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Steel Ranger edition.!

Fallout Equestria, a story that bleeds two franchises together to build something magical. On one side, you have death, destruction, decay, and misery - on the other, you have ponies. Doesn't sound like it should mix? You'd be surprised. When the world around you is wasteland, all you're left with is hope, and as we all know, ponies can do spectacular things with just a little hope.

Read Fallout Equestria by Kkat to appreciate the setting that many writers have then lent upon after being so captivated by the wonders.
The original story which spawned its own fandom can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/119190/

These next four stories comprise the rest of what is considered "the big 5", alongside the original. They were biggest hitters early in the fandom, be it for having started before many others, their length, or overall quality.

>Project Horizons:

>Pink Eyes:


>Murky Number Seven:

Though, a reminder; just because these are the most well known, that isn't to say that there aren't other stories out there! There are many hidden gems that simply don't get the love they deserve purely because people don't give them the chance. Why not open your heart and try to find a new favorite? Anons are absolutely welcomed and encouraged to return with fic discussion of even the most obscure fics!

Fan games:
>Fallout Equestria: Remains
A Fallout Equestria Roguelike. It is the best thing to come of the fandom recently. Seriously go play it https://foe-remains.gitlab.io/main_en.html

>Balefire Blues
A Hearts of Iron IV mod. In it you take control over various FoE factions seeking to conquer the wasteland. steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2307988796

>Ashes Town
A derivative of Pony Town, set in the Fallout Equestria universe.

Thread Topic: Whose your favorite Steel/Applejack Ranger and why?
kys yourself, tasteless retard
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first for Calamity's horsecock
Why do brainlets hate FoE? Does being filtered by the book really make them that bitter?
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Why do you keep spewing this retarded line like some sort of falseflagger trying to make foefags look bad?
Because it's the trvth
Its always the same person or two that will overly criticize the book for no fucking reason to stir up a shit fight in the thread
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what’s the consensus on changelings in FoE? they have a little niche int eh story sphere

i find them interesting enough the most memorable to me is “Fallout: Equestria - Change” even if it goes absolutely batshit at the end.
All you really need to do is to explain what they were doing the war, and what they are doing now in the Equestrian wasteland, one thing is to remember is that almost all of season 2 and 3 can adapted into FOE easly even with some bits from the Twilicorn era seasons.
I like "the chrysalis""s interpretation of changelings in foe and the story in itself is good too
I honestly wished we would get a rimworld/Dwarf Fortress style game for FOE, that shit would be fun asf.
They went extinct and it's the only redeeming factor of the zebras.
>Go to sleep one hour earlier
>Wake up next morning
>Thread was just archived
Sorry, I fucked up.
Fourteenth post for the best drunkard.
Same here
Imagine having a horn so compacc
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little horn
fat ass
Not so much as fat and more of being pure heavy metal.
Imagine being the watermelon between her thighs
>Imagine being the watermelon between her thighs
Oh, she has a way with popping things.
I've been mulling over it for some time but the best my emasculated imagination can come up with is barely different from just rimworld with ponies. It needs some really cool gameplay features to justify making a separate game.
I personally want a top down FOE RPG with a good story, plenty of choices, and a whole new area of the wasteland that hasn't been explored in any of the stories yet. No Littlepip, no Calamity, no Velvet, all new original characters.
Why not use the different pony races as Mechanics as for a starter? Unicorns are able to create magical items are able to use weapons without needing training, Earth ponies are the stockiest and are able to not only wear power armor but also can take the most amount of damage and are the best at farming and engineering, Pegasi are the most rare to get but are the only ones that can fly wear enclave power armor and are the fastest, and there some things you can do with clouds if you ever want get that deep into it.
>a top down FOE RPG
Agreed. A FOE game in the style of Fallout 1 and 2 would be kino.
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A turn based akin to crypt of the necrodancer, where evey single action is a turn, but not music beat based, would that be interesting enough?
>9 again
Not this time.
Honestly to add more to this, theres also a lot you can do with the other none Pony races like Zebra, Buffalo and Griffons etc etc with each every one of them being able to add something different to the settlement.
why not make a fo1 or fo2 mod for FoE?
You have to get Russians for that, they are like the only phenotype that knows how to mod Fallout 2
don't they have any documentation?
i know that only russians and related mod that game,but there must be some sort of guide or smth
Modding the classic fallout games is extremely hard and annoying, its old spaghetti code basically that only Russians know how to mod mostly cause they are Russian.
Bump to keep the thread falling into the pits of the tenth page.
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Very cute horse.
the goddess is cool she shouldn’t have died she was making the wasteland better also I’d fuck her
I remember that there was a pony Pip character mod for FO 2, and the installation guide alone was a mushroom trip to read. This really is a league of its own.
>elevating all ponies to the state of alicornhood
>eradicating griffons, zebras, etc.
She was based beyond belief. I'm not sure how you could fuck her though. Her mutated form rests deeply within a pool of IMP.
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Perform surprise analingus on mutiecorns
where are the russian bronys when we need them?
In russia, doing russian things.
Go for the lower hole. That's less gay.
How they are too tall.
Ight its that tie again, tell me about your sidefics, the main cast, the location and who are the villains?
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i still need to write one up that came to me in a dream recently
>FOE with goats
Now that would be a downgrade.
And uh what happened in this dream?

Nah let bro cook, besides if the story does involve goats that would actually be interesting since no one has touched them.
>since no one has touched them
If one were to do that, I'd be deeply disappointed if the story were not called 'Fallout Equestria: The Battering Ram'.
This pic makes me want to pet Blackjack.
Damn I wish I could read chinese
Non-vodka transcription?
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I could save her
>Sexy Sleepwear
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I can only provide google translation.
Very cute pip.
>not 'Ramming Speed'
>not 'Dire Ram-ifications
>not 'Ram-blin' On'
I can't think of any more but you get the idea.
I guess you could come up with a pun for each chapter or something.
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The other image implies that's Pip who's more likely to get smeared though.
She just needs to make her head smaller.
It sounds Blackjack enough. Though I have no idea who the non pony characters are.
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They're a few of the companion NPCs from New Vegas.
>giant blue super mutant
That's Lily. She was an old lady when she got dipped in FEV and turned into a super mutant. At the time of the game she's got Stealthboy-induced dementia and confuses the player for her grandkids. Very sweet and she also allows the player to get 20min duration out of stealthboys with the correct perks.
>guy in sunglasses
Craig Boone. Former NCR First Recon, he retired before the game started after he was made to take part in the (accidental) massacre of the Great Khans at Bitter Springs. Stoic 'I never asked for this' type. Super ride or die as long as you hate the Legion though.
Charon of Rose Cassidy. She starts the game as a lonely drunk who's had her caravan company shot out from under her. She joins the player after being convinced to sell. Character traits: alcoholic, has a shotgun, and sleeps around.
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>that pic
Reminder that Littlepip did literally nothing wrong. They all had it coming
My wife Littlepip!!!!
She did nothing wrong
What happens at Arbu in the fic again? I remember in the vidya they're just some random community whose kids are being indoctrinated into a cannibal/vampire cult but it's been ages since I read the fic.
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>And uh what happened in this dream?
i know its a late ass reply but what ever, my internet was down
it was right at the tail end of my dream so it was fresh in my mind, half asleep i transcribed in the best detail i could all i could remember to my phone's notes app
coming back to see your reply made me want to write it up
which i am doing now
done maybe later today idk
I'm only starting reading her story (chapter 3 now) but is she really turned off by other people's crying? There are so many tryhard posers of sadism who either sincerely can't enjoy life or would say they can't enjoy life unless everybody around them are visibly miserable in her career field, and then there's this adorable no bullshit attitude. So precious. Hard pass on the second rule, not going to happen.
>Stable 9
yea they were eating ponies and selling it as gator meat i think?
Pretty much. And all who made a kill (which was de facto everyone that wasn't a toddler) would bear a mark as a sign of their allegiance.
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finished the green i made of the dream i had, obviously given more detail and dialog fluff than the dream but still its all there
i dont really remember them having concrete names in the dream so that there is what they get
Little Pip uses her special fire bullets specifically made for lighting children on fire on children, lighting them on fire, because she's the good guy.
She seems cool
Looks like this guy is gonna get shanked soon.
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how are there """people""" who waifu this subequine monster?
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Those who haven't encountered the superior option yet.
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Ayoo they're alive
I like her, but damn she makes my gonads quiver.
Where did this come from?
>f:eggot reading comprehension
hint: bottom right.
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worth watching?
thats a lotta hours
Poor Twi.
If that's the case, you have bigger problems namely kilorads per second
Arbu had Cannibal adulthood rituals and the bridge in the bg is cause the the brotherhood refused to give her a water purifier
Based. Why does everyone love these goddamn bugs?

I can't help but notice bug threads have reappeared and are hitting the limit, and this coincides with an increase of bot/shill/troll posts.
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>Why does everyone love these goddamn bugs?
theyre different fron pones and can be cute
>this coincides with
people like bugs, schzoidman
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because they are cool fag.
>Why does everyone love these goddamn bugs?
Pick one (or more) of these:
>Dom fetish, either with Chrysalis or the species as a whole
>Transforming ability, meaning they can fuck the shapes of literally everyone
>Other weird fetishes like slime, cocooning, ovipositor impreg etc.
That's the average bugfag mindset for you.
Fake. The real Celestia wouldn't hesitate.
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i want to breed lacunae
I'm gonna pass om watching it.
Definitely a gentleman's choice too.
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I only like it because they are taking the time to read the chapters. You can also tell they aren't like the popular channels that use trendy fanfics to get clicks. My favorite part of each episode is when they give ideas on how to write your own fanfic in the FOE universe.
I will eat her
She's a big mare
She would be delicious
Where do some of the characters I've seen on the boorus show up?
>Galla Steel
I'm interested in raider ponies too if anyone knows any.
Pink bow it's at least +3 CHA
Newfag to FoE here. What the fuck is this fic about that makes ppl so pissed? I love fallout but is this fic going to piss me off?
I wanna kiss that hoof.
It's popular and it inherited problems from Bethesda Fallout.
That's pretty much it.
It was written in 2013.
Fallout 3 was already out at this point. New Vegas too, though that's not a Bethesda game.
Ever read worm? Same here, Foe have a really good idea, but it's so long that everyone just become tired
Ngl. I haven't been as active as I would like to be. Work and school often take a lot of my time nowadays. However, the last few weeks have been fruitful. I drew like 30 something panels of the manga and I plan to post some "trailers" soon(tm).
Glad to our videos being enjoyed
>Eating noodles with Lacunae
God, imagine.
Date night... Imagine how flustered she'd be if you called it that.
Holy shit that is one blast from the past.
Cue the image of Blackjack commenting on Lacunae's blush.
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Here bro.
That's the one. Thanks, Anon.
>More than a decade ago
Jesus, where did the time go?
Her death stare is particularly potent.
Would Lacunae let you rub her belly?
She'd 'protest' by saying that she isn't worthy of your attention, but she'd let you do it anyway.
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yea she gotta be on drugs to be repairing the outfit that is still on her body
She's not a clever pony.
Technically, she is. At least when she's not in withdrawal.
How else will she know if it fits?
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By using a beaten raider of a similar stature as a mannequin.
Is it slavery? It sounds like slavery.
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this is why puppysmiles is on top autorepairingsuit ftw
Only when the raider still draws breath.
Fresh corpses are floppy and useless. The window of time between attaining due rigor and becoming smelly is short and awkward. I suppose she can make it work with careful application of mummifying agents, but old-fashioned slavery is both easier and more reliable.
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Already posted this on /bale/ but littlepip bump
cute pippers
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She's sleeping!
On page 10!
Very cute!
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What's that?
Looks like Bl*ckjack
Is that Blackjack as a Breezy?
You know I was wondering what was so odd about this art, that's what it is. She's a breezy here.
Triggered much?
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Talon mercenary ggf
Does she always detach her head to do this?
Yum. Fresh turkey.
>captured by Talon slavers
>they decide to keep you
Question for you guys, what is your personal headcanon/idea of the fate of the many popular background ponies and their fanon realtionships that weren't shown in FOE? Examples being Dinky and Sparkler, Berry Punch and Ruby Pinch, Lyra and Bon Bon.
Well Bonbon is a CIA, so she was probably forced to do a lot of shit in the war. Lyra probably wrote from home and never got responses, I almost don't think she made it when the balefire bombs went off, but I'm more inclined to believe she was ushered into the vault and immediately left after a few weeks to try and contact/find bonbon. Likely didn't end well. Though some comics n shit depict Lyra as part of the same organization, but I don't really believe that.
I'm really curious what people think of Octavia specifically, since in chapter... 5? Or some shit? They talk about what might've happened to Vinyl, and idk which of the 4 theories thrown around by the barponies is true, but I'm willing to bet one of them is the right one. Did Tavi feel lost? Write an overture for her lost mare? Perhaps a waltz, since musicians are tasked with writing music to uplift spirits, maybe a nostalgic and positive waltz to represent the good times they had together? I like this.
>They talk about what might've happened to Vinyl
Vinyl was in a bunker where shit has turned sour. Extermination level sour.
Aw fr? I haven't gotten there yet, that sucks. I wonder then if they played together or separately. I'm not sure what Kkat would've had in mind, if anything, so imma go again off of the show and imagine they probably did both but did duets quite often. Man that sucks, though.
This image goes hard, except I would kick Homage and Velvet out of bed
Berry due to her cutiemark probably had a niche corp designed with providing relief beverages.
You don't let your food enslave you for facesitting, Anon. That's a poor display.
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Never forget... cutiemuties are BEST.
Especially this one.
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Eos a cute. But how can she compete with >>41188314?
I honestly agree with your appsumption on Bon Bon and Lyra, they either made it to stable 2 and died of old age or died from the Megaspells. And for Octavia, honestly I have seen no one actual tackle what happened to Octavia the only piece of fiction that I could found is this audio drama done by Scribbler https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSj4xDtAvno But honestly Octavia probably died in the same stable as Vinyl did.

Honestly I can see it.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Equestria > Fallout Equestria
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Neither can compete.
What if I adore them all?
Yeah but does either of those mares get bedtime stories? Nope.
Therefore, Eos a BEST.
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But did they get their story finished
>having a full wing of mutiecorns to read stories to
Being this lucky is borderline criminal.
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True. I have well and truly let her down.
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which fic is that?
i like the green one cuz its my favorite color
purple gang represent

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