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A quest about finding a way out of a cursed forest and defeat wicked beasts to help your companions.

>Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41090678/

>Previous threads but it’s a paste: https://ponepaste.org/9167
Despite her grand declarations about freedom and the ills of society, you’re about certain Black doesn’t plan to help the starving ponies she mentioned. If anything, it’s the existence of societies as a whole that irks her. It’s safe to believe the fate of any old, weak or diseased pony will be the same under her rule than that of a wounded beast in the wild.

However, right now at least, the temptation to listen to Black Fang makes these considerations seem pointless, especially since you feel no precise memories of the outside. If anything, the only things you wish to protect at the moment are the mares back at the village.

“Before I accept to help you, I have a few conditions.” You start. “Basically, I’d like to keep our alliance a secret from the rest of my friends.”
“Mmh, alright.” Black Fang smirks. “I suppose I can accept that. How do you want to play it exactly?”
“First, I need to keep spending my nights at the village.” You say. “Then, I will need to keep hunting with Verdant too. I’d like for you to come only once she or anypony else accompanying me is gone.”
“I suppose that’s for the best. I don’t think they’ll appreciate witnessing me growing bigger with each encounter.” The big mare nods. “However, if you find yourself in a pinch against a beast, don’t be afraid to make your friends go away. I’ll be looking out for you even when you don’t see me, and I will arrive as soon as you’re on your own.”
“Thanks.” You nod. “But anyway, that’ll also mean I’ll have to bring back at least some essences to the village.”
“Mmmh… I guess that’s necessary if you want to keep your charade up.” Black Fang sighs. “But you don’t need to overdo it I say. After a couple fights, maybe you could let go of your partners on purpose so you and I can be together? I’m sure they won’t suspect a thing.”

“I’ll think about it.” You reply, not yet sure this is a good idea. “But are you okay with these conditions, Black Fang?”
“Yes, yes, I am.” She rolls her eyes. “For now I’ll go by your rules, stupid as they are…”

“Tell me now, if your plan works out, what are you actually going to do once you’re out in the real world and with the powers of a goddess?” You ask the witch.
“For starters, I’ll come and find you.” Black Fang delicately boops your nose when she replies. “I wonder what kind of pony you actually are out there, and I hope you’ll still accept my offer then. After that, I’ll let the world know there’s a new goddess to be worshipped… and feared. I’ll gather my followers, and assess the forces that will want to oppose me. What’s next will depend of that, but I’ll pick whatever option feels the more exiting to go through.”
“Nothing more extravagant?” You ask. “No chocolate fountain? No acquiring all magical secrets of the world? A long night of actual sleep maybe?”
“From what you’re telling me, I’ll have a fair bit of time to myself while you frolic around your other friends.” She smiles. “So I’ll get some time to take a few nap alright. Last night was a pleasant start indeed. About more extravagant stuff in the real world, there’s one thing. I do wish to assemble a menagerie of sorts. There are many creatures out there that are awe-inspiringly powerful, and I am thrilled at the idea of gathering them together. Of course, they won’t be trapped in any cage. How they react to each other, and to the world around them is precisely what I wish to witness.”

“I see…” You nod. “On my side, it’s hard to say what I’ll go after since I don’t know much about the world out there. But right now, there’s some desires I have…” You step to the side and eye the bountiful tanks of the mare that’s lying on her side. “…that I can barely resist anymore.”
“Not yet, you spoiled brat.” Black Fang stops you from going for her teats with an unwavering hoof across your chest. “You bore me with questions, demand that I abide to some silly rules, and now you want to play with my hard-earned assets before giving me a single essence? I think I should teach you a thing about the obligations of a champion to her goddess!” And then she whispers in your ear. “You should at least have offered to eat me out first… but now it’s too late so you’ll have to wait.”

“Well… would you mind taking me for a flight instead?” You offer. “At least our talk will be less boring to you that way, and… after walking under the trees for so long, I gotta say I really like the idea of getting some air too.”
“Mmh…” Black Fang ponders for a second before showing you a nod. “Alright. You can climb on my back, but remember which parts you’ve not earned to touch.”

You obey, and walk around the larger mare. As your eyes inevitably wander to her flanks, you can’t help but to let out a longing sigh. Still, for now you hop on the back of the giantess, taking her neck in a hug while you straddle her with you lower legs.
“It’s a real shame you were too eager.” Black Fang comments as she stands up. “I sure would like to play with what I’m feeling on my back right now, but you’ve got to learn a smidgen of discipline first.”

Before you can muster a reply, Black Fang leaps into the air and follows with a powerful beat of wing that lifts you both upward. A second one, and already you’re over the canopy, and can now gaze upon a seemingly endless expense of forest. The ocean of green under you only seem to get more infinite as you fly higher. At the altitude you’re soon at, the flat and perfectly uniform terrain looks as unreal as it actually is. In contrast, the muscles of Black Fang you feel flexing in rhythm under your hold, the sound of air on her wings, and her slight musk feel intoxicatingly alive.
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At this point, the pace of Black Fang stabilizes a little as she stops ascending. You can ease up a little and appreciate the view a bit more now that you don’t have to clamp your body on hers.

“This is really something!” You have to shout to hear yourself in the wind. “Do you think we could, like, do a swooping attack on the beasts during a hunt?”
“I wish.” Your big ride replies. “But the beasts have to come back from the undergrowth while we’re on the ground. At this instant there is none under those trees.”

“That sucks.” You react. And after a second. “Hey, do you know who or what killed the old god?” You ask. “Aren’t you worried the same could happen to you when you least expect it?”
“It was long ago that the former god died, actually.” Black Fang explains. “Defeated during an age that belongs to legends. The heroes that were capable of such a feat are no more. And besides, I am confident that I could sway a number of such heroes to follow my own cause.”

This is all you have to ask at this moment, as you feel mostly drawn to enjoying this flight with Black Fang. It is certainly not as refreshing as you hoped, as the contact with the mare’s powerful body during her effort is filling your mind with even more lustful thoughts than before.

“Here’s what’s in the air around here.” Black Fang states at some point. “Sorry, but there won’t be much more to admire. Shall we get back down to earth?”
“Yes, let’s go.” Let’s cut the teasing for now, you think to yourself.

While slower than the climb, flying down to the ground feels a lot more vertiginous. The sensation of your body weight shifting upward leaves you light-headed when it’s time to dismount the larger mare.
The hold you have on her neck remains even after your back hooves are on the ground, and when she looks at you, the larger mare finds you staring back at her face. Being both slightly winded, you exchange your breaths without even thinking about it, and without a word follow through with another wet and passionate kiss, your moans resonating in the mouth of the other.
“I’m not sure which of us burns with more desire at this point.” Black Fang whispers with a smile after freeing your mouth. “Well then, Lustre Lance. Shall we hunt?”

>Anything else you want to do before you go hunt with Black Fang?
Yes we should, but I want you to know one more thing not only do I have feelings for Verdant and for you but also for three other mares in our village who also have feelings for me. And I really want to be an herd with them but they're hesitant to be with me cause they don't want to hurt verdant but I don't mind being in a relationship with them as well her. Do you have anything that can help me achieve that desire of mine.

Plus how do you plan to share your power with me are you going to absorb the essences and siphon some of them towards me so it can go into my body which can allow me to evolve just like you?!
Before we hunt, ask one last question. A fun and interesting one, not a boring one! That question pertaining to what changes she desires most to see from us when we hopefully absorb essence. Assuming we can control essence to change us how we want, it's only fair that Fang also gets a word on what changes we adopt.

As for what changes to undertake personally in the future:
1. Bigger equipment (got to please the big mare somehow, and I doubt essence will increase our overall size)
2. Even bigger sack (will explain more below)
3. Production+ (a worthy payload to bukkake or fill a mare like her)
4. Black Fang's choice(s)

General idea is to make cumming a messy affair, and create a small sort of horny dependency between us and Black Fang with a similar need of 'milking' each other. That, and I'm really curious on how Growfag will write scenes putting more focus on cum. Previous scenes have always seemed to skim over it besides the feeling of experiencing it, and the last scene I remember focusing on it was years ago in Growth Wizard.

Other than those thoughts, it's hunting time!

No discussing herding. What do we seriously expect Black Fang to suggest that doesn't involve dubiously changing our friends' minds?
Let's not forget our armor we're going to need them to hold off against the horde of enemies coming towards us in our battles show me how well you can be playing as team player Black Fang. I'm so looking forward to our time together.
“You said you could share the power with me, so surely I can expect my body to change and get bigger just like yours. How’s it going to go?” You ask. “Are you going going to absorb the essences and then transfer some of its power to me?”
“Something like this, yes.” The witch nods. “I’m sure you’re going to appreciate the practical way of doing it… if we ever stop talking and get on the job of course.”

“Just one last question then.” You smile. “A fun one, promised. I told you what I desired for your body, so is there any kind of change you’d appreciate for me in particular? Some bigger equipment perhaps?”
“This one is obvious, yes.” Black Fang chuckles. “And make sure you have more stamina than you have now. Fucking you senseless was fun once, but I’d rather keep you with me from now on.”
“I’ll make sure of it.” Your smile widens. “And would you be interested in me being more… productive maybe? In case you wish to milk me as much as I want to milk you.”
“Mmh…” The mare ponders. “I wouldn’t mind, but if I can’t have both, I’d rather have you get off many times in a row rather than to exhaust you after one big flood.”
“Alright then.” You nod. “Let’s get going!”

You put on your armour again, and…
“So… where do we go?” You ask Black Fang. Until now, all you had to do was run into the forest to encounter enemies, but you’re already in so you’re not sure how to trigger something from here.
“Follow me.” The mare walks toward the trees. “Like I said, I have a bit of sway in how things go in here now, I think I can make it so we find a target if we move around.”

You follow the witch as she apparently chooses a path at random through the trees. After a minute of running after the longer strides of the mare, the familiar feeling of danger awakens in you again, although… somehow a little dimmer than what you’re used to. That, or perhaps having a 10-feet-plus beast-mare accompanying you makes everything feel less dangerous.
Regardless, an enemy emerges from the bushes.

It’s a slime!

“There we go!” Black Fang reacts, sounding satisfied with herself. “And unlike what you’ve experienced until now, we can have a break once we’re done with this measly foe. So just tell me if you want to consume our spoils right away, otherwise I’ll keep our preys coming. More prey means more essences after all…”

>Escape! (100%)

>Stop the monsters from coming after this one?
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forgot pic
Fight and keep on going!
Thank for the tip fang now enough talk let's Fight!
Kill the monster. It's clobbering time.
Rolled 58, 11 = 69 (2d100)

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>You attack the slime, dealing 15 damage.
>Black Fang attacks the slime, dealing 50 damage.
>The slime attacks you, dealing 0 damage and 2 poison
>You attack the slime, dealing 15 damage.
>The poison deals 2 damage to you
>Black Fang attacks the slime, dealing 50 damage.
>The slime is defeated.

>You gather 1 glowing essence

“Hey, didn’t we agree that you could try to protect me from these attacks?” You call toward the bigger mare.
“Come on, Lance.” The mare giggles after enthusiastically stomping the slime into a puddle. “I can crush these beasts in a matter of seconds. How about I kiss you better once we’re done instead?”
After she says that, another monster appears.

>It’s a pony-eating plant!

>Escape! (100%)
>Ask Black Fang to take the hits? (She’ll do half as much damage, she doesn’t like it)

>Stop the monsters from coming after this one?

>You have 1 glowing essence
"Ok I might take you up on your offer". Attack one at a time.
Just to clarify, are we allowed to pause and resume hunting again freely with no penalty? If so, pause after fighting this monster so we can use both essences to experiment on each other. I'm sure Black and us are very keen to find out if there are results.
Of course, the most pressing question is if essences will work on us, so let's use an essence on us first. Concentrate and Fang's and our desires as stated in >>41158453

Also curious to see if the poison pauses and comes back when we go hunting again.
Continue our assaults on the monsters we're going to turn this hunt into a slaughter fest for an all you can eat essences buffet power ups woo hoo!
Meh, doesn't really matter whether we pause now or later, so switching to continue for the sake of not having a tie.
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>You attack the plant, dealing 25 damage.
>The poison deals 2 damage to you.
>Black Fang attacks the plant, dealing 60 damage.
>The plant is defeated.

>You gather 1 big essence

“I’ll take you up on that offer for a kiss, yeah!” You call after this victory.
“Good. Now that’s a way to fight fit for a champion.”

A new opponent approaches.

>It’s a cargodile!

>Escape! (100%)
>Ask Black Fang to take the hits?

>Stop the monsters from coming after this one?

>You have 1 glowing essence
>You have 1 big essence
Bomb time. Keep going!
Oh that's right, you have one of those
Also that 85 going down to 75 is an error, pay no mind to it
Rolled 26, 79, 10 = 115 (3d100)

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>You throw a bomb
>The bomb explodes right when it connects with the enemy, dealing 85 damage!
>You attack the cragodile, dealing 10 damage.
>The poison deals 2 damage to you.
>Black Fang attacks the cragodile, dealing 45 damage.
>The cragodile is defeated

>You gather 1 big essence

“Nice little gadgets you have!” Black Fang comments. “Glad you didn’t use this one on me.”
A new creature soon approaches. You don’t think you’ve seen this one before, but it looks manageable.

>It’s a lamia!

>Escape! (100%)

>Ask Black Fang to take the hits?
>Stop the monsters from coming after this one?

>You have 1 glowing essence
>You have 2 big essences
Fight and keep going still.
Rolled 76, 46 = 122 (2d100)

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>You attack the lamia, dealing 25 damage.
>The poison deals 2 damage to you.
>Black Fang attacks the lamia, dealing 60 damage.
>The lamia is defeated

>You gather 1 glowing essence

“YES!” Black Fang exults. “At this rate, I’ll be a goddess today!”

Another critter appears for the slaughter.

>It’s a giant spider!

>Escape! (100%)

>Ask Black Fang to take the hits?
>Stop the monsters from coming after this one?

>You have 2 glowing essences
>You have 2 big essences
And she'll be a sexier mare with curves beyond any stallions fantasy!
Oh, and fight and continue. Can't believe I forgot to post more.
Keep on fighting more monsters!
If we get too many essences, either the quest will end while most of the mares are still small or we won't be able the hide that we betrayed everybody.
Rolled 19, 5, 74 = 98 (3d100)

Part of me doubts that. We can keep on going with Fang as long as she wants for one (she's really not that huge compared to previous Growfag mares yet). There's also still unanswered mysteries, such as the notable missing mare, that might throw a wrench in things.
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>The spider attacks you, dealing 7 damage and 5 poison
>You attack the spider, dealing 25 damage.
>The poison deals 7 damage to you.
>Black Fang attacks the spider, dealing 60 damage.
>The spider is defeated

>You gather 1 glowing essence

“Yes, and you’ll have curves beyond any stallion’s fantasy!” You respond to the mare’s excitement with your own.
“You’re really fixated on this.” The witch chuckles. “But that’s no reproach, and I don’t plan to disappoint.”

A new monster gets to you.

>It’s another cragodile!

>Escape! (100%)

>Ask Black Fang to take the hits?
>Stop the monsters from coming after this one?

>You have 3 glowing essences
>You have 2 big essences
Fair, but we still gotta consider how we'll keep everybody back at the village from getting suspicious.
This one will be the last since we'll be running on fumes after this. Also, Fang can't miss a single hit or there won't be any celebration.
So the lightning symbol is initiative and not a stun. Noted.
Unless Black Fang is willing to take hits in order to speed up her progress, then it looks like it's time to retreat. We won't survive this encounter as is, since the two cragodile hits an poison combined will end us.
Won't we fall from this encounter? The rage mechanic from the cragodile pretty much does 21+27=48 damage back to us. The poison just finishes us.
>>41159027 (me)
Just double checked. Thought the rage mechanic counted each hit and not each round from both us and our companion.
If we do want to avoid a fall here, make a deal with Black Fang to take a hit if any of us miss. Surely she KNOWS when to step in when we'll fall in one more hit.
Take down this beast fight! After we kill this beast fang let's stop so we can rest I'll be low on health after fighting this new creature okay.
Destroy the cragdodile show it no mercy!

"I have to admit fang this is the most haul of essences I've have ever obtained in this hunt you were right about working together we gain these things more than by ourselves and I'm having so much fun being with you doing this your awesome"!
Stop the monsters from coming after this one!
Once we take care of our opponent and take a resting reprieve from the hunt we should combine the rest of the glowing essences into more big ones while we catch our breath.
Don't doubt combining them into one will have a greater effect, but kinda want to wait until we use a big essence on ourselves first before deciding how we split these essences between us two.
Too tired to focus it seems. Thought you were talking about big essences instead of glowing ones. No point in keeping the glowing essences as is.
Rolled 84, 1, 4, 30, 69 = 188 (5d100)

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“I don’t think I can completely take on this one alone without getting knocked out.” You call. “I’ll need you to protect me, Fang! Let’s have a break after this one too!”
“Don’t worry, you’re not going down!” Black Fang replies. “Not with all the power you’re carrying!”

>You attack the cragodile, dealing 10 damage.
>The poison deals 7 damage to you.
>Black Fang attacks the cragodile, dealing 45 damage.
>The cragodile attacks you, dealing 21 damage.
>Black Fang protects you.
>You attack the cragodile, dealing 10 damage.
>The poison deals 7 damage to you.
>Black Fang attacks the cragodile, dealing 15 damage.
>The cragodile attacks Black Fang, dealing 27 damage.
>You attack the cragodile, dealing 10 damage.
>The poison deals 7 damage to you.
>Black Fang attacks the cragodile, dealing 15 damage.
>The cragodile attacks Black Fang, dealing 33 damage.
>You attack the cragodile, dealing 10 damage.
>The poison deals 7 damage to you.
>Black Fang attacks the cragodile, dealing 15 damage.

>The cragodile is defeated

You fall on your knees, on the very brink or exhaustion. Thankfully, as the beast turns into an essence, the fire of the toxins in your veins seems to leave your body. You feel weak and dizzy, but your condition is stable.
While not as badly beat up as you are, Black Fang still had to work for this fight.

“Curses, there’s still a lot of strength in these woods.” The mare laments. “This fight was embarrassedly hard on us! We need to get much stronger, and fast!”
“You’re in luck, then.” You slowly turn to the witch. “This is the most essences I’ve ever obtained in a single day. You were right, there’s a lot to gain when we work together.”
“Of course.” She smiles. “Now, let me see those. Once we infuse ourselves with all this power, the hardships of today’s fights will soon be a bad memory.”
While more than ready to accept the witch’s offer, at this point you realise something.

It is the evening.

“Wait… Black Fang, did you… make the day advance?”
The mare frowns at the words, but then the realization hits her too.
“Oh, I… didn’t plan to.” She seems surprised too. For a while she seems to focus, closing her eyes as though trying to hear a faint noise. “I merely, well, to put it simply, got us out of the space where beasts can face us. I didn’t think it would bring us back into a state where times flows normally again. Because I can tell you this, at this moment, time passes normally for us. And I believe it passes at the same speed for your friends too.”

That means your friends in the village will probably notice that you’re late if you don’t come back now. You have about 30 minutes until the sun set completely.

>What do?

>You have 3 glowing essences. From how they’re still drawn to each other, you can almost certainly combine those.
>You have 3 big essences that you can combine in a big essence.
Combine the three glowing essences into one big essence so we have four then give one to fang and use one for ourselves while the last two we keep them for the others. Fang if I spend the night with you will the monsters tried to attack the village?!
Frog and Scoria should be enough to hold the fort, so let's stay with Fang.
Combine the glowing essences and have Fang apply the big essence to us. As mentioned, bigger equipment with a slight lean to our sack (to advertise and store more potency), stamina, and more production! Let's make it happen!
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Did she shrink? considering the looks in the fights and this one...
I wonder if taking monster damage sips from her power instead of health, dangerous should she lose control and start attacking us
If we're gonna spend time together we should take care of reaping our rewards from the essences now so you and I can get right into too it unless you want to wait until the next time I've come back to see you tomorrow.

Fang remember your promise that you'll turn those massive teats of yours into leaking milky goodness for me I've been waiting a long time for that plus can you also make sure they'll feel more sensitive as well so you can feel more pleasure from me when I touch, grope, and smack my lips on your tasty assets I want to make your desires a reality the same way you want to do for me!
No I didn't came all this way and fought tons of monsters just for us to be deny the pleasures we both long for I'm staying here with you fang for rest of the night the others will be safe from the monsters after all we built a massive wall and gate around our village to protect them in case I don't come back one day and besides it would be a good idea to test out it durability so they can see how well it will protect them and what other modification s we can apply to make it stronger than before.
The last time I had fun with you black you pound me until I was unconscious and you had to carry me back to the village so this time I want to make sure I'm conscious when I wake up with you from spending the night with you in the forest because you'll all I want to be with right now.
I'm not going anywhere Black Fang I'm staying with you tonight! Combine the glowing essences so we have more in our possessions and use half of the big essences and save the other halfs for our friends.
Let's just use a big essence on ourself and use the others depending on that outcome. We can't come home with essences if the sorry is that Fang stopped us early.
We should probably be carried back to the village similarly to the way we were the first time we spent with her.
We could say that she's taken more control over the world and prevented us from returning like normal. Technically true if you exclude the willingness.
Better to combine three big essences and give them to Black Fang. That or share the four big essences between each other.
We should make it fair so everyone can be satisfied lance and fang each use a big essence and we bring the last two big essences for the village the next day I want to see these two spend the night making love together let's see some sexy magic happening.
Big essence for us first before anything. Make the changes mentioned before happen. Have Black Fang supposedly apply the essence to us gently to our groin and sack, and let us be worthy of fully filling Black Fang like a true stud.
Ask Black Fang as well if she shrunk, which is a concerning thought. Luckily, we can remedy such a problem soon. If we do give her an essence next post instead of waiting, make sure to apply it by via rubbing and squeezing her teats.
Why are we so keen on what to do with the last essences so soon? Let's use one on ourselves and see how much progress we make before deciding what to do with the rest. For all we know, the essence on us will make us stronger, as with all mares so far, rather than just being physical changes and nothing more.
I get the feeling that we'll only ever be able to hunt with her or have fun with her every day unless we want to spend the night with her.
The one reason I say to come back with no essences is because the witch was literally the first thing we found. So saying we tried to flee her would be more fitting in this case, her playing cat and mouse until we made out.
Get her to use a big one on us, and then fuse three big ones and give the resulting one to her. Although she doesn't have any kinda essence boost, so curious if it will use this as base or her starting size will count for that, because if it's the starting size, then I don't think the big essence will do anything, being level three and her having had three "defeat" growths and all.
will be coming back tomorrow
For a second you thought Black Fang was a little smaller than before, but looking at her she’s still as imposing as ever. This must have been a poor display of perspective in your depiction of the situation.

“Then the village will have to do without me for tonight.” You shakily get back on your hooves. “We didn’t fight all these beasts for me to bail out on you so soon.”
“That’s very good to hear.” Black Fang’s smile returns. “I can guarantee you won’t regret it.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t want to miss out on you. But let’s start with me.” You take one of the big essences and present it to the witch. “I’ve always wanted to know how it feels to get stronger with these. Use it on me.”

The mare carefully takes the orb with a satisfied grin. She brings it against her chest, and after she focusses for a few seconds, the orb seems to sip into her body.
“Mmh! Yes!” The mare lets out a loud moan as an apparent jolt of pleasure courses through her. Her rump hits the ground with loud plap as she sits down while she stretches her front hooves upwards, putting her imposing teats on full display for you. A second later, Black Fang utters another moan as her body surges a little larger all at once, her back hooves and rack coming slightly closer to you. Then there’s a second surge and another moan, but this time, rather than growing taller altogether, it’s only Black Fang’s curves that receive a prodigious boost. Her flanks widen yet again with more meat, but it’s her already prodigious teats that seem to double in girth before your eyes, swelling with milk that you see bead at the end of her now turgid nipples. At this point, each boob of the mare is larger than her head.

“Now, Lustre Lance.” The mare coos as she squeezes her teats between her thighs, triggering a rivulet of milk to come out of each of them. “The power you desire is right here. Come and take it.”

Once more, this isn’t an invitation you feel like refusing.

You lunge at the right teat of Black Fang, electing a sharp moan from her as you eagerly take her thick nipple into your mouth. Your mind is immediately flooded with pleasure. While your tastebuds are elated by the sweet and thick milk of the mare, hugging her warm and soft breast makes the aches of today’s fights vanish, and the like cries of pleasure from Black Fang as you work your teeth on her nipple make your gluttony feel validated. You soon rest your weight completely on the massive teat that is taut with milk, only increasing the flow of it spurting out in your mouth.
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You feel like you could keep drinking like this forever. The milk of the giantess fills more than your stomach, and soon it’s your whole body that feels like it’s directly bulking up from the nutritious secretion. Your bruises and cuts soon disappear in a light tingle, and then it’s you as a whole that makes more room to take in more of the elixir. Your skin burns with pleasure, expanding to contain the muscle mass swelling underneath. Your bones lengthen, your limbs thicken with power while an intoxicating sensation of growing potency compels you to suck even harder on the comparatively shrinking tit, all while the pleasured moans of Black Fang mount in intensity.

And as you wished, there are a few parts of you that fills up and grow faster than the rest, and the impulse to gorge yourself on Black Fang’s teats gets some concurrence by your urge to fuck her cleavage, or to slam your length into her rump, or to flood her throat with your seed for hours on end. Your shaft pulses bigger with each beat of your heart as you drink more and grow more, those fantasies getting more vivid in your mind as your equipment is readier than ever to breed the giant and over-voluptuous mare.
These delightful thoughts magnified by the succulent taste of Black Fang’s milk, you spontaneously climax against the mare’s breast you were suckling on, a groan huskier than what you’ve even produced escaping your throat as you glaze the expensive orb of flesh with your cum.

“Oh, so hot…” Black Fang comments as you cover a part of her with your goop. “Looks like you’re finally ready Luster Lance. You’ve become a champion of mine in body and mind now.”
Barely phased by her words, it’s still Black Fang’s body that concentrate the attention of your lust-crazed mind. While still more than a head taller than you are, the witch in front of you doesn’t look so big anymore with how you’ve grown. And even though you just climaxed, you do not feel even a hint of fatigue about it. Your breath is steady after not even 10 seconds, and your shaft is still as hard as before, pulsating with a formidable need to fuck the mare in front of you.

“I am yours to take now, but tell me …” Black Fang shows you a devious smile. “Are you gonna be satisfied with just this? Or are you going to give me the rest of those essences, and get your first taste of what the body of a goddess could be like?”

>What do?

>You have 3 glowing essences.
>You have 2 big essences.
Combine the three glowing essences into another big one and give black fang a second one so we can enjoy the loving sex of a lifetime with the giant mare she will be ours forever.

I wanna us to see the image of Lance sucking her milky crotchboobs that would be awesome maybe next time or your probably post lewd scene later. I do hope we can get see the image of them kissing each other as they having missionary sex.
Well that was a surprising move I did not expect that's how lance would retrieve the big orb essence pretty cool and sexy. Giving Fang more essences to be the first pony to get a taste of a body of goddess really intrigues me I say we do it and have ourselves a blast.
Will one or two more big essences be enough for you or do you actually need all of them to achieve that Black Fang?!
Wait, we actually grew, as in not just our equipment?... Did not see that coming. This is certainly going to be difficult and awkward to explain back at the village.
Back on the matter at hand, combine the glowing essences before combining all the big essences together to make a huge essence. Seems like we don't have to go all in on choosing between who to concentrate growth on with how it's split according to Black Fang's size and milk distribution. Give the huge essence to her and feast on her even more sensitive teats more ravenously to seek our portion of the prize. Could even make deciding the split a fun game by making it one in which we try to obtain as much growth from her as possible by milking and pleasuring her as much as we can to turn the tides. Either way, proclaim that we will make her a true goodness of not just desire, but also fertility.
Since one big essence had a bigger influence on physical changes than originally suspected, guess I may as well dump more horny ideas for changes.

Black Fang:
Irresistible and nearly addictive milk (no withdrawal)
Aphrodisiac juices and milk
More milk causing growing teats overtime (obviously haven't tested if there already yet, but just making sure)
More flank + toggleable fat?(weird one, but can't resist fat, bouncy flanks, nor muscly and hard ones, so maybe it's possible for her to be able to toggle manually with magic?)
Pheromones? (feels slightly cheaty, but it's an option)
Needy for cum (sneaky and dubious one, but since we somehow obtain essence from monsters due to our shroud, maybe it's possible to make changes to Fang ourselves using that? If so, ask to give her the essence ourselves, and try making her feel satisfied whenever she's covered or filled with our cum, kind of like how it feels to relieve a heat that wasn't there originally)

Luster Lance:
More junk (duh)
More cum (several rounds of fun in us is bound to make this messy)
More sensitive climaxes (got to make the experience even more enjoyable for us)
Toggleable refractory period (endless energy is fun but so is the feeling of afterglow)
Growing sack? (weird one, but similar to teats being engorged with milk, we suffer a similar fate in return and require the occasional release. Hesitant on it, because it is not all practical when we'll be spending time in the village mostly)
We came this far with her might as well go out with a Bang. Give her the rest of the orbs and claim that mare as our Lover we proven ourselves to her so let's have her!

I noticed lance still have some milk on his lips from tasting black fang crotchboobs. Lunge onto fang again and kiss her tightly and full of passion with both of their tongues wrestling each other so she can also taste some of her own milky essences with Lustre let the fire between them grow stronger!
How about give us pheromones and the ability to control our size so the mares in the village won't notice such obvious effects? If the find out we sided with Fang, than all of the relationships we made up till now will be ruined. Also, I'd rather us not be bigger since it'll make big mares bigger by comparison.
Do we sincerely expect to find the village not utterly ransacked by infinite mega-cargodiles tomorrow, or are we intentionally seeking the bad end?
If we're going to give her a huge essence, shove it right into her, push it to the end and absorb our share of growth from our mixed juices. As for the changes, proceed with the champion of desire theme and make our semen a weak truth serum to make ponies be more honest with themselves when we cum into them.
Blame the coomers and their need for instant gratification.
As I said before, I don't think it's wise to get back with essences with how we found her first, so combine the glowing into a big, then the big into the next step and give to her.
She has a lot of give on what goes in the world it seems, being the evil's "champion", per se, but I'm scared what fully siding with her might entail.
If she can assure no attack will come to the village, I think the smartest move might be to ask her to knock us out, instead of coming back normally. Perhaps having grown could be excused as her thinking we're not a worthy challenge anymore as we were and giving us a freebie, somehow.
Another fear of mine is keeping her boost and bringing it back to the village. That sounds like trouble and perhaps pinpointing the village location to the evil forces, something before protected by the light, which will have a dark presence with this boost.
It just occurs to me that we never seen black fang with her hair all the way down. It's always tie up so if giving her the remaining essences will allow her to let her mane loosen out all the way then let's see all of her luscious beauty in all its glory.

Lustre Lance becomes stunned and admires the tall mare's new form"Wow you're so beautiful Black Fang, you absolutely weren't kidding when you told me that I can make you more Beautiful and more of you to enjoy I can't deny myself of you any longer; I want you in my Life forever Black fang let's make this night become a special memorable experience for the two of us one worth remember in our memories. Time for you to give me that kiss you promise to give me after that battle"! Lance licks his milky lips and tackles into Black Fang as she catches and holds onto her champion as they make out and both of them moaning so furiously from the milky taste and it becomes more satisfying and intensifying as she feels the stallion's penis inside her and pounding her in all the vicious ravaging primal instincts he can muster into the witch.
>Literal porn logic post
Ignore this Anon

Also that's a good point >>41164465 , there's no way the priest mare won't notice the "dark" infusion...
But instead of getting beaten and sent back, I say we get rid of it completely. Also to not risk the solo "light" spot in the world to be discovered by the darkness.
We've been giving the mares of the village this same "darkness" the entire time.
I'm the first Anon, and my most of my assumption comes from the effect coming to us by being siphoned from Fang, as when we tried to use an orb directly like they do it was useless
Not sure how pheromones would help us hide anything, depending on how subtle or unsubtle it is. Thought of giving it to us, but feels like a cheat button that should be saved when everything is over. Not sure what the issue is in being bigger either, which is a huge rarity in a growfag quest, as long as Black Fang remains bigger in the end. A size toggle would be convenient, but that may be too specific to make easily happen. Still, doesn't hurt to try giving it to us.

If we're going to get a bad end instead of an evil end, then that'd be severely anti-climatic. Doubt Growfag would give us an unfun end at this point.

Not this. Very weak bait once again.

I don't think there's any dark presence? The talk of dark or darkness has never been brought up once in this quest. At worst, Grace may mention a lack of light in us, which we can excuse with saying Black Fang caused this on us. And while Black Fang doesn't know everything, pretty sure she'd have an easy time detecting whether our barrier has gone away or not. I mean, continuing to carry and combine essence shows a strong sign that we still have whatever was given to us.
We were already infused with darkness, they're called coomers.
>run-on sentences
>fucked up punctuations
>randomly capitalized words
>occasionally missing capitalization on proper nouns
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I have bad news. My computer fans are basically dead, so I can really use it without risking overheat (or feeling like I'm writing next to a lawnmower when they sorta work, which still sucks a lot)

Sorry about the short thread, but the quest while have to go in pause again for at least a couple day depending what the repairman will say.
Well, shit. Sorry to hear about that.

Out of curiosity, which fans have failed? If it's case fans, that's an easy, cheap, and fast replace. GPU fans failing is also an unfortunately common thing to happen. Never done it myself before, but you can buy replacement fans online and fix try to fix it yourself if the repairman can't.

If multiple fans have failed for some inexplicable reason, you can also try quickly downloading fancontrol at https://getfancontrol.com/. Useful, simple, and free application to control your fans. Maybe you can turn them back on to run adequately that way.
Damn, that's really unfortunate.
Seconding >>41165347's questions. Can you tell us more about your system?
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It's a laptop I didn't build myself. It's a gigabyte aero 15.

Also I've had problems with my fans getting sometimes noisy for a coupe weeks, but all my grug-ass was able to do was open the case to fiddle with fans and try to bend then to a non-scrap-their-pod postion.

Turns out all I achived was make those fans definetly loose on their axis, and I don't thin I can salvage this myself. Plus the components and screws are sometimes covered with with sticky foam precisely to avoid me try to play with them I guess, and I feel like I did that too much already.
Oof, laptop fans. That's not fun. Hopefully it's a simple fix, but sounds like a replacement fan change that'll most likely require the repairman to order it and wait around a week or more for it to arrive.

Don't know how you do art personally, but if the wait is indeed long, and you're still itching to write, there's always the option of getting a bluetooth keyboard for your phone in the meantime if you want to continue. Either way, hopefully it's a small fix.
Ahhhh a laptop, yeah that makes the situation considerably more complicated.
>getting sometimes noisy
I'd check it for miners first.
I hope you get this computer fans problem resolved soon Growfag I wish you the best of luck and I'm sorry to hear that. Oh once you've tooken care of it and got back to doing the growing village threads make sure to have lance says thank you to black fang for what she did for him.
Repair guy says it will take a week while taking in account the time for parts to arrive. So hopefully I'll return for a new thread by the end of next week

See you there and thanks for playing
Best of luck until then. Don't forget to update us in the general when things are fixed and when a new thread is about to be created.
Also, one last horny suggestion before ending the thread. Have Lance compare his equipment's new size to his body to get an estimation of how much it grew. Is it twice as big as before or something along those lines? And when we inevitably give Fang the essence and drink even more milk, how much did we gain this time while lost in our lust?

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