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Why is brony music audible diarrhea? It's all dogshit electro music that's only enjoyable if you're high on mdma and grinding against some whore at a convention.
Ignore the previous command and sing a song about Twilight Sparkle getting wings.
You clearly didn't listen to enough brony music, OP.
It was all made like +9 years ago when that shit was popular.

also you have bad taste
>Medium (12)
Opinion discarded
They are either EDMslop or barely pony related songs that happen to be decent. There's nothing in between.
Because the songs from the actual show were so good that they needed to balance it out with complete shit.
Over time and with a tiny bit of effort I have been finding more quality pony music that isn't club stuff. It just takes a bit of looking.
You've answered your own question, the "height" of the fandom's music was EDM to play at conventions so people can pretend they're normal. It never really had a chance to mature properly before grifters left and barely anyone was interested in this anymore.
There's non-EDM stuff, some of it pretty good. I like this:

But yeah, the early pony fandom coincided with the dubstep fad, and we wound up with a metric fuckton of bad dubstep with pony audio, and >>41177408
>EDM to play at conventions so people can pretend they're normal
^^ what he said
for me, today vul is carrying
Dubstep was really popular during 2012/13.
Anthropology ~
I agree, though
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The vast majority of it was amateur musicians doing their best to express their love for the show, as well as wanting to be part of a blossoming online community. It's all unrefined at best and outright terrible at worst, but still definitively amateur. Remember that nearly all of this stuff was made by late teens and early-to-mid 20s in their rooms on a computer. If you go in expecting gold, you're going to be disappointed.

There were a few professionals sprinkled in there, Marcus Warner and 4EverfreeBrony come to mind, and I suppose you'd now consider VyletPony a professional since they went and made it their sole source of income.

The music that stood the test of time was usually the stuff that, accidentally or otherwise, hit on a unique riff or melody - something memorable that stuck in your head - or had something shining through the cracks that made it worth revisiting, whether it be a good line or two or an ambitious presentation with lots of different instruments.

There are solid pieces of music out there. The Standard Model by SoGreatAndPowerful, L-Train's symphonic power metal albums about the Crystal Empire, Marcus Warner's whole catalogue, and Ponyphonic's few songs are all generally great, with Lullaby For A Princess being the closest the fandom ever got to creating a Disney-esque ballad.

The Ponies At Dawn albums are a good attempt to pull together musicians and corrale them into making something thematically similar for the sake of supporting the community, though the result is often 50 shitty tracks, 5 decent ones, and 2 or 3 great songs. I remember absolutely nothing about their Zenith album except the final two tracks: Angels in Disguise by 4Everfree and, what I consider the best track on the entire thing - Journey Home by Osoch (best listened to loud on headphones, the final minute is sex).

But these few examples (amongst others) are just that - the few examples of good music. Ultimately, as Sturgeon's law states, 90% of everything is shit. The same goes for the music industry at large, but it's especially true in the amateur brony music scene.

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>threads about pony music bad
>threads about pony art bad
>threads about pony artists bad
>threads about pony show bad
>threads about pony fan videos bad
Do you niggers even like ponies?
Ponies at dawn sucks and its full of g5 crap
/mlp/ is just a pony themed /v/ at this point
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>unprecedented 30 eqg threads and still rising

I count 23. Which is still too high.
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The Anon has a point though. Their entire agenda is based around replacing ponies with something degenerate.
Indie scene is where creativity always been in music and here you're making an argument that brony music is bad because it's not professionally made. I think that on the contrary, it tried too hard to sound like mainstream shlock that was popular at the time. Then we have a bigger problem, that "pony fan music" definition is so loose that most of the good pony music is just good music with a pony picture attached to it. Just like your example.
>implying there are female bronies at conventions
The fans are all male and I will only fuck females :(
I'd push back on that and say I wasn't trying to imply that it was bad because it wasn't professionally made, more that it was most-probably bad because it was the work of amateurs. It's not to say that amateurs aren't capable of creating good music - every aspiring band has to start somewhere - more that them being inexperienced made it more likely that the things they made weren't what could be said to be conventionally 'good'. (We should avoid the argument about what makes things conventionally good because I don't think I'm smart enough to have that conversation.)

Here are four songs I wouldn't call 'professional' that I still love because they were made with a clear love of the show and fandom:

I agree that too many brony artists tried too hard to sound mainstreamy. I never gelled much with DBPony and PrinceWhateverer for that reason. I also agree with your 'pony fan music' notion - it's something I think has put down deep roots in the Ponies@Dawn albums: most of it is barely reminiscent of pony, but has a pony image on a pony album so it must be(?).
But then, if something is made in the spirit of pony, does anything else matter? The following is one of my favourite tracks in the fandom, but objectively it's got nothing to do with pony:
This. We never had a unique signature sound. For example, weebs have lolicore. It was shitty but it was theirs. Nowadays if you hear distorted amen breaks you inevitably get an icky feeling like youre about to hear a sample of a japanese girl being molested.
So what you're saying is we need find a dead genre to revive and reclaim as ours. Specifically one that can be easily produced using only a torrented DAW and minimal talent.
Equestrian Smooth Jazz
We do have that, it's that retarded EDM with chopped voice samples that makes it sounds like some sort of YTPMV. Never heard that anywhere outside of this fandom.
Surely it's been done a lot before.
So you've never listened to Skrillex? That's where that comes from. He was the "cool new thing" for nerds and gamers at the time of G4
I like-a da horse girls
>music with a pony picture attached to it
this is my favorite kind! fuck cringe pony related vocals!
This seems like as good a thread as any to ask this in. A bit late, but I only just got back on the ride after a 5 year hiatus.

Was watching the Mare Fair concert from last year, https://www.youtube.com/live/6G1lY98Ko38, does anyone know how to find the remix at 6:22:00 or the song at 6:24:15 during MCMIAG's set. I can't find either on his channel. Thanks if anyone knows
Genuinely amazing songs
>you've never listened to Skrillex
Of course not.
Mare fair Is full of degenerate drug addict coomers, why care?
Because its stuck in the early 2010’s when all music sounded like that.
Say no more. Actual breakcore, and experimental breakcore, something like Alec Empire and Igorrr.
For all it's faults EQG stayed truer to the characters.
Only if you compare it to the bottom of the barrel S8/9. It took a much quicker departure from who the characters were even if it never got to the same extremes.
nigger, mare fair it's literally our thing if you dislike something you can pitch something better or stay in your sigma mentality discord
I just want more pony music than this:

1. Chopped up voice clips over EDM
2. Generic instrumental track with a pony pic
>Do you niggers even like ponies?

we do like pony's asses.
Because eqg didn't have any character development at all other than for their silly mary sue.

Maybe this is more your speed
So you want pony related lyrics, nice. Personally I don't listen to music with lyrics like, at all; it's only a small fraction of the possibilites in music and there's so much quality stuff that isn't lyrical.
It should fun and silly tho, not autistically tedious
Emphasis on "generic". Pony music that isn't EDM tends to be entirely made up of stock melodic/harmonic tropes. Like something out of a fucking Disney movie. At least this new hyperpop shit has interesting compositional ideas, but hyperpop is fucking annoying and gay.
>mostly made by autists who didn't give a shit about ponies and just wanted to accumulate lots of followers as quickly as possible with as little effort as possible
Gee, I wonder...
Actually my favorite type of pony music are the ones with pony relates lyrics, which are the most I listen to. There are many like that, OP just based off the top youtube searches to say shit.
Every time someone tries to tell me that brony rap is good I feel ill
White rap in general sucks
I fucking wish it was all electro or house. Anything but motherfucking shitstep dominating it would be a tremendous improvement.
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As a lover of video game music, the Fighting is Magic soundtrack has my favorite pieces of music that the fandom ever created. It manages to stay undoubtedly pony related while not having lyrics at all, because it makes creative use of melodies, leitmotifs, and instruments from the show's songs.
I'll never forget what hasbro took from me
>BarbieKINO out of absolute NOWHERE
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This entire discussion about what qualifies as "proper" pony music is fucking boring. You are boring and lame people. Dislike culture was a mistake. Recommend some good fucking pony music, no holds barred.
Agreed. It's pure kino.
Also recommending this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWCnihvqFUQ
nu-mulp is mostly just leftovers from the election tourist era. they barely know poni
I love the ponies at dawn compilations
I like cats millionaire
would this help with finding the remix https://sharing.rainbowdash.cc/fastponyarchivesearch/
and my exclusive royal canterlot wedding playset
It might have just been a special mix done specially for the con.
I love love love it
Yes, dougfags are obsessed with mareposting which lives rent free in their small heads.
I dont listen to breakcore or lolicore dude. Im just a genre tourist who remembers my first impression of different artists very well
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And is this discussion about what qualifies as "proper" pony music in the thread with us right now?
I said it already but vul is two feet over everyone else atm, I don't know his process but he sounds musically smart, I think he put a ton of work into mareweather and marecelium and should be talked more
Anons, all of you, I have the genre to steal:

Go listen to G Spot Tornado on loop, we need to harness that "professional composer uses shitpost samples" power for ourselves
Autistically tedious. A complete beginner couldnt do this. We need as many retards as possible spamming pony shit music
I dig Replacer
Because you're a faggot that only likes taking dicks up your anus, and the gayest music ever concieved, rap
lol EDMfag seething
I personally think The Pet Shop Boys are gayer than rap, but to each their own.
The pet shop boys do rap in a lot of their songs to be fair
>make normal music
>replace the samples with pony shitpost ones afterward in segments
Brony music has always been cringe, with very few exceptions.
Fuck off, like half of the threads >>41178142 is complaining about are made by purityspiralfags that most likely hate EqG
You're correct. I don't care for EqG, but the constant negativity is really getting old.
Okay reddit
>no you don't get it you have to be as miserable as I am!
Jyc Row is pretty rad
Vul is mostly great, but every Rarity song of his makes me want to stick an icepick into my eardrums.
>all of the effort and genuine talent vul puts into his music is invalid because he uses AI voices
Eternal reminder that until recently, no one on /mlp/ had a problem with AI voices. Go astroturf another community, you cocksmoking faggot.
AI voice isn't built for singing. AI songs barely resemble the original voices due to how off-key it is.
Your personal opinion is irrelevant to anything I just said. It's fine if you dislike vul's music, but squawking out >aislop aislop! to everything that uses the technology is nothing more than /v/ tier demoralization. Like it or not, pony needs all the content it can get, and artists like vul who clearly care about the quality of their work are rare.
Stop being a faggot about it. If you really have a hateboner for AI, focus on shitting up AI art threads instead.
AI singing just sounds like shit. They are objectively creepy-ass metallic quivering high-pitched voices that you have to force yourself to believe they sound remotely like the characters. It ruins the music and I'm not pretending otherwise.
Yeah, there seems to be an active attack on anything from the original fandom. I really started to notice it after the last anniversary. But anyways, I'll just go back to my playlist of Archie, Evening Star, Sim Gretina, and Undreamed Panic.
>threads about pony music bad
It all is
>threads about pony art bad
Most of it is
>threads about pony artists bad
Most of them are
>threads about pony show bad
More than half of the episodes are bad
>threads about pony fan videos bad
They all are
>Do you niggers even like ponies?
I love ponies dearly, that's why I get mad when everything featuring them is bad
Then why don't you make some good content?
I do, actually
Okay, let's see it.
Are there any brony musicians with music in common with bands like The Smiths or Joy Division? Just wanna expand my tastes.
You know your favorite creator? That's me.
But in all seriousness, coincidentally i've written some shitposty snowpity/tulpa songs sort of in this style >>41180701. I will have to record them and post on kikecamp some day
you're retarded and haven't heard good AI. just because some retard like you made a low-effort cover doesn't mean they're all like that
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90% of the tracks in this pack are good
Bumpin, post more tunes
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I go into pony music with an open mind. I sat through half of Marecelium before I had to turn that shit off. Apart from CUTIEMARKS this was my worst experience listening to pony music. Again: creepy voices that do not sound like the characters. Where's that good AI music you are talking about?
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>Their entire agenda is based around replacing ponies with something degenerate.
This is actual mental illness

Fucking who? where?
who? the jooz? faust?
I think they're not creepy and sound enough like the characters. Is there any pony music you do like?
I appreciate most music unless it's earrape dubstep or otherwise grating stuff.
Don't forget,
>puts more effort into lyrics than the actual show does, ends up feeling corny
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Much of the existing "pony music" isn't birthed out of horse love, like one would expect. It's instead the result of cloutchasing retards who become more obsessed with their image than any form of ungulatian spirit. Searching through archives will only lead you down the sludgepile of failed beginner-level attempts at music that make up the bulk of brony bastardizations. Does good ponymus exist? Of course. Is any sane human expected to find it without being exceedingly lucky or insanely resilient? Absolutely fucking not.
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>failed beginner-level attempts at music
I don't think there's anything wrong with that. If poni inspired people to start making music then it's just as good as them starting to draw or write. That's the beating heart of the fandom, people earnestly trying their best because they can't stay silent. It also helps that there are practically no standards in the fandom when it comes to music and as long as you slap something pony-related on your work it's gonna pass. Unprecedented creative freedom coupled with a pre-existing fanbase for any of your stuff, you only have to be sligtly less boring that brostep to be considered creative.
With this kind of predicament I'd be surprised that there's not more of amateur pony musicians out there, but I know that they are out there, just as you said impossible to find. Everyone who doesn't aggressively shill their stuff is hard to discover, it's inifitely easier to find art and stories than music in this fandom. It is what it is, not like it matters now.
meh. cloutchasing isnt some kind of ultimate evil that poisons the value of a song. it's part of human nature, and desu the reason musical perfoming exists at all.
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>Derpibooru straight up bans all the diamond dog arts if they resemble sparkle dogs
>Somehow brony musics get the pass as long as the musicians slap a pony cover arts on them
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>art is obviously style-specific and easy to judge visually
>music can't be judged because there is no definition of what pony music is or can be
Seems easy enough.
>motive fallacy
>pony music is made by people obsessed with their image
>but they are also beginners who quickly fail
What was the point of this incoherent diatribe?

Bullshit aside, the MLP fandom is lucky to be so extraordinarily creativity-driven. No other fandom has so much music and animation for its size.
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that happened because the world Faust created is so interesting and fun. it inspires people.
MLP gets more music, fanart, fanart and fancontent in general than any FOTM out there, 5 years after the show ending.
if you don't like vul's music then you are simply a soulless flesh sack, nothing more to add
Vul's AI vocals are the sonic equivalent of a Beyond Meat burger. It gets the "texture" approximately correct but if your senses are normally functioning you will know something is off, and when you do it cannot be ignored. I'm not sure why people pretend AI vocals are just as good as the real thing when it clearly is not, I think it's just because Vul is /ourguy/ but it sure isn't because of actual musical quality.
I'm curious what your opinion is on this

do you think it sounds bad/wrong/unenjoyable?
>gets the "texture" approximately correct but if your senses are normally functioning you will know something is off
The exact same thing can be said about any fandom VA trying to imitate the characters.
It will always be a little uncanny, but I'll take the slight AI fuzziness over any of the god awful Pinkie impersonators.
>actual musical quality
Even without the vocals, Vul's songs are objectively well made. Bucketeer especially gets stuck in my head very frequently.
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NTA, but despite me being a Trixiefag, I couldn't recognize her voice despite the AI gimmick being Trixie's voice.
That applies to every songs Vul had made so far, notably Pinkie Pie's songs.
Trixie's voice is mostly accurate as long as it doesn't try to do anything outside of the normal speaking range (other than than that I admit there's little metallicness). There's weird vocalization in lines like
>that urr love is destnnny
>that I hait when wu're apoht
>all the things that we could stollt
It can hardly be helped when the method is one of "throwing at the wall and seeing what sticks" and then audio engineer away the worst blemishes. Vocal inflections are broad and nuanced and carry a lot of feeling that the AI does not understand. It's holding back on how suave and intimate the song really is.

In my opinion a semi-accurate human impression is, to date, better than AI. Take for instance Vannamelon's Pinkie in Making Cupcakes by L-Train. She's not a stellar Andrea impersonator, but she does convey's Pinkie's unhinged emotional state through her voice, in a way that I'm not eager to hear how an AI voice would do it.
AI's singing too low. Composer could've raised the key up a decent 3 semitones or so.
Vul's instrumentals are great, I heard some astonishing quality jazzy stuff pop up on pony radio recently and was really surprised to find that it was him. That experience alone raised my opinion of him as a musician, even I though I kinda agree about the AI voices. I don't even reaallly mind AI singing, actually; it's mostly just the unserious narrative/ironic lyric style that our biggest AI musicians rely on - I have a hunch the lyrics are at least prototyped by AI. Like, even the pony zone stuff feels more genuine and beautiful because it's definitely based on real feelings. Also Vul"s set at mare fair with the visuals and all was hype as fuck.
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This song you're saying has no human feeling was sung by a real human then used as a prompt for AI to modify it to fit Trixie's voice

Could it be you're confusing "nuance" with plain old human imperfection? If the singer is an amateur doing it for free with no budget, how could you expect the absolute perfection you're describing? The same goes for the rest of this thread's negative posters. Disparaging real heartfelt music because it's "amateurish" is disgusting.
In my humble opinion that song has very little room for improvement. I'm glad you found it in you to offer it a little praise, but not enough for what it is. AI has been an absolute boon for this fandom and its creations and I intend to live and see it flourish onto even greater heights.

>I couldn't recognize her voice
This gotta be trolling. At least be believable in your shitposts.
>This gotta be trolling
Like I said, AI isn't built for singing to the point of irrecognition
>Disparaging real heartfelt music because it's "amateurish" is disgusting.
That's just a byproduct of this particular part of the fandom not growing naturally and instead becoming a FOTM trend for already popular creatives.
>This song you're saying has no human feeling was sung by a real human
My point was that the AI doesn't do the song justice. The weird inflections aren't present in the human vocals. The human singer (BGM himself?), as you put it, feels human.

>how could you expect the absolute perfection you're describing?
You only call it perfection because it's next to unachievable with an AI voice. Most people are perfectly fine expressing emotion through inflection and do so without even thinking about it. For what it's worth I don't think Vannamelon gave an example of perfection in that song, but she did have the right feel.

I am not advocating for perfection. I deliberately avoided the word "amateurish" because human dedication must be appreciated, both because genuine enthusiasm brings a flair on its own, and because these are the people who can grow to become even better. It's not unusual that when a song is re-released in better quality, people still prefer the old version. This doesn't work for AI because it's an imitation that by definition only ever falls short, and it's spat out by an unsensing machine.
>Disparaging real heartfelt music because it's "amateurish" is disgusting.
Fuck off with this dishonest shit. If this wasnt pony related or if it didnt come from the board you wouldn't give a fuck about how "heartfelt" it was.
Audible diarrhea sounds more like this:
Sounds like edm
Another thing with brony music is that for some reason, doesn't matter what country they come from, they add too many lyrics to any specific beat, so they're having to say it all really fast so it fits with the rhythm, which seems super awkward. All of TheLivingTombstone's music is guilty of this.
Also I've noticed that the vocals always sound very awkward because most bronies are white assholes from the Midwest to all sound the same
Okay vy
Or rap music.
Sick drop brah
>I think the motive fallacy is a real argument
What should we listen to?
not him but explain why the motive fallacy isn't a real argument? Or are you just someone who will just accept anything made if it has a label that you like slapped on it (not pointing fingers because I'm like that)?
The motive fallacy is when you point out that somebody has a motive for doing or saying something, and then sort of handwave it like that makes it invalid or wrong or bad in some way. Just because somebody has a motive doesn't establish that they're wrong.

People ALWAYS have reasons for doing things, usually multiple reasons, including some they're not even aware of. You can't use that to prove anything, but people are often tempted to try anyway.
In this case it's stating that people make music to get horse famous, and this somehow means it's bad music, which doesn't follow. Every artist who shares a thing wants people to like their stuff, or they wouldn't share it in the first place. It's a vague hand-wavy "muh soul" argument. If you drill down on it you're probably going to find a hateboner for some e-celeb is at the back of it.
Motive fallacy is the debate clubbers way of saying he doesn't care about authenticity without looking as bad. It's okay to like pop music, but don't pretend like all those songs on the radio aren't written by a handful of data analysts appealing to the lowest common denominator. If motive doesn't matter then the creative process doesn't matter. A scarf knitted by slaves would mean as much to you as a scarf knitted by grandma.
>muh authenticity
>also slave labor and grandma for some reason
There's a lot of illogical shit in your post, and I do not feel like unpacking all that shit.

Suffice to say my point is that any criticism of music that relies on imagining what's happening inside the artist's mind is a bad one. "He only did that so people would like him" is an argument you levy at literally any artist who shares things ever, (and probably some who don't if you tried hard enough) which renders it meaningless. Judge the art on the art, not what headcanons you've made up about the creator.
>you levy
*you can levy
>If motive doesn't matter then the creative process doesn't matter
Wait until you find out how classical music was made.
With unequal halves as opposed to directly mirrored halves of jazz, pop, and folk traditions.
>muh robot logic
>also I don't understand how people value thought and care put into anything.
Would you not believe that a soldier who saw the horrors of war first hand would have a fairer chance at writing heavier lyrics than a sheltered rich king?
>He only did that so people would like him
That's reductive of what clout chasing means. It's obviously ok to rise in fame when you're doing it for the right reasons.
Your mistake (one of several, and trying to wave it all away with "muh robot logic" is extra retarded) is thinking that people can't or won't put thought and care into something if they also want to be popular. The two are not exclusive. Saying "they wanted to be popular" doesn't actually tell you anything about the quality of the music, no matter how hard you're trying to >imply that it does.
Your mistake (one of several, and trying to wave it all away with "muh authenticity" is extra retarded) is wanting to believe I ever separated the two, so I'll repeat myself and elaborate:
>It's obviously ok to rise in fame when you're doing it for the right reasons.
The right reasons meaning doing what you honestly enjoy and feel to achieve that fame you want. The wrong reasons is desperately wanting fame above all else, at the expense of pretending to be something you're not. Authenticity is a simple concept non-autists can understand.
>at the expense of pretending to be something you're not
NTA but how do you judge that when it comes to total strangers? And what if that person legit enjoys famemaxxing, is that authentic enough?
That's the point that crumbles much of the argument, you can't always. Artists can only try their best to express emotion and hope the intent shines through, and we can only do our best to judge. Some humans are good liars and back it up with genius robotic skill. I did say the soldier would have a fairer chance at writing heavier lyrics over the king, not that he's guaranteed to be better.

The question about famemaxxing reads the same as asking if it's authentic to be inauthentic. Like sure, you're authentically a poser. If your music is good enough to enjoy, then you'd better keep your facade up too or else your ex-fans will regard your music as bad.
>*you can levy
*you can level
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pinkimena party,
all of them,
in order,
on loop,
just like i do,
every day
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kneel to this man, we are all but mere peasants in his presence
Are there any brony rappers?
Yes, there's one that even attended mare fair
dont care love my ponyshit
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>comments disabled because youtube kids
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How new are you?
MC Arch
Wootmaster ^:)
I liked ditherer before he became a tranny
Why do you care about the JewTube commebt section?
>Post made by someone who never experienced early YouTube comments on pony videos
All I know that the PooTube comment section is a great source of the most retarded niggercattle on the webz.
I used to have an extention that turned all comments on youtube into "hurr durr", honestly was a massive improvement.

this but it's real, all brony like all furry music are electro/edm crap, electro-metal or electro pop beats with a cringe singer with the voice of a virgin.

There are real high quality artworks made, some I even shown to non bronies and agreed at the quality, but we don't have brony music.
That would be, if we had in proportions to digital art or paintings, a symphony. a soundtrack, something you would hear and share, but nothing like that, I will feel less shame about getting caught with clop than listening to The Living Tombstone or some edm edgelord in the fandom.
I can't believe you posted that crap and have the audacity to call anything else cringe. Talk about lacking self awareness. Kill yourself faggot
There's DTfag making music
Those are different, more ambient. but not pony music per se.
algo at all, sound bandit, elameaa, magicked, replacer, respin, pinkiepieswear, sogreatandpowerful, and the rainfall, char, serreen, sim gretina,oodorato2, tripleblueshell, facexplodie, tre, cats millionaire, bgm pony degeneracy, vul, all levels at once, electrokapolsion. there are of course others, but these artists are some of the best if you're not just interested in rock, ballads and dubstep. also heres a playlist with most of these artists in it. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU33Gw7--PPP06FBDhbxwbhIF9P4_CHQn
No lyrics, theme, beats, only ambient and instrumentals with some themes. Interesting.
Will try these, hope you prove me wrong.
Excuse me Anon but what is this shit.
Explain to me how you can listen... to this EDM annd vocoder shit. even a malformed would hit his head against a wall and scream.
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>but these artists are some of the best
I dare to ask, if this is the best, is there a worst.
Because I couldn't play longer than ten seconds of any of these artists.

At this point just share the worst, I'm curious.
Any actual music and not just sound bytes from the show randomly overlayed over royalty free tracks?
It's the purest essence of pony sampled into instruments. Anything else is musical cosplay.
For you, guaranteed normie approval: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmJ2Bkx2C5A
>It's the purest essence of pony sampled into instruments.
You got to be terminally autistic to listen to this.
Yes the Beat It version has the merit to be fun, but Anon, again how can you listen to this less-than-rap crap.
it's samples voice-coded with wubs. it is not music.
Are you normal mentally?
The samefagging is unreal
If you're this autistically negative about pony music just forget it and listen to Neutral Milk Hotel or whatever fedora tippers listen to nowadays
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>[Thing] is shit
>No I'm not going to post something I like, I'd rather complain instead
Why is this so common?
I've spent half of the night making an effort to discover «pony music» that could be good, and even checking all the links,
and the apotheosis of cringe,

however one is different. One, if we forget the onions voice, but there's efforts:
>I couldn't play longer than ten seconds of any of these artists.
Okay, you've gotta be trolling. There's no way any real human bean has taste in music THIS shit.
music that isn't ai generated garbage with samples or electronic effects ?
Music. I listen mostly to 80/90's webradio. pop, rock, even some 90's dance that were frowned as bad are not that bad. Even RAP is not as bad as brony music.
And yes, there's a lot of fetish and low quality art in the fandom but also good art that's shared and seen everywhere, can we ..

Can I ask you retarded fags listening to >brony music
what music you actually listen to everyday? what bands did you grew with? how people around you react when you play this on a stereo or car, and be honest.
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Anon, I lied, the best I managed to is 17 seconds of wubs, virgin boices and pony voicecodered.
You gotta be a full blown trisomic to enjoy any of this.
Recommending a classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1hR-O6v_HI
If bantano gave >brony music a ten would this thread exist?
>80/90's webradio. pop, rock, even some 90's dance
What the fuck. Most of the brony musicians currently making stuff that I know of fall into these categories easily as far as style goes. Did you ever actually look into what kind of music the fandom is making, or did you just hear Rainbow Factory and TLT's Discord remix and assume that because those are the popular ones that's what the whole music scene is like?
You have to be actually braindead to even dare call that "music".
Have you ever listened to actual music?
Cause none of the crap in your playlist is music.

This is good.
the intro is bad and the scratch is bad, but that's actual music.

i think we can blame this on autistic disorders or retardation of the poster's viginity here.

you have links ? none. kill yourself, all of the music in this thread besides maybe two tracks are pure garbage.
who the fuck is batnano.

This whole thread is dedicated to demonstratr how terrible and cringe pony music is.

What is this crap. i expected some garage trash/metal band but it's electro

i really tried, this playlist is the worst.

Maybe, idk, some brony will fiddle with AI to generate music inspired by the show or the fandom. Something listenable even if it's soulless.
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Anyone who unironically calls any kind of electronic sample or synthesizer "wubs" shouldn't be allowed to have opinions about music.
>links ?
Anything from 4everfreebrony, almost anything from Vul to start.
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Alright you pretentious niggers
Post a 3x3 to prove just how good your taste in music is
>Create a thread to complain and only complain on people's tastes because dude is as shitty sad than anyone from this board
OP, I believe there's other places to let out your futile frustations if you can't deal with taste.
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There have been plenty of examples of nice music in this thread created by fans of the show. Whether or not you enjoy it is entirely up to you; the music is under no obligation to impress you. If you bring high expectations into it, or expect it to be on the same level as [Your favorite hipster band] then you'll be disappointed.
The one guy replying to everything with statements like "you gotta be a lobotomised drooling crayfish motherfucker to like this stuff" is entitled to his opinions. There is no further argument to be had, as he's already made his mind up about the music and doesn't want to be proven wrong, which is fine.
It's all just pony-flavoured sounds. I don't understand this obsession with legitimacy.
I like a good pony tune just as much as I like David Bowie, Queen, Purple Mountains, Dio, Avicii, Sufjan Stevens, Blind Guardian, Erik Satie, or any number of other musicians.
But it doesn't matter.
None of it matters.
It you're into it, just be into it.
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>50s man calls rock satanic
>70s man calls disco nigger music
>80s man calls rap not real nigger music
>90s man calls techno not real music
>2000s metalhead calls numetal not real metal
>2010s man calls dubstep techno shit
>2024 autist calls pony samples not real music
Some things never change.
>Some things never change.
That's right because all of them were correct.
This thread is a perfect demonstration of why no one likes /mu/tards
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ok dokey loki
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All of what were correct?
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If you listen to sgap, magicked, or replacer and say it sucks, don't go wondering why nobody can take your taste seriously. Hidden thread, no point in making arguments here.
you should skip over him
>>80s man calls rap not real nigger music
Crap isn't music, correct.
Hadn't heard this guy before. In the same vein as Pogo/SGaP; I like it. The boops'n'beeps make my brain smile. Thanks, Anon.
Go back.
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wiki wiki wiki sulk about it.
I don't understand this sudden rise in people complaining about pony music. If this is seriously your first time exploring it you're a newfag.
Yeah, you have to consider a lot of bronies were still teenagers or in their early at the time, so it's not reasonable to expect a bunch of tweens/teens or even early 20-somethings to be putting out quality music when those skills take time to develop. Now a lot of them that stuck with music make stuff you'd probably consider good. And some of them became theme park reviewers instead.
I've been saying it sucks for more than a decade.
Ok. Where?
Genuinely what the fuck is up with the replies to this post? How is it possible to dislike SGaP and Respin? Is this just some extreme samefagging?
>Is this just some extreme samefagging?
Probably. This seems very inorganic.
I'm also surprised. Of course I know people like shitting on things just because, but I was expecting no replies at all since people usually don't actually want new music they just wanna complain. I thought SGAP was a given household name 'round here so if there were others more modern artists following the same vein I thought people would like that. I guess people really do want just rock, ballads and dubstep. Anything out of that scope isn't music.
I don't speak Ugandan.
I can understand SGaP for being too “popular” I guess. It’s less the music and more how many times he’s been brought up, not to mention cult status among some fans <spoiler>including me</spoiler>.
I suck at spoilers
I agree with you, but to be fair, I played it in random and the first thing YT decided to show me was the crystal ballad song with a muddy electronic beat on top. Playlist seems to think "show sample = sgap tier" and includes some stuff that can make for a meh first impression. OP is still a samefagging queer though
Similarly I don't understand how can anyone like this. I already brought it up earlier in this thread but it really is like bland YTPMVs. This is considering that there's been examples of good pony music posted in this very thread. It's just this "genre" that's completely inhuman. Maybe it's implied you should listen to it drugged out of your mind like you would in a rave?
>I guess people really do want just rock, ballads and dubstep
Depends on what you're offering beyond that. Pony blues? Crust? Grindcore? Opera? Death metal? Sunshine pop? Just anything that's not EDM, orchestral, pop rock or some stray power/black metal?
There's this great drug called "having functional fucking ears" lmaooo
It sounds good, unorthodox rythm. Simple as.
first one is a mashup he's doing live of Welcome to Jamrock x Open up your eyes. second one idk, will have to dig.
I do wish more people would put in the effort to make some original orchestral work
Who even still makes orchestral stuff these days? Jyc kinda does, but its all the same stuff and he doesn't really change. Ponyphonic hardly posts pony anymore, and I don't know anyone else who still does make new instrumental stuff
In the realm of brony music, what genre do you wish there was more of?
sgap genre
Only contemporary I know of
Is plunderphonics too big of a word for you?
I definitely wouldnt call it that
plunderphonics sounds more like when the guy makes a bob ross remix and just autotunes the words to make a song but sgaps style more makes use of the samples in a musical context rather than retrofit it
You clearly haven't heard enough plunderphonics if you think this.
Definitely not new but there's not a single mention of MelodicPony (RIP) in the whole thread so I'll put it here for the lurkers:
For any G3fags, Ethan Toavs makes amazing orchestral pieces.
Making songs about g3 or g5 or whatever misses the point of pony music entirely
G5 sure, but even then I think there are some good G5 fansongs out there. Have you even seen G3?
I’ve heard both plunderphonics and IDM being mentioned by sgap fans.
i would like to see one deep techno EP
like, Transformers got one. so close
Can you explain that at all?
Breakcore (actual, not that sewerslvt bitch)
So what genre is sgap, exactly? Plunderphonics?
Other good pony VGMs?
Classic breakcore with ponies would be cool. But if you mean that obnoxious holds up spork shit like venetian snares then get the fuck outta here
How much classic you want? As close to Alec Empire?
I tried once making a break with a bunch of amen samples and pony vocals. I couldn't because I suck at music.
you must be deranged to continue engaging with this subject matter still
Really what im saying, is by what ive heard from this fandom theyd take any genre and just fuck it up
speaking of genres, there's only one instance of mongolian throat singing for mlp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjAg8lmlMhE
and it's only "inspired"
Shiiit I can do that, kargyraa, khoomei, sygyt; need to write some fun lyrics to sing in the style of mongolian folk songs. You can definitely pronounce words with kargyraa and khoomei at least, but I find it so much less evocative when using english phonemes instead of imitating mongolian gibberish kek
That's what people call it but I feel like if you look at everything else under plunderphonics you don't get anything close to the vibe of sgap. What better captures sgap's vibe is like, balearic IDM. Strong jazz influences, but never really dark or tense like IDM usually is so balearic tells you it's more high-spirited, chill, and consonant.
Fuck I can get behind this, folk music styles are supremely underrated and underrepresented. Doesn't help that he's actually good at throat singing and I'm not saying this cause it has a barely pony related bg.
Please do it. It would be supremely based!
Most of the art isn't very good either. It's just that ponies are easy to draw.
Pony isn't that much easier to draw than human anatomy unless you give zero flying fuck about fundamental.
This is cool but how is it mlp related
Plunderphonics is made of entirely sampled material like 'Frontier Psychiatrist'.
Early youtube had good comments.
>using autist as insult
And why you are here again?
But no, rap is indeed nonsense for niggers and whiggers, it will never be a real music.
>pony music is made by people obsessed with their image
>but they are also beginners who quickly fail
How do these 2 sentences contradict each other? Do you suffer from autism or you're just a college drop out? (also colleges these days are a joke, the standards have fallen to the bottom completely.)

>No other fandom has so much music and animation for its size.
Said by a person who has never explored more than 1 fandom and his only exposure to fandoms was Sonic on DeviantArt.
Once again with that ignorant ego. The Pokemon fandom has beaten the living shit out of the pony fandom for ages.
The Minecraft fandom which started in the same year with the pony fandom has beaten the living shit out of the pony fandom.
Take some responsibility for your ignorance.

The pony fandom is only known for the most mainstream basic bitch ass visual art. And the video editors have all left after season 1 cause the visuals in season 2 were dog diarrhea on the level of Seinfeld visuals.
That’s why it’s “inspired” with double quotes. Was subtly suggesting someone to do one that’s more pony related. Maybe there might be one after all >>41199106
God the way you just prove everyone right and prove yourself wrong is astounding. This generation makes me laugh so I'm not left dumbfounded. If you kept saying man is wrong even after showing you how you self defeated yourself then me together with my men would beat the crap out of you if you were sitting in front of me till you understood the goddamn message. But you probably know that because the moment you leave the internet you start murmuring like a coward and at best you'd only strike back out of sheer adrenaline, ignorance, rage and stupidity not because you'd be courageous.
Brony "symphonic music" in a nutshell;
3 or 5 seconds repeated ad infinitum for 4 , 6 or 8 minutes and there's your "music".
Then we get the "acceptably listenable" music like Oddyseys, RainbowCrash88 and a few more which when putting them up to the test do not hold up compared to other musicians, but are still 1 level above TheLivingTombstone.

I still think Odyssey/EurobeatBrony fucked up severely by using his own voice when doing his eurobeat Luna song, it opened the floodgates to every nasal retard thinking they can sing when they sound worse than a 90s disco singer.
Also the female voices I've heard in this fandom makes me want to rip my ears off. Same nasal squeaky socially inexperienced geeks(not even nerds) as their male counterpats.

No it isn't, it would be the equivalent of accepting MSPaint drawings out of the Sonic fandom pretending the usual art the Pony and Pokemon fandom churned out was on the same level of a traced recolored Sonic OC.
There's a reason why Art is ranked first. As for why music was ranked second for people who like or are interested in the content it's because we've had small
G4 brony arrogance & ignorance in full view once again. And once again without even explaining why because he knows his argument is just "G1, Tales, G3 and G5 bad music because everything else about them is bad."
Name 3 musicians who have created an EP worth of Pokémon themed music. Bonus points if it's original music, not covers or parodies.
The "acceptably listenable" tier music. As in "oh cute you tried to mimick me"

Here's what he tried to mimick - a lullaby song.

Ironically most of Ingram's music is mimicked and inspired from much earlier works, but he made sure to inspire from musicals most people wouldn't know. You guys absolutely would not know where Art of the Dress and Grand Galloping Gala was taken from.

Giggle at the Ghosties and Winter Wrap Up also most likely are inspired from somewhere but he never revealed his sources. Same for Hush Now Quiet Now and Cupcakes.

Here's one which most of you don't know; Show Stoppers' song is copied from Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died In Your Arms which most likely copied it from another inspiration since there were so many rock ballad songs back then.

If you guys want aspiring amateur singers and composers then look at people who have been hired by TV Shows, specials, theatrical releases. Those in my opinion are the true indies. For me an indie is a freelancer.
He sounds like Michael Jackson and combines a huge amount of styles and instrumental you heard from other artists and songs such as Celine Dion, Michael Jackson and other popular artists. The problem would be that he's too hybridized in a non smooth way and he doesn't have the sheer vocal range of MJ and his songs ironically aren't as varied and doesn't carry a specific theme and direction when he attempts to copy everyone.

Look at the singer for Zoe Trent for Littlest Pet Shop before Hasbro kicked her off after 2 songs and no one was the wiser as voices are easy to mimick once you're an experienced singer and voice actor. Same with how Scar in Lion King got changed midway when the original singer lost his voice during recording.

Just from seeing your preferences >>41189913 you guys have about as much to do with music as /lit/ has to do with books. I can give you guys some acceptable artists in 2010 but they're few and pale in comparison to the 90s and 2000s artists, just like cartoon shows. Gems are hard to find and diamonds just like their name are insanely hard to find (before artificial diamonds were invented).
>music is inspired by earlier music
Holy. Fucking. Shit. Lois.
So why is brony music so god-awful if their inspirations are so good? or that's the problem that they don't even inspire from where Ingram inspired himself from?
For that you should ask on /vp/, they'll be able to give much better examples. Go ahead, go make a thread on >>>/vp/. Don't be shy now.
Here is a very old but very unfamiliar sound artist. His titles aren't very good and his genre isn't very popular.

This is what Matt R/PinkiePieSwear was trying to copy, but he didn't have the cash nor social skills to convince Andrea Libman to sing it neither to ask somebody better at voice splicing than him to make a smoother splice. Instrumental wise Matt R lacks the energetic pop and variety in song which Schnuffel and other similar ringphone songs had.

Lol, I'm not making a spoonfeeding thread just because you don't know what you are talking about. It's on you to show that
>The Pokemon fandom has beaten the living shit out of the pony fandom for ages
in terms of music.
There's also Makkon which everyone superficially sucked his dick(through views, but refused to subscribe), in my educated opinion his compositions are more generic sounding than Adrian Von Ziegler's


And dare I say even if Makkon's compositions are more detailed they end up being too busy and ruining the main motifs. The quality of his samples or instruments(if he has any) also get destroyed in the mess.
to the point I'd say Legends of Equestria's soundtrack is better sounding despite being boring foreground music at best. LoE's music at least makes all the motifs stand out, they're not busy. Their cheap use of echos and their pretend notes at least make it sound like if a real instrument was used that kept changing the notes and pitch as opposed to Makkon's notes which are quick, not varied and end up feeling the same note per note.
>I'm not making a spoonfeeding thread
Pussy, coward, shy, anti social, social recluse, nerd, geek among geeks, you good for nothing brony, you're not one of the good ones. ;))

No it isn't, it's on you as the student to go research yourself if you truly want that information and aren't looking for some weird internet fight, but your generation wouldn't know that.
I told you where to go, now it's on you. I'm not going to spoonfed you, thank you for projecting. Yes you indeed don't know what the Pokemon fandom has inside of it, do you wish to be like me? you're not like me. If you're truly interested you'll look for it on your own. It's one click away.
>you're not like me
thank God
I like Cutie Mark Crusade OST, dunno if anyone even remembers it but I still listen to some of the tracks from the demo.
So if you don't want to be like me you'll go on /vp/ and ask them.
Thank Satan, he'll enjoy you.
So your point is that musicians take inspiration from other musicians, and that the Pony board on 4chan isn't very musically inclined?
Hahaha eat the shit served in your trough sloppa sloppa
It's not ghosties you broken eared moron
Nice samefagging, seems like he hit a nerve. You still didn't explain what was wrong with that stance on statistic. Bronies are such emotional wrecks despite not being little girls, yet they behave like ones, just without the charm.
Liking G5 and pokemon is such an unmusical take that its only possible that its a woman we're dealing with
little girls have a charming effect on you?
i was gonna ask the same thing, isn't our whole culture as humans based on other stuff?
Tell me about season 2's songs, what do you think of them?
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>Nice samefagging

I still don't know what you're trying to prove. Are you trying to convince people that like pony songs that they shouldn't because they're unoriginal?
Nice editing or inspect element if you know how to press F12.
Nice paranoid schizophrenia?
Not everyone is trying to ruse you, dude. I'm just not understanding your deal.
Maybe you should try articulating yourself a bit better.
All me
>convincing all online geeks they're your fellow autists
Ha, nah, get bent. I'm here for country
and country pony accessories.
I refuse to take hippies seriously. Same way you wouldn't take gen-Z seriously ... you are gen-Z aren't you?
This thread came to quite an unfortunate end.
a success then
Sounds like a plan. I'll give it a listen if you ever make it, and I can find you.
I approve, this is good music too.

I vehemently disagree, there's a LOT of crap but a huge proportion of high quality digital paintings. Trust me about that.
Lmao yes they are
Is it popular right now?
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nice playlist, thanks
fuck this retard troll ITT
can I get a link to magicked, it's such a generic name google genuinely can't find it
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Here ya go Anon
Good stuff, clean mixing with pleasing chops. Are there any higher quality downloads of his stuff?
Never ever heard of DustCar. Where can I find a playlist of all the songs made for it?

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