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Cutest mail mare
I love her!
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____I love her!
is just getting very stale and spammy lately
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Not my fault
I will never get tired of derpy! but I guess OP could have put in a little more effort
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I wanted to post Derpy but there wasn't any thread so I made a quick one
I don't like derpy, the brain cancer she got as a filly also damaged her snowpity
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I wish I could be friends with Derpy Hooves
Wtf her eyes get derpier
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A recent series of tests performed by a neurologist interested in her case shows that her snowpity actually went completely unharmed. The previous diagnosis of damaged snowpity was a false positive caused by the cocktail of medication she was on to deal with the cancer(full remission btw)
The more retarded she got the larger her snowpity grew.
>ywn get hazardous head from derpy in the back of the shortbus
This just shows you don't know what a snowpity is.
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It supercharged it.
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Kill yourself
Even Spitfire screws the pooch sometimes. Thats pretty cute
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Dumb retard pony
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Smart retard pony
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Dumb retard meme
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Smart retard meme
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Abuseniggers aren't human
I'd screw Spitfire's pooch if you get what I'm saying!
Wait- wait, no. That's not right...
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Muffins taste great I can understand why she loves them.
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What I wouldn't give to replace delivery drivers with ponies. Even if every package was dropped on the roof, it would improve my quality of life tenfold.
This. I have a ladder.
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I wish every customer service person I ever interacted with was replaced with a pony
so fuckable
mmm derpy fluff
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I can't decide if I love or hate this gif
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heres one to love instead
Look at her go, checked
She summoned trips!
>forcing ponies to work customer service
you monster
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i feel like if they hadnt planned for the ninth season to be the last, more than likely they would have phased derpy out of the show entirely on a politically correct basis
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I don’t know about that mlp loves background ponies and reusing models at worst she’d fully be demoted to white lightning tier background pone
I'm legally autistic and i want to >rape the faggot that said derpy was offensive,she is so cute bros
>Kicks post box
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(We) love her too.
It was a soccer mom with a retarded child. She's old and wrinkly by now.
What're your favorite Derpy fics bros
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I am autistic and I even rode the short bus to school for a few years when I was a kid and yet I don't find her offensive at all. I love Derpy.
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Kiss Derpy.
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derp is best pone
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>you are Anon
>be walking in ponyville running an errand
>Derpy crashes into you and knocks you to the ground
>she's looking down at you
"Oh! I'm sorry Anon I didn't see you"
>As she gives you an innocent smile you feel a hot stream of piss spraying all over your groin area soaking your pants
>you lay there and accept your fate
>yup, it's gonna be one of those days
someone tell realdash to stop being a faggot and draw some human on pony art instead. Can't fap to this voyeurism, furry trash.
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Post hands
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It happens.
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I don't trust her with delivering my mail
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muffin (singular)
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Imagine the think she went through to come up with that idea!
I like when Derpy appears to be stupid, and everyone scorns her for her appearance, but is actually very smart.
Stories like this?
Mare fuel can't melt steel beams
But no one said anything about mare rumpa...
Human on pony is fucking retarded. I say Realdash draw more anonstallion just to piss off this faggot.
she makes the dumbest expression and I immediately cream my pants, WHY IS DERPY BEING IMPERFECT SO HOT??
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i will love her always because i know she loves me back no matter what
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Do anons that waifu her have insecurity complexes? Not belittling anyone, but I can see it easier to impress Derpy (or just be accepted) then say somepony like Rarity or Dash who can be more judgmental.
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i suppose yea for some, having someone who will love you unconditionally is a selling point of having a derp waifu
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This face.
Sloppy blowjob face
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tfw derp
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>wat do wen too much derp?!?!?!??!!?!?!
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>Due to a mistake in communication lines, a whole regiment of changelings went full Derp and cannot reverse the process
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>this sparked an unstoppable chain reaction that spread all the way to the hive
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>chryssi cant escape her derp'd subjects
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the mucnher th the nib bberler
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Mufib Hose.
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derp too strong
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a cute derp from the ai thread
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she is too pure for this world
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>green idea
>derpy is link (possibly r63 derpy)
>anonfilly is zeldor
>the green is just Oot's story but in equestria
>derpy fucks up a bunch but still bumbles through happy accidents all the way to defeating ganondorf at the end
would be a nice green but im not that autistic of a writer yet
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Express delivery
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To be fair, she's just asking to get it. She's an ideal mare for a domestic abuse relationship. Even when she tries to do everything right, she's bound to mess up here and there (or even a lot). It will be cute to watch her try and do her best but then cower in fear when she realizes punishment is imminent.

I want to come home from work and have her attend me. She's been anxious all day getting the house clean and preparing my dinner. She hopes it will be enough. But will it? It's been 4 days since her last beating. Today she gets off lucky. Only a slap to the face before being forcefully ravaged on the kitchen table. Right next to her carefully prepared horse salad that had mediocre taste. But at least this time it wasn't those damn muffins. And the carrot wasn't bad to nibble on after the post-sex munchies kicked in. She moaned loudly as I busted my thick ropes in her womb. She might act innocent but her pussy was gushing like the Niagra Falls. Yeah, I guess I can let her sleep on the bed tonight, she didn't do that poorly today. I'll have to carry her there though because she's passed out on the table from cumming so hard
I love her so much bros
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Move muffin to Derp............
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Thanks bro.
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She looks scared, I would give her a hug. Also two vaginas, maybe more.
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Dapi hoof snoofa.
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Derpy is tired.
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Imagine jumping through piles of leaves with Derpy in Autumn. IMAGINE IT!!!
Figured I'd post the game I made for the /mlp/ Game Jam here since it's based around Derpy: https://presentfactory.itch.io/muffin-love
Just a simple rhythm game, there's instructions on how to play on the Itch page if you're interested.
Also a video of what it looks like: https://files.catbox.moe/qrcq2f.webm
Kill yourself. I mean that a hundred percent I mean that a thousand percent.
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Your complaining is getting stale
This thread has been happy for far too long, time to post depression
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huh never checked these out before.
Isn't this a comic series where the world burns and Dinky dies? I saw some pictures of it
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you should post it here
The last couple of things or the whole thing itself?
the whole thing. how long is it?
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Yayyyyyy, I love Derpy!!! :3
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oh wow me too :DDDDDDDDDDDD
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She's literally me fr!

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