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"ANON, last night, I was too rough, wasn’t I? Ever since I became ALICORN, once the switch flips, I can’t control myself…
When I was a unicorn, I could pace myself well alone…
From now on, I’ll do my best to go slow so we can both enjoy it. I’m really sorry."
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>too rough
Just leave me some pizza next time. I don't like having to eat fast whenever I feel like having more than one slice.
And you don't need to keep eating until it's all gone. I know your eyes are bigger than your tummy when you're hungry, Twilight, but we can just have leftovers. Okay?
Yeah. Please keep it on 100CC next time, I'm kind of retarded so I can't drift properly on 150CC.
Nope. You can't be trusted. If you want to have secks again, you're in the bondage.

This is for my safety.
what happens if she breaks out?
Well. Rough secks I imagine. But it means more ropes and chains next time. I mean at some point i need to be able to fuck a mare without having the neighbors call the police and EMT. It's getting so tiresome.
What’s up?
>Twilight, you came 7 times within 20 seconds and then passed out. I didn't even finish putting my dick all the way in.
It took you twenty seconds to put your dick in?
You broke my controller tho, are you going to replace it? we can't play together if you don't
It's hard when the mare is having a violently convulsing orgasm every 3 seconds.
You gotta be careful when mares kick.
This is so hot i love hair trigger orgasm.
Well, you already turned me into a couch, so I don't see how it can get worse.
I want to be Twilight’s favorite reading chair so badly... especially after she’s had too many hayburgers
Every Twilight thread reflects her true quality. Which is shit.
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>Equestria was everything you hoped it would be.
>Cute ponies, endless amounts of things to do, and the natural beauty of its landscape enamored you.
>You had only explained your prior knowledge of pony life to Twilight and the princesses when you appeared on that day that feels like ages ago.
>They seemed to take it well, and you've been mindful not to divulge the information to any of the ponyfolk, lest there be an "existential apocalypse", as Twilight puts it.
>So far, life with an injection of a human hadn't put a hold in any of Ponyville's plans.
>You integrated just like any other sentient species would.
>And being Twilight's romantic partner was definitely a plus.
>It was around the same time the main six had their Hearth's Warming Eve that you and Twilight started finding out the feeling was mutual.
>You had a decent outlook on how you wanted your life to go in Equestria, and you had enough intellect to pick up on the social cues many of the ponies couldn't.
>And Twilight was Twilight. You had a crush on her before you even met her. And as weird as it sounded, she appreciated it.
>To the point of knocking over the hot cocoa you had made for each other as she leaned in to kiss you.
>But again, that felt like so long ago.
>And it only really occurred to you when yet another town-threatening problem was fixed with Twilight at the wheel.
>Her friends had their cutie marks all switched around, making for a very annoying Sunday.
>You just wanted one day to enjoy a couple beers but OH NO FUCKIN FRIENDSHIP TIME
>And then Twilight was transformed into an alicorn.
>Did you see this coming? Yes. Did you let anyone know? Of course not.
>This shit was cash to watch from the front row.
>Anyways, it's been a week or so after that all went down.
>Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had been visiting more often to help her adjust to the new set of wings.
>Rainbow Dash was pressuring her to exercise more, and Fluttershy just informed her on feather care and stuff to that accord.
>After they left it was just you and Twilight again, alone in the tree library. Twilight closes the door and turns towards you.
>"Anon, can I talk with you about something?" Twilight asked, with a hint of anxiety in her voice
"Sure, hun. What's up?"
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>"It's about how you feel about my wings. Have they... weirded you out at all?"
>You furrow your brow at her words.
"Certainly not. If anything, I think they make you look cooler. Like Rainbow Dash said."
>Twilight sighs. "Good, I was worried you wouldn't find it attractive."
>You smirk "Some wings couldn't stop me from loving my little lovebug."
>You lean down to cup her jawline in your hands. One of her favorite little physical affirmations.
>She smiles, her face warming up against your touch.
>You give her a peck on the snout before breaking contact with her, standing up.
"Have they been causing any problems that made you say that?" You say, looking at her thoughtfully.
>She extends her wings. You could hear the faint "whoosh" they made as they flew out.
>It's kinda hot. It's growing on you as you continue to see her with them.
>"They're quite difficult to maintain." She motions to a couple of feathers noticeably not uniform to the rest of the plumage, before brushing them back in place.
"I can fix that. It'd be kinda fun to mess with your new feathers."
>She blushes and looks away, before continuing. "They get in the way. Sometimes I dont even notice I have them out before I bump them into a doorway. And let me tell you, it's not the best feeling."
"Something that gets fixed with time, honey. Nothing that can't become natural with a few days."
>You walk over to her side, reaching out to rub the base of her right wing. The nicks from impact on it is noticeable, but nothing too bad.
"Plus, you've got me to soothe those pains."
>Twilight tenses up as your hand meets her wing, but loosens up as you give her a gentle, reassuring rub with your thumb.
>"You really know how to please a lady, Anon." She chuckles out relaxedly.
"Only one lady I'm willing to please." You flirt on.
>Twilight turns to face you again, her face adopting a pensive expression.
>It leads into an embarrassed look, before she looks away.
>"There /is/ one thing that I think might be a problem for us, though..."
>You patiently listen.
>"I've been feeling a little, uh... pent up recently."
>She looks up at you with trusting eyes, but she still wavers with bashfulness.
>You smile smugly, placing hands on your own hips subtly.
"Well, I can fix that too. You know that."
>"It's not that easy, Anon. I was talking to Fluttershy about it, and she says that Pegasi tend to have a more aggressive, uh... drive."
>You snicker
"You mean we get to fuck more? Hell yeah. Sign me up."
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>Twilight was more than receptive with your sexual attraction before her alicorn-ification.
>You both engaged in sexual acts whenever you found that she had free time, which wasn't a lot.
>But when you got to, it fuckin rocked.
>She was such a needy bitch.
>It seemed every session you practically got to manhandle her. She loved when you took control. Maybe it was an outlet for her work stress.
>"But it's not what you think." Twilight said worriedly, "I've been... having more aggressive thoughts lately. Especially with you."
>You raise an eyebrow.
>"Have you ever wanted to, you know... Change roles in the bedroom?"
>You hold your breath in thought, as the idea of a dominant Twilight is envisioned.
>Seems hot. Why not?
"What could it hurt? As long as we get to mess around, I'm quite content."
>You will be remiss of some of the positions you held her in, though.
>Twilight's face brightens up, looking up at you with anticipation.
>"Good, because I've needed this for SO long."
>Twilight starts pushing you towards the stairs.
"Woah, hey! Right now? Like NOW? Not that I'm complaining, but-"
>"Yes now! I've been practically ruining my hooves thinking about doing this for the past few days!." Twilight emphasizes her point with another nudge.
>You shrug.
>You start walking up the stairs, feeling Twilight trot anxiously up them behind you.
>Her needy pressure feels strange. At once you wonder how bad this could get.
>Her bed is in sight.
>"Quick, take them off!" Twilight pants out, biting at the waistline of your pants from behind.
>She nips your butt, sending a pain through you.
"OW! They're coming off, just gimme a second..."
>You slip your pants off, leaving you with your shirt and underwear.
>This is moving fast, really fast.
>"Everything off, now." Twilight says. Her tone sounds deeper, hungrier even.
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>In a sense of fear (but also an erection), you tug your shirt up over your head.
>Before you can pull it off, Twilight has already pressed her face into your crotch.
>She sniffs in the smell of your crotch urgently, humming contentedly to herself.
>Her contact naturally makes your dick begin to harden.
>"Good boy." She says, her voice adopting a velvety tone.
>You slip your shirt off, and as you look down she has already used her teeth to pull your underwear off.
>Your semi-erect cock almost looks as if it begs you for mercy.
>Twilight pushes you onto her bed, making it rock from the force of you falling onto it.
"Uh, Twilight?"
>Your voice is ignored as she meets you at the bedside, licking up your shaft.
>She sighs out warmly over it, before swallowing it whole.
>She closes her eyes as she begins sucking your cock, almost too intensely.
>You lift a hand up to her head in a vain attempt to find some mutuality in the engagement.
>Without even opening her eyes, she uses her magic to plant your hand to the bed.
>She moans, but it sounds more like a growl around your dick.
>You begin to get hard anyways, kind've enjoying this new shade of Twilight.
>As you get harder you can hear Twilight begin to gag herself on your dick from not stopping her persistent fellatio.
>The sensation is otherworldy, you never expected this to come about.
>But you also worry where this will lead.
>Twilight, assumedly having her fill of cock in her mouth, pulls her head away.
>Strings of her saliva still attached to your dick as she looked up at you with a predatory expression.
>"On your back, now." She ordered.
>You decided to play tough, feeling like you didn't have much input on the situation so far.
"Make me, princess." You said teasingly.
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holy fuck
>knew about Twilicorn
>didn't do anything to stop it
Yup, one of the gayest iterations of Anon ever written. Just like that.
twilicorn is hotter face it.
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I like where this is going.
There's more to my love of Twilight than just eroticism, anon. I don't want this cute nerd to be bound to a life of paperwork and bureaucracy away from her friends, and there's no promise wingboners and feather hugs that can dissuade me from doing what I know is righteous. Glimmy is hotter anyways, so it really doesn't matter
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>Twilight had no words, instead just jumping forward.
>Her equine chest bumped into yours, knocking you flat on your back.
>"When I tell you to do something, you do it!" Twilight barked.
>Twilight looms over you, breathing heavily from a mix of the exertion and the aggressive oral earlier.
>You found yourself silent, almost purely from shock at how forward Twilight was being.
>This was an absolute flip compared to how she normally acted.
>She turns around, stomping around your body until her rear was over your head.
>"Now, suck my pussy..." She says, her voice faintly echoing from the change of acoustics into her library.
>Twilight's pussy was already drooling, and its residual drops stared you right in the face.
>She lowered her flank onto your face, and your nose pressed back instantaneously from the force.
>Her clit pressed directly against your lips. You could feel it wink over them before you pulled back to wince in a bit of pain.
>As you take a breath, Twilight's magic presses your head against her pussy again.
>"I won't ask again." Twilight said impatiently.
>You extend a tongue out, licking it along her clit.
>She sighs out, grinding her ass against your face.
>You decide to take some initiative before she gets antsy.
>You slip her clit into your mouth, suckling it as your tongue laps at where the hood would be.
>"Good boy... just like that..." She says.
>She begins slightly bucking back into your mouth, leaving you with just having to go with the motion in order to not get knocked out.
>Her clit winks out against your lips, pressing against your tongue temporarily before hiding again.
>You can't hear much with pony ass pressing your head into the bed, but you can hear Twilight needily moaning out into the room.
>This is pretty hot.
>At once, Twilight lifts up. You get an eyeful of purplesmart pussy, and Twilight used her magic to spread her lips.
>The inner walls of her pussy beckoned to you, and you silently complied.
>You laid you tongue flat over her spread pussy, licking it up with subservient urgency.
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>Twilight moans out a bit more louder this time, her voice peaking out near the end of it.
>Your nose involuntarily rubbed against her entrance as you continued licking.
>Her clit flicked out to meet your tongue as you lapped up the length of her pussy.
>"Just like that, fuck!" Twilight moaned out.
>Seems she liked using the new words you taught her.
>She stopped bucking into your face, as she was content with you munching her out from behind.
>Your tongue pressed against her folds, and as time went on you could feel her magic wavering.
>Even though the buildup of her climax stunned her magic, your tongue still pressed into her now released folds.
>"Mmmmnah!" She got out reflexively; A sign that you were doing a good job.
>Your tongue pistoned into her pussy, beginning to make your jaw sore.
>You didn't really mind. You got her close this way, finish the job.
>Twilight began to stick her ass out further into your face, to give your more purchase.
>You could feel her stance tense up from the pressure on the bed.
>You continue to lick, just waiting for her climax to come.
>And come it does.
>Twilight's orgasm squirts out onto your lips, as you continue licking.
>Her clit winks out more fluids into your mouth.
>She shrilly gasped out, and her body trembled.
>You give her clit a few remaining kisses as you cleaned her off.
>"Thank you Anon... I needed that..." Twilight got out between breaths.
"No problem."
>She gets up and turns around, and you assume she's going to kiss you.
>Her eyebrows furrowed from exasperation, but she still looked frustrated.
>"...But we're not done." She said coldly.
>Twilight sits on your midsection, her pussy pressed against the topside of your dick as she rubs back against it.
"Aren't you tired? Usually you're a one and done-r."
>"Anon, I've been dealing with hormonal pegasisissues that you couldn't comprehend..."
>She lifts her hips a little, angling her pussy's entrance to aim right at the head of your dick.
>"And you're going to let me fuck them out of my body until I'm satisfied!"
>Usually you wouldn't complain since you still haven't got off, but the way she words it doesn't sit right.
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>She pushes back, and your dick slides in alarmingly quick.
>She involuntarily sighs out, shocking herself with how swiftly she penetrated herself.
"Did it hurt?" You ask worriedly.
>"Sh..Shut up..." She says, before adjusting her stance over you.
>Damn, ok. Won't ask again.
>She raises her hips over you, before sliding them back down to bottom out against your own.
>She bites her lip as she gauges her thrusts.
>Soon, she begins pressing down harder. Her thrusts become more intense.
>Her pussy hugs against your dick tightly, practically tugging yourself up with her as she lifts.
>You watch her face as she closes her eyes, and as she gains rhythm she goes from a look of frustration to a look of selfish pleasure.
>She opens her eyes to meet yours, and you can see a fire in them that you never saw before.
>Her thrusts become more urgent, and you already feel your climax rising.
"Twilight, you might want to slow down..."
>She leans in to kiss you, keeping up her pace.
>You can only deduce this increase in vigor came from the gaining of new wings.
>She moans into your mouth as she continues, her voice "rollercoastering" in rhythm with her pounding.
>Frankly, you're on cloud nine.
>She breaks the kiss just to bite on your neck.
>You're getting the urge to take control, against your lover's wishes.
>It doesn't help that you can feel your body tremble, nearing your own orgasm.
"Twilight, I'm gonna cum..."
>She lifts her head from your neck to whisper in your ear.
>"Then do it, pansy." Twilight's voice was laden with sultryness, but also malice.
>Her pussy milks your cocks as you feel the electricity of your orgasm take control.
>Your cock throbs, shooting out bursts of cum into her womb.
>You could feel it gush out of her pussy as she pistoned it all out.
>Your own grunts could barely be heard over the creaking of Twilight's wooden bed.
>She begins to slow down, sitting up as she panted heavily.
>"Okay, I think I'm good..." Twilight says breathlessly.
>You just look up at her, enjoying the view of her sitting in the afterglow of her newfound sexual behavior.
"Was that enough? You seemed like you were gonna keep going."
>"I came like three times. Did you not feel it?" Twilight asked.
"I can't really feel much down there now."
>You weren't lying. Your pelvis is quite numb.
>She stands up over you, slipping your cock out. The sensation made you grunt.
>"Sorry about that. Didn't think I had it in me." She says, blushing again.
"That was definitely worth losing the lower half of my body. Don't worry about it."
>She giggles, before laying next to you on the bed.
>"Thank you for indulging me, Anon. I didn't know if you'd be okay with this."
>It'll take some getting used to, but it wasn't bad
"You're welcome, honey."
>You and Twilight fall asleep soon after, tired from the snu snu.

new to greening still. lemme know if it's rushed, or is lacking substance.
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pretty good desu

for those interested in reading later. Good night!
A plapjack green
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Really liked it, just what I wanted to see. Thank you for your service.
I need to read this later.
This is why, I think so many of you people would actually hate equestia you are willing to ruin if of the greatest moments in the life of someone you supposedly care about, which grants them immensely joy because you don’t like it a bit.

This is the equivalent of burning someone’s PHD thesis to get what a cake or something else minor.
Since when was getting wings Twilight's dream? Celestia just told her you a princess now lol and huge parts of her life from then on were filled with massive amounts of stress trying to deal with her new role.

I think that's the reason I hate the wings so much. If we had even a HINT that it was something Twilight herself was aiming for, it'd be a lot less fucked up. But it's like every single decision concerning Twilight's entire life was made by Celestia, whether she wants it or not.
>every single decision concerning Twilight's entire life was made by Celestia
So instead you want it to be you to decide what's good for her.
NTA, but I want her to have the option.
While I admit it's not what I want for her, if she made an active decision in chasing alicornhood and the title of princess, I'd still accept it.
I just want the choice to exist and for her to understand everything that goes into it before making it.
Fantastic anon. Moments like this make coming back to the board worth it.
>Unicorn, let alone an ALICORN Twilight Sparkle,, could be held hostage by my highly developed and roughly unsurpassed rope-tieing skills
Yes. I no longer wonder about if I am the only insane person on this board.
No stupid.
I'm not calling you stupid.
What do you think you would need to do to keep Twilight held captive?
A friggin' horrn ring? I think she'd break it off...
Yeah, I guess Twilight would actually play along.
I was rong, though. Unicorn or ALICORN Twilight You'd only need ropes.
Can you forgive me. pls
>Pretty much I could see Twilight getting into BDSM
me too
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Very cool. Aggressive Twi was hot. I liked it.
>new to greening still. lemme know if it's rushed, or is lacking substance.
The only thing I really want to point out is that you mixed up your tenses a lot. The text kept switching between past and present tense.

Check out this example, where you start in present tense, but then use a past tense verb at the end (panted):
>She begins to slow down, sitting up as she panted heavily.

Here's a link I just found that goes super in-depth on tenses, if you feel like checking it out:
WHY are you using allcaps to SAY anon and alicorn? Are YOU retarded?

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