option?

This could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Not just for Anon but for the entire family. Sunset runs away, they go crazy searching for her. They find her, only she's acting like a huge bitch and nothing like the person they know. But they rationalize it as her being traumatized by whatever happened to her while she ran away. Except she only gets worse over time.

Then she turns out to have been an imposter the entire time, and the person they knew is still missing or most likely dead at this point. Honestly if you add in cousin sirens and all the other family members, Pony Sunset would have to talk FAST in order to avoid getting murdered.
That thing would not survive the night with it’s axle intact.
I don't want to be a nudist I keep getting cold now.
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>The Great and Powerful Trixie’s body is a temple, Anon. Do take care not to break it.
Don’t worry little sis, I’ll keep you warm
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Unf three-way with my sister and cousin.
Cousin gets to prep both of us before we get to it and clean us off after. And, if she’s lucky, Sunsis might let Dagi work her little tongue around back during.
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Indeed. These two are getting bred tonight.
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Not now nor ever will I buy in to the flat-chested Cuckdagio propaganda.
>when your cousin invites you and your brother back to her place
>and her place is dad's old mini-camper after she had strung some lights up on the walls and threw a mattress in
>there's no heater in there
>but between the three of you, warmth shouldn't be an issue
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>just don't look out the window, no matter what strange noises you'll probably hear
Surprised she can see anything with how her lusty huffing and puff is fogging up the window
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Double caked up on a monday morning.
>Trixie so tired from the all night trailer rocking that she passes out in art class sleep painting her and her cousins getting it on
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>Hey big boy! How bout you come over here and let your sisters show you a good time?
>Your relatives always hit on you and catcall you
>Outside observers think nothing of it and assume they’re just being silly
>They don’t know your family will absolutely back up those words without hesitation
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>Is there room for two on that towel, hot stuff?
“Not really? You can see it’s kinda sma-“
>”Bummer, guess I’ll have to just lay on you instead.”
“Wha- oof!”
You can force your sister to swallow your cum, but you can’t force art
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I’m feeling pretty ass drunk for my sister right now, boys
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What are some places where you can legally marry your sister?

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