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It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace pastebin.com/ with poneb.in/

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.

Previous thread:
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1st for Celestia's expansive collection of vintage wines.
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would love to share that wine on tjis day with her
Heyo sun, have some more AI slop.

https://files.catbox.moe/8uj5f2.png (tall pony)
https://files.catbox.moe/caogz8.png (morning routine)
https://files.catbox.moe/1syqiw.png (on her command/plea)
https://files.catbox.moe/jthrt2.png (even more foals)

also i basically have no control over the color of her parts, phrases like "white/light genitals" don't seem to work.
This shit makes me want to really upgrade my god awful 4gb gtx. PonyXL takes half an hour to generate just one image.
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did you turn xformers and lowvram on?
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Enjoying the sunday, drew that during the solstice while at work
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cute, thanks for sharing anon
very cute anon
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what would be the topic of conversation at a picnic with just her and yourself?
fawning over her, magic, and some astrology.
In your headcanon's, do you consider Celestia to be long-lived (Can either be killed or will EVENTUALLY die of old age), or an actual immortal goddess?
I don't know. I guess I could teach her racial stereotypes or mathematics

Immortal, but still retaining all the cute imperfections, aka personality, and acts like a 25 year girl full of energy. Perverted too
Yeah, without them it would crash. It just takes an enormous amount of time to generate.
would genuinely be too nervous to talk around her
I'm no good for conversation, so probably lots of minor stories of things she's done or seen over the years.
how equestria managed to successfully have zeppelin infrastructure while managing to avoid a hindenburg-tier disaster
airships are kino as fuck and i probably wouldn't be able to hold back my autism on them
Probably just some magic lifting medium.
"Okay, so, genociding the diamond dogs: Yay or Nay?"
"What's your reasoning?"
>"Neighhgh. Huff. Snorf."
"Oh shit yeah you're a horse lmao"

And then you feed her sugarcubes off your palm and play with her ears for the afternoon.
and then sex
and then sex
wtf /sun/fag brainwave
the hivemind
Birthday was one day off from being a sunday this year, why live?
>why live
for the next sunday birthday?
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Had a dream that the thread died on the Sunday it was made while I was asleep.
>next sunday birthday is 2029
thats a long way away, what if an anvil falls on my head and i die before then?
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we would just make a new thread on monday, moonfags will have to accommodate
you will be to busy plowing sunhorsepussy to care by then
man i hope so, i love her so much
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You made me check if my birthday falls on a Sunday this year, and it does.
I can't wait to sleep through it like usual.
>make a new thread on monday
But Anon, that's heresy.
Every day is a sunday, anon.
celly BIG
I like princess Celestia but I also headcanon her as someone who doesn't shy away from taking decisive action if her people are threatened. I don't like what was done to her as the seasons went on.
For me it's 2033.
The worst part is that even fucking ACW at least had her try to do something. Sure it was setting her up solely for the purpose of knocking her down, but it at least had her take direct, immediate action on her own.
my nigga!
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I am glad to be in the company of likeminded people.
I guess about our week, msybe to vent, and family and friends
Honestly just whatever comes to my mind
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dragk's only good picture, sunbros
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honestly I'm pretty glad I never touched the later seasons, I've only heard terrible things
They're truly trash for the most part, except for a few little snippets here and there. And those don't warrant the damage that's caused by the wider plot in the last two seasons.
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staying in bed with celestia until noon
I think this would revitalise my body and cleanse my soul of all worldly evils.
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they have some good things.
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I don't think it's possible to be comfier than with a soft sunhorse sleeping with you
>comfier than with a soft sunhorse sleeping on you
Fixed. As the image suggests.
>be sunfag
>have a somewhat shit day
>driving home, bad mood
>see a breathtaking sunset
>not religious, nor do I see celestia as some kind of god, but I take comfort in this knowing it was somehow from her
we're going to make it sunbros
and dont forget warm
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Jesus, pic related makes me so happy to look at, and yet it makes me sad. I need to cuddle this horse and I can't.
Damn, this is looking really good in comparison to the other stuff that this AI has produced so far.
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I can't remember what this episode was about, but I'm sure that's a good thing. The 3 seconds of Celestia dancing is more enjoyable out of context.
uncanny shit, induces a very uncomfortable feeling
>The 3 seconds of Celestia dancing...
... are literally the only good thing about this whole episode.
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Man has worshipped the sun and horses for millenia, but was there any precedent for 'sun horse god' before Celestia?
the animation is uncanny but i agree, i need to hug this horse so bad
It is pretty much the best part about it although i liked the idea that she had to act in a play as herself but the main problem was dumb
still much better than the next episode about the sisters
>still much better than the next episode about the sisters
I completely forgot what the next episode was.
Closest thing I can think of is the Greek god Helios. He's a guy riding the sun wagon across the sky with a group of horses.
Not sure. Apparently horses were associated with the Sun in Celtic myth, but I wasn't able to find anything on it.
How soft is Celestia?
she probably has the finest and cleanest coat in equestria, however her body is comfortably firm, enough for you to hug her and feel like she is hugging back with her body.
If you poke Celestia in the chest, your finger will keep going until you're up to your elbow.
She's 50% marshmallow, 50% hoernse.
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Yeah, to me Celestia has always seemed on the firmer side and slightly cool rather than soft and warm.
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"Red hair is most commonly found at the northern and western fringes of Europe;it is centred around populations in the British Isles and is particularly associated with the Celtic nations."

Meant for >>41190472
That ancient pureblood Celtic spirit...
>Celts had no souls
Huh, the more you know.
Probably this. Soft coat, but a strong-ish body beneath. A good blend of both.
I have also always thought she would be cool despite her being the embodiment of the sun, idk why though
I think it's how reserved and level-headed she is.
I wanna be buried under one of those wings.
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my waifu: cool and classy
your cowfu: cruel and gassy
Celestia's region of the first round of the recent Mare-itory Control
And the second round. Praise be
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Are you afraid of a little bit of helium?
What's that all about?
It's slowly getting there.
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get back here and let me lick you back damn it
does she taste like one too?
Imagine seeing this every day.
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So cute!
Ive watched it over 20 times now
I fckin need this...
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happy sunday faggots
would cuddle
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she’s generous!
nice, but that style is buttass fuckin ugly lmao
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love some pink hair young celly
No surprise there. That's Fosgitt's signature 'style'.
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It fits her blush.
would love to do that to her everyday
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This comfort really needs a hug to make it perfect.
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My Heart
Helping sister's thread fly back high into the sky. Just a thought, when was the last time you guys had a (longer) green posted in your thread?

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