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How will generation 5 be remembered?
generation recession
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Shitpile of wasted opportunities.
>tiny stallion is totally obsessed with his giant unicorn girlfriend who is 4x his size
A lot of money wasted.
It won't.
>Shitpile of wasted opportunities.
Doesn't this also apply to G4?
I.. I don't know why, but I kind of want to fuck him for some reason..
I like this pic because it implies she's gonna pegg his cute ass
Cute, nice, but failed execution. Misty will be remembered as a poochie, Sunny will be remembered as a wasted protagonist, Izzy will be remembered as a Pinkie clone, Pipp will be remembered as sexy, Zipp will be remembered as autistic, Hitch will be remembered as the pony equivalent of Misty from Pokemon after she got togepi
As cash grab
It does
None of it will be remembered because of the countless pile of works which brag about being made for "the modern audience" It's a woke dead end because representation is the biggest dead end of them all, the inability to think and go beyond oneself.
'X is so good because she looks the way modern people look' -quote from a muddy gross human
Give me a break
Misty will not be remembered
Sunny will not be remembered
Izzy will not be remembered
Pipp will not be remembered
Zipp will not be remembered
and Hitch will not be remembered.
2025... I am forgotten
>This bot again
It will depend on G6. As of now G4 is the Star Wars OT while G5 is the Prequel series. Once G6 turn out to be the Yidsney Star Wars it will be remembered fondly
i dont remember most episodes of S5-S9 of g4
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me neither they suck just as bad
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I have two predictions:
>Remember G5?
>"Oh? Yeah it was... okay. I liked x the most and I guess y was neat but man did they fuck z up badly."

>Remember G5?
>"We do not speak of G5."
the show that was fucked because of a lack of direction and not being able to use characters from g4
With Discovery Jews you lose.
them trying to tie it to g4 was a huge mistake. if it was its own world with its own separate lore it could have been way better. shame that some cute mares like izzy and sunny got fucked by being in the generation of mediocrity.
Ask anyone on the street what they remember about G4.
>Pipp will be remembered as sexy
t. pipp simp
Not surprising. S4's finale should've been the end.
I'd imagine the characters would be reused by later gens anyway and really the people who did watch it will probably reference every so often.
Even stuff like Hitch. As someone who also started later on for G5 I think anyone looking at it from a retrospective will feel quite a bit different anyway.

Definitely a different mood when its not the content of the hour.

The unique aspects in G5 were kinda ass and really there's no way it was escaping the influence, even if it was fully pivoted due to not being able to use G4 stuff.
I feel like people don't really understand that G1 and G3 didn't stick because ultimately they couldn't compete with just the toyline.
it will be forgotten. remembered as "oh yeah.. that was a thing that happened" if ever mentioned. there will be the one rare g5 thread that dies with like 2 replies and thatll be its legacy. no more art or stories. this shit will be 100% dead in the water once official content dries up. 200% once the next gen drops. 1000% if the next gen is any better.
>anyone on the street
no one will know what G4 even is
Also didn't really express my general point; I'd imagine its "notable" aspects will be absorbed into later stuff and it'll essentially be a husk.
A random average gen that happened right after FiM. G5 won't be much of a discussed thing directly post mortem. It'll be the source of a stray few ideas.

Like its not actually as aggressively bad as people want it to be. But it also sure as shit isn't notably good either.
it won't be.
Ginneta G4 is a funky but nice car, cmon...
>I don't know why
Take a guess.
>G4 stopped having art and stories after it ended
>G4 is the same quality as G5
The show that should have been a prequel instead of a sequel
Prequel? Why?
>the 3 types of pony are divided and our protagonist has to help them coexist
i dunno sounds like prequel material, they could have even included the real grogar as the big bad
Aa a Money waster
Cash grabs are supposed to make money tho
I speak the truth
It won’t be.
Do they even have the rights for Grogar? The character rights are a spaghetti clusterfuck between Hasbro and Discovery.
There’s not any evidence of any rights issues existing at all, is there? I saw one Brony analyst try to make this excuse for G5, because the choices that this abomination of a series seem totally unjustifiable otherwise. But no, the writers are just THAT shit. At least as far as I can tell.

But anyway, even if there were rights issues, Grogar was in G1. His design might not be able to match his G4 counterpart perfectly, but he can certainly appear.
>twisharter noises
Grogar is a g1 thing so yes they could use it just like they had a g1 tirek cameo
Came to post this.
It will be remembered as the most overhated generation.
Both Tirek and Grogar visually are absurdly close to their G1 counterparts.
Its pretty obvious that G1 doesn't have weird legal issues, the only one that comes to mind is the name thing and thats because G1 ponies had names like fucking Firefly.
Not because Hasbro is in some weird license trouble.

They literally wouldn't be allowed to use a centaur called Tirek or a evil goat called Grogar if there was some airing issue. Much less ones that basically carry over most of their features and color scheme.
Though actually thinking on it, the discovery contract would do it.
That would actually lock out Grogar because he is a FiM character; being a fake-out doesn't change that the design is attached to that name in the series.

Kinda obvious thinking on it.
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Is this a variation of this meme?
That top-left picture would be cute, if it didn't look so goddamn anthro.
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I don't see boobs nor hands
Pony knees shouldn't bend like that
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So the last one is the best one?
it wont be remembered. same with most other mlp gens besides the gen 1 and gen 4
Spinoff of G3.5 is widely remembered for being the worst one. No one remembers G4.5 anymore.
Pony Death? I 'member
It won't.
It wasn't called that
In 10 years you'll have Gen A people going on about it being a masterpiece.
I think you're experiencing a mandela effect anon, it was definitely Pony Death
G5 will be seen as ok with a lot of missed potential.
Who will write the fixfic?
Oh, anon. You're so late.
G5 is the opposite of G4, in the sense that G4 laid a very basic premise of a show about magical ponies living on a fantasy land, and then it hooked you in by making the magical ponies amazing characters and the fantasy land a very unique place with so many intriguing possibilities. G5 on the other hand, lays down the premise of Equestria as a long fallen kingdom, magic is gone, technology is more on par with current day, it's inhabitants are isolated and hostile to one another, you have a varied cast full of interesting characters, then it doesn't do shit with it, all the characters became flat and the world became generic too.
In short, G5 will be seen as another example of Hasbro intentionally fucking themselves up for no good reason
This. People who don't follow the franchise closely don't even know that G5 exists. I've talked about MLP with normies before and been asked if I watched "the new show" in reference to FiM as opposed to G1. A few kids will grow up to be a little nostalgic for it but that's it. The fandom will almost entirely drop this G5 shit within a year or two after it ends.
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>Izzy will not be remembered
You're a fool if you truly believe that.
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>Rarity Investigates!
>Scare Master
>The Mane Attraction
>A Hearth's Warming Tail
>The Saddle Row Review
>28 Pranks Later
>Honest Apple
You missed out broski.
>Honest Apple
>not The Perfect Pear
>People who don't follow the franchise closely
Why would I care what normalfags think?
It won’t be.
The spiritual successor to G1
Well get to it already! We're long overdue.
It literally won't be. Not even fucking around and I adore Pipp Sunny and Misty. Look, G4 is barely in the public consciousness anymore and it was a massive phenomenon. Not even G4 will be remembered 20y from now except by those who were into it.
>but it was big and adult men liked it so that was phenomenal it was a massive cultural shift!!
No. It happened during a massive cultural shift but didn't cause it and wasn't even the most important event or indicator of the shift.
Yes. It was a fresh thing. But the zeitgeist is moving so quickly that even though it was culturally odd to the normies at the time, things are changing too fast. Being into a kids show isn't even a big deal anymore. So G4 barely holds relevance now.

G5 wasn't big enough and only had any traction because it was the same IP as G4 but even that isn't enough for it to be big.

Ironically, it failed to make its mark
This. Just like pony life. The hype train has no speed and only moves at a crawl when fresh coal is loaded. When the steam runs out its over.
4 instances of
>Pipp will not be remembered
I will remember having coomed
Remember what now?
A pile of CalArts bullshit that some retarded iPad kid will make a video about explaining how it was some kind of masterpiece.
to G2*

From what I've heard from an old guy who liked My Little Pony since G1, G5 is to G4 what G2 was to G1.
That's giving G1 a lot of undue credit
Like 100% undue credit
How can it be a successor to g2 when there was no g2 show
There was a G2 game.
It kinda is kinda isn't; G2 basically got hit with being a lot of where they tried to shift the franchise very hard. G5 is still relatively close to G4.
G2 had non classic ponies, >no show so they could focus on a game(G5 has games but they were never a focus from hasbro) and started when it was already SoL hell for the MLP setting.

The only real comparison are the toys, which yeah sure. The always hooves and distinctly not shetland looking pony designs are very G2. But those did exist in G1(male ponies in G1 had exposed hooves) as an option technically so eh.
Extra articulation came back which is something G2 liked to do, albeit in an insane way. But like most G2 things it was sorta in later lines anyway.
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>Honest Apple
>gives us a cute goth mare and a total bitchface foil to Applejack
>The Perfect Pear
>gives us William Shatner horse
>adds an apple/pear hybrid tree that's never seen in Sweet Apple Acres before
And the winner is Honest Apple!
She's cute
The thing that killed the pony fad.
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>Hitch will be remembered as the pony equivalent of Misty from Pokemon after she got togepi
I hate how accurate this is

I also love how you forgot Sprout lmao
We could only be so lucky
She certainly will
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Well G5 itself forgot Sprout. Of course we're not at the end stretch so who knows if that'll stick but still.
Kinda less tainted of a character.
>commit dozens of war crimes
>get away scott free aside from some piss easy community service
Sounds about right.
That was bronies.
Actually this makes me wonder if this franchise even has a future lol, g5 kinda went back to pre-g4 numbers,and has jewelry doesn't like when their franchises profits goes down by 0.05 cents
If Hasbro is crazy enough, expect G4 reboot as money grab as soon G5 ends.
>G4 reboot
Isn't it just Pony Life?
I don't think this is as wacky or desperate as implied.
Hasbro clearly wanted to do a reboot for G5 before pivoting due to probably the contract.
And while a lot of G5s wacky elements already came from that era; a lot of that can be blamed on it being the series after FiM.
But if they do it for G6, suddenly just reusing the base more wholesale is more viable because FiM is fucking old now. Well older.

I don't even think Hasbro would have to be desperate to try. Its also not really what I'd describe as crazy as long as we mean early FiM.
Which is a pretty loose baseline. I don't think we're getting another unique cast if they can use the mane six again.

Ehh, Hasbro has historically tried to back their bigger properties and G5 was pretty successful for a period; and literally all toy franchise are kinda eating it right now.
G5 has the excuse of being within the norm of current trends. Its also notable that Hasbro pulled out on it way too quickly to actually coincide with G5s fall.
There's a sort of element of them trying to either wait for something or a total lack of faith in G5 itself basically from 2022.
The magic started at s5 for me so I don't remember a lot of s1-s4.
you're giving g5 WAY too much credit
I enjoyed Honest Apple a lot more too. AJ's "honesty" had me dying, one of the funniest episodes.

Perfect Pear might have hit harder for me if AJ was more "involved". I would have liked to see AJ's relationship with them, how she has handled growing up without them, stuff like that. I love Dashie's parent episode way way more because we got a glimpse of Dash's early life and how her parents shaped her to be the person she is today. With Perfect Pear it felt like I learned nothing new about AJ. The episode was like hey these are AJ's parents, now you know, bye.
Honest apple is worth it just to see AJ getting taken down a peg
Warner Discovery wounded g5
Hasbro isn't WD
fads die on their own retardo, thats why it's called a fad
>Pipp will be remembered as a fat tiktok pig
Their death being inevitable does not mean it can’t have a catalyst.
Personally I belive we will get a g4 reboot like >>41183563 said but g6 will never happen unless mlp changes hands
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Probably in a similar way to how Voyager, DS 9, and Discovery is remembered compared to TOS and Next Generation. I'm sure it will have its fans, and occasionally get referenced in future generations, along with maybe getting looked back on more fondly in a few years. But it will never live up to how big G4 was, and wont be the first thing you think of when you think of the franchise.
More like enterprise
DS9 is actually insanely popular still
I mean the case of distinction on what people even consider a new gen is vague at best.
Keep in mind people and hasbro themselves were calling the leak "G5" and that was literally just a redesigned mane 6 and some new ideas slapped on.

So a reboot and G6 based on that precedent could be one and the same.
Unless you're a boomer I think ds9 is more popular with younger trekkies than tng
>I think ds9 is more popular with younger trekkies than tng
Why? Tng had more action.
DS9 got wild only in the very last seasons
They like the character stuff. Personally I think the war is overrated
Sprout is finished
Well it doesn't help that toy sales are down
G4 did that
It will be remembered as the closest we ever got to being in Equestria.
I still have fond memories of the original Italian Filly Funtasia run. I can't remember a singe thing from post-movie G5 and coudn't finish either of its shows.
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pipp will be remembered as a pigg
I like G5 more than early season FiM. It does the comfy childish friends being silly in a low stakes environment much better than FiM did.
It will be the least remembered generation.
>Lumping DS9 and Voy together with shitcovery
Anon, that's haram. And not the good kind.
It will be the most remembered and last generation.
>most remembered
Cute party mares...
She lives to eat, and eats to live.
To be fair, everyone in his community was racist and his Mom is at fault for encouraging him.
It would be shitty of them to use him as a scapegoat.
Rainbowshine's descendant?
It'll have the same relation to G4 that G3 has to G1. An inferior product with no soul.
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>Pipp will never eat you
That sounds awful
g3 is good though
>G3 toys are good tho
Never forget Hasbro has been making worse toys ever gen since 3.
In what way?
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Wasted potential that for some reason sidelined Sprout
Let's dance!
I'll even take getting chewed on
>Desire to know more intensifies
Yes, certainly
Gib Pippcast season 2
They made the mistake of not going all in
That and emasculating Hitch feels like Marketer Mandate
and the catalyst wasn't G5, as ponies have been slowly fading out of the internet's collective consciousness for over a decade since its peak
if anything, the catalyst was way back in 2013 when twilicorn happened and then eqg not long after
EQG killed pony
No. Just Izzy topping Sprout
In the end everything will be forgotten
Not just that, it also killed the fandom. The activity charts went into freefall due to it. I personally know artists who spat on and turned their back on the grotesquely cucked Hasdrones.
Doubt it
Your right current generations think it now
Imagine how much more real pony we could've gotten if they didn't shatter the budget and split it off to eqg
What did he mean by this
Man they're cute
So I've never seen the show. I downloaded the "S6" cause it said it had Spike there. I uh, don't really like it. FiM had charming characters; all these ones seem to be lesser copies. Like, why didn't they just try to make their own unique characters? Was Gillian Barrows lacking in ideas? Also, is the ending of the show really the tiger going through the portal, and that's it? The wiki doesn't mention anything else. Is the show really ending on a cliffhanger?
No there's also the special which is basically Allura's(the tiger) showcase. Its literally just season 7 but since it was canceled at that point its a special.
Then TYT is technically the continuation beyond that point, but its still also half filler. At some point I suppose someone is going to have to some sort of list for the future but man.
Being reliant on TYT is hell.

Most of Gen 5s cast can be and generally is distinct but sometimes yeah the writing really defaults and some of that is because these were originally written as just a reboot mane six(as in literally the same characters but in a new continuity).
Also the quality of a lot of characters just falls off a cliff beyond New Generation(the movie) because this was a tangled web of development and it feels like some character traits were just never mentioned to the other branches.
>Sole character traits
Like what?
I don't even know what that means in this context? Nor how you'd even articulate that as it wouldn't really make sense from a cloning perspective to go for one trait.
Going out of your way to avoid traits isn't going to make interesting characters either. Nor did I imply their traits were completely detached, just that it wasn't really "running out of ideas".
Make Your Mark just happens to have very shallow versions of them, Izzy is Pinkie because the rest of her context is kinda gone. Zipp is quite literally just one of Sunny's main character traits but it ran of ft. some vestigial rainbow dash.
Sunny has no character traits because for some reason they didn't like overlap with the Zipp update(in the movie Zipp has very little going on so it makes sense to an extent) and her being an adventurer trying to spread ideas is dead alongside it.
Hitch also has no character though really he was always sorta shallow, just happens to be a weak bitch after the movie whereas he was proactive in the movie.
Pipp doesn't really have a good analog, though her character varies from basically just references to pretty fun. Kinda failing to describe why I enjoyed her generally so er.

MYM is pretty consistently shit about writing characters honestly, TYT season 1 is bizarrely enough decently good at it a good chunk of the time. The movie is also like half half, Izzy, Sunny and Hitch are at their peaks but Pipp and Zipp are kinda just there.
TYT is like half power Izzy, the part where being a sperg trying to cheer people up isn't exactly an accepted action is there though. Izzy is basically a sad clown character in full.
Zipp is more sperg than athlete, also the whole princess thing is important when the writing is active obviously.

Too bad TYT looks like shit and has five minute episodes. And Season 2 basically suffered from huge degradation and is currently doing jack shit. They're still setting up ideas but they sure aren't using them.
They can't really execute ideas in a five minute format
pony harem
wasted potential
They can't but they do have the 20 min specials that they also do jack shit in for season 2.
With Posey?
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She would never allow that
That purple one's tomboy-looking
Until I open her heart
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Sparky will be hated
Why did my g2 try to shift?
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I wouldn't be shocked if it was due to hasbro absorbing Kenner at the time and thus the new toy designers just wanting to stick out. Though "wanted to stick out" could just be the tale in general; this was the second series so a more drastic shift makes some sense. Though ultimately it was a risk that didn't pay off. The video game only thing also points to this idea that G2 was them throwing shit at a wall. The "decline" of MLP was not like today, since obviously while sorta amusing G1s adventure era obviously was not a cultural juggernaut. And the later SoL era was obviously even less so, even if Hasbro pushed that shit for two gens after that.
And weren't these toys like Europe-only?
G2 lasted for five years like any other gen but only lasted two in the US. So not entirely.
Izzy's topping Spike?
As an enjoyable show about ponies doing cute things. And that negro horse Misty is in it to.
NTA but post-g3 toys are smaller, less detailed, and many have low quality hair that starts to disintegrate after ten years. Also, unlike earlier gens, there are only toys of a limited amount of characters.
>low quality hair that starts to disintegrate after ten years
I didn't even know that was a thing
Oh its real, actually G3 had some cheaper toys that do it too. It has to do with the material the hair is made of. Basically you just check via water; the good stuff will obviously get "wet" but synthetics don't absorb water.
Also its a smidge more complex than you'd think, G4 might actually be the more consistently cheap gen than 5 toyline wise and in general sometimes "good hair" is used in either. I've definitely seen it more consistently in 5 though.

G3 also started the limited amount of characters thing by its end point really.
All of thetm?
with mediocrity
All 3 parts of g5?
having a mediocre memory has to suck
So Hasbro is cheaping out on toys? That sucks
Sprout was definitely wasted
Not even the kirins?
I quit the show at the beginning of season 5 and have no regrets
You waited too long
I thought about going back and watching a few episodes of G4, but not anymore.
>The unique aspects in G5 were kinda ass
Well there was the idea of the entire landscape being altered over hundreds of years, but instead of the ponies finding things related to the past, they just stayed in the three main cities while Opaline did all of her scheming.
There is no need for adventure when your life is comfy
>He doesn't understand the Faustian spirit
Abandon morals and principles to gain power, wealth, and other stuff.
And that's why your people were conquered.
As Wild Mane's worthy rival
all thanks to jew
I don't know anything about G5 or anything pony related post-2014. What did they do to Big Mac?
That's Sprout
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in the same breath with generation 3.5
g5 is way better
Nah. G4 fulfilled its opportunity and should have ended at S3. G4 is running a horse into the ground and then bringing it back as a zombie and ruining its fulfilled potential.
>he started watching the show after the Season 3 premier
>he thought Season 4 onwards was better
>he likes reformed Discord or Starlight Glimmer
>he likes Season 7 onwards, at all
>he likes Princess Twilight
>ANYTHING to do with G%
You were never a fan and you don't belong here.
I would tell you to eat a dick but its obvious you are at the very least a prolific homosexual
Nice try Satan, but missed opportunities is one of the biggest complaints about G4
>No more Autumn
>Poor use of background characters
>Tempest shoved in the back for budget reasons
>No real alicorn lore expounded on
>Fucking grogar being discord
>DT phased out when she became good
>G4 fulfilled its opportunity
Not even a fraction of its potential
Pony fad died after S3 of FIM
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It's an old meme, but it checks out
Very flawed but understandably so after the nationwide hit that was Friendship Is Magic. Which garnered worldwide fame, G5 didn't really have much of a chance and I feel like people will grow sympathetic to that after some time passes.
That sounds reasonable
The average g5 fan hates the haberverse
This. Season 3 finale marked the end of FiM as a massive community. Most bandwagoners hopped off and this is when most content creators began to fade out.
I'm not a fluffy...BUT
>This. Season 3 finale marked the end of FiM as a massive community. Most bandwagoners hopped off and this is when most content creators began to fade out.
S5 was the peak. Not in quality, but in popularity.
I can understand why with S6 burnout on Starlight episodes, shame the setup was so good but they fucked it in the end
s5-7 is the peak in quality.
I felt the burnout out around s4. s5+ and Glimmy rejuvenated the magic for me.
>Glimmerfags hate g5
Not surprised
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>making up random bullshit out of nowhere
I like g5 and Misty is my favorite pony there.
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>in popularity
Not really. It grew right after S3 ended, peaked right when S4 started, and then began to decline as S4 continued on.
>but it nearly returned in late 2014
It came back because S4 was finished and also happened to finish on a completely shark-jump moment of Twilight fighting Tirek in the first true combat scene in the show which garned some buzz, but regardless, it did not reach its peak of popularity and still presents a downward trend. Nearly regaining popularity is not a good thing if it falls off right after.

>Season 5 though 7
>the completely corporate blight of Twilight's castle
>starlight glimmer (the worst fucking character) being introduced
>reformed discord, ruining his reputation as the best villain
>reformed changelings
>equally corporate babby shit (Flurry Heart)
>when characters started getting flanderized again
I'm not saying they were the worst or even bad seasons in general (they were alright) and they had a few episodes in each season that were really good, but they are definitely not the peak lol. Nothing beats Season 1 and 2 and the community that had formed around those seasons (and was subsequently lost when it abandoned their qualities) is a testimony to that.
S1 and 2 are good because they were not written for the adult audience
>>starlight glimmer (the worst fucking character)
No wonder why you are a sad one.
Starlight was only made to fill the role that Twilight left behind of being the awkward gifted nerd that was still learning friendship. Unfortunately for Starlight, she lacked all the cute innocence of Twilight because Starlight is already magically powerful and tries to be a "girl boss", which ends up making her fucking annoying on top of being pointless.
>Starlight was only made to-
Have any other schizophrenic headcanons?
She's a completely different character to Twilight, serving a different purpose.
>"girl boss"
Meaningless buzzword
Just your stupid opinion. Some people find some m6 annoying too.
Tell me how Starlight is not awkward, gifted, a nerd, or still learning friendship when she appeared. You can't, because that's what she is, which just so happens to be what Twilight was before she became a princess and was forced by writers to drop those traits.
You forgot to mention they're also both unicorns and purple in your surface level assessment.

Starlight is older and more mature, she's at a later stage of her life compared to Unitwi. Their personalities are very different. The kinds of friendship lessons she is learning are fundamentally different on top of having a teacher that is more involved in the process. The reasons why she needs to learn friendship and her arc as a student are different.
That's only book horse
She's a Poochie
Haha funny, and Twilight is a pedophile, AJ is a racist, and Rara is a promiscuous whore, Dashie is an alcoholic, and Fluttershy is a zoophile.
How is this still up?
She's a poochie
You can't deny Starlight's original appearance implied a different sort of pony
Same they suck. Shit like Fluttershy leans in and hoofields doesn't deserve remembering
You have to spend money to lose money
Shit like Fluttershy doesn't deserve remembering.
True. So true.
Where's flutterschizo to defend her ?
I haven't seen that dude in ages
The brightest lights burn out the fastest
Or he was able to get over himself
G4 killed itself
>Haven't you seen Rainbow Dash with Scootaloo?
Is he right?
Literally who?
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Yeah Twily sure helped ponies alright
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Do you think, if Equestria Girls G5 happens,
Would it be Fallout, Stalker or Metro 2033?
So what faggot made this?
Saberspark, the guy who deleted most of his pony stuff from his channel, and transitioned first to /co/, then to meaningless low-quality clickbait and outragebait. If you watched "Bronies React", he's there sometimes.
He went from a furry phase to whining about Butch Hartman and Conservative cartoons
Yeah, he's become reverse-Clownfish TV, basically. Both are shallow outrage bait.
He's still a furry, because his girlfriend is so too. He have a second channel where he uses his fursona instead in the thumbnails.
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That's what furfags are nowadays. More politics, less content.
God I hate this meme
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>No rainbow streak
None of the above
Even Allura is wasted
It won't, besides the occasional Izzy posting.
"Don't be racist" Generation.

We had the rap generations, the internet meme generations, the radical generations, now we have the glurgy antiracism regeration.

No one with sane mind approves racism but making everything a soapbox was gonna make the whole thing fail.
g5 is not a soap opera. In fact the way that antiracism was executed in g4 feels more pozzed. g5 has the smallest handful of creatures while g4 was turned into a multicultural cesspool
Yes, certainly. And what a friendly sister
That's a spinoff
So soulful for a nameless background character
Tyt is like 3/4s filler
>TOS and Next Generation
Was it really that great or it's just matter of being in the right time? I've watched ENT on TV as a kid and liked it. I've played Star Trek Elite Force game (also as a kid) and decided to watch whole VOY because of that and it had some good moments. I've tried to watch TOS and found it kinda boring and jumped to TNG which is also kinda boring at start but I guess it just need time to warm up.
Is there something wrong with me or is it because I was late for party? Not trying to start shit but really curious.
Also randomly read some trivia about DIS and only out of it it looks like shit. Something like all Warp travel is gone because of some teenager mental breakdown, really?
I ignore STD
Page 10 in 2 hours? That's not normal
there are definitely more waiting Anon
And they're waiting for me?
G5 isn't even a proper sequel. It really doesn't explore g4. Beast Wars did the whole sequel-in-the-far-future bit better
You didn't watch g4 for lore, you watched it fot fuzzies in your belly. It's primarily a kids show, and you wanting to have more lore means you saw g5 as something to improve upon g4

That's not happening, and desu g6 won't be doing it either. It will throw you a bone by mentioning Izzy or sth, but ultimately it will be it's own thing, which just won't be as good as you hoped, because g4 was a lighting in a bottle
>lightning in a bottle
more like diarhea in a dixie cup
the weak as hell series that tried to piggyback off the success off the previous gen and failed and had a bad 2d version of it for no reason, it had potential, but they dropped the whole thing flat on it's face after the movie and twilight showing up
it was a mix sometimes, if g4 didn't care about lore, redeeming changelings would be pointless, introducing kirins, having a ehole movie with lots of lore also
>For no reason
Everyone has a cell phone and brainrotted kids would watch tyt on playlists
I agree there should have been one show
More than g3?
First one is more likely
Which one was banned from a con?
but on meth it is
They feared g5 that much?
It's easier to ask what WASN'T banned on a con
I like this description
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Sprout was wasted...
Nah. Even g1 can hold down theeads
G4 was actually funny because it has unintentional racism. Remember the buffaloes? Remember when they first introduced Zecora as the magical negro trope character? Remember Gilda who solidified the notion that griffins are ass holes? Remember when Fluttershy thought dragons are sluts? Remember when the three pony tribes hated each other? G4 wasn't woke. It was funny because it had so many races in it so it had so many opportunities for racism. G5 only had 3 the three tribes and they're spouting racism is le bad. That's lame.
EQG G5 will never happen
>G5 only had 3 the three tribes and they're spouting racism is le bad.
One movie and one special. Meanwhile g5 has never had an episode as pozzed as She's All Yak,
This is g5 so it's regression
G2 already won that
I get shit for it but I feel about the same with S4 after. The early seasons tried harder to be cute and safe, but my favorites were always the episodes where you have some harder hitting moral dilemma or expansive story. That doesn't mean I hate the early seasons though, I think G4 was a pretty complete product overall. There were stories I wanted to see, but I liked that it ended where it did instead of going on to have 10 more seasons where there's almost nothing left to cover and with the way the entertainment industry in general was starting to go to shit.
G5 is so shit in my view because even the worst parts of G4 still carried the identity of what MLP was, G5 is like some bastard attempt to turn MLP into a modern soulless childrens cartoon with no respect to the things that set MLP apart from the rest.
The sexy ponies
More like g1.5
there's no such thing as G1.5. MLPT is a second G1 show set in a different continuity, that's it.
Nice pigtails
Not popular
And that's a good thing!
>The early seasons tried harder to be cute and safe, but my favorites were always the episodes where you have some harder hitting moral dilemma or expansive story.
This so much.

>G5 is like some bastard attempt to turn MLP into a modern soulless childrens cartoon with no respect to the things that set MLP apart from the rest.
Did G1-G3 have any soul or respect? I don't think anyone gave a shit until G4.
Yes, certainly
G1 had some soul in the specials and movies
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That the movie was the peak
They don't say cutie mark a single time during the entire movie.
And they say it 50 times in s2, but s2 isn't better than the movie

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