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What would MLP be like if it came out in the 1930s?
The same but without season 8 and 9. And mane six would end up living with a stalion and tons of kids.
I think the mane 6 would be stallions
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I don't know let me check


They removed race-mixing
No idea but H man would probably fucking love Fluttershy. He appreciates someone who knows they have flaws and is actively working to overcome them.
Why does that pony always make my pee pee do a Sieg Heil?
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Would have been super slapsticky or been used as a propaganda tool for whatever country it was in.
Himmler would be a Twilifag, or a Rarifag with his insane obsessions with magic/fashion.

Though I'd argue Goring would be a bigger fan of Fluttershy than H-man, due to his various animal obsessions. I'd think H-man would be more of a Rarifag.
>Do not talk about /mlpol/
>Do NOT talk about /mlpol/

What did they mean by this?

As for
>No race mixing
that’s mental gymnastics for “I don’t like black and white people in relationships”, Europeans all race mixed between their countries and they turned out fine. But I do agree that white man/woman x black man/woman is cringe, but then again judge by the content of character and not skin tone, though I fucking hate Indians who refuse to learn proper English and litter trash everywhere.
>What did they mean by this?

It's a 4chan meme. You wouldn't get it.
Maybe lurk moar, retard.
A fantasy novel series aimed at young girls. First book would have the same plot as the first G1 movie.
Alternatively, a series of Looney Tunes like shorts about G4 Equestria focused on slapstick. Depending on its the popularity, we would have WW2 propaganda movies involving Pinkie Pie pranking Nazis and Rainbow Dash sinking Japanese ships.
The Nazis would not be fans of it. They would either claim it's a bastardization of European mythology in the former case, or another nonsensical Jewish comedy in the latter.
>What did they mean by this?
I'll spoon-feed you because it's kind of a dead meme so lurking won't help much: It's a reference to the first two Rules of the Internet, which themselves are a reference to Fight Club.
Fucking libertarian Ben Shapiro ass take
Your penis is a nazi! You're only allowed to fugg her if you put a little swastika sleeve around it.
>ywn have the mane six being canonically racist against japs
This world sucks.
Thousands of men euthanized for liking watching MLP as the failed artist cries degeneracy. There would probably be a The Fuehrer's Face episode in the 1940s as the Nazis start really losing the war.

Is correct. MLP would HAVE to be a novel series or a set of painted wooden G1 like dolls using horsehair for the manes and tail. Most of the technologies we take for granted existed at the time in some form, but were just too damn expensive for consumer goods. Also consider the great depression just happened so everyone was fucking broke. Comics existed at the time (In fact Captain America was just a 1930s shitpost to piss off the Nazi movement in the USA) but that was exclusively for boys, so 'girly things' would have to be dolls and books.
Zebras and griffons would have been rounded up for orderly disposal.
Fun fact, the United States was about to enter the war on Germany's side before the Zionists stage-managed the attack on Pearl Harbor.
>Fun fact, the United States was about to enter the war on Germany's side before the Zionists stage-managed the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Bullshit. Even the most pro-Nazi politicians simply wanted neutrality. Japan attacked because the US embargoed their oil supply as a response to their atrocities in China (in reality, it was probably because the Japanese were a threat to their Pacific supremacy ambitions and had to be persuaded to cease their expansion).
The US didn't even want to go war with Germany (at least, not at that moment), but Hitler declared war because American businessmen were aiding the British, which he saw as violation of neutrality. He thought America would be too busy in the Pacific front to care about Europe, but we know how that went.
It'd be based as fuck.
Imagine Soviet Glimmer.
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>Implying Göring wouldn't be the biggest Dashfag.
History anon here to add some more ~ir~relevant details.

During the formation of the League of Nations, Japan made a proposal referred to as the “Racial Equality Proposal” during 1919 at the Paris Peace conference. Of course the US and Britain assumed this meant to anyone of color, to which Japanese Foreign Minister Uchida Kōsai replied “that the proposal was intended not to demand the racial equality of all coloured peoples but only that of members of the League of Nations.”.

Nonetheless the US and Britain were major objectors to this proposal and it didn’t get accepted despite broad support. Japan of course took this as a personal attack.

Just historical trivia, but Japan’s story during WWII is interesting to me, just wish I still had that book I was reading that detailed early 1920 to late 1945 regarding Japan.
I miss /mlpol/
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I hadn't considered that. Well you got dubs so it's canon now, Göring would be a dashfag.
the only people who complain about aktion t4 are those who it would have rid us of.
Rainbow Dash would never have transitioned to female.
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Nazi scientists would have made the portal to Equestria
That's it, I'm destroying america. fuck this bullshit
Would he have allowed the seasonal rot?
He's literally me
>captcha: MY88SP
where do you think the hyperborea is?
>ünf Daschie plapp plapp plapp
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Ich möchte in Rainbow Dash kommen
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state owned hasbro would have 100% had faust making seasons untill she keeled over
We could’ve had everything
and that is a good thing
Hitler would think only girls should watch and/or like it. The Kaiser would be a fan in Holland.
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there would be so many documentaries about her
I love this image
>Martin Hoofer: On the Griffons and Their Lies
Cool pride flag. What does it mean.

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