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Tell us your main fetish & why it excites you?
man on mare cuddling
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They're hot and cute.
I like anthro
Ponuts. They are perfection.
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>Tell us your main fetish
I love faceless ponies, masked ponies, mane over eyes ponies, etc.
>why it excites you?
I don't know. I mean I find regular mare's faces cute as well I just find that hidden faces are way hotter and cuter (It's like a catalyst for me works well for prons and just cute cuddle arts), and it's even better when character actually never reveals their eyes brings some mystery up I guess.
I am very passionate about this fetish I used to draw it a lot through 2016-2023. I kinda stopped when I got no more frens left, I still draw it just not as much as I used to.
My shit has so much irl pictures and videos that images, drawn and edited and as of late generated, are so much more valuable to me and my ilk.
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Futa. I don't know why. I just like horsecocks and mares. And horsecocks on mares. And mares with horsecocks.
>I don't know why
C'mon, those fucking pringles-can cocks are great. And mares are sexy. Combine them and you got a recipe for perfection. Just because it makes you a little bit of a faggot, doesn't make mares with flares bad.
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Does it really count as a fetish when it's just, like, my wife? She excites me because she's my wife and we're in love. Her being my fetish displaced all the other degenerate shit I used to dabble in a long time ago - I'm thankful that I'm just the husband to a horse and nothing worse like a diaperfag or foot lover or whatever.
Big mares
And I mean, beeg
For the reason, iunno, it's endearing to think about a force of nature caring about me. The usual "more mare to love" also counts
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>{{{{perfect flawless pony anatomy, perfect flawless posing, anatomically correct
>still puts human pectorals on the pony
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I'm NOT interested
This is why everyone hates fatfags and even the pregfags are given preferential treatment compared to them.
To answer OP's second question tho, half a decade ago I was slapping Random with a vague search query when this popped up and I nutted so hard I almost passed out
Haven't put much thought into "why" since, but as long as this shit's done "properly" my dick flips desks
f you for making me think about why my fetish excites me
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I don't know if it's my "main" but I just really want to be the little mare and wear a collar and do what master says. Not even in a BDSM way. I guess I've spent my entire life trying to be independent and in charge of things... Or Zephyr really fucked me in the head
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In particular when Anon is outsmarted or simply unable to handle to situation. I think it's because of the despair from having control ripped away is what makes me diamonds.
This chrysalis part, before anon wins, made me cum countless times.
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>I guess I've spent my entire life trying to be independent and in charge of things...
I know the feel. It's overwhelming, being in charge of a life in freefall. It's hard not to want someone to take care of the thinking for you, to provide unconditional love and comfort. Or in lieu of love and comfort, at least being comfortable with your own self. I hope that your present's been good company.
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Ponut kissing/licking. There's no better way to show your appreciation to a mare
Hooves. No fucking clue.
Jesus could you get any shittier taste?
no u
Another futa lover here. I just fucking love dicks but men don't get me hard like women do, I lost my V card topping another man so I can say that confidently. Absolutely love sucking dick though would suck my fav mares dick and swallow her loads all day. Like anthro too, human female bodies are still attractive to me though I prefer ungulgrade anthro though, and it's better if they have a horse pussy/futa. Incest is hot if it's futa on futa and the only foalcon I tolerate is futa on foal and even then barely plus there's fuck all pics of it. Love me futa on futa it's got the same appeal as lesbian porn but I love watching the bottom get railed up the ass and cumming with their dicks flopping around it's so fucking hot, plus you can self insert as the bottom if you wanna do butt stuff which is also hot. Thinking about the shit I would do if I was a busty full figured futa with a big dick is hot to me, would be fun to be one temporarily.
futa mares are perfection
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KEK based as fuck, I mean Im honest with myself at least I ain't no fag in denial
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reverse rape shits kino




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I like it when a mare teases me by calling me a horsefucker.
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a mare writhing in ecstasy from her ponut being pounded is peak sexual gratification. she loves it, you love it, why not get a bit of shit on your dick to make the mare of your dreams have the most powerful anal orgasm she could ever have? her squirt would drench the bedroom wall.
I like how inflationniggers are afraid of one of their own.
I don't think anyone mentioned inflation here?
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I don't know but it seems for me like a bigger, rounder belly on a mare or stallion until they're planetary or city sized is better
Why did I open my mouth???
I seem to be the only non-deviantart-autist-tier person with my fetish. Not saying what it is because it's not really an inherently sexual thing for me, I just have a personal obsession with it, and I don't want people to have the immediate reaction of "ew gross fetish shit" the rare once-in-a-blue-moon times it pops up naturally on here. Let's just say it's kinda body horror adjacent.
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Sorry bro, I need to get it off my chest and be honest
>mare with big double D's crouch titties
I am not able to explain exactly why, however for some reason anything that goes into a watermelon-tier or larger size is just going into a "not sexy" category inside my brain.
Hypnosis is rad. Either you whittle the mare down to the point that she willingly accepts giving you control or she's submissive enough to do it from the get-go, and then you have a perfectly obedient puppet who takes all of your suggestions. Trances in general are also nice. I like seeing mares with sleepy, happy expressions as their minds fade.
Oh, fine. Still, you picked a terrible time to bring it up, right after the guy with a vendetta brought up inflation. No hard feelings, as a fatfag, but of all the people, you shouldn't tempt the fatfag with a hateboner for inflation. We get enough controversy on the home board without incurring his wrath.
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>the only non-deviantart-autist-tier person with my fetish
>Not saying what it is
>it's kinda body horror adjacent

just say it you weird judgmental freak.
they share a thread.
Last two or three /trash/ threads were just fat. They've been picking a name. Most recent name was /fatp/.
hey, I'm just saying someone got invited into their chat and they happen to forget about 4chan.
>their chat
>forget about 4chan
I might not be in every single thread but I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about
they have an IRC. and it's wild you'd never guess it's th*m until they reference the general or sizecon.
Hey I never read a green like that, sauce me up if you have any
Is this supposed to be a pronoun joke or...
never heard of that, this is all news to me. Frankly, I've never bothered with IRC for any /trash/ thread or subcommunity. If it's not worth posting to the threads in question, then I say just drop a matrix or dicksword tag or something.
some of them get a "sorry" when a 'she' gets dropped and that's just the start of a fight. the faggots we know? (maybe more than) one is a faguette. one works for a gov't too.
I'm not sure I really have a main fetish, but masturbation and tentacles are the ones that come to mind first. Something about seeing her pleasure herself for her own enjoyment just hits all the right buttons and I'm not exactly into rape, but tentacles just get me going even if they're less than consensual.
A shame, I suppose. I do recall some anon mentioning weeks ago about how someone in an IRC basically dictated what got posted in the fatpone general when it was /bpg/. Didn't learn much of anything other than that back then. I don't know why faggotry always infests fetish groups, no matter what.
yeah but I also draw it nonsexually and I don't want it to be seen as a weird sexual thing cause of me admitting it's also a fetish
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It's transformation, isn't it?
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Well I'm out of ideas then.
dude, tell me you're a newfag without telling me you're a newfag. theyve always been this tight clique.
does it have anything to do with hearts?
I've posted writes to fatpone threads since 2014. Maybe even 2013. I just don't have the same tendency toward cliques. I'm a two-to-five-friends kind of guy.
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RGRE, and mares dominating and threatening to rape me while treating me like the good housestallion I am, because i am a submissive stallion
before /trash/? for that matter there's a new big pony general down in /trash/.
Yeah before /trash/. Before the scruffening.
>there's a new big pony general
It took a moment to find it, I notice they didn't let the thread sit for a little while like anons suggested at the end of the last fatpone thread, and they didn't use the umbrella name of /bpg/ despite the /trash/ people insisting on using it. Weird.
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>Hey I never read a green like that, sauce me up if you have any
If they exist, I haven't found them. There aren't even that many pictures of it either.
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i want a mare to love me and be concerned about my well being
i want to be able to open up with her and have her actually feel a subtle joy whenever i open up to her
i want her to take me to her teat
slowly guide my head down as her heads gently holds me in place
i want her to try to offer to let me suckle on her teats because it's cathartic to her seeing me slowly relax as im comforted from the overwhelming love, care, trust, and desire to make sure i am feeling as comforted as i need
this is the ultimate fetish for me, it is unachievable even in equestria
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A cute mare ripping a nasty brap is just animalistic sexy to me. There's so many aspects to it; the taboo nature, the grossness, the relief the mare feels, the pride and/or embarrassment depending on the situation and the type of mare, the many different sounds, smells and positions a mare could be in when she farts, the hard femdom/gentle femdom that occurs naturally in this fetish, etc.

Of course, I'm partial to braps being so bucking smelly they wilt plants, etc, like stuff you'd see in a Pepe Le Pew cartoon, that ones harder to explain but I've explained it before as a sort of 'femdom over nature' and that i came to this epiphany from looking at the fucking wonderbread fetish guy's commissions that became a meme. There's also the juxtaposition of cute amre - horrific killer flatulence. But I crave all mare braps.

Thanks for coming to TED talk.
>glimmy fart fag
this is the third time i've seen you post in a way that's recognizable
your a good writer but damn i felt bad for fart slave anon in ur fic that you wrote
still read it tho
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>i came to this epiphany from looking at the fucking wonderbread fetish guy's commissions that became a meme.
I can't believe what I'm fucking reading
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Spanking, I just love seeing a little mare's butt turn red as I slap the everloving shit out of her.
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Yeah it was a pretty surreal moment for me too.
Well, it's not like the glowies and data brokers don't know already. Sexual slavery, whether unwilling, willing, or anywhere in between. I don't know why or how it developed.
Actual schizo.
>main fetish

>why it excites you
The character is brought to a "weakened state" without serious injury, either physical or psychological, happening to them. They are able to remain in this state, either temporarily or permanently, while still maintaining their mobility and agency, which allows for a wide variety of scenarios.

The "weakened state" aspect is critical and is why only strong and powerful characters are arousing and used. Characters already presented as weak (e.g. Fluttershy) have next to zero appeal as a result.
Pregnancy is my main fetish. I've always liked it since before puberty even. I like the way it changes the mother's body, whether she likes it or not; the fact that new life is brewing away inside her; and how the unfinished life can interact with the outside world through the mother's belly.

I want to impregnate my mare while she screams my name. I want to pepper her thick belly in kisses and to care for her. I want to lick her belly and rest my nuts on it. I want to rub her belly while she makes sweet noises and we cuddle. I want to rock our foal back to sleep inside of her with the motions of our sex. There are many things to like about it.
Janny bias aside, am I the only one who finds pregnancy in general barely even fetishistic? I mean, if you don't have some thoughts of knocking up the mare of your dreams and nurturing your shared child together, are you even a mammal? Hyperpreg is fuckin' weird, but aside from that, you go, raribro~
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Wanting to procreate is not degenerate, therefore it is not a fetish.
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>falling for another info harvest thread
Fagets the lot of you.
It's not harvesting if there's nothing left to get, lol
They got laptop cam footage of me jerking off to Machino Henmaru, if they wanted to ruin my life further they totally could.
I believe it. That being said, I've never taken any psych meds and I've taken dick.
>save my race
>so how was it?
I can't cum handsfree, but it was definitely a good sensation getting a prostate pounding. I was even a bit of a sizequeen as soon as I could order toys online. And before you ask, yes, I did crossdress and a few other kink things. It was all in private though, public shit's a little too out-there. Family stuff got complicated, so I didn't get the chance to explore much.
>if I wanted to save my race I needed to act like a man
Everyone can contribute to the greater good in their own ways. I know demography is destiny, but to be entirely honest, it's not in your control. The best you can do is find a woman who's alright with your idiosyncrasies without overt judgment. If you ended up liking dudes, just find a dude that you gel with. It's really not that complicated, just go with the flow and let come what may, relationship-wise. If you procreate like a rabbit with the sole intent of preserving racial purity, you're just gonna have a mental breakdown and purity spiral into suicidal ideation.
I speak from experience.
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Wings are pretty nice.
Kinda hard to describe why you like a body part though; even a non-human one.
They're versatile and elegant i suppose.

Other wing types are okay too but feathers are way above the other types.
>wants to "save his race"
>turns out to be a cock hungry faggot
many such cases!
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ponies wearing clothes
there is just something about ponies wearing them that make it even more naked
sure naked is hot but clothes is too enticing
panties for example
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I want my body to be actively desired by my mare wife. I want her to be pleased by my body greately. And I think domming me would make Yellow Quiet, who just happens to be my wife, be more confident.
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I'm a nigger, and i'm into white women, so I like to self insert in niggerporn. Therefore, i'm also into the pony version of niggerporn. Also gives a good opportunity for worldbuilding since zebras aren't really focused on in the show
>pony version of niggerporn
I know this is b8 but come on
Prostitution. In simple, happy and non-humiliating way. Maybe it's about needing to have control and making it just simple exchange. Little ponies offering their services are perfect vessel for that.
vore because my brain has been fried by 2DP shit
based, more tasteful than

>Not even in a BDSM way
Anon I..

>non deviantart tier
>won't say it
It's deviantart tier


My brain starts naturally filtering after 2-3 lines of super detailed posts.

Based and MILF is a real body type.

>ponies wearing clothes
>there is just something about ponies wearing them that make it even more naked
That one's easy enough. You recognize what wings were invented for: chicks dig it.
I mean, like, chicks, not chicks. Spreading your wings over your eggs keeps them warm and developing properly. You are, subconsciously, looking for someone who will wrap you up in those wings, showing they have the instincts that will use those wings properly.

On a more intellectual level, there's the whole thing of flight, and looking cool.
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Amputee mares.
It's the ultimative form of movement restriction and submission. She is completely dependent on your care and competely under your control.
Tranny chaser.
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>main fetishes
this and the follow-up post: >>36440514
I don’t wear a flag. Thanks for saying I’m a good writer though, it means a hell of a lot even if it’s hard for me to agree when I see so many more consistent writefags around. I’m trying to work on something else, but I just don’t have the steam for it like I did with that one.
Definitely facesitting or at least having a big ass pushed onto my face (if her sitting on me is impossible due to the weight difference)
it's all sensory inputs at the same time. Concentrated smell, taste, strong touch, temperature. it's also intimate because I can directly feel how aroused she's getting based on negligible movements of her pussy and how wet she is. It's also inherent commitment because the pussy is in my mouth all the time until she cums, no matter how wet she gets or if she squirts during orgasm it all goes into my mouth instead of elsewhere :3
I don't have a fart fetish, but I'm not really disgusted by it, and the idea she gets so aroused she stops controlling herself completely and farts while sitting on my face because I made her into that

I don't see it as humiliating or submissive (it could be though if I was bound and lost the ability to stop it physically, which is also hot, but a different mood)
Pregnancy can be fetish, same way ass or boobs can be fetish. It's in the name.
>Tell us your main fetish & why it excites you?
Your colors are yellow and pink.
OP is Fluttershy?
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She's played us like fools!
Linky belli >>41147719
Small teata https://derpibooru.org/1550846
Afraid so
I'm generally not a big fan of power play and skewed power dynamics but I really like dominant mare or futa mare that acts all cocky and assertive and the ends up enjoying cuddles, all that mushy stuff and my monkey dick.
pic kinda related
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this you?
So you want to cuddle with a dangerous futa mare?
I really really REALLY want to pleasure ponies with my mouth. Mares, stallions, futa, doesn't matter, I just need to put my head between those fluffy pone thighs. I want to lick, kiss, nibble, and worship all of it: dock, ponut (only the outside), marepussy & teats or balls + sheath (unf underrated) + cock. Getting my face drenched in pony sexual fluids and marked with pony musk. Facesitting and throat swabbing are especially hot although I also love the other angle where I can see the mare/stallion's cute face looking at me the whole time.
Deep and passionate kissing with a pony would also be wonderful doubly so if it's a stallion and my mouth is filled with his cum
I would also lick and suck on hooves but ONLY if they are very clean (i.e. freshly out of the shower)
It's all enhanced if it's loving and intimate as well. I want to hear quiet moans and grunts of pleasure and also a few words of happiness and enjoyment here and there.
Hope she liked my confession ITT then: >>41148276
I couldn’t even begin to fathom why but for me it’s the dock
There’s just something about the little are just below mares tail but just above there ponut where if drawn correctly can enhance any image!
The art could be bad but if you get that good dock then I’m SOLD!
This probably doesn’t classify as a fetish and is more of an aesthetic thing but I still love docks
I love that too, not enough art shows the dock on a pretty amre.
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>someone links my green
Huh, that's neat
Not sure why the rape one is my most viewed
HVOP. The size and color of horse pussies drawn by the majority of artists just takes too much attention away from what I'm actually trying to fap to, that being the mare.
I can agree most artists go overboard due to fandom memes, but balance that with saying shit taste detected.
Shit taste dete--
Jokes aside, if you already love the form, personality, and feeling of a mare, her having a ponut and horsepussy shouldn't be a deterrent. Long as it's not ridiculous levels of hyper.
Yeah, this is like saying: "I look at mares with dicks because most artists can't draw a good vag."
In both instances, you're just gay.
Based lovey-dovey pony pleasure enthusiast
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Foals. Why? Observe.
more like
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Surprised there's only one other vorefag here maybe the others got digested. Hard to think of specifics, but griffons, hole-lings, and dragons (specifically Spike, Smolder, and Ember) make great preds. Ponies less so, though Luna and Celestia are good candidates for futa cockvore.
I suspect it's the domination aspect that gets me going - dangerous predators so secure in their control that they don't even need to tear or bite. Even when I'm not prey, I'd like to feed a pony to a dragon/griffon gf. Maybe rest my head against her belly afterwards, sounds comfy.

It does kinda suck that jannies kicked the vore thread off this board, while preg, hypno, tf, and straight up erotica threads are allowed to stay. I don't wish them away, but I do wish to join their ranks on the catalog.
I might not understand vorefags but I can sympathize given my own kink has been treated similarly.
Ponies getting sucked into vacuum cleaners. I blame a comic I saw with Discord doing that to Luna.
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They had to ban the thread, because vore fetishes would consume the whole board.
There's at least three
I like Hippogriffs
I have a pee fetish. I just like seeing warm water coming out of a pussy. It is pretty harmless in my point of view and I don't get why so many people hate it.
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>Luna and Celestia are good candidates for futa cockvore.
>Tell us your main fetish
Specifically when the pony has little to no control over it. Things like viruses, magical curses, blueberry infections or allergic reactions. Anything really that causes somepony to inflate on their own is great. I love when it feels like the pony's own body is betraying him.

>why it excites you
The loss of control and helplessness. A pony gradually blowing up, losing their mobility until they are little more than a tight sphere completely unable to move. They can only sit there until someone helps them. Or someone finds them and has others plans for them. Bonus points if there's some permanent element to it. Such as a pony with a curse they can't remove that causes them to inflate if they do a certain thing. Or having an allergy where
some types of food will cause them to swell up. The idea is honestly terrifying and I find that hot.
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Your fetish pisses me off
>confirms it
Anon, you're not helping your chances at twink ass, you know. There's only a couple months left. You can't build a reputation as a self-hating bisexual stormfag with main character syndrome. Most twinks might be mentally ill but there's a good chance you'll scare them off this way.
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Bunch of closet cases
>I'm not gay but
>gayest shit ever
just say you are gay already holy shit
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Casual Nudity, Casual Sex
the first is technically canon if it weren't for the ponies have no holes thing. but the thought of everyone just casually roaming around with their horsepus / cocks exposed turns me on.
Bonus points for Heat season
futa is straight
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These cocoons
show accurate proportions
stinky hooves/socks/pits
crying/sad ponies
belly buttons
massive ponies
whoops, I meant to reply to OP.
nigger :(
anyways, expanding on Casual Sex.
I like to think of the pwnes as having their own culture and taboos so, if there's Casual Nudity what stops them from just fucking anywhere? It's like they're already advertising themselves showing off their VERY EXPOSED genitalia.
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>crying/sad ponies
You monster
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Whatever this is
hornjobs, hornjaculation, etc. are based as hell.
I like vore sometimes but I hate it at the same time
If it's ponies eating humans then it's fun (idk why I guess giving up everything to a pony sounds nice)
but if you get off to ponies getting hurt especially to fucking plants and dragons and griffins and shit you should kill yourself ASAP not even fucking joking hurting and being cruel to ponies is so wrong
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Forgot Pic
This sucks
My nigger, wings are sexy as fuck.
Maybe I'm part bird or something, but the idea of a pegasus mare fluffing up her wings for me before sex is such a turn on. Then, she'll wrap them around me as we embrace each other, and as she climaxes they'll spasm around me and in the air, covering us both in down.
Even stupid memes like >wingboner
are sexy, seeing a cute pegasus mare trying to hide her blush while her wings stick out ramrod straight and twitch with her heartbeat, her primary feathers quivering with lust.
abuse sometimes really does it for me and rape.
idk why fully. i think its because my daddy made me put glass in my vagina. but it feels like love can be faked but hatred is always real. or maybe like rape is they love you so much they'll risk going to jail to be with you? i also really like dressing up in religous outfits. probably because my daddy would lock me in basement for several hours to recite the lords prayers.
I didn't think it would be really you, the post just reminded me of the mare fair thread so I sent those from the archive
you're gonna smash that twink anon
Her flying is impaired until she calms down or is relieved
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>t. opposite day
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loose clothes
I like the tease showing the shoulders and chest
>Twinkle Sprinkle staring at the massive celestial orbs she's about to become part of

How prominent do you like it? Like, from sex being about as frequent and house-restricted as IRL but openly discussed, all the way up to it being unusual if you can't see at least a couple ponies fucking at any given moment in public?

Oh, they're not in any pain. Griffon digestive systems are surprisingly gentle on the nerves, and dragons are basically a sauna; ponies pass out long before anything nasty happens.
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That's filthy
Twilight in those kind of pants makes me so fucking horny. Eating fast food, making her thighs and ass plump and then wearing pants like that... goddamn, I love her.
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do you have an idea who "dealer anon" is?
Doesn't ring a bell. Can't seem to find his work on desu with keywords.
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She's undeniably incredibly sexy like this.
I deny this. Mascara running is for cheap hookers. Rara is a pretty mare, not a cheap hooker.
I mean, they don't have to be futa or dangerous, but that's cool too.
And I'd like to fuck and plan world domination with them too, not just cuddle.
Nta, but what if you comfort your sad mare after she's had a bad day and you start making her feel better
She's an overpriced hooker at best.
>world domination
Any relation to the futa thing?
This is acceptable. But no making your mare cry on purpose. I will be watching.
Maledom, femsub, interspecies, human on pony, degredation, spiked collars, female-on-male rimjobs, piss drinking, holding hooves
Same brother I just love cunnilingus and I want lots of force behind it without having to work too hard. I wanna taste it, drink it, push it with my tongue, and so forth. It's not at all about dom/sub or anything like that, it's just a good position.
I chalk it up to the thrill of getting to see something you're normally not supposed to, like peeking at the Christmas presents your parents hid in their closet
Are floofs lewd?
main fetish is futa, but with ponies it's a dead heat between crotchteats and ponut. I've always loved tits and one of the main reasons it took a while for me to start clopping was that have no tits, even small ones, was a turnoff and a good chunk of non-anthro porn back in '14 and before were just flat no tits. Then I saw one pic of Bon Bon sitting ontop of Lyra with massive crotchtits on either side of Lyra's tail and there was no going back. Flat with tiny nipples, small bulge, huge, human-looking or equine accurate? Don't care, I love them all.
Ponut is a bit weirder. Can't stand anal, human asshole is not even remotely stimulating to look at. But pony ponut is just super interesting, I've sometimes just browed ponerpics looking at different artists rendition of ponuts, there's so many different interpretations as how ponuts should look and it's so exciting to think that even the dirtiest part of a mare is pure.
Futa ponies are fine but I don't go searching it out much.
Linky is too wholesome for porn.
Why? There's something viscerally stimulating about being able to make a girl/mare squirm with my tongue.
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same, but big mares and big stallions
Literally nineteen eighty four, EQG and vorefags are allowed here but not fucking fatfags? People post fucking nsfw here and the janny 3 day b8’s me on spoilered nsfw despite following what everyone else does
Sorry this thread is only for mod approved fetishes. Should have been a pregfag.
Try posting vore to see what happens Anon
Your point stands for EqG though
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Jannies tongue my anus
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How could you? This a blue christian board
>sucker for the pony-matic
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Not really sure what it's called exactly, but I guess I'll just say food possession.
Basically it's this at 0:46
Don't know. Surprise controlling aspect of it?
...interesting. How did you discover it?
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On one hand, I feel ya. I spoiled >>41147558 just to avoid offending people, and not only is she very PG and cutesy but she's on the low end of my tastes too. It's sad, but at least occasionally fatfag congregations stand for a few hundred replies before they get scruffed. I feel like pushing mods and baiting them won't help anything. Peaceful mod reform or signing up to be a janny may be our only feasible route.
Have a plushie mare with pancakes as a peace offering.
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Not a vorefag, but...
What you posted was far in excess of anything anyone else posted. If you think that what you posted was anywhere even remotely close to acceptable then you're too deep in it to function.
What's being eaten there instead of just a pony screeching?
Are mouth shots = vore?
I thought the ponies being afraid of vacuums thing was a meme but you're saying it's a fetish?
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Cardiophillia. Been a thing since prior to even being able to pop a boner. Everything about the heart (organ) turns me on. Though, as I get older, I find myself enjoying it on a more platonic level.
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god i FUCKING LOVE hooves
why? no idea. Hate human feet. Hate paws etc. but hooves are amazing
Dubs of truth
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Honestly, idk. I guess the main one is futa? It's definitely the one I've had the longest. I rotate between a bunch of weird stuff.
>cock vore
>sex toy transformation
>ear fucking
>various flavors of fem or maledom
>hypnosis/mind control
>ffm throuples (not threesomes, chicks sharing)
>fmm threesomes with the girl studding out her man. He can be either end of the equation
Lately it's just been very sappy vanilla but most anything that's super cuddly and intimate is always nice. Kissing is the GOAT but its not really a kink. Long tongues, now that's a kink. Love some girls with long tongues.

The annoying part is that I am, inevitably, way softer about stuff than most of the people who actually produce content for any given kink. I've never gelled with 'hard' vore or taking advantage of someone with mind control, or NTR or anything (the rise in cuckshit is driving me nuts trying to find just normal bi stuff). I want everyone to have a good time, cum their brains out, and come back to do it again tomorrow.

I guess if I think about it, a lot of stuff just comes down to being able to totally drop barriers with someone. Either having someone trust you completely or put that trust in someone else. That's not really something I have the opportunity (or capability, possibly) to do IRL. Mix in a dose of oral fixation (would suck AJ's tongue and orange monster can) and... it's a mess. But that's life I guess. I do wish I was more normal desu.
>way softer about stuff than most others
I relate strongly. I want both parties excited, in love, and then satisfied after their freaky kink session. It's wonderful.
Do you have any cockvore or absorption fetish content (drawn or written) that you feel comes closest to your ideal fantasy? I've been curious about both and genuinely am interested in your take.
Incest. It's all lovey-dovey and shit. I understand that you gotta have boundaries and whatnot, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. No hiding the nature of relationships, or feelings/emotions, or sensations, or even parts of your body in the more literal sense. Then you can be all sweet and cuddly and happy together.
>I want everyone to have a good time, cum their brains out, and come back to do it again tomorrow.
Same for me, there's a lot of things I find hot, but it's so much better if everyone's enjoying it. E.g. I'm not a fan of incest (I'll still fap to it because it's hot), but if, say, Cadance is getting Twilight to have some fun with her and Shining, it doesn't seem so bad.
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Lactation. Been into this before pony and even before puberty. The fact that a mare can produce such delicious milky sustenance excites me. Just seeing a mares huge teats produce a lot gets me going, the bigger the teats, the more milk is possibly stored or even produce more. I love seeing mares' teats swell from buildup, seeing them lactate ridiculous amounts, able to feed even more and share their fresh milk with others or maybe sell it to places like Sugarcube Corner or the spa sisters for mare milk baths, that's up to the mare. The mares themselves enjoying (or in denial) the process of lactation, mares moaning as milk comes out of their sensitive nipples, feeling great pleasure, maybe spray intense amounts that it makes them cum just from it, their bodies basically self-pleasuring itself. The excessively lactating mare might be helpless from the constant pleasure, whether she likes it or not. Although I love watching a mare lactate enough to end world hunger, I also of course do want to interact with my waifu's huge teats and drink straight from them every morning and night.
I myself am not really into vanilla stuff, but if huge teats and lactation is involved, and has some focus to it, it might probably get me off. That also goes to other fetishes I find meh, which is mostly more vanilla-ish stuff, but things like, for example, bondage, macro/micro and hypno (to an extent, I prefer keeping the personalities intact), these to me can be hot with big teats lots of lactation involved.
I'm also into belly stuffing as my secondary fetish, not entirely fatfag, as I prefer the fat to stay on the belly, teats and some ass. Belly stuffing combined with lots of lactation, is a god tier fetish combination, one mare feeds her milk to another however much she (or her stomach) wants. Like with any belly stuffing scenario, mare being either willing or unwilling to being stuffed with gallons upon gallons of mare milk (especially if her stomach betrays her as it makes noise signaling its still hungry for more), her belly growing bigger with every drop.
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Nothing pony related, sadly. At least not any that's easy to dig up. And a lot of the time I get by with 'plausible deniability,' where the artist just doesn't really specify how stuff is gunna end.
Mamabliss, of all fukkin' people, actually has a great little comic from 2010 where a guy uses magic to turn his girlfriend into his dick, and then a follow-up (five years later) where she talks him into railing his neighbor or something while she's still his dick.
I assume they're the only moderately sweet pieces he has done or ever will do again, but it's right up my alley. Dude gets to turn his girl into a conduit for all the good feels from sex, blows her fucking mind, and then gets to blow her mind again the next morning with the busty neighbor ('cause she's his dick and it was her idea in the first place).

Keffotin also has some nice, 'soft' absorption stuff. Again not really pony (although I think he has an image set of a pegasus anthro with colors close to Fluttershy) but he's pretty much on my wavelength when it comes to everyone having a good time doing weird shit. Wish his stuff was more lovey-dovey but side-stepping the weird prey/predator vibe that seems endemic to all my friggin' kinks is close enough.

Old Nitrotitan had some good stuff too, say during the early-mid 2010s where it was mostly about his OC turning people into goo and roping them into bizarre sexcapades, although a lot of that shit is lost now. He had a cute pic of a boy and girl slime merging into a futa, and you can see both of their heart-shaped cores nestled together in the final form, very cute. His new art creeps me out, unfortunately.
I'm gonna bite the bullet and admit that I am a gigantic futafag and absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE COCKS to the point of obsession
It was once at a point where I was so insanely addicted that even just thinking about big floppy marecocks made my mouth water (LITERALLY)
Later on I got to a lot other cock-focussed kinks like cumshots, frotting and piercings, also sounding and a little piss stuff
I have busted endless big nuts to huge fat marecocks and I absolutely adore the thought of getting throatfucked by one or seeing that giant thing jump around in the cowgirl position
Bonus if they also had some fat balls beneath it and the sloppier the better
Screw's oversized futa cocks and cumshots have made me especially crazy and I remember the dopamine literally pumping and almost bursting in my temples when I first saw Rainbow Dash with her humongous cock cumshotting while fucked. I jerked off like 4 or 5 times in a few hours to that
I was so primed for marecocks that I would actually catch my eyes jumping to the crotch area BEFORE tits and ass

I know what you think, I'm just a faggot. But I am 100% aroused by real feminine women IRL and will pop boners constantly when looking at them in public etc.
It was more so brainrot. Years and years of incessant intense porn consumption, often many times a day ever since puberty
I am not gay, I wouldn't care if I was since I already am a depressed outcast low-status loser with no friends or family anyways, but I know it was not that but literal brain damage
I drastically reduced my porn use and while I still enjoy marecocks it's nowhere near as bad as it once was
>will pop boners constantly when looking at them in public etc.
>It was more so brainrot.
Don't worry, we know.
It sounds like your ideal relationship would involve a girl with a horsecock strapon, yes?
I would definitely let myself be pegged with a reasonably-sized strap and I would probably enjoy being a sub
But then again I'm an untouched virgin who has never experienced intimacy or sex outside pornography on his phonescreen so anything I say in that regard is purely speculative
kinda based except for the part where you're attracted to IRL women
shit taste
Shut the FUCK up, Wapa.
Don't worry I absolutely detest women and I spill more than enough cum to mares either way
I'm not gonna argue which artfag draws the best cocks kek
Also I have shot my load to a very big variety of marecock artists, it's not like I worship Screw in particular
And like I said, I avoid it all together now anyway but sometimes my hunger for a fat dick becomes unbearable
Isn't that one of the people that a prolific gore commissioner goes to all the time? Eugh...the meat grinder shit's just too much.
>prolific gore commissioner
What is known about this weird fuck other than his commissions?
I've heard people refer to him as "she" (tranny or biogirl?)
Either way a really twisted individual
I have no idea, tbdesu. I'm genuinely so put-off by the commissions that I don't even want to know more. I just see the commissions at random and my boner's ruined, then I add an artist to my filters. It's not the artists' fault, I know, money's tight, but jesus.
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Yes. Mamabliss draws a lot of that shit, unfortunately for me. I happened to stumble into the three or four comics he made that appealed to my interests and then spent quite a bit more time than I should have getting mentally scarred while hoping to find some more. How much of it is from the commissioner specifically I have no idea. Weirdly, Mamabliss actually showed up as an artist credit on an indy /tg/ system last year. That was quite a case of whiplash in the moment.

>Eugh...the meat grinder shit's just too much.
I've never been able to understand the appeal either. I don't grasp dehumanization in general, but it unfortunately crops up often in my specific set of afflictions. I've actually had to just kinda give up on hypno content because more and more of it is being produced by people who sound like they're going to jump off a bridge if they don't get their dopamine hit in the next two minutes (also lots of druggies melting their brain on poppers). There's always been weird shit in the space, but general vibe is like... idk. Way darker.
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The vibe in my fetish is less "I will depopulate my workplace unless I get new porn" and more "I'm not gonna reach 40 years old so the biggest reason not to indulge my fetish doesn't matter"
But yeah, a lot of fetish spheres have a certain tone to them. Hard to find where the bodypoz ends and the faux-suicide ruination fetish begins when you browse groups/servers/sites.
what's better, inflation niggers refuse to try because of a certain dealer anon. can we make a belly thread? yeah but they fuckin panic when their word gets mentioned "on the home board". hillarious.
So, >>41151315 mentioned a "dealer anon" who is...what, an inflation guy? Can we stop naming names without explaining anything? Or am I just sitting in on an e-celeb thread?
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I just like fapping. Diapers, tf, vore, macro, fat, farts, you name it and I've probably gooned to it.
No mare is safe from my unending lust. Not even the stallions or foals.
I'd fuck Grandpa Gruff.
Rimming. Ponuts look delicious and soft, and the idea of running my tongue around them excites me like nothing else.
Hypnosis, fats, (gentle?) femdom, pet stuff, forced fem, muskplay, basically anything where I can turn my brain off.

I've got mild assburgers but to the level where I can pass as a normal person. The issue is I mask so hard 24/7 I vent all my repression into kink shit.
Femdoming embarrassed/shy stallions. Specifically, I imagine/draw scenarios where virgin stallions are being introduced to what lewdness/sex is in general. I can’t explain exactly why this excites me, but it does. I suppose I like imagining myself with power because I wouldn’t have it otherwise as a smaller framed woman.
but stallion x woman is hot

Based but a little overly obsessed
>t. futafag
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Trixie's fat juicy cock
>the plethora of art in my procreate app
I wish this this was bait bro
Honestly this intrigues me, pls show more

What kind of body horror are we talking? Is it closer to the disturbing vent art kind of body horror or the silly cartoonish body modification we're talking here?
Shy dudes exist. Small dom/big sub isn't a terribly unpopular tag either. You might find the guy for you somewhere.
Why would they want your disgusting flaps that smell like rotten fish if you even have those when they have cute mares?
One could also ask why ponies would want at max 8 inches when they have stallion horsecock available, the point is that it’s a fantasy anon
Are you assuming the ponies are the size of actual horses?
anyone with taste knows that normal pony height is 4' to the withers
An actual horsedick is like ~3 feet while the horse’s shoulders are ~5ft, I’d like to think stallion dick is still measuring at least a foot relative to their fanon size. I don’t want to stoop to ur level and insult anyone’s genitalia, but again, focusing on realistics for a kink just ruins the fun
Anything over 2" at the withers is zooshitters taking the little out of my little pony.
That’s not very nice to say
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Thinking the little part has to mean they're small for ponies is a huge misnomer.
G1 has the "most" reason to follow the title and that had them blatantly Shetland sized. I'm pretty sure EQs also has them like that.
I made a funny toy sized typo, but my 3 foot high at the head limit still stands for adult mares. Mini shetland size is perfection.
>G1 has the "most" reason
Every iteration of mlp is a toy commercial that can change on Hasbro's whim. Since Megan is a small teen girl, they look to be about 3 feet tall compared to Scorpan anyway.
EQs look super awkward riding pony, so Ayys are also maybe full sized adults.
Ponies look way too small to ride compared to Capper. The movie anthros are either stupid tall or ideal for minis. https://twibooru.org/1225856
Most mentally stable futafag
>Mini shetland size is perfection.
Depends on your definition there as I don't think most peoples definition of "mini" is quite literally a normal Shetland size.
Those things are always sorta child ride sized. When the floor is already so low cutting off more height kinda jumps to the extreme in terms of inference.

Yeah the scale of the anthros is very weird if you actually realize the scale, I guess its just cause they were use to the "monster scale" and just reused it.
Definitely weird from a grander scale. But since no humans really exist to make it jarring its just sorta there.
Horsedick isn't built for pleasurable sex.
Meant to >>41157976
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I've seen no mention of this whatsoever, so I take it I'm the only degenerate here with this fetish.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I have a severe obsession with anything related to deepthroating. Throat swabbing, irrumatio, until the choker breaks, and any or every tag related to that. This is the singular thing I am obsessed with, nothing comes close to it. Anal is good (bonus points for ponuts), but have you tried seeing your throbbing cock make a bulge in a mare's neck?

I don't care what it is (for the most part). Anthro, human, futa, bat ponies, griffons, furry, femboys, stallions (unless they're hyper masculine and/or they're making retarded faces, such as >>41150744, that's a big turn off). I don't care if there's puke/vomit involved, I wanna see that cum coming out of their nostrils.

Pictures like these are enough to make me salivate. Look at that wet tongue, that palate, those throat walls, that oh so enticing uvula. Those teeth won't stop me, I wanna reach beyond their pharynx, and drown their vocal cords with my seed. Whatever noise or complaint they have, I wanna turn that into meaningless GLUK GLUK GLUK GLUK noise, as I turn it into a throatpie. And I won't stop until they can't speak for the following three days or so, until their make up is completely ruined with their tears and saliva. only then will I consider something more trivial, like normal sex.

Yes, I know sex is more than just oral. I personally, don't care. There was a thread on /gif/ with cute japanese girls choking and gagging on dick, and never in my life have I been so grateful for the japanese before. There was also a webm of someguy with a toothless snake, swallowing his dick. Think about it, those animals are forced to swallow their food whole, just imagine the feeling of every individual throat muscle, slippering and constricting all over your shaft. And you know what else? In order to not suffocate, snakes have evolved their digestive track separate from their respiratory system. You could be there for hours, getting milked dry nonstop, until your dick goes totally numb, until your heart can no longer pump blood into your genitalia. I feel like Salieri in Amadeus, when he started reading through Mozart's pages of masterful compositions. Maybe there is a connection out there, maybe I can be the man who can find a link for divine throat supremacy. Maybe it's related to the phonemes spoken in average on certain languages? Maybe goth girls? Maybe black women? There are women out there with God's divine gift of no gag reflex. Femboys too, but I'm biased due to the disturbing lack of pornography involving femboy throats. You'd think because they have a dick, they'd know how to pleasure one, and yet there is little evidence found online. Personal experience doesn't help either.
>or they're making retarded faces
What, you don't like getting vored?
lmao even
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I'll fap to as much cruelty to ponies getting eaten as I please, considering I always self-insert as the victim anyway.
Now this is just retarded
what about ponies eating ponies?
>you're bending it
Probably his dick.
but tongues are so flexible and smooth, it's not like she's pushing his dick into a brick wall and seeing how much pressure it takes to break it.
you are underestimating big woona
I think he means his body or spine (her teeth are pressing down (he's gonna die))
it's more in the realm of deformities
I think we can assume she is precisely applying pressure to bend the shaft backward rather than it being pinned against his abdomen.
Remember too the size differential, everything about her relatively massive body would feel firmer to him including her tongue.
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Kill ziggers. Behead ziggers. Roundhouse kick a zigger into the concrete. Slam dunk a zigger foal into the trashcan. Crucify filthy stripes. Defecate in a ziggers food. Launch ziggers into the sun. Stir fry ziggers in a wok. Toss ziggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a ziggers oats. Judo throw ziggers into a wood chipper. Twist ziggers heads off. Report niggers to the Ministry ofAwesome. Karate chop ziggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant ziggers. Trap ziggers in quicksand. Crush ziggers in the trash compactor. Liquefy ziggers in a vat of acid. Eat ziggers. Zissect niggers. Exterminate ziggers in the gas chamber. Stomp zigger skulls with steel horseshoes. Cremate ziggers in the oven. Lobotomize ziggers. Mandatory abortions for ziggers. Grind zigger fetuses in the garbage disposal. Zrown niggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize ziggers with magic. Buck old ziggers down the stairs. Feed ziggers to alligators. Slice ziggers with a katana.
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Based, I want her to take out all her frustrations by aggressively smothering me under her ass, and berating me when I plea for mercy, smothering me harder.
Sex with mares because they are sexy
I don't know why it came to be this way
When I was 16 (5 years ago) I stumbled upon futa cocks and it was like a switch flipped in my head because I was addicted on the spot
Seriously. It was like my body waited its whole life for fat marecocks.
There hasn't been a point since then that some big juicy cock would not instantly make me rock hard
Like I said it fluctuates, when I watch less porn it also gets less but I'm like a dry alcoholic: The second I look at futacocks again I am back in DEEP
I once went weeks without it and thought I was cured only to be absolutely tantalized by those big fat things after one peek
No idea why it is that way, like I said I'm straight, but I think I have to accept that there is no quick solution to it
Just this morning I busted a fat nut to some huge cocked RD porn with an enormous cumshot and I could literally hear me scream on the inside how badly I wanted to worship that thing
The thought of gagging on that huge dick makes me so fucking horny I can't believe it
I guess this is what happens when you grew up with porn...
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>I said I'm straight
>Just this morning I busted a fat nut to some huge cock
NTA I like futa but don't want to suck their dicks or get fucked, just fuck them.
nothing gay about marecock
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NTA but it's a thing. Autism probably, idk. I lust after futa dick as well but IRL dudes don't do anything for me.
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Dominant mares.
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>Tell us your main fetish
>why it excites you?
It's sexual dimorphism at its finest. The mare has no idea how balls feel, so what's most painful thing imaginable for a man is just harmless fun for the mare. It's not about the pain but about the vulnerability, and having your sensitive man parts in mares hooves makes all other forms of femdom pale in comparison.
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>Seriously. It was like my body waited its whole life for fat marecocks.

you futafags I just can’t
That's not a fetish, everybody likes that, it's like decolletage.
OK, three stupid guesses:
- Long necks
- Thingpone
- Flattening
...on opposite day.
I know there's a lot of alphabetoids ITT and faggots are infamous size kangz but horses fuck for breeding like the majority of prey species. So, equating horsedick to humandick is like equating apples and strawberries.
In my headcanon pony dick is significally shrinked compared to horse dick. This is probably going to upset some of you, especially if you take actual horse dick on a regular basis like Kenneth Pinyan.
Putting my finger inside a mare's nose, pulling out a ripe booger and then eating it. There is no art of this.
Actual horse dick wouldn't be considered big if actual horse vag is also big to accommodate.
Where can I…acquire some of this art…hypothetically…
Ask the people at goatse.cx.
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I swear to god there is something about strong, dominant creatures who possess sharp beaks that could easily tear you apart, sharp talons and claws that can maul you to death, wings and strength that can carry you away, big thighs to fucking rail you to death

I don't care if it is a dominant female who will crush my pelvis by riding on my dick, suffocate me by making me eat her pussy, or a male who will fuck my ass or face into oblivion just because he needs that release
>or a male who will fuck my ass or face into oblivion just because he needs that release
Average griffonFURRY, everyone.
cringe beaknigger
Your post makes me worry that this is dom-loss. Am I about to get invested in good femdom and then baited and switched with dl?
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Same here. It's an abstract sort of feel
I do not understand this language. What does dom loss mean?
lurk moar
It's self-explanatory, the domming party losing the domming role to the party they're supposed to dominate.
My bad, it's domination loss. Standard tag for content about a dominant person losing their position. One of the main reasons it exists is because people would tag their brat taming stories with "femdom" because femdom was part of the setup, but if you actually wanted female domination content you'd get baited.
Maybe I'm just a faggot but I just don't see the world in sub/dom dynamics. Way I've seen it is, if I'm roleplaying with someone who calls themselves a sub, they're a dead fish, and if they call themselves a dom, they godmod like hell so you can't do anything but let them write whatever. It's fucking boring. Sex isn't about tops and bottoms and subs and doms. On any occasion you can be either, neither, or both at once. I like being brutally used, but I also like acting almost motherly while I flirt or guiding things along in a cuddly way. Neither of those necessitates some master/slave dynamic or teacher/student or anything else.
It has explanatory utility because power is an innate dynamic in our relationships.
Maybe yours.
It's an autism thing. Everything has to be categorized and labeled or the autism brain can't handle it.
>Way I've seen it is, if I'm roleplaying with someone who calls themselves a sub, they're a dead fish, and if they call themselves a dom, they godmod like hell so you can't do anything but let them write whatever
Because coomoids are retards that can only see things at their extremes.
based and griffonpilled
>I just don't see the world
>roleplaying with someone
>Sex isn't about
Cool thesis and all that but we're talking about porn tags. BDSM language is dumb for describing people, but tags are useful for finding *things within the cluster* of the type of porn I'm looking for.
This was surely obvious?
There are ways to rp a sub while controlling the narrative which I wouldn't call being a dead fish at all, but I wouldn't use annoying role players to define preferences in porn genres in the first place.
I'm not gonna argue that it's not degen and faggy as hell and never have I not been ashamed of it
BUT there is more to it. Yes, I am convinced that you can be straight and whack it out to fag porn
Men care much more about dicks than they admit,
why tf are straight porn actors selected for dick size and
why does any straight guy watch hetero porn instead of lesbian porn??
Why is troon porn so fucking popular on all major porn sites?
Why are there femboys making a career on social media?
Why did even ancient greeks jerk off to futashit?
Why do so many artists put such emphasis on drawing huge and thick cocks even when their art is aimed at heterosexuals?
Most people will see this as a next level faggot justification cope but the numbers simply don't add up on this, there are tons of guys watching fagporn
Idk what it is exactly, but the porn industry seems to know something or else they wouldn't push that shit out in such huge quantities
Reminder that pornhub has an algorithm to smuggle tranny porn on your start page and shemale was #3 in the search bar on xvideos
Porn exploits us at our most primitive level and you can call me a fag but I believe watching futa is compatible with being straight (and porn-addicted)
don't associate beautiful and cute futa mares with that IRL filth
>look mom I posted it again!
futa mares can exist in Equestria because it's fictional, dimwit. No relation to tranny bullshit.
>coping this hard
Chaser-kun... it's okay to be gay in current year+9. No more need to hide it.
I guess your strategy is to cope and project, and hope that your tranny obsession will go away?
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>AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEE you can't give me the taste of my own medicine!!!1 Obsneed!!!11
>Why do so many artists put such emphasis on drawing huge and thick cocks even when their art is aimed at heterosexuals?
What about this?
Also where is the difference? Mares and stallions are based off our understanding of masculinity and femininity
You are still jerking off to a big stallioncock which is in its essence just like jerking off to women with a penis
>troons aren't women
There is also lots of successful porn with bio women wearing realistic flesh-colored straps and jerking off or fucking each other
I am not even saying you are into troons or a tranny yourself if you jerk off to futas, I'm saying you're cock addicted
Yes, cock fetish is a thing and it exists separately from being gay or trans
Wanting men and wanting cock don't have to be the same, otherwise futa would never exist
It's still also the mares that make us horny with all their feminine attributes. But with cock.
You couldn't just replace her with a big muscular hairy stallion and get the same effect.
People ask the wrong questions. It's not about, you watch futa, why are you gay, but why are you into cocks?
Honestly idk exactly. Like I said, there is evidence that a fat cock means more to men than they admit, now couple that with porn manipulation
>There is also lots of successful porn with bio women wearing realistic flesh-colored straps and jerking off or fucking each other
I want to add there's also guys into women with REALLY big clits. Which are nothing but weird cocks at that point
(to the spergs obsessing with 3dpd or whatever, there is also pony clit porn so whatever)
Reducing all those men to "They're just faggots" is an extremely retarded way of thinking
Again, I am not looking to protect my ego, call me a fag if you want, whatever
>I am a massive copium addict
FTFY, no need to write 9001 paragraphs trying to prive shit to faggots on 4chan whwn yiu could write just 1.
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>Futa is straight because... gays in denial watch gay porn
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My main fetish is pee desperation. I think it is very hot when a mare needs to pee really really bad and ends up having an accident, (like in the scene from The Last Roundup where Pinkie needs to pee even though she does not have an accident.) I have had this fetish for a long, long time, (I tried to write a book about girls pissing themselves when I was a kid but I was so young I barely knew how to write yet and my Mother refused to help.) I also think that mares wearing boots is hot, but that's my secondary fetish.
>omorashi enjoyer
N i c e
>I tried to write a book about girls pissing themselves when I was a kid
>my Mother refused to help
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>I tried to write a book about girls pissing themselves when I was a kid but I was so young I barely knew how to write yet and my Mother refused to help.
Least autistic horsefucker btw.
I think the largest flaw in understanding of sexuality is the political idea that you are born with a fixed sexuality, and that society refuses to acknowledge liking weird porn doesn't mean you want to fuck or date guys irl.

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>I think the blah blah blah- [very loud cock sucking noises]
you are gay
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my fetish is the streamer Puncayshun. he speedruns Super Mario 64 and has the world record in one twenty star. I have a fantasy where Twilight Sparkle is my girlfriend and she's also a speedrunner, and she gets the world record. I can hear her screaming and crying from the other room. "What's wrong?" I ask her, coming inside her room. "I got the world record, Anon!" she says, after years of grinding, "I finally bopped Puncay!" i'm so happy for her. "That's wonderful," I say. she hugs me and smiles, and then I ask her to marry me. she says yes. she's so happy that she starts crying and has to bury her face in my chest so it's hidden from her camera. eventually she looks up at me, and we kiss on stream. it ends up in a summoningsalt video years later. Puncayshun bans her from his chat. Liam gets the record again a week later, saving two seconds.
sounds like you want an overly needy gamer mare gf
I enjoy this too, that Pinkie scene was super hot. My biggest fantasy though is mare pissing herself from arousal or pleasure. Pissing herself right where she stands as she fawns over me or loosing control during sex. Unf.
I remember you posting this last time. A bit weirdly specific but honestly cute.
Transformation. No inanimate or personality death though. A normal human into any kind of being, equine being my most preferred outcome. It's something that interested me even as a child. Seeing characters like Beast Boy or reading books like Animorphs. There are many things about it that excite me. The actual process most of all. Seeing an individuals body grow or expand rapidly. The strange new feelings they must experience as they grow new parts or lose old ones. And their reaction to the change. The surprise and embarrassment as well as the awkwardness afterwards as they adjust. I like it best when the transformed end up happy for the change without any mind control.
His (her) eggs are hatching
My fetish is watching the reflection of my marewife get railed in Squeex's big bald forehead as he resets in Whomps for the 49th time
Long and straight, nearly reaching the ground. If you can give me Pinkie with a deflated mane but without the despair, that would do nicely. I don't know why, I just like the look.

What's your mane fetish, OP?
What do any of these words MEAN
i have several

>Unbirthing (non fatal) hate that fatal shit, why?
I love pleasuring mares, and my partners. giving them alot of pleasure and being used for it. also how hot it would be to be inside a mares womb or how safe and comfy it would be or how i could be trapped inside there forever for her pleasure and enjoyment. claimed as hers

>Reverse Rape
Also goes back to pleasuring/being used for a mares pleasure, i love the idea of just being captured by a group of mares in heat, being tied to a bed and just being used and ridden for all im worth, being forced to impregnate and or fuck them be it willingly or not
probs not really a fetish and more of a primal thing inhhrent to us, but man.... impregnating a mare is just peak

>Facesitting w cunnilingus
Again probs not really a fetish but i just like the idea of pleasuring a mare/being used for her pleasure i love how my view would be of her wet winking marehood and she decends her flank and smoothers my face with it as all i can taste and smells is the juices and musk of her marehood. the only thing i can see is her flanks/darkness, the only thing i can feel is the wetness and heat of her marehood on my face, the firm yet softness of her flanks and the only thing i can hear is her musical moans
damn for a moment i thought that was her butt
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I already posted my main thing but I guess I can bump with an anti-fetish
>like zeebs
>don't like raceshit
>don't like cuckshit
>zeebs get co-opted by race/cuckshitters
>have to sift through their garbage looking for good zeeb stuff now
If I was offered the opportunity to strangle every NTR poster to death with my bare hands, one at a time, I would probably take it.
>don't like zeebs except Zecora
>like raceshit
>like cuckshit
>pony raceplay gets dominated by lowbrow bbc zigger worship
>race play between earthies, unis, and pegas remains all but nonexistant.
My frenemy.
I'm in the same boat, you aren't alone
I like Clowns, I found out about 'ai' image generation recently and the sorcery used to create a clown version of my waifu doing everything I can image is a terrible power and a terrible curse, I've struggled with this coomer hell for so many years I don't even know anymore.. and it's so much worse now that I've found this. I hate my life so very bad
Futa is is straight
Never understood why transformation is liked.
>zeebs get co-opted by race/cuckshitters
One of the funniest fandom developments.
Clown girls are based.
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This is a pretty pink
not even, I just like the look and really I have no idea why or what caused it. something about the face paint, fake smile and the rubber nose. I like the look of mines aswell and a polar opposite but somehow still the same 'fetish' is what the edgy 'corpse paint' shit black metal bands do, without the satanic imagery. that shit is maximum cringe
>Never understood why transformation is liked.
Well I already tried to explain why. It's one of those things that if you don't get it you never will.
Sometimes i jack off to crossdressing and male to female transformation. Not the kind of stuff the transformation general is into, they like the process itself and it's very weird to me, i'm into the consequence of the event and not the event itself. I just find the thought of a man being turned into opposite sex and fucked hot.

I have a strange relationship with these fetishes. I always feel like shit after jacking off to this stuff and promised myself multiple times to quit for good but always relapsed (although i had some impressive streaks). I want to think that it's a consequence of internet porn addiction but the weird thing is that i remember fantasizing about similar things a long time ago, before i got access to internet porn. I'm not gay and not attracted to men in the slightest, and i don't wanna be a woman/mare. I tried crossdressing but the fantasies turned out to be much more arousing than the real thing so i threw all the stuff away. I don't even know what to think about the origins of these fetishes. I'd just like to get rid of them.
It's fucking pathetic, i successfully quit smoking for fuck's sake but i can't stop jacking off to this shit.
>fantasies turned out to be much more arousing than the real thing
Same. Plenty of things I like on the computer but would not like IRL. As long as no dicks are chopped off lol.
>I like the look of mines aswell
I was confused there for a moment kek

If your fetish legitimately causes you distress, consider seeing a doctor. I'm pretty sure fetishes are more innate than simple addictions so just quitting it might not work.
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Maybe you're just into the idea of being the one fucking the transformee.
Personally I would blow many fat loads inside of Anonfilly. Knowing that it's some neckbeard /mlp/ faggot turned into a filly makes it better. But stallion -> mare magical transformations are hot too.
>Knowing that it's some neckbeard /mlp/ faggot turned into a filly makes it better.
See i can't because of this. When we get to equestria, you guys better not say based and nigger and stuff as mares or ill know what you are. At least pretend to be the mare. Don't make it awkward!
I especially love the true anonfilly canon, where he's not fulfilling some fetish. He's actually turned into a filly against his desires.
This makes it ever the so more hot when he's got estrus and fights giving into what he worries are gay fetishes.
No, most of the time i imagine myself being transformed. And i've never jacked of to anonfilly because i find any kind of foalcon disgusting and reprehensible.
I will win beat it alone, and i most certainly won't visit any medical professional, especially considering the country i live in and how the local doctors may react to my fantasies about being transformed into a cartoon horse.
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I'm just saying, be careful trying to outpsyche your own psyche, it may have adverse effects. Anyways, good luck.
As long as you at least keep that shit where it belongs.

>One of the funniest fandom developments.
It's honestly just generic, pervasive brainrot. It so happens there aren't many IPs that have zebras at all so most of it congregates on the popular horse show.
fuck. I meant mimes
what did he mean by this
I like chest fluff
I want ponies to smother theirs against my face and dick
Nothing gets me harder than bratty fillies
>It's fucking pathetic, i successfully quit smoking for fuck's sake but i can't stop jacking off to this shit.
kek, I have the same problem. I stopped jerking off to something for years, but it still excited me, and I was still compelled to look at it. I relapsed not long back. I'm abstaining again, but it really doesn't work. I'm just glad it's something impossible instead of being compelled to eat shit or something. The only safety is not getting the fetish in the first place.
Kek. Yeah, I won't post it again.
Speedrunner and Youtuber. Has a big bald forehead.
Nickname for Whomp's Fortress, which is the second stage in Super Mario 64.
>49th time
The number of times Squeex tried to get all the stars in Whomps but reset his speedrun, probably due to salt cannonless.
>salt cannonless
Me shoving peas deep down into Sweetie Belle's ear canal while she's sleeping. It's incredibly painful for her, and half of the time she wakes up screaming before I'm finished, but nobody can stop me from doing it.
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I'm a simple man. I just want chrysalis to stick her tongue as far into my mouth as physically possible to choke me and make me drink her saliva while she forces me to repopulate her changeling hive.
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Ah yes. The simple things in life.
I have a huge thing for stallions impregnating mares as pony law always intended, even going over to dubious consent territory sometimes. I really want to be the stallion so bad. Hell, I'd knock up hippogriff and griffons too if they're cute enough.
Probably comes from recognition of the fact I'll never have a partner or kids irl, not that it would be a good things either since their future is going to suck.
holy fuck i need a giant fluttershy to dom me
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pat the filly
hold the filly
cherish the filly
surrender all mortal possessions to the filly
Every day i have rough sex with my cozy glow plush in the hopes of appeasing the best filly
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I hope someone walks in on you
>Knock, knock, knock...
>You grab the door and snatch it open, and lo and behold...
>Fucking Fluttershy.
>Of course.
>"Oh... ah, um... really..."
"Can you speed this up, I'll be late for work."
>"Oh, yes, of course. Sorry. Good morning, Anon!"
"Tick-tock, Shy."
>"I was just wondering if vanilla was your fetish?"
>She immediately flinches as though expecting to be struck.
"No it's not my... wait a minute, what?"
>She opens one eye and peers at you cautiously.
"What, like, you smearing pudding all over me and licking it off?"
>"N-no, nothing like that! Vanilla, like, simple, normal foreplay and intercourse? Maybe with cuddling afterwards?"
"Are you messing with me?"
>"Oh no, I wouldn't dream of it!"
>You think it over.
>You know what?
>It would make a nice change of pace.
"Okay. Come inside, I'll call in sick."
>You step aside and she trots happily into your home.
>You close the door behind her.
>And that's how you ended up spending the day...
>Fucking Fluttershy.
I'd drop all my fetishes just to have normal sex with Fluttershy!
Those are equine pectorals.
Show plush
what the fuck anon you took my whole childhood from me. I even wrote a story about a girl pissing herself during a road trip at age 8 but my handwriting was so bad my immigrant parents couldnt understand it and i refused to elaborate it to them because I knew deep down it was taboo.

I don't find the "The Last Roundup" scene arousing because i think anything pinkie pie touches becomes unsexy. However, I am enthralled with the idea of a high society mare, in my view, Octavia, being stuck at a classy gathering and often excusing herself to the mares room only to find it occupied each and every time. she asks her peers and they all claim to have had no trouble going to the restroom, but even when she returns to the bathroom door after another friend tells her they had literally just come back, it's still shut. I am mainly interested in a mare desperate in a situation where they cannot let it show. the stress, the anxiety that follows, the more subtle ways of attempting to hold it all in, all in an attempt to save face.
adding on to this, I also love a lot of slow burn methods of causing pain to mares, which is why I am probably mostly into omorashi. I like corsets, high heels, platforms, anything that I know would cause pain to wear. Taking a goth mare on a date where she's wearing her goth outfit with both aforementioned articles, complaining more and more frequently about how much it hurts to walk and how tight/restricting/suffocating the corset is. and when I want to flip the switch, i go "Y'know, you chose to wear both of those knowing what we were doing tonight and I find your complaining pretty irritating."

And because she's mentally ill she'll listen. And then ill revel in her suffering in silence the rest of the evening,
Mind control/mindbreak. The struggle to resist especially, with the little compromises in the face of overwhelming pleasure that gradually become a landslide, and of course afterward as the character insists they're *nk* perfectly fine, doing *gluk gluk* exactly what they ought to be doing.
>pony acts cute
>sex happens
my actual fetish desu
Oh no, shes hot
>I'm a nigger, and i'm into white women, so I like to self insert in niggerporn
This is the only respectable reason to be into Zebradom
Futa x Mare.
I don't pretend to understand human psychology or sexuality, and don't care too much about the implications. All I know is, if I see any, my brain goes "Yeah. That's the good shit right there".
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I love futa mares and futa stallions because they perfectly embody mutuality, being able to frot as well as give and receive vaginal sex. The only thing I love more is mutual affection and intimacy, and it's all deeply entwined in my futa fantasies.
I want to be a futa stallion with a loving futa mare wife and passionately kiss and cuddle as we get in the mood, feeling each other's growing erections against our own. I want to take turns in the pony position, nuzzling as our balls collide with every thrust. I want to fill her with my essence and be filled by hers, the two of us feeling every pulse and throb of each other's balls through our own. I want to hold her close and make out as our naturally lubed shafts rub together all the way to the flares, and share a final climax before whispering sweet nothings and giving ourselves to one another's embrace.
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I wouldn't plea for mercy. I would happily please my Flutterwife's horny pussy like the submissive, loving human husband I am, no matter how hard she's riding my face, or my dick while I'm trying hard to hold in before she cums, I would gladly take her wonderful mare pussy.
Least gender dysphoriac PTFaGgot, lmao.
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>mfw reading this whole post
I hadn't really thought about futa dudes in this light before but you make a very compelling point. Kinda sad I haven't actually seen this dynamic before.
>Captcha: 2DAMN
There is a reason hermaphrodites are used as a symbol of completeness.
That dynamic... is homosexuality. Congratulations on becoming gay.
Not just gay, 200% gay.
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>I swear to god there is something about strong, dominant creatures
shark pones do it better
imagine the blowjobs
>futa stallion
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Same except I'd prefer a male griffon.
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>>41166214 there's a reason scalies go crazy for raptor blowjobs, the immense amount of trust necessary and making oneself utterly vulnerable.
"futa" means "hermaphrodite"
I don't want a vag myself, but I like this anyways.
Especially if we get each other pregnant and we frot our cocks and gravid bellies together.
My fetish is the nonconsentual blowjob from a razor toothed mare such as Chrysalis or Nightmare Moon. Where you know she could just rip your cock off, but wants to hear you scream for different reasons. She might do a little light nibble just to keep your adrenaline, but she doesn't hurt you. It's just about control and her feeling her power in getting you off.
Flutterrape good ending.
I love the idea of Fluttershy going on for so long guessing anon's fetish that eventually she just comes to the door and says she's out of ideas and just wants to have consensual straight sex in bed.
>like I said I'm straight,
Press X to doubt.
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who wouldnt enjoy those hot evil chicks going down on ya?
Is that thing supposed to be a dick?
>>41166367 no mister mod, its a tree branch
Dominant males, probably. There's no way you could feel big when under that kind of control and in such a position of powerlessness. Lucky for me I'm submissive to everything hooved.
>in a display, she fucking destroys this branch like a saw mill, and then turns her attention to you
God I am in love.
Oh hey Nutty. I didn't know you're roaming the board.
Inflation, but closely related to balloons, inflatables, inflatable costumes and weight gain. I like it all. It's all related in my mind, but I suppose the inflating is more enticing because of the pressure involved. The mare or whoever else growing big, round, soft and helpless. I think there is certainly a sensory aspect to it as well. I've read studies on autistic people commonly liking non-sexual BDSM and this certainly fits. I'm not diagnosed, but I certainly have some strong suspicions, to say the least. A room full of mares is one thing.
>dude wants to be a stallion
>no mention of a transformation fetish
Definitely pregnancy.
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>I won't post it again
No Anon, I want to know more. Where did this come from, why such specific scenarios?

Jellybeans please
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hot (except the second part)
Just get into bdsm.
I kneel. Includes lactation too, right?
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Top kek
But also not enough big, amazon+ sized, mare hoofa representation
Most things related to body expansion (Weight gain, inflation, BBW, hyper butt, preggo to some degree, etc).
I like stuff to lay down, squeeze or rub.
It the stump that naughty-Twilight turned into when the Mean 6 lost their magic.
>says she's out of ideas and just wants to have consensual straight sex in bed.
no way fag
>I want to know more.
Okay, one more.

I have a fantasy where Applejack is my steady gf, and I slowly feed her pieces of Winona without her actually realizing it. Winona is fine. I'm not killing the dog or anything. Just taking a knife and cutting off little bits of her skin. Then I put it in the sandwiches that I make Applejack and I for lunch, when she has to take a break from her applebucking. I think I'd put the little chunks of Winona in a panini for her. I don't know why. Probably just so I could hear Applejack say panini. I think she'd say it really cute.
>"Good panini, partner!"
I dunno, I can hear it.
>Winona is fine.
>Just taking a knife and cutting off little bits of her skin.
>Winona is fine.
He's a Cartesian. He knows animals don't actually feel pain.
I’m a TF fag, couldn’t tell you why it tickles the pickle because fetishes are by definition illogical. Probably being fluffy and the existential fear of body horror.
It sucks having so many troons in your camp because “I WANNA BE THE LITTLE GIRL!!1!” roughly fits in.
It might be empathy gone wild. Imagining yourself as someone else becomes imagining yourself as something else. Add in the prospect of experiencing everything in a new way, and you have the makings of a fetish.
I don't see how wanting to be better is a fetish. As a stallion I would have a better form than my flawed human one.
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>I don't see how [my fetish] is a fetish.
Why do some fetishes just attract people like this so much?
Analfags don't seem to think their fixation is a fetish. What determines what's a fetish or not?
>Why is it that ideas of distorted reality attract the delusional?
The world will never know.
What's distorted about it?
analfags don't think anal is a fetish because it was pushed on the gays so hard most don't even consider any other gay sex acts
A lot of straights obsess over it too, like it's some ultimate goal. And now "eating ass" which is even more disgusting.
I mean that’s where a guy’s g spot is. As for why women are into it— I wouldn’t know.
My fetish is you are so complete in Equestria you've no need for sex.
Sounds like the "non-fatal cartoon gore" fetish guy on Fimfic.
Fetishes are are just preferences with a negative connotation.
I mean idk what else the gays could do with each other but the rotten culture of today needs to stop trying to sell it to everyone.
My brother in Christ ... YOU voted for capitalism. Selling stuff is their one and only purpose.
Only because every other system tried thus far has had worse results. Doesn't mean I agree with whatever one would call this sort of shit.
>autistic communist sees the word "sell" and instantly loses his mind
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What is capitalism?
>arguing semantics
How long your beak is?
Can be hot when it's done in moderation. It starts to suck when it turns into genuine superiority crap though.
>pushing gender dysphoria on others
not as long as yours
>faggot wants to become a cuntboy but I'm the one projecting
Anyways, have sneed.
cuntboys have dicks? that's news to me
Do I look like I give a shit?
Abuse, because it triggers my protecc instinct and cute aggression. I empathize a lot with sadness, fear, and anxiety, and those wires cross with sex and love. It might dip into bdsm territory when a strong character like Applejack can showcase her endurance, which makes her all the more desirable as a mate. Seeing her spirit crushed would make me want to hug and comfort her. This is all psychological fantasy; If it came down to actual sex, I'd be too chicken to do more than spank AJ's butt as she grinds my pelvis to dust.
>pushing gender dysphoria on others
I think you responded to the wrong post.
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I'm not really sure if this is a fetish, but mares acting creepy is kinda hot.
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>It starts to suck when it turns into genuine superiority crap though.
I couldn't agree more. Funny and playful is hot, but plain domination is so cringe it's more sociopolitical than sexual.
I'm scared stiff!
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I mean there's definitely an overlap, but I'm more into 'waking up and seeing a scary mare at the foot of your bed'. I like the ambiguity of the situation.
pony stallion x anthro mare (I self-insert as the stallion of course)
Not much good art of it unfortunately but I fucking love this dynamic so much.
If you're a quadrupedal stallion why do you want an anthro mare? Wouldn't mounting a normal mare be easier?
>Wouldn't mounting a normal mare be easier?
I don't really see how mounting an anthro would be any harder. She just lays down on her back or stomach and off you go.
Yellow hooves typed this vile thread.
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Based taste. Real stallions need to show those two-legged whores their place.
it's not about being easy it's about being hot. Imagine being a little pony, doing the mating press on a big tall anthro mare and sucking her tiddy while she scratches your ears.
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I wish I would suckle on those yellow hooves.
clearly he meant to reply to the post above
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I suddenly don't want to know more anymore
Also I feel there are less cruel ways of having AJ say panini.
Mares wanting you to express interest by sniffing their pussy. It's so degrading and vulgar. You can just imagine the musk and how it would make your dick respond. That's the irony of it. While you're thinking it's an animalistic thing to do, they are actually onto something. By offering it for a sniff, they are accelerating things towards you losing control of yourself and mounting them
Sounds hot, do you have any good examples?
None. They all play out as narrative in my head when i see a presenting mare.
Sadly my kink is my own. I suppose that makes it special.
Damn. Well, thanks for sharing anyways.
I feel like I’m the only fetishfag who’d do most kinky stuff in a fictional setting or as part of fiction, for real life the only real fetishes I’d want to try are foot fetish and uh breastfucking but that’s it, otherwise all my other shit I’d not do in real life, namely scat, farts, watersports, weight gain/feeder feedee, BBW, futanari/hemaphrodite, smegma, slob, etc

And in looking through nsfw communities, especially niche ones namely scat, farts, feeder/feedee these people want to unironically do it in real life despite the adverse risks. Meanwhile I’m just avoiding IRL fetish porn and stick to drawn media/roleplay to satiate myself. I don’t know if I’m the only fetishfag that’s like this, are any other anons like this?

As for how I got my fetishes, child with unsupervised internet access and a interest in horses, which led to furry porn, which led to more deviant things that I kept looking at with interest and curiosity.
I can tell you that after decades of having a foot obsession, I tried footnigger shit in real life and it was disgusting. Sometimes the fantasy is better and should be kept there.
There's an upside to having a fetish that can only be done in a fictional setting.
Indeed. Cartoon horse might be just such a fetish. It's safe.
your telling me that having someone jerk your cock off with their feet is bad?
I noticed while reading this thread that I may not have any fetishes and that I am (sexually) boring asf.
I feel you perfectly my man.
I'm a belly only fag, hate whole body, collect real life videos, and can't stand obesity. What does it make me?
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Pool toy, not inflation just pool toy. I don't know why but pool toy animals get me going especially poners. It has gone so far I have totes of toys including pic rel.
The risks of fat fetishism aren't so bad, especially if you either set a reasonable limit or just take care of yourself/them.
t. technically a morbidly obese feedee and living a good life
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Bellies are fine, but if we're speaking of 3DPD then the appeal is usually lost to me once they lose their pear/hourglass shape and get saggy.
I love pooltoys and inflatables, but my taste is usually much bigger. I've still been having great fun with Dall-e.
Living plushies get me going real hard. Probably because they're even more cuddly when being >lewd with them.
Why does that intrique you?
>HAPPY B̴̢͙̠͎̞̘̜͔͚̃̃͌͂́̄̀͛̂̾́̽̆͌̐͒͊͛̄͛̀͗̓̿̋̈́͌͂̂̄̀͋̕̚͘͝J̷̧̡̡̨̡̨̡̨̛͓̩̩̜͉̬͈̭̹̩̼̟͕̝͍͕͔͖̘̙̙̮͖͖̖̮͓̯͎̯̭̦̖͖͇̳͙͌̆͑̀̽̋̄͐͋͛͒̋͜͜ͅĮ̴̨̢̢̢̬̱͙̯͔̬̻̞̘̬̱̜͈̬̺͈̬̼͕͇̺̭̣̤͇̜̺̟͖̤̱̿̄͜ͅC̸̨̢̨̞̩͓̜̙̘͚̯͖͕̯̮̘̩̯̗̣̦̞̬̘͈͇̞̟̜̹͙̣̤̭͖̰̻̱͈͉̬̞͔̜̦͎̙̠͉̟͚̭̱͂̒͑͋̽͒̀̇̿̈́͆̑̈́̈́͛̀͑͂̔̆̀͌̉̐̉̄̌̃̈̋̂͊̂̎̈́̾͘͘͠͠͝ͅͅS̶̨̢̛̛͔̣̞̞̪̠̫̖̬̫̖͚̖̬̹͖̱̼̹͎̦͓͔̬̮̠̺̖̖͖͔̫̻̮͉̯̭͉̒̌̊̋̃̊̃́̊͊́̍̾̈́̽̋̂̽̇͆̓̑́̍̋͑̏́̒̍̋͆̌̓̄̈́̽͆͛̐͘͘͘͘͝͝͠͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅG̵̨̡̡̡̡̨̜͖̳̝̭͕͖̳̤̝͔͚̼̻̹̫̥͚̬̼͓͙̪̣̟̮̪̩̭̳̥̠̦̤̠̥͔̥͙̠̠͍̬͍̠̎̓́̂̔́̽̉̂̒̕ͅG̸̨̢̡̨̺̺̖͇̺͖̥͎̭̩̮̤̖̫͖͉̹̰̥̱̯̖̣̘̫͍̤̗̝͖͕̬̠̬̭̼͇̠̝͎͎̞͍̦̟̈́͂͒̀͂̌͒̚̚͜ͅR̵̡̧̬͍̰̗̹̣̳̞̜̫͎̬̙̭̻̬̬̳̼͓̱̭͕̯͇̾̀͜͠J̵̢̨̨̬͕̪͕͉͓͕̞͖̱̺͎͍̩͙̝̳̖͖̠̬͉͈̥͔͚̩͚̘̣̠͍̮̬̮̣̭̖͓͔̜̤͚̝̄̏̓̐̄̍͌͌̊̔́̒̾̈́̈͂͐͗́̒̈́̆̄̊͂͌̈́̈́̃̿͂̏̈͗̑̌̀͒̀̽̄̌̀̒͘̚͜͝͝͠ͅͅͅͅỶ̸̧̡̢̡̛̩̫͉͉̭͎̤̬̟̱̥̹̤̰̥̹̤̪͉̝̙̝͍̹̣̜̩̙̘̮͈̟̣̘̭̺̱̤̘̈̇́̒͊̈́̚̕͜͝ͅ
My fetish is bumping dead threads.
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It seems like it has gotten better with text over time.
>Buy my toys, Anon!
>heart implodes/heart attacks
>lymph edema shit that can't be reversed back
>stretch marks and loose skin
>its not thaaat bad!
>tfw your "morbidly obese" and can't wipe your ass without a special tool

fuck off, I already said I don't do or like this shit in a IRL context, I fucking hate fatties IRL and find the rashes, cellulite, unwashed underbelly, sweat, unwiped ass, to just be fucking disgusting.
>Bellies are fine, but if we're speaking of 3DPD then the appeal is usually lost to me once they lose their pear/hourglass shape and get saggy.
You didn't make any sense.
there's a reason they call it "morbidly" obese
it’s a fetish that used to be posted here but is now consigned to the trash.
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I like mare butts and I cannot lie
That doesn't narrow it down very much.
fellow marecock enjoyer
Jesus christ anon, unwiped asses and diabetes? Are you talking 300 or 800? I said reasonable limit and taking care of yourself, not star of a TLC show. Take your meds.
I understand that, but you can be even as big as me if you're tall with decent muscles, and the adverse effects are almost fully remedied by exercise and diet. If the other anon didn't say "unwiped ass" I wouldn't feel the need to clarify, but I can reach just fine. I shave my entire body and clean thoroughly, and I can work a job with constant standing, lifting, and regular long trips on foot. Frankly if I were in the medical field I'd call my weight and height slightly above obese and call somewhere in the ballpark of 400 morbidly obese. It's almost like the two of you think that fat can't accumulate anywhere except the belly and it'll just eat your muscles. What do you think tits and ass are filled with, air?
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I like bluebees...
Get vored
Missionary sex
Jesus Christ Anon next you'll say you want to hold your waifu's hooves
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(LGBT+-×÷0/Graham's Number)*(Tree(i^e•)^()^
The music key:
How scandalous
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You remind me of the fatass in my welding class, fucker is “le tall” but is actually unironically fucking obese, and I’ve had the great displeasure of seeing him accidentally flash his under gut which I’m pretty sure had rashes all over it.

Being obese in fiction is hot, sure, real life fuck no so screw off, enjoy your fatty liver and diabetes until you die.
Whatever. Believe what you want.
Whoa, let's not get crazy.
>Out of the Inkwell Waifu

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