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Octavia is cute and talented and awesome and did I mention cute?
Ya facken donkeh
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She’s also cute don’t forget cute
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Burrita linda
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beeg donk
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Cute Brit mare
All I can see when looking at this artist’s work is his abuse shit.
That's how cutie marks work
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Tavi, I love music but I cant play any real instruments. I just click buttons on my computer that sound good together. Maybe I could learn the tuba? I like the bassy instruments. Maybe a french horn? Is that based enough?
Nah man, just prompt your songs into AI and call it a day
Molesting her would be fun.
>Your roommate would normally stand up for you in situations like this...
>where was she?
>"That lavender on your ass looks mighty cute."
>the fucking human, out of anypony to be harassing you...
>"Can I feel it?"
"N-no thanks... I'd prefer not-"
>"Oh come on! Don't be such a prude!"
>Just ignore him...
>"I'm sure you'll open up a lot easier once you've had some more."
>That did raise a concern as to why you were still sipping on your rum.
>safety wasn't in the air right now, and you drunkening yourself would only complicate things further.
>You aim your speech at the bartender, who hadn't been much help so far.
"I'd like to close my tab."
>The bartender rung up for the price of two rum'n'rocks, and you, having gotten used to the price, put down the appropriate amount of bits plus a tip, before sliding with haste out of the stool in which you sat.
>You can feel the human watching you.
>The feeling cools off as you reach the exit and round it, but as you trot home sans your brash-yet-protective roommate.
>it was but a few seconds before the feeling of being watched returned.
>you straighten up, trying to ignore the sweat that beaded up on your forehead.
>No no no...
>Bipedal steps, like weighted thumps grow louder behind you.
>Fleshy-talon like appendages slip behind your collar's band and pull, stopping you dead in your tracks.
>"Oh, we didn't /have/ to go back to your place tonight."
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do not the donk
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big cum energy goin on in this thread rn

>You try to pull away, but the one time you put on the nice collar that's lasted you so long is also the time you've regretted it the most.
>"Come on, you're being a bit of a bitch right now."
"Let go of me!"
>You're demanding as firmly as you can, but he's still twice your height and gripping you too firmly for you to break free.
>"Don't act like miss big mare!"
>You continue to struggle, but he hasn't budged. Nor fought back, he really is confident that the underhanded grasp of his fist around your bowtie is enough.
>As much as you want to not believe it, You're trapped.
>You've struggled yourself into a 180, you open your eyes, and are now facing him, your bow having now shifted to behind your head in relation to his firm grasp on the collar that it was attached to.
>Your pupils are shrunken, your legs jittering in a frightened adrenaline rush.
>But he really is just standing there, confident as ever.
>Its funny, really! you let out one short "heh!-" as your eyes well with tears, your mind performing a rapid plunge down into the deepest valley of weakness
>He caresses your cheek with his other... hand. That's what it's called.
>"Have you calmed down yet? Your face looks cute when you do that...~"
>He's talking about your fear like it's some toy to him.
"Wh-what do you want from me...?"
>You sound like a filly crying over an abysmal report card, standing just outside their hom's door because they know it has to be signed.
"I-I'll give you anything!- Mister- Mister ehh..."
>You've forgotten his name!
>This is sure to make him mad...
"J-just... don't.... Please...!"
>Your best pleading. reserved only for when your parents threatened to take you from band classes and sell your cello after you practiced so much that you had failed half your classes.
>Why do you try?
>"My name's Anonymous. But I trust we're close enough, so please... call me Anon."
>His sickeningly friendly demeanor...
>His unbreaking grasp on you...
>"The more you struggle, the worse this will get for you, so, /please/'
>if your pupils could get any smaller.
>Your legs give from underneath you.
>for a brief second, you hang from his grasp before he drops you.
>You lay there, weeping silently as he slowly circles you.
>In hindsight, you should've just gotten up and run as fast as you could.
>You just lay on the floor, eyes shut, crying quietly.
>The ringing in your ears is getting too loud for you to hear his footsteps, or anything he's saying.
>occasionally you feel the brush of his strange talons, him rubbing locks of your mane between them, his strange leathery elongated hooves poking at your sides and back.
>even that grows distant.
>Are you... fainting?
>Is this what it feels like?
>It's like entering your own little world, where only the heavily muffled sounds and shakings of whatever's going on outside reach you, as you stare off... at nothing
>You figure in your current state...
>This would be better than whatever's going on out there.
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Very understated mare.
Donk the Dong
That poor innocent mare
What’s the best Octavia fic?
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cute mare
And then Vinyl comes to the rescue and fucks him instead, ruining Octavia’s rape fantasy
Unfortunately for Vinyl, humans are impervious to magic.
She won’t need any magic to jump into his elongated hooves ass first
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this mare is sexual
Prove it
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I want to sex this mare
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Don't lewd the donk!
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How else am I supposed to interpret this donk?
why is her bowtie a USB
Just a small part of her massive array of spy tools
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fake donk
I want to be that cello
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Tavi just need a small sleeb
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oh neat, an octavia thread. good timing. have this random drawing of octavia i just made.
oh, i guess i should explain if only a bit: a friend wanted octavia but with wings, so i made just that.
I love this. Her reaction is so adorable.
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I hope artists try to imitate the show style once in a while.
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Maybe its the beer talking but she's got a butt that won't quit. They'v got thse big chewy pretzls here merJanthfgrr asdgjnhrigs Five dollars??! Get outta here.
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Tail wrap
A horse shouldn't be capable of playing an instrument clearly meant for human hands.
whoever the fuck designed that site is actually insane
the box is a 3d model with interchangeable images on each side that you can highlight
AND theres a reflection
Might try it out, I love black tea
Wtf I love tea
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want what?
I saw that earlier! I thought "really nice quick art of Octavia with sprouted wings. I bet the artist is a fag though"
Now the chances of the artist being a fag is only about 40%
Think you will make another Octo art?
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I had to scroll by the pride tea three times and passed the antifa tea selection before I found the MLP tea.
No thanks, I'd rather not support their nonsense. Octavia understands my decision
if i like the idea, i could
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going to bed
dont let the donk die
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Mmm, mare butt.
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>look up thicc Octavias
>find only obese sacks of bacon fat
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or burro?
I need to work on my Octavia art more
Octavia is such a pretty pony
>"I see you staring at that gringa puta DJ's ass the whole time, cabron'!"
"But babe, she literally sleeps on my other side every night..."
I do like a jealous and insecure Tavi, especially if Vinyl was already her marefriend before and was used as a bargaining chip for Anon.
I want to hold the donkey so bad it’s unreal
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Then hug the donk
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made some more progress on Octavia.
honestly forgot about the project until this thread popped up, and had some free time, so I drank some beer and worked on Octavia a bit.
not really happy with the hoof, but its a WIP, so I'll make it very lickable in the future.
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back bow
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How nice of her to make a convenient hand hold while I blow out her back
It's amazing how so many perfectly fine details can all be combined to create an abomination that is so much less than the sum of its parts.
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Get out of here
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Is Greggs like Wawa for the English? Or is it more like a Tim Hortons?
Forget sex, I just want to sit in the rain with Tavi while we enjoy each other’s company
Peas with butter on bread is not a meal.
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How many instruments can she play?
The cello, piano, organ, harpsichord, violin, accordion (or concertina), and possibly she can shred on an electric guitar.
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5 days too early Octavia, but thanks
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she just looks so natural beside other donks
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wake up burro thread
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She just found out that the conductor for the symphony she plays in is actually a mafia boss. She's unsure of what to do with this info. Also, she's worried somepony might know that she knows.
Knows what
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this looks like a late 90's early 2K's EDM album promotional art
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donk bonk
>captcha: JD0NK
I don't know what either of those are to you, so I can't comment on the comparison. I can tell you that the city I live near (where Greggs was founded) has 29 Greggs. You're never more than 10 minutes away from one
>did I mention cute?
Yes but it should be mentioned again just how cute this mare is.
Oh hey, this is sick as hell. I love the little pink heart on her hoofsies please draw more holy god
got any requests?
Tavi lounging in a hammock chair
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We got a delivery already, but donk in the hammock should be a genre
yea I could do that
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Now in real life.
Tavi playing her cello in the park for a number of interested fillies and colts...an overall very comfy feeling.
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Seconding these double dubs of comfyness.
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get real
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So refined yet so adorable
How does she do it?
doing it right now. 70% done maybe.
Working on an Amy Rose piece this week, but this thread made me realize I haven't drawn Octavia in two years. Shoot me an idea and I'll at least try and get the sketch done this week. SFW, NSFW, both, doesn't matter. :)
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Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Thank you in advance!
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Naturally, little poners gather around Octavia's melody
Top cute my friend
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First ggf, now the donk?
You're a RealHero
/r/ Anon giving donk brushies
Octavia restin that earth pony donk on something. Maybe settled in the groove of her bass, as it lies on its side.
PERFECT! This is just how I imagined it in terms of comfy. You really captured the idea. I kneel respectfully and will treasure this image forever!
donk on a hammock in a couple days
Girl next door, but with so much extra class.
Octavia drawing the treble clef like the "cool S".
Fuck yes I’m so ready
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Happy Birthday Anon
This is a cropped futa picture, aint it?
Nah. You might be thinking of t72b. This is WhiskeyPanda
Bros… why is she looking at me like that…?
the answer is simple
I love how you drew her so much, she's so fucking pretty.
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I want this Tavi but the person who makes them fell off the face of the planet
It’s so fucking over
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Look at her
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it looks so cute!

also, hi
:) Good Donk
eepy donk
just needs a small sleeb
sleepy snoozy pretty wife
Why does she look like she just had sex?
That one's on me.
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>Tavi, I love music but I cant play any real instruments.
Yet. You can’t play any real instruments yet. But you have the drive, so hop on it!
>I just click buttons on my computer that sound good together.
That’s half the battle! Now you just need to gain a deeper understanding of why they sound good together and you’ll be a pro.
>Maybe I could learn the tuba? I like the bassy instruments. Maybe a french horn?
I’m a violinist irl so I can’t speak too much to brass, but I do know there can never be too many French horns in the world.
We always need more double bassists too if you don’t mind the shilling lol
>Is that based enough?
When an artist paints his masterpiece, is it the paintbrush that’s based? What makes an instrument good is the passion you put into playing it. As long as you’re comfortable with it, it’s hard to go wrong.
There is nothing wrong with electronic music. Any real appreciator of music would easily be able to tell if a song is well composed and produced, regardless of the medium and genre.
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Yet none of those advantages are why we really love asses.
Maybe you can learn to make her?
>the person who makes them fell off the face of the planet
many such cases
cute CUTE
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Octavia wants sex and you dont have a say in the matter
Tavi when she fuckin' GETS YOU
A wife on page nine is not a happy wife of mine
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one of the light up rubber duckies that flash and play music when you put them innawater
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I want to marry the donk
Absolutely adorable, excellent work drawfriend
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The Donk is in her glow up arc
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I love Tavi! I LOVE HER!
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What’s she listening to?
"The Synchopated Clock" by Leroy Anderson
the sundays
Does she use her own hair to restring her bow?
She has cousins in Snowpitaly
Yes but only because it’s expensive to have it done the other way, so don’t go telling anyone
What effect would Poison Joke have on her?
Poison Joke makes her very proficient at every instrument known to ponykind, but she can only play the Can Can.
Yes you did
god, this is me trying to quit porn rn.
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Need more Tavi in socks
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A recording of Anon being tortured by Cheerilee.
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Good choice. Which of his works specifically?
I do not like this pony.
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What now?
Now that she pragnate
dance of the knights
banned in tournament play
How do I know she's actually prrreganté and not just a fatass?
Yeah well you SUCK
Because shes gregnant, silly goose
Anyone can see that
Dangerops prangent sex? will it hurt pony top of his head?
Tavi is too classy to ever become a fatass. Therefore, if she is becoming big around the belly it is because she is pregnant.
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>Vinyl, it seems our daughter wants to get out
either Vinyl is in a herd with Octavia or she's got some extra equipment
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whomst'd've'ly'yaint is this carbon copy of donk?
It's Symphonia! And I would pet them both.
2 (two) entire donks? Is there enough money in the budget for this?
No, which is why you don't get 2 donks, you only get 1.5 donks.
Ponies can only count up to 8, double of the 4 hooves they have, so Symphony may be number 9.
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her hillbilly cousin is cuter.
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I'll bet she has two more cousins, one plays bass and the other plays viola
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Thanks woona
cute CUTE
The more the donk, the better. Also, hello moonfren!
What is Symphonia's cutie mark?
Eleventy seven
A conductor's baton
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Fantasy isn't a bad look for her, though. She could potentially rival Ponka in sexy thiccness.
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Fantasy -> fatass god fucking dammit why is autocorrect so aggressively pozzed now?
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>fatass god fucking dammit why is autocorrect so aggressively pozzed now? isn't a bad look for her, though.
I concur
Ok, I am fine with Tavi having some "thickness". But, I think there should be qualifications. First it shouldn't be too thick; should be in the Goldilocks zone of "just right". Second, the thickness should not be disgusting jiggly, jelly roll, squishy fat. That's entirely the realm of 3dpd and is one of the most revolting things about them. I think if Tavi is thicc, it's firm muscly thicc like in an IRL pony or horse.
>Pic you posted is good in my view provided it meets the qualifications above. At least, for me.
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Posting cute donkers from /mlp/con
I love that swish in her mane on the bottom one. Very sexy.
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Local futanari artist proves (again) they can make 10/10 futa-less content.
the pp kinda makes it cuter though...
Get >>>/out/.
sorry Anon, it's just true. The juxtaposition of a big ol donkey cock on a little mare makes her cuter
I don't make the rules
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I want to go on a classy date with Octavia and then sit and have a conversation with her under the stars at a nice Canterlot Cafe. I would wear some kind of nice suit and a top hat, and she would wear a sparkly black dress.
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Local futanari artist proves (again) they can make 10/10 futa content.
thanks caveanon
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Tavifrens, where's your dedication to your beautiful and talented waifu?
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from drawthred
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Fresh donktavia please enjoy
Amethyst eyes...
Happy donk wife, happy donk life
Octavia in a hammock is supreme comfy.
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octavia a cute
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Another hammock donk
drawn in the post con draw panel
there are two or three more donks that were also drawn, don't know where to find them though
Nice! Thanks, Anon!
donk shoo donk shoo
Octavia gets melancholy when drunk?
qt donk
there was another one from that stream as well but i don’t know if it’s been uploaded in full quality yet
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As a matter of fact, it has.
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he also did a vinyl and donk in a hammock
Hammocks are a human invention and ponies dont know how to make use of this ancient technology
Its up to us how to teach donk how to hammock
pog, cute hammock tavi, and the left one is very similar to this threads OP image, albeit grumpier.

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