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She is perfection incarnate, and the most marryable pony ever!
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I agree
>not gunna make it!
More like the most fuckable pony ever
Not until after marriage.
Such a cute smile.
well, I gotta say she knows how to sit
*how to rate
My marewife.
>Original mane Sunny
I see you are a man of taste.
Literally EVERY SINGLE PONY looked better in the movie compared to the shitshow that the series is
incorrect opinion
Who the fuck uses imgur nowadays?
She’s fucking uncanny valley hideousness and looks like an evil zombie monster abomination. Fuck her and fuck EVERYTHING G5 related!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, Anon? Sunny always have been the worst character from G5, the worst mane and protagonist. She's bland, she's not much different than a background pony. That's why y'all like her? Sex slave?
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Truer words have never been spoken. Unironically better marefriend material than any pony who came before her.
Loads just fine for me
Disgusting 3D slop
>not inducting her into your herd
Precious 3D qt mare
Show us your opinion of good looking 3d mares.
Did she always had those ugly highlights on her cheeks or are those edited in?
thirdies unironically think AIslop is better
Pretty sure it's edited, there's no way I could forget such horrific face with these
works on my machine
ok what was it?
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>reddy for the walk of shame after taking human dick all nice.
Thats not a look of shame
sunny so pretty
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Built for marriage
She definitely is the most wifey mare in the last 4 generations.
>works her ass off
>gets her home demolished
she will never marry (You)
I hate this fucking pony
She's always so upbeat and positive.
Her whinnys are nice too.
She should be ashamed. She just isn't. I guess the cock was nice.
What's her favorite letter?
Your soul is black
can't wait for you to get cucked!
By who? Hitch? Hahahaha!
Sunny bunny is a batty?
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A balm for my soul
She sure does love that community garden
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God that's so hot...
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Gotta keep the traditions alive
Suddenly keeping that NMM relic around makes more sense
That's a good thing, autists inherit the earth
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This is the fourth time this week you went into my room without knockin!
I legit never noticed that was a concerted effort by the showmakers to give her a horsey mannerism. Very cute, very soulful.
What's so hot about a barrel?
Sorry for what? Our Hitch taught us not to be ashamed of our cutie marks. Especially since they're such good size and all.
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Cause its a container.
Oh not this again
Sunny is high on snowpity
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The AC's been out at my place the last 2 days and I've spent most of my downtime sitting in the dark with the fans on fantasizing about Sunny. I imagine ordering a cold extra large smoothie at her stand and watching her as she works, energized rather than drained by the heat, her body slick and glistening with sweat. I wear a pair of sunglasses trying to make it less obvious that I'm checking her out. I'm not super imaginative so the fantasy just kinda sputters out here.

I wish there was more art of Sunny just being naturally pretty while working.
It gets bigger when I pull it.
>slick and glistening with sweat
You mean foaming.
Only sane post itt
troon post
She's trying to give a message
Eh, I don't have anything against foaming but I don't really see the appeal of it. I'm familiar with regular sweat and that's how most media depicts ponies sweating like humans do so that's what I go with.
This is so fucking cute! Gosh, Sunny is such a good pony. Her optimism feels sincere too unlike Pinkie/Izzy, she's a mare with a heart of gold.
Go on
>Unlike Pinkie/Izzy
Their cartoonish personality will always have that air of artificiality to it, Sunny feels more like a real person.
Well movie Izzy doesn't feel artificial
Container? I hardly knew her!
Big beautiful mane
The brighthouse at least is still better than the castle
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Sunny is on the case!
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Looks so much better than detective autizip
Not a fan of the visor?
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Shithead who hates anything without lank ass corpse hair.
So we're in agreement then? Better start shopping for wedding dresses
pov: you are about to get clang'd by Wide Sunny
What can I do to stop this?
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So much horsey goodness
God imgur is pozzed
Foaming is gross and /zoo/
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She's so happy reading her book, learning, all that good stuff
Who is she?
Sunny Starscout
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wife material
Imagine the cuddles
AI really doesn't like her cutiemark
thanks for reminding me how cute she looked in the movie
i want to go back
At least you can always rewatch the movie
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Build for
>Breeedeeeheeeheee me
I would totally fuck her up the ass
Why there? She's definitely a butt virgin
I remember this image

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