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/mlp/ - Pony

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Welcome one and all to /mlp/'s third Game Jam! As you might remember (or not) we've had about two other Game Jams, this being the third! Isn't that exciting?
This Game Jam's theme is about LOVE! Now, what is love? Well, that's for you to decide and interpret!
Although the spirit of the Game Jam is to make a game from scratch with the given time, there's nothing wrong with re-using a handful of assets from previous projects, reviving an abandoned project and addapting it for the Jam! What matters to me here is that you complete a pony game in two weeks! You could say that's the only real rule.
The deadline for submissions is on the 28th of this month. I'll be streaming it on /mlp/con in the 30th, be sure to be there and watch me play your game and your fellow horsefucker's live!

Submit your games here: https://itch.io/jam/june-mlp-game-jam
Or send your submission via email: littlehorseappreciator@proton.me
You can also contact me via that same email

TL;DR: Soft deadline is on the 28 of this month, the theme is love, make sure it's pony related, you can either publish it in the itch.io page or email it to me. The submited games will be streamed on /mlp/con on the 30th

If you have any questions, requests or suggestions be sure to post them!
pone gamez
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By the way, forgot to mention. No skill level required! It doesn't have to be a complicated game either!
game jams are fun!
I started working on something last week, are a few extra days okay?
Totally okay! If you can crunch it out by the 28th then I don't see a problem with it!
Is there any simple open sores web game engine to make a simple point-and-click (not specifically adventure) game? Basically a classic flash game.
Godot is way too bloated for what I need.
Most game engines are retarded, if you need something that actually works you should try BYOND / use C + BearLibTerminal (http://foo.wyrd.name/en:bearlibterminal), it's quite simple to work with too (easier than trannyware raylib or SDL)
(if you can't read the guide or think that modern software is better don't bother)
it's extremely straightforward and simple
>simple point-and-click
Just use html canvas and js
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its a complete game creation suite btw
Another option is Love 2D (fitting for the theme of the jam), I like using it as it's fairly simple.
It's a 2D game framework kinda akin to something like raylib that uses Lua, so it's pretty easy to use (Lua isn't too difficult to learn either if you know programming).
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forgot to mention that it's inherently multiplayer
lua is horrible
raylib is trannyware (don't ask)
BYOND has zero system requirements and a ton of features / ready libraries
>uses a custom retarded language
Hard no.
ok but why dont you make a game for the jam instead?
that'll sell your engine better than aggressively pushing it at people
Lua isn't that bad, I mean it's a scripting language and older so it does share many pitfalls you find in such languages, but compared to something like JS I prefer it. LuaJIT allows it to be quite fast too so its performance isn't totally abysmal either, not that performance really matters for a small game though.
Lua is at least fairly developed too given it used to be used a lot by various game engines (prob not as much anymore but it's still around). Only thing I know in BYOND is SS13, fun game but yeah bit more obscure.
it's not the best, but in comparison to all other engines it requires almost no effort to create top down games of any complexity and genre
as if unity doesn't use one (it's implied that C# has no right to exist)
you are literally the antichrist if you support modern software agenda
don't get me started on this
I was not aware of the game jam, I'm currently making a multiplayer pony rpg separate of the game jam since there's not enough time
we're talking game development here, and BYOND is a COMPLETE game development suite with inbuilt docs when you press F1 (remember when software used to have inbuilt .chm help files?), a map editor, an icon editor and an interface editor. you can also use html/js on top of it in any windows you want since it uses IE internally
also most of SS13 success comes from the fact that you don't need actual programmers to contribute to the codebase, hence "the curse"
>theme is about LOVE
Now that's hard
Well, it doesn't have to be a specific kind of love you know? It can be the love of oneself, the love for your passions, the love for life itself!
alternatively, you could just make a game about anything and submit it, it's not like it'll get disqualified, this isn't a competition
>we've had about two other Game Jams
I was in the Halloween one but when did the other happen? I missed it.
The Halloween one was the last one actually, it's the first one that you missed. The first one was old retro themed. I actually couldn't find it for a bit, it never said anything about a gamejam, only "Pony arcade" it was mostly on the /CREATE/ thread (formerly tempo)

Pony arcade:

Halloween Game Jam:

I'm actually a little surprise that the first one had so many games given that it was hidden away in a (sort of) unrelated thread.
>BYOND is a COMPLETE game development suite
Getting some "MongoDB is WEBSCALE" vibes here
Just in case you're wondering, It doesn't matter if you have no experience. You've gotta start somewhere. And a gamejam is one of the best places to do so.
woah. damn i guess ill maybe join in and mek 3d poni game
Oh no! The mares need your help to escape! Will you answer the call?
Game engine? Link? Artist?
Godot, tilemap is somewhere from itch, the ponies are mine, no link.
>I still haven't thought of a good idea
Worry not Anon, there's still plenty of time. I personally have got an idea and stuff but am doing things the moderately slow and painful way as usual so don't have anything to show for my game yet. Hopefully will start having something in a few days though.
Just start doing something, maybe just art or music to get inspired. For me, I had an idea for a while (even a prototype in C and raylib, but it turned out to be faster to rewrite everything from scratch in godot than to keep working on it), but when I started development, it turned out to be completely different from what was intended.
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I have plenty of ideas but I can't code. Here are some for anyone to use, I'm just overjoyed if I see some of these come true.

Captcha: N4DS
Here's another. Feel free to adjust the designs as needed, as these haven't been tested/balanced yet.
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I have literally infinite ideas, so if anyone wants some for specific game genres, with specific graphics, or specific complexity, just ask and I'll come up with one on the spot.
>all the ideas involve mares kicking stallion's balls
Stop begging, you autistic nigger.
based fetish autist
Where are your gamejam ideas?
>I have plenty of ideas but I can't code.
Well, why don't you start learning? Get your ideas out in the wild as something people can experience. I'm certain there's a market for ball busting pony games. Do a game and it'll be played on stream in front of everyone ^:)
Expanding on this
It could also be It could also be lack of love, hatred, envy, etc.
Maybe too much love? Jelouse mares, yandares and zealots
Or any sort of strong want, conviction or dedication!

I thought the concept was broad and interpretable enough, and besides, we never did have a february valentine's day Jam like it was planned. Better late than never right?
The first one struck me as funny, but after that, it just started to all feel awkward.
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Midnight bump
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Midmorning rump
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Evening tushie
Emergency bump
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Night bum
In case you guys were wondering, it doesn't matter if you join "late", if it even is possible to do so. You can make a game either way! I haven't even started mine! (Though I should)
Any suggestions for game-ready poner assets? I can code but can't into any kind of art.
Hey a gamejam, sweet!
I don't have much time tho, I don't think I can participate this time.
And I still didn't finish my last year entry XD
If I have the time, I do a little something, but I doubt so.
Good luck to all the participants, I will watch the stream.

Desktop ponies is a popular option
Dome stuff was shared in the first jam >>41156720
Some finds

Free graphics, sound effects and music

Pony sprite sheet

Gameloft models
PonyTown's ponies is another option, I see people use those for animations sometimes but you could probably use them for a game (probably not legal without licensing but doubt anyone will give a shit).
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Bumpy bumps
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Security page 8 bump
dashie jam plap plap

>Verification not required.
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10 days remain! You know, other jams wouldn't have started by now. So there's still plenty of time! Depending on what you guys are doing of course
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The first signs of pony life in my game. Don't mind her she's just placeholder art for the time being.
Don't you dare remove the Ms. Placeholder from the game when you're finish.
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... now, quiet now
It's time to lay your sleepy head
Why is she so angry
I don't wanna sleep.
Page 10 will get me...
Hush now, quiet now
It's time to go to bed
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>have the idea to make a pony run around a small planet/moon thing
>it turns out all the rotations involved are actually a bit complicated
>spend several days massaging quaternions until finally the movement and camera angles seem (?) to work
>realize I don't actually know what the gameplay should be
>i didnt see this
>i dont even have time this week
its over.
You still have plenty of time Anon! There's still around 9 days! And besides, it's a soft deadline. If you really needed to, you could send me the game 30 minutes before the panel. Just make sure it actually works.
So in theory, 11 days! Plenty to do a simple game, doesn't have to be grandiose.
Does anyone here know of any resources for clean tiny soundbites from the show? in particular cute little pony sounds.
>Planet jumper
Fund it
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Love bump. Happy to see these game jam threads are still going.
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Hey op, do you have a date for the next game jam planned? Is there going to be another?
I'd like to be involved in one but between WotR Elden Ring and FFXIV all getting expansions during this two week period I can't commit the time to be a part of this one.
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If you want to take part in this game jam you should just do it. Those other games will still be there for you to play afterwards.
I'm going WILD
No current plan for a next Jam (Doesn't mean that there won't be one, just means that I litterally haven't thought about it). This is my first time hosting one actually. In fact, I think each jam has been hosted by different guys.
I just wanted a game jam and saw that no one was gonna do one. The previous group said that they were gonna do one in february for valentines, but it never came through. That's actually why the theme is love, to make up for that one without making it fully valentine themed, you know? Just love in general. I thought it was a broad enough concept
Found some stock sounds used in the show

Some voicelines

Playlist of sounds from youtube (You can download them using yt-dlp. I can download them for you if you tell me which ones you want)

I couldn't find "Tiny soundbites". But I guess you could edit them in some audio editor to get the effect. What are you looking for exactly?
If anything it'll have a pretty cool gimmick. Reminds me of that one Luna game were she goes insane just walking around the moon
Any good ressources on how to make vanila javascript games?
Like, without 2Gb of libs n shit?
I don't really like it, but I want to learn.
Yea, use flash
Thanks anon. I was searching for little sounds like "oooh, oho, aha, aah?, mmpfh, mmm? mhhmm" for click sound effects when interacting with ponies or possibly some UI elements. Without background music would be easiest, but I could always try to remove any background music/sounds. I think I'll just cut some from the show itself or from those links.
PPP SFX folder might have some
Found it! thanks, I must have overlooked some folders in that archive/thread. That is exactly what I was looking for.
I can't code but I'm an artist. I don't have a ton of free time but mayb we can frot our abilities together.
Good to see you guys are doing some progress in your games! I should start on mine too, I swear I'll have something by the deadline!
Here's a mega of clean audio from the /ppp/ for those who want it. It contains all audio from the show, cleaned and ready to use
(There's an alternative download in the main folder)
Curse this timing; I'm too distracted by Elden Ring DLC to work on poners.
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It's been one week already anons. You ARE half done with your game now, right?
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fuck fuck fuck FUck Fuck fuCK FUCK Of course, everything is going according to plan
Currently testing the cockvore animations.
> artist
can you share some of your artistic work? Just to make sure you're legit artist
No I'm popularfag but I'd prefer to be anonymous for the gamejam
I got sidetracked but I started some days early so it evens out!
it's all under control h-heh-heh
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If the game is gonna be just a cute mare walking around then no
I finished my antithology submission and just now learned about this game jam, gonna try to crank out a game for this.
Wish I knew that was happening sooner.
I gave up. I just can't code a game, my computer science degree could never come in handy.
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Bump with love
It sounds like you're trying to so something a bit too complicated, gamejams are about finishing projects. Maybe try to tone down the scope of the game a bit, you could even try to use a turorial and make use of this jam to familiarize yourself with the engine you're trying to use
Very cute stressed flurry
I've done nothing productive all day
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>durr hurdur you must be productieev every waking second!!!

I fucking hate niggers that are like this, I don't want to do it, fuck off. Even if i spent le 48 hours studying for some shit I wouldn't get anything from it because I was way too late. Good marks mean nothing unless you get honours anyways, and even then you're just shooting to overexcel in classes that are below your skill requirement
Well, I don't think anyone wants to study 48 hours or dedicate the whole two weeks 24/7 with their project, that's one way to burn yourself out. But consistency is key you know, as long as you're doing something, it's good. That's the whole point of this jam, it's not really about making something grand or complicated, it's about actually finishing a project.
So, to anyone that sees this, even if it's one day before the (soft) deadline, I encourage you to strap on and try to finish a project, even if small. It feels good, I promise
what the fuck are you talking about? No one mentioned studying or classes.
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you can send it later if you need to, the stream is on sunday, just make sure it works and shiet
I'm going to cut like 80% of the features I planned and see if I can make it
it will BARELY be a game
Scoping do be hard, every time I wanna make a game I always overscope it, despite having been through this process like 20 times already and trying to cut back on the scope lol.
I'm not going to participate in this jam sadly, but I'm planning making a mobile game, or more like a pony app than a game. Think I can do it in a week?
>despite having been through this process like 20 times already
I've placed fairly high in ludum dares before but I had a buddy to rein back my autism
looking forward to collaborating with another horsefucker at some point
Well, maybe you'll find someone here that fit your criteria to collab with, and I think that's pretty rad

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