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Used to be a massive brony as a kid (writing fanfic, listening to all the fanmade music as much as actual music, buying merch) until the end of Season 3 when Twilight became an alicorn, at which point I moved on to other things in life as I was starting high school and spent the next decade trying to forget about my brony era (it seemed that the hype started winding down around that moment anyway). I got bored and started checking this board and now I'm getting sucked back in as I'm taking a trip down memory lane. Doesn't seem like a whole lot has changed, although everyone seems way more bitter now. What noteworthy moments and lore from the show and fandom have I missed out on in my absence?
You're in time for what is going to happen to this fandom
"Then I will draw near to you for judgment; and I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers..."
Malachi 3:5

Repent from magic and porn and waifu idolatry!
I've seen some screenshots from the newest series, I'd have assumed that was punishment enough.
There's some stuff happening around here, fandom stuff from G4. We're not really focusing on G5 much. Take a look around the catalog.
From what I've seen, the bitterness is just a handful of people, they misterously become much smaller when they can't samefag.
How many bronies remain hidden in the woodwork, and how many will eventually emerge?
>no wings
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another lost lamb found and returned?
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Watch the rest of the show, it's fun. Then come to Mare Fair.
A lot I assume. There were major celebrities who were outing themselves as bronies and brony references in half of the AAA video games being made in the early 2010s. They all either repressed it or switched to wanking to furry porn.
>shilling the faggot/axe wound convention
Based on your post, I'd say you missed...everything....post-season-3
Die in a fire zoomshit.
Seasons 3-5 are worth watching. Don't watch Season 6-9. Everything you need to know about those you can learn from /mlp/ shitposting
Thanks. Any interesting drama/behind the scenes stuff I missed?
It’s haram to call yourself a “brony” now
Call yourself instead:
Hasbro fucking up over and over again. You can also learn about this from lurking, a lot of us are still not over it.
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>until the end of Season 3 when Twilight became an alicorn

Perfect time to quit the fandom to be desu.
Start here. Wootnigger and some other derpiniggers pitched a fit over the not-see hoers and removed her from the site. It galvanized an alliance of free speech autists, /mlpol/niggers, shitposters, and anons who just hate the derpi staff. Austrian Kevin Bacon and co. set up an order page: https://www.marenheit451.com/
Donations flooded in, and after many $14.88 donations, raised over $21,000. $19932.94 was donated to a horse rescue. The one in contact with said rescue posted status updates which included the recent rescue of a young horse whom they named Verity.
This was too auspicious to ignore, and the drawfags got to work pronto. One of the people at the horse rescue sent videos rubbing her nose as well. It was really sweet and honestly the best thing this board ever accomplished, in my humble opinion.
Wootnigger and some other derpiniggers pitched a fit over the not-see hoers and removed her from the site. It galvanized an alliance of free speech autists, /mlpol/niggers, shitposters, and anons who just hate the derpi staff. Austrian Kevin Bacon and co. set up an order page: https://www.marenheit451.com/
Donations flooded in, and after many $14.88 donations, raised over $21,000. $19932.94 was donated to a horse rescue. The one in contact with said rescue posted status updates which included the recent rescue of a young horse whom they named Verity.
This was too auspicious to ignore, and the drawfags got to work pronto. One of the people at the horse rescue sent videos rubbing her nose as well. It was really sweet and honestly the best thing this board ever accomplished, in my humble opinion.
Chat is this real
total zoomer victory. your board are belong to us.
Also ask me whatever you want about my opinions on this show or whatever I guess
>gets drafted
We're all autistic, we can't get drafted
Bronies are part of the old guard. Those other names are dumb as fuck
kinda same, dropped it after around the first EQG movie and when I saw the Cheese Sandwich introduction preview, really annoyed me because I thought they were giving them boyfriends and for some reason I didnt like that, now that im older and kind of getting back into the series I understand that even as a kid I really liked Twilight and thats why Flash's existence bothered me at the start, but after learning all the things that happen to him I kinda feel bad about hating him during those days
at least the series has been over for a while now and it had that small resurgence at the start of the year, really brought me back to the shitty creepypasta days that initially got me interested in the show, im a bit sad about missing out, but considering that apparently I jumped ship right at the start of the "decline" it's not so bad, and theres a lot of fancontent to go through too
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A certain tophat got stolen and was flushed in a toilet during a con.
s-skibidi toilet?
Aw damn it, headgear in toilets has been ruined forever.
>writing fanfic
You still have them?
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What's the deal with being a brony? I mean, are you guys unironically IRL autists or something? Not being a dick here, i feel something weird when i look at those cartoons, like something pulling me back to childhood, somewhere else, somewhere pure idk. I watched a few episodes as an adult a few years ago.
brother you're on 4chan, you're autistic too
I think that's called nostalgia

When it comes to the fandom, the people from other sites had turned gayer while things haven't changed all that much at its core, although we're definitely more autistic than what we used to.
If you're interested in MLP content creators to follow, Jargon Scott, TJ Pones, Batsy, CowsRTasty, MKogwheel and AnonTheAnon are the way to go.
>Perfect time to quit the fandom to be desu.

I've joined at the end of 2013/start of 2014 and I'd say there was still good stuff that year, but I've stopped caring about both the community and show by around 2015.
I don't think I've ever seen a more envious post on this entire site, and that includes /v/. Sorry you can't go, it's probably the most fun I've ever had in the fandom.
The director and supervisor of the later half of the show had a meltdown on Twitter because people said the show wasn't as good. Also they forced a OG Writer (M.A Larson) to write a show attacking the fandom, which he justifiably disowns due to the many changes the forced him to make and behind his back.
Also Josh Haber, Mike Vogel and Nicole Dubuc and go fuck themselves.
to write an episode on season 7*
I just got into mlp again myself. It feels so good to be back
Damn, that sucks. How did that go down with the rest of the fanbase outside of this board? Also heard that the VAs for Big Mac and Cadance were not very well liked.
typically delusional /mlp/ revisionism
Larson wasn't forced to do anything, the episode doesn't even "attack" the fandom you snowflake. It's actually quite funny and good-spirited but for some reason the emotionally dead autists on this board can't even understand a children's show.
VA for Big Mac, Peter New's wife is heavily disliked because she is quite frankly insane. Most recent thing involving her was spreading outright fabrications about Mare Fair, so she has some kind of politically motivated bent against the board. I can't really say much about Peter New, he doesn't really seem to publicly comment on any of that stuff so I'm not really going to hold anything against him beyond his wife being a raving lunatic.
What was her issue with Mare Fair?
Sir it's dangerous to be this much of a fragile snowflake in mid June.
It's a degenerate furry con
The fact the con didn't donate to a gay charity and signaling left wing politics, that Twifag had the gall to include "fag" in his name, that the con didn't have a stick up its ass over an Aryanne plushie, and I can only assume that it wasn't controlled by her particular group of friends.

He was and he's totally right on disowning it.
The episode was made to attack them under the excuse of "The show is only for the little girls" and the 2019 leaks prove that.

If you think the episode was made for any reason other than Hasbro executives being angry that people dared to criticize their precious brand, fuck you you pathetic consoomer fag.
>this mad
I can see why she might be apprehensive about appearing at a convention alongside panelists who have fag in their online handle
Appear? Nobody is asking her to be a panelist at any con. Nobody is even asking her to like the con, but the bare minimum she could do is not spread flat out lies like claiming the con is a crypto scam. Having "fag" in a name is pretty small peanuts that doesn't even register on the pony con panelist sin scale.
If a site gives me the freedom to get mad at retards for being retards without having to care about them later on, I'll take it.
Season 6 and 7 are okay-ish. S8 and S9 are a trashfire
What did the rest of the fanbase have to say about this?

So basically don't need to bother watching past Season 6 or so.
By all means, if you still want more after Season 5 then keep going. But just know that it's not gonna be the MLP:FiM you fell in love with. Season 5 is generally a good place to stop, even that season itself has several downright awful episodes that kinda forebode of what's to come.
Most of the fanbase doesn't give a shit, the non/mlp/ portion of the fanbase seemed to largely have had a great time at the con, and the only people who are seething about it still are xitter morons who weren't actually there. Doesn't stop them from making up some of the most insane lies.
It's a high quality colorful animated show with a bunch of girls who aren't cunts*, what's not to like?

*fictional representation of modern women
>she has some kind of politically motivated bent against the board
Nooo you can't post mlp erotica online!
>con didn't donate to a gay charity
Shouldn't they donate to more important issues like starvation or homelessness?
Hard to imagine people in their 30s are less mature than people in their 20s. She would have a psychotic break in a xbox 360 cod lobby.
Mare Fair donated to a horse rescue, but these assholes don't really give a fuck about that and would rather cons donate to literal PACs where the money ends up in a politician's pocket, so long as the general idea aligns with their virtues. Funny story, Amy New was also very angry with Mare Fair due to them deciding not to donate an item to the Harmonycon charity auction after they realized the charity organization was a 501(c)(4). Of course, since this particular PAC is about donating to Texas Democrats "to protect youth LGBT rights", Amy pushed it as being to somehow spite gay people.
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The psychopathic nature of modern politics is tiresome. You can't help people, you need to help their political side.

As if any politician cared about their voters beyond votes. Yeah one side totally cares about specific people because "human rights" and not a divisive issue they can use to claim moral high ground.

>501(c)(c4) can donate to political parties as long as it isn't their primary purpose
>calling is a "charity" auction and not "social welfare" auction
The psychopathy knows no bounds, and they think they are in the right.
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I had the same shit happen back in 2019 after hearing the show was ending - was there at the very beginning on /co/ and /b/, but I came back into the fold after 5 years or so hiatus. I'm yet again All-in on pony ever since. The fandom is more "mature" now - in the sense that it is past its golden age, and the people that latched on for bandwagons-sake and because it was popular/culturally relevant are gone, leaving - mostly - the people that genuinely like pony as the remainder. It is a comfy, if not slightly melancholic state, but we're still kicking, and it feels like unironically the ride truly never ends.

Oddly enough post-pandemic seems to have a slight resurgence in popularity and newfags. Ignore G5. It is a dumpsterfire and was confirmed a lost cause once we saw anything beyond the initial movie.

If you want the full experience and to make your own opinion, watch everything. Just keep in mind the writing, as other anons said, goes to hell later on, particularly S8 and S9, but there are still a few fun episodes sprinkled in those later seasons that are worth watching. choose your own cutoff for "canon", then report back to argue what parts are canon so we can tell you how wrong you are.
Which episodes would those be?
Hmmm well there's one where Apple Bloom keeps having nightmares. I think everyone hates that episode. It depends on your tastes. They're all kinda lackluster but I'm certain a few will really piss you off.
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>How many bronies remain hidden in the woodwork, and how many will eventually emerge?

I actually started lurking here and (re)watching the show a month or two ago, after getting bitch slapped by nostalgia over some old Brony cringe videos.

I never actually considered myself a proper Brony, even though I watched some of the show and knew about the fandom. I had a lot of Brony friends, so I sort of just picked it up through osmosis, I guess. Any way, I got a kick out of laughing at cringe comps, and I was watching some classic Brony cringe from 2014 when it really hit me just how common MLP shit was back then compared to now. I kept playing more cringe videos as background noise, and then I eventually just wound up putting on the actual show to pass the time while I worked, just like I used to back in highschool.

I think I low-key respected some of the dudes in those old videos for finding something that they enjoyed and being so open about it. Their passion was infectious, I guess. It made me wish that I'd been more involved in the fandom in its prime. It's a weird feeling.

Now I have a lot of catching up to do. Rarity is best pony btw.

>really brought me back to the shitty creepypasta days that initially got me interested in the show
Man, I miss old Creepypastas. A lot of it was pretty bad, but it had soul. I can't get into most of the newer r/nosleep type stories.
I wish i were american
>Learn from shitposting instead of forming your own opinion
>instead of knowing the fact it's shitposting means it's discarded
>Austrian Kevin Bacon
No, anon. This was a pedo's hat.
I think he's talking about Wolvan. He's this namefag that's involved in everything: cons, the art pack, the silver coin project, etc.
I thought he slipped into a depression because of all of the drama.

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