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This is still one of the hottest greens I've read
didn't read
This is the only EqG Trixie green I've read
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sometimes you make a prompt thread, someone gets inspired and writes a green and then see people like OP enjoy it
it's a nice feeling even if you didn't do much
is it a futa trixie green?
I remember that one. Shame he never finished it.
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Eqg Trixie makes my dick twitch.
>no footjob
What's even the point of having sexy feet if you're not going to use then to milk cocks?
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>Very low effort smut
Let them have their threads. It's pride month after all. We celebrate diversity.
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funny that you turn completely braindead whenever someone posts a low effort pony thread
It's /mlp/. 90% of the shit people make on here never gets finished.
What is this?
like the chapter 2 of Alone goddamnit where is it
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... Is this the EqG!Trixie thread? ... Man, she's one hot babysitter. She can look after my kids anytime.
this was the best thing from the game
The hair is pure unf
I am rather flattered you remember this. Can't believe it's been a year since then, doesn't feel like it.

This was the first thread I happened to see today. Strikes me as a sign that maybe I should finish it.
Please do so bro I beg you
I'll see what I can do. Relatively busy these days.
Holy shit, just got done reading it and you can't blue ball us like Trixie did. That's some absolute kino right there.
>2 days
>28 posts
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Its been a while since we've had one, why not?

>she quickly hits you with a light jab below your belt
"What the hell bitch, fuck o-"
>she quickly follows up with a strong kick to the balls, knocking you off your feet and causing you to fall the the floor

fixed that for you.
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>when you put it in her butthole
She grew to like it
The Mild and Submissive Trrrixie!
>let's see what you got
>what th-
Getting big haruhi vibes here.

Alternate timeline series where it's literally just trixie as haruhi when?
Yeah, just read this, super based. You got any more of this quality? Doesn't have to be the same fetish, I just trust your judgement.
Trixie belly erotic
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mlp is for girls
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The result afterword
Imagine a pregnant, hormonal Trixie demanding the most random of things from you throughout the pregnancy. Imagine her being the mother to your children and raising them...

NEED Trixie wife NOW, this is not a request.
If she's really a slav then pregnancy will kill (you)
>shoddy attempt at self promo grift
get the fuck out
I remember that green, it was great but the author never come back to it, I would really like that someone continue it
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anon you dont understand how long i've seen this paste password locked on ponepaste
i think it used to be on a guest account and everytime i went on ponepaste i would see it on the front page password locked by a guest account and it ominously sat there, taunting me, begging to be read and yet, locked away, forever sealed from my vision
you have bestowed upon me wonders you cannot imagine, you have satiated a hunger long forgotten
thank you
>Uh, Trixie? You sure you want to have bare legs in this weather?
with thighs like that, I'd be down to clown
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Will he ever start drawing Trixie again?
>implying she isn't faking it
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Why Banan? 2 say special operation into Trixie when?
Faking what? Pregnancy? Lmao how would one even do that.
She's likes banans
>he doesn't know
Its a pretty hard to fake after a few months. Like sure she could "baby" trap you, but I'd rather actually be baby trapped when it comes to Trixie.
That fits a bit too well, but who would make up the rest of the main cast?
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Why is humanized/eqg Trixie the one you see depicted as pregnant most often? Does it have to do more with Trixie of Trixiefags?
Because behind the loud minority of troons who try to claim her as their symbol, the real Trixie enjoyers are wholesome Chad's that fantasize about building a great and powerful family with her.
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Trixiechads love cumming inside and impregnating their waifu
She's a brat and pregnancy is the ultimate correction.
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That smugness will go away once she remembers she's in poverty and lives in a trailer.
Damn. That story hit hard
What story?
God I loved that one
>Ywn watch as Trixie gives birth to your child in front of a live audience as a trick for her magic show
Is this like the new version of the grifter meme or is this a real story?
It was, like, a two/three-off story (unfinished, naturally) from maybe four or five years ago (but time is weird so I could be off). I think it's on ponepaste, but I can't find it. I mean, obviously trailer Trixie is a well known trope, but this was the only time I saw a writefag actually do something with it. I remember that she worked at McDonald's and anon was chill and didn't think that it was a big deal, but was annoyed by trixie in general and trixie was super scared of anon blabbing about her working at McDonald's to everyone. The green ended with anon following trixie to her home (mobile home, that is) and was never picked up again.
Shit made me want to start writing. Maybe I will some day. Girls who are poor through no fault of their own and are trying to work their way through it with dignity and humility while still being somewhat ashamed of it is a turn-on for me. No, I don't know why. If anyone finds the ponepaste link though, let me know. The search feature on that site is next to useless.
I want to destroy the Great and Powerful Trixie's asshole.
What is the deal with people writing good Trixie greens and not following through?
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Since this thread has been up I've been trying to decide how to continue the story. Even last year I had the ending already figured out, but given the tension and release theme, I didn't just want to force the ending to be done with it. I think I've come up with a series of events that move the story the way I feel it should move. Will try to post an update some time this weekend.
Monitoring the situation!
I'll help brainstorm, if you're actually going to add to it.
What do you need help with? Events? Plot?
No wonder the Mr Hands incident happened way back

Look up, Mr Hands
Much like their waifu, they're all flash but can't pull off the finish.
is ponepaste dead?
I can't open the link ;_;
yep. rip
I don't think anyone here needs to look up Mr Hands, man.
It hurts that I can never save Trixie from her abusive father and whisk her away from her shitty trailer.
continuing from where that left off
>she begins walking up the stairs
>you follow a few steps behind
>as she steps up your gaze follows the contour of her leg up to her thighs to see...
>Wait what?
>she's wearing panties today
>What's up with that?
>you shake your head, trying to sober yourself
>she opens the door and looks back at you with a faux-disgusted look
>you know she knows
>you smirk at her with an apish smile
>she sighs and then continues with her stride
>you scurry up and catch up with her, walking next to her
>the two of you walk in silence, various students gathered at their respective lockers
"So... what do you want today?"
>she looks at you with a bewildered glare
>"What do you mean "What do I...""
>she pauses
>"...What does Trixie want?"
"I don't know, usually you want something."
>she looks away, a short disgruntled look crosses your eyes
>"...Is that how you see this?"
"... I guess?"
>she exhales heavily and continues walking, trying to outpace you
>yeah that's dumb, she wants something
>she stops in place and turns her gaze back towards you
>you casually walk up to her and stare into her eyes for a few seconds
>you grab her hand in yours and begin dragging her in the direction of her destination
>she abruptly freezes up, before the force of your hold on her pulls her along
>she scurries up next to you and whispers
>you look around and see the occasional student leering at the situation you are creating
>you grin at her smugly
"Well Mis-"
>she cuts you off, she yell-whispers into your ear
>she takes a quick look at her surroundings
>"-the fuck up... What are you doing?"
"...What you want."
>you hear the chatter of mindless speculation as you continue down the hallway
>she rips her hand away from yours
>"This is not-"
>she looks around furtively
>"... what I want..."
"It's cute seeing you use the royal "I"."
>she grits her teeth and rips her backpack from you
>she pushes you back and turns away from you before storming into the classroom
>she turns back at the last second, staring at you intensely
>"TRIXIE WILL... see you later.."
>you chuckle to yourself
>sounds like a win
>you give her a cocky grin and then turn away towards your own destination
>that was far easier than you had imagined, for all the she deals, she doesn't take very well
>As you walk off towards your class, you bounce ideas around in your head
>What can you do to really make her squirm?
This is just a bit of bait, but I am working on it, just dropping this bit to bump the thread
Thank you... thank you
>you trudge through the rest of the day, idling through your classes
>as is your general preference, nobody says a word to you all day
>not that it would have registered if they had
>Your mind has been occupied by nothing but that blue weirdo
>Trixie this, Trixie that, can't you think of anything else?
>On the other hand, its not as though anything particularly more interesting would have been occupying your mind
>Still though, you really ought to start charging her rent if things continue as they are
>Even having been stuck in your Trixie thoughtloops for the length of the day, nothing had really come to you as to how to get the upper hand on her
>It is becoming rather apparent to you that wholesome things seem to push her out of her comfort zone
>That said you aren't sure how much you can lean on that, because you must admit it makes you almost as uncomfortable
>Fuck it , we'll do it live
>you reach the end of the corridor and turn into Mr. Discord's physics class
>you throw your gaze over the rabble, who all chatter amongst themselves in the last few minutes before the lecture begins
>And then of course, there is HER
>Already sitting in her new desk next to "yours"
>She makes eye contact with you, but breaks it almost immediately, looking away with an expression you can't quite make heads or tails of
>Great... looks like she's still being somewhat weird from this morning
>you look at your usual desk and then to the one behind Trixie
>you stroll past her, as you do she turns her face towards you with a confused expression
>you take you seat behind her and stare into the back of her head for all of 5 seconds before she turns around
>"Just what is it that you think you're doing?"
"What? I can't desire a little change of scenery every now and again?"
>she grimaces slightly
>"Trixie doesn't exactly trust a lowly beast like yourself outside of her line of sight, who knows what sort of degenerate behaviors you might engage in without Trixie's supervision."
"Aww, you don't trust me? ...Even after all we've been through?"
>you shoot her an over exaggerated pout and a thick layer of sarcasm
>she looks away as if considering something seriously
>she quickly shakes her head and clears her throat
>"Whatever, have it your way. Just know that if you take advantage of Trixie's vulnerability, there will be SEVERE consequences. You're already on VERY thin ice after that bullshit you pulled this morning..."
"D'aww, What happened? I thought you like it when I called you mis-"
>you chuckle at her slightly perturbed response
"Severe consequences huh? ...I'll be counting on it.."
>She raises her eyebrow in bewilderment
>"Excuse me? Whatever is that supposed to mean?"
>you shush her, before pointing to the front of the room
>Discord walks up to the board preparing to begin his lesson for the day
>Trixie grumbles to herself and turns around
>you lean forward, putting your lips next to her ear, with a sharp whisper you say
"You'll see..."
>You watch the hair on her neck stand up, accompanied by goosebumps
>under her breath you just barely make out her words
>"...Y-you are so gross..."
>With that final note, Discord begins his lecture and everyone in the room quiets down
>He begins droning on about kinetic and potential energy, but you're more interested in the white and blue locks right in front of you
>you look around the room, taking inventory of where everyone's attention lies
>Surprisingly, most everyone is either attentively listening or at least watching the board idly
>And with that, you smile deviously to yourself and lean forward, closing the distance between you and Trixie
>you lift your hand and grab a handful of her hair, stroking it gently
>she cranes her neck slightly, shooting a dagger at you through her peripheral
>For the first time you return her trademark sadistic smirk
>and with that you give her hair a nice solid tug
>she lets out a very quiet squeak, muting herself from creating a larger scene
>2cute4me, you think to yourself
>you pull back your hands and attempt to look natural in the off chance anyone else noticed her small utterance
>seemingly not
>Trixie however turns back momentarily with a look of ire so intense it almost unnerves you
>A few minutes pass and you continue to stare at the back of her head
>She's probably cooled down a bit, right?
>Who cares? This is fun.
>you lean forward again, casually sneaking your arms around her sides, placing your hands on her hips where her hoodie meets her skirt
>you feel her jolt under your touch, but surprisingly she doesn't look back at you
>with that you sneak both your hands under the fabric of her hoodie and place your hands squarely on her belly
>you feel her tense up under your touch
>you do a double take to make sure no one is looking as you sneak your arms further up her sides
>she abruptly slams her arms down on yours, holding them in place
>your response to her forceful motion is laying your hands on your original targets
>you place one hand on each breast and give a firm squeeze
>she tenses up heavily and her arms release yours in response
>she doesn't look back, but you can almost feel the annoyance radiating off of her
>you go for one more squeeze of her soft flesh before pulling your hands back to yourself
>...for now
>you see her turn her peripheral towards you again, you make out an expression with gritted teeth, but also a bit of a blush
>oh yeah, she kind of digs what's happening here
>you let a few more minutes pass without touching her, but you notice her consistently shooting glances in your direction, unsure of what you'll do next
>You can't help but relish in the vulnerable uncertainty she is experiencing
>Its only fair after all the jerking around she's put you through the last couple days, right?
The great and molestable Trixie!
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Ohoho- the ol' reversal of fortunes. YOU'D BETTER SEE THIS THROUGH TO THE END NOW!
Domination loss is kino
Please continue
Got a bit too crossfaded and passed out last night, will post some more tonight.
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>You lean forward again and your hands retake their previous position
>... but this time you sneak them underneath the fabric of her shirt, placing them skin to skin on each of her hips
>She jolts again, but doesn't even bother looking back
>Has she simply resigned her fate at this point?
>You take another quick look around before creeping your right hand upwards, tracing your fingers at an agonizingly slow pace along her silky skin
>again, you feel her skin break out into goosebumps
>You lift your hand slightly, leaving her without any contact
>-then abruptly place your hand on her...
>...Wait what?
>as your hand lands on her breast again, you find there is no fabric between yourself and her
>she squirms in her seat at your touch
>you find yourself too excited by this surprise to even appreciate her response
>So what? She only either wears panties or a bra, but never both?
>...You'll have to inquire about that later
>you fully cup your hand around her breast and give her nipple a firm squeeze with your index finger and thumb
>A barely audible moan escapes her
>her arm quickly shifts to cover her mouth
>you freeze in place, doing a quick double take of your surroundings
>somehow, her noise seems not to have alerted anyone
>she turns her head again, shooting you another glare, but this one seems different
>there is something like ire, but also a pleading
>That could very well be that she wants you to stop...
>...Or perhaps to continue
>Or maybe it is that she is not entirely sure herself
>You shrug to yourself internally
>Turnabout is fair play, after all
>you continue to cup her breast in your hands, massaging the flesh in slow circles
>Now that you think of it, you still haven't gotten to see what these things look like uncovered
>You can't help but wonder if that's coming up on the menu
>but you'll just have to appreciate this first look with your hands for now
>As you continue your movements you can't help but think this only becomes more risky by the moment
>Surely any onlooker would be able to gather what is happening here
>Considering it, you suppose you don't really care how it looks on you
>However, you find there is a sudden sense of guilt at the image of Trixie being caught in this situation
>On the other hand, given the sorts of things that turn this freak on she'd probably get off on it
>...Still though, she does have some semblance of an image to keep up, unlike yourself
>You decide to relinquish your hand and place it back on her hip
>Another thought crosses your mind
>Nobody would notice if...
>You slide the tips of your fingers underneath the elastic of her skirt
>surprisingly, this elicits no response from her
>even though you don't want to see her get caught, her lack of response isn't very satisfying to you
>...We'll see how long you're able to keep that composure, "mistress" Trixie
>You slide your left hand over her panties
>You feel the warmth radiate off of her sex
>a distinct dampness collecting around your touch
>Yet, she still doesn't seem to react
>That just won't do...
>You begin to rub your fingers in slow, rhythmic motions over her clit
>You stare intently at the side of her head, waiting for some sort of glance
>But it doesn't come
>You continue your motions for another minute or so before you start to see her resistance falter
>she begins squirming in her seat at your touch
>You smile to yourself, deriving a vague sense of accomplishment
>You speed up the pace of your fingers, rubbing your fingers in quick, circular motions
>She pulls her arm up and puts it to her face
>You can't quite tell, but it appears as if she is gently biting her palm in an attempt to remain stoic
>As you continue your teasing, her squirming becomes less and less resistant, occasionally pushing herself into your hand
>Her breathing intensifies, and you feel her body become ever warmer
>The feeling of her increasing arousal has fully engaged you, your attention focused entirely on her and her reactions
>There is a feeling of impatience, you want more
>You shift your hand and slide it under her panties
>You find your fingers immediately covered in her juices
>Any doubt you might have had about her wanting this is assuaged in that moment
>You continue your circular motions, skin to skin, her squirms become ever more apparent
>Stilted sighs escape into her hand
>Without a second thought, you slide your fingers into her
>She manages to resist making any noise, although you can tell by the abrupt squeeze of her walls she's reaching her limit with your teasing
>You vigorously rub at the upper wall of her pussy
>She continues to tense herself on your fingers
>...That's it Trixie, give in, let me-
>>"Ms. Lulamoon!..."
>the two of you freeze in place as Discord places his attention on Trixie, soon after the eyes of random classmates follow
>You realize now you had kind of lost track of your surroundings in your enamored assault on her
>>"...You seem rather engaged with this lecture, would you care to tell me the relationship between speed and kinetic energy?"
>You can't see her face, but you can only imagine the deer in the headlights look she's giving him right now
>"W-well it's..."
>she awkwardly clears her throat
>-you say in a delicate whisper
>you aren't really sure why you happen know that, maybe you were paying attention subconsciously
>"Obviously its a squared relationship! Naturally, the great and learned Trixie knows the answer to such a paltry question"
>...you are a bit awestruck
>partially at her ability to compose herself, but moreso at her ability to get back into character that quickly
>You take a quick look around at the eyes upon her, the placement of your hands seem to be covert enough for no one to have noticed your compromised position
>There are a couple of sighs and head shakes at her very Trixie response, but they turn their attention away shortly after
>>"That's very correct, Ms. Lulamoon. I never had any doubt..."
>you quickly remove you fingers from her and pull your hands to yourself, feigning as though you simply have you head down on your desk
>>"...If only Mr. Unknown was as attentive as you are."
>He snaps his fingers in your direction
>You pop your head up, as if you had been dozing off
>He shakes his head at you, but turns back to the board and continues his lecture
>... that was WAY too close, you reckon its time to curb your enthusiasm
>You feel her residual juices on your fingers
>You take a quick survey of your surroundings, noticing no eyes upon you
>And quickly lick the juices off your fingers
>A wave of self-awareness hits you
>... okay Trixie is probably right, you are a bit of an unprincipled beast
>Your eyes catch her head as it turns
>...she just saw you do that
>That oh-to-familiar smirk of hers curls onto her profile
>She turns forward, and you see her pull her phone out and quickly type something into it
>your own phone buzzes in your pocket
>you take a quick look at her message
I like what I'm reading so far
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man what the fuck, I needed that story concluded.

The only thing I don't like is that, her cannon pony father doesn't strike me as an abusive looser shithead.
What a confident young woman, stunning and hasn't reached her sexual prime yet.
I have to rewatch the movie now
>stunning and hasn't reached her sexual prime yet
Erm, source please?
You sure know how to do cliffhangers
Well she's not a woman here, she's a teenager you pedo.
Trixie's canon dad, Jack Pot, doesn't even know he has a daughter. He's a GILF-hunting, two-bit magician who left many bastards all over Equestria. He's a thousand times better than the one in the green though.
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Fucking unf
Bumping for sever consequences
>...Well you did say you were counting on that
>Guess you'll get what you "deserve"
>Oh no; how threatening, she'll treat you to some crazy sex-charged romp where you don't get off
>Honestly, its getting a bit one-note at this point, however you are gaining a newfound respect for the phrase "the journey is the destination"
>For the remainder of the lecture you leave her be
>you notice her shooting glances at you every now and again, looking as if she is expecting another assault
>whether that expectation is desire or apprehension is unclear
>eventually the class come to a close and students begin shuffling out
>Trixie stands up before turning towards you and planting each of her hands on your desk, her face inches from yours, you feel her hot breath on your skin-
>"You have a lot of nerve Anonymous. A LOT of nerve."
"Pfft you were enj-"
>she puts her fingers to your lips
>"Your speaking privileges are revoked."
>you roll your eyes
>"Don't you dare try to bring Trixie down to your level, you gutterslime..."
>she moves her lips next to your ear
>"...maybe I do enjoy it... but that's is the difference between you and Trixie... just following your beastly inclinations wherever they take you.. no tact whatsoever... you're trash..."
>she pulls back slightly
>you can't help but chuckle to yourself
"Really, after yesterday's little display you really think you have any grounds to-"
>she grabs your cheeks before you can finish
>"No. Talking."
>"Clearly Trixie's efforts to rehabilitate you have been too... gentle..."
>she places her backpack on your desk and turns toward the door
>"Come. Now."
>What a little minx
>another eye roll before your grab her things and your own and start shuffling behind her
>you mull over her words and she leads you... somewhere
>You have to admit, her insults seemed to have some sort of deeper faux-disgust that usual
>At this point its clear she gets off on her little act as well, but the energy of her words was strange
>A million images went through your mind at her comment about being too gentle
>it sounded especially sinister...
>You continue to follow her out the doors and to the front of the school
>You want to ask where it is she thinks she's taking you, but you know already know what will happen if you bother to say anything
>A smart-ass idea comes to you
>You tap on her shoulder, she turns to you with an annoyed glare
>You proceed to mime, pointing every which way and shrugging at her
>She shakes her head and sighs, but you know you catch a touch of a smirk curling onto the edge of her mouth
>She leans her face in dangerously close to yours, you notice a slight blush betrays the confidence of her expression, a whisper escapes her lips
>"...You'll see"
>You continue your trek down the street
>When you turn the corner out of the gaze of the last few stragglers leaving the school, you notice Trixie take a quick survey of her surroundings
>She stops and pivots in place, turning towards you
>She stares at your face intently for a second, a slight blush accenting her cheeks
>What? Does she wants another piggyback ri-
>She abruptly takes your hand in hers, interlocking her fingers in your own, before immediately turning around and continuing her stride, dragging you at her side
>Admittedly you are stunned by the sudden vibe switch
>your heart does a little "doki doki", and a drunken warmness overtakes you, a stupid smile paints itself across your face
>You catch yourself in your sudden wave of emotion and sober yourself
>but, for all this weirdness this is... one of the nicer experiences you've ever had the privilege of enjoying
>Interlocked hand holding? What kind of sick doujins does this girl read...
>She continues down the sidewalk, you pass your own house
>...Somewhere else then
>you speed up your pace slightly as to walk next to her
>you look over to her and smile
>Her face is absolutely beet red and you see her breathing is heavy
>you might just die right now from the cuteness overload
>she takes one look at you and turns her head away violently
>"L-low down trash like yourself doesn't get to enjoy the stunning beauty of Trixie's visage!"
>she squeezes your hand reflexively as the words leave her lips
>"Know your place your contemptible dog, k-keep your eyes to the ground like the servile lowborn you are!"
>you chuckle to yourself and oblige
>This girl is the queen of mixed signals, taking you to your "punishment" while romantically holding hands with you and getting flustered about it
>Actually, why even consider that mixed signals?
>You really don't need to be dense to yourself any longer
>This really must be some sort of weird, autistic long game on her part
>The more you think about it, you suppose it does fit her personality in an archetypal sense
>Not that anyone else would be able to infer such a thing
>...There's that too, you aren't sure, but previous to the interactions of the last couple days, you'd never seen her drop character before
>Even though you figured she had some other side, who would have guessed its this awkward dommy brat
>You wonder how many others are aware of this?
>Are you really so special?
>Well, no need to get ahead of yourself
>She continues to guide you down the sidewalk, you steal glances at her face every now and again, taking in her attempt at hiding her exhilarated embarrassment
>you notice that you're entering the more dilapidated part of town
>Your eyes dart around, taking in your surroundings
"Okay, fun and games aside Trix, where in the actual fuck are you dragging me to?"
>She glares at you
Holy shit is this going where I think it's going? Happening dot gif!
Taking a break here, will attempt to post more later. Hopefully this hasn't been meandering too much and continues the original premise satisfactorily to the readers. At this point I have the entire thing sketched out, so its just a matter of time and brute forcing myself to write it long-form.
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Nah bro take your time, everything is good so far
I'm quite enjoying it. Go on!
her face when new green drops
The thread will still be here when you have more to post o7
Definitely not the one I was thinking of lol
This is true
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>"AND THEN he sent me that, he really is the lowest of the low."
>"....Woah....he DOES hang low..."
Seeing her head from that side is weird
bump 4 green
Looking like Elvis on the top
She's such a baka, humble bragging about her indentured boyfriend anon like that
"Look, all I'm saying is its rough around these parts."
>she throws your hand to the side
>"I don't recall ever giving you permission to speak."
>daggers fly from her eyes to yours
>"Is there something especially unsavory here that's got you whining like a child?"
"Well, I mean..."
>your eyes dart around
>her teeth are grinding
>"OH... or is it perhaps that Anonymous the cur thinks he's too good for this part of town?"
>there is a distinct intensity to her words
"Hey now. I didn't say that, its just that-"
>"Hmph, I-" she pauses "Trixie knows that exact look of unease in your eyes. That condescension..."
"It's not reall-"
>"Keep it to yourself."
"Can you chill and let me say something?"
>she moves her gaze to the ground
"... Is there something you need to get off your chest?"
>"It was foolish of me to think you'd be any different."
"Slow down, Trix. You're making way too many assumptions."
>"ASSUMPTIONS!? Its written all over your face. I don't need to assume anything."
>she clenches her teeth and mutters something barely audible to herself
>"...Why would I do something so stupid."
"What are you even talking about?"
>She looks up at you, her eyes misty
>"Just turn around and go home, we're done here."
>her words catch you off guard, stabbing you in the chest
"What do you mean "done here"? Can you calm down and speak rationally for a second?"
>"... This can't go any further, I know where this goes next. Just go home, forget any of this ever happened. I shouldn't have bothered."
"That's ridiculous. You're making no sense. You don't just get to tell me to go away after this weird little display; besides, I'm not leaving you alone in this part of town."
>"...You don't know the first thing about me or this part of town."
>clearly, you are deep in the minefield that is Trixie's psyche right now
"Then tell me? You know, with your words? Like a normal person would?"
>"-A NORMAL person!?"
"...Come on, I didn't mean... I'm just saying there is clearly some sort of complex at work here and-"
>she grits her teeth and abruptly pushes you, catching you off guard
>you painfully crash to the ground
>"I thought maybe a low-down piece of trash like you would be more understanding."
>she stares at you with a misty-eyed grimace, she mutters something else under her breath
>"... I-I thought I might be good enough for you, at least..."
>with that she turns tail and breaks into a full sprint down the street
>you sit up and dust yourself off, the shock of this complete 180 still sinking in
>you know there's no time for anything to sink in just now, however
>you release a deep sigh to yourself, and begin sprinting after her
nice bro, real nice
I'm glad he's chasing her. I can't stand when writers make misunderstandings last longer than necessary.
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Good for you
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Weird get, but OK
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uuuooooohhhh trixie exposed clavicle erotic
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this thread is attracting some strong gets
>1816 lines of text
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that's a high concentration of digits
Oh Great and Powerful Trixie, please continue to bless our thread with great and powerful gets!
There won't be any more numbers in this whole thread- watch
Trixie's doing her best, ok?
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"never give up my son" - james mcloud
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>that ending

fuck you OP now I want more
He's working on it!
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Not if I have anything to say about it!
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Personally, I think this one is better
i'm wondering about the usage of this template but nothing comes to mind
>mfw the writefag returns AND delivers.
Title got me ngl
I don't.
Hey fellas. I originally intended to keep doing an update a day or so but things came up. Additionally I don't think I'll be around a keyboard for the next two weeks or so. I may phone post, but that's a major pain in the ass. Apologies for the continued blueballing.
that sounds good
Every time, man. Every time.
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We'll just make it a regular eqg trixie thread then
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If that's what y'alls would like to do, I'll keep my eyes out for it.
fucking gorgeous
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unf indeed
walk walk walk
yeah walk it out
I said ok. Yuh. Plankton's a bitch yeah.
Is this from a game? My neurons are activated.
Looks like koikatsu
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What's thw difference
it is better compressed, I guess
Trixie is now more space efficient and will fit into tighter spaces
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EqG Trixie was made for love, marriage, and raising wonderful children
as long as you ship her with EqG Big Mac like I do
This is the worst post I've ever seen on /mlp/
>removed by moderation team
damn, wonder what that was.
that's a damn lie and you know it
So false I'm not convinced this isn't a bot
Get this brimstone post out of this otherwise beautiful thread right now.

Shipping is soft core cuckoldry. Search your feelings, you know it to be true. You probably spend 4-5 hours a day gooning to ntr. You need help.
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Agreed, put a baby in her.
Whatever you do. Do NOT Google Trixie. Unless you specify mlp or eqg.
>EqG Trixie was made for love, marriage, and raising wonderful children
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yandex as based as ever
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Trixie is sleeping
Do not disturb her
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because there exists more than one, and it's not pretty
more more more

I like it a lot, I don't even care about the hot side, I just enjoy the romantic part
Not pretty, but he is hilarious.
shit is hot
>I just enjoy the romantic part
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dork worth bullying
>"isn't Trixie just the greatest dork, Anon?"
Great and Powerful bump.

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