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Previous Thread: >>41104683

As a reminder our venue has been changed to the Marriott Orlando Airport Lakeside! No changes will be made to the dates so if you've made any travel plans from September 27th through the 29th in the area make sure you rebook your stay to the Marriott instead of our previous venue!
If you would like to know more please visit our website at: https://marefair.org/venue/

In other news, Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair! (Sorry Soirée and Matinée, maybe next year.) We’ve collaborated with Symbiote Studios to make two of our mascots come to life, and we hope you’ll love them enough to take home your very own! Though, with all that stated, do make sure to keep an eye out for updates. We’ve been working plenty to make sure this year’s con is a go and packs a punch that’ll be remembered.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at: info@marefair.org

All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes:
Ebonyglow !!eSW1dXRikgk
Rez !!fjenat+Ey8k
>Fair Flyer and Morning Mimosa will be available as plushies at this year’s Mare Fair!
How much will they be? And how many will there be?
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Would it be possible to make more rooms available for 9/25 and 9/26? I want to get there a little early, so I have ample time to go on the Space Center tour and maybe Universal Horror Nights.
I really don't want to have to book in a separate hotel for two days
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>check flights this morning
>over $300
>check flights again just a few minutes ago
>now under $200
More mare merch money.
>check flights there
>check return flights
>another $1500
suffering. Never been to a ponycon in 10+ years of being a horsefucker, is it worth it anons? I don't know anyone from the board and I'd be kinda winging it. Never been to USA either.
If there is a good con to start with, Mare Fair is the one. Where are you from?
Mare Fair is 1000% worth it.
I had literally zero friends and had never been to any con and Mare Fair was the best time of my life. People will understand if you're a bit retarded because they're retarded just like you.
Those flight costs are fucking eye watering to me but if you can afford it you absolutely should.
On day one of Mare Fair I had already decided that I was going to go to the next one and get a higher tier badge.
Really, Mare Fair can't be overstated. It's downright magical.
Just stopping by to mention Galacon has a huge Anon presence too, if that is cheaper for you.
Oh also there's a group getting together to go to Cape Canaveral on the Thursday before the con. For roughly an extra $250 of both the added room night and the trip ticket that would definitely be worth adding.
Getting to have your first ponycon and first time in the US be Mare Fair AND getting to go to the KSC, as part of Mare Fair no less, is the stuff of dreams and something you'd never forget.
>another tranny fair shill thread
Europoor here, I do feel your pain, with how traveling and general living situation becomes even more expensive from day to day basis, I will most likely skip on the every other Mare Fair.
How financially irresponsible would it be to take out a loan for marefair?
take a loan then gamble it to double your money (casinos are the biggest charities, they lose so much to let you win) and then pay back the loan so you save on interest and then use the winnings to fund your trip to mare fair, it's fool proof
Any anons have a room available Wednesday? I have a room for Thursday to Sunday, but not Wednesday. Only thing left for going on the KSC trip would check-in on Thursday not fucking me over (have to be there by 3 pm to let my roommate checkin)
Any word on the conrate inventory issues? Still unable to book a room before Friday
>australian and based on these responses I think I'll go. Might have to miss the KSC trip though, it'll be hard enough to budget going just for the con. Hope to see you guys there
I've got a spot open Wednesday since my roommate doesn't arrive until Thursday as long as you're cool splitting the cost for the night.
plushies?! i’m a huge plushie girl but i can’t make it to mare fair this year, will they be available online or anything? i would love to have my own little morning mimosa.
Euro here too, and my first con since 2011 meetups. I'm hyped and downright terrified at the same time. On upside I get to see space center, but ironically there's launch 10 days after the fair and there's no way I can stay that long. Oh well.
and if you did it would get canceled due to weather (and your bad luck)
>i’m a huge plushie girl but i can’t make it to mare fair
tits or gtfo i might scalp you a plush if you have nice knockers
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practically flat chested sorry to disappoint. but i am a fellow silver spoon enjoyer, if that counts.
>practically flat chested
don’t care post them buds
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>it's another anons-are-seething-about-f*moid episode and then con is still 4 months away
Who are these namefags and why should I care them on anonymous board?
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fine… but only this once..
the shirt you see me wearing in the pic is a small. i’m 5’3 and, yeah, it’s big as hell. easily reaches my thighs as well. guess he wasn’t planning on anyone under 300lbs wearing it lol
I wasn't there at mf1 so no, I don't have any idea.
Nice, they delivered
Qt tho, too bad ya can't make it
>but I think Fanny must’ve had Corp’s physique in mind or something
There is clearly some manufacturing problem with those, I got an XL Mare Fair jersey but waist wise it feels more like L~M (while im overweight I am not a lartass).
d’aw thanks anon. if i wasn’t a far away texan i would be there, catch me at harmonycon 2025 though.
It's a chink manufacturer, so they're sized for the diminutive Chinese physique. Fanny typically tells people to go a size above what you normally wear with those shirts if you buy from her in-person.
>go a size above
I did, daily I wear L shits and jersey and usually those give me between a whole (or at least half) of inch of space.
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just got my round trip plane ticket, feels like I got a good deal. I was checking expedia over the weeks and got a round trip from American Airlines for just over $200, no stops both ways. They couldn't convince me to upgrade beyond basic econ, everything extra just seems like a lot of money for nothing. And I booked directly through AA's site, expedia errored out on me, lost a commission retards. LET'S GOOOOO
Well someone might be willing to help ya get there if you wanna go
who knows, maybe when it gets closer to the con i’ll have a chance of going!
either way, here’s to hoping that a morning mimosa plush will be available online. i would love to have one
Purps got that waifu autism not the I can’t control myself in public autism also he looks like Abraham Lincoln
I'd recommend against basic economy, because you can't change that shit
>But why would I change it?
Well, Mare Day was announced recently. So what if something like that happens and now you want to stay another few days?
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You wear your shit like that at Mare Fair and I will >rape you.
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I could possibly help you out. I am driving from DFW to Orlando, picking up my friend in Pensacola.

I am pretty reputable, I drove with two other vendors from Texas to Mare Fair 1, if anything you can just help pay for a bit of the gas and we will all be good.

If you went to this previous Harmony Con then we probably did meet previously.

Here is my throw-away email if you want to possibly set something up.
i’ll see how the cookie crumbles and if i can, i’ll let you know! thank you for the offer anon, i’ll see if i can take you up on it eventually
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This goes for anyone else who needs a ride to Mare Fair from Texas or any of the states along the way. Mind you, I can only fit so many people in my Mare Truck.
good advice for the next anon
hope everything works out nice and smooth for me tho, I feel like I have a good amount of time in FL, a full week including Mare Day, and if I really feel like staying longer I don't mind burning a few bucks in that case, it's a gamble!
That pic is pretty gay, anon. Are you implying the gas "payment" is something other than money?
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Anyone interested in doing an Anon Cigar meetup at some point? I know a few people tried last con but for some reason or another it didn't end up working out.
I sure hope he is.
>Can I bring that?
For a larp, sure, however I would imagine the hotel has the standard "fuck you, no smoking anywhere near the premises" policy implemented for all attendees.
> would imagine the hotel
That's actually law in Florida. Its not a crime for you, but you could potentially receive a $100 ticket.
The hotel however, can get fucking raped by the state for permitting it, or not permitting it correctly.
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I'm not much of a cigar guy at all, but I'd get a pack of cigarillos and have a laugh with some anons. I found a place 2 min drive or 10 min walk from the hotel that has nice leather lounge for a cigar party: Airport cigars and smoke shop, 5749 T G Lee Blvd, Orlando, FL 32822
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imagine anon flashmob, I'm sure the shop owner would appreciate us
Can you just go in with your own stuff? Is there a fee at the door or anything
no idea, I'm not going to call them, so feel free if you wanna do some recon. I just remembered a local cigar shop with a smoking room and luck would have it there's one near MF2!
Looks like you either have to buy $50 in product for them or pay $10 an hour to sit in the room, pass from me
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we'll have a hand flap party instead of the cigar party
September 11th to October 31st
For those who want to play vidya at Marefair and want to play stuff on an emulator like MAME, what sort of arcade games would (You) like?
Fillyfuck Fiesta
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I mean we could be a little gay on the roadtrip but I honestly do want hard cash.
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Are two-queen-bed-rooms the only rooms available?
Not that I'm complaining, I'll just have an empty bed, no problem. Just didn't know if Marriot ran out of single king beds.
Dumb that they don't have mini fridges though, even cheapo motels have those.
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Same but I don't have that kind of money without putting myself in unironic financial ruin
we're offering rides now? anyone from Naples and up (and a little below if you live in that shit swamp), this is roughly my route. slight detours are fine. going thursday, leaving monday. Money for my big fat american V8 appreciated. 4 seats but rear legroom and trunk space is limited so i will only take 2 passengers.

This is also useful for people flying to any of the airports along the way for cheaper flights. I can pick you up from there too.
I'm kinda worried about food situation of this place. There's no cheap fast food joints near and closest place seems to be hooters at half a hour walking distance. I'm worried how much money I'm going need to spend just on food with hotels own restaurants.
Just go to hooters 3 times a day?
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bought my ticket and room this past week, I cant wait to go back. no culting from me this time, just good drawing and other bullshit. mare fair and marecon have only accelerating my mareschizoisms
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That's 3 hours off from mares from just walking!
Anon, Hooters is only a 7 minute walk at least from the venue. The closest Wawa is about a half an hour walk though, hope you got spare time to get hoagies.
Oh right, I mixed them up. How expensive is hooters usually?
T. Europoor
>hand flapping
What are you talking about?
>Winter Haven
This sounds like a pony name.
Its an actual restaurant so expect to pay around $10 - $20 a meal. Though from experience its easily enough to live on $10 meals for an entire con.
The girls will be tightly dressed and therefore expect a bigger tip, but you don't need to and surely (You) wouldn't spend money on women when you can spend it on mares, right Anon?
>expect a bigger tip
What if I don't wanna? I could live on canned SPAM just fine.
just do what I did, get a few sub sandwiches to keep in the hotel fridge as sustenance and only eat out if you crave variety
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Apparently there's no fridges in regular rooms, otherwise I would hitch ride on the marevan or some other helpful anon and just stock up with regular foodstuffs. Hopefully those rumors are wrong but I'm kinda worried.
T. same europoor
literally every hotel I've ever been in, including last mare fair, had a mini fridge
There's none in the pictures of the regular rooms.
Why doesn't someone just call them and ask if they have mini fridges in all their rooms?
They often hide them in cabinets
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Did some digging and found this photo from some yelp review. The room looked same as in the reservation page so guess that anon was right.
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yeah, this is bit sucky
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Genuinely barbaric.
Clearly the Mare Gallery needs to have a full sized fridge both to put drawings up on and to use as a public refrigerator
I called in to ask about the group rate, because the site wasn't letting me book for the dates I wanted. Turns out, Sunday the 29th isn't covered by the group rate, but the dates before and after were. They said there's high demand for that date for whatever reason.

wat do?
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If you haven't booked your flights yet this Southwest sale might be worth checking out, only active through tomorrow and for certain flights though

Oh actual tism i see
Uhh just bring a fidget spinner or something small you can fidget with that's less obvious than flapping your arms/hands. It'll be more tolerable/less distracting for your friends to be around

That makes no sense, that's DURING the event why wouldn't it be covered by the con rate? I think it should be under the contract, email Mare Fair attendee relations maybe?
>That makes no sense, that's DURING the event why wouldn't it be covered by the con rate? I think it should be under the contract, email Mare Fair attendee relations maybe?

Anon I think hes talking about the kennedy space center nasapone meetup
That's on Thursday.
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I really want to go and there's people who want me to come but I'm a shy autist
What do
Fucking do it, anon.
You WILL have fun.
That would be great. I'm down for splitting the cost if need be (if I can go on Nasapone trip)
Is Thursday 9/26 covered by the group rate?
Can't imagine a random Thursday would be busy
And don't forget to ask about the KSC Explore upgrade
Searched up a review and found this.
At 5:14 it shows a mini fridge in what is the two queen bedroom.
Yes, but all three badges are just three slightly different shades of green
This but the options are faggot, retard, and based.
Wtf... That doesn't make sense, try booking online and if that doesn't work try calling again, ask for the MARE FAIR con rates for those days and if they say "lol no" escalate it to a Manger but be polite.
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I'm gonna eat ass at Mare Fair!!!
It is covered by the group rate, I've sent another email to our reservations coordinator to see what's up and included your story

Only email attendee relations about rooms if you get one with your badge
Otherwise, let venue relations know venue at marefair dot com

Yes it's covered
Ye same, am willing to split the cost for the night if I don't have anyone else to stay for the night. Can't miss out on the Nasapone trip
I forgot to mention that pic in >>41151179 is supposed to be fridge and fucked the whole point of my post. >>41151689 gives conflicting info so it's still kinda mystery.
why isn't the 26th available for check-in at the hotel? Did I wait too long and get fucked?
Feels like the whole reservation system is really fucked up and bugged out at the moment. I really hope the MF staff is working out with hotel to rectify this?
Should have booked day of the new venue being announced.

I've got the night already reserved with my badge so feel free to send me an email.
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it's probably Google's AI hallucinating "knowledge" again, I scrolled through pics from google maps and saw some fridges there too. That is pretty funny that we were psyop'd by the AI
Yeah if you wear one of these nobody will talk to you cause you look like an autistic sperg that can’t talk to people and nobody wants to deal with that.
But isn't that literally what you're doing you fucking hypocrite?
Yeah I don't trust text on Google at all anymore. Pics or it didn't happen. And judging from two sources we do indeed have fridges. Marefair has been saved!
>if you can’t at least say “hey man I don’t really want to talk right now” then there is something intrinsically wrong with you
More like "what the fuck were you thinking when you came into social event like this?"
You just made him kill himself to accommodate your opinions dumbass. You are bending the world to accommodate your whims you pussy.
And to add this before someone spergs out. Its okay to be socially awkward and autistic. I'm one too, very bad at social situations and bit scared of all the interactions that will take place during the event but still eager to go and meet the people. But if you don't want to be social and deathly afraid of those situations why would you come to social even like this at all?
You're a self aggrandizing prick
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It's from Marriott's own page about the hotel
Maybe they meant actual fridges in contrast to mini fridges?
idk maybe they needed freon recharges and they just dumped them all instead of paying the carbon tax or whatever, just guessing. Maybe I'll call and ask the front desk because that pic is from 2023, so they HAD fridges at one point
I can't wait to fuck some autist ass, I plan to bring glory to my suite with the moans of the sperg. Don't worry, you're plush can watch.
>people who want me to come
Go there and hang out with them, I'm a literal autist and had a great time.
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Thinking about those frozen blueberry lemonades...
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eastern europe crying anchor
Eastern Europeans who can't afford to go to Mare Fair, presumably.
anon, I...
If I remember correctly, in Poland they are running the Kucykon at the same week (or close to it) as Mare Fair.
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Come to Mare Fair and make some blini
former volunteer here, i heard that the older staff are being kicked out left and right or downright leaving the volunteer list due to poor management, is there any other staffer or former staff here that can agree with that? i'm already considering cancelling my panel
Terrible fud.
Bro they posting griffins fucking creaturequestria and old memes we talking stinky maymays I even saw it may be called StallionBatallion next year holy shit I am so glad Subway competing against Wawa for bronybux
This sounds like a super gay paramilitary group.
Just checked now and there are rooms for the night of the 26th...

Doing my best, there isn't much I can do but continuously poke them
still getting that there are no rooms available for a 26th-30th stay...
Yeah, think issue right now is night of 29th
I've pinged the hotel about it
What is the best economy airline? What is the worst, that I should absolutely avoid at all costs?
My domestic flight would only be a few hours, so I'm not planning on splurging on a fancier flight
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I like southwest. They're cheap.
>Group of anons has eaten over there just little bit under a year ago
I recognize that lady from the vid, I guess it's like a bit of sign or something?
I booked southwest just now, they have a deal going on >>41152203
and I got about $100 off my flight round-trip.
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Sorry about that - It didnt work out and noplace to smoke without risking getting canned from your room because of no-smoking policy made it hard to go somewhere when all the fun panels were happening. But I would like to try again.

And better planned this time ideally...

Also, like the other anon said, those cigar shops are kinda mini clubs where there is a fee to enter, and its common courtesy to buy from them rather than just use their lounge. It would be pretty inconvenient.

I propose the first plan of action to gather anons that wish to partake, and perhaps take a short walk to the central lake to hang (weather permitting). Super close, so if you want to go back in for a panel or something, its not a huge trek. It has a tiny little sand bar and plenty of grass just to hang around on, perhaps even take some blankets to sit on. The land is also not owned by any of the hotels, so it is AFAIK all okay to smoke there. Public alcohol would probably still be a risky move, but i wont stop you.
That coupon code didn't work for me.
Avoid frontier and spirit at all costs. Last year an anon missed the entire con because of nonstop delays and cancellations.
Granted, a big part part of that was because he booked his connections as 2 separate flights instead of one ticket, but any other airline will be significantly more helpful if something goes wrong than an ultra-budget airline like spirit or frontier.

I remember eating there with the group of anons last year wednesday night. We got harassed by a meth head on the way back
Fun times
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Same, and I'm getting nervous waiting for a good deal to fall out of the sky.
I can choose 27th-30th no issue, but I really don't wanna have to sleep in my car or anything like that and possibly miss the opening event
>check gas prices
>13 hour drive one way
thank God i have a tulpa to talk to while on the road
Also with Frontier and Spirit you have to pay extra for carry-ons.
For me personally Frontier and Spirit both actually cost more than American, Southwest, and Delta with one bag for the same flight. Literally the only benefit (and only for my specific flight) is that Frontier is the only one offering nonstop flights on the route. Still absolutely not worth it.
Get a road trip buddy. Plenty of anons met each other from these threads and piled in together.
I like the lake plan, always down to be outside. Thinking about it more and I'll probably get a pack of cloves, Djarums are my jam when I smoke
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>deciding whether I want to offer a ride down for others near I-95
>pros: ride buddies, get to know some people and likely make friends and have a small posse to attend the con with, feel good about helping others who otherwise couldnt go due to travel expenses the ability to go enjoy mares, etc...
>cons: risk of awkward silence for hours, feel bad if i dont offer to split my room - while also partly wanting the room to myself, wouldnt be leaving until later in the following week so they would be forced to stay longer, etc...

Tough decisions.
I'm in Minnesota, I feel that pain. I'm tempted to just buy a second seat for my military loadout bag. I can fit my mares in there and there is 0 risk of losing them. I had loose ideas to drive there with others but it fell apart. Road trip would be fun though.
Car karaoke. Bust out the Duane & Brando or Queen.
>Also with Frontier and Spirit you have to pay extra for carry-ons.
Honestly I don't think its that big of an issue since their free personal item size it plenty big.
Hell, I'm going to be flying to galacon this year with what amount to a laptop bag since I refuse to pay for a bag.
Yeah, I guess if you only plan on buying a few tiny merch items at most then just the personal bag will do.
I went to Mare Fair with just a backpack and ended up having to borrow money from a family member to buy a suitcase while there since I got too much merch to fit in my backpack and spent to much on merch to be able to buy a suitcase myself. Thankfully it all worked out but it had me worried for a bit.
idk about that, 26-29 works for me but the second I change to 26-30 it fails
>talking to your tulpa during the drive
>not loudly singing pone music at them
i know I had a hell of a time using the site last week. I kept going back and forth between hotels, listings, refreshing, etc until it eventually worked out. I think the sites just a peice of shit
Is it possible for me to upgrade my badge? If so, how can I do that?
Omg I’m in texas too…if u still wanna go lmk maybe we could go together?? I’ve driven to orlando b4 and am also a woman (frs) and can verify with an email or something if ur interested
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go to the confirmation email and there will be a link to edit your badge there.
Make sure you book the entire trip as one ticket if you have layovers, and not as separate tickets. Otherwise I think you can find horror stories for every airline, so going with the cheapest one with the best schedule usually works out, but make sure you are getting comparable products, ie the same carry-on check-in allowances and so on
I am looking at booking a hotel room right now, but their website is all retarded and when I can get it to work it looks like I can only get one of the more expensive rooms. Is anyone staying at one of the adjacent hotels? I would rather get a cheaper room elsewhere and just walk over to the Marriott if I have no other choice.
Can confirm for frontier and spirit. Expect literal cross-country detours, 12+ hour layovers that end in the middle of the night (mine boarded at around 4:40am), tiny luggage size limits with exorbitant fees for extra bags, negative leg room, and a whole host of other bullshit that crops up as a result of everything else. It’s worth noting that late night/early morning flights are usually pretty sparsely populated, though a budget flight to Orlando in mid-summer is bound to have whackjobs of some caliber no matter what. If you’re fine with all that then it’s whatever, a flight’s a flight. Just hope you get lucky with your seatmates.
damn, wtf is going on with this site... I copied the exact details from your post and got "sold out". Guess I'll try again tomorrow
If the site is being retarded you can always call for more accurate availability. Just mention marefair to get the con rate
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>capable of calling personally
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>Eastern European
>was hoping I could manage to go to MareFair this year
>plans go to shit unfortunately
>plants take a sudden turn
>just registered and definitely going

I cannot wait to get to meet you ponyfags
I've been on this god-forsaken board since the very first day and I hope I get to meet some of the originalfags there if there are still any left
are you polish
How many Polish people are there?!
I'm not polish I'm just asking how in the world are you able to visit being eastern european
it's almost unreal for the countries at var at least
No, Poland is shit
Don't know how many polish are here but there will be four on Mare Fair:)
I dunno about that Anon since they may or may not go but if you are interested to still go on a roadtrip with some fellow anons. I got two other anons to agree to pick them up along the way and still got room to comfortable fit one more.

Just trying to get a fun roadtrip down and get the cost of gas down shared amongst us.

Let me know if you are interested, peperomiathechangeling@gmail.com

>pic of actual Mare Truck
pic rel
new rooms have been added to the block
Sent an email.
If this doesn't work, email attendees at marefair dot org

Try again, I was told they added more rooms this morning.
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Where are you from then you cheeky bugger?
>Should I, as a shy autist, come to the shy autist convention
No worries man, that pic is the one you gave me actually so it worked out in the end
Smoked right outside a room with a group of around ~10 anons last mare fair. I don't blame anyone for not organizing things more, but the wyndham orlando resort was definitely the place for skirting some rules. I don't think the Marriot will be as carefree
the goddamn no fun allowed marriot hotel
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Break some rules, Anon, we gotta get our smokes on.
Hotels are by and large staffed by normal people who want to help others
Just ask someone if there's a smoking area on premesis and you will be obliged
Explain what you want to do and ask if there's a way to do it that doesn't inconvenience any one and then you won't get in trouble at all
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how is the musician panel coming along? I hope we are getting a bigger dance floor.
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Is Mair Fare the place for a Shimmigrant?
Not like I'm not gonna go tho
Fuck yeah I’m not gonna lie I kinda molested that dance floor last year, fuckin highlight of the con for me
anons is the only difference between a vendor and ad vendor just the active hours or do ad vendors sell pocketed lyra plushes
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>AD vendors sell all the truly lewd stuff like panties for your plush and fleshlights and offer try-before-you-buy, but you cant leave the vendor hall with it
I’m actually so down to do have a classy whiskey and cigar meetup somewhere
Hennessy and Black and Milds for me
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can't wait to see my fellow flutterbros
eat lead retard
>AD vendors sell all the truly lewd stuff like panties for your plush and fleshlights and offer try-before-you-buy, but you cant leave the vendor hall with it

Thanks anon but my plush is no for unf, plush is for cute! no panties on my poni please
Where the ad vendors at, getting some panties for my plush in person sounds amazing but didn't see anything like that at mf1
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God I need a pone inside my sweater

I just have this stupid fucking cat instead, and while I was typing this this dumb motherfucker RIPPED THE FUCKING OTTOMAN WHILE I WAS PUSHING HIM OFF BECAUSE HE KEEPS EATING THE FLOWERS
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God, I know that mares like to act like cats sometimes, but sweet jesus I hope they’re smarter than this one.
No and kill yourself.
100% absolutely, you have good taste
Experts have mixed opinions on this one.
It's Pride Month my man. The one month where eqg watchers can get representation on this board.
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I didn't realize Halloween Horror Nights was such a pricey affair.
Still kinda interested though.
Nigger steal my thread
I am reaching out. Have you or has someone you know had an anonfilly stolen from you at last years marefair? I am looking to get into contact with you if you are.
I'm a euro and it will be my first time in burgerland. I'd really like to try shoot a gun, what are my options? Would any merican anons be down to go to a range or something?
Well seems the vendor app conformations came out. I see some familiar faces and a bunch of new ones so I’m excited to see what the vendor hall has in store this year. Looks like there will be a lot more vendors than last year.
No, but I did get mesothelioma.
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I'm down!! Looks like this is the closest range with rentals: https://www.oakridgegunrange.com/range
What do you all recommend I do to pass the time until check-in at 3? (Flight is Thursday morning)
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i love guns and i love ponies. im down.
Okay, Can you describe the filly, did it have any accessories? Is there anything about the story you can say that might make this credible?
Another Euro here, I would love to spend monday at shooting with you guys.
Hang out with fellow Anons, you are bound to have a good time
A question for the staff, if I picked a sponsor badge with a room. Does it come with two beds? I plan on having a roommate in mine.
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I would like to do something like this with the eurofrens to introduce them to firearms. It would have to be monday after the con though probably, so as to not interfere with the con itself. I can also drive at least 4 other people.

Also, those rental prices and range prices/times are pretty good compared to my local ranges. though my local ranges have access to fully automatics, and I dont think this one does.
I'd be down for this. Monday would be perfect.
t. eurofag
This was my next question, what's the typical rental stuff they have in there? I might join too if its exotic enough.
T. euro hasguns
reading the website, they only have pistols, rifles chambered in handgun calibers, and shotguns. No full rifles.
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Leaf here, I’m planning on building my own shotgun (in Minecraft) as soon as I can get out of the house, but before I do that I would absolutely be down to get some practice with real firearms. Sign me the fuck up.
Hotels hosting cons typically let you check in early.
I've checked in to cons as early as 11am before without problems, though might be different with the marriott since it seems to have been awhile since they hosted a con like this.

Not staff, but yeah. The page even says you can choose between one and two beds.
I… don’t even know whether or not to call you a fed, dude. What the fuck?
looks like a different (but further away) gun club/range has full autos

The range time and rental fee is higher though, and extra fee for the full autos, but the rental for all guns is still a single flat fee - so might not be too terrible.
Let the boy play, I wanna see the headlines about how a brony blew both hands and half of his face off with homemade shotgun shell.
I've figured that Las Vegas would be better place for that really exotic stuff. Been done competition shooting with rifle-pistol-shotgun combo enough times that regular semi-autos won't give anything new to me. If other euro-anons want simple fun on that closer range I won't barge in and demand stuff to be catered for me.
I'm this anon >>41162123
Glad to see there is interest, yeah monday is probably the best bet, my flight back is monday evening so I'll have the day free.
Yes, by default all sponsor rooms have two beds
Except the sponsor badges that come with suites, those are king + sofa bed + optional rollaway (except lemon drop)
+1 for the gun range
Does it count as mile high club if I clop to my waifu during a flight?
+1 for gunz
Not unless you have sex with your plush in the bathroom
I am also super interested in shootin.
I've never fired a gun, and this seems like a whole lot of fun, but I'm going Mare Day on Monday, so I wouldn't be able to go. Although it seems like Monday works best for most people.
Mare Day is Tuesday
What is Mare Day?
Fuck me you're right. How the hell did I overlook that. I need to book an extra hotel day. Thank you anon.
And that just means I can go shooting all day with the boys, so that's actually good news
It's a day for mares! Looks like their website still has some tickets left as well
I have a dumb question
>$18 per shooter per day, Unlimited range time
>The cost to access all of our rentals is a one-time fee of $25
But how much are bullets? Do they also sell you ammo? Or is that included in the rental fee?
Ammo would be separate. That's where they make more money from long range times and multiple shooters in parties. Want to shoot more and for longer? Buy more ammo. You can simply ask for more ammo and they add it to your purchase (or bring your own, but that won't really apply here).

You should be ready to pony up a solid $30-$50 for a decent amount of shooting based on current ammo prices, unless someone else can chime in otherwise
How annoying, you can't just go to a range if you're in the US on a visa, you have to get yourself a hunting license as well.
Anyone know where to get a cheap one available for online purchase?
I tried to look this up and most sources say that tourists can go to gun ranges no problem. Just may need a valid ID, so a passport should do.
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The sites I've been looking at says it's usually fine if you enter from a country in the VWP on ESTA. However entering the US on a nonimmigrant visa means you aren't allowed to rent a gun at a range and buy ammo. For example
The Orlando Gun Club also lists this on their info.
Most Euros will be traveling with ESTA visa waiver, which this specifically says is fine
Yep, ammo isn't cheap, that's why I'm sort of doubting there will be that much interest in dumping ~$30 of ammo in 2 seconds with auto fire, but maybe I'm wrong! I'm down for whatever. I enjoy shooting hot loads out of wheel guns myself
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I don't remember if I've said this previously, but I want to make this very clear:

The shirt vendor you guys used last time is fucking fantastic. It's a nice size, it's straight and long, it's comfy as all motherfuck (I sometimes wear it to bed in a pinch), the graphic looks great...
PLEASE use them again this year if you haven't fully decided yet, they are well worth whatever money they charge.

that is all, thank you for your time and attention to this poast
just realized that the main site doesn't actually say what dates mare fair is, not even in the page title
this should perhaps be remedied
Anon, I...
It’s alright anon, we all have those days
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Got my credit card and my mare day ticket. Land of the free here I come!
Is credit card necessary in US? Or can I get by with just debit card?
Debit card is fine, I've never used a credit card before so all I use is just a debit one and I've never had any issues with it when paying for things.
Maybe there's like some 1 in a million thing out there that only supports debit for some reason, but in my experience anything that accepts a credit card will work with a debit card too.
Oops I meant:
*only supports credit
Call up your Euro bank and ask them to disable automatic lock-outs in foreign countries. Some banks really cause unnecessary bullshit problems here.
The classical example where debit won't do is car rental, but that's usually not something the average non-US visitor does during US cons anyways, and the firms might be less strict about that. Some hotels might want credit as well, but I think that is pretty uncommon nowadays.
>Some hotels might want credit as well, but I think that is pretty uncommon nowadays.
Keep in mind if you do use a debit card for the hotel, you must have at least the hotel cost + hotel deposit cost on the card and won't get refunded or be able to use the money used for the deposit until a couple days after checking out.
The Marriott deposit is $50 a night so its important to take into account if you don't want to end up with less mare money than planned or are on a budget.
Does MCO have any holes in the walls or toilet windows? I want to make a beeline for the venue without a visa
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on that note, does one need any documents other than the bracelet/ticket to enter the actual venue? I don't need an apartment, a sleeping bag will do
if I ever succeed
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Here's a weird thing: if I want to add another day to my existing reservation, it won't let me. It says that all the dates are sold out.
But if I go to book a new reservation, all the dates are available.
I wonder if this is just a me thing.
I ended up canceling my existing reservation and booking a new one with an extra day.
This is gonna be my first mare fair
I don’t know what to expect but I’m excited
Just be sure to try to talk with other people, even if its just small talk sitting next to someone at a panel. 99% chance they would be glad to chat.
Wait, does this mean my $140 a night room is actually $190 a night? The only thing i need my debit card for is the room, i need to know how much i will be paying So i know how much to put on there before I check in. I plan on doing the rest of my marespending with cash because im sure fellow hardworking plushmaking americans appreciate cold hard cash... right...? right anons?
It's a religious experience. You will be reborn a changed man. When you look back on your previous life it will suddenly seem so empty and cold. It will be as though your whole life up to that point had been nothing more than waiting for Mare Fair. When you look to the future you will know and feel your one true purpose on this world.
will I need cash or card or paypal? and how much of each? I want plushies from the vendor hall, I want the mascot symbiote plushies, and to participate in other mare activities.
It's a sobering experience. You will be reminded you are a failed man. When you look back on your life before mare fair, it will still feel just as empty and cold as now. It will be as though your whole life is nothing. When you look to the future you will know and feel no purpose in this world. you will gain even more insecurities and self doubt.
>couldn't even reply to the right post
Actually I was wondering the same thing. This is my first time going, so having an estimate of how much money I should ideally be saving up would be a helpful goal
Hey staff, could you guys not refer to the Mare Fair merch as "Mare Flair" this year? Thanks.
Wish granted, they’re calling it the “mare flare” now>>41167009
Hey staff, could you guys send this anon >>41167010 Mare Fair merch with futa dicks on them this year? Thanks.
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Haha oh no... anything but that!
for just merch? depending on how much you can take back with you
- $100-250 bucks for a nice small pile of good memorabilia/merch
- at least $500 to get a good sized collection of small stuff and a few bigger items.
- If you intend to buy a big plush (like AGZ's stuff) or bid on charity auction items, prepare to bring at least $1000

Anything beyond the scope of that, or big-dick auction swingin, just have your card ready - however for majority of vendors, cash is always king.
You are a dumb nigger. You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen
He has such a way with words
>verification not required
Tangentially related but after buying from Soapone at Mare Fair I ordered from him a few months later and he asked me if I "ever dream about futa daybreaker doing unimagineable things" to me. I had to reread it several times to make sure I was actually seeing it right. Mainly because he was fucking spot on. I don't know if it was pure random chance or if he remembered me from Mare Fair and I was just that easy to read. I sure hope it's not the latter. I'm only saying this now because I feel like enough time has passed that he won't remember who it was that he said that to.
Needless to say, I've been purchasing soap exclusively from him ever since.
Can any mare fair staff clarify this?
Do I need more money for the Mariott hotel than the price I got in the confirmation email? My budget is pretty tight.
do you think of sunmommy when you slide his soap in and out of your butthole?
It's as written, The hotel cost is going to be $140 a night+tax, so it ends up at $157 per night.
You have to cover a deposit at $50 per night as well, but that one gets refunded unless you really mess something up, like trash your room entirely.
You do have to take this into account when planning your spending with a debit card, as that money is essentially locked away during Mare Fair, and some days after. It's usually less of an issue for credit card users, as the credit limit is usually way higher.
Fucking jews. Thanks for the info.
do we have an eta on when the panel schedule might be? we are three months out and I would like to see what people are cooking
guest list too so I can get my autograph book ready
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If you have any savings you weren't planning on using, you should be fine taking $200 or however much from that to cover the difference since you'll get it back after anyways.
The big issue for euros is just knowing about and accounting for it in the first place.
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>he didn't get his autograph taken
its just a fun thing I do for cons, for musicians, special guests, randos I think are swell. you can sign it this year too if you want, anon
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or like
>just use a credit card
You can ask the hotel to put the reservation on the credit card during the stay and debit your debit card after the stay if that one has a better fee structure.
Anon, sweet artwork aside, that book looks like you pulled it from the hands of some poor street orphan in 1837
Satan pls. I'm not Burgerlandian and I don't have seventeen credit cards and thirteen debit cards to farm good goy points with.
I only have one debit card.
the pages were made from some poor street orphan in 1837
Inn addition to what >>41168760 said, even the ones you can get for travel aren’t typically actual credit cards. They act like a credit card in the system, but they still need to be topped off beforehand with the money you plan to spend even if it’ll eventually be refunded by the hotel .
Panel apps don't close until late July, I wouldn't expect anything before early August.
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I want a strong American anon to put his muscular hands over my meek and shaking Canadian ones to help me shoot properly
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>the ones you can get for travel aren’t typically actual credit cards. They act like a credit card in the system
Isn't that just a debit card in practice?
Don't you guys get actual credit cards at all?
For frequent congoers, how did the first Mare Fair stack up to other cons?
At risk of being repetitive about it - reply to this post if you are interested and would plan to attend a post-con monday shooting range trip. Just to get a proper headcount and solidify how many people there are and if we can get by without needing any ubers or something, as well as seeing if any organizing needs to be done for a large group. Also to ensure anyone that is out of the country has the info they need and their items in order to be able to visit the range and use/rent the firearms.
Am interested, but am travelling into the US on a visa, and am looking into if getting a US state hunting license is enough to bypass current restrictions. Would need to know which actual range we are going to so I can ask them.
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I will be at the hotel all day Monday with nothing to do. I'm in.
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Let's go gun bros.
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almost, it was made by poor street orphans in China. wanted it to double for the cult panel and keep it all thematic. this year I'll use an actually good sketchbook
Whats the alcohol policy for the fair? Kinda want to dress up as a carnival barker and give away bottles of hard cider until I run out. Then curse the apple family for being stingy with their harvest.
Just don’t do that shit in the actual vendor hall and you’re golden. Just walk around talking to people with a bag full of cider and it shouldn’t be against hotel policy.

We’re all friends here, you’re just a buddy handing off some of his drinks to his other buddies.
actual unlicensed alcohol "vending" in public spaces would be a crime, so best not to do hard cider
It’s not vending if he isn’t selling it.

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I'm interested
Fuck yes, I’ll be there. Can we go for late morning, like 10 or 11? Kinda have a plane to catch
Hold on a second, you have to be 21 to check in to the hotel? Is this legit? Why the fuck can I purchase a room and not be told I have to be 21 to check in.
Some things in America require a credit card which is why it has to be registered as one in the system even if its basically a debit card.
Credit cards are largely an American thing. Most people outside of the US rather not spend money they don't have and don't live in a place that basically requires it.

Yep. You probably were told, but in some very fine print.
I honestly wonder what MF staff plan to do if someone under 21 bought an enthusiast or higher badge since the Wyndham only required you be 18 and they probably never considered the issue.
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I’m there
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>anons gather at range, just chatting and swapping manly shooting stories, waiting for the instructor to show up
>hooded figure appears and sits down in a folding chair
>the room goes silent
>he flips down his hood and it’s picrel

What’s your next move?
i want this mare to fucking rape me
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Mimmy my beloved
>no glasses
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You’d be better off talking to a red soldier under commissar glimmer if you want to get raped. Wehrmacht has never stooped to such animalistic behaviours as systematic rape, and never will.
>posting at 3am euro time
Expect more euros will reply when they wake up.
Anyway, Im interested
This is going to violate hotel policy, especially if people try to open and drink them outside their rooms
The only alcohol that can be consumed outside hotel rooms is what you buy from the hotel
This is state liquor law btw since they have a liquor license

I'll ask the hotel about this
I remember this god was giving anons shots of Everclear on multiple nights. Another guy gave me a bottle of medical grade ethanol mixed with fuckin’ kool aid.

Please do this, just don’t post about it in the thread, retard.
AAAAAAAA I need her!
I'd be down
Will mare enjoyers have early access to the mimmies? and are mascot plushies limit 1 each?
So Dreamworks' new movie The Wild Robot comes out the same weekend and I think it could be neat to see a movie while in Orlando.
There's a theatre a 15 minute walk from the hotel, but I'm not sure how well that theatre would compare to say the Dolby Cinema in Disney Springs.
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njPNg0A9VpY
I can't say for certain about all hotels but I had to scramble for a quick one-night hotel room at the end of MF since my friend bailed on me, said I had to be 21 to check in but they just let me in despite knowing I was only 19.
I've not made any plans Monday yet, so I'd be down for it
It's a decent theater, saw the MLP movie there a few times
It was built in like 2015 or so, it's fairly modern
Haven't been there in a while
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Merch lead here. The con store hours will probably mirror the vendor stalls, including early sponsor access. And yes, plushies will most likely be limited to a maximum of 1 of each mascot per attendee for the first day. Depending on demand, that restriction might lift on the second day onwards.
How many are there? Do I need to hone my elbow tactics to get one as simple fairgoer?
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Did you know? If you rob the con store at gunpoint you can have as many plushies as you want!
Just sleep with the merch lead and you’ll be sure to get one. That’s what I did.
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>Pony birthing pits
There will be 400 of each. They probably won’t sell out too quickly, especially with purchase limits, but I’d still recommend visiting the con store early if you’re interested.
Did Satan pull an Ebonyglow?
Con head helped me fix my reservation in the hotel to include Wednesday, so even though the room is now as expensive as Harmonycon, I can make KSC on Thursday.

Now the matter of flights is another matter. Southwest is usually my go to but they're being obscenely gay and not offering a flight to Orlando from my local airport that month, leaving the only reasonable option that isn't multi-hour waits in Baltimore or Midway down to a tight one-hour connection in Nashville.

In comparison, Delta offers better flights including a non-stop which, even after accounting for two checked bags both ways, is only slightly more expensive. As much as I like Southwest I might just go Delta and not have to deal with craptastic layover squeezes.
It’s incredible what one can achieve when one is fuckable
the fuck? where do you live? BRAZILLLL?????!?!?!
Super excited to see the horse fuckery facade drop again this year when a 1/10 obese black girl says hi to the most based and horsepilled lord of autism.
Please go back you cancerous G5 faggot
>tfw got a job after years of NEETdom
I guess I may be able to go this year.
god speed anon
your art is shit
Having a job is nice, though I wish there were more options on hours instead of either 40 a week or "you're our bitch now and work precisely when I say so or you're fired"
Especially if/when you're like me and were a neet for so long you don't even know what to do with money.
Still, I have no desire to return to neetdom. That shit fucks up your head so bad.
>you're our bitch now and work precisely when I say so or you're fired
is that how you see schedules? are you guys autistic and love structure?
wait a minute.... are you niggers faking the autism?!
Uh, no? I have a 40h/wk contract and a steady schedule and I like it. I just wish I could work a bit less, like 32h/wk or so.
The other option is the 0-40h/wk where you take what you're given or will very soon find out you're given nothing.
And I don't have the 'tism. Never said I do. I was a neet for other reasons.
It took a worldwide crisis to make employers realize that maybe letting people work from home for most tech jobs was a good thing.
Yeah. I wish i could do a 32 week too. Or a 4x10. I need a longer weekend. How much do you make now?
Very little, bout 2.5k eurobux a month pre tax. Used to be a bit more but the company started a cost cutting program last year that has left me quite unhappy and considering changing jobs.
I have the education and ability to get a "better" job but I'm not sure well enough to manage one.
Besides, what would I even do with the money?
Was this at a different hotel because the Wyndhams check-in age was 18
bigger house, more land, more plushies, maybe a real mare
Die with dignity
Does Mimmy taste just as sweet as her name implies?
being with someone with no standards isnt the same as being fuckable.
haha what? are you saying you're a 1/10 black girl who went to the first Mare Fair and when you said "hi" to some nerds they gave you the Aryanne stare in return?
i fucking love your digits
True horsefuckers realize that 1/10 obese black girl who can excitedly revel in pony autism with them is infinitely better than a 10/10 aryan princess who wants to monopolize their time and yank them away from their passions.
And just typing it out made this horsefucker lose his hate for 3dpd
I really hope someone writes up a full set of taste notes for her
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yeah I know
How much will they cost?
post your newest piece. we'll be the judge of "shit" art.
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its not great, but it's still a step up from where I started, which is all I ask
Im in.
Well it's Dyx, so I love it
I can't make any guarantees, but we're targeting $35 each or less.
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Why the fuck are hotel rooms so expensive? My entire round trip flight plus the event ticket cost less than half of what they want me to pay for lodging
That’s why you room with someone
Not with me! Im a raging faggot and I WILL rape your juicy ass.
I guarantee it, bro.
I bet I would be rooming with that qt miniskirt girl from Mare Fair 1 by now if that STUPID FUCKING ANT hadn’t stolen her from me
holy mother of checked
>verification not required
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Alright bet
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QRD on the Kennedy Space Center thing? I’m interested but out of the loop.
Don't go to the Kennedy Space Center, that's where "The Mad Rapist of Cocoa Florida" works - if you go there he'll anally rape you, NASA has tried to get rid of him but whenever the cops show up he rapes them all to death.
On Thursday a bunch of anons are going to the KSC. That's basically it.
wait a minute. thats not the same mare.
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I’m looking for the when, where, and how in regard to meetup and transportation, both to and from. As much as I love nasapone I don’t want to sleep on a launchpad.
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There's no other stuff agreed or organized other than it's going to be Thursday AFAIK
Lot of fat chicks and guys can get sex too. That does not at all translate to being attractive or positive.
There were one anon that tried to arrange a group rate for the entry, and perhaps the Explore Tour as well.
Currently, Thursday seem to be the established date, the ordinary rate for KSC admission+Explore Tour is $75+25.
Personally, I would prefer to get there early on the day to avoid larger crowds, but we'll see about that.
Transport to and from hasn't been discussed yet.
>Transport to and from hasn't been discussed yet

It's the US, so bus-taxis for larger groups should be abundant, guessing purely logically, right?
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What if Jehovah witnesses show up?
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This time I’m going to ask her back to my room instead of pussying out
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Looks close enough to me. And either way I have to know the truth
>asking the popular chick who obviously won't do anything with you
make sure to tell >her to make some fucking celestia and Luna shirts while you're getting pegged and blackmailed. how long has it been? get on it bitch.
imagine the smell
>Verification not required.
Wait is this really the chick who sells the shirts?
I'd let her peg me for a Celestia shirt.
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The con is still 4 months away and you desperate fuckers are already thirsting for female attention? I thought marefair was supposed to be a cool con without this shit.
She has a dick bro. I felt it through her filly panties
Okay. I'd still let >her fuck my ass for a Celestia shirt.
Anon you have gays and trannies behind the scenes what are you wanting
Mare Fair itself might be, maybe. But the threads last year were desperately horny, so I don't see why this year would be any different. One whiff of anything even slightly feminine and anons react like it's chum in the water.
Mare Fair last year was the closest I've gotten to romancing a woman in years, and the mares only helped.
Sorry man. Life gets lonely sometimes and nothing compares to falling asleep holding someone who actually understands our pony autism. I have to give it a shot.
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By pajeet-tier thirsting over implied women on the internet?
Yeah, I'm in on the KSC trip and I'm arriving on Wednesday purely to be ready Thursday morning. It's an hour drive between the hotel and KSC Vistor's Center, right now I know there's a car and a few anons going. If the Marevan has been arranged again this year and enough people sign up, we may be employing that as additional passenger capacity.

I do also know KSC will be largely an all-day affair before returning to the hotel.
It has a better success rate than you might think.
I mean it's a convention in Florida that resides in the same city as disney world so....
Ive said it too many times.
The horsefucker facade evaporates instantly the second a girl (female) shows up.
This is the case 100% of the time.
>homosexualGODS are the only ones getting into Equestria

How the tables turn
Id like it if me and my girl could go to Equestria, but heaven will be nice too.
I like having access to hugs, hand holding, kisses and lap naps. It feels so good after almost 3 decades of being alone.
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people value women over mares? God you guys are a bunch of stupid fake faggots. The only reason I'd be talking to a woman at the fair is to express or otherwise forward my undying adoration of mares.
Youll be the first to crack. And no one will laugh or judge. Its hard being alone. You dirty faggot.
mmmm.... thanks for the heads up anon, but I think I'll be fine.
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most effective way to have a constant blood/alcohol content for the whole week? booze IV?
you people scare me and i need every edge i can get to become normal.
Drugs my nigga. And we be handing out some goodies. We gotta normalize the autists so they can taste socialization without the inhibition of ass burgers.
AHAHAHA it's so much even worse than that
In a different thread anon was testing the waters of bringing his normie roastie girlfriend to the con and simps were LINING up SINGLE FILE
I want Vanny's Fanny
Totally get that, I'd like to be at least buzzed the whole time to bring out the most of my meager social skills. Looks like they've got a bar at the hotel if you've got money to spare. The nearest liquor store is a 10 minute walk away on maps as well if you wanted to stock up. >>41169792 says it's against policy to drink anywhere but your room though, so do what you will with that information
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my parents, teachers, non-existant therapist, and the government said that winners dont use drugs. to bad im a loser kek. fuck it we ball.
i-it's still horsefuckery if she's wearing an anonfilly fursuit and pegging me with a green horsecock, right?
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>book non-refundable tickets with nightmarish layover a while ago
>check out what's available now out of curiosity
>there's cheaper tickets with three times less layover
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I know that all too well. Fucking paid double for a flight because i got scared they would go even higher. Learnt my lesson.
Hey, I was very clear that I'm doing it for pony merch.
So I'm rushing to make some stuff for the Mare Fair gallery before the deadline, any requests for certain ponies in watercolor?
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I really want a Mimosa! I was there when she was designed in MSpaint and got a crush on her. Based mspaintanon.
pics plz thx

so far, my only issue is that colors go on really light for watercolor or i accidentally overdo it then it's totally opaque. and having to do multiple layers of washes and waiting for it to dry so stuff doesn't run together (it does anyway)
i second this
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I work in an industry that's like 95% men plus I'm socially maladjusted, I haven't even talked to a woman since I was at Harmonycon.
I need to get a GF to bring to Mare Fair.
Chrysalis! Also I thought that the Mare Fair gallery was already filled up like a month ago.
W-wait, it is? Hold on, I gotta DM the gallery guy
to find out.

Bring a flask and drink wherever hotel staff isn't. It's really not that hard, keep to a crowd and keep it discreet
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The empress does not have a dick.
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>tfw went to mare fair to poniponi
>did just that
>no sex, no "ironic" orgies, no blackout drunkenness
>just enjoying pony in good company
>gonna do it again this year

In fairness, a convention would be the most likely place to find a girl that is also into pony - so you don't have to worry about anxiously try to bring it up in a "normal" relationship and risk a girl thinking its too weird. However, how these handfuls of retards can't control their dicks enough to just enjoy the events/convention without practically begging a female to simply breathe on them is beyond me. And they would likely drop the ball when trying to talk with a girl casually. I just want to be with other people that are, for lack of better term, "passionate" about pony and just hang out. I dont need or want every interaction with someone, or any girl, to be driven by horniness/sexpecations.

Unironically - if you value mare enough, talking to women is easy.
Drunk retards ruined a few panels last con. If you are gonna drink, at least dont go full retard drunk.
she uses her hooves. her hot, long, regal hooves
This. Though at this Mare Fair I'm definitely gonna drink a little bit, just enough to not be a social rock.
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So what are the projected attendance numbers?
Their models said 5k, no joke.
At least one, but less than 7 billion.
How many women were even there last year? I highly doubt this was an issue.
where can I read about the gallery/deadline/submission requirements/etc?
Eurofrens, do you need a visa to cross the US air border? Just get to the Orlando airport?
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I want to go to Mare Fair to poniponi and only to poniponi, keep that other shit at worse cons
last i heard it was an easy 800+, but that was given like, a week after tickets went on sale for MF2024 , youd have to get an update from twifag on that, if they wish to share projection numbers.
Depends on whether you are a citizen in a ESTA/VWP country, or not.
In either case, you are going to need a visa or an ESTA before going to the US
did you not read the rest of the message?
I did. Nothing I said was false. Their models did indeed predict 5k attendees.
What do you mean exactly by "going"? Crossing the air border on a plane? Are airports not neutral zones? I don't care about border patrol and other stuff, all I need is to physically move my body to Orlando, FL other stuff I'll figure out
No airline will "move" you to the US without you fulfilling visa, or other requirements proving you are allowed to go there, as they would have to pay for your deportation when the CBP finds out, otherwise the illegals would just buy a plane ticket and arrive by plane instead of paying traffickers loads of money to get crammed into the back of someone's truck.
Unless you plan to smuggle yourself into the US by mysteriously washing up on the shore, hitching a ride in a airplane gear compartment or something like that, you are going to need a visa, ESTA or be a US citizen.
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Thank you for clarification, it seems I'll have to consider other options
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Deadline is August 1st, submissions gotta be safe for work, I have the mailing address to send submissions too, if that would help. I'll post in the thread if the gallery is full or not and I can email you the address.

Daybreaker's armor is a real pain to draw. Hopefully painting her will be easier.
I wonder where all the non-board attendees are coming in from. I doubt there's even 800 anons on this board anymore
Fucking sweet.
Her cutie mark only has 8 points.
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Painting the hair strands is gonna take so long. Thought I'd use acrylic white for the stars and use dark wash at the end of fill in the middle so the white stands out on the hair
huh, interesting, seems sort of like a gatekept/discord thing then? I doubt what I've been working on would be accepted anyway (G5, 3D printed sculpture) but I was curious since I didn't see anything about it on the site, cool art btw
More glimmer please
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Need some ponk action up in here
Ponk sabotaging your plane on the way to mare fair
I think you can contact them here: https://x.com/maregallery fuck twitter
I got 3 pages left, I could combine Pinkie and Limestone. Never see those two together much, it's always Pinkie and Maud.
I fix it
ok if you go to the site there is an email it is MissLunarHarmony@gmail.com, good luck anon
Okay - I count 11 as of now. That is a small enough group I don't think we would need to bother with a group event with a range, and walk in could be accommodated, but we would have to call to make sure. plus the con is still months away, so more people may want in.

now a few other items:
1. Is there any of you anons that are going to have a vehicle - because if we can drive 2 cars for 10-12 people, it would be a great convenience.
2. Option of ranges (these two, as opposed to the originally proposed one, are further away, but offer full auto options if you with to pay the extra for it)
3. would we need to organize a group budget/fund for everyone, or do we let everyone pay individually for their own rentals. admittedly I do not know the best way to "crowdfund" for the group electronically/digitally

Any input is appreciated.
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Make that 12.
>full auto
No thanks. But w/e, I'll go wherever.
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These three, I think they’re really neat and cute and snowpitiful, all three are my favorite but i really like Rose
you obviously dont have to do full auto, but those places also have a much better selection of weapons to rent
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Roseluck is the best mare
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Forgive the con newfaggotry but what's the procedure for sharing a room with another anon? Shit's expensive
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literally just gotta ask and see if anyone is willing to share, plus comp them an agreed upon amount for the room (typically splitting the cost 2-ways).

I myself am still questioning if I want to split my room, but i do like being able to come back to a lone quiet room to sleep, but i also like the idea of giving someone the ability to actually attend when they otherwise might not be able to and not have to worry about other possible shit like roomie fapping or being shitty and rummaging my things.
The Orlando gun club one had this thing on their website that says that walk-ins larger than 4 may be required to make a reservation/shooting package, not sure if that would be more or less expensive price wise. I do like how they openly have who gets discounts on their website though. Assuming that applies to group rates, we could try to put it all on one ticket and then have someone eligible for a discount pay, and then everyone divides up the discounted price to pay them back

So true Roseluck
I got some gayass skymiles account with delta somewhere along the line, but they seem to always have a good combination of cheap(er) flights and not fuckass flight times/layovers. Kinda weird how they hit that sweet spot so well most of the time.

4x10 week ftw, that's my dream schedule for one of these long days in the future
people trust randos here enough to room together ? Interesting. when's the gay orgy?
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Mare Gallery anon here. We gathered interested artists over the first few Mare Fair 2 threads, but at this point we've accepted as many as we feel we can support this year so we're not taking on any additional artists at this time. However, some FAQs can be found at https://ponepaste.org/9636 if you're interested in participating in the future.
well rip that one anon
you post your fucking email and dates you're looking for. many anons have a room to themselves
Any news about the 21 age requirement? I'm a different anon but also a 20 year old retard who didn't read the fine print before reserving a room.
If it's a problem, then I guess I'm looking for a roommate who's over 21.
Yeah I'm in the same boat, especially since it's my first time going, having a place that's my own would be nice. If someone gets fucked over for some reason and doesn't have a room I'll probably get over it though
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You know what? After reading through this thread, I’ve changed my mind. I’ll let this one anon paint one more picture for the mare gallery, but only if he promises to give a free blowjob to any anon with a name tag that says AgitatedSkellington on it, whenever he asks.
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cool tnx m8, maybe next time!!!!!!1

>verification not required
Yeah this seems like a pretty big thing to have just silently there.
We'll just make our own Mare Gallery, with Blackjack and hookers.
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Nurse Redheart!!
Fuck off
Why do want fucking G5 it defeats the whole point
Don’t pay any attention to the drooling mongoloid throwing his temper tantrum. He’ll tire himself out and go to bed eventually.
None of the suggestions were g5 doe
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Add another to the list of attendees.
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Are you romanian or bulgarian eurofren? Because those are like only euro countries that aren't allowed in with just ESTA?
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How long beforehand you need to reserve group slot form those places? I mean is it possible to post note on billboard at the con on Friday to mark if you're interested and then reserve right amount of slots. It's on pretty short notice but would be most accurate and 'safe' way to judge real interest.
Also do any of these place let me just rent 10" 44mag and box of ammo to perforate paper in peace, without any bullshit of 'you need to start with .22' or practically hold my hand at all time? It's like only fun I can't easily get hold of back in home.
The trip to KSP will most likely take most of the day time, the place closes at 5 PM so unless we stop by somewhere around Cocoa Beach for food/drinks then we’d be back to the venue by 6 or later. No time for when we’ll head out in the morning, but I think 9-10 AM is good.
Damn, it’s a fuckin’ party! I’m so there, I’ll stand directly behind some poor weak little eurofags and help them shoot.
My country isn't on the list sadly, I just checked
It's not like I had to check because it's Russia
one day we're gonna have our own mare fair with tabletop games and horsies
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What the fuck? I think I’ll just fly down to Afghanistan and befriend some of the locals and see if they’ll let me shoot a rusty AK into the air
>nothing comes close to 3dpd
Fuck that, I've experienced 3dpd and life size pony waifu plush
There's an obvious winner and it ain't the human
750 to 800 conservatively, could be more
Based on hotel bookings at the Marriott and occupancy rates from last year, if the con were held today there would be 700 attendees

My posts seemed so much happier and full of hope back then

Sorry, I'm gonna ask this next email to them
How was the artist ally/vendor's hall? Seems like most artists are distancing from the con.
How are they distancing themselves from the con?
They flew back home.
They didn't. How the fuck are they gonna be at the con if they flew home?
I think that's a typo. The website's version has "to" instead of "RO"
What’s a “to”
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Ohh, shit.

any oldfags here who can pretend to be my dad?
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Isn't the minimum age for mare fair 21?
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Minimum age is 18, faggot. Plenty of youngfags last time around
Huh, I didn't catch that, that does seem ridiculously high. That plus >>41175980
might make this one not so ideal after all
It's 18. Last Mare Fair, I went up to registration, I was 19, he scared me half to death because he said I wasn't of age... And I had told him, wasn't it 18, not 21, he had mistaken the age restriction...

Scared me shitless because I was not in my home state and I drove with other people.
I know threads dead but 4 more for this
With this in mind, plus the addition of more people, I will try to get together a price for the expected attendance for the range trip and rental or rental package prices, see what range might suit us best, and for transportation (assuming we do not have enough personal vehicles between us to take us all - say if you are willing to transport some people if you are driving to the con). I'll post about it in the next Mare Fair thread.

Knowing that we would have a bigger group, we will probably have to book a group event, so again, if interested, to keep track of those that want to go and to be able to guarantee I can get info out to those interested, shoot a message here: moonanon@horsefucker.org Also, if any of you fags wanna help me out organizing it in any way, let me know.
It's actually weird because looking at the flights through Delta, it's roughly around the same price for two routes to MCO: a 5 hour total trip with a 90 minute layover in Atlanta, or a 2.5 non-stop. The return trips on Monday, though, make no sense - the non-stop is about the same price as before but the longer trip with the Atlanta layover is THREE TIMES as expensive. I'll be buying the plane tickets next month to try and get the best price so unless Southwest's drop considerably, right now it's just a question of which flights I'm taking to MCO since the non-stop is shorter, but if I did the longer route I could get main cabin level tickets instead which would at the very least mean I would be able to ensure I don't get stuck with a middle row seat.

As I recall, the intention is that the group doing the KSC trip will do the Explore Tour, the +$25 additional charge, and there are only three times available: 10 am, 11am, and 1. Returning to the main KSC complex is just using the same busses as the normal tours from the Saturn V building, so in order to maximize time and avoid crowds, it would be a good idea to both get to KSC as early as possible as well as do the 10am Explore Tour. As such, I think the window for departing the Mar(e)iott should be 8am - 9am, to account for traffic, parking, and security screening at the entrance.

We definitely need to figure out if we'll have enough people to qualify for the group rate, since that'll impact ticket prices. As well as what kind of transport is dependent on the number of people going as well.
>artists are distancing themselves from the con
idk what you're talking about because Fair has more artists working for the con officially than any other con I'm aware of (19 total)
And even more artists working for it unofficially
>My posts seemed so much happier and full of hope back then
They still would if you didn't stop posting cute purple unicorn mares
She's so cute, thanks
>750 to 800 attendees
uh oh, for someone with no experience with cons, I am bit worried I will not able to "keep it cool".
Bro is gonna have a Chris Chan tier meltdown in the middle of the con
To each his own, I guess. Enjoy your inanimate object with no free will. She’d definitely choose you over everyone else if she was real.
Get fucked orphans
ayy, gl hf with the flesh as well buddo, wouldn't say it has much free will at this point though kali yuga

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