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Post blue spandex shorts girl.

Previous Thread:>>40984611
Blessed Butt
Those pants look better without the lightning patterns
I know right? Leggings with the shirtie mark is just about the cutest thing ever.
For me, it's spandex shorts and a skirt that she lifts to get us excited.
What's the chances RD dates Zephyr?
very high actually
Dash's the type to scare away any potential partners and then settling on someone like Zeph
Well at least the EQG version is way less sleezely. Also would you be okay with it?
i'm kinda like Zeph. that gives me hope
How would Flutters even feel about this?
Fluttershy just wants her brother to have his shit together, I like to fantasize that Fluttershy has sucked her brothers cock becsuse she loves him so much, but they probably don't have it like that and she likely doesn't care who he's sticking it in.
Kind of surprised that there's no fanfic where Flutters gives her brother a chat about his behavior towards women.
Is there a fanfic where Blue Crushed plays out differently?
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Dashie is cheering for you!
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Aww wook at the widdle baby Dashie in her girly pink bra XD
What a dork, I bet she reads books, too.
Rainbow Dash is going to kick your ass for knocking her up with all these babies.
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Pick one.
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Oh shit she caught us staring
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I like to think she'd be fine if people admired her butt to the point of asking her to autograph pictures of it.
Cool idea. I can totally see that.
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vroom vroom
>seconds before disaster
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Love watching our girl ruin her dresses
The new leggings butt has been finished
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>I wish the guys would keep the congratulatory ass slapping to a minimum. My butt really hurts
anon draw that?
I want to slap Dash's butt really gently.
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Fine, no more slapping
*gropes her ass*
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>Still slapped at the end
God damn I would sexually harass the shit out of Dash at school, I don't even care if I get expelled.
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Of course!
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>It was me, Dash Sentry
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Is there good fan fiction?
I have it in favorites, but don't really remember it now:
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Who cares if she's a lesbian, it's not like she's date you either way
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I regret not being a footfren everytime I browse through Metalhead97's pics. They are just so good.

https://derpibooru.org/images/2094335 (explicit)
^ can't decide if "eww" or "unf"
Who's to say I'm not gonna be sexually harassing my friend Dash, anyway?
>it's not like she's date you either way
Not with that attitude.
>https://derpibooru.org/images/2094335 (explicit)
Links not working.
I should've put that "(explicit)" somewhere else in my post. It may look confusing.

Here you go:

>katie catley
She's a staff member. Right now I don't remember what her job was exactly. But you can see her OC in that short where they drive to the gig on the farm with Granny Smith.
Katrina Hadley, storyboard artist from the EQG team
She was also a Rarijack shipper, hence that pic
Isn't she the one that said that Shimmy is either bi or lesbian?
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>seethrough rainbow dress from the water
Yes, but that's just as canon as Lauren implying that Trixie was trans

I always thought Lauren said that about Caramel.
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Real shame we didn't get a CHS cheerleader Dash, it's a fucking high school., Dash and her friends are hot, it's meant to be.
Dash plays in the team. But rest of them...
Cafeteria Song was probably the closest thing to cheerleading.
True, that and the friendship games hype was fantastic, she kinda is the ultimate cheerleader.
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>Rainbow agrees to be a cheerleader, but the spandex shorts stay on.
Will you take it?
Of course I'm taking the shorts, they're my fetish, I personally would love to have Dash bounce herself on top of me with the shorts on until I busted instead of having sex with her.
Zephyr please.
>he doesn't want this fat fucking blue ass bouncing against his crotch
Wow, I unfed.
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Still yes.
I like how Shimmy fixes her hair after bending it over and Dash doesn't
They knew
Rainbow gives Sunset a lesson on how to make people want to cum inside you.
I bet her ass smells amazing. I wish she would sit on my face.
The entire Dash probably smells amazing, I know she's plays a little rough, but she is the loveliest of young ladies that you're gonna spend time with.
She definitely sweats a lot under that >>41172696
Imagine how hard her sweaty ass sticks to a classroom chair because school made us do P.E and then class for some reason.
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>imagine smelling this after every workout
Are her spandex shorts catching on?
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Imagine smelling it during every workout
>checks kemono
>no spandex shorts only version
Let's fix that!
God I'd be messing with her so much in H.S

>Nice spandex shorts Dashie, you wearin em for me?
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that fucking lip bite
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For me, it's a soaking wet Rainbow Dash in her beautiful spring break dress
Spandex pants!
tight fit
made as quick condom replacement
LOL and Unf
*deep breathes*
Mmm, Put em on, Dashie...
What's up with all the sexy Dash pics lately?

Not that I'm complaining.
God damn that leg reach
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This scene awakened me as a kid
No no no, don't cover the shorts!
Oh God...
>buttplug tail
Cool! Saved.
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>You gonna cry, Twilight? Like a iittle BITCH?
>"Hey Twilight, check how loud I can fart!"
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Lazy Dash hates waking up before 11:00 AM.
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Skirt or spandex shorts?
>As a kid
>It's been that long since
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Another spandex only edit
PNG: https://files.catbox.moe/13i4yh.png
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Oops! Forgot to spoil this one
Oh well...
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How about blue shorts?
No? No problem
Blue (Da Ba Dee) is cool. All what you posted is cool.
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Would you a pony wearing spandex shorts?
Of course!
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Possible getting too old moment
What's blue crushed
Here you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALyI4tivrlo
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>I've never seen no chick like this
>This bitch can twist, like a damn contortionist
I got reach...she's got flexibility
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>ai is figuring out how to draw blue girls in spandex leggings
holy unf
Wow! Unf...

Very cool! Saved.

It got so focused on leggings that it fucked up the hands more than usual lol
Butt indeed!
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Rock on
How can I convince her to sit on my face?
You just gotta make it worth her while Anon, maybe trade her a book she would like for a little bit of her time, she'd probably give you her shorts as well, it's not even like you're asking to have sex with her or anything, and she has to know her ass is pretty sweet, and she can't act like we're being weird to want to jack off while being suffocated by spandex butt.
LOL I think that of all girls Dash might actually agree to this.
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Confident swagger

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