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/mlp/ - Pony

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Stinky Linky edition
OLD THREAD: >>41148303

Pony maps, sprays, and micspam!
Reskinned vanilla maps (with mares) by our very own anons!
Come relive the heyday of pony TF2 with your friends from /mlp/!

Visit our official website to check out the server info from your browser: https://mlp.tf/
If you'd like a custom icon on the mlp.tf scoreboard, post your Steam ID and attach your desired icon in the thread.

>Server info
Server IP: tf2.15.ai OR
Password: check filename
Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/mlptf2_
Map downloads (extract the .bz2 file, then place the .bsp file in /tf/download/maps): http://mlp.site.nfoservers.com/server/maps/
Player stats: http://mlp.gameme.com/
Download demos from matches (request demos in the thread): http://mlp.site.nfoservers.com/server/demos/
Active hours: 7-9pm to 12-4am EDT (32-64 players)
Custom MvM also available for early hours (42 player limit) and other gamemodes like Death Run or VSH for after-hours.

This server uses a plugin that changes the stats of some weapons. See https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=2717299 for more info. All reverts except for the old airblast are active by default, and most reverts can be toggled in-game.

Consider installing mastercomfig if you have frequent frame drops, bad hitreg, poor network connectivity, or are new to the game. See https://mastercomfig.com/ for easy installation. It is STRONGLY recommended that all players install some preset of mastercomfig since TF2's default netcode settings have not been changed since 2007.

THERE IS NO DISCORD SERVER ASSOCIATED WITH THIS THREAD. Any post mentioning "the /mlp/ TF2 Discord" is a troll and should be ignored.
/vg/-style chatroom-posting is OFF-TOPIC and should be reported as such.

No one is judged for being new to the game, and skill level across the playerbase varies.
Join the fun!
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Website for making in-game sprays: https://rafradek.github.io/Mishcatt/
Micspam guide: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39428553/#q39430287
Guide to adding pony models to any map: https://ponepaste.org/9223
Pony mod collection: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37462569/#37462590
Pony model replacements with voiceovers: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39697428/#39701005
Pony war paint texture mods collection: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/39788496/#q39796303
Having trouble with sprays showing up in-game? Put the following in the developer console: https://u.smutty.horse/mfwtrwijazh.txt
Getting error signs instead of pony models? Download them manually here: https://github.com/EtraIV/SpawnPony (place the materials folder into /tf/download).

>Videos and content
/mlptf2/ videos playlist (highlights, karaoke nights, Anon Fridays, etc.): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlaewUctCKsJqnVcSDf3d9oIBSpewUQsO
/mlptf2/ intro: https://u.smutty.horse/maqwtlmafwl.mp4
/mlptf2/ New Years (2023 edition): https://u.smutty.horse/mlakpjgcooh.mp4
/mlptf2/ 2-year anniversary: https://youtu.be/4fzG-WLKIyc
/mlptf2/ 3-year anniversary: https://youtu.be/e269nQZnqcY
first for dashie
28/64 on pl_metropolis_b8
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The reverted sandman MUST go
24/64 on marena_b4
open mic night when
dashie for quads
hopefully never
but at least IF it happens I can just do voice_scale 0 or whatever the command is
A week ago. Tough luck anon
phokas is a beta cuck
phokas is an alpha chad
I am a beta cuck OcO
no i am a beta cock :3c
if you are one of the people who voted sunset shimmer for OP mare just know your testicles will be crushed within the next 3 hours
I need for my balls to be crushed asap
But we agreed we should hold it more often, though this would either involve the admins staying on for longer or us bringing our own hardware.
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>bringing our own hardware
It would mean either us having our own Y-adapters or Bluetooth mics for supplying the audio.
What are you talking about
Oh. You mean karaoke.
We call open mic when people just talk in vc. Karaoke is when we sing
open mic night soon
don't reply to the retarded shitposter
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The next OP mare is Sunset Shimmer. Reply to this with your art if you want to have it voted on as being the next thread's OP art.
>He does not know about the /mlp/ tf2 computer rental service.
I can't believe /mlp/ TF2 is alive again and going on like ten years later.

I especially can't believe I actually recognize some names from all that time ago (mostly just Ghostmaster).
>alive again
We've never left though
There was a period in about I think 2013-2014 or something where the server stagnated and it was routinely just a few people chatting and not actually playing the game anymore and I stopped joining around that time.
There's still a few old guard lying about, too

You mean after the server split?
See I didn't even know the server split.
That makes a lot of sense.
Oh I thought you were talking about the current server
This server's been up since 2021, there wasn't a dedicated /mlp/ TF2 server between 2015 and 2020 or something
So why did the serve die back then, when tf2 was more popular, while now the new server is still going strong?
Way too much retarded drama
This server also has that though
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My memory is kinda blurry but in short, was just server tribalism between the server admin (Infinite_Tac0 I think) and a bunch of autists, Rockabass comes to my mind but there were others too; thinsg got so heated up that the community got split in two and then both communities withered and died

Nowhere on the same level as before, believe me on this.
For all the shit 15 gets, he's a good admin.
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>For all the shit 15 gets, he's a good admin
but he doesnt do anything
Oh yeah I knew about that retarded drama. I thought you meant like the split between 2015 server and the current server.
I think I'll hop in from time to time in a few days. I basically stopped playing TF2 after the server died because casual queue is AIDS and I didn't know many other decent servers.
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>I thought you meant like the split between 2015 server and the current server.
I wouldn't call it a split because the previous community quite literally died, it just happen 15 came later and made another TF2 pony community that still lasts to this day.
> basically stopped playing TF2 after the server died because casual queue is AIDS and I didn't know many other decent servers.
Relatable, if it wasnt for this server and arguably Mann Up I wouldn't be playing TF2 at all.
The best admins do nothing at all when they aren't forced to do something. Would you prefer a megalomaniac who constantly fucks with the server to suit his mood at the time? Or worse, one that selectively enforces rules on a buddy system and bans people off of "don' loike 'em"?
As much as people shit on 15 for doing those, he really doesn't. Pretty much everyone who gets banned earns it.
Man, I don't even like him, and here I am defending him. Dude's a dick, despite being a mostly-good admin.
Your a d*ck
I'm kinda pissed about it because we haven't been able to play the counter strike gungame in half a year because he's never on to enable it
The CSGO dust 2 map and plugin is broken
You suck dick
Alright, we had three winners, and two who could collect their rewards. Remember that I gotta know that you've won, or else I can't send you your prizes.

It's past midnight, so I'm gonna post the next challenge:
Stable-Tec Arcane Targeting Spell
Max out the banked crits for the Manmelter, Diamondback, or the Frontier Justice. Gotta have 35 all at once, not counted over time!
Reward: 3 Manmelters, 3 Diamondbacks, AND 3 Frontier Justices... or 1 ref if you're lacking fun.
the map isnt broken, it just fights with the gscramble plugin to decide whether players will be in 1 team or 2 teams
if 15 disabled the plugin we could play the map just fine
Make that three, since I just sent a trade offer.
No, that's not all. gscramble has been turned off ever since we found out that broke gungame, but the map itself broke sometime last year. It doesn't show who's in the lead, sometimes the gun doesn't show up properly, it doesn't show who's on the knife round, etc
3/64 on pk_bigcity_tf_cars
>if it wasnt for this server and arguably Mann Up I wouldn't be playing TF2 at all
More proof that matchmaking was a mistake and valve should have sticked (and improved) with early quickplay
>Relatable, if it wasnt for this server and arguably Mann Up I wouldn't be playing TF2 at all.
True for me as well. Wonder how many people are in the same boat.
I take this to mean we won’t see a ponified tr_walkway anytime soon.
...what? I'm not a mapmaker, Anon, I just set the challenges.
>Dude's a dick
What makes you say that?
But there being such a map would make the challenges easier unless we say it wouldn’t count there.
so what you're saying is the GAME part of the map works properly, but the UI sometimes glitches out? so why can't we play it in spite of that?
Personal interactions with him. I'm gonna keep it vague because I'm not a total retard like Cake, saving and posting DMs and partychats.
I'm still not a mapmaker, Anon- and yes, these challenges ONLY count when we're playing on the server.
I mean, if we can get a mapmaker to make tr_walkway into an actual map and for some reason we play it, it would count.
what if we play MvM and everyone farms frontier justice crits there
Ok Health Angel
That wouldn't be very sporting, or very fun. Please don't make me write out a whole rulelist of what counts and what doesn't count.
me and 15? not on good terms
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15 please add this cool map back

me and PSI? not on good terms
wtf why
he said Rainbow Dash is good for anal
Unf Dashie anal plap plap plap
i like this server because it is full of retards and then one retard thinks he can become king retard. he is then soon humbled by an admin divine judgment or being absolutely shat on by better jaded tf2 players
i will be the next king retard
name three
this guy >>41160600
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Linky smells good!!!
thank you
What is this?
I dont know
I think Dashie is adorable
Me to
i dont
How did you do that
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No! She STINKS!!
(and that's a good thing)
passive aggression, the post
call it whatever you want pookie~~ <3
uwu nuzzles you :3
i miss cake sparkle
active affection, the post
open mic / karaoke tonight maybe?
So what are our feelings on inviting a stranger to the server in return for him giving us access to the EOI models?
Have you read the rules of the server?
Yes, but if he is doing a service for us, it may be the right thing to carve out a one-time exception.
EOI models?
If I’m making an EOI-themed map, I may want to have them rather than the ones we already have. This guy may have been told to make the models private or something and I don’t really have much experience with Blender. The only one I could find was a Rarifruit model.
dashie night
going to be testing out my lmaobox on the server tonight guys, hope anypony doesnt mind
I certainly mind. I understand that this server is typically not used for comp matches, but even if the point of this server is just to have fun, altering the game to be in one’s favor ruins it for everyone else. In recent history, we have already had to deal with at least one cheater who raided our server and was permabanned that same night.

If you have weapon mods you’d like to test out, please run the game with -insecure and/or only test it out in practice matches with bots. If you want to use it in secure servers, please submit it to the workshop so that Valve can at least have a chance at allowing all of us to use it.
Its okay phokas we dont mind
I would mareoke tonight, yeah
hi plain
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If only I had access to this classic model
ok 15
While I find this fitting for Pinkis Cupcake, I’m not sure whether I’d want her head to be empty of eyeballs in the map.
ok TheGhostmaster
femboys on mic? yes please
homosexual down's syndrome autists on mic? no thanks.
if you want a free australium dm me
any one of us, neck yourself
phokas can i dm you for hot steamy stallion sex
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Guys, what would Dashie think of us?
i miss plain sight
Disgust and annoyance
me and plain sight? not on good terms
Nooo PSI
I kiss boys
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She doesn't think
i dont think
Careful, mention his name to much and a certain schizo will appear and write a very lengthy paragraph on how he’s actually the worst person ever
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join now
3/64 on mlp_rockpaperglimmer_a2
pre game mann vs machine?
7/64 on warioware_redux_v5c
This map is hardcrashing me.
captcha: dashie
you cannot captcha dashie, she is too fast
cute post anon!
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32/64 on pl_swiftmare_b1a
Yay Dashie
I thought TF2 was being boycotted or something
That means people are refusing to pay money for it (based)
This would be a somewhat significant hit, due to how surprisingly large the amount of money the game brings in is
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Any faggots on mic tonight?
virgin “spread the heals” vs chad heavy pocketers
Going to run a train on sleezus soon, anypony else going to join in?
Can we get a team names vote going it's been moonths
me :3
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youre going to WHAT :scream:
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*shoo be dooo shoo shoo be doo*
Someone post the iceberg, I want to update it
Looks like we got one winner tonight, >>41162418, and I can see why- I couldn't do it myself, even with a bit of effort!

I'm still figuring out tomorrow's challenge, but thank y'all for participating!
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Here you go
ill never recover from it…
i am going to research the killjoy project
>Are Zepdos and Peachy female
No but Zepdos has a fine ass
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>Fraenkie's Grand Scheme
how many of these things on this list can be explained
please im genuinly autistic and i REALLY want to know so fucking bad
Never understood the “say it in the server” mentality, the thread is where discussion is supposed to happen. I get that this is done when somebody is shit talking another player but what does saying it in the server accomplish? You’re likely going to get muted if you even dare try to talk bad about another member (especially if it is targeted towards a admin) for trying to “stir up drama” and most of the time people are not even willing to engage in the conversation at all and are more busy just playing the game or doing who knows what, which is the entire purpose of why people say this stuff in the thread in the first place.
because you have literal schizos who shit up the thread with their artificial drama they created in there own head, hate for people like melodic only exist in the threads for a reason
>hate for an disgusting egotistical assholish admin who is willing to abuse their power to anyone for no reason only exists in the threads
gee i wonder why
why can't melodic be more like gielnik bros...
>willing to abuse their power to anyone for no reason
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this was a seriously impressive map. vscript sure is powerful!
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Quake 1 in TF2? That's fucking sick!
Are there any servers dedicated to this map? It’s like if “CoD: Zombies” or “Doom” were a competitive game in the Minecraft universe.
Any time Lank dominates me I get turned on. I can just imagine him in his white navy dress uniform that pronounces his cute butt grabbing me and forcing me down on the ground, placing his soft hand on my throat as he saddles on my crotch. No homo btw
So if that gm_construct look-alike is still in development, I have some comments to make.

The map overall is not doomed from the start, but it seems rather bland overall and some additional guidance on what exactly the players need to do to win should be given. This has the potential to be a good control points or koth map with the control point(s) in one or several buildings or possibly even a payload map with the cart following what would be a light rail track on the streets.

I was unable to steer any of the cars, nor was I able to kill anyone in the art museum or discotheque. If we are going to use this in any serious play, this needs to be addressed.
Lank is a curvy bottom companion
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Post funny killcams
this but when i dominate sleezus
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Alright, dumping some old ones
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>Posted the wrong pic
Fuck, enjoy some ponka ass either way
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Didn't mean to reply to you. Ignore your (You). You don't deserve it
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Bonus flutter BBQ
Did mean to reply to you. Embrace your (You). You did deserve it
I think that Valve’s official servers are being boycotted, not community servers like this one.
Wouldn’t a bland map only mean that building the map from within the game would be the way to play? This would mean that engineers, snipers, and medics would be the stars of the show if they’re the ones who make up the more interesting details of the map.
my hands are NOT soft, I work for a living and have callouses from the gym >:(
stop STOP IT leave that pony alone!
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48 recent screenshots
>pony with a grotesque human ass
cute peachy though
>pony with a grotesque human ass
extremely based
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So you have a strong grip? Even better.
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>I work for a living
What did he mean by this
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I am excited for Flutterzoo Friday this week!
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same :O
can the /mlptf2/ video playlist be updated so i can reminisce about the recent #funnymoments we had and continue larping as an oldfag
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brony sex tonite?
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Damn how old is this screenshot
bros i miss peachy so much...
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Not quite two years old
>Lime NMM
How time flies
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put your applejack flag back on pls
with dashie wings
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I kiss boys
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I love her.
We knew already, pedo
Luna doesn't have this much ass. This is propaganda!
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I disagree.
Nice trips
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Alright! It took me way too long to thing of one. It's because I'm chronically dumb

Milky Way's Bad Day
Be milked, marked for death/jarate'd, AND gassed/on fire. That's three of them, all at once!
Reward:3 mad milks, 3 jarates, and 3 gas passers
Bonus reward, if it's milked, jarate'd, bleeding, and on fire: 3 bonus cleavers
can tomorrow be something about the huntsman i want to practice my arrow reflects more
I'll think on it, the hardest part about these challenges is naming them!
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You are excused.
16/64 on pl_marewater_b6
A joke among computer scientists is that there are only 2 hard things in computer science: cache invalidations, naming things, and off-by-one errors.
thanks 15
Your welcome
This problem is easily solved with the Natascha
But a scout using items in the Number One Fan set can counter this.
delete tryhards from the server please
have sex with them instead
i hate it when my cash is invalid i end up getting pressed down on the neck by police mares
remember to kill phokas
remember to kiss phokas
I cant remember, what happened in september…
>demoknight with pocket medic got a 15 killstreak
/mlptf2/ has fallen
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>Demoknight MVP
Funny you're a good lad
>The real EScotty was replaced with a copy
I joined the server when my life was on the way to getting better, this phenomena is the re-emergence of depression/anxiety. Sometimes (You) is what you have to fix.
the 15 patreon money one is pretty self explanatory since it clearly isnt going to 15ai
TF2 runs great on his i9-13900K and RTX 4090 rig.
"Carrot Top is an actual mare" is based on a spray that she used in game once (by accident?) showing a shockingly realistic looking version of the eponymous mare. Unfortunately the spray seems to have later gotten corrupted in everyone else's game files and Carrot has refused to acknowledge it ever since. In fact the glowie mares might be after me for even mentio
Can you explain
"Zaifer is in the sinaloa cartel" is because he's mexican and all mexicans are criminals
her name is Linky Links not just Linky.
>The Kazuhira incident
This one has kind of been memory-holed, but Kaz used to be a server regular about two years ago who one day decided to invite a couple of his off-boarder friends. His friends then proceeded to make a youtube video dunking on the server and making fun of regulars. The video was found by a community member by chance a couple months later and shared to the thread. Kaz was presumably banned.
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>no mute button
>no light mode
>no link to gameme
>no link to demo files
>no link to videos and content
>no link to revert plugin
>no link to steam group
>player stats still broken
>livestreaming removed
>player profile left half finished
>many other cool ideas not added
her name is stinky linky
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She is a mare of many names
video link?
I remenber, tried to search for his video but couldn't find it
Real video begins at 4:47
>Mare name weekend
Why don't we have these anymore?
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>implied by: busty shoeshine
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>2 years ago
It genuinely doesn't feel like it, what the fuck
ah know, ah know
wait what on my end i didnt see the bomb or the fire! thats crazy i missed out on the cool :(
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>busty shoeshine
>Only 4 results
I need to see more of her big anthro tiddies.
85% of them are based off of an event that happened loosely. Pick a few and I'll see if I can remember what happened.
>Mastercom made a Quickplay app for TF2
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this is what happens when you play on compfag settings, you miss out on all the cool stuff
>Here's your empty server, bro
Why not have stallion name weekend and how would the names be decided?
but i dont play on compfriend settings i just have masterconfig
>I deliberately install a mod that makes the game look worse
>How could this be happening to me?
marena idea
shared pool of respawns to tampndown dying early and being bored
is it possible?
what if you avoided dying early
Do you mean like a team deathmatch? wouldnt that change what arena is fundamentally?
Isn’t that what the Doom(?) map was for?
I’m genuinely curious: is the Class Warfare plug-in embedded into the map or can it be turned on or off on any map? If it’s the former, this would explain why I have never seen any server besides this one play Class Warfare on a map that wasn’t Dustbowl.
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the map is coded with vscript. it's embedded in the map.
the class warfare plugin can be enabled on any map you want, but other communities outside this one are retarded and only want to play dustbowl 24/7
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what is a vscript?
>doc will never tell you to do this
Be mareful what you wish for
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Dashie dont swear
>[Wapa liked this message]
we have literally played class war on other maps, we played on that 5cp map that takes place in the toybox map with the two big bedrooms
yes thats literally what I said
>the class warfare plugin can be enabled on any map you want
you could always just retweak the masterconfig settings or get a new config to reenable sillygibs ragdolls and effects while still keeping the benfits of all the other settings
This, I play classwars on a network server (blackwonder maybe) and they added a classwars server with rotating maps, the excitement lasted for 2 weeks at most and right now they are back to dustbowl 24/7
dashie warfare
tfw too responsible with sleep schedule to play anymore
Oh, Im sorry, I read that as >can the class warfare plugin be enabled on any map you want
thinkking about fragging out big time in the server tonight dont log on unless u wanna get totally owned and pwned
thinking about dashie
be really gay in chat too
Me to
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Wishing you both restful eeps!!
ok PSI
17/64 on pl_marewater_b6
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If you don't like Dashie, you like men.
What if I like Dashie, but I don’t like Rainbine?
ok plain
not if i have something to say about it
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1/64 pl_marewater_b6

Good try anon! but that's actually Rarity!
I don't just like Dashie. I LOVE Dashie!
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if you look like this I'll join
bit to early for marewater desu
15 looks like this
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>switching to marewater on 1 player
you dumbass
no he is more feminine
>switching to marewater on 1 player
you intelligent individual
How do you know?
he sucked my dick at mare fair
Did he say no homo?
MAREWATER TIME (for real this time) GET IN HERE
Only one winner yesterday, but tonight! Tonight's the night I don't think I'll have to pay out.

Octavia's Grand Symphony
Collect 20 heads as a demo
Reward: 9 eyelanders
Air Strike soldiers, Bazaar Bargain snipers, and Vita-Saw medics- beware and rejoice, because all those mechanics steal each other's resources.

Don't you worry, >>41164855, I'm still thinking on a huntsman one. I was just asked for a demoknight one first.
>Collect 20 heads as a demo
>Only one winner yesterday
That sounds surprising, considering that I’ve had so many things thrown at me and the number of times I’ve been lit on fire as a spy. Are you sure not even PSI won?
Only one person claimed it, yep yup! Makes sense, there's quite a lot of ways to die fast when debuffed ao thoroughly. It also doesn't help that the Dead Ringer and the Demoknight charge remove most of those debuffs.
It means my hands are dirty and calloused and most definitely not soft, dainty officer hands
>It also doesn't help that the Dead Ringer and the Demoknight charge remove most of those debuffs.
so do healing and the other spy watches. not to mention friendly milk, jarate, and medkits getting rid of fire.
Not a good challenge, for a single Natashafag or Degreaser/Reserve Shooter Pyro will hard shut you down and there's nothing you really can do as Demoknight
We would tell you about the Loch n Load, but you’d accuse us of being robots from the future here to take American jobs.
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That'd be true for any demoknight challenge I put down. But, I'm always open to suggestions for future ones!
Have you consider using your grenade launcher?
24/64 on pl_marecoast_b2
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ummmm.... do i get extra points or anything?
>several demoknights
>Phokas topscoring as heavy
The pain never ends, it only transforms from stickyspam to Natasha
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my laggy luck. headshot thru a wall.
>he just lets it happen
Let people have fun
thats funny given phokas quite literally does not let people play the videogame lol
...by shooting demoknights
Someone is always going to complain about how someone else is playing regardless, it isn’t just phokas. Why should someone just give up how they want to play because one salty manchild isn’t having fun because of it. If everyone had to stop playing a certain way because someone decided to be a big cry baby about it then nobody would be having fun at all.
no, it takes a special breed of asshole to play natasha during low pop games, and he's the only one that consistently does it, sticky spamming is dumb but at least you get to move around
>Why should someone just give up how they want to play because one salty manchild isn’t having fun because of it
This is a fair point, and why I think most people who call for action about someone doing something they personally don't like is stupid. However, Phokas is not like this. What he does, gimp movement of everyone in the fucking lobby, ruins the fun of an entire team. There are practically droves of people who complain about what he does, it's not just ghost or whoever you think.
I’m 100% certain Any One of Us is a bot
he says hes not
If you actually play in the server, you’ll notice I have a killstreak kunai. Bots wouldn’t have items like these if their hosters aren’t willing to spend the extra dough.
its easier to complain about phokas using a weapon people dont like rather than do literally anything about it
Based phokas for being a TRUE fun enjoyer
How about suck it up and play sniper?
wtf i love phokas now
big crybaby spotted
big retarded asshole spotted
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>Ah've been doin' some thinkin', and I got me some ideas on how t'improve Demoknight.
>Ah got it right heah.
>Ach, one; Demoknight needs ta be stronger, faster, and have immuniteh t'anythin' that might slow 'im down.
>Two; whenever Demoknight isn't in a game, all the players should be askin', "Oy, where's Demoknight?"
i baked you a pie
dont play heavy but with this much amount of seething, im going to try it out tomorrow
dashie pie
pinkie pie
Then don't play when he is on lowpop?When its highpop they don’t let him easily just nataschafag topscore. If he isn’t going to change how he plays, (you) could always change or adapt.
>Then don't play when he is on lowpop?
By that logic nobody would join to play in the first place.
...Or he could be considerate and switch off of that weapon on lowpop. Just because one retard wants to play with a broken weapon doesn't mean every other player should skip out on the game. I used to like olokol, but I really hate fuckass. I don't know what happened, but he just isn't fun to be around anymore.
>I used to like olokol
I don't like anyone.
>I used to like olokol
I like everyone
Is phokas the evil version of olokol?
As much as it annoys me facing a pocketed natascha every night, I do not like what is happening in thread right now. Phokas is our friend, you’re being rude and hurtful over a video game
this, hating on people who just want to play the game is rude and mean and we should all be nice to each other :3
Phokas will always be our friend no matter what
>Phokas is our friend
We communism?
i will show my love and care for our friend phokas by pocketing him
I will show my love and care for our friend phokas by fucking him
Does this mean we’re just calling it quits for the night?
No, rejoin
My reporters say that you're the only winner tonight- and... uh... I thought that'd be harder. You managed to DOUBLE my challenge in under an hour.
I kinda feel like I HAVE to give you an extra something for this.
I'm still thinking up tomorrow's challenge (and worse, thinking up names), so stay tuned!
Double the heads, double the prize. 9 Eyelanders and 9 Claidhaemhors.
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>I'm still thinking
<3 thank u doc
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The #1 and #2 teams in AM are playing on Wednesday, 9:30 EST. It will be streamed here:
can i watch?
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comp related from the NC team

the sign up period ends in three days, so if anypony has time during 7:00-9:30pm EST and wants to play soldier, demo, or med for Cadence please send me a message on steam. (i don't bite unless told to)

What does this have to do with this server?
15 made that post.
No, he didn't. I did.
Yes 15
No Anon
I think about Lank
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congratulations getting a cast, thats exciting. the jits will mop the floor with various_bird_gifs, and mane6s chrysalis will turn the florida jits into fried gator giblets in playoffs
please dont post the recent logs

both nc and am are rank 6 and fighting for third place in their divs this week.
our am team is playing tonight. mane6s season 2 v super sigma sackers. i don't want to steal viewers but its a shame that we don't really advertise our matches anymore. can drop stv if anyones interested in it and maybe stream it friday
and tomorrow is our nc team's match: mane6s cadenza v shloppy. i can stream it, maybe even a biased cast would be fun
how many teams are there? all these mane 6s + acronym are confusing
only 2 but democracy took too long and we couldn't give the am team a name. what really won was mane6s season 2, but as an act of rebellion im calling it chrysalis
3 teams but only 2 of them are actually pony and all 3 of them are annoying
btw I bite
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>phokas is our friend
He's in my friends list
he didn't friend me >:(
is it a creampie
oh boy, what flavour?
why does phokas never talk in chat :(
captcha: S0RY
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>natascha heavy on other team
>switch to sniper
>hard scope and click his head
>my team wins
it's that easy
>b-b-but I can't aim
skill issue
honestly, if you refuse to switch classes/loadout in order to counter the other team it is (You) who are anti-fun. It's TEAM fortress, not "anon plays his autistic meme loadout and complains that his team doesn't support him" fortress
somebody link phokas steam profile ive never played with them i dont think
this, so much complaining instead of doing anything
I have seen him call some maps bad, he said he didn't like the pl dashie map.
one time I said "let me plap you" and he said "I do the plapping around here" which made me laugh and that's the only other time I've seen him talk. I like phokas he is funny
so the entire team should be sniper, or only go where a sniper can cover? post is actually nothing
>pretending to be this retarded
i just would like to not get my head blown off by a sniper around every corner :3
everything else is fair game to be annoying to me but i'll still play and love tf2
will be running the natascha all game tonight, dont join unless you want to be totally dominated and pwned
why does applejack never talk in chat :(
so which is it
i thought people were allowed to have fun with the game the way they want
why should they have to switch off sniper just because of one person
The true answer is play however you want to, people complain about literally anything and you don't have to listen to those retards. Just have fun.
didnt say they had to, i just dont find it partcularly enjoyable
he's too busy listening to five different videos and music playlists at once
Here are some questions I have about the Marena loadouts:

Is there a reason why the Frontier Justice is paired with the Southern Hospitality instead of the Gunslinger? I could see how both could make their ways into the game.

Why is the #1 Fan loadout is missing the Soda Popper? Isn’t its main gimmick the ability for the scout to have more jumps when he does enough damage?

How come the Big Earner spy loadout has the Quäckenbirdt instead of the Cloak and Dagger?
whats the password to this server
Fuck off
it's been one week
Lmao, idiot can't read
no password you have to be whitelisted, @ someone in the discord server and they'll add you
ping a mod or ask in the #help channel
I'm sorry guys but it said check filename i typed it in but it said bad password
Did you check the filename
Go to mlp.tf
Click on "connect to server"
Type in the password
Then what's the password.
Look at the top left corner of the image holy fuck
it says iwtcil.png is it without the .png or with it
Good question.
Let me think
sorry anon, people with negative IQs are not welcome here
When's our next game
this is false, half the people on the server are dashfags
We get one guy like this every once in a while. I refuse to believe these aren't shitposts
give it a couple hours, real tf2 starts at like 9pm (EDT)
Is anything actually being done about offboarders, keep seeing these randoms just pop in all of a sudden and never get questioned at all
Cirno is honorable /mlp/ because she kept stealing all the GETs.
never, the server is being shut down for good in a few minutes
deal me in boys im in at 9pm
I normally question new faces as soon as I see them. Of course I do check gameme to see if they're actually new and not a name I myself had not seen.
But what do we do if a person doesn't answer or just ignores us? Do we vote kick them?
Also, kicking someone just because they don't want to talk has caused some conflicts between players in the past
I have seen a lot of new names recently, are they actually offboarders though or just newfags?
Around 8pm to 10pm is when TF2 time starts kicking in, just check mlp.tf to see if there are players online
bro please no it will be on at 9pm
I thought the pop quiz of who the wonderbolts were was clever
If they alt tab and afk it's all over
We put them through the dahir experience and have them list twenty eight mares
dashie experience
i will at 8pm and this server is not flawless
anyone want to mann up
Then does anyone have any Rainbine or EOI models I could use?
A majority of players have yet to get the Ghastly Gibus Grab achievement, so it may be safe to assume the latter.
no i want to mare up
sunsetshimmerbros… the op art will be coming soon right?
Sunset is a sloot and smells like overcooked bacon. Nothing of value lost
I will draw the next op art
I was going to draw an OP pic but I don't really like/know anything about shimmer
her armpits get really steamy and sweaty under her leather jacket
Nominating a filly for next op mare
What if we use this?
for everyone having problems (re)downloading the maps everytime they enter the server, you could check the most played maps (using mlp.tf) and follow the OP instructions to install them

Map downloads (extract the .bz2 file, then place the .bsp file in /tf/download/maps): http://mlp.site.nfoservers.com/server/maps/
Is that what the quiz was in the N64 Rare map last night? I had trouble navigating it, so where was the quiz?
It usually only happens when the server gets changed to a map where the .bz2 doesn't exist in the FastDL, so only people who have had the map downloaded before can join.
Here we are again, fillies and gentlecolts. Today, the pyros are gonna have a hell of a time.

Twitchy Tail
Reflect a Loose Cannon for a double donk, or reflect a huntsman arrow for a headshot
Reward: 3 Rainblowers, 3 Huntsmans, and 3 Loose Cannons
Bonus points if your victim isn't the demo/sniper that gave you your reflected damage, because nothing's better than killing someone who did nothing wrong
Reminder than if you ever see a player named “Phokas” playing heavy, always remember to heal them and never let them die. Phokas is everyone’s favorite player on the server!
Use the battalion's backup so Phokas becomes immume to headshot as well.
as a bit of critique for your challenge design, it can feel kind of bullshit trying to finish a challenge which requires both someone on the enemy team equipping one of two very niche and awkward weapons and deciding to shoot them at the class which they know is going to be going for these reflects.
That's the fun of it though
what if nobody on the other team equips the weapons?
Suck their cock
oh god, the download is so slow.
oh Moloch, the download is fast.
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oh Celestia, the download is average
only of them has a dick so it's not gay
Based futa Fluttershy enjoyer
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based off of recent events
It is a bit bullshit to complete this one, it's true, but the huntsman and the loose cannon aren't uncommon sights on the server. I bank on some players trying to facilitate the challenge just as much as the ones doing it. The challenges are ultimately supposed to be some pure dumb fun, as you'd rarely find someone actively trying to do what's been set out. There's a reason that the rewards add up to basically nothing. Well, that and I can't afford to give out anything substantial daily.
I'll make tomorrow's easier, though. There won't be any requirements on the enemy team's weapon choice, just class.
5/64 on Marewater
12/64 on marewater
It's early
what stream
Florida Jits vs various_bird_gifs: https://www.twitch.tv/firesidecasts
MANE6S vs super sigma sackers: https://www.twitch.tv/mlptf2
Happening now
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15's team lost ohhhhh
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Floridia Jits and MANE6S lost...
30/64 on koth_ponut_b2a
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Why I get this recomend video
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[SM] Vote successful. (Received 55% of 22 votes)
[SM] The answer to Final vote is: Zecora.
Can we have some actual variety in the op mare, tired of getting the same ones over and overx
That doesn't rhyme
It’s should be starlight permanently
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yes it does dumdum
I dont know
Have you tried nominating
anyway zecora was last op mare in july of last year, so what are you complaining about? just before this we had gilda which hasn't been op mare since 2021
Zecora normally does limerick rhymes, this doesn't feel like one
Don't call me a dumdum, you doo doo face
I think he's thinking.
What do you think?
No, she doesn’t. A limerick rhyme involves two rhyming two-liners, followed by one line that rhymes with the first one. Think of the “man from Nantucket who slept with his teeth in a bucket”.
yona for next op mare
yona more like YAWNa
me here, meant to say flim and flam
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absolutely rushed this in 3 hours and she might have turned into a filly because of it
Why shimmer be cryin'?
Cute Shimmy!
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i will kill the thread
What is this absolute fucking garbage?
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anon said she smells like overcooked bacon
No it's Shimmer
smell dashie
First for Twi Ponut
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snif snif SNIIIIIFF
>reply number 504
>trying to start shit when the thread has passed bump limit
wait until the next thread to start drama please
My internet is really bad, sorry.
Third for Twi Ponut
What about Brutalight ponut?
twi isn't a fast mare like Dashie
you dont understand i need to shit talk other players in the thread now or else im going to explode
explode inside a mare instead
explode inside a stallion instead
mmmm, mare sweat
explode inside sleezus instead OcO
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Whew 0c'0 sexo
Sleezus irl
would plap
uhhh newthreadbros?
Next OP pic
NEW >>41170075
>NEW >>41170075
NEW >>41170075
>NEW >>41170075
pinkie pie? pinkie pie! pinkie... pie.

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