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Royal fillies edition

Previous filly >>41057626
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still adorable
Cause I was
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remember to lock your windows fillers
filly lovin fellers?
... or filly ~fillers~
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My need for Sweetiejack will never be sated.
Which of them makes the first move?
Swibble's crush on Big Mac goes unrequited and AJ swoops in on the rebound
picrel, gently dominant Sweetie is my go-to. A largely innocent interaction turns into fil demanding more, and Applejack cannot help herself but to oblige.
He moans like a filly
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i always appreciate propercorns.
Filly kirin sound dangerous, if she get mad your whole house will be on fire
that's just a normalcorn. kirin have scales and shit
though the curved horn is definitely more of a kirin feature but not exclusively. and anyway plenty of those have antlers instead.
>wear skirt
>lean forward and expose rump
Skirts in general are basically an invitation to see her rump
filly tushies
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She is so lewd. I want to ignore all of the obvious signs she gives me until she gets fed up and uses her strength to force herself onto me.
wakin up with filly twat in your face
touch tail
As you command, Satan. I’ll stroke it from base to tip.
that is the tail-touching direction.
Filly first sign of heat
That sad filly face it's practically a game over for any dad
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It's alright, he knows how to make her smile.
Purest form of love
Actually so fucking cute and wholesome.
Supremely adorable
>dad is a human
based stepdadanon
This gave me the diabeetus.
that's one sexy filly (male)
Man that is one hell of a chode, she's clearly pretending to be interested.
it's thick as fuck and that is what girls care about
besides she's also housecat-sized. how long do you think she wants it to be
>she's also housecat-sized
Stop, my chode can only get so hard
>that is what girls care about
Anon, I....
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Always lift for your filly.
Which filly would be most turned-on by your gains?
surely Bloomy. she wants me to be able to lift lots of apples.
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Diamond Tiara, probably, but Lily Longsocks would probably be the most sincerely appreciative.
even though i'll never get close to her level?
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As long as you keep trying—that's what counts.
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love the strongpony want her to carry me
roly poliiies.
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Crowded design, but... goddamn if she isn’t cute.
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It's the perspective + her hoof is covering part of it
Gacha filly... I'm really glad MLP never got a heaver gacha style game, my luck suck in these ones.
that is the perfect word for it. all these modern RPG designs, they're -crowded-
there is a mobile game right? with like 12 bucks per pony
we need more other smol animals. i want some cute calves moo.
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why would I leave Gabbity?
What would heaver be in this context?
Oh cool someone reposted my art.
I've gotten a lot better. Expect more soon maybe.
>filly’s in heat and rubs herself raw all day and night
She’s in desperate need of some gentle licks until she recovers. You’ll help her out, won’t you?
>wing boner
That's obviously due to general excitement instead of sexual arousal. But I'll concede that peak Tirek is a Chad.
psh of course
but i'll have to make sure not to do that lip-sucking thing that can make them even more swollen.
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only a fag would leave a cute griffon chick
she is cute. i am not into beaks, but she's cute to the max.
I also want to cuddle Yona real, real hard.
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>hand right on her tiny underaged crotchtits
Amazing that she can sleep like that.
He's keeping them warm.
I like that the appul is not ample.
No, that's a chode.
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I am beetus 4 sweetus
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she is a fine pony
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The cuddliest filly
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their noses are nearest the nice smells
Applejack would try to hide her feelings but her inability to lie and Sweetie Belle being so inherently lewd would cause her to lose control
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It would take getting used to such an odd structured beak, the only way it would make sense would be that it has to be rather flexible yet sturdy and sharp at the edges?
...What are anon's fingers doing?
what if she had a normal beak and an adorable speech impediment from not having lips?
what do you mean? it's just.. open.
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They can move their beaks in a smile and to articulate words so there is definitely flex in there. Being part lion would be an interesting twist if how vocalization would work but if we're talking about how birds make vocalizations is sounds entirely different from mammals vocal cords because it is. Closer to like a speaker in the way they can imitate sounds and the rigid pipe like organ that makes noises. It would be cute if she's shy about it and doesn't talk much because it's 'weird' and off putting to mammals but she'd have no problem gently cooing as warbling as you cuddle her
also yes, nobody talks about vocalization do they. they just either throw in a retailed hawk cry, or they have frank welker do some snarls
to be fair it's a whole can of worms you'd need a lot of time to either slowly introduce or just use exposition to explain why this cute birb talks like an old gramophone. Another interesting thing about birds is their incredibly efficient brain structure, think of how a raven or a grey parrot has all the intelligence and problem solving a toddler has with a fraction of the brain mass. A bird with the cranial capacity of a griffon would be a living super computer or you can just buff them with their lion half's to make them just middling in terms of species intelligence.
well, they save a lot of space on olfactory senses, the biggest brains usually just have a gigantic smell lobe. You could say it's not so much that birds have efficient brains, as that dogs and sharks and what have you.. have very inefficient brain space.
But yeah, they are definitely flying light. Another thing nobody thinks about is, unless the griffin is flying around looking like it's being carried by its mom all the time, haunches droopin' down.. then it needs to have a rigid spine like a bird, or at least the ability to lock it for flight and unlock it later for kitty curls.
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I thought I remembered reading somewhere that they had at least twice the neural density but you are right it would depend on what it's used for. Completely unrelated but the locking spine theory in the four legged fliers of Equestria would explain Fluttershy's occasional stiffening and fainting because she involuntarily activates it when scared. Maybe I should actually watch creaturequestria, but also I lost any motivation to watch the show before the CCC got their cutiemarks m
uch less after
would nom a griffinita.
I forgot what thread I was on and thought >>41152777 was about TTRPG monster design and then became worried >>41152784 was going to get banned for posting pony outside of /mlp/
I do that a lot, and am the cause of it a lot.
Let's face it, different subjects should not be sequestered. They mesh too well. Obviously we can't have every board together, but we should mix it up once in a while.
Bring back /mlpol/
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willy that filly
And if I don’t?
>AI tag
Fuck, it's getting really fucking good lately. I guess ponies are a lot easy thanks to the lack of fingers and feet
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Fillies are the only thing I will forgive AI for making besides memes.
"Consider the members of your earthly body as dead to sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience."

Wake up filly fiends don't let Satan drag you into the lake of fire with him just for a few days or years of pleasure. Fillies aren't eternal but you are and your choices matter
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I plan on sniffing fillies for decades.
For what gain?
To get into Jannah.
If I don't get to be a filly in Equestria when I die I'll be in hell no matter what
Sniffing filly butts
then you're being silly
i'm actually learning a lot from it
they told her they weren't communicable and she was free to lick out AJ and/or Babs, but it turns out they are
no sexual immorality here. also important to note that the word is -harmful- desire. The feeling you wish you could go harm others if you could get away with it.
Bloomy love
>Be Anon
>This random filly is following you around
>Keeps trying to get you to play with her
>Bothers you with dumb kid questions
>Everybody else likes to joke that she has a crush on you
>You had put no stock in their good-natured ribbing
>Until now, that is
>"M-Mr. Anon?"
>Lily Longsocks stood before you, blushing a storm and fidgeting like a cat with her tail on fire
"Yes, Ms. Longsocks?"
>The filly smiled warmly, she always loved when you addressed her so professionally
>"Um, you don't have a special somepony, right?"
>Special somepony?
>These horsies are too cute for their own good sometimes
"No, Lily, I don't have a...'special somepony'."
>She beamed even more brightly at your words
>"W-well, I was wondering, maybe since you don't have a special somepony, and I don't have a special somepony, maybe we c-could be eachother's special someponies..."
>As she spoke, she found it harder and harder to look you in the eye, preferring to idly stare at the dirt
>You kneeled down to get closer to her level, running a comforting hand between her ears
"Lily, that's very sweet of you, but I'm not really looking for a special somebod-somePONY."
>Lily's face fell when you said that
>She looked like someone just kicked her puppy
>You keep rubbing her cute little head, hoping the pets will ease the pain of rejection
>All of a sudden, the little filly's face morphed from dejection to determination
>With a swift flick of her head, she catches your hand in between her teeth
"Hey now, no need to bi-Oomf!"
>With strength more appropriate for a manticore, this filly is now dragging you along Ponyville's dirt paths
>With panicked movements, you're able to flip yourself onto your back
>Able to speak thanks to no longer being force-fed packed dirt, you plead with the young filly
"Lily! For Christ's sake, what the hell is wrong with you?!" You ask a bit too loudly, the adrenaline in your bloodstream making your concern sound more like rage
>"Yohh gome be my fpefa fompumeh!" Lily answers around your hand
>Something told you this wouldn't end well
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what does she want to do with twilight?
You know what.
>you're going to be her special somepony whether you like it or not
>(you're going to like it)
Mares flirting with fillies is something I didn’t know I needed.
>age regressing themselves so both can have a normal foalhood
I will believe this what happened when both retired
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>Threesome with Celly and Luna
>They turn themselves into foals midfuck
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based you can’t say no to lily!
No wonder why they didn't tell anything to twilight, she would have other plans for their foal versions
Kissing fillies
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i like her nose paint.
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horse so small
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picked an apple off the tree...
Perfect little fil for sitting on your shoulder and making you smile all throughout the day.
better'n a parrot
At least this parrot will not being annoying and repeating every single word you say
if she does she'll add "y'all" after it
That would be filly applejack
yeah you're right
apple bloom would just go "what's that?" after each new thing you mention
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don't leave any filly unfulfilled
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she works so hard. good pony
I hope bloomy lets me eat the cake on her flank
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>tfw no 300lb siege bow and filly gf
we live in a society bottom text
>that filly contest poster
Just change all the stallions for mares and problem solved
gotta love a world so backwards they openly defend evil against good, and even make pony art about it.
can I get off this ride yet?
Get off the computer, Twilight.
Have fun cleaning all the mare sploosh off the seats.
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>cleaning off
>not licking off
So the pervert stallions judge will be replace by totally not pervert mares. We need candidates
Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle and Cheerilee
No filly will be diddled for a better score.
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>Like a clandestine revolutionary she makes her way to each of the members.
>Passing notes, passing whispers, talking in code that nopony understands so she has to explain it to them plainly anyways.
>She bumped into another filly doing the same tactics.
>She was wearing a red band around her front leg.

“Hey fellow freedom fighter. How goes the good fight?”

“What are you talking about?”

>Just then, the policemare came into view.
>The red band filly reared in surprise.

“The red dawn strikes the sun comrade!”

>She scurried away.
>A confused Scootaloo brushes it off and continues spreading her secret meeting.
>She reaches out to each and every pony in the club.
>They were to have a secret meeting at night.
>She had prepared this whole story about how rival fanclubs were spying on them to steal their…
>But none of the club members even asked why there was a time change.
>One just said her mom can't make snacks this time since she'll be asleep.
>With her message delivered Scootaloo quietly reintegrated herself with her friends and captors.

“And it's super important that the sleeves are huge and bigger at the end!”

>Sweetie Belle had been telling Diamond and Silver the inside scoop on the latest high fashion trend from Canterlot.
>JNCO styled jean dresses.

“Are you sure? Sounds like a bold faced lie to me.”

>It was a bold faced lie.

“Definitely. And don't forget the sequins.”

“Man those Canterlot mares sure do come up with crazy ideas.”

>Scootaloo said as if she was there the whole time.
>Before any further questioning could take place the schoolhouse bell rang out.
>The little fillies and colts groaned as they returned inside.
>Sweetie Belle gave a reassuring smile to Scootaloo as they went in and separated.
>Apple Bloom was still unsure but followed closely behind, also giving a smile to her pegasus friend.
>For most of the students nothing was very different.
>They thought about what flavor of cupcake they'd eat when they got home.
>For Scootaloo though, she felt as though there were two sets of daggers scraping and working their way into the back of her head.
>One from her friends or more specifically Apple Bloom.
>The other from Diamond and Silver.
>She has to go to sleep at some point, Scootaloo thought.
>She'll have her moment under the cloak of night.
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>Nopony was going to take away the Rainbow Dash Fanclub from her.
>The day crawls to its end.
>Ms. Cherilee sends the little foals away.
>Applebloom and Sweetie think about questioning their friend again.
>But she's already off with her captors.
>The orders Scootaloo receives are physically undemanding but demeaning.
>Such as being told to lay her tail over puddles and mud so as not to let filth touch Diamond Tiara’s hooves.
>Though she could just walk around them.
>Scootaloo accompanies them shopping, being forced to wear ill-fitting clothing for Diamond’s amusement.
>Diamond even tells her to eat a bug.
>The joke is on her though.
>Scootaloo would have eaten the bug for nothing.
>DT grows tired.
>She needs her beauty sleep.
>Scootaloo’s last duty for the night is to walk her home.
>At least this time Silver and Scoot don't have to hop the gate.
>Diamond lets out a dramatic yawn at her front door.

“Well. I guess you're free to go.”

“Ugh, finally.”

“Oh ho don't get uppity with me. You're done for today. I'll expect you back in the morning to make my breakfast with Silver.”

“But I-”

“You really need to work on your back talking.”

>Diamond leaves Scootaloo behind as she and Silver go into her home.
>Silver gets intimately close with her friend, slouching her neck so she can look up at Diamond Tiara.
>Her voice becomes breathy and heavy.

“I love the way you handled that.”

>The door shuts tight.
>Scootaloo stands alone, outside, in the dark.
>Her burdens feel heavy.
>But she also feels excited.
>Sneaking around at night, even just to spite Diamond would be enough.
>She grins smugly.
>Until she realizes the gate is locked and she must climb it again.
this art style is way too cute.
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Oh, I really hope you make a ponepaste for this green
nooooooo oh wait scoots can probably fly..
I don't think I want to know Cozy's headcanons about Scootaloo.
I need a fic or green with this plot..
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You just reminded me I forgot to update it.
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posting some fresh fillers 1/2
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and 2/2
That smug aura is dangerous
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Very cute. I love your stuff.
>helping your filly gf get her tail through her panties
she's gonna get her dock tickled.
I imagine the ゴゴゴMENACINGゴゴゴ sound from JoJo playing when I see this image
I want to go to Equestria and tickle filly docks.
much obliged anon many thanks
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filly cheesesteak
Filly cheesecake
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My filly is unhugged so excuse me while I take a filly squeezebreak
I miss Pestil so much bros
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He hasn't gone far, and in my experience he's fairly friendly; it's been a couple years so maybe he's grown jaded, but you could always message the fucker.
he still draws human fillies, right
He draw regular loli, look like he just like to draw what he want because he doesn't take commissions. So if you see any loli/shota by pestil then you can assume he was watching that anime or played a game with that loli/shota
lol fair, some people like doin that.
i do the opposite, i draw things i miss
>look like he just like to draw what he want because he doesn't take commissions.
Kek, that make me remember how many faggots were angry with him for not accepting comission, it's like some people are used to artists that need to draw to survive so they always have someone that will draw anything for money and the idea of a good artist they can't buy just make them get mad as fuck
it's more that like, it feels like hoarding. like why won't you take my money? everybody from the top to the bottom does that at least once in a while.
They appreciate their freedom to draw what their want above anything.
but commissions only affect that if you're doing so many that you have no time for your own
i can understand refusing to do them nonstop for a living, but refusing to do them once in a while for a little extra pony-plush money or something?
this is cute and I want to see other, better ponies being messed with similarly.
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>other, better ponies
Too bad, there aren't any. She's the best. God I love her.
>don't see the apple
Is this meant to be "appeal"?
Yeah, but apple is better, apple is always better.
aren't you worried this is an underage character?
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>implying that isn’t the best part
I would be worried if she wasn't underage
underage for having her tummy and ears rubbed?
isnt a bigger issue that she's being paid in this image?
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Would kissu the filly rump up and down and inflate what is already probably a pretty big ego.
she’s being paid for her time she’s a responsible filly already making bits
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she can plunder my booty anyday
pretty fillies
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Like this one?
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like THIS one
holy shit that's a cute filly.
i miss that one coco green where she's your aunt.
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UNF god
I was expecting an elegant collar for sweetie belle
She couldn't afford that with her allowance.
you can't see it due to the detail level of this art style, but in place of metal cones, the spikes on Sweetie's boutique collar are little brilliant-cut diamonds, placed pointy-side out.
Some artists just draw as a hobby and for fun
Not everything is about money
The zoomed mind cannot comprehend this
Where's Apple Bloom?
money can be exchanged for goods and services
Some people can't just understand some artists just don't need money, they're just so fucking used to the stereotype of poorfag artists that would draw anything for money. Their minds can't understand an artist just drawing as hobby
what, rich parents or something? who the fuck is independently wealthy enough not to get paid for the thing they enjoy doing on the side? again, not talking 8 hours a day here, but maybe one commission once in a while? practically free money.
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>Two foals wearing hoods approach each other in the dark of night.
>One lights a lantern close to their face.
>They wave high at each other.
>They lift up their hoods which in the light are Rainbow Dash Official Brand wigs.
>They’re meeting with the rest of the club on the outskirts of town to have their Official Rainbow Dash Secret Club Meeting™.
>All the fillies and colts have assembled with Scootaloo getting ready to lead the meeting.
>She doesn’t have her podium to make a standing speech in front of everypony.
>So instead she hides behind a tree and some bushes to at least appear for the club.
>Her head is full of talking points.
>The theme song she’d been working on was finally ready to debut.
>Scootaloo is about to trot out.
>A ghost taps her rear.
>She turns around to see Silver Spoon, Diamond, and one of the club members ashamedly looking down at their hooves.
>Diamond speaks in a violent whisper.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?”

“I… I… I…”

>Scootaloo’s eyes darted between Diamond and the fan club member.
>She feels nauseous.

“You are going to go out there and tell them that your meeting is canceled. You’re going to do it right now or a little birdie is going to alert the Foal Protection Services!”

>Her eyes shrink.
>Her breathing gets heavy as she hyperventilates.
>Diamond is getting impatient.
>Scootaloo keeps looking back at the club member.

“I’m sorry.”

>Their voice triggers a response in Scootaloo.
>She takes off into the woods.
>A trail of crushed leaves and tears is left in her path.
>Not the reaction Diamond wanted but her point was made.
>She groans at the slightest perceived hindrance.
>Diamond and Silver start trotting away.

“Uhm, what about the club?”

>The meek traitor interrupts.
>Diamond groans a second time.
>Harder even.

“I don't care. You tell them.”

>She and Silver make their exit for real this time.
>The guilty member stands around awkwardly, not sure what to do.
>The chatter coming from the rest of the club quiets down as no pony knows what's going on.
>Eventually, everypony goes home.


>It's afternoon in Ponyville, outside the Crusader Clubhouse.
>An extremely responsible and well meaning adult is instructing two upstanding fillies.

“Don't be afraid to use your teeth. Really yank on her mane.”

>It was Rainbow Dash, feeling spiteful.
>their face
not grammatical, anon.
i'm glad this green is still goin
What should it be?
his face if it's a boy, her face if it's a girl. By this point we've identified one of them. if for some reason you wanted to keep it a secret, you could say "lights a lantern at face level" but why would you
But foal isn't specific to male or female children? They're not supposed to be identified as any specific characters other than they are club members.
we don't have gendered nouns in english the way latin languages do, but we have gendered pronouns. You could say "the foal's face" but once you use a pronoun you gotta put a gender on it, unless it's a vague unspecified person
such as "whichever foal shows up, we'll see their face with this lantern"
But I didn't use a gendered pronoun before the line "their face". I used foal to imply their are just children instead of filly or colt implying their gender. I'm really not sure what the problem is here.
'they' is a pronoun. its only usage is for groups, or people of ambiguous number such as a theoretical person ("whoever" can be one, or several, or none)
Not trying to harp on this, but it's been an issue lately.
The original is grammatical. It's an instance of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singular_they
anon if I need to explain to you the problem with this, we have issues
Look on the history of this article, and what it said prior to 2016 or so. It'll be pretty god damn different.
Singular "they" to describe ambiguous individuals isn't a new thing.
numerically ambiguous, no. sexually ambiguous, yes.
buncha videogames stared doing it, we didn't know about sweet baby ray's or whatever it is back then. but it was never normal. Find me a single tv show prior to 2019 using it that way.
In the oldest version of that article it uses Jane Austen as an example of an author using they to refer to an individual over 200 years ago.
You are correct but onions slurpers will never understand this distinction
"any body" is a generic person. just like "Someone" or "anyone"
you use 'they' for that. it could be any number of people. in this case it's countless. "like any body would have done"
try again
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We're going to keep having a problem until you learn your fucking grammar.
>Verification not required.
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>what a wonderful string of replies about fillies in teh filly thread
oh wait
what the hell is happening?
you know this supports me, right. you were just replying to back me up
>can't read
I'm done. Other anons might try to talk sense into you, but I'm giving up.
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You could jut like have a job and have drawing as one of your several hobbies. I, for example, paid my way through college working a summer job, and now I work at an engineering firm, and I draw sometimes and play the guitar and build guns and play videogames every once in a while. I have been offered money to draw, but I do not want to put an onus on myself to do something I enjoy on a schedule because that will make me enjoy it less and I already make plenty of money with a less than 30% living cost/income ratio with full benefits.

My mom was a single mother and worked as a waitress to raise my ass. Literally anyone who can't cut it with graduating highschool and getting a trade job or going to college has very little right to complain about their life situation excluding extra burdening economic factors. By default you should not have to monetize your hobbies to get by, unless you really just want to doordash yourself McDonald's three times a week. Oh, uh, faggot.
>don't wanna stick to a schedule
okay yeah if you have a job that is gloriously schedule-free... but that's pretty rare. Otherwise, if you really dislike schedules.. do art commissions and take time off from your regular job. that's less schedule by definition.
>excluding extra burdening economic factors
yeah fair. you should be able to squeak by. but these days the rent is insane, so you can't.
>shouldn't have to monetize your hobbies
no but you monetize the time that you'd rather spend in that hobby.. and it's less efficient. Unless you take FOREVER to do art, you'll be making a lot more per hour.
my last job started screwing me hard on the per-item shit I was doing from home, if a commission came in I fucking dropped them hard and spent the time on the art because that fucker paid better and faster. do I hate that art? Yeah, I literally put it in a folder called 'commission shit' because it's garbage. but I like it better than my job.
i mean that is a burdening economic factor.. college costs what a house used to cost. thanks senator biden.

anyway I want more green about Kettle Corn painting circles and doing that art because it is her hobby.
>you'll be making a lot more per hour.
Maybe, maybe not. He says he's at an engineering firm. That could be good money. If he stays with it, it could be really good money. I'm mid-career in a STEM field myself. My salary is more than I'd ever make from commissions, and every year that gap gets wider.
>engineering firm
yeah that's a horse of a different color then. when I said "unless you're independently wealthy" that is what I had in mind. In that situation, I would also quit commissions. and I don't think I'll miss it.
Checked. I am glad that these digits went to someone who is not a schizo.
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yandere fillies
And I enjoy when I'm having an argument, being shown the example that I made room for an exception for, so everything makes sense. I totally get why he wouldn't wanna do commissions now.
too watery!! EYES TOO WATERY! any worse and she'll be those fake how to draw manga books
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It is grammatically correct. There was a break, and the usage is clearly to provide mystery, which is done for comedic effect.
>numerically ambiguous, no. sexually ambiguous, yes.
>"any body" is a generic person
And is a generic person singular. Hence the usage of "their" in the selfsame sentence:
>Had the Doctor been contented to take my dining tables as ANY BODY (any one person) in THEIR (his or her) senses would have done.

Furthermore, if you are going to police others' usage of English, then you may want to practice proper capitalization and punctuation, if nothing else than to appear authoritative. Idiot.
No, he isn't, you politically-obsessed philistine. You people who have in recent years gotten up in arms over this are just as obnoxious as the iconoclasts that have tried to phase out the neutral "he". You never cared before this "gender" nonsense, and as if to wear your sheep-like inclination on your face, you've even used the filtered descriptor slang word. As expected.
still not how that works. it's not the genericness of the person's sex, but of their number. that's why we -have- 'his or her'
and as that article points out, 'him/her' has been off and on in use, alternating with "fuckit, just say him"
at no point was it ever 'they' unless the noun-that-the-pronoun belongs to is something like "anyone" or "Someone"
Or, at a stretch, "a person." but once it is THE person, you can't anymore. Pronouns are not concerned with the nature of the physical reality being represented by the noun, they match the noun, period.
face it, you are trying to retcon how it has always worked. Nobody ever, ever used it for gender ambiguity until a few shitty videogames started to a few years back, and then all the political nonsense started up. it doesn't have any roots any further back than that. Because if it did, why was 'his or her' the PC term on everyone's lips in the 90s, cracking jokes about how new and inclusive it was?
well, it can be "the person who shows up" that is still theoretical. "If the person who shows up leaves their phone behind" etc.

please just talk about ponies now. talk about cute soft hoof frogs
What she say?
>Nobody ever, ever used it for gender ambiguity until a few shitty videogames started to a few years back
>Few years back

ahem beware subpar translation

First Golly:
>Hold me….
how much excitement can be caused by just those words

second Golly:
>Come here…
How thrilling it can be with just those words
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>"intentionally antagonistic reply"
>"oh by the way, c-can we please just talk about ponies now? :3"
I bet it's the same nigger who's convinced the only reason he's not allowed to fuck 9 year olds is because of jewish demons.
Golly language is very complex
>as that article points out
>until a few shitty videogames started to a few years back
Holy literacy, Batman! The article starts with "The use of they with a singular antecedent goes back to Middle English"!
Cuddling fillies
as pointed out earlier, 'some body' is a number-ambiguous person.
then the article is lying
all of those examples are a numerically ambiguous antecedent.
basic logic tells you this was never common, or our language would have been different than it is.
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aw fuck I got baited again

i need a cute pony around me to remind me. she'd just put her hoof on my hand and stop me.
sorry sorry, I am a bigmouthed trout sometimes
it's funny, my trolldar is excellent. goatworthy. but bait gets me every third time.
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how taut do you reckon her tummy is
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just a bit but that’s enough I want to rub her belly while feeding her appuls
i wonder what KIND of apple she likes best
i would imagine sweetangos or honeycrisps, but i dunno horse palates. maybe she'd like pink ladies.
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don’t really know I can’t imagine her liking any apple more than another maybe honeycrisp.
dragonpony. very nice. we need more mythological horse creatures in here.
well they are juicy as shit. can't deny that.
You stack the apples on top of each other and cut one-third off each of them. What's the problem?
It was nice knowing you, Scoots
She only need to escape, she's a fast filly.
She realized it first, she just needs to roll initiative.
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She can act out of combat, though it will count as her action for that round once they do roll initiative
sexo with Cheerilee
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Scoots should have good chance of ending up first on the order, with the Pegasi's racial bonus to intiative rolls. I have faith
this is a cute lil filly
Anon, everyone know that scoot have a really bad luck stat, she is gonna to fail.
what do you think of the new filly luna and celestia designs?
If I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that and only had three bullets in my gun I'd use them all on myself
god that is a hideous art style. like most CG.
someone needs to tell them, having the eyes BULGE OUT from the head is universally ugly. having CREASES where the skin folds on itself are universally ugly. and we'd rather the hair be messy and natural than look like a mass of extruded plastic.
unfortunate just look at the eyebrows who signed off on this? having some good filly designs in g5 does not balance it out
Uncanny. The designs themselves look kinda cute but ultimately they suffer from just looking bad overall due to CG. And no, bean mouth versions wouldn't be any better.
Beanmouth versions would be better but only by dint of being less horrible.
can you even do beanmouth in 3d?
Probably, but I meant 2D
2d is always better. i'll take this shit.
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if you leave cake out, you're gonna get tiny fillies.
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other animals are cute too
>tfw no yearling giraffe gf who's already tall enough for me to eat her out while we're both standing
you fool, you'll need a stepstool to fuck her
>babe I'm so ossiconey, get up on the fuckscaffolding NOW
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alright you get points for that one. that took me a second.
Applejack please... scootaloo heat literally ended yesterday... I need to rest.
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Wait until Sweetie Belle is in heat
dear princess celestia
please give me more sexual stamina
for the fillies
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>when the filly realizes how utterly sexy she is
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Best filly gang member.
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>she rolls her eyes and plants a sticky kiss on it anyway
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>anon can't get a pony pregnant without magical or potion assistance
>he is instantly assigned to deal with the heat of any filly of ponyville
awwwww she has a scootaplush
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>turns out the magic of True Love counts
I miss drawing fillies
draw a filly!
Draw Diamond Tiara being mean to someone.
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cute filler
>Diamond Tiara being mean to Princess Luna while her dad looks on in genuine fear for her safety
lies, you hate fillies deep down, its why you wont
Now draw her hugging her friends in a three way hug.
>blank flank
The best sweetie belle, I bet she is squeaky too.
if you tickled her she would squeak more than a big bag of mice.
>the big sisters (and sister figure) can’t be mad because of the implications
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