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I wont stand for this
Honest question do you think Sunset regrets murdering herself? Her AU counterpart from the original Equestria Girls world? I mean Starlight is evil but she just killed timelines, Sunset is strongly if not outright implied to have disposed of and assumed the role of someone who existed. Not just that person but herself. Imagine going to an alternate reality, seeing a more successful version of yourself making a six-figure salary, with parents who love him, a family and Christians morals and murdering them. Thats what Sunset did. Worst part is the parents probably don't know or gave up trying to find her.

Unicorns are just monsters, either psychopathic control freaks or warmongerers.
Who cares? Anyone who watched this won't go to Equestria anyway, so in the long run it will become as irrelevant as a grain of sand in the desert.
nice oc
This may be a controversial world view, but Equestria does not exist
From the look on your face, Sunset, it looks like you won't be standing much longer, period.
>he doesn't know
Have you seen the rest of the universe? Who's to say there isn't an Equestria in another universe? Could be possible.
lick belly button and caress plump tummy
Like you're doing right now?
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I guess if the ponies were as vibrant & rainbow coloured as birds are here on on earth. and also the apex being of their reality

Why would they all speak human language though? that's very specific to our own cryptic and exploit filled systems of communication
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Kill yourself, ticketcuck
>Honest question do you think Sunset regrets murdering herself?
No, as it was most likely self-defense. Can't speak for anyone else, but I know for certain that if I saw an exact clone of myself, my only course of action would be to kill it.
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Sunset didn’t murder the OG human Sunset Shimmer. Her fate is known to one man: Nick Confalone

I would rape an entire field of niggers if I could get my hands on a final script. I would literally do anything.
>Laws of physics change because muh waifu
As opposed to your autistic ramblings of
>only people who agree with me get to go to the fictional afterlife
I mean, we don't really know what else is out there in the universe, so who's to say there isn't a planet inhabited with cute, colorful equines who can talk and have human-level intelligence out there? It might be unlikely, but it's also unlikely that doesn't exist. Can't say for sure until we get to these other planets for ourselves or make contact with the inhabitants.
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Her original was deported back to Equestria, Ace did an oopsie and mixed up the two.
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This is a naked mare.
Unicorns just often have the power to significantly influence the world, unlike inferior species. That's why they are the master race.
Equestria is being hidden by NASA
Why would he do that to Shimmer?
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So she IS in Equestria? Its fun to imagine what she could be doing. Could be part of the manehattan mob or slumming it up with some other species around the world. Lots of possibilities. Wouldn't be too far fetched to vy for godhood upon realizing that magic is real and she has a controller for it on her forehead.
I wonder why pony Sunset dropped her life in Equestria in an instant. She left behind her friends, home, and family just like that and never went back. The only one who noticed she was missing was Celestia and that's because she fucked with the mirror.
>inb4 "she didn't have friends or a family"
Come on now, there had to be somepony who knew her.
She evidently did't have any real friends before making the move, and if she had better parents then she wouldn't be as warped as she was.
we will never know.......... why is fate so cruel
This is fandom bullshit. Sunset has never even been implied to have met her human counterpart; this was something planned by the writers but the series got cancelled before it could be done. Comics don’t mean shit, either.
Thats the power of love baby
Another L for the thirdworld
Well, I was just going off of the ponies on the show. If we're talking about a completely different planet, then yeah, they would obviously have their own means of communication and their own language. Now that could be interesting. A pony language, or even various pony languages.
That is pretty funny what you just said, OP.
Silly horsie!
That's not standing, that's rearing.
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You're mad
It's sad
Feelin' good to be an EqGCHAD!!!!
Dr. Glimmer. I'm EQG.
Why are you reciting your trans motto?
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Welp, SOMEBODY'S confused...

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