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The GOAT edition

Previous thread: >>41104385

/ourlobby/: Leaf (rip)

Console release is here! (Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation 4 and Playstation 5, Microsoft Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psdeHoARfYM

========= Events =========

None at this time


>Steam page:http://store.steampowered.com/app/574980/Thems_Fightin_Herds/
>Patch Notes:http://store.steampowered.com/news/?appids=574980
>Notation and Input Primer:https://forums.themsfightinherds.com/index.php?threads/785/
>Fighting Game Beginner's Guide:
>Mizuumi Wiki:

>1.0 trailer:
>Shanty trailer:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiw3kMTAVFo [Embed][Embed][Embed]
>3.0 trailer:
>Texas trailer:
>Stronghoof trailer:
>Nidra reveal trailer:
First to say "Hello!"
First to say "Yarr!"
>Video game characters can’t be posted on a video game board.
So why did it die?
lack of someone willing to crack the whip and not be their friend so the CMs wouldn't get out of line and the people who did the actual work were on the right track
this led to poor decisions and becoming more and more acidic to the people who actually played the game, as those who contributed were driven out in favor of lickspittles and the mentally deranged.
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First for Vels
Why is she so hard to play? Both as and against her.
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My snarky wife...
First to say "Dicks!"
>getting into an actual gameplay discussion with someone
>thread rolls over

the waifuposters are keeping us down, man...
You could just link the previous discussion and continue it instead of whining
do I need to add /s to my posts like I'm on reddit
Why would you browse reddit?
More like your stinky wife.
Should I bother practicing that multi stomp tech with arizona that has like a 1 frame window to jump and cancel the jump with consecutive stomps or should I just learn how to play better?
it's not 1f you should have whatever her jump startup is to cancel it, but yes.
iirc there are good Arizona combo routes that don't use them
but they're still pretty nice for being able to tack on some extra damage to weird confirms (and they're just fun)

really depends on your current skill level
if you're already doing big brain setups and advanced combos then learning stomp loops should be pretty easy for you
if you're still a beginner or struggling with basic neutral/pressure stuff you should probably just focus on that first
It's either 4f or 5f, normally prejump is 4f but I know in some cases it's 5f. I don't play Arizona or Shanty specifically because I don't like their TK jump cancels
What do you guys do nowadays? Isn't this game dead?
does someone really have to ask this question every 24 hours
Play the game. The playerbase is not.
Anyone has a link to a version before t try he cease and decease? I want to play as mane 6, no matter how alpha it was.
Can someone repeat what anon said in a more comprehensible way?
That's unfortunate. Know where I could look instead?
So why did a dragon let herself be fucked by a weak creature?
ESL friendly version

[There was a] lack of someone willing to crack the whip and not be [the developers'] friend, [so they could make sure] the [community managers] wouldn't get out of line, and the people who did the actual work were on the right track.
This led to poor decisions and [the team] becoming more and more [hostile] to the people who actually played the game, as those who contributed were driven out in favor of [people who suck up to them] and the mentally deranged.
you don't want to play fighting is magic
What do you mean “lack of someone”? There wasn’t a plan?
>ESL friendly version
Sorry I couldn’t understand that gibberish you spat out.
I distinctly remember playing it and having fun.
I also bought the official version in steam, but it's not the same.
Anyhow, I'll go all on Russian 2ch then, maybe some autists there archived it.
they didn't have a real leader or "boss" for the team for a very long time, it was just a circle of friends kind of letting each other do whatever and nobody had authority to force anything to happen
Anyone notice that Pom’s dogs suck? They don’t respect her and constantly drag her into fights she doesn’t want to be in.
trainer's fault t b h
she's too pathetic to actually discipline them
Imagine if the hybridization existed in MLP as well….
>I want to play as Mane6
Do you mean you want to play Fighting is Magic? I don't follow that scene at all but I know there's one group of diehards still updating the old builds, it's called Fighting is Magic Aurora
They hired a company president who was supposed to keep things on track and make sure everyone was working
After he was hired development got slower, because he was a friend of the devs and didn't do what needed to be done. Supposedly, and this is hearsay, they didn't properly log whether people were actually working beyond doing weekly checkins on what got done. It took 15 months for the devs to add seven moves to the game after 2.0, and those moves were prototyped and publicly demonstrated as far back as 2019
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The world needs saving and the dogs aren't going to wait for Pom to grow a pair
Why are you on an anonymous image board of a cartoon pony show meant for little girls?
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happy fathers day :)
A very based image
I assumed Aurora is something else. I'll check it out, thanks.
It has new characters made by the replacement devs but it's built off FiM and has the original six
Okay, sounds like what I'm looking for, thanks.
If people don't keep this thread alive I'll have to make more abominations
You should make more abominations regardless
who gives the best hoofjobs?
the ones with cloven hoofs
>Takes more effort to do damaging combos than most
>Poor defense that the devs nerfed over the years
Only newer players that can't handle zoners have a hard time dealing with her
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You heard me you fucking sheep
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They don't call him Stronghoof for nothing.
desu fairly strong players can struggle with velvet too depending on their playstyle
her constant chip pressure in a way demands that you take risks finding a way to get in on her, which can go wrong very quickly
even one mistake can mean taking 1/3 hp and going all the way back to fullscreen bullet hell

that being said, she probably is the most executionally difficult character to play in the game if you're trying to be optimal, and she demands a lot of "fundies" as a character who doesn't really have any cheap mixup gimmicks to open people up
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So if i were to make Pomfy Hero's mother in my fanfic...how would I go about it?
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who's giving the best head?
Start the story with a sex scene involving the two.
but das incest yo
oleander resists giving it but when she finally gives in she becomes a complete throat whore and it's the best
An orphanage scenario where Pomfy found Hero too cute to not take care of
Either Shanty or Paprika. The best head is given by the most eager cocksuckers.
shanty would get hungry halfway through and bite your dick off
via adoption
Or she just gets off on the idea of mothering a colt
Tian, I mean look at those teeth
lizard tongue though
Nerd correction: It's always 5f. It used to be 4f during dashes, but that got removed in 3.0 I think.
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If you want to play shit-tier garbage made by a pedophile aspie suffering from the dunning kruger effect, sure go ahead.
Velvet's defense is fine, the 5.1 buffs got rid of the main nerf they gave her DP previously. A lot of the things players will try to do to beat said DP will lose to a slightly delayed 6A and Velvet's 5A has good range, so she really doesn't struggle there. Her damage is also above average if her combos are routed well. I do consider her a low tier but not for any of the reasons you've stated, she mostly has a hard time switching from neutral to advantage in some matchups.
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Don't do it, you'd also have Zale as a stepfather
But enough about Cam
that horse is a...
Why would I care? It's a fighting game with MLP characters.
It can be written by Biden for all I care.
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Velvet might act snooty all the time, but I bet she’s actually a total sweetheart when in bed.
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what's the goth cows name again?
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According to the game files, Garth
She likely is, cute image btw. It sucks that everything after SD 1.5 has basically been a side grade so far.
Actually, his canon name is Missouri
Garth Missouri, the cattle who will save the world
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wait I just noticed, AN (HUMAN) ANON WAS DRAWN
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Shanty, throtegote, simple as that. She gote throte big (h)uman cock (steel soul I beg you as your most devoted apostle please draw that)
Seconded, unironically
>hop on TFH
>lobby is either entirely dead or it's populated but every single person is already fighting someone else
Every time I play it's always the latter
>it's populated but every single person is already fighting someone else
This is the chicken or the egg situation when it comes to getting fights
do you
>Stay in the lobby and wait for someone to either become free or join the lobby
>Leave and create the original situation for the next player looking for fights
break the wheel
probably half of my ingame hours are from sitting idly in the lobby doing the former strategy

although there's always fighting the temptation to go into training mode while you're idling but then if someone joins you won't see it
(i really wish you could let people challenge you while you're in training, but it only works with the matchmaking system that nobody uses)
You can matchmake in training then if someone sees you they can do the same for a match. It's at least some workaround for being in training but also wanting to fight.
Would you be interested in buying TFH merch at a pony con? Considering making some, maybe humanized too.
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very few people here actually go to cons
that's unfortunate, might still do stickers because they're cheap to make.
I'm going to Mare Fair and I would strongly consider buying TFH stuff. Not prints though, prints are kinda boring.
Sexy humans are what sells when it comes to fighting games.
I only care about sexy ungulates.
Well apparently cute and sexy ungulates scared the fighting game community general public away.
Trying to appeal to the general public is what got us Texas.
>maybe humanized too.
don't waste your time
What if modus bought the IP so they can make Foenum Girls, featuring humanized versions of the girls in a school setting.
Don't even joke about that shit
This ai?
Yes. Look at her lower left leg.
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Imagine being this cute and fluffy literally all the time.
I like to draw em
What’s wrong with it?
are you legally blind?
Her lower left leg bends unnaturally. In comparison her lower right leg looks more natural in how it bends at the joints.
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I saw a fair share of TFH stuff at Babscon, but more is always welcome.
Not having more TFH merch to support the project was one of many retarded decisions by Modus and Mane6.
Plushies would have been a no brainer
But also probably the most expensive to produce, compared to other merchandise like shirts, pins, and stickers.
they barely got the velvet statuettes right, considering how a good number of them were poorly anchored to the bases.
They should have had an ice eruption behind her that would have better secured the statuette
/mlp/ did it a few times. They would probably just need backer support.
What would it taste like?
rum, mostly
What about the rest
curaçao, bit of lime, and raspberry.
lewd sloppa floof
not bad. AI?
yep, hence the "sloppa"
If only more artists could draw like this. And inexpensively.
have you tried russians or hispanics
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I wouldn't mind if artists made art that was ai assisted on their own style. Make it cheaper, more available to commission, and easier on the artist.
Boopable gote
Oh, because of the weakness of their currency compared to U.S. dollars?
>opponent Baihe trying to land a single hit that does more than 5 damage if you get a lifelead and start turtling
Generally, yeah. I was going to mention the option of skeb (JP artists) but I don't think many or possibly any of them would draw animals that aren't 90% human.
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could always first ask some drawfriends who do commissions, while most don't really talk about it as much as our regulars but you could find out they like the IP, although twitter disabling public likes made it harder now. know a gal who does sketches for 5k jpy and full color for 8k jpy and I remembered they previously liked Oleander/Velvet (cant find it now though)
So that's around $50 and $80. I remember 100 yen is basically a dollar, more or less.
yen has been pretty weak for a while, its 100 per 0.63 and 0.59 for euro
Sounds tasty
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please just say bump instead.
Ignore the other anon and post more
continue to post only when there is nothing more interesting going on
which is most of the time admittedly this place is as dead as the game
it's just a knickerbocker rum cocktail
As an alcoholet I did not know. Now that I think of it, it's funny that Shanty talks about drinking rum often when she'd likely be a lightweight due to her small size. Maybe the rum she drinks isn't as alcoholic as ours.
rum has a pretty decent range of how hard it can hit you, so she might end up getting the baby kid rum instead of the proper seagoat rum.
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Can you do some of the others reclining like that? Or is there more visual training data on Velvet?
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CANON: Velvet and Texas players are the biggest fags
imagine having to commentate through 3 velvet mirrors in a row
Potentially five depending on what order they do top 4
>winner's finals
>loser's semis
>loser's finals
>grand finals
>grand finals (reset)
NTA, but Velvet is the only one with public training data currently. I've been working on a thing for Shanty but haven't finished yet
>Still no art of Velvet getting railed by Texas's huge cock
Be the change you want to see
if that picture is anything to go by, texas should be the one getting railed by an ice sculpted strap-on
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We have cow.
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Hug cute cow.
Nice milkers, but
Do it now!
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I dont see it. This one seemed to have a wee bit of SteelSoul influence, though.
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which ungulate would give out the best milk?
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is that even a question that doesn't have the correct answer?
I like sheep milk more than cow milk but I don't think Pom is old enough to produce it.
>Oppai cao
The legends! They were true!
Since this game is canned. I guess it's safe to say that the predators will break out of the hold, slaughter all the heroes, kill the dogs for being betraying their own kind and genetically alter the horse genes from the longmas making dragons again.
I'm 100% Cashimere would sell hers as high quality milk, even if cows are better for it.
The proportions on this are fucking peak, Another easy Steelsoul banger. Feral or Anthro IDC it's a steelsoul drawing so it's GOOD
I'd 100% buy it
Sadly I didn't draw it. Found it on an AI website
Looks like a mix between you and Aero, interesting to say the least
How do I cope with my frustration that TFH is dead
write fanfiction
draw fanfiction
custom order a plush of your waifu to read your fanfiction to
get ready to buy mahvel on PC when the collection comes out.
>get ready to buy mahvel
How about no
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I wonder how they reason that
I think it's a caveat if, by random chance, you fell asleep naked or something and an animal came across and licked your willy or whatever you wouldn't go to jail because of it.
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Her legs must be thinner!
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I guess artists really are screwed?
I still have a lot of pics I'm working on. Soo be prepared cause I won't stop drawing cute ungulates
it's so fucking over actually
now now
The AI slop looked too real, it's more over then it ever has been. Save me steelsoul save me
>Steelsoul and Aero
>Fat-assed ungulates vs shotas
Whichever side loses, we all win!
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AI can be fun, but I’d rather see something handmade by a real artist any day.
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does this character possibly have the worst ratio of competitive results vs. how strong they are in theory?
maybe it's because they can't stop throwing rounds to do level 3
this is outdated, finland made it illegal to shag your sheep
That would be Texas because anyone who knows how strong Texas truly is noped out and either chose not to play him or just quit the game. Tianhuo is probably second
this meme that Texas singlehandedly killed off every competitive player is stupid cope

people didn't quit in mass over 1.0 Arizona, pre-nerfs Pom, or 2.0 Oleander either - Texas has some pretty boneheaded design problems, but he's not even close to uniquely oppressive in the grand scheme of TFH

there are players who have been squeezing every optimization they can out of Texas, and still don't get results that are all that outstanding, because people who actually still play the game have labbed him, and some of his matchups are actually pretty ugly against people that don't suck

the fact is some people just naturally start leaving a game after playing the shit out of it for a long time.
you're just associating something you hate (Texas) with something else you hate (players leaving the game) because they happened at the same time

if there is anyone who legitimately quit the game exclusively because of Texas (and they're not a Shanty main) it is completely and unironically a skill issue
I guess you could say "bullheaded".
If you think 1.0 Arizona or pre-nerfs Pom are comparable to Texas, a character who can do a near-3k damage combo that ends in a static knockdown into oki, then I don't know what to tell you, you might be retarded
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>not even close to uniquely oppressive in the grand scheme of TFH
even with a raw 5C Texas cannot get even close to 3k with a restand ender

he can with super, but that doesn't leave him close or plus enough to do anything scary
many characters get forced HKD in a better position than he does from super

if big damage was what makes a top tier, then the meta would be dominated by Paprika, Stronghoof, and Velvet, and Oleander would be a shit tier nobody
that's not how this works at all
What about comboing into level 1, then level 2, then combing more into 2DD?
yeah he can do that
still doesn't crack 3k, and requires 2 bars of meter obviously

not even the most fucked up thing you can do with 2 bars of meter in TFH tbdesu
and i have to add, none of this means i don't think Texas is still stronger than he should be

having 2 lows that hit in anti-air range is stupid
converting into full combo off fullscreen low for zero resources is stupid
the rope part of cowbells having a huge hitbox is stupid (if you miss your fullscreen disjoint you deserve to die)
SPD having invuln on active frame is stupid

but people forget how much other stupid shit is also in this game because they're just more used to it
He didn't do it single-handedly, but he is a major reason for some people. (I'm one of those people). He's emblematic of a lot of the issues the game had 3.0 and onwards, and a constant reminder of how fucked the state of the game is.
There are many reasons to quit the game, and Texas is just a big fat stinking reminder of the dev's incompetency, while being the least fun character to fight in the game's history, period. Every time I come back to play the game, I am reminded that he exists and that I hate him, and that the game is forever stuck with him.
It's bad enough that this game's playerbase is dwindling and that it's stupidly divided because of twitter-brained idiots, but on top of that, half of the players are playing the worst thing to ever be made for this game. It's awful.
>SPD having invuln on active frame is stupid
This is probably done to prevent trade jank, Arizona has the same thing on her rope. The issue with SPD is that it's frame 4 and the FAF shit makes it effectively frame 3 in non-punish scenarios. If it was, say, frame 8 or frame 10, then it wouldn't be as noticeable, though having a throw that beats strikes in a game where the opposite is the case for every other move in the game is pretty lame
Honestly if Texas was the same as the current patch but everything else was reverted to 2.0 he wouldn't be as big a problem and you could leverage the higher meter gain and stronger defensive options against him better
I think the only real impactful thing there would be CC. But also, imagine Texas with old CC. Maybe worse than current Texas, but also Texas is one of the only characters who gets pressure off of his CCs in current patch, so who knows if it'd really change much of HIS defense.
Remember that old CC was an SKD. Texas gets value out of current SKD by virtue of having a move faster than anything else in the entire game, he wouldn't get much more off old SKD than anyone else, and variable neutral tech timing would probably hurt him compared to HKD CC. Meanwhile characters who right now stand to LOSE to Texas for CCing in the wrong spot and having to deal with wakeup SPD can actually reposition after old CC, either going in and trying to meaty or getting out of grab range and resetting to neutral.
Also, backdash into button would definitely help against Texas, and being able to cancel backdash after the 2DD restand is probably the only thing that keeps it "merely" broken instead of being outright game-destroying
>give your ungulate a flower rose
>she eats it
wtf bros
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>is a cow
Why the shanty main part? Can someone describe to me the shanty Texas matchup? Like what's so bad about shanty that Texas capitalizes on
Shanty has stubby neutral buttons that make it extremely difficult to approach Texas, whose big and active atracks cover a lot of her options well just by being thrown out, she can't back off and stall for magic with Yarr because of cowbells (and can't bait and punish them with invuln because they're not projectiles), she doesn't have multi-hits to break armor and her dedicated armor breaking move is completely impractical to use for that purpose in neutral, and she's built with glass bones and paper skin so she dies in like 3 interactions
Fuck the cunts that sold this game and killed all of our hopes and dreams for the fucking story mode!!!!!!!!!!
giving it FULL invuln was not really even necessary for anti-jank - you could just give his command grab throw invuln but lose to strikes outright like throws do and it works fine.
>Those eyes
I don't want to go to foenum jail, but...
i can't believe after all this time they still haven't changed the special input buffer to not be literally an entire 30 frames

it was already bad enough with Velvet constantly getting accidental DPs just from walking forward, but with how many overlapping motions Baihe has that character is going to be even more of an execution nightmare to play even if they do actually fix her so people can actually play her outside of memes
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You can guarantee a quarter circle forward happens, even if you moved forward earlier, by inputting a half-circle forward. Note that it has to be a FULL half-circle, explicitly 41236, and 4236 or 1236 don't work.
This does not apply for Baihe though, Mane6 never bothered implementing this for backward quarter circles because they didn't have a backward DP before now
yeah, i knew about the hcf thing
seems more like a band-aid fix when they could have just knocked it down to 20f or maybe less and 99% of people would still be able to do a DP
I think it's fine honestly, the only thing that's fucked up is that charge motions are significantly more strict despite already being harder to fit into combos, only 12f after you let go of the charged direction
i'm like 90% sure charge gets held for longer than that, it should be 19 frames last time i checked
i'm 100% okay with them being strict too, accidentally getting a charge move when you try to 6A (and other situations) is already really annoying
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Mane6/Maximum could probably get cancelled for some of the dummy names. Skullgirls removed a bunch of little things like this over some Twitter thread
is what I assume an Omegle reference considered offensive?

anyway I guess one benefit of the game now being owned by a soulless uncaring corporation is that they don't give a shit about anything like that
they even hired Mike to work on that other game after all of the drama shit
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damn i knew arizona is her rival, but this...
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how would you go about swooning your ungulate of choice?
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How would you swoon Pom?
little bit of candles, setting up the mood, music and dinner.
and also gifting treats and toys to her dogs, a woman loves that
My pick is Paprika. I just have to lay low, and summit.
She'll do the rest from there.
You know after getting over the initial hurdle of her wanting to hug you badly, I don't think Paprika would be that bad to be around. You just have to prepare for her general high energy.
>I just have to lay low, and summit.
She's big, but not big enough to require climbing. Her size in game is in relation to other ungulates. Although.....since they are a mountain species, being able to climb good would probably be helpful.
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You tell me. My gray unicorn waifu is probably the hardest to swoon over.
I think having a nice cup of coffee with a good book would make her day. Also you can talk about darkness
Heh, reminds me of old spongebob episodes where scenes would become randomly highly detailed.
pag 10
>IB now works on chip damage at all levels of health instead of just at low HP
>instead of nullifying it completely, IB turns chip into recoverable/red health

Would ultimately be a nerf and create checkmate situations that can currently be avoided thanks to the chip getting nullified
And while I hate IB, it's for the frame advantage changes rather than the chip damage changes. I'd just get rid of the frame advantage and make it always delete chip, maybe increase on-block metergain a little too
*on-IB metergain
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ewe this
red health can't kill you unless you get hit, so it's still not a checkmate - if you can IB the hits.
same as it is currently

as for frame advantage, idk if I hate, but I think I understand why the ability to make moves that are normally safe unsafe is really strong in a game where even the weakest/fastest punishes can full combo

like in SF if I get parryd at least the worst thing that happens is I probably take a throw or a light light light special for like 10% of my health
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I am not this
Her dogs don't really give a shit
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Say that to my mom's face
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So floofy...
I'm back from vacation, holy fuck can I make this my pfp on steam
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This man is in no condition to fuck a sheep
Would TFH have been more popular if the characters were more anthro?
I feel like the designs are too pony-like for people that don't like ponies, but too OC for people that like MLP specifically.
If the game had more "standard" furry characters, would it have gotten a bigger draw from the furry audience?
And would we actually want that?
fuck off
That got me thinking... I wonder what kind of vacation Shanty would enjoy. It would seem like being a pirate is a vacation in it's own right.
>And would we actually want that?
fuck no
The wider furry audience is fucked in the head.
I don't think there's any real way for an indie fighting game(actual fighting game) to go mainstream at all, it's just not a popular enough genre. If you aren't a 20 year old IP casuals buy for nostalgia reasons even though they're only going to play online a couple times if that you're never going to big a big success.
TFH had everything it needed to achieve the amount of success available to a game in this category, what caused it to fail had almost nothing to do with the concept or the content, the devs just couldn't maintain a pace or quality of work sufficient to maintain interest. Anything else they had been working on would have suffered the same fate given the same conditions.
cute hooves
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>hire a guy to manage the team and keep things on schedule
>updates get slower
friends don't make for good managers
>Banging Shanty and she does this
Would it be a turn off?
you probably wouldn't be doing anything with the goat unless you were aware of what she was capable of (and into that)
doggystyle, she does that and you go closer for the kiss
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>unelected ruler
>says to hail
>cloak has a valknut on it, a symbol used by white supremacy groups
What did Mane6 mean by this
Also and, you know, people act like enormous faggots whenever something connected to MLP enters their line of sight.
doesn't matter
95% of the people acting like that either wouldn't have ever played a non-SF game in the first place, or would have changed their tune and pretended to have never had a problem with it as soon as their favourite eceleb starts playing the game. Look what happened when it got announced for Evo.
The fact that people have opinions about "the pony game" is much, much better than never hearing about it in the first place, which is the fate of basically all other indie fighters. The MLP association did way more good than harm and was a big part of getting the game off the ground in the first place, it was up to the devs to follow up, finish the promised content in a reasonable timeframe and build the community so the playerbase grows in both competitive and casual crowds who will buy DLC and fund further development.
It's a nordic symbol.... Stronghoof is a nordic based character... it's not rocket science, and it's definitely not meant to insinuate white supremacy.
Forgot to include the image
Deer booty...
I for one believe in deer supremacy
I’m still mad there weren’t any really “big” ecelebs that didn’t touch this game. I have a feeling that’s all what it would have taken for TFH to, if not blow up, at least sustain itself long enough to provide the promised content.
they released chapter 1 in 2020 and then couldn't get a second one out in the three years between then and ending development, it wasn't an issue of having enough time
it's a fighting game, most random ecelebs don't touch any of them. Strive and SF6 getting vtubers and shit into it was basically unheard of before that. Most of the big name FGC people did try it out and had nothing but good things to say about it, JWong and Sajam shilled it a few times and it shows up on Will it Kill and stuff, but they're always going to go back to where the crowds and money are. One eceleb can't save a dying game on their own anyway, Jiyuna couldn't save Melty Blood.
The only way TFH had a chance was the devs actually releasing things people care about at a decent pace and building the community. Maybe it was bad luck, publisher and resource troubles from the start, maybe they're just lazy and terribly managed, but the results are the same.
Reminder that Aaron Stavely claimed ALL chapters would be done by 2022
>oleander describes overheads as "usually quite slow" in the tutorial
>hers isn't even that slow
how much adderall was the person on when they made the tutorial
25f is somewhat slow for an anime fighter. Most 5Ds in Xrd are around that, Jin's 6A in BBCF is 19, Testament's old 6P in +r is 17f etc. Hell every character in Strive has a 20f overhead for 50 meter with tap dust. Most of those are even safe. Hell even in TFH Tian's 4D>j.B is 19f and you can make 1D>66j.A hit in 14 or 15 if you're fast enough iirc.
The animation can be a little hard to recognize until you get used to it but it's not that fast as far as that kind of move goes.
I've heard Oreo claim that humans can and should be able to react to 15f buttons
The devs are on copium, not adderall
i wonder if Oreo was talking about the average human reaction speed and got it mixed up with how fast you can react to fighting game moves

because the former is a lot closer to 15f, but the latter is longer because you have to account for how long it takes your brain to recognize what you're seeing and actually decide between two options (high or low) instead of just reacting to raw stimulus

i.e. take my result on this test ( https://humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime )
which was about 187ms (11 frames)
compared to this one on "normal" difficulty ( https://mmcafe.com/reflex/ )
which was about 20-21 frames on average
and for whatever reason i still struggle to block Ole 6C constantly despite apparently having an "on paper" reaction speed faster than it, so the true time might actually be longer
are you able to combo off them in those games?
even still good lord, sounds like agony
this sure looks like something someone would be inspired by to make a survival horror philosophical game.This place in the background giving mystery in this place that gives good vibes and the main focus being good emotion.
don't ask...
You usually can, yes
That type of game wants you to just guess, not react, or try to fuzzy block to reduce your chance of getting hit
Which ungulate race are the Italians equivalent?
Corsican/Sardinian red deer
>Listening to the Shanty variant of Alpake highlands and thinking about shanty doing cool fighting choreography
>Go to scratch my nuts without thinking
>tip is absolutely glazed
what did penis mean by this?
gote sexy
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I'll do what I can
she's so fast it looks like she's not even moving!
I would let this deer sit on my face and never get back up.
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I need to draw shanty more
My soul has been saved, My heart redeemed. Thank you Steelsoul.
>Now draw her getting hammered on rum and sleepily drooling in a heap in a human's lap.
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thanks tomska
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At EVERYONE: Please DO NOT announce to the thread when you are going to masturbate. This has been a reoccurring issue, and I’m not sure why some people have such under developed social skills that they think that a board full of mostly male strangers would need to know that. No one is going to be impressed and give you a high five (especially considering where that hand has been). I don’t want to add this to the rules, since it would be embarrassing for lurking anons to see that we have a problem with this, but it is going to be enforced as a rule from now on.
I read that as I'm bleating, kek
Also based
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Now draw her getting human'd
I appreciate the Shanty enthusiasm in this thread. Every ungulate should have their own megafan dickrider.
I'll shake hands with a Nidra and a Tianhuo dickrider, the "biggest dickrider" herds gooning session would go crazy
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We don't need to proclaim our presence.
Cute and sexy
Long snoot
good for boopin'
A dangerous boop of there ever was one
what's her name?
Are ya happy now?
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Yes, actually
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Draw this but with Stronghoof
wtf is mare fair and why should i care about it
pony crap
you shouldn't
horse convention
you'd only go there for the panels if you're interested or to meet up with friends you only talk to online.
Maybe take part in an auction for charity.
It's a pony convention hosted by /mlp/ in Orlando. I heard last year's was good. I'll be going to the one this year and bringing a TFH setup.

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