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Previous thread >>41010688

This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever: Sunny & Izzy! No, this is not a shipping thread.

>Greentext stories short and long:
Note, I am no longer linking to every post for a green, only the starting one, so make sure to check the replies for any continuation!
>>39561001 Izzy has something for (You)
>>39584734 Izzy has to choose
>>39869258 Sunny & Izzy get confused in prison
>>39959545 Hitch discovers something about Sunny
>>39965565 Izzy discovers it too
>>39985594 Izzy is probably drunk
>>40075364 Anon is distressed
>>40077312 Sunny and Izzy sing a work song
>>40147731 Sunny trains Anonfilly
>>40171581 Misty makes dinner for her friends
>>40174714 Then they have a sleep over
>>40191358 Izzy loses a special friend
>>40251133 Sunny examines her mane
>>40320756 Izzy is very good at Uno
>>40357033 Definitely Izzy is unique at Bridlewood
>>40495392 Izzy pranks her friends with an Izzy plush and absolutely nothing goes wrong
>>40743258 Green based on >>40742480
>>40752997 Anon explains Izzy's shorter mane
>>40761851 Green based on >>40760857
>>40798016 Anon compliments Izzy
>>40950252 Less a green and more an idea vomit but hey it's OC
>>41020882 Anon tells Sunny the truth about Princess Twilight.
>>41040729 Izzy shows Anon how a unicorn does... stuff.
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Previously on /BFFs/:

>>41012971 >>41012972 >>41012974 More chinese merch, and some info here >>41050745
>>41017032 Anon pissed off Luna
>>41017953 Lil Sketch
>>41021304 Ms Moonbow wears a moon bow
>>41025069 Euro merch?
>>41027849 Anon made some pony songs
>>41028539 Confusing sketch
>>41031989 Anon's sister did a thing
>>41036222 Checked Bunch of new G5 shirts on Amazon
>>41036686 Gizzy!
>>41044108 Happy belated anniversary, /BFFs/!
>>41048217 Izzy reminisces
>>41052432 Stickers, I guess? Are these actually available for purchase?
>>41059686 Sunny juice!
>>41063034 MEGA hat Sunny
>>41070680 Steamboat Izzy!
>>41074322 Pony Pez, apparently
>>41080449 Based drawfrend gives a green some art
>>41085917 Reminder: /k/ is a terrible place
>>41053655 >>41057220 >>41053655 Fun little Sunny/Vader adventures
>>41097102 Anon is lazy reeeee
>>41099226 Neat little Sunny animation
>>41102296 Sunny likes hearing your stories
>>41108359 Oh hey, we're not doing so bad.
>>41109717 >>41109727 New merch! They're smaller than you think.
>>41126088 Anon has very important thoughts
>>41129687 New OC!
>>41129696 And more OC!
>>41136824 Good luck, Anon! Keep us posted.
>>41141646 >>41141756 I drew Izzy being cute and shy
>>41151048 Unintentionally dark card
>>41155272 WE'RE BEST FRIENDS, S̸̛̹Ū̸͓̓̕N̵͉̉Ņ̷̾̈́͝Ỹ̶̠̦! B̴͔̠͉̺͖͓̮̱͋Ę̷̡̛͗͆S̷̢̧̢̜͚̬̝͓̳̜̪̻̙̝̠͋̏̃͒̓́̒͛͜͠Ť̸̨̪̯̙̦̭̻̙̠̮̐͆̍̾̂̽̃̂͜͠ ̷̨̡͈̥͉͚̭̭̂̍̐̾͒̽̄̂͗̇̌͊̕̚͜͝͝ͅͅF̶̢̻̻̟̝̫̻̥̥͋͛͌́̕̕͠R̸̩̆͂̽̀̋̊͝͝͝I̶̡̨̧̧̺̰̱͚̘̗̞̬͙̠̥̳͂͆͐̾̌͋̌̐͜Ė̵͚̩̀̇̈́͒̿͝Ņ̷̩̫̺͍̭̮̽͒̀͐̎̊̋̓̀͊̀̈͗D̴̫̯̫̥̍̉̃̉S̷̢̢͙̩͔͙̹͖͎̦͇̦̏̇̒̐͆̾̆̽ͅ
This is the image that made me start drinking Capri Sun again. I still prefer Pacific Cooler
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Sunny doesn't talk like this
I would replace those Capri Suns with two cans of ROCKSTAR.
>making the fillies drink boomare juice
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not a fan of g% but these two are very cute
Imagine a caffeinated Izzy though.
Who's to say she doesn't drink a bunch of coffee every day?
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>new thread for best pones
What did she do with that pineapple?
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One of two sunny commissions that i order still waiting full completion
nice looking stockings for a cute mare
Look at that wingboner. my queen.
Any idea on an estimated completion date? We talking Days? Weeks? Months?
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Is it just me or has the thread been awfully quiet the past week or so? I mean we were never exactly a fast thread, I know, but this seems slower than usual.
Whatcha guys doin?
I've been playing A LOT of Elden Ring, and getting ready for the DLC. I went to sleep straight after dinner, slept for about 3 hours, and now I'm ready for gaming.
My Elden Ring to-do list
>Clear out Subterranean Shunning Ground and Frenzied Flame Proscription
>Get medallion half from castle sol
>Get to the Consecrated snowfield
>Get to Haligtree
>Kill Mohg and Malenia
As you see, I will be very busy for the next 3 days.
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I tried a wild cherry Capri Sun today. I liked it.
>I drank a juice and I liked it
>the taste of its cherry straw stick
>I drank a juice just to try it
>hope my soda don't mind it
>it felt so wrong, it felt so right
>don't mean I'm thirsty tonight
>I drank a juice and I liked it
>I liked it
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Artist say thursday(so probably on this week)
Work, my new appointment look like more money but less time(i hope)
Someone tell Sunny not to blowdry her fur right after a shower
I know this reference.
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I beat Malenia, I'm ready for the DLC now
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>Come to the enchanted forest of Bridlewood where ponies of all types get together to play and have fun!
>Customize and accessorize your My Little Pony character and use your magic powers, collect crystals, ride ziplines and much more.
>Be the pony you always wanted to be!
This any good?
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Second Sunny commission
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What's going on here? Sunny's looking fierce
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She ain't weird, she just operates on a different level
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I didn't get the chance to post this last thread.
She's cute either way.
Sunny looks good with a mane like that
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I love that Sunny locket
A very quick and dirty mini-PMV involving Sunny.
It’s inspired by this AMV, particularly starting from 3:04.
I apologize for the weird transitions and low video quality.
That's a blast from the past!
Yeah, it's a shame the original video got taken down.
Weird cat
Thanks. I have two more but I don't want to spam the thread.
It ain't spam if it's content bro
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Okay. Here are the last two.
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It looks cute!
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uh oh
Looks nice.
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this is actually super cute
I hope this doesn't mean that we won't get another console game. I know the sequel to MTBA probably didn't sell too well, but I at least want them to finish of the trilogy with a Bridlewood game.
I'm tempted but I have a billion a Roblox accounts and somehow forgot the password to all of them. It would be fun to play with people here.
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So do you guys want to schedule a meet up in the new Roblox game? If not tomorrow, maybe next week?
>I'm the radiant morning star that light the way to the sons of man
Getting lesbian flag vibes here...
Hm board slow today
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Big wings!
Speaking of wings, did you notice that Sunny's wings are unique in TYT? I discovered it for the first time while practicing drawing in that style.
I did not know that. Unique how?
Shape: I'm pretty sure no other pony matches her. Opaline's wings are pointed and are closer to G4 wings. Meanwhile, Sunny's wings pretty much are G4 wings. Though she has more "feathers"? I'm not sure what the correct term is.
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Looks really good; the wings, the floral crown, and the pattern on the stockings (I think that's what they're called) are my favorite parts.
What's up with the reptilian scales on her neck? I really like the colour usage. I can't explain it, but the almost autumn colors of Sunny and the pitch black of her armor is really pleasing.
Got so caught up in Elden Ring I almost forgot about this thread. Beat the DLC at Skibidi 18 with no ashes or summons.
I'm really fucking sick of being broke all the time.
I can’t fully relate because I live with my mom, but I can somewhat understand. I literally have two dollars to my name right now. Gonna try applying to jobs tomorrow. I won’t be as stupid as I was last year and blow literally every cent I own on pony stuff, and will at least try to save some of it.
Yeah... I'm a small business owner so being "broke" means less than a thousand in the company account. For comparison, I've got about $3700 worth of bills to pay in the next two weeks.
Having more money doesn't mean no money problems... it just means bigger money problems.
>Yeah... I'm a small business owner so being "broke" means less than a thousand in the company account.
What’s your business?
>For comparison, I've got about $3700 worth of bills to pay in the next two weeks.
Ouch. I can’t even fathom that much money.
Eh... my profession is unique enough that I've never known of another on this ride who does what I do, nevermind owning a small business for it, so I wouldn't really be anonymous anymore if I said it.
Of course the small business owner likes Izzy she's very crafty
Understandable. Good luck with your troubles.
>fear cheeks
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I understand. Don't worry about it
I love them
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what has she posted?
This would be a cool poster if Sunny wasn't in Alicorn form.
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this >>41188880
Between Izzy and Sunny or I guess other mane 5 characters if you really want, who do you think would make the better...
>DM in DnD
>Partner in Crime
>Generic white collar office manager
>Neighborhood Halloween decorating contest participant
And why?
Sunny. She's basically the group mom already; cooking meals and looking out for the rest of the M5.
Both, but they bring different things to the table. Sunny is the friend that will encourage you to make a huge decision. Izzy to cheer you up when it's one of those days.
>>DM in DnD
Izzy because of her vast imagination.
>>Partner in Crime
Izzy because she's already a criminal.
>>Generic white collar office manager
Neither, but out of the M5 Hitch.
>>Neighborhood Halloween decorating contest participant
Izzy will win this.
>>Generic white collar office manager
>Neither, but out of the M5 Hitch.
Okay which would be the least bad, then?
Sorry, I’m retarded. I misread it as, “who would do better in a white collar office setting.” I still think both wouldn’t do well in a manager position because both are self-employed and are used to working mostly alone. People really seem to dislike the “fun boss” in those settings, so I’ll probably say Sunny.
Sunny, she already work as a team mom, know how to cook and in my opinion have perfect personality for both of this roles, and sheprobably will benefited the most out traditional marriage, having person who will help her to realise herself
Pipp(if we assume she have at least some interest in videogames) she sounds like a good person to hangout
>DM in DnD
Izzy if you like more creative and chaotic roleplay and worldbuilding
Zipp if you like more traditional dnd
>Partner in Crime
Sunny, movie say (and kinda shows) she have no issues to go over the law if she thinks it for the right reason
>Generic white collar office manager
Sunny will be generic (treats workers like family or just actual people) type of manager with high performance
>Neighborhood Halloween decorating contest participan
Izzy she the most creative one and probably the most interested in something like this
Those plushies that were shown a few months back are appearing in stores. Fifty USD each, but I think they’re exclusive to Europe.
Source/link to the store:
50 bucks? Toys are so expensive
All of the cool stuff has been outside of the US recently.
The economy never recovered from CanterLogic being shutdown.
Is that new?
How salacious
Yes, but exclusive to a few countries in SEA.
Strange that they're still using ANG imagery but it looks nice
It makes sense. I don't know about everywhere else, but China is only getting MYM now; which is why there was a bunch of China exclusive toys recently.
>China doesn't like tyt
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Feeling tired so I'll answer one
>DM in DnD
Sunny. Her world is likely more planned out, although she probably is less flexible than Izzy and will stress if players go off-rails
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Fuck that, I want them to make a MLP adventure game that has a vast open world. I want to be able to create my own pony, explore Equestria, new and old, and have fun. A MLP RPG that catered to young and old audiences would sell fucking hard.

And think of the mods. Imagine people making mods that just make it feel more alive, be able to marry (You)r waifu, and full hardcore sex scenes all in game. I'd cream and scream and meme.
That's not reasonable or within the realm of possibility. Not even Transformers, Hasbro's most successful original IP has had something like that. There is no way they would ever do something like that for MLP.
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Nice bow socks
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if we squish her a little more she will be a squatpone
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Very pretty but it still looks unfinished. I get that it's just lineart but not even that looks complete.
Yee, It's still not complete
Where are these mares getting their nice socks from
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One sitting on my face one on my fat cock
Since a lot of us are unsatisfied with the direction of TYT season two, what episode ideas do you have (involving Sunny and Izzy of course)? I don't have a pun title, but the episode I have in mind is about Sunny and Izzy spending a day together. Since Sunny is self-employed there is no-one to tell her to take and she overworks herself, Izzy notices and forces her to take break, they go to Bridlewood, hijinx ensue, Sunny learns that it's okay to be relax some times.
I would like that. Tyt needs more Sunny and Izzy only content
I'll be out for 4 days, keep the thread alive
Well, looks like the Internet works here. I'm sure Pipp would be happy
Where are you? Camping?

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