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post /mlp/'s finest hours
at least, like, post the puke please
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is that it...?
Yes, did you like it?
>name written in the S.t.a.l.k.e.r game over font
huh. on another note, is there a way to fill it with liquid?
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not sure if it's /mlp/, but
our best and finest moment right there man
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fake and retarded
uhh source?
His ass
Anon, I...
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step aside
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i forgot about the lyra plushie, indeed a /mkp/ moment
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No fucking way, I talked to guy at Marefair

Is this the same shitskin who bought the Derpbomination plush?
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>TFW jannys are so assblasted about MLP that anything even resembling an MLP character gets banned.
Fake because the guy who made the thread was the guy who took the photo
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for ((you))
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are they though?
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damn the janitors killed him, actually deleted his post.
Yes, they are very based
It's a holy relic now and was officially venerated by the Vaticanter too.
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>Neither of us like pain or domination/submission stuff, we keep it all very gentle and loving.
>She's never a naughty little filly and I never punish her, she's always my good girl and gets lots of praise and affection when we're doing this sort of thing.
Still less unhinged and less of a degenerate than the average BDSMfaggot.
Dude there's literally pictures of him smearing his own shit all over that thing on Lyrabooru
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>oh shit now the brony faggots are gonna lose their shit now
He said as all the football nerds around him were losing their shit
>he doesn't know
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The design-by-committee and the voting with cursive was the most concentrated autism I have even seen on this board.
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>/mlp/'s finest hours
Marenheit 451.
What a time it was
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Are you interested in making a new micronation called
"New Hattusa"???
iT will be grandoise
Also no-one ever tells me where that nice grafffick
came rfrum.
The wun with Celly (I think that is Princess Sunbutt? I think) holding her laurel/wreath with the Black Star or Black Sun of the esoteric occult
except with the neo-Nazi swastika in thecenter
who made it and
can I get a hi-res version of it
that is not blurred plesa?
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God, I hope you're LARPing as a retard, anon.
Poor Ari
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>this was almost 10 years ago
I remember when they sent threads for Bojack and that Disney movie where there's a dragon that kinda reminds a pony here
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Shit, that fucker looks kinda like me. I need to get my ass in shape.
Fucking rekt
You weren't around for the first star discussion, were you?
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Never ever forget
I hope this guy feels embarrassed knowing he's the wrongest man in internet history.
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Let us not forget when Faust decided to visit us and all the other places on the internet throwing a shit-fit because of it.
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Same thread, mister second place
I was there and it was glorious. Those were the days
Most coherent glimmer fan
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I also forgot, another show staffer decided to hang out with us for a bit. Larson dropped by the 10th anni and did a Q&A. Also gave us some snippets of unreleased scripts and whatnot.
What a champ
The time the feds had to learn about snowpity
The synthetic applejack cum
>out of the loop for years
What's snowpity?
It comes from a weird ESL shitpost where anon declared in garbled Engrish his love for mares, including their "snowpity."
It's like soulfulness, good cheer, innocence, charm, beauty, and magic all rolled up into an intangible something that ponies have.
What the fuck? No, it was supposed to be our version of a fingerbox before anons ascribed an actual meaning to it
wow forgot all about fingerboxes, I should dig mine back out and make sure it still works
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Unironically wtf is a finger box? Literally every board is posting about them right now
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>"Ugh, seriously Coco?"
>"I know you're not the smartest pony, but even you should know what a fingerbox is."
>"It's like a hoofbox but made fo-"
>"You don't know what a hoofbox is"
>"You really are an idiot."
>"It's a box you put your hoof in."
>"Some only have one hole, some have two so you can put both in."
>"I just told you why, you put your hoof in it."
>"Never had one?"
>"You don't seriously expect me to believe you NEVER had a hoofbox do you?"
>"Quit messing with me and go finish those dresses already, you're wasting my time with this ridiculous charade."
Newfag detected
IDK I saw a very nice engraved luxury one but nobody would go into more detail.
>supposed to be
I described what it is at this point, not what you hoped it was gonna be back then.
also funny, hoofboxes
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You can’t seriously expect me to believe you didn’t have a fingerbox growing up
You should know what a fingerbox is considering that it seems like ever 3rd guy with a 3D printer makes a shitload of those
this little shitty discord lead to, actual child rape, kidnapping, secret grooming groups, planned con shootings, a lot of pedophilia, multiple arrests, paranoid schizophrenic delusions, fbi integrations, doxxings, vomitting, diarrhea and death.
it perhaps may have been the gayest thing to come from here.
>go to ponerpics
>tags: princess celestia, black sun
>6 results
First i've heard of this and it already looks like a disaster. Trying to turn /mlp/ of all online communities into an e-celeb popularity contest is doomed to fail
Guy probably thought he was the first to uncover some new drug trade and would get a bajillion promotions for it.
You have to wonder if feds get super mysterious false flags like this all the time and it turns out to just be autism
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Or just dumb shit like this.
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I'd bet on incompetence and idiocy.
Fun fact, in WWII, radar operators in the frigid Atlantic theater would step in front of the radar for a moment to warm themselves up.
That's not incompetence, though, it's just part of running undercover operations. You can't go announcing them to everybody in the other agencies or the chances of a leak blowing your op skyrocket, so you just have to be cool with the possibility that other organizations will get in and start snooping on your fake op and silly keystone kops stuff can ensue.
here's a fresh one
That's not one of the board's finest moments you fucking retard. That's just a retarded, out-of-context post. No, what we want here is something of historical importance to the board, not some faggot replying to his own post multiple times.
These days it would probably be the Department of Homoland Insecurity
>There's another mare juice anon
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grab one!
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I still don't understand what he means by age gender
Not surprising mods are fucking retards
After struggling to make sense of this I am forced to assume he's asking if ponies age at a different rate from humans. For my own sanity
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I miss when people made things like this. And the various story times.
Didn't read, don't care
>Didn't read
That's obvious, because it's not anything like what you said.
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Here's another great moment: foiling Scam Sam's grift.
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The glowniggers are interested in ponies much more than one would expect.
>2nd reply to that thread was me
god I remember being there, too bad a derpibooru tranny owns her now
I wonder where this anon is now. Running a Michelin 5-star restaurant I'm sure
All I know is that he received Peanut in the Secret Santa and tried to sell it off.
Wait, that was the guy who recreated the juices and filmed himself drinking it.
Anyone got the Anon drinking Luna's marejuice?
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I thought that was pretty obvious.
Does anyone have a cap of the cloacaposting from earlier this year?
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>"Anon, why did you name your cat Tripsticide? What even is that?"
Fucking kek, absolutely beyond parody
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>Jews' nepotism is smart and White people are defective with too much empathy
What did he mean by this?
Well, if I recall correctly, Sam's a jew himself. Believe his mom's jewish. So what he said is probably exactly what he means.
Poor Sam, trust fund kid now scamming zoomers because he never got a real job.
Rike is not a pedo he is a hebephilia
There are categories to this shit now?
>the pic anon's parents saw: https://ponerpics.org/images/481998
Truly these screenshots aged like fine wine.
Always bring a laugh out of me !

Thank you anons for preserving /mlp/ history.
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awww im flattered but you should've used picrel instead of your faggy chrome screenshots
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This is less of a "finest hour" and more of a "night of infamy".
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Thia reads exactly like one of those tumblr/reddit stories where everybody claps in the end
>anon does some community service
Sanest horsefucker
Funny but fake. Street gangs make their money by selling actual real drugs, they're not gonna start warring over fake drugs found just laying around, like they won't know the difference, and don't have at least one junkie available to be a guinea pig and say "nah, this shit isn't meth".
I really feel honored to have been a part of that (and am in the screencap too!)
not a bad pic
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how to deal with attention whores
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thats what happens when dudes in a community talk about how they got into their obcession. Can happen with normal people also (and in motivational movies) so that might be why you cringed. It's just cliche
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>bride of pinbot out of nowhere
that machine fucks severely
now THIS is what pony is trying to teach us. kindness, laughter, generosity, honesty, loyalty, and the magic of friendship, displayed in one sequence of simple actions.
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>store let him have the pinkie plush free because he said it's for a little girl at a homeless shelter
Fuck, i have to try that
Always suspect feds
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